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God Heals!

Exodus 15:26, for I am the LORD that healeth thee. When we heard these fine songs Brother Branham speaking to a congregation in Phoenix I said to Brother Outlaw, "I'm glad they're eing taped, ecause I like to study that! I like to hear those songs and play the tape, hear the songs when you can set down." "here's nothing like music! #ou know, God heals by music. $id you know that% &od heals y music! God heals by love. 'ee% God heals by medicine. God heals by prayer. God has many ways of healing. Depends on what type that you need. 'ometimes a little lo(e, stretched out, will )ust cure an old sore, an old place that's een a grudge or something! It'll heal it right o(er, just a little love, a little care. 'ometime when you feel all down, and, as we call it, down in the dumps, see, )ust put on one of those tapes, that music or a record, and go to playing it! "he first thing you know, you're patting your foot, or your hand, and it's all o(er then! #ou're right up and ready to go again! *+, Now God heals in many ways (I eter 2:2!"25#. - doctor asked me, not long ago, said, "What's your opinion of medicine, Brother Branham%" I said, "Well, God is the only One that can heal, sir!" I said, ""he Bi le doesn't lie, and the Bi le said, I am the !ord, heals all your diseases. " ( salm 1$%:1"%#. -nd I said, ""he Bi le can't lie! &od heals y medicine! &od heals y lo(e! God heals by understanding. God heals by care. God heals by prayer. God heals by miracles. "he whole thing, God heals. "hat's all, all there is to it, .e is the healer!" We ha(en't got a medicine that can create, and create a cell in your hand, to heal/ create in your ody, to heal! We can mo(e a tooth, we can cut out appendix, or take out a gall ladder, but who healed# God. 0o medicine will uild tissue, only &od! 1ife uilds tissue! &od is the only healer, and we were talking on that! *2, -nd I hope that each of you gets that, especially you people that's to e prayed for, that's so uncomforta le with may e trou les that doctors cannot touch! $nd we believe that doctors help people. I believe that God heals by medicine. God heals by surgery. &od heals y understanding! God heals by

love. 3ust a little lo(e goes a long way! 1et some ody e all upset, and )ust show them you care for them! 'ee% &od heals y lo(e! &od heals y prayer! &od heals y miracles! God heals by %is &ord ( salm 1$&:2$#. God heals' &hatever source it is, God heals by it. It's &od that heals, for .e said, "I'm the 1ord that healeth all thy diseases!" 'o all of it should work together, and man in different ministries should work together for that. 'ee% 0ow, ut they don't do it, ecause sometimes they're for idden to take certain stands upon &od's Word, ecause their certain denominations don't permit them to do that! But that doesn't stop the "ruth, )ust the same, &od goes on healing )ust the same! *4, "We seen a 5an Who could call a dead man from the gra(e, Who could do all these wonderful miracles, and see .im hang on the cross with great spittle all o(er .is face, where the soldiers )erked out .is eard, and spit in .is face! -nd seen .im with .is ack eat to a pulp where thirty and nine stripes!!!" (Isa'ah 5%:!"5#. "hey couldn't put forty! $nd did you know there s thirty and nine major diseases in the world today. "hirty and nine stripes across .is ack with a cat6of6nine6tails, leather sockets in it with lumps of lead, eating till .is ri s showed through, "all 5y ones stare at 5e," .e said in the Psalms 227++6+8! *9, When we see &od heal a man!!! .ere a few days ago in our church, they rought a little girl in there on a stretcher! -nd they'd called me in the night6 time on the road and said, ""he girl cannot li(e," the cancer was so ad! - out se(enteen years old!!! "'he can't e(en get there! 'he's going to die efore she gets there!" It was a pitiful case, a lo(ely little child of se(enteen years old! "o pro(e something to my church, I never touched the child at all. I walked in! 1aying on a stretcher!!! ':ourse there were other sick people, ut I was concerned a out the child, to catch her spirit when I spoke to her. -nd she seemed like a (ery fine little girl! I see no reason why that child should fill a premature grave( and that has to be the devil trying to take her life. 'o I ne(er touched the child at all, went right to the pulpit with the Word, and stayed right with the Word! $nd the &ord healed her so instantly until she got up and walked away, is all right now, li(ing like any ody else7 can't find a trace of it anywhere! Never even touched her. 'ee, the Word went forth, and she believed the &ord, and the &ord is God s life and God s power. -nd the Word is what does it! "he &ord heals the sick ((ar) &:2!"%$* (att. +:5"1%#. *;, "he other night, was so ama<ed! - little woman came up to the platform, that ig three hundred thousand dollar place there, and she had a little make6 2

