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HO1 (Mechanics I)
Kinematics, Dynamics, Newtons Laws of motion: Review of elementa y ! o"lems# Motion of a !a ticle in one $imension, time $e!en$ent fo ce, velocity $e!en$ent $am!in% fo ce, conse vative fo ce & conce!t of !otential, sim!le ha monic oscillato # 'onse vation of linea moment(m an$ ene %y, Motion of fallin% "o$ies in a va ia"le ) avitational fiel$# Motion of !a ticle in two an$ th ee $imensions* Kinematics in a !lane an$ in th ee $imensions* Ha monic oscillato in two an$ th ee $imensions* Motion (n$e cent al fo ce, 'onse vation of an%(la moment(m, Ke!le ! o"lem, Motion of cha %e$ !a ticles in elect ic an$ ma%netic fiel$s# Motion of a system of !a ticles, cente of mass ($e ivation in some sim!le cases & linea $ist i"(tion of mass, lamina "o$ies, hemis!he e etc#), +a ia"le mass ! o"lem ( oc,ets an$ conveyo "elts): -he two "o$y ! o"lem* 'ollision & elastic an$ inelastic collisions, cente of mass an$ la"o ato y coo $inates, scatte in% c oss section# R(the fo $ scatte in%# Motion of a i%i$ "o$y, otation a"o(t an, Moment of ine tia, -heo em of !a allel an$ !e !en$ic(la, 'alc(lation of moment of ine tia fo sim!le cases ( o$, $is,, s!he e etc#), the sim!le !en$(l(m, the com!o(n$ !en$(l(m & "a !en$(l(m, co ection fo the finite am!lit($e of swin%# )alilean inva iance, movin% coo $inate system, linea ly accele ate$ f ame an$ conce!t of !se($o fo ce# Books: /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se vol# I (Mechanics) Halli$ay an$ Resnic* 0hysics, vol# I Ke!!le an$ Kolen,ow* 'lassical Mechanics Halli$ay an$ Resnic,* 0hysics, vol# I Kle!!e an$ Kolen,ow* 'lassical Mechanics HO1 (Mat !"at#ca$ "!t o%s I) 1(nctions of mo e than one va ia"le, !a tial $e ivatives, the total $iffe ential an$ total $e ivative, 2.act an$ ine.act $iffe entials, homo%eneo(s f(nctions, 2(le s theo em, -aylo s theo em fo mo e than one va ia"le, stationa y val(es of f(nctions of many va ia"les, stationa y val(es (n$e const aints# (1)

Mat ices* a$$ition, s("t action an$ m(lti!lication of mat ices* col(mn an$ ow mat ices, associative an$ $ist i"(tive laws* comm(tation an$ anti comm(tation of mat ices* t ans!ose of mat i., symmet ic an$ antisymmet ic mat ices# +ecto al%e" a, a$$ition an$ s("t action of vecto s, $ot an$ c oss ! o$(cts, the t i!le scala an$ vecto ! o$(cts, eci! ocal vecto s* Diffe entiation of vecto s, % a$ient of a scala fiel$, the $ive %ence an$ c( l of vecto fiel$s, line inte% als, s( face inte% als an$ vol(me inte% als* 3toc,s theo em, )a(sss $ive %ence theo em, ) eens theo em, )ene ali4e$ o tho%onal coo $inates* % a$ient, $ive %ence, c( l an$ La!lacian in 'a tesian, s!he ical !ola an$ cylin$ ical coo $inates# O $ina y $iffe ential e5(ations* 1i st o $e linea e5(ations, secon$ o $e linea e5(ations with constant coefficients*!les of sim!le ha monic motion, $am!e$ sim!le ha monic motions, fo ce$ vi" ation# 1o( ie se ies: 'alc(lation of 1o( ie coefficients# /oo,s: Riley, Ho"son 6 /ence, Mathematical Metho$s fo 0hysics 6 2n%inee in% 3imons, Diffe ential e5(ations#

HO& (H!at I) 'once!t of tem!e at( e, constant vol(me an$ constant ! ess( e%as the momete s 0latin(m esistance the momete # Kinetic theo y of %ases* e5(ation of state of a !e fect %as* si%nificance of tem!e at( e, $e ivation of the %as laws, mean f ee !ath, Ma.wells law fo the $ist i"(tion of velocities an$ its ve ification* mean s!ee$, oot mean s5(a e s!ee$ an$ most ! o"a"le s!ee$, $e% ees of f ee$om, e5(i!a tition of ene %y, a!!lication to s!ecific heats* - ans!o t ! o!e ties viscosity an$ the mal con$(ctivity of a %as* Diff(sion in %ases, / ownian motion, 2insteins fo m(la* Dete mination of 7vo%a$ o n(m"e # 2.!e imental st($ies of isothe ms of eal %ases* +an $e 8aas e5(ation of state, ' itical constants, law of co es!on$in% states, +i ial coefficients, /oyle tem!e at( e# (9)

'on$(ction of heat* con$(ctivity an$ $iff(sivity* 1o( ie e5(ation fo the ! o!a%ation of heat an$ its ste$y state sol(tion fo ectilinea , a$ial an$ cylin$ ical flow of heat* Meas( ement of the mal con$(ctivity fo %oo$ an$ "a$ con$(cto s# Books: 3aha an$ 3 ivastava* - eatise on Heat :eans* Kinetic -heo y of %ases Loe"* Kinetic -heo y of %ases

HO& ( '!(!)a$ P)o*!)t#!s o+ Matt!) )

')a,#tat#o(: ) avitational !otential an$ intensity: )a(ss theo em* 'alc(lation of intensity $(e to a linea $ist i"(tion of mass, calc(lation of !otential an$ intensity $(e to $ist i"(tion of masses with cylin$ ical an$ s!he ical symmet y* 3elf ene %y of a 3!he e* Dete mination of )* ) avitational an$ ine tial mass# -he sim!le !en$(l(m, the com!o(n$ !en$(l(m & "a !en$(l(m, co ection fo the finite am!lit($e# E$ast#c#t-. Hook!/s $a01 )!$at#o( 2!t0!!( !$ast#c co(sta(ts. -o sion of a cylin$e * /en$in% moment, 'antileve , /eam s(!!o te$ at "oth en$s, /eams clam!e$ at "oth en$s, Reci! ocity theo em* 2lastic ene %y in $iffe ent ty!es of $efo mation# S3)+ac! t!(s#o(. Molec(la fo ces, s( face tension an$ s( face ene %y* 7n%le of contact* 2.cess ! ess( e ove a c( ve$ li5(i$ s( face, 'a!illa ity* 3ha!e of li5(i$ $ o!s# Ri!!les# V#scos#t- o+ $#43#%s . 3t eamline an$ t( "(lent motion* Reynol$s n(m"e * 0oise(illes e5(ation# 3to,es law, Rotatin% cylin$e an$ otatin% $isc metho$s fo $ete minin% the coefficient of viscosity# E43at#o( o+ co(t#(3#t-. 2(le s e5(ation fo li5(i$ flow* /e no(llis theo em an$ its a!!lications#

