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The Lindbergh Kidnapping

Haley Schumann and Nathaniel Kowal Senior Division Group Website Haley Schumann and Nathaniel Kowal Senior Group Website NHD 2014

Process Paper After discussing potential topics with each other, we decided The Lindbergh Kidnapping was the best choice. We both reside in New Jersey and we knew it would be interesting to further our knowledge of this incident that occurred in our home state just over 80 years ago. It fascinated us to learn about how drawn out the investigation and trial were. After all, an execution took place due to the kidnapping and murder. Once we decided to have the Lindbergh Kidnapping as our topic, we immediately stepped into our research. First, we looked into our local library to find any books on our topic, and then read reading six books in their entirety. Once we finished reading our books, we completed additional research on the internet for any unanswered questions we had about the investigation, trial, or execution. After finishing with documents, articles, and a documentary we found on the internet, we looked deeper and found images of the original letter of ransom found at the crime scene in 1932.

After a few days of discussing each presentation category and what we felt would be the best display for our topic, we decided a website would be the best choice for our presentation. We live in a very technologically advanced world today, and technology enhances different aspects of our project. For example, our website includes a slideshow of pictures as well as media clips that we would not have been able to include these aspects without technology. To create our project we edited our website base page by page. We designed our pages carefully to accentuate the features. We decided to go with a white base for the website so that it is easier to understand the text and see the visuals. Relating our topic to the NHD theme, Rights and Responsibilities, was not a difficult task. There were both rights and responsibilities involved with the Lindbergh Kidnapping. Once

accused and arrested for the kidnapping of Charles Lindbergh Jr. Hauptmann had the right to a trial. Hauptmann was an illegal immigrant running away from imprisonment in Germany. Therefore, both he, as well as the United States government, hold responsibility for this horrific tragedy. If the United States had an extensive immigration security, then Hauptmann would not have been able to illegally enter the country, and thus this crime and his execution would never have occurred.

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