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Central Idea

Key Concepts

Lines of Inquiry

Booklet Belongs to: Group Members:


Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

The Year 6 staff at Branksome Hall Asia acknowledge that some of the ideas and language used in this booklet have come from the input of other PYP schools, the PYP documentation and resources on the IB Online Curriculum Centre. We sincerely appreciate the knowledge and expertise that has been shared with us by other PYP teachers.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Branksome Hall Asia Vision, Mission & Values

-VisionTo be the pre-eminent educational community of globally minded learners and leaders. -MissionEach day, we challenge and inspire girls to love learning and to shape a better world.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

IB Learner Profile
The aim of all IB programs is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help IB learners strive to be:
Inquirers They develop their natural curiosity. They acquire the skills necessary to conduct inquiry and research and show independence in learning. They actively enjoy learning and this love of learning will be sustained throughout their lives. They explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance. In so doing, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. They exercise initiative in applying thinking skills critically and creatively to recognize and approach complex problems, and make reasoned, ethical decisions.



Communicators They understand and express ideas and information confidently and creatively in more than one language and in a variety of modes of communication. They work effectively and willingly in collaboration with others. Principled They act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness, justice and respect for the dignity of the individual, groups and communities. They take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them. They understand and appreciate their own cultures and personal histories, and are open to the perspectives, values and traditions of other individuals and communities. They are accustomed to seeking and evaluating a range of points of view, and are willing to grow from the experience. They show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. They approach unfamiliar situations and uncertainty with courage and forethought, and have the independence of spirit to explore new roles, ideas and strategies. They are brave and articulate in defending their beliefs. They understand the importance of intellectual, physical and emotional balance to achieve personal well-being for themselves and others. They give thoughtful consideration to their own learning and experience. They are able to assess and understand their strengths and limitations in order to support their learning and personal development.




Balanced Reflective

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

IB Learner Attitudes
IB learners should demonstrate:
Appreciation Commitment Appreciating the wonder and beauty of the world and its people. Being committed to their own learning, persevering and showing self discipline and responsibility. Feeling confident in their ability as learners, having the courage to take risks, applying what they have learned and making appropriate decisions and choices. Cooperating, collaborating, and leading or following as the situation demands. Being creative and imaginative in their thinking and in their approach to problems and dilemmas. Being curious about the nature of learning, about the world, its people and cultures. Imagining themselves in anothers situation in order to understand his or her reasoning and emotions, so as to be open-minded and reflective about the perspectives of others. Enjoying learning and willingly putting the effort into the process. Thinking and acting independently, making their own judgments based on reasoned argument, and being able to defend their judgments. Being honest and demonstrating a considered sense of fairness. Respecting themselves, others and the world around them. Being sensitive about differences and diversity in the world and being responsive to the needs of others.






Enthusiasm Independence Integrity Respect Tolerance

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Exhibition Unit of Inquiry Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the Planet

An inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things; communities and the relationship within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Exhibition Student Guidelines

The exhibition holds a place of special importance in the PYP, and you will be working on it for next 7 weeks. Through the exhibition you will demonstrate all of your learning in the PYP. The purpose of the exhibition is:

to engage in a deep, collaborative inquiry to give an opportunity for you to demonstrate independence and responsibility for your own learning to explore different perspectives about an issue to use what you have learned in previous years and to reflect upon your journey through the PYP to demonstrate how you can take action as a result of your learning to work with people from the whole school community - parents, students and teachers to use and show a variety of skills and attitudes to celebrate the end of your primary schooling

The exhibition process will involve you identifying, investigating (researching) and suggesting possible solutions for a real life problem or issue that fits in with the transdisciplinary theme, Sharing the Planet. In order to help you keep track of what stage you are up to you will find the following symbols in your booklet:




The development of the exhibition will include the following: 1. Discussing possible real-life issues or problems to be investigated 2. Asking questions that help to define the central idea and to decide the lines of inquiry 3. Planning the exhibition 4. Gathering the necessary material 5. Recording and reflecting 6. Presenting the exhibition

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Details for the development of the exhibition