up stuff on her face! 'he stood there and she started trem ling! I said, "#ou're 1utheran," y the .oly 'pirit! 'he said, "#es, sir!" -nd I said, "#ou're here to e prayed for! -nd the reason you're walking the way you are, oth knees ha(e een roken!" I said, ""hat was caused y a car accident in a car that you were dri(ing in four years ago!" 'he said, ""hat's true!" I said, "#our doctor's a little short fellow, ald6headed and wears glasses!" 'aid, ""hat's right!" -nd I said, ".e's doctoring, ecause that in the knees the one has ecome tu ercular, and e(en the flesh is rottening around the one!" 'he said, ""hat is right!" -nd she said, "Is there a hope for me%" I said, )"hat depends on your approach to the !ord *esus.) 'he said, ":an you help me%" I said, "0o, 5a'am! 0o one can help you now, but you have to help yourself to God s provided blessings for you." -nd she said, )I now believe with all my heart.) I said, )"he !ord healed you, sister( it s "%+, ,$I"% "%- !O.D, you re healed.) 'he said, "5r! Branham, I ha(en't een a le to kneel," she said, "for four years," while weeping, standing there ru ing her hands! -nd a great audience of people weeping, watching her, 1utherans, Pres yterians! -nd I said, "Why don't you go down to the altar and kneel down!" 'he said, "1et me kneel right here, right where I'm healed!" 'he ne(er mo(ed from her steps, but she knew she was healed. ,omething took place. 'ee% 'he knew it/ there wasn't any guessing a out it (,e-. 11:1"2#. I said, "=neel down!" -nd for the first time in four years, with oth knees roke and all calloused o(er, made o(er the ones together! "hat woman, like a young woman, knelt on her knees with the tears streaming from her cheeks, raised up her hands to &od, why )ust raised right up from there )ust as easy, like a little girl, and tipped off the platform! What was it% &od had to make a way for that! 0ow, .e sent doctors, that's right! -nd doctors are fine! -nd they done all they could do, but God had made a way. "hat's it! 'ee% -fter the doctor had failed in his way, &od's way is so much higher than our way (Isa'ah 55:+".#. What a wonderful thing> *?, .ere sets Brother 'idney 3ackson, 'ister 3ackson from 'outh -frica! .e could stand up here and take that su )ect and really tell you some things a out it down there! Why sure, people come to idols and are healed. ,ee, because why# 3ust like $r! -egery ga(e me that awling out that time, of me saying that the de(il cannot heal! -nd said, "- man that stands efore as many people as you do, and such poor theology," said, "saying that the de(il can't heal!" 'aid, "We got a woman right in our neigh orhood carries an apron around her, and goes there/ and the people come around her and is supposed to drop money in this apron/ then she'll ru them and then take hair out of her head and lood 3

