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No Difference By Melina Namdar

INT. JULIE HOUSE.BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING BLACK JULIE (V.O) We all wonder sometimes why we were put on this earth.What reason do we have to live such lives full of pain and regret? (beat) I didnt know until now. CUT TO JULIE (16) wakes up to the sound of her alarm. The radio begins to play Wake me up before you Go Go by George Michael. MONTAGE: Julie brushing her Teeth along to the music. Julie Making Toast, TIM (19) eating cereal. Julie wearing her black and white school uniform. INT. JULIE HOUSE.PARENTS BEDROOM - EARLY MORNING THOMAS CAMPBELL (40) & LEAH CAMPBELL (37) are asleep in their beds until the volume of the music rises and loud thumps are heard. LEAH CAMPBELL Julie!!!! MONTAGE: -Julie waiting for bus and getting on bus. -Julie getting off bus and walking to school gate. -Julie meets up with her friends BETH (16) & AMY (16) INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Julie, Beth and Amy are walking to their science classroom. AMY So did you meet Mr Right?




BETH Not yet but hell be there to take me away from you two. JULIE I thought you loved us! All three laugh. JULIE face it you would die without us. They all walk into the noisy science room. INT. SCHOOL. SCIENCE ROOM - DAY - 10 MIN LATER The room is silent Julie, Beth and Amy note all the work down quickly. BETH Anything special happen? AMY not really. mum made us visit landmarks.we went to the massive statue of Abraham Lincoln, max said to mum (mimicking her brother)if only I could get to the top. and when I offered mum got mad at me anyway did you do anything big this time? JULIE Well I thought it was good (beat) had my own movie marathon of the twilight movies,the harry potter films and then a whole bunch of others, so in total I think I watched over 20 movie in one day. AMY (loud) Jesus! MR STEVENS Girls do have something you wish to share with the rest of the class? JULIE No sir.




MR STEVENS well then, do your work. AMY (whispers) Beths staring again BETH No Im not. JULIE you are! AMY you thinking about Mr Stevens, where is it this time you on your honeymoon with him. BETH shut up JULIE oh Mr S I love you Julie turns around and uses her own hand to make it look like she is kissing someone. BETH stop it, he coming. MR STEVENS do you understand the work girls. Julie and Amy nod. BETH Actually sir I dont know how to do this question. Mr Stevens goes to help Beth and stands beside her. Both Amy and Julie start to thrust the air and make kissy faces which causes the class to laugh. MR STEVENS whats so funny. The Class immediately stop laughing and looks at Amy and Julie. They both overlap each others sentences. JULIE I dropped my pen.




AMY I was helping her find it. Amy and Julie dont move and then both girls run to their seats. INT.SCHOOL. CANTEEN - AFTERNOON Julie, Amy and Beth are chatting. ED slowly walks towards where they are seated. ED Hi girls AMY/BETH Hi ED So Julie, Do you want to be drama partners since everyone has partnered up already. JULIE whatever, I dont really care. ED Cool Ill see you next lesson Julie waves goodbye while eating. Ed walks away swiftly. AMY/BETH why did you do that? JULIE well unlike you guys I dont like assholes. School bell rings JULIE lets get to our next lesson. All three get up. INT.SCHOOL. DRAMA ROOM - AFTERNOON Ed stares at Julie and she awkwardly stares at the floor.




JULIE We shouldnt use stereotypical stuff. ED wow (beat) you look so hot when youre coming up with ideas. Julie laughs to herself JULIE rightttttt, well lets try and make something since we have to show our freeze frames soon. Julie comes up with freeze frames as ed watches. ED I think we should get really close. Ed comes very close Julie and she moves away. JULIE I think were ready. ED Do you wanna come and get some chips after school or something. JULIE Thanks but no. MISS BARKER okay everyone time to show your work. ED (To Julie) Why? I mean look at me JULIE exactly. ED well there are plenty of girls out there JULIE well then I bet they would all die to have a chance to go out with you




MISS BARKER Well done that was great (beat)Ed and Julie since you cant stop talking through other peoples work why dont you two show us yours. The 1st and 2nd freeze frames go well but on the 3rd Ed tries to take advantage by pulling Julie close to kiss her but Julie moves her head meaning he kisses her cheek. EXT. OUTSIDE SCHOOL GATES - SUNSET Julie is walking home in her sports clothes. CUT TO Ed waiting outside school with RAMONA (16). Julie walks pasted Ed and he runs in front of her. JULIE what do you want Ed? Julie tries to get past ed. ED I came to see you. JULIE wow how much effort you put in for a girl who doesnt like you. ED I thought we had a connection in drama. Julie stops. JULIE you tried to kiss me (beat) youre lucky I didnt punch you in the balls ED look, you gotta stop pretending, you cant say no to this. JULIE no thanks Julie tries to walk away but Ed grabs her arm.