1. Discussing possible real-life issues or problems to be investigated (researched) Talk with other members of the community - classmates, teachers, parents, other family members and experts in the field about issues or problems you have noticed in the school or local area, which could lead to an in-depth inquiry. These issues could be directly connected to your school or local area, and they may also be relevant to children in other parts of the world. 2. Asking questions that help to define the central idea and to decide upon the lines of inquiry Once you have chosen an issue or problem, all classmates will collectively come up with a central idea and lines of inquiry. After that, you need to write some questions that will help find out about the central idea and lines of inquiry. Use the PYP concepts (form, function, causation, change, connection, perspective, responsibility and reflection) to help you think about what you want to know. The central idea, lines of inquiry and questions will help you to stay focused during this investigation and help you find out about your exhibition issue. 3. Planning the exhibition Think about and record (write down) how you will find out about the central idea and lines of inquiry. Ask the following questions:

Where do we find the materials and resources we need? Who might have useful information to help us? What kind of experiences might help us with our inquiry? Do we need to carry out any experiments? Do we need to prepare a questionnaire or survey? What kind of technology will we need to help us with our inquiry?

4. Gathering the necessary material This could include:

A printed text book, magazine or newspaper A website An interview an expert, a teacher or a family member An experiment A work of art

Always write down the source of your material. This information will vary according to the type of source you use and should be referenced according to the guidelines in your exhibition booklet.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Details for the development of the exhibition (continued)

5. Recording and reflecting Record all of your ideas in your exhibition booklet and scrapbook and make sure you reflect on the whole process as you go.

6. Presenting the exhibition Towards the end of the exhibition, you will need to think carefully about how you wish to present what you have found out. Use diagrams, drawings and/or photographs to help clarify and support your presentation.

Make sure your presentation is clear and informative and appropriate for a range of audiences.

You must always consider your presentation from other peoples perspectives. And, finally, you should celebrate your learning.

The exhibition will be held on Thursday, May 22, 2014 for your parents and the Branksome Hall Asia community.

The will be a practice day for the exhibition for all BHA students, teachers and other local schools on Wednesday, May 21, 2014.

This booklet is designed to help guide you through the entire process of the exhibition.

Good luck and enjoy the journey through the exhibition!

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Use the following checklist to help you work your way through the exhibition process and to ensure you have all your work completed on time.

Write team essential agreement Write team central idea & lines of inquiry Brainstorm research questions that will help your group investigate your issueuse the key concepts to guide you Select the best research questions2 or 3 for each group member. Complete the table explaining how your individual questions connect to the central idea. What do you already know about your questions? What sources will you use to find out more? Reflect on your use of the PYP transdisciplinary skills and Learner Profile attributes and attitudes. Research, plan and respond to your questions. Use the SEARH graphic organiser to consider what actions you could take based on what you now know. Decide on an action. Take action. Read and understand the summative assessment task. Complete the exhibition station Criteria for Success with your class and teacher. Plan and create your exhibition station. Rehearse exhibition presentation. Celebrate and share your learning at exhibition! Hand your Exhibition Journal in to your teacher for assessment. Remember:

Due date


Stop and reflect on the inquiry process, how you are demonstrating the transdisciplinary skills and where you think you are on the assessment rubric Conference with your teacher Work cooperatively, share, and assign group tasks

When you see the symbol below, you must stop and take your booklet to your teacher before moving on

Conference with your teacher before going any further. Teacher signature ________________________________

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Throughout the exhibition you will need to work both independently and in a team to inquire into your issue. Use the dot points below to help you think about what this might look like.

Inquiry is...

exploring, wondering and questioning experimenting and playing with possibilities

making connections between previous learning and current learning

making predictions and acting purposefully to see what happens

collecting data and reporting findings

analyzing existing ideas and re-evaluating perceptions (the way you think about or understand something) of events

deepening understanding through the application of a concept

making and testing theories

researching and seeking information

taking and defending a position solving problems in a variety of ways

Highlight the different elements of inquiry as you go. You should have all of them highlighted by the end of the exhibition.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

The PYP outlines a number of skills that you should develop and use in all levels and areas of your learning. These transdisciplinary skills are called social, research, communication, thinking and self-management skills. The exhibition is an opportunity for you to demonstrate how capable you are of using all of these skills. Use the tables that are on the next few pages to reflect on how you use these skills. The lines represent a continuum for each skill. Use a mark of your choice to represent where you are on the continuum at different stages of the inquiry process. Make sure you put the date next to the mark so you can track your progress.

