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Clay Today 04/10/2014

Copyright 2014 Clay Today 04/10/2014 April 15, 2014 10:05 pm / Powered by TECNAVIA
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6 Clay County School News April 2014
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See You At The Top
Chariot Races
Shadowlawns 6th graders recently com-
pleted a unit on Ancient Greece. The culmi-
nating event of this study was a celebration
which included the 4th annual SLE Chariot
Races on Thursday, March 20th. Students
worked in teams of three to build a chariot
and then brought them to school to com-
pete on race day. A full Greek dais was on
display as 6th grade students dressed as
the gods of Mt. Olympus led the parade
and welcomed guests to the event. Other
6th grade students along with their teach-
ers dressed up in togas to walk in the parade
and enjoy the festivities.
Spectators from other grade levels also
participated in the event by coming out to
cheer on their favorite teams and watch the
parade. Parents and other SLE community
members attended the races and comment-
ed on how much everyone enjoyed the day!
By Courtney Franklin
SEDNET is a statewide program that
partners with the Clay County School
Board to help students who sufer from
emotional problems. The program sets
out to help school districts with imple-
menting procedures, policies and expan-
sion of mental health services in schools,
in addition to increasing parent and stu-
dent involvement in local care programs.
They are currently working on a project
called See You at the Top. Where my
family falls short, says Lindsey Gallagher a
current student, that is where See You At
The Top picks up.
Kathryn Lawrence, the project man-
ager says See You at the Top has pro-
vided a venue to take down and out
children and get them back moving in
the right direction. The fact that this
program is student centered means that
they get to develop the program to meet
their needs. They love the fact that they
are heard, loved and accepted. They are
graduating, working and moving on to
have happy lives.
Students from all over Clay County are
able to participate in See You at the Top.
Christian Bryan, a current participant,
states, I personally have been to every
See You At The Top meeting and event,
and I have truly been amazed at how it
changes peoples lives. It really does.

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