JULIE Let go of me ED And Why would i do that. Ed pushed her to the wall and starts to touch her leg up to her inner thigh. JULIE (Screams) GET OFF ME! CUT TO Ramona hears the scream and runs over and stops him. RAMONA dude what the fuck! ED me and Julie were just talking. RAMONA of course you were, i didnt know touching was talking. ED just fuck off Ramona Ed continues to touch Julie. RAMONA Get the fuck off her. Ramona pulls ed off of Julie and pushes him hard. ED fuck you both; you aint even worth my time. Ed fixes his leather jacket and walks off. RAMONA are you okay? JULIE (Beat) Im fine (swallows)thank you RAMONA no problem. come Ill take you home.




JULIE Thank you EXT. BUSY ROAD - EVENING Ramona is walking Julie home. RAMONA Do you want some chocolate Julie hesitate but then nods. Ramona takes out two chocolate bars out of her bag and hands one to Julie. The two begin to talk and the music blurs out the conversation. EXT. JULIE HOUSE - EVENING JULIE Thank you for today. RAMONA It all good. (beat) well have a good night. Julie turns to face her door, she unlocks the door and goes in. INT. JULIE HOUSE - NIGHT The house is quiet. Julie scans the room to find no one is home. she walks over to the fridge to see an note. weve gone out to do some shopping, theres food in the fridge Julie takes the note off and reads it. she walks to her room in a slight trance and fall on her bed. She starts to think about Ramona. JULIE (whispers to herself) Shes just a friend. (beat)who am i trying to kid. MONTAGE - VARIOUS - Romona and Julie eating together in the canteen (CONTINUED)



- Romona and Julie messing around in class - Ramona and Julie having ice cream the park and playing on the games EXT.OUTSIDE SCHOOL GATES - AFTERNOON Julie receives a text from Ramona. "Meet me in the park in 15 minutes" EXT. PARK - AFTERNOON Julie watches Ramona who is nervously sitting on the bench. Julie walks to her and sits beside her. JULIE you wanted to see moi. Ramona nods but does not look at Julie. JULIE Ramona are you okay. RAMONA Im great just a little nervous. Julie looks confused. RAMONA Julie. (beat) I know Ive only known you for a little while. (beat) but i feel like Ive known you for years and i can trust you. JULIE I feel the same RAMONA Julie... i really like you. i like you more than a friend. Julie would you go out with me. you can say no but do it softly. Julie giggles. RAMONA whats so funny




JULIE as if i am going to say no. of course i will why wouldnt i. RAMONA I dont know because i like girls. JULIE Thats not important to me. Love doesnt have a label on it. RAMONA wait. you love me? Julie blushes JULIE i guess i do. In the corner Amy is watching Julie. INT. JULIE HOUSE - EVENING Julies is getting ready. She puts on her Dr martens heads for the door. TIM where you off to. JULIE going out with some mates. TIM does mum know JULIE Yeah i told her yesterday. TIM who you going out with? JULIE Amy and Beth TIM anyone else JULIE no.




TIM your not going with that girl you hang out with all the time are you? julie stares blankly. JULIE no. TIM Do you have enough money. JULIE i have 20. Tim pulls his wallet out of his pocket and takes out a 20 note and hands it to her. TIM just in case. have a good night Julie rushes for the door. JULIE thanks. see you later TIM see you. EXT. COUPLE OF STREETS AWAY FROM JULIES HOUSE - EVENING Ramona is leaning on a red jaguar. They hug and they begin to walk off. MONTAGE - VARIOUS - shopping in stores - eating in McDonalds - talking over coffee Amy and Beth are getting coffee and they spot Julie and Ramona sitting very close and talking. Beth stares for a moment but then continues to walk away but Amy watches them.