Social Skills
Accepting responsibility I think before I do something and I accept the consequences of things that I say or do. Respecting others I accept that everyone has their own ideas and beliefs and I listen to them carefully and try to understand. Cooperating I think about how I can work well with others so that we all reach our goals. I dont try and take over or make decisions for others. Resolving conflict When an argument comes up, I try to find ways to stop it. Group decision-making I listen to everyones opinion when making a group decision. I accept that the group decision may not be the one I wanted. I understand that groups need to stick to their collective decision to work well. Adopting a variety of group roles I do different jobs in the group each time; such as - reporter, recorder, time-keeper, manager or illustrator.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Research Skills
Formulating questions I use factual questions, conceptual questions and provocative questions. Observing I decide what I need to look at in order to understand and I make notes. Planning I think about what I need to do and how I am going to do it. Collecting data I find useful information in different places. Recording data I write down, draw or record the information I have collected. Organising data I group information which fits together in themes. Interpreting data I think about what the information means for my question. Presenting research findings I choose the best ways to present my research and findings to my audience.

Communication Skills
Listening I listen to other people, to songs, to speeches and to myself. Speaking I talk clearly and respectfully to other people. I am easy to understand and use language my audience can understand. Reading I read all kinds of books, posters and advertisements. I choose books that are appropriate for me and my subject. Writing I write many different kinds of texts (stories, reports, poems, adverts etc.) that are aimed at my audience. Viewing I look at films and artwork and think about what they are trying to teach me. Presenting I share my ideas and learning with others in a clear, easy to understand and appropriate manner. Non-verbal communication I use body language to communicate with others. I am always careful not to use offensive body language.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Thinking Skills
Acquisition of knowledge I investigate, ask questions and find out about new things. Comprehension I make sure I understand the things I find out. Application I use the information I find out to make or do something. Analysis I look for the themes or big ideas in the information I find. Synthesis I use lots of different kinds of information from different sources to help me understand. I use this understanding to make or do something. Evaluation I decide whether the information I have found is useful for my question. Dialectical thought I think about the contradictions between pieces of information. Metacognition I understand how I learn best.

Self-Management Skills
Gross motor skills I can run, jump, stop and turn and use my body effectively. Fine motor skills I can control my body in little movements, e.g. cutting out, neat handwriting. Spatial awareness I know where I am in relation to others and the world around me. Organisation I make sure I have the things I need to work or play. I know where my stuff is and keep my things tidy and easy to find quickly. Time management I use my time sensibly so that I get my work done on time. I think about what it is important for me to do first and spend the most time on. Safety I act in a safe manner for myself and others at all times. Healthy lifestyle I respect my body and mind. I make sure that I am balanced. Codes of behaviour I act appropriately at all times. I respect other peoples feelings and situations. Informed choices I make decisions by thinking about the advantages and consequences.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Use this page to record specific examples of when you use the transdisciplinary skills during the exhibition process.
Make sure you include the date also. (Refer to your Learner Profile / Transdisciplinary A3 Reflection Sheet)

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

FORM: What is it like?

What does it look like? What can you see?

Key Concepts

CHANGE: How is

Has it always bee n

it changing?
this way?

What is different?

RESPONSIBILITY: What is our responsibility?

Should we do something to help? Can we make it better?

PERSPECTIVE: What are the points of view?

Who are the different stake holders? Are there other ideas or understandings?

FUNCTION: How does it work?

What are its different roles? How can it be used? What is its purpose?

What caused it

What are the e

Why is it like it


to be the way it


CONNECTION: How is it connected to other things?

What else is it like? How does it interact with other things?

REFLECTION: How do we know?

What are the conclusions you can come to? Do you need to find out more? What is the purpose? What evidence can you find?

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

8 PYP Concepts

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

8 PYP Concepts (continued)

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

An issue should be ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

An issue is NOT ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Some examples of global, local and personal issues are: Personal Local Global

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

The key concepts are listed in the table below. Use them to think about what you want the focus of your inquiry to be. Examples of how to use concepts to focus on an inquiry: For our Where we are in place and time unit of inquiry, we wanted to focus on how past civilizations influenced modern society, so one of the concepts was connection (how does the past connect with present day?). One of our concepts for How we organize ourselves was function, so we looked at how the stock market worked. We also looked at how to use money responsibly, which explored the concept of responsibility.