Books: Newman an$ 3ea le* )ene al ! o!e ties of Matte

;# :# 3mith: 0 o!e ties of Matte

D# 0# Roycha($h( i* 0a$a the Dha ma ( in /en%ali ) (;)

HO5 ( H!at II . T !)"o%-(a"#cs )

Bas#c co(c!*ts* mac osco!ic an$ mic osco!ic !oints of view * tem!e at( e* -he mo$ynamic systems an$ the mo$ynamic e5(ili" i(m* <(asistatic ! ocess* 8o ,: T ! +#)st $a0 o+ t !)"o%-(a"#cs. isothe mal an$ a$ia"atic chan%es in !e fect an$ eal %ases# R!,!)s#2$! a(% #))!,!)s#2$! *)oc!ss!s. -he secon$ law of the mo$ynamics* 'a not cycle an$ the Kelvin tem!e at( e scale* 'la(si(s theo em* 2nt o!y an$ its !hysical inte ! etation* ent o!y chan%e in sim!le ! ocesses* -he mo$ynamic f(nctions & Helmholt4 f ee ene %y, )i""s f ee ene %y an$ enthal!y f(nctions* Co(%#t#o( o+ !43#$#2)#3". Ma.wells elations an$ thei a!!lications* -he :o(le= -homson effect* -em!e at( e of inve sion# E43#$#2)#3" 2!t0!!( t0o * as!s. )ene al e5(ili" i(m con$itions* -he 'la(sis= 'la!ey on e5(ation# C !"#ca$ t !)"o%-(a"#cs. -he mo$ynamic f(nctions fo as mi.t( e of i$eal me t %ases* 'hemical !otential, con$itions of chemical e5(ili" i(m# Ra%#at#o(: Detection of the mal a$iation, emissive an$ a"so !tive !owe of $iffe ent "o$ies, 0 evosts theo y, "lac, "o$y a$iation, Ki chofts law, ! ess( e of a$iation, the 3tefen=/olt4mann law an$ its e.!e imental ve ification# Ne nst heat theo em an$ the thi $ law of the mo$ynamics*

Books: >emans,y* Heat an$ -he mo$ynamics

1e mi* -he mo$ynamics 'allen* -he mo$ynamics

HO5 ( V#2)at#o(s1 6a,!s a(% Aco3st#cs )

Linea ha monic oscillato * 'om!osition of 3# H# M#s in !a allel an$ !e !en$ic(la $i ections* Lissa?o(s fi%( es# Diffe ential e5(ation fo wave ! o!a%ation in soli$, li5(i$ an$ %ases an$ its sol(tion* 2ne %y an$ intensity of !lane waves* +elocity* -he Do!!le effect# 1o ce$ vi" ations an$ esonance, sha !ness of esonance: co(!le$ vi" ations, no mal mo$es# (@)

Intensity of so(n$# Meas( ement of intensity* stationa y waves* Inte fe ence of waves, "eats, com"ination tones* 7!!lication of 1o( ie s se ies to the vi" ation of st in%s=st (c, an$ !l(c,e$ st in%s* 2ne %y of a vi" ation st in%* -he Helmholt4 esonato * -he K(n$ts t("e# 8aves %ene ate$ "y hi%h s!ee$ ! o?ectiles, 3hoc, waves# Reve "e ation an$ aco(stics of "(il$in%s* 3a"ines law* Alt asonics=%ene ation an$ ! o!a%ation th o(%h li5(i$s an$ c ystals*

Books: 7# /# 8oo$* -e.t"oo, of so(n$

1 ench* 8aves an$ Oscillations D# 0# Roycah($h( i* 7$vance$ 7co(stics

HO7 ( O*t#cs I ) '!o"!t)#ca$ O*t#cs:

1e mats ! inci!le an$ its a!!lication to eflection an$ ef action at !lane an$ s!he ical s( faces: Dis!e sive !owe of ! isms* an%(la ma%nification* 'a $inal !oints of o!tical systems* 0a a.ial o!tics an$ mat i. metho$ of eval(ation of ca $inal !oints an$ lens e5(ations* Helmholt4=La% an%e Law* 'om"ination of lenses an$ e5(ivalent lens* <(alitative $isc(ssions of a"e ations* 'h omatic a"e ation an$ ach omatic com"ination of lenses#

P -s#ca$ O*t#cs:
H(y%ens ! inci!le, $e ivation of the laws of eflection an$ ef action# I(t!)+!)!(c! o+ $#8 t . 1 esnel an$ 1 a(nhoffe $iff action* 1 a(nhoffe $iff action $(e to a (i) sin%le slit, (ii) $o("le slit an$ (iii) !lane t ansmission % atin%# Po$a)#sat#o(. 0ola isation of li%ht "y eflection & / ewste s & law* Do("le ef action & o $ina y an$ e.t ao $ina y ay* O!tic* H(y%ens const (ction fo (nia.ial c ystals* Nicol ! ism, !ola oi$s* 0 o$(ction an$ analysis of (i) !lane !ola i4e$, (ii) ci c(la ly !ola i4e$ an$ (iii) elli!tically !ola i4e$ li%ht* /a"inets com!ensato # (B)

Books: :en,ins an$ 8hite * 1(n$amentals of O!tics

Lon%h( st* )eomet ical an$ 0hysical O!tics Klein: O!tics )hata,: O!tics

HO7 ( E$!ct)#c#t- a(% Ma8(!t#s" I ) : E$!ct)ostat#cs:

'o(lom"s law, elect ostatic intensity an$ !otential, )a(ss law an$ its a!!lication to the calc(lation of fiel$s# La!laces an$ 0oissons e5(ations, ene %y of a system of cha %es, fo ce on a cha %e$ s( face, the metho$ of ima%es an$ its a!!lication to (i) !oint cha %e nea a con$(ctin% !lane, (ii) !oint cha %e nea a con$(ctin% s!he e, fiel$ a o(n$ con$(cto s, ca!acito an$ ca!acitance fo !lane !a allel !lates, concent ic s!he es an$ coa.ial cylin$e s, ene %y sto e$ in a ca!acito #