out of their (eins and put it on a hair and throw it ehind her/ and she's constrained to look ack around, the disease comes ack to people!" -nd said, ""hirty percent of them get well! -nd then you say the de(il can't heal%" -nd I thought, "Oh, my!" I wrote him ack, and I said, "$ear sir"7 I said, "It's a strange thing to me that a dean of a 1utheran college would ase his theology upon an e/perience instead of the &ord of God." 'ee% ""he &ord of God says that ,atan cannot cast out ,atan ((att. 12:22"%$#. "hat settles it/ 3esus said so!" I said, "you might wonder how these people are healed through that, that witch, is because the people themselves think they are approaching God through that witch. $nd healing is based upon faith, not upon how righteous you are, how good you are, how much you keep the commandments, or whatever it is( it s based solemnly upon faith. -ll things are possi le to them that elie(e! It's not ased upon how good you are! I'(e seen prostitutes come to the platform and e instantly healed and a sainted woman cross the platform and miss it! ,ure, it s based upon faith( if thou canst believe, not upon righteousness!" 1ook down here in @rance where they go to that shrine of that woman, go in there in wheelchairs and come out walking, upon nothing ut purely a superstition, if anything, spiritualism, to worship a dead person. 'ee% -nd yet they're healed, because they think they re approaching God. 0ow, not degrading :atholic people, I'm degrading :atholic system, )ust like I am Protestant system, all these things! 0ow, ministers, I know this is going to tear in, ut I'm answering Auestions/ and I want you to understand that I was )ust telling you the truth from my heart/ :hrist efore me the est of my knowledge! 'ee% It s all systems, and those systems have wound people up like... 0eople go join the 1ethodist, 2aptist, 0resbyterian, 0entecostals, 3atholic( and they think they re approaching God when they re just going through a system. God honors it sometimes and takes their diseases away from them through idols. Well, right in the .ottentots of -frica they get healing with idols and so forth, ut they think they're approaching &od! *B, I )ust wonder a out those people! I found them in healing ser(ices! I'(e seen people come to the platform, totally lind! -nd come and after eing prayed for and e healed and read the Bi le, walk down there and praising &od! -nd meet them in six months and e )ust as lind as they were in the first place! 0ow, Divine healing is just as strong as your faith is, and just as lasting as your faith is. Ce(! 0ickels from :hristian Businessmen was down the other day taking testimonies there in the city and taking pictures of people who had een healed y $i(ine healing anywhere, I mean cancers and dying cases, that had 4

een healed for years and years and years and years, and were still holding out, fourteen, fifteen years ago, when they were prayed for, still healthy! -nd some of them on the dead list in 1ouis(ille on the cancer clinic o(er there, that they died fourteen, fifteen years ago, and here they are li(ing, )ust as healthy as they can e! It depends on where your faith stands. 4our salvation is good as long as your confession is good. 2ut when your confession drops, then your salvation s gone. 5or %e is a %igh 0riest setting at the right hand of God to make intercessions on your confession, that s what happens (,e-. !:1!" 16* Rom. 1$:+"1$#. *D, Divine healing, and sanctification, and the powers of God is as long as your faith lasts in it. &hen your faith fails, then your e/perience is gone. It s based that way simply upon the finished works of 3hrist at 3alvary. 4ou re sanctified as long as your testimony s right, as long as you live a sanctified life, and believe that God sanctified you( you re sanctified, counting it all to %is grace and %is merits. $nd as long as you ve accepted healing and believe your healing and go on believing it like that, you ll be healed as long as you believe it. $nd you start doubting it... -nd you take a man setting here that's not a it sick, and let him egin to get in his heart, elie(ing he is sick, they'll pack him out of the uilding! $s your faith is, so be it unto you. "hat's not :hristian 'cience! I'm not meaning mind o(er matter! But you see, the thing of it is, it s the atmosphere that you live in. *8, IsnEt .e wonderful% 0ow, think, we mean that/ e(erything is surrendered! "I'm no more my own thinking! I6m not going to think like I d think, !ord. I m just going to think like 4ou think. $nd 4ou promised that I was healed (Isa'ah 5%:!"5#* I think that. I surrender my thinking! I won t no more think about my sickness. I won t think about the disease I had. I ain t thinking about nothing but thinking what 4ou said.) 0ow, right out in front of you stands a person )ust like you were a few minutes ago/ you were sick down here, but there s a well person standing there. *esus 3hrist is calling to that well person right beyond it. 0ow, you just, by faith, as you close your eyes, walk right into that well body, then just keep on walking, just keep on going. *+F, #ou see, it s your faith( it s never your feelings. It's ne(er whether it's so/ or if my hand isn't straight!!! "hat doesn't ha(e one thing to do with it! It s my faith that does that. .ight before us we see the image of a perfect healed person by faith. $nd then we just make step by step till you step right into that person, and just walk right on with it. "here you are! "hat's 5

