Vocabulary Words

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History vocabulary words: 1234567891011Civilization: an advanced state of intellectual culture and material.

Subordinates: To put in a lower or inferior rank as class. Distinctive: serving to identify. Cuneiform: Being a character or characters formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements and used in ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian writing. Arguable: Capable of being argued plausibly; defensible in argument Mobility: The movement of people, as from one social group, class, or level to another Invasion: The act of invading, especially the entrance of an armed force into a territory to conquer Obey: To carry out or fulfill the command, order, or instruction of Faith: Confident belief in the truth, value, or trustworthiness of a person, idea, or thing. Coerced: To force to act or think in a certain way by use of pressure, threats, or intimidation; compel Deforestation: The cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. Deforestation can erode soils, contribute to desertification and the pollution of waterways, and decrease biodiversity through the destruction of habitat. Superiority: Higher than another in rank, station, or authority Irrigation: To supply (dry land) with water by means of ditches, pipes, or streams; water artificially Coordination: The state of being coordinate; harmonious adjustment or interaction. Styluses: A sharp, pointed instrument used for writing, marking, or engraving Essential: Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent. Patriarchal: characteristic of a form of social organization in which the male is the family head and title is traced through the male line Nomadic: A member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons from place to place in search of food, water, and grazing land. Merchants: One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit Infrastructure: An underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system. Dynasty: A succession of rulers from the same family or line Monotheisms: The doctrine or belief that there is only one God Implication: The act of implicating or the condition of being implicated. Institution: A custom, practice, relationship, or behavioral pattern of importance in the life of a community or society Emerged: To rise from or as if from immersion Settlements: Establishment, as of a person in a business or of people in a new region. Implemented: A tool or instrument used in doing work Integration: The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation. Strikingly: Arresting the attention and producing a vivid impression on the sight or the mind. See Synonyms at noticeable. Illustrate: To clarify, as by use of examples or comparisons


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