INT. SCHOOL HALL - NIGHT Ramona is standing by the door of the hall waiting for Julie. She begins to get impatient and begins to pace. Suddenly a beautiful silhouette walks towards Ramona. Ramona begins to fix her suit and swallow hard. Her mouth opens slightly when she sees Julie in a knee length royal blue dress. Julie jokingly curtsys and Ramona bows. Ramona puts her hand out. RAMONA (whispers) You look beautiful. Julie blushes JULIE you dont look to bad yourself Hand in hand they walk into the hall. Everyone watches them in disgust. Amy walks out leaving Beth on her own. Julie notices that everyone is watching but Ramona distracts her by pulling her onto the dance floor. They begin to dance to Me and You by Jake Bugg At first they are the only couple on the dance floor which makes Julie feel uneasy but then Beth grabs a boys hand and begins to dance. Julie begins to calm down. RAMONA lets get out of here. Ramona grabs Julie hand and they run out of the hall and out onto the football field where people are lighting lanterns. Julie and Ramona pick up a lantern. They make a wish and let them fly away. Julie follows her lantern. Ramona watches Julie in awe. Ramona slowly reaches for Julies hand. Their eyes lock and slowly they kiss.


EXT. TATTOO SHOP - DAY JULIE (V.O) Time seemed to pass so quickly with Ramona and although people knew we were together, I didnt mind cause i was with her. MONTAGE: - Amy having anti LGBT meeting in school - Ramona and Julie getting matching tattoos - infinity tattoo with "always" written under Ramonas "and forever" under Julies. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Ramona and Julie are walking to the canteen. They are stopped by Amy and a crowd of people. The crowd of people are holding signs like "homo go home" "God hates gays" JULIE whats all this (beat) Amy? AMY Dont fucking touch me. Julie reaches out for Amy RAMONA whats the point of all of this AMY oh look it speaks the crowd laugh JULIE Amy this isnt funny. AMY but do you know what is (beat) the fact that you disgusting things are together and we wont allow it.


CONTINUED: RAMONA come one Julie lets go


Ramona and Julie try to but Ed stand in her way and pushes her to the wall. Julie runs back horrified Ed repeatedly punches Ramona and the crowd of people cheer. Ed wipes the blood off his hand and wipes it on Julie. Julie runs over to Ramona her face bloody and bruising Amy stand over themand spit to the ground. Julie embraces Ramona unconscious body begins to sob softly. INT. JULIE PARENTS CAR - NIGHT Julie quietly sitting at the back of the car staring at her tattoo and trying to block out her parents shouting at her. a tear falls from her eye onto her tattoo. INT. JULIE HOUSE - NIGHT Julie enters the house and tries to run into her room. LEAH CAMPBELL STOP RIGHT THERE! Where do you think youre going. what were you thinking. Did you not think this would jeopardize our reputation (beat) answers me! Julie says nothing Mrs Campbell rushes to her and stands in front of Julie LEAH CAMPBELL ANSWER ME YOU STUPID CHILD! Mrs Campbell slaps Julies face. JULIE I DONT CARE ABOUT YOUR STUPID REPUTATION AND YOU AND DAD ARENT MY PARENTS BECAUSE IF YOU WERE YOU WOULD ACCEPT ME THE WAY I AM! Mrs Campbell raises her hand to hurt Julie but Tim emerges from his room and stops his mother. (CONTINUED)

CONTINUED: TIM Mum stop. LEAH CAMPBELL Did you know your sister is a lesbain. TIM (to julie) i thought you told them. Mr Campbell enters. THOMAS CAMPBELL sit down. now Julie sits at the dinning table nervously. Mrs campbell sits at the opposite end of the table. THOMAS CAMPBELL now listen to me carefully. We didnt raise you to become some women loving freak. JULIE but dad THOMAS CAMPBELL SHUT UP! You are not to see that girl ever again. You are not to speak to her, to touch her, not even to look at her! the dialogue becomes muffled INT. RAMONA HOUSE - NIGHT


Ramona is sitting on the sofa with her mother ANNA MAYNARD (35) and her father COLLIN MAYNARD (38). CRISSI (5) comes running from her room. CRISSI Ramona! RAMONA hello, how you doing CRISSI good, are you going to play tea party with me