what does it! 4our faith, not your feelings( your faith does it! But thanks and praise e to &od! *++, -nd I say, that if we obey God6s provided way, leprosy will leave, sickness will leave, everything will leave, but we6ve got to come %is way for this day. 0ow dipping in 3ordan wouldnEt do any good now/ that was for 0aaman! "he law was for the 3ews! &race is y :hrist! *+2, &hen God says anything, It has to take place. ,o when you meet God s 7ualifications, just remember, God will manifest %imself and take care of the rest of it/ you just go ahead as a finished work. Oh, isn't that wonderful% Oh, my, think! 3ust tell &od! &od said, "#ou do this, and I'll do this!" Well, if I go do this, .e's got to do that! 0ow, the de(il says, "'ee, .e delays!" "hat doesn't make any difference! $aniel prayed one time, and it was twenty6one days efore the -ngel e(er got to him (Da/'el 1$:12"1%#* ut he wasn't discouraged/ he knowed .e'd come anyhow, so he )ust waited till .e got there! "hat's right! Oh, that s when you re getting faith. 2ut we want a soul8healing service to heal the inside, because that is what s going to last. #ou get Gternal 1ife/ Gternal 1ife does not (anish or grow old/ it stays, remains the same (0oh/ 5:2!#. *+4, 1et the .oly 'pirit come upon any person that's truly got something down there> $ healing comes from the inside. !et that healing come from the ,pirit that s in you (II 1or. !:&#. *+9, -nd we pray that #ou'll make this so real to each of us today that our hearts will urn within us, our souls will e strengthened, our bodies healed, our spirits healed, our souls made anew (II 1or. 5:1&#, created after the fashion that &od would ha(e us! *+;, "here's one thing I want to e honest with you a out, my friend! "he same way God heals is on the basis of service to %im. 'ee% It s on the basis of service to %im. &e must accept our healing on the basis of9 we will serve %im after we are healed. 0ow, the Bi le said, ":onfess your faults one to another (0ames 5:16#. Pray one for the other, that you might e healed!" 'ee% It's on the asis you'll ser(e &od! 5any of you here, perhaps, are in dying condition! -nd you must die if something doesn't take place! "hen I want you in your heart!!! 0ow, we might anoint you with oil (0ames 5:1!"15#* we might pray o(er you, your pastor, and I, pray a prayer of faith, do e(erything we can! 2ut it won t do no good until you yourself enter into fellowship with 3hrist. 'ee% #ouE(e got to come to that fellowship! *+?, 6

-nd no matter in any kind of ser(ice, the &ord should have preeminence. It should e first! $nd the healing of the soul is always first. Why, when a man is orn again of the 'pirit of &od (0oh/ %:%"5#, he has immortal, -ternal !ife, and shall never perish (0oh/ 5:2!#. 2ut when a man is healed of his body, it is just for a limited time. 2ut salvation of the soul is forever. %e becomes a new creature in 3hrist (2al. 6:1!"15#, when he6s healed of his soul. But $i(ine healing was included in the atonement, ecause the new atonement was much etter than the old! -nd the old atonement had healing! -nd the Bi le said that, ,e 3as 3ou/ded for our tra/s4ress'o/s* 3'th h's str'5es 3e 3ere healed. 0ast tense, we were healed (Isa'ah 5%:!"5#. Oh, itEs wonderful> *+B, &e know we do not heal anyone, but we just pray for them. -nd I ha(e ne(er healed anyone yet, ut IE(e certainly had some great answers to prayer, seeing the !ord heal the sick. $nd not only to the healing of the body, but healing of the soul also, which is far more essential than healing the body. 0ow, it is possi le that if you li(e long enough youEll get sick again! "he Bi le said, (a/6 are the affl'7t'o/s of the r'4hteous, -ut 2od del'8ereth h'm out of them all ( salm %!:1.#. 'o we ha(e many afflictions promised, ut a deli(erance from them!