Key Concepts
Form Function Change Causation Responsibility Connection Perspective Reflection

On this page and the following page, use the concepts above to create questions that will help you research the central idea. Please label each question with the concept that you used to create your question.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Once you have written and are happy with your central idea and lines of inquiry, show your teacher and then you can write them on the front cover of your booklet.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

As a group, brainstorm possible research questions. Use the concepts and the related key questions to help you. Highlight the questions that you think will best help you investigate the central idea and lines of inquiry. Once you have highlighted your questions, decide which group members will investigate which questions. Each person must have 2 or 3 questions.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Complete the following table to show how your questions relate to the central idea and lines of inquiry.



My question will help me learn more about the central idea by...

Conference with your teacher before going any further. Teacher signature ________________________________

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question One:

What do you already know?

How are you going to investigate? Tick which resources you will use: Primary Sources requires
Person/Ask an expert Email contact you to interact with the source and ask for information. Interview Event Survey Artifact

Discussion/telephone call Observation

Secondary sources are edited primary sources, second-hand versions. They represent someone elses thinking.
Teacher provided resource

Reference material Encyclopedia

Newspaper Video/DVD

Magazine Audio tape /disc CD ROM

TV/radio Atlases

Pamphlet / posters


Primary or Secondary sources

Internet web site Graph, chart, diagram, table Electronic encyclopedia / search engines Online experts

Where will I locate my resources?

School library Public library Provided by teacher Internet Other:

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question Two:

What do you already know?

How are you going to investigate? Tick which resources you will use: Primary Sources requires
Person/Ask an expert Email contact you to interact with the source and ask for information. Interview Event Survey Artifact

Discussion/telephone call Observation

Secondary sources are edited primary sources, second-hand versions. They represent someone elses thinking.
Teacher provided resource

Reference material Encyclopedia

Newspaper Video/DVD

Magazine Audio tape /disc CD ROM

TV/radio Atlases

Pamphlet / posters


Primary or Secondary sources

Internet web site Graph, chart, diagram, table Electronic encyclopedia / search engines Online experts

Where will I locate my resources?

School library Public library Provided by teacher Internet Other:

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question Three:

What do you already know?

How are you going to investigate? Tick which resources you will use: Primary Sources requires
Person/Ask an expert Email contact you to interact with the source and ask for information. Interview Event Survey Artifact

Discussion/telephone call Observation

Secondary sources are edited primary sources, second-hand versions. They represent someone elses thinking.
Teacher provided resource

Reference material Encyclopedia

Newspaper Video/DVD

Magazine Audio tape /disc CD ROM

TV/radio Atlases

Pamphlet / posters


Primary or Secondary sources

Internet web site Graph, chart, diagram, table Electronic encyclopedia / search engines Online experts

Where will I locate my resources?

School library Public library Provided by teacher Internet Other:

Reference List

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

When using information from a source you need to reference that source to avoid plagiarism. Follow these guidelines.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

You will need to take notes that will help you answer your questions. Make sure that you write the question you are researching at the top of the page, as well as the name/s of the source you are using. Try using different note taking styles and remember to tick it off your checklist as you complete each task. I will organise my information and create new ideas in the following ways:
Dot points Summarizing Brainstorm/mind map Annotated diagram Use of headings and subheadings Other:

Thinking tools I could use include:

KWHL Venn Diagram Mind Map A Matric for Questions 8 box Other:

You could also try using a data chart like the one below.


Key words and facts (dot points only)

Summary in your own words

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Show your research here...

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Show you research here...

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Formative assessment task:

Write a response for each of your questions.

Now that you have collected information for each of your questions, bring your notes together to write a response (answer) for each question. You will need to think about how you are going to present your findings as a written task. For example, you may choose to write an information report or a persuasive piece.

Question 1Plan

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 1Draft

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 1How I will present the published copy

Question 2Plan

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 2Draft

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 2How I will present the published copy

Question 3 Plan

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 3Draft

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Question 3How I will present the published copy

2 stars and 1 improvementwrite 2 things you have done well so far & 1 area of improvement.