C3))!(t E$!ct)#c#t-:
2lect ical con$(ctivity an$ Ohms law, 2lect ical netwo ,s an$ Ki choffs laws, the 8heatstone " i$%e an$ its sensitivity, the !otentiomete #

Ma%netic fo ce on a movin% cha %e an$ c( ent ca yin% con$(cto s# Motion of cha %e$ !a ticles in elect ic an$ ma%netic fiel$s# -he ma%netic effect of stea$y c( ents, $efinition of the ma%netic fiel$ $(e to a c( ent, /io=3ava ts law, ma%netic fiel$ $(e to st ai%ht c( ent ca yin% con$(cto s, ma%netic fiel$ on the of a ci c(la coil an$ solenoi$, 7m!e es law an$ its a!!lications#

E$!ct)o"a8(!t#c I(%3ct#o(:
1a a$ays law, Len4s law, the calc(lation of self an$ m(t(al in$(ctance in sim!le cases# Anits an$ Dimensions: '# )# 3# , M# K# 3 an$ ationali4e$ M# K# 3 (nits, $imensional e5(ations#

Books: Halli$ay an$ Resnic,* 0hysics, vol# 9

Davi$ :# ) iffiths* Int o$(ction to 2lect o$ynamics 0( cell* 2lect icity an$ ma%netism ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se, vol# III ) ( C )

HO9 ( Mat !"at#ca$ "!t o%s II ): T!(so)s: Int o$(ction to 'a tesian tenso s* tenso s of an, 9 * cont action of
tenso s, 'ont ava iant an$ conva iant vecto s an$ tenso s# 3e ies sol(tion of linea homo%eneo(s secon$ o $e $iffe ential e5(ations, 3!ecial f(nctions= Le%en$ e an$ /essel f(nctions# La!laces e5(ation in s!he ical !ola an$ cylin$ ical coo $inates# Linea e5(ations, sol("ility of homo%eneo(s an$ inhomo%eneo(s systems of linea e5(ations, inve se of a s5(a e mat i., ei%enval(es an$ ei%envecto s of mat ices, o tho%onal sets of ei%envecto s, o tho%onal t ansfo mations, He mitian an$ (nita y mat ices, $ia%onalisation of mat ices# Linea vecto s!aces, the $(al s!ace an$ the scala ! o$(ct, linea o!e ato s, he mitian o!e ato s, the (nita y o!e ato s, the ei%enval(e ! o"lem, ! o?ection o!e ato s, the com!leteness elation, e! esentation of vecto s an$ o!e ato s "y mat ices#

Books: Riley, Ho"son an$ /ence* Mathematical Metho$s fo 0hysics an$

2n%inee in% 7 f,en an$ 8e"e * Mathematical Metho$s fo 0hysicists#

HO9 (E$!ct)#c#t- a(% Ma8(!t#s" II ) E$!ct)ostat#cs: 3ol(tion of "o(n$a y val(e ! o"lems fo ectan%(la an$
s!he ical symmet ics* ! o"lems with a4im(thal symmet y, two $imensional ! o"lems with ci c(la symmet y, con$(ctin% s!he e in a (nifo m fiel$#

0otential an$ fiel$ $(e to a $i!ole, fo ce an$ to 5(e on a $i!ole in e.te nal fiel$s, $i!ole $i!ole inte action in a !lane, the m(lti!ole e.!ansion of cha %e $ist i"(tion# Dielect ics, !ola i4ation, $is!lacement, "o(n$a y con$itions# )a(ss law in a $ielect ic, atomic an$ molec(la $i!oles, in$(ce$ $i!ole moments, the !ola i4a"ility tenso , ca!acito fille$ with $ielect ic, !oint cha %e in f ont of semi= infinite $ielect ic sla" $ielect ic s!he e in a (nifo m fiel$#

'alc(lation of $ive %ence an$ c( l of / in a %ene al case, )a(ss, law in ma%netostatics, "o(n$a y con$itions, vecto !otential= calc(lation of the vecto !otentials fo st ai%ht c( ent ca yin% con$(cto s an$ solenoi$, 1o ces an$ (D)

to 5(es on ma%netic $i!oles, ma%netic fiel$ of ma%neti4e$ o"?ects an$ "o(n$ c( ents, ma%netic fiel$ $(e to a (nifo mly ma%neti4e$ s!he e, 7m!e es law in ma%neti4e$ mate ials an$ the a(.ilia y fiel$ H# Ma%netic ! o!e ties of mate ials, s(sce!ti"ility, !a a, $ia an$ fe oma%netic me$ia, Ma%netic hyste esis#

Books: Halli$ay an$ Resnic,* 0hysics, vol# 9

Davi$ :# ) iffiths* Int o$(ction to 2lect o$ynamics 0( cell* 2lect icity an$ ma%netism ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se, vol# III )

HO: ( Mo%!)( P -s#cs I )

Discha %e of elect icity th o(%h %ases, meas( ement of eEm fo catho$e ays, $ete mination of elect ic cha %e# 0ositive ays, isoto!es, the /ain" i$%e mass s!ect o% a!h# -he atomic view of a$iation, 0lanc,s law, the !hotoelect ic effect, 2insteins e5(ation an$ its ve ification "y Milli,an# -he R(the fo $ n(clea atom# /oh s theo y of hy$ o%en s!ect a, ioni4ation an$ esonance !otentials, the 1 an, an$ He t4 e.!e iment#

; )a-: ! o$(ction an$ ! o!e ties of .= ay, contin(o(s an$ cha acte istic .= ay
s!ect a# Moseleys law, a"so !tion an$ scatte in% of .= ays, $iff action of .= ays, the La(e e5(ation, eflection f om c ystal !lanes, / a%%s law, the / a%% s!ect omete , $ete mination of c ystal st (ct( e, the 'om!ton effect# -homson scatte in% ( 5(alitative $isc(ssion ), $ete mination of lattice constants of c("ic c ystals#

Nat3)a$ )a%#oact#,#t-: a$ioactive $ecay, half=life an$ mean life, s(ccessive

$isinte% ation, sec(la an$ t ansient e5(ili" i(m, a$ioactive se ies, $atin% f om a$ioactivity# 0 o!e ties of al!ha, "eat an$ %amma ays#

Books: /eise * 'once!ts in Mo$e n 0hysics

)hosal* 7tomic an$ N(clea 0hysics

HO: ( M!c a(#cs II ):