-nd so, $i(ine healing, the main thing is $i(ine healing of the soul. "he 2ody of 3hrist, it needs healing worse than anything that I know of, is the 2ody of 3hrist. ItEs een so roken up y menEs theology and denomi6 national differences, until itEs a sick 2ody. -nd I tell you, it needs healing, great healing! 'o I trust that the 1ord will do a great thing towards the healing of %is part of the 2ody that6s here. *+8, 0ow, 1ord, I pray #ou heal them, but for the greatest of all healings' If #ou heal their physical ody from cancer, "B, pneumonia, something, they6ll get sick again, no dou t, if they live very long, for their body is still under sin, the curse. But let them get the real Divine healing, the healing of the soul, which makes a new creature (II 1or. 5:1&#, passes from death unto 1ife, and then waiting in this old ta ernacle for the redemption of the body (Rom. +:22"2%# after the soul has been redeemed. &rant it, 1ord! *2F, When we come to the end of the road, we donEt know )ust where and how weEre going to e sick! &e may be sick in our mind( there might be a fever that would really cook our very brain( and we might say anything or do anything at the end of the road. We donEt know! But, you see, if we have already anchored in 3hrist, no matter what sickness takes us, or what condition we are when we go, it6s already settled. &e are sealed until the day of our redemption. Gphesians 974F says, 2r'e8e /ot the ,ol6 95'r't of 7

2od, 3here-6 6ou are sealed u/t'l the da6 Hnot of your death, utI of 6our redem5t'o/. ,ee, after death6s done over, you6re still sealed. *2+, - doctor said, J5r! Branham, IE(e read your ooks on healing! I certainly agree with you! IEm going to tell you, we ha(e a solute cases here I can pro(e it y scienceK 1et a person ha(e a malignancy, or a tu ercular, or an ulcer, or something thatEs real ad/ we know itEs going to kill him, and weEll tell him that! If he gets all tore up, flusterated, angry, upset, and going on, that patient will die right away! But usually if that patient is a 3hristian, he doesn6t mind dying. It6s one of the things we have to do, as dying is part of living, so he just goes ahead and takes it on9 :I6ll live till my time6s out.6 $lmost that attitude retires that case. %e will linger on, and on, and on, before it kills him.L *22, 2ut there is a greater sickness than physical sickness. $nd it6s much more essential that we be well for this great event that6s just fi/ing to take place; ItEs etter to e ready! I would rather be a sick man ready with the !ord, than to be a well man not ready to go with the !ord. But howe(er it e, &od is so willing that we be both well and ready, soul and ody (I :hess. 5:2%"2!#. @or .e forgi(es all of our iniAuities and heals all our diseases! .e died for a compound purpose (Isa'ah 5%:!"5#. *24,
Ceference7 *+, J1ookL H?46F92DI, par! 968 *2, J3esus :hrist "he 'ame #esterday, "oday -nd @ore(erL H?46F?2BI, par! D96D? *4, J.e :ares, $o #ou :areL H?46FB2+I, par! 94699 *9, JWhen "heir Gyes Were OpenedL H;?6F92FI, par! G2864F *;, J"he Gnd "ime 'ign 'eedL H?26F4+8I, par! G8 *?, J5aking - WayL H;?6F4F9I, par! G2; *B, JMuestions N -nswers +L H?96FD245I, :O$ pg! 84F6 84+ *D, J.idden 1ife With :hristL H;?6F2+4I, par! G2F, G22624 *8, J"he 'upernaturalL H;?6F+28I, par! G2D *+F, J&o Wake 3esusL H?46++4FGI, par! 2B9 *++, JWhat 'hall I $o With 3esus%L H?46++295I, par! 49 *+2, J&odEs Pro(ided Way @or "his $ayL H?96F2F?GI, par! +2 *+4, J"he Patmos OisionL H?F6+2F9GI, par! 8;68B *+9, JPower of "ransformationL H?;6+F4+5I, par! 2B? *+;, JOnenessL H?26F2++I, par! +F *+?, JBeyond "he :urtain of "imeL H?+6F4F;I, par! DB6D8 *+B, J.ear #e .imL H;B6F+2;I, par! G6++ *+D, J:onferencesL H?+6F9+FI, par! G62 *+8, J"he Identified :hrist Of -ll -gesL H?96F9F+I, par! +k *2F, J"he &od Of "his G(il -geL H?;6FDF+5I, par! +D8 *2+, J"he "estimony of a "rue WitnessL H?+6++F;I, par! B+ *22, J"he Way BackL H?26++24I, par! G684 *24, J"he 'udden, 'ecret &oing -way of the :hurchL H;D6+F+2I, par! G6; G6?

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