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Information systems security versus privacy Running head: INFORMATION SYST MS S !


Information Systems Security versus privacy. #ames $rice %rantham "niversity

Information systems security versus privacy A'stract


Information systems security versus privacy Information Systems Security versus privacy.

Information security is a set of mechanisms, techniques, measures, and administrative processes deployed to protect information and information systems against unauthorized access or modification, whether in storage, processing, or transit, and against denial of service to authorized users. Information Security is used to provide for the protection of information and its critical elements, including systems and hardware that use, store, and transmit that information. The main tenets of information security are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. In recent news articles, the National Security Agency (NSA) has come under fire by media sources and the public for invasion of privacy. Privacy is an important part of information systems and is covered by confidentiality, which is one of the three tenets of the CIA triad. The intent of this paper is to examine the structure and involvement of the NSA and other National Defense organizations in terms of Information Systems surveillance from a technical standpoint and its impact on privacy in hopes of showing the good of these programs outweigh the bad and that acknowledging the importance of data confidentiality, metadata surveillance for national defense is a good thing. The main tenets of information security are Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability. Confidentiality is protecting your sensitive information from unauthorized access. Integrity is protecting data from modification or deletion by unauthorized entities and ensuring that if unauthorized changes are made the damage can be undone. System availability refers to making sure organizational assets are available when access is needed. Information privacy refers to the relationship between collection of data and the public expectation of privacy. Privacy is an important part of information systems security. Privacy is a part of confidentiality. The public expectation of privacy is to not allow anyone to "know our business".

Information systems security versus privacy

References *ur+ington !o++ege ,&-1(./ Standards and Guidelines for MLA and APA Formatting Retrieved from https:00111/'ur+ington/edu0content0m+a2apa2standards

Purdue University (2013) MLA !n"#e$t %itations& #'e (asi)s Retrieved from https:00o1+/eng+ish/purdue/edu0o1+0resource03)30-&0

Information systems security versus privacy Appendi5 ach Appendi5 appears on its o1n page/

Information systems security versus privacy Footnotes


!omp+ete A$A sty+e formatting information may 'e found in the $u'+ication Manua+/

Information systems security versus privacy Ta'+e 1 #y*e t'e ta+le te$t 'ere in itali)s, start a ne- *age for ea)' ta+le 7Insert ta'+e here8

Information systems security versus privacy Figure !aptions Figure 1 !aption of figure

7Figures : note that this page does not have the manuscript header and page num'er8

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