Conference with your teacher before going any further. Teacher signature ________________________________

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Now is your chance to make a difference! An important part of the inquiry and exhibition process is acting on what you have learned. Using the information you have gathered, make an informed decision about how you could help solve the problem or issue. What action could you take to bring about positive change in your own life and/or your local community? Use the SEARCH model provided to help you think about possible actions and then decide what action you could take. It could be a group or individual action.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

On the next page there is a S.E.A.R.C.H model. Complete ONLY sections S and E. You then proceed to pages 43-45 where you will brainstorm possible modes of expression.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

ituation What is the problem? motion How do I feel? ctions What can I do? eview What might happen? hoice Choose an action ow
How is this similar to other actions?

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Brainstorm possible modes of expression

1st Thinking:

Does my mode of expression aim to: create others awareness and interest about an issue bring about change in others attitude / behavior improve a situation or solve a problem Does my mode of expression involve: myself or a small group of people members of the BHA community people outside the BHA

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Brainstorm possible modes of expression

2nd Thinking:

Does my mode of expression aim to: create others awareness and interest about an issue bring about change in others attitude / behavior improve a situation or solve a problem Does my mode of expression involve: myself or a small group of people members of the BHA community people outside the BHA

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Brainstorm possible modes of expression

3rd Thinking:

Does my mode of expression aim to: create others awareness and interest about an issue bring about change in others attitude / behavior improve a situation or solve a problem Does my mode of expression involve: myself or a small group of people members of the BHA community people outside the BHA

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Now go back and complete the SEARCH model.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Now that you completed the SEARCH model, decide which action you will take. What is it and how do you think your action will help solve the problem?

Create an action plan that you will follow to achieve your goal.

Conference with your teacher before going any further. Teacher signature ________________________________

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Summative Assessment Task

In order to share and celebrate your learning you will be presenting your exhibition to the school communityteachers, parents & students, on Thursday, May 22. Your group will a display stand that you can use on the evening to present the process you have been through and what you have learned this term. You will need to demonstrate your understanding of the central idea, lines of inquiry and key concepts. You will also show your understanding of the problem or issue that you inquired into and possible actions that could be taken, or that you have taken. Before you start planning how you will share what you have done you will create a Criteria for a Successful Exhibition Station with your class.

You will be given time in class to prepare and rehearse your presentation.

Criteria for a Successful Exhibition Station

Completed Peer check

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Exhibition Station Plan

Use this space to plan what your station will look like and which members of your group will be responsible for which parts.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

I demonstrated that I am: Inquirer

not at all a little some more than a lot



not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot


not at all

a little


more than

a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

not at all a little some more than a lot

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

I did this by showing:



none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little
some more than

a lot

none a little

more than

a lot

none a little

more than

a lot

none a little

more than

a lot

Sharing the Planet Exhibition Assessment Rubric

Self and Teacher Assessment Approaching Expectations
With teacher assistance, selects a significant and relevant issue or problem and creates conceptdriven questions that lead to an investigation. Independently selects a significant and relevant issue or problem and creates concept-driven questions that lead to in-depth investigation.

Needs guidance/ Meeting Expectations

Exceeding Expectations
Independently selects a significant and relevant issue or problem and creates concept-driven questions that lead to in-depth investigation Poses questions for further inquiry.

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Not observed

Identifies and investigates a significant and relevant issue or problem

Does not identify or investigate a significant and relevant issue or problem.

Participates in the inquiry process

Requires teacher direction and monitoring during inquiry process.

Contributes to all stages of the inquiry process (research & presentation) with teacher assistance.

Independently takes initiative to participate in all stages of the inquiry process, from writing guiding questions to making plans for action.

Takes initiative to participate in all stages of the inquiry process. From writing guiding questions, to making plans for action. Takes appropriate action.

Demonstrates use of the Transdisciplinary skills throughout the inquiry:

Doesnt demonstrate any or demonstrates aspects of one the transdisciplinary skills throughout the inquiry.

Demonstrates use of some of the aspects of 2-4 transdisciplinary skills throughout the inquiry.

Demonstrates use of some of the aspects of all of the transdisciplinary skills throughout the inquiry.

Demonstrates all of the transdisciplinary skills throughout the inquiry. Skills are continually reflected on and areas to focus on are identified. Evidence of this is seen in the exhibition booklet. SEARCH model completed and used to help initiate action Independently makes feasible plans for action with limited teacher assistance and takes steps to initiate action. SEARCH model completed in detail and used to plan an action.

