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FEAPS Goal Setting Sheet Jennifer Giam rone !ni"er#it$ of South Florida %ollege of Edu&ation E'E ()(*



,hat i# the goal or &hallenge to e met- To .hi&h FEAP doe# thi# goal/&hallenge a00l$- 'e#&ri e GOAL SETTING SHEET the &onte1t and the i##ue2 3$ goal4# fo&u# .a# to maintain #tudent engagement and in"ol"ement during m$ le##on#2 Thi# i# in alignment .ith FEAPS A&&om0li#hed Pra&ti&e 5 *: The Learning En"ironment2 Thi# 0ra&ti&e fo&u#e# more on a tea&her .ho i# more &omforta le in the &la##room #etting and i# fo&u#ing attention on uilding an enri&hed learning atmo#0here that allo.# for #tudent in0ut2 There are time# .hen m$ #tudent# .ill e&ome di#tra&ted during le##on# and .ill tal6 to their 0eer# or mo"e around the &ar0et2 Thi# .ill7 in turn7 &au#e them to get their &olor# &hanged2 Therefore7 I &ame to &on&lu#ion that if the #tudent# .ere intere#ted and engaged in the le##on#7 then the$ .ould e le## li6el$ to e di#ru0ti"e or di#engaged2

,hat ha"e $ou alread$ done to meet thi# goal or &hallengeI ha"e .or6ed #ide $ #ide .ith m$ &olla orating tea&her to de#ign inno"ati"e .a$# to in&rea#e #tudent engagement2 I ha"e im0lemented m$ 0er#onal iPad a# a &enter rotation on the da$# that I am there for the #tudent# to .or6 on litera&$ uilding #trategie#2 I ha"e de#igned le##on 0lan# that e10and on the traditional read aloud89ue#tion/ le##on# to in&lude hand#8on7 &olla orati"e learning o00ortunitie# for #tudent# :;u#t to name a fe.2 In .hat .a$# ha"e $ou &olla orated .ith $our tea&her to rea&h thi# goal or &hallenge-

,hat feed a&6 related to thi# goal or &hallenge ha"e $ou een gi"en $ $our %olla orating Tea&her and !ni"er#it$ Su0er"i#orAfter re" m$ le##on 0lan feed a&67 oth of them ha"e mentioned that the #tudent# are highl$ engaged and enthu#ed during m$ le##on# and .hen I am .or6ing in #mall grou0#2 The onl$ thing I &ould im0ro"e on i# to maintain a role of authorit$ .hile .or6ing .ith the #tudent# to 6ee0 the &la##room d$nami& i# &he&62

,hat are $our ne1t #te0#- In&lude an e10lanation of a timeline for ta6ing tho#e #te0#2 If $our goal or &hallenge ha# een met7 thi# ma$ + in&lude a ne. goal or &hallenge2 Sin&e the $ear i# &oming to an end7 I 0lan on &ontinuing to de"elo0 m$ le##on 0lanning #6ill#2 I .ant to get more e10o#ure to differentiated in#tru&tion and the im0ortan&e of u#ing data to hel0 in 0lanning2 Ho.e"er7 .hat I &an do during the remaining 0ortion of the $ear i# to &ontinue to #u00ort and en&ourage m$ #tudent#4 in9uirie# and &reati"e thought 0ro&e##2 I &an a#6 HOT 9ue#tion# to 0ro e their thin6ing2 Al#o7 I &an tr$ to find #ome idea# for mini8 le##on# during their litera&$ &enter# to 6ee0 them a&ti"e and learning at the #ame time2

In .hat .a$# ha"e $ou ta6en that feed a&6 into &on#ideration-

'uring 'ail$4#7 the %T and I .ill I ha"e tried to de#ign more ea&h ta6e a guided reading grou0 engaging and in"ol"ed le##on#2 I <or .hate"er grou0 need# ha"e attem0ted to in&or0orate additional #&affolding=2 I .ill differentiated in#tru&tion for m$ &olla orate .ith m$ %T to de#ign #tudent# to 6ee0 their intere#t mini le##on# to .or6 .ith the le"el# maintained and the learning #tudent# in the grou0#2 3$ %T and flo.ing2 I ha"e "er$ o0en line# of &ommuni&ation2 She let# oun&e idea# off of her and .ill guide me .hen I am #truggling to &ome u0 .ith #omething &reati"e the #tudent#2 The mo#t im0ortant le##on learned i# that #im0li&it$ i# #ometime# e#t2 Not e"er$ a&ti"it$ ha# to e a Pintere#t ma#ter0ie&e2 ,hat i# im0ortant i# that the #tudent# are learning #omething in the 0ro&e##2 ,hat e"iden&e do $ou ha"e that #u00ort# $our 0ro&e## of meeting thi# goal or &hallengeI ha"e &olle&ted image# of feed a&6 from oth m$ &olla orating tea&her and m$ field #u0er"i#or2 I ha"e "ideo# of the le##on# I ha"e taught to #ee a&ti"e engagement2 Al#o7 I ha"e &olle&ted #am0le# of #tudent# .or6


With your University Supervisor (and Collaborating Teacher, if needed), you will meet to discuss the progress you have made in meeting your goal and/or challenge !uring this conference, you will review your goal and/or challenge, including the evidence of collaboration, the e"tent to which you too# feedbac# into account, and the progress you made towards meeting that goal/challenge $ou will describe each of the following% $our goal/challenge why this is an area on which to wor#, referring to the appropriate &lorida 'ducator (ccomplished )ractices (&'()) (see attached) !ecisions you made related to your goal/challenge and why you made them '"amples of how you too# feedbac# into account 'vidence of learning (your own learning or students* academic or behavioral learning) )lans for your future wor# related to this goal



+ $ou were not prepared for an in0 depth discussion of your goal/challenge 1r, you have made little or not attempt to meet your goal/challenge

, $ou have made some progress toward meeting this goal/challenge, but you are lac#ing in one or more of the indicators for earning a score of -

$ou were prepared for discussion of your goal/challenge $our goal/challenge refers to an appropriate &'() The decisions made related to goal/challenge are not 2ustifiable and do not show evidence that you are receptive to feedbac# $our future plans for wor#ing on this goal/challenge are unrealistic or do not demonstrate a logical progression of ideas

. $our wor# toward meeting this goal/challenge is significant, but you are lac#ing in one or more of the indicators for earning a score of /

/ $ou were prepared for an in0depth discussion of your goal/challenge $our goal/challenge refers to an appropriate &'() The decisions made related to goal/challenge are rational, reflective and insightful $ou show evidence of being receptive to feedbac#, shared artifacts, and your future plans for wor#ing on this goal/challenge are plausible and 2ustifiable

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