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PTC Creo, formerly known as Pro/ENGINEER is a parametric, integrated 3D CAD/CAM/ CAE solution created by Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC).

It was the firs t to market[2] with parametric, feature-based, associative solid modeling softwa re. The application runs on Microsoft Windows platform, and provides solid model ing, assembly modelling and drafting, finite element analysis, Direct and Parame tric modelling, Sub-divisional and nurbs surfacing and NC and tooling functional ity for mechanical engineers. It features a suite of 10 Apps which are work with in the same program. Versions for UNIX systems were discontinued with the releas e of version 4.0,[3] except Solaris on x86-64.[4] The Pro/ENGINEER name was changed[5] to Creo Elements/Pro, also known as Wildfir e 5.0 on October 28, 2010, coinciding with PTC s announcement of Creo, a new design software application suite. Creo Elements/Pro will be discontinued after version 2 in favour of the Creo design suite.[citation needed] Creo Elements/Pro and now Creo Parametric competes in the market with CATIA and NX (Unigraphics) and Solidworks. Contents [hide] 1 Overview 2 Summary of capabilities 2.1 Engineering Design 2.2 Analysis 3 Release history 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Overview[edit] Creo Elements/Pro (formerly Pro/ENGINEER), PTC's parametric, integrated 3D CAD/C AM/CAE solution, is used by discrete manufacturers for mechanical engineering, d esign and manufacturing. Created by Dr. Samuel P. Geisberg in the mid-1980s, Pro/ENGINEER was the industr y's first successful rule-based constraint (sometimes called "parametric" or "va riational") 3D CAD modeling system.[6] The parametric modeling approach uses par ameters, dimensions, features, and relationships to capture intended product beh avior and create a recipe which enables design automation and the optimization o f design and product development processes. This design approach is used by comp anies whose product strategy is family-based or platform-driven, where a prescri ptive design strategy is fundamental to the success of the design process by emb edding engineering constraints and relationships to quickly optimize the design, or where the resulting geometry may be complex or based upon equations. Creo El ements/Pro provides a complete set of design, analysis and manufacturing capabil ities on one, integral, scalable platform. These required capabilities include S olid Modeling, Surfacing, Rendering, Data Interoperability, Routed Systems Desig n, Simulation, Tolerance Analysis, and NC and Tooling Design. Companies use Creo Elements/Pro to create a complete 3D digital model of their p roducts. The models consist of 2D and 3D solid model data which can also be used downstream in finite element analysis, rapid prototyping, tooling design, and C NC manufacturing. All data are associative and interchangeable between the CAD, CAE and CAM modules without conversion. A product and its entire bill of materia ls (BOM) can be modeled accurately with fully associative engineering drawings, and revision control information. The associativity functionality in Creo Elemen ts/Pro enables users to make changes in the design at any time during the produc t development process and automatically update downstream deliverables. This cap ability enables concurrent engineering design, analysis and manufacturing engineer s working in parallel and streamlines product development processes. Creo Elements/Pro is part of a broader product development system developed by P

TC. It connects to PTC s other solutions that aid product development, including Win dchill, ProductView, Mathcad and Arbortext. Summary of capabilities[edit] Like any software it is continually being developed to include new functionality . The details below aim to outline the scope of capabilities to give an overview rather than giving specific details on the individual functionality of the prod uct. Creo Elements/Pro is a software application within the CAID/CAD/CAM/CAE category , along with other similar products currently on the market. Creo Elements/Pro is a parametric, feature-based modeling architecture incorpora ted into a single database philosophy with advanced rule-based design capabiliti es. It provides in-depth control of complex geometry, as exemplified by the traj par parameter. The capabilities of the product can be split into the three main headings of Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing. This data is then do cumented in a standard 2D production drawing or the 3D drawing standard ASME Y14 .41-2003. Engineering Design[edit] Creo Elements/Pro offers a range of tools to enable the generation of a complete digital representation of the product being designed. In addition to the genera l geometry tools there is also the ability to generate geometry of other integra ted design disciplines such as industrial and standard pipe work and complete wi ring definitions. Tools are also available to support collaborative development.

Screenshot captured from Creo 1.0 as an example of the FreeForm surfaces. Sub'D surfaces new in Creo 1.0 This geometry started as a square cube A number of concept design tools that provide up-front Industrial Design concept s can then be used in the downstream process of engineering the product. These r ange from conceptual Industrial design sketches, reverse engineering with point cloud data and comprehensive free-form surface tools. Analysis[edit] Creo Elements/Pro has numerous analysis tools available and covers thermal, stat ic, dynamic and fatigue finite element analysis along with other tools all desig ned to help with the development of the product. These tools include human facto rs, manufacturing tolerance, mould flow and design optimization. The design opti mization can be used at a geometry level to obtain the optimum design dimensions and in conjunction with the finite element analysis. Manufacturing By using the fundamental abilities of the software with regards to the single da ta source principle, it provides a rich set of tools in the manufacturing enviro nment in the form of tooling design and simulated CNC machining and output. Tooling options cover specialty tools for molding, die-casting and progressive t ooling design. Release history[edit] Name/Version Build Number Date Pro/ENGINEER (Autofact 1987 premier) Pro/ENGINEER R 8.0 1991 ? Pro/ENGINEER R 9.0 1992 9.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 10.0 1993 10.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 11.0 1993 11.0 Internal version R 1.0 1987 8.3

Pro/ENGINEER R 12.0 1993 12.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 13.0 1994 13.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 14.0 1994 14.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 40 1995 15.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 16.0 1996 16.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 17.0 1997 17.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 18.0 1997 18.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 19.0 1998 19.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 20.0 1998 20.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 2000i 1999 21.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 2000i2 2000 22.0 Pro/ENGINEER R 2001 2001 23.0 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire R 1.0 2002 24.0 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire R 2.0 2004 25.0 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire R 3.0 2006 27.0 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire R 4.0 2008 29.0 Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire R 5.0 2009 31.0 Creo Elements/Pro R 5.0 (as of M065) 2010 31.0 Creo Parametric R 1.0 2011 32.0 Creo Parametric R 2.0 2012 33.0 Creo Parametric R 2.0 M080 2013 34.0 Creo Parametric R 2.0 M090(current) 2013 34.0 A ribbon interface is featured for the first time in the Wildfire 5 Drafting mod ule. The same was reflected in Creo 1.0. Starting with Creo 2.0, each and every module is provided with a ribbon interface.

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