Did not make plans for action.

Attempted to use the SEARCH model. Made plans for action with teacher direction.

Proposes solutions and makes plans for action/s

Initiates action independently. Makes plans for future commitment (longer term plans) and/or community involvement.

Needs guidance/ Approaching Expectations

With teacher assistance, reflects on own behaviour using attributes the PYP learner and attitudes as a guide. Used some of the language of learner profile and attitudes produring the exhibition cess. Independently reflects on own behaviour using PYP learner attributes and attitudes as a guide. Independently chooses learner profile attributes and attitudes to acquire and apply during the exhibition process. Reflects on imown progress and provement.

Meeting Expectations Expectations


Not observed

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Learner Profile attributes and attitudes reflected in own behaviour

Makes little or no connection between the PYP attributes and behavattitudes and own iour

No evidence of the language or behaviour of the learner proattifile attributes and exhibitudes during the tion process.

Reference list not submitted.

With teacher assistance, group completes reference list that:

Group independently completes a reference list that:

Group independently completes a reference list that:

has evidence of 3 or 4 sources of information. is mostly presented in the correct format.

has evidence of 3 -4 sources of information. uses both primary and secondary sources. is correctly formatted.

has evidence of 4 or more secondprimary and ary sources of information.

Uses of a variety of sources to gather information and compiles a reference list that records use of a wide variety of sources

is correctly formatted demonstrates use of printed, online and audiovisual resources


demonstrates use of time outside of school to locate resources Group independently creates an exhibition station that: Group independently creates an exhibition station that:

Exhibition station:

is not interactive

With teacher assistance, exhibition station: is interactive.

Creates an interactive exhibition station that demonstrates the inquiry process

does not demonstrate the groups inquiry process.

is interactive and gaging for all ences. demonstrates some aspects of the groups inquiry process.


is unique, engaging and interactive for all audiences.

demonstrates the groups inquiry process.


demonstrates the group's inquiry process in a comprehensive way.

Self-Management SkillsSelf Assessment

Approaching Expectations Some teacher guidance needed to help keep organised and locate resources. Expectations Was organised and independently located and kept track of resources. Expectations Was organised and independently located and kept track of resources. Assisted other group members to keep on track. Used time effectively and appropriately most of the time. All tasks completed, teacher prompting needed. All aspects of inquiry process completed on time. Regular reflection completed and signed off by the teacher. Used time effectively and appropriately at all times. Uses time effectively and appropriately all of the time. Able to plan ahead. All aspects of inquiry process completed in detail and on time. Regular reflection completed. Evidence of forward planning during the process. Meeting Exceeding

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Needs guidance/

Not observed Needed frequent help from teacher to help keep organised and locate resources.

Organization Peer Assessment by Group Members

4 = Great 3 = Good Used time wisely Worked well with the group Cooperated with others Showed respect for group members at all times Asked questions if unsure about something 2 = Poor Shared their ideas

Was constantly reminded to stay on task and focused. Goals were not met on time.

Self-Management Skills

Tasks handed in not at all/late or incomplete.

Listened carefully to others

Took pride in the groups work

Completed all individual set tasks

by the due date Allowed others to share their opinions and ideas

Time management

EFFORT rating scale:

5 = Outstanding

1 = Not demonstrated / to be developed Worked independently when needed.

Took on a variety of roles in the group (e.g. leader & follower)

Asked for assistance when required

Accepted responsibility for their actions

Was courteous & considerate

Used initiative to locate resources and organise meetings

Completed tasks at home when needed

Spoke clearly in the presentation of the groups inquiry

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Reflecting on my Exhibition Rehearsal:

Reflect any / some / all of these questions:

How did the opening of the Exhibition go? What were some successes? What were some challenges / difficulties? What are some areas you could improve on? What were some comments you received?

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Parents Reflection on my Exhibition:

I learned that...

I like...

I suggest...

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Reflecting on my Exhibition:
Reflect any / some / all of these questions:

How did the Exhibition go? What were some successes? What were some challenges / difficulties? What are some areas you could improve on? What were some comments you received?

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

Final Reflection:
My Exhibition is a success for me because...

3 Things I have learned are...

What makes this experience unforgettable is...

Grade 6 Exhibition 2014

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