'onst aints, %ene ali4e$ coo $inates, D7lem"e ts ! inci!le an$ La% an%ess e5(ation# Hamiltons ! inci!le, La% an%es e5(ation f om Hamiltons ! inci!le, a!!lication of La% an%es e5(ation to the two="o$y cent al fo ce ! o"lem# -he (F)

e5(ations of motion an$ fi st inte% als, the e5(ivalent one $imensional ! o"lem# +i ial theo em# La%en$ e t ansfo mation an$ the Hamiltons e5(ations of motion, conse vation theo ems an$ the !hysical si%nificance of the Hamiltonian, a!!lication of Hamiltons e5(ations to sim!le ! o"lems# Rotatin% coo $inate system, cent if(%al an$ co iolis fo ces, the s!he ical !en$(l(m, the 1o(ca(lt !en$(l(m# -he ,inematics of i%i$ "o$y motion, 2(le ian an%les, an%(la moment(m an$ ,inetic ene %y of otation, the ine tia tenso , the ei%enval(es of the ine tia tenso an$ the ! inci!al t ansfo mation, 2(le s e5(ations of motion of a i%i$ "o$y, fo ce f ee motion of a i%i$ "o$y# 3mall oscillations, no mal mo$es, f e5(ency of small oscillations a"o(t e5(ili" i(m o "its#

Books: )ol$stein* 'lassical Mechanics

3ymon* Mechanics Ma ion* Mechanics

HO< ( O*t#cs II ) I(t!)+!)!(c!: Inte fe ence with m(lti!le "eams, colo( of thin films, the
Michelson Inte fe omete , the 1a" y & 0e ot Inte fe omete , (ses of Michelson an$ 1a" y=0e ot Inte fe omete #

D#++)act#o(: =)!s(!$ %#++)act#o(: half & !e io$ 4ones, 1 esnels e.!lanation of the ectilinea

! o!a%ation of li%ht, 4one !lates, f esnels inte% als, 'o n(s s!i al# Diff action at a st ai%ht e$%e, sin%le slit, ci c(la $isc, ci c(la a!e t( es#

=)a3( o++!) D#++)act#o(: -he concave % atin%, Diff action th o(%ha

ectan%(la a!e t( e, esolvin% !owe of inst (ments, the Raylei%hs c ite ion, the -aylo s c ite ion, esolvin% !owe of ! ism, % atin%, 1a" y=0e ot Inte fe omete , telesco!e, mic osco!e, Michelsons stella Inte fe omete #

Po$a)#>at#o(: O!tical activity, 1 esnels e.!lanation, !ola imete #

7"so !tion an$ scatte in% of li%ht, Raylei%h scatte in%, anomalo(s $is!e sion# (G)

Books: :en,ins an$ 8hite* 1(n$amentals of O!tics

Lon%h( st* )eomet ical an$ 0hysical O!tics Klein: O!tics )hata,: O!tics

HO< ( E$!ct)#c#t- a(% Ma8(!t#s" III ) :

-he moelect icity: 3ee"ec,, 0eltie an$ -homson effects, the moelect ic !owe an$ the moelect ic $ia% ams, a!!lication of the mo$ynamics, the moco(!les#

Res!onse of ci c(its containin% L, ' an$ R to ste! in!(t an$ !(lses, t ansients# 7#'# -heo y: 7lte natin% c( ents, "asic i$eas of %ene ation, mean an$ #m#s# val(es, (se of com!le. n(m"e s, R, L, ', RL, R', ci c(its, volta%e, !hase $ia% ams, !owe facto , L'R ci c(it, se ies an$ !a allel esonance, "an$ wi$th an$ <=val(e, losses in 7# '# ci c(its, the s,in effect, co(!le$ ci c(its an$ coefficient of co(!lin%, lea,a%e in$(ctance, im!e$ance matchin%, the t ansfo me , eflecte$ im!e$ance t ansfo mation, e5(ivalent ci c(it of a t ansfo me # Netwo ,s: Loo! an$ mo$e analysis# -hevenins theo em, No tons theo em, s(!e !osition theo em, !owe t ansfe theo em, fo( =te minal netwo ,, netwo , mat ices# Netwo ,s: Loo! an$ mo$e analysis, -hevenins theo em, No tons theo em, s(!e !osition theo em, !owe t ansfe theo em, fo( =te minal netwo ,, netwo , mat ices#

Books: 'otton* 2lect ical -echnolo%y

'# :# 3mith* 2lect icity an$ Ma%netism Davi$ :# ) iffiths* Int o$(ction to 2lect o$ynamics 0( cell* 2lect icity an$ ma%netism ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se, vol# III )

HO? ( T ! S*!c#a$ T !o)- o+ R!$at#,#t- ):

O(tline of im!o tant e.!e imental metho$s of meas( ement of velocity of li%ht, a"e ation, 1i4ea(s e.!e iment, the Michelson=Mo ley e.!e iment an$ its im!lications# 0ost(lates of the s!ecial theo y of elativity, Lo ent4 t ansfo mations, len%th cont action, time $ilations, sim(ltaneity, velocity a$$ition theo em, a"e ation, the Do!!le effect, mass ene %y elation# ( 1H )

0 o!e time an$ the li%ht cone, Lo ent4 t ansfo mations as o tho%onal t ansfo mations in @ $imensions, @=vecto s an$ tenso s, cova iance of the e5(ations of !hysics, va iation of mass with velocity# Relativistic !a ticle ,inematics, ,inematics of $ecay ! o$(cts of an (nsta"le !a ticle, cent e of moment(m t ansfo mation an$ eaction th eshol$s, t ansfo mation of scatte in% c oss section, momenta an$ ene %ies f om 'M to la"o ato y systems#

Books: Resnic,* 3!ecial -heo y of Realtivity

1 ench* 3!ecial -heo y of Realtivity 8heele an$ -aylo * 3!ace=time 0hysics Kittel et# 7l* Mechanics ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se, vol# I )

HO? ( @3a(t3" M!c a(#cs I ):

