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Perspective Drawing

The art of making objects and spaces look three - dimensional.
Ima Fatima Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan 2014

Perspective Drawing


One point perspective is a drawing technique whereby the objects are drawn according to a set of rules that make the pictures look like they have depth in them and the solid forms appear to be three dimensional. Before After


A photograph that shows 1 point perspective really well.

This Renaissance drawing by Jan Vredeman de Vries shows the use of 11-point perspective drawing techniques.

See how the lines that connect the tops of the columns and the lines in the floor point to a single spot in the distant arch? That spot is called a vanishing point. point. It is at that spot that everything disappears. The bases of the columns on the left side of the picture show us the right side of the bases. The opposite is true of the columns on the right side. The columns in the front are much larger than those farther away. We assume that in the real architecture, they must surely be the same height.

Many artists have used a variety of different techniques to show depth. However it was not until the Renaissance that artists developed a system to show depth logically and consistently.


Linear Perspective:
Based on the way the human eye sees the world. Objects that are closer appear larger, more distant objects appear smaller. To create the illusion of space the artists creates a vanishing point on the horizon line. Objects are drawn using orthogonal lines, which lead to the vanishing points.

Vanishing Point
The single point on the horizon where all the lines on the ground level seem to come together

Horizon Line
The place where the land and the sky meet.

Orthogonal Line

Terms to know:


is the viewers eye level in the picture.

Can you locate the Horizon Line? How did you determine this? Can you find the vanishing point in this picture?

The CONVERGING LINES are those that project the sides of an object back into space. They always come together (converge) at the vanishing point. A few are drawn in blue. The VANISHING POINT is always on the horizon line. It is where all things appear to disappear. It represents an infinite distance away. Its the red dot in the center.


The red line is the Horizon Line.

Can you locate the vanishing point?

Artists use onepoint perspective to show objects faceon. Most lines are vertical, horizontal, or orthogonal drawn to a single vanishing point.

The Horizon Line is horizontal, it goes from left to right and is parallel to the bottom edge of the picture. Represents the viewers eye level. It is the place where the ground and the sky seem to meet You can see the top of an object if it is below eye level, below the Horizon Line. If an object is above eye level, above the Horizon Line, you can not see its top.


Place a dot in the middle of the Horizon Line. This is your vanishing point. In one-point perspective the Vanishing Point, represented is always on the Horizon Line. As things get closer to the Vanishing Point they get smaller and smaller until they appear to vanish.

Draw a square or rectangle In your picture plane.

Now connect three corners of your rectangle or square to the vanishing point. These are orthogonals.

Draw a horizontal line between the two orthogonals where you want your forms to end.


Vertical lines go from the top of the page to bottom of the page and are perpendicular to the bottom edge of the picture. Along with orthogonal and horizontal lines they make up a one-point perspective drawing.

Erase the orthogonals to complete your form. You now have a 3-D form in one-point perspective.


As a final 1-point perspective project, we are going to draw some geometric shapes and project them into space to make them look 3-D.


Thenadd the vanishing point and converging lines.

NEXTwe add more shapes and make them look 3-d. Be careful! Dont draw lines across the front of shapes!

Last, we color the front of each shape and slanted sides to increase the sense of depth and space. Keep the front sides bright and make the colors get darker as they go back toward the vanishing point. Here the spaces between the converging lines have been filled with gradients of gray.


The student who drew this project used darker color values to show the sides of the objects going back into space.

Be careful! Use gently blending between color values, not sudden changes in light and dark.

Neatness is important!


Do you think the yellow shapes on the lower left shape help make it look 3-d?

Look how the inside shapes of the numbers also get darker as they go back in space.

On this example, patterns and designs play an important role decorating the front of each shape.


Perspektif 1 Titik Mata

Pada dasarnya, perspektif satu titik mata, dua titik mata, dan tiga titik mata bisa dibagi lagi menjadi berbagai sudut pandang berdasarkan posisi mata kita berada. Lebih sederhananya, sudut pandang bisa dibagi menjadi menjadi 3 macam sudut pandang, yaitu sudut pandang mata burung, sudut pandang normal, sudut pandang mata kucing. Atau dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai perspektif yang posisi objeknya lurus dengan pandangan mata. Dalam perspektif ini, garis pada semua bagian dalam gambar bertemu di suatu titik kecuali garis-garis vertical dan horizontal yang selalu sejajar dengan garis horizon. Perspektif ini berlaku jika kita menggambar suatu bentuk ruang. CONTOH: Menggambar lemari, dus, dsb

Perspektif 2 Titik Mata

Secara teknis, perspektif 2 titik mata hampir sama dengan teknik perspektif 1 titik mata. Pada teknik perspektif 2 titik mata, pada garis horizon terdapat 2 titik fokus. Persimpangan garis yang berasal dari 2 titik mata ini akan membentuk sebuah sudut. Biasanya, jika jarak antara 2 titik ini terlalu dekat, penampakan objek gambar mengalami distorsi. Tahapan untuk menggambar teknik perpektif 2 titik mata juga hampir sama dengan teknik perspektif 1 titik mata. Atau dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai perspektif yang cara penggambaran objeknya berbentuk miring. Dalam perspektif 2 titik lenyap, semua rusuk vertical akan sejajar satu sama lain. Sedangkan semua rusuk horizontal akan terlihat menuju ke satu titik. Kita perlu menggambar dengan teknik ini jika rusuk benda berbentuk ruang yang menghadap ke arah kita



Perspektif 3 Titik Mata

Perspektif dengan 3 titik mata biasanya hanya dipakai untuk menggambarkan sesuatu yang sangat luas, besar, tinggi, dan secara visual mengalami distorsi yang sangat ekstim. Biasanya teknik ini dipakai untuk menggambar outdoor dan sudut pandang dari udara, meskipun bisa juga dipakai untuk sudut pandang dari bawah (sudut pandang mata kucing). Agar tidak mengalami distorsi yang berlebihan, sebaiknya titik mata diletakkan jauh di luar bidang gambar. Pada dasarnya, teknik dan tahapan menggambar perspektif 3 titik mata ini hampir sama dengan teknik menggambar dengan perspektif 1 dan 2 titik mata. Garis horizon tidak selamanya harus diletakkan horizontal, namun bisa juga diagonal untuk menggambarkan impresi yang berbeda. Atau dapat juga didefinisikan sebagai perspektif yang posisi objeknya tinggi atau rendah kelipatan


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