CONTINUED: RAMONA of course but I need to talk to mum and dad first okay. Crissi nods and runs to her room. ANNA MAYNARD Ramona I dont know what to say. RAMONA mum let me explain ANNA MAYNARD Explain what?! That you like girls and that you have been seeing Julie Campbell for months without telling us. RAMONA mum its not like that, Julie and I love each other, I never meant for this to happen COLLIN MAYNARD you love her? How can you say that in front of me and youre mother. RAMONA dad please COLLIN MAYNARD dad? How can you can you dare call me dad after telling us that you love that girl! RAMONA that girl? Her name is Julie and I love her, why dont you understand ANNA MAYNARD this is just a phase, Collin this just a phase RAMONA it is not a phase! Do you not understand the meaning of love! ANNA MAYNARD DONT SPEAK TO ME AND YOUR FATHER LIKE THAT. IS IT WRONG THAT I WANTED TO SEE YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH A MAN AND FOR YOU TO BE IN YOUR WEDDING DRESS WALKING DOWN THE AILE



CONTINUED: RAMONA you will but it will be with Julie COLLIN MAYNARD STOP THIS NONSENSE! CUT TO crissi covering her ears the dialogue is slightly muffled COLLIN MAYNARD I WILL HEAR NO MORE OF THIS Ramona stand up to leave. COLLIN MAYNARD RAMONA, ME AND YOUR MOTHER ARE GIVING YOU A CHANCE; IF YOU DONT EVER GO NEAR THAT GIRL AGAIN THEN WELL LET THIS SITUATION PASS. CUT TO RAMONA did you forget, you dont like me calling you dad, so COLLIN let me tell you this Ramona rolls her sleeve up and shows her tattoo. RAMONA I wont let this pass because this isnt a phase, I love her and thats final. Ramona walks to crissis room and sit down. INT. JULIE HOUSE - NIGHT Julie begins to looks at her wrist and fiddle with ber hoodie. THOMAS CAMPBELL ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME! Julie nods THOMAS CAMPBELL What is that. Julie panics and pulls her sleeve down





JULIE What? Mr Campbell walks towards her and pulls her arm out, Julie tries to get her arm out of his hand but Mr Campbell pulls her sleeve up to reveal her tattoo. THOMAS CAMPBELL What is this? (beat) WHAT IS THIS?! JULIE its a tattoo. Mr Campbell pulls her over to the sink and tries to wash off the tattoo with brillo pad until her wrist goes blood red. JULIE (Julie cries) DAD PLEASE STOP, DAD THAT HURT PLEASE, STOP!! THOMAS CAMPBELL you think you can get a tattoo without telling me TIM dad its not gonna come off, leave her THOMAS CAMPBELL she needs to learn that all she is doing is wrong. LEAH CAMPBELL honey let go. Mr Campbell looks at his wife and then throws Julie to the ground. THOMAS CAMPBELL listen very carefully if you dare do anything that I dont approve of, I will do much worse than that, YOU HEAR ME! Julie nods. Tim takes julie to her room and sits her down.


INT. RAMONA HOUSE.CRISSI ROOM - NIGHT the sound of ramonas parents argueing pireces throught the walls. CRISSI more tea RAMONA (posh accent) oh yes please Crissi pours the water into ramonas cup. RAMONA Thank you. CRISSI why are mommy and daddy fighting? ramona stops for a moment, she slowly places her cup down. RAMONA mommy and daddy arent fighting. theyre just talking, really loud. CRISSI are mommy and daddy not going to be together anymore RAMONA no Crissi, mommy and daddy are always going to be together CRISSI Ramona RAMONA yes CRISSI are you going to go away RAMONA no, Im always going to be here for you CRISSI promise Crissi hugs ramona, she hesitates.




RAMONA I promise. INT. JULIE HOUSE. JULIES BEDROOM - NIGHT Julie is sitting on her bed holding her arm tightly in pain. TIM Julie calm down JULIE Tim it hurts so much TIM hold on tim goes into the other room and brings back an ice pack. JULIE thanks TIM I dont know what to say. JULIE Tim Im sorry I had to lie because if you knew you might have told mum and dad TIM I would have never have done that but you should have told me, look what you got yourself into JULIE what do I do? TIM you have to stop seeing her JULIE i cant TIM do you want the same kind of things to happen again JULIE no but




TIM well then stop seeing her JULIE but i love her. TIM why? JULIE because... i just do. TIM but how does that work JULIE (beat) whenever Im near her I feel like, were the only ones on the earth TIM look, do get me wrong I want you to be happy but whatever you do mum and dad are going to try and keep you and Ramona apart. JULIE then help me

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