O i%in of the 5(ant(m theo y* Diffic(lties with the classical theo y* Raylei%h= :eans law an$ 8iens law fo "lac, "o$y a$iation an$ thei $iffic(lties, 0lanc,s law fo "lac, "o$y a$iation, sho t eview of the line s!ect a, the R(the fo $ an$ /oh atom, 1 anc,=He t4 e.!e iment# 0hotons as !a ticles, !a ticle $iff action, the $e / o%lie hy!othesis an$ elect on $iff action e.!e iments* wave !ac,ets, the wave f(nction fo a f ee !a ticle, the co es!on$ence ! inci!le, the 3ch o$in%e e5(ation, !hysical inte ! etation of the wave f(nction, e.!ectation val(es of a $ynamical va ia"le# Ance tainty of !osition an$ moment(m, (nce tainty ! inci!le, (nce tainty ! inci!le fo wave !ac,ets,!les of (nce tainty ! inci!le# Inte action amon%st !a ticles an$ the 3ch o$in%e e5(ation, analo%y with o!tics an$ mechanics, the ! inci!le of s(!e !osition of states, 0 o"a"ility c( ent, motion of wave !ac,ets# 3e!a ation of va ia"les in one $imension an$ stationa y states, time evol(tion an$ e.!ectation val(es of stationa y an$ non=stationa y states, <(alitative i$ea of t ansitions in ! esence of time $e!en$ent inte actions# 0 o"lems in one $imension: the !otential ste!, the !otential "a ie , ectan%(la !otential well, the linea ha monic oscillato # He mite !olynomials, oscillato wave f(nction, !a ty# 7n elementa y int o$(ction to the 3=mat i. an$ its symmet ies in elation to I=D ! o"lems#

( 11 )

Books: /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se ( vol# B )

' awfo $* <(ant(m Mechanics )asio owic,4* <(ant(m Mechanics

HOA ( Mat !"at#ca$ "!t o%s III ):

1(nctions of a com!le. va ia"le: Limit, contin(ity an$ com!le. $iffe entiation, analytical f(nctions, the 'a(chy Riemann e5(ations, m(ltival(e$ f(nctions, com!le., inte% ation, 'a(chys theo em, -aylo s se ies, La( ent se ies, sin%(la ities of com!le. f(nctions, 'a(chy esi$(e theo em, 0 inci!le val(e of inte% al, eval(ation of ce tain $efinite inte% als "y conto( inte% ation# -he 1o( ie inte% al theo em an$ the 1o( ie t ansfo ms, the Di ac $elta f(nction, ! o!e ties an$ e! esentation of $elta f(nctions, La!lace t ansfo ms an$ sol(tion of $iffe ential e5(ations with constant coefficients# 3ol(tion of La!ace e5(ation in cylin$ ical coo $inates, /essel f(nctions*

Books: Riley, Ho"son an$ /ence* Mathematical Metho$s fo 0hysics an$

2n%inee in% 7 f,en an$ 8e"e * Mathematical Metho$s fo 0hysicists#

HOA ( Stat#st#ca$ M!c a(#cs I ):

2lementa y statistical conce!ts an$!les, the sim!le an$om wal, ! o"lem in one $imension, calc(lation of mean val(es, othe!les of "inomial $ist i"(tion, contin(o(s ! o"a"ility $ist i"(tion, the )a(ssian ! o"a"ility $ist i"(tion# 3tatistical $esc i!tions of system of !a ticles, s!ecification of the state of the system, statistical ensem"le, "asic !ost(lates an$ ! o"a"ility calc(lations, the $ensity of states, the mal an$ mechanical inte action "etween mac osco!ic systems, const aints, e5(ili" i(m an$ i eve si"ility# Dist i"(tion of ene %y "etween mac osco!ic systems, the a!! oach to the mal e5(ili" i(m, tem!e at( e, mean ene %y an$ mean ! ess( e of an i$eal %as, the ent o!y, the mo$ynamic laws an$ "asic statistical elations# Isolate$ systems an$ systems in contact with a heat ese voi , the canonical $ist i"(tion, sim!le a!!lications of the canonical $ist i"(tion, the Ma.well $ist i"(tion an$ the e5(i!a tition theo em, sim!le a!!lications of the e5(i!a tition theo em, the % an$ canonical $ist i"(tion, the chemical !otential# ( 19 )

Books: Reif* 3tatistical 0hysics ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se, vol# & iv ) Reif*
3tatistical an$ -he mal 0hysics Man$l* 3tatistical 0hysics

H1B ( I(st)3"!(tsa(% M!as3)!"!(ts ) : Lo0 T!"*)at3)! P -s#cs a(% Vac33" T!c (#43!s:
0 o$(ction of low tem!e at( e, the mo$ynamics of li5(efaction, :o(le=-hom!son li5(efie , c yo%enic system $esi%n, c yostat $esi%n, heat t ansfe , tem!e at( e cont ol, 7$ia"atic $ema%neti4ation# ' yo%enic the momet y: %as an$ va!o( ! ess( e the momete s, esistance, semicon$(cto an$ $io$e ca!acitance the momete s, the moco(!les, ma%netic the momet y# Diffe ent ty!es of !(m!: ota y !(m!, $iff(sion !(m!, ion !(m!, !(m!in% s!ee$, con$(ctance an$ molec(la flow* vac((m %a(%es* Macleo$, 0i ani an$ ioni4ation %a(%es# 2lect ical meas( ements: 7# '# mete s, $ynamomete ty!e movin% coil ammete an$ voltmete , movin% i on an$ hot wi e inst (ments, in$(ction ty!e inst (ments, wattmete s an$ ene %y mete s# Ase of "allistic %alvanomete in the meas( ements of (i) ma%netic fl(., (ii) self in$(ctance, (iii) m(t(al in$(ctance , (iv) hi%h esistance "y lea,a%e# 7"sol(te $ete mination of the ohm an$ the am!e e, stan$a $ of esistance, volta%e, in$(ctance an$ ca!acitance, a"sol(te an$ secon$a y meas( ements# )ene ali4e$ 8heatstone " i$%es fo the meas( ement of R# I# an$ ' common 7' " i$%es# -h ee !hase systems, sta an$ $elta connections, otatin% ma%netic fiel$, th ee !hase an$ sin%le !hase in$(ction moto s#

( 1; )

H1B ( E$!ct)o(#cs D!,#c!s a(% C#)c3#t I ):

-hevenins an$ No tons -heo ems# - ansients in ci c(its with I # ' # an$ R # Int insic semicon$(cto s, !=ty!e an$ n=ty!e semicon$(cto s, the (n"iase$ $io$e, fo wa $ an$ eve se "ias, " ea,$own, Half=wave an$ f(ll=wave ectifie s, the t i!le volta%e, / i$%e ectifie , cho,e=in!(t filte , ca!acito =in!(t filte , 'li!!e s an$ limite s, volta%e m(lti!lie s# >ene $io$e, loa$e$ 4ene e%(lato , secon$ a!! o.imation of a >ene $io$e, loa$= lines# -he "i!ola t ansisto , n=!=n an$ !=n=! ty!e t ansisto s, t ansisto cha acte istics, c( ent %ain, loa$=line, o!e atin% !oint, sat( ation, emitte "ias, volta%e $ivi$e "ias (+D/), acc( ate +D/ analysis, +D/ loa$=line an$ <=!oint, two s(!!ly emitte "ias# 7' mo$els of t ansisto s, "ase="iase$ am!lifie , emitte "iase$ am!lifie , small si%nal o!e ation, 7' /eta, 7' esistance of emitte $io$e, the - an$ 0i t ansisto mo$els, ea$in% the 7'=!a amete s of a t ansisto on the $ata sheet# +olta%e am!lifie s, volta%e %ain, loa$in% effect of the in!(t im!e$ance, M(ltista%e am!lifie s, swam!e$ am!lifie s# Di%ital systems, "ina y n(m"e s, /oolean 7l%e" a, 7ND, OR an$ NO- %ates# De Mo %ans theo em, N7ND an$ NOR %ates, IOR an$ INOR %ates# Anive sality of N7ND an$ NOR %ates, Im!lementation of s(m of ! o$(cts an$ ! o$(cts of s(m, Ka na(%h ma!s an$ Ka na(%h sim!lification# Half a$$e an$ f(ll a$$e # M(lti!le.e s an$ $em(lti!le.e s# O!e ational am!lifie s: vi t(al % o(n$, inve tin% am!lifie , $iffe entiato an$ inte% ato #

Books: Malvino* 2lect onic 'i c(its

Malvino ct# al* Di%ital com!(te 2lect onics

H11 ( E$!ct)o"a8(!t#c T !o)- ):

-he %ene ali4ation of 7m!e es law, $is!lacement c( ent, Ma.wells e5(ations an$ thei em!i ical "asis, the wave e5(ation in vac((m, the 0oyntin% vecto an$ the 0oyntin% theo em# ( 1@ )

-he wave e5(ation in isot o!ic $ielect ics, eflection an$ ef action of !lane waves at the "o(n$a y of two $ielect ics, the wave e5(ation in anisot o!ic $ielect ics#

0lane monoch omatic waves in con$(ctin% me$ia, eflection f om a con$(ctin% !lane# 3,in effect# Ra$iation f om a oscillatin% $i!ole, He t4ian oscillato , a"so !tion an$ scatte in%, anomalo(s $is!e sion#

Books: Reit4 an$ Milfo $, 2lect oma%netic -heo y

Davi$ :# ) iffiths* Int o$(ction to 2lect o$ynamics Ma ion, 2lect oma%netic -heo y :oos, -heo etical 0hysics

H11 ( Mo%!)( P -s#cs II ):

7tomic s!ect a, 3omme fiel$s elli!tic o "its, elativistic co ections (5(alitative), s!ace 5(anti4ation, ma%netic moments of atoms, the 3te n=)e lach e.!e iment, elect on s!in an$ fine s!ect a, the ! inci!le an$ its (se in (n$e stan$in% the !e io$ic ta"le, the vecto atom mo$el an$ the co(!lin% "etween o "ital an$ s!in an%(la momenta, al,ali $o("let s!ect a, the >eeman effect, the 0ashchen= /ac, effect, selection (les fo t ansitions# Mo$!c3$a) s*!ct)a: 'lassification of molec(la s!ect a, ( 5(alitative ) otation s!ect a of $iatomic molec(les, vi" ation s!ect a, the Raman effect# N3c$!#: R(the fo $ scatte in% of al!ha !a ticles & theo y an$ e.!e iment, $ete mination of n(clea cha %e an$ si4e# 2lementa y st($y of n(clea st (ct( e, n(clea mass an$ "in$in% ene %y, !ac,in% f action, the atomic mass (nit, isoto!es#

H1& ( @3a(t3" M!c a(#cs II ):

-he 3ch o$in%e e5(ation in two an$ th ee $imensions# -he 3ch o$in%e e5(ation fo s!he ically symmet ic !otentials, s!he ical ha monics, o "ital an%(la moment(m, ei%enval(es an$ ei%enf(nctions, the hy$ o%en atom, 5(ant(m n(m"e s an$ ei%enf(nctions# Linea o!e ato s, ei%enf(nctions ei%enval(es an$ the o!e ato fo malism in 5(ant(m mechanics, the " a=,et notation, the moment(m o!e ato , he mitian o!e ato s, sim(ltaneo(s ei%enf(nctions, comm(tato s, the !a ty o!e ato , the f(n$amental comm(tation elation in 5(ant(m mechanics, the Heisen"e % e5(ation of motion, comm(tation elation an$ the (nce tainty ! inci!le# ( 1B )

-he one $imensional ha monic oscillato s in mat i. mechanics, an%(la moment(m comm(tation elation# 3ystem of many i$entical !a ticles an$ symmet y of the wave f(nction (n$e !a ticle e.chan%e# 2lect on s!in an$ 0a(l mat ices, 2i%enf(nctions an$ ei%enval(es of the total an%(la moment(m o!e ato fo (a) two s!in=1E9 system an$ (") a s!in =1E9 an$ the o "ital an%(la moment(m o!e ato , 3!in ma%netic esonance an$ its a!!lication# Motion of a !a ticle in a ma%netic fiel$, 1l(. 5(anti4ation, -he /ohm=7h anov effect#

Books: )asio owic4, <(ant(m Mechanics H1& ( Stat#st#ca$ M!c a(#cs II ):

-he !a tition f(nction an$ its ! o!e ties, calc(lation of the mo$ynamic 5(antities fo an i$eal monatomic %as, the )i""s !a a$o., vali$ity of the classical a!! o.imation, !a ama%netism an$ the calc(lation of ma%neti4ation# <(ant(m statistics, i$entical !a ticles an$ symmet y e5(i ements, 5(ant(m states of a sin%le !a ticle, Ma.well=/olt4mann, /ose=2instein an$ 1e mi=Di ac statistics, 5(ant(m statistics in the classical limit, e5(ation of states fo /ose an$ 1e mi %ases, 0+ J ( 9E; ) 2 the i$eal %as in the classical limit, eval(ation of the !a tition f(nction, !a tition f(nction of i$eal monatomic /olt4mann %as# Non & i$eal classical %as, calc(lation of !a tition f(nction fo a %as of law $ensity an$ secon$ vi ial coefficients# 3im!le i$eas of /ose= 2instein con$ensation an$ ecent o"se vations#

Books: Reif* 3tatistical 0hysics ( /e ,ley 0hysics 'o( se# +ol & iv )
Reif* 3tatistical an$ -he mal 0hysics Man$l* 3tatistical 0hysics

H15 ( N3c$!a) P -s#cs ):

7l!ha $ecay, meas( ement of velocity an$ ene %y of al!ha !a ticles, )ei%e =N(ttal law, al!ha !a ticle s!ect a, n(clea ene %y levels, 5(alitative theo y of al!ha $ecay# ( 1C )

/eta $ecay: velocity an$ ene %y of "eta !a ticles, "eta s!ect a, inte nal conve sion, !osition emission an$ o "ital elect on ca!t( e, the ne(t ino# )amma ays: meas( ement of %amma ene %ies, a"so !tion "y matte ans!ai ! o$(ction, n(clea levels an$ %amma s!ect a, inte nal conve sion# Discove y of the ne(t on, mass an$ life time of the ne(t on# 7ccele ato s: +an$e ) aff, 'yclot on, /etat on, Linea accele ato # N(clea eactions: 7 tificial a$ioactivity, <=val(e of eactions, e.o an$ e$$o= ene %ic eactions, eactions in$(ce$ "y ne(t ons, ! otons, al!has an$ !hotons# N(clea fission, %ene al cha acte istics, sim!le e.!lanation f om li5(i$ $ o! mo$el, ene %y elease, eacto s, n(clea f(sion an$ ene %y elease in sta s# Ra$iation $etecto s, ioni4ation cham"e s, ! o!o tional co(nte , scintillation co(nte , em(lsions, the clo($ an$ "(""le cham"e , 'e en,ov $etecto s, s!a , cham"e , soli$ state Detecto s, 'osmic ays & nat( e, o i%in, ! o!e ties, metho$s of st($ies#

Books: 3emat an$ 7l" i%ht, 7tomic an$ N(clea 0hysics

)hosal, 7tomic an$ N(clea 0hysics Ka!lan, N(clea 0hysics 2n%e, N(clea 0hysics

H15 ( So$#% Stat! P -s#cs ) :

' ystalline an$ amo !ho(s soli$s, I$ea of " avais lattice an$ eci! ocal lattice# Ionic, covalent, molec(la an$ metallic "in$in% in c ystalline soli$s, 'ohesive ene %ies of ionic an$ metallic c ystals# 7nisot o!y of !hysical ! o!e ties of a sin%le c ystal# 3im!le theo ies of elect ical an$ the mal con$(ctivity, the 8ie$emann=1 an4 law, Hall effect# /an$ theo y of soli$s, /loch theo em, K oni%=0enny mo$el, i$ea of / illo(in 4one, con$(cto s, semicon$(cto s an$ ins(lato s# 3!ecific heats of soli$s, no mal mo$e of f e5(encies co(!le$ vi" ations of atoms, linea chain f e5(ency $ist i"(tion f(nction, 5(anti4ation of ha monic vi" ations, !honons, 2instein an$ De"ye theo ies of s!ecific heats of soli$s# ( 1D )

7!!lication of the 1e mi=Di ac $ist i"(tion, s!ecific heat $(e to con$(ction elect on# Dia, !a a an$ fe oma%netism, '( ies law, e.!lanation of Dia, !a a an$ fe oma%netism in te ms of elect onic moments, s!ontaneo(s ma%neti4ation, the '( ie=8 ess law an$ the c itical tem!e at( e, $omain st (ct( e an$ hyste esis# -he %ene al ! o!e ties of ma%netic esonance, NMR an$ 23R#

Books: Kittel, Int o$(ction to 3oli$ 3tate 0hysics

7she oft an$ Me min, 3oli$ 3tate 0hysics

H17 ( E$!ct)o(#cs D!,#c!s a(% C#)c3#t II ):

0owe am!lifie s, 'lass 7 # / # ' # o!e ato s# 2mitte followe , '' am!lifie , o(t!(t im!e$ence, !ea, & !ea, o(t!(t, Da lin%ton connection, volta%e e%(lation# :(nction fiel$ effect t ansisto s, $ ain c( ves, the t anscon$(ctance c( ve, "iasin% in the active e%ion t anscon$(ctance, :12- am!lifie s# MO312-s, the $e!lation mo$e an$ the enhancement mo$e, the ohmic e%ion, 'MO3# -hy ist os, the fo( laye $io$e, 3ilicon cont olle$ ectifie # 1 e5(ency es!onse of an am!lifie , c(t=off f e5(encies an$ mi$"an$, $eci"el !owe %ain, $eci"el volta%e %ain, im!e$ance matchin%, -he Mille effect, f e5(ency analysis of "i!ola sta%es# Diffe ential am!lifie s, D' analysis, 7' analysis, In!(t cha acte istics of an O0 & am!, common mo$e %ain, Inte% ate$ ci c(it# Ne%ative fee$"ac,, fo( ty!es of ne%ative fee$"ac,, +'+3 volta%e %ain, I'+3 am!lifie , +'I3 am!lifie , I'I3 am!lifie , "an$wi$th# Oscillato s, theo y of sin(soi$al oscillations, 8ein=" i$%e oscillato , othe R' oscillato s, 'ol!its oscillato , othe L' oscillato s, <(a t4 oscillato # Re%(late$ !owe s(!!ly, s(!!ly cha acte istics, sh(nt e%(lato s, se ies e%(lato s, Monolithic linea e%(lato s#

Books: Malvino* 2lect onic 'i c(its

Malvino et# 7l* Di%ital com!(te 2lect onics ( 1F )

H17 ( Mo%!)( P -s#cs III ) :

-he n(clea two="o$y ! o"lem an$ sim!le theo y of the $e(te on# E$!"!(ta)- *a)t#c$!s: /a yons, Mesons an$ Le!tons, 7$$itively conse ve$ 5(ant(m n(m"e s, anti!a ticles, isos!in, analo%y with an%(la moment(m, cha %e in$e!en$ence of n(clea fo ces# 0 olife ation of !a ticles: -he $iscove y of esonance !a ticles, (nce tainty ! inci!le an$ the lifetime of esonance !a ticles# -he 5(a , mo$el, the "asic "(il$in% "loc,s of matte ( 5(a , an$ le!tons ) an$ thei inte actions, (nce tainty ! inci!le an$ the meson theo y of n(clea fo ces, -he vi t(al !a ticles as ca ie s of f(n$amental fo ces in nat( e#

S#"*$! a**$#cat#o( o+ )!$at#,#st#c k#(!"at#cs:

-wo="o$y an$ th ee="o$y $ecays, ,inematic va ia"les in the la"=f ame an$ 'M= f ame# 1i.e$ ta %et vs colli$in% "eam e.!e iment, a few im!o tant $iscove ies at !osit on=elect on an$ ha $on colli$e s# 7 " ief histo y of the (nive se an$ its f(t( e, Da , matte # <(ant(m mechanics of two &level systems, the ammonia mase , Ko=Ko oscillations, ne(t ino oscillations, an$ le!ton flavo( violation# Histo y of s(!e con$(ctivity, the Meissne effect, !e fect con$(ctivity an$ !e fect $iama%netism of s(!e con$(cto s, the Lon$on e5(ation, the :ese!hson ?(nction# 3(!e fl(i$ity, the fo(ntain effect, the s(!e fl(i$ity of He@, the two=fl(i$ mo$el, the mo$ynamics of s(!e fl(i$s# 3tatistical mechanics of a $imensional s!in chain, 5(alitative i$eas of mo$e n theo ies of !hase t ansitions#

Books: H19 ( Co"*)! !(s#,! ,#,a: =3$$ Ma)ks C 1BB ): P -s. La2. HO1 P)!$#"#(a)- ED*!)#"!(ts:

y "y metho$ of oscillation# ( 1G )

Dete mination of moment of Ine tia of a "o$y#

9 Dete mination of $ensity of a soli$ sol("le in wate "y s!ecific % avity

; Ko(n%s mo$(l(s "y st etchin%# @ 'oefficient of e.!ansion of ai at constant ! ess( e# B 3!ecific Heat "y metho$ of mi.t( e ( a!!lyin% a$iation co ection )# C Ref active In$e. of a li5(i$ "y !lane mi o 6 conve. lens# D 1 e5(ency of a t(nin% fo , "y a 3onomete # F 3!ecific Resistance of the mate ial of a wi e "y a Mete / i$%e# G

Meas( ement of c( ent E e#m#f# "y a !otentiomete #

1H Resistance of a %alvanomete "y a 0# O# /o. ( -homsons metho$ )# 11 Ref active In$e. of mate ial of a ! ism "y a s!ect omete ( I=D c( ve )# 19 Ref active In$e. of a li5(i$ "y mic osco!e# 1; Dete mination of ea ths ho i4ontal intensity (H) "y em!loyin%

ma%netomete s#
1@ Resistance !e (nit len%th of a Mete / i$%e "y 'a4y 1oste s metho$ 1B )alvanomete esistance "y half & $eflection metho$#

P -s. La2. H B& .

1 Dete mination of L% "y Kate s 0en$(lam# 9 Dete mination of coefficient of e.!ansion of a li5(i$ "y 8et /(l"

the momete #
; Dete mination of e.!ansion of wate soli$ification#

( 9H )

Dete mination of va!o( $ensity of a li5(i$ "y +icto Meye s metho$#

@ Dete mination of the mal con$(ctivity of a metal "y 3ca les a!!a at(s# B Dete mination of the mal con$(ctivity of a "a$ con$(cto "y Lees

a!!a at(s#
C Dete mination of coefficient of linea e.!ansion of a soli$ "y o!tical eve

D Dete mination of "oilin% !oint of a li5(i$ "y !latin(m esistance

the momete #
F Dete mination of the meltin% !oint of a s("stance "y a the moco(!le# G

Dete mination of L: "y 'allen$e 6 /a nes metho$#

P -s. La2. H B5 '!(!)a$ P -s#cs :

1 Dete mination of Ko(n%s mo$(l(s of the mate ial of a "eam "y

9 Dete mination of s( face tension of a li5(i$ "y ca!illa y t("e metho$# ; Dete mination of s( face tension of a li5(i$ "y :ae%e s metho$# @ -o $ete mine the viscosity of a li5(i$ "y ca!illa y flow metho$# B -o ve ify 3to,es Law# C -o $ete mine the velocity of so(n$ "y K(n$ts a!!a at(s#

P -s. La2. H B7 E$!ct)#c#t- :

of M(t(al In$(ctance of a coil "y /allistic )alvanomete # ( 91 )

Dete mination of the st en%th of a %iven ma%netic "y /allistic )alvanomete #

9 Dete mination of hi%h esistance "y the metho$ of lea,a%e# ; -o $ aw the /H c( ve of a mate ial in the fo m of ancho in%# @ Dete mination of f e5(ency "y a st o"osco!e# B -o $ete mine the elect ical con$(ctivity of a li5(i$ "y Kohl a(sch

C -o cali" ate an ammete "y co!!e $e!osition metho$# D Dete mination of low esistance "y Kelvins Do("le / i$%e# F 'onst (ction of one ohm coil#

P -s. La2. H B9
1 Dete mination of ca $inal !oints of a lens com"ination "y the metho$ of

no$al sli$es#
9 -o fin$ the a$i(s of c( vat( e of the c( ve$ s( face of a !lano=conve.

lens f om the st($y of Newtons in%s#

; -o meas( e the wavelen%th of monoch omatic a$iation "y the "i! ism# @ -o meas( e the wi$th of a sin%le slit f om the st($y of its 1 a(nhofe

$iff action !atte n#

B 'ali" ation of s!ect omete ( ( & y ) c( ve# C -o meas( e the wavelen%ths of li%ht "y !lane $iff action % atin%# D Dete mination of wavelen%ths of li%ht "y Lloy$s mi o # F Dete mination of concent ation of a %iven s(%a sol(tion "y a

0ola imete #
G Dete mination of Ref active In$e. "y meas( ement of c itical an%les#

( 99 )

L(mino(s an$ s!ect al cha acte istics of li%ht so( ce "y !hotomet ic a an%ements#

P -s. La2. H B:. '!(!)a$ :

1 Dete mination of ca!acity of a con$ense "y 7n$e sons metho$# 9 Dete mination of self In$(ctance "y 7n$e son / i$%e#

1 # Dete mination of cEm "y 'atho$e Ray Oscillosco!e# 9 # -o fin$ the !latea( of a )# M# co(nte # ; # -o fin$ the Ran%e of !a ticles with the hel! of 2lect osco!e an$ Ioni4ation 'ham"e # @ # -o st($y the se ies an$ !a allel esonance ci c(its with an 7' so( ce an$ to $ aw the c( ent f e5(ency c( ves# B # -o assem"le a 0owe 3(!!ly Anit an$ st($y its !e fo mance# C # Dete mination of the !a amete s f om the static cha acte istics of (a) Dio$e (") - io$e (c) 0ento$e ($) /:- (e) 12- # D # -o st($y 7m!lifie s (sin% : (a) - io$e (") 0ento$e (c) 12- ($) /:-#

( 9; )

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