Tcs Repeated 100 Ques

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1.There are 150 weights. Some are 1 kg weights and some are 2 kg weights.

The sum of the weights is 260.What is the number of 1kg weights? 2. A is driving on a highway when the o!i"e fines him for over s eeding and e#"eeding the !imit by 10 km$hr. At the same time % is fined for over s eeding by twi"e the amount by whi"h A e#"eeded the !imit. &f he was driving at '5 km$hr what is the s eed !imit for the road? '. A moves ' kms east from his starting oint. (e then trave!s 5 kms north. )rom that oint he moves * kms to the east. (ow far is A from his starting oint? +. A "ar trave!s 12 kms with a +$5th fi!!ed tank. (ow far wi!! the "ar trave! with 1$' fi!!ed tank? 5. The sum of the digits of a two,digit number is *. When 1* is added to the number- the digits are reversed. )ind the number? 6. The "ost of one en"i!- two ens and four erasers is .s.22 whi!e the "ost of five en"i!s- four ens and two erasers is .s.'2.(ow mu"h wi!! three en"i!s- three ens and three erasers "ost? /. )athers age is 5 times his son0s age. + years ba"k the father was 1 times o!der than son. )ind the fathers0 2 resent age. *. What number shou!d be added to or subtra"ted from ea"h term of the ratio 1/32+ so that it be"omes e4ua! to 1 3 2. 1. What is the 12th term of the series 2- 5- *- .... 10. &f 20 men take 15 days to "om !ete a 5ob- in how many days "an 25 men finish that work? 11. &n a fra"tion- if 1 is added to both the numerator at the denominator- the fra"tion be"omes 1$2. &f numerator is subtra"ted from the denominator- the fra"tion be"omes '$+. )ind the fra"tion. 12. &f .s.1260 is divided between A- % and 6 in the ratio 23'3+- what is 60s share? 1'. A sho kee er bought a wat"h for .s.+00 and so!d it for .s.500.What is his rofit er"entage? 1+. What er"ent of 60 is 12? 15. (ansie made the fo!!owing amounts in seven games of "ri"ket in &ndia3 .s.10- .s.15- .s.21- .s.12- .s.1*- .s.11 and .s.1/ 7a!! figures in "rores of "ourse8. )ind his average earnings. 168 %hanu s ends '09 of his in"ome on etro! on s"ooter. : of the remaining on house rent and the ba!an"e on food. &f he s ends .s.'00 on etro! then what is the e# enditure on house rent? 1/8 &f the numerator of a fra"tion is in"reased by 259 and denominator de"reased by 209- the new va!ue is 5$+. What is the origina! va!ue? 1*8 The !ength of a re"tang!e is in"reased by 609. %y what 9 wou!d the width have to be de"reased to maintain the same area? 118 The va!ue of ; < 5 $ '6 < / $ 1++ < ==.<1/ $ 51*+ < 11 $ *100 208 A s orting goods store ordered an e4ua! number of white and ye!!ow ba!!s. The tennis ba!! "om any de!ivered +5 e#tra white ba!!smaking the ratio of white ba!!s to ye!!ow ba!!s 1$5 3 1$6. (ow many white tennis ba!!s did the store origina!!y order for? 218 A student0s grade in a "ourse is determined by 6 4ui>>es and one e#amination. &f the e#amination "ounts thri"e as mu"h as ea"h of the 4ui>>es- what fra"tion of fina! grade is determined by the e#amination? 228 A sum of money is divided among A- % and 6 su"h that for ea"h ru ee A gets- % gets 65 aise and 6 gets '5 aise. &f 60s share is .s.560- the sum is = ?

2'8 ?oe0s father wi!! be twi"e his age 6 years from now. (is mother was twi"e his age 2 years before. &f ?oe wi!! be 2+ two years from now- what is the differen"e between his father0s and mother0s age? 2+8 A trave!er wa!ks a "ertain distan"e. (ad he gone ha!f a ki!ometer an hour faster @- he wou!d have wa!ked it in +$5 of the time- and had he gone ha!f a Ai!ometer an hour s!ower- he wou!d have wa!ked 2 B hr !onger. What is the distan"e? 258 Two oranges- ' bananas and + a a !es. (ow mu"h did & ay? !es "ost .s.15. ' oranges- 2 bananas and 1 a !e "ost .s.10. & bought ' oranges- ' bananas and '

268 A re ort "onsists of 20 sheets ea"h of 55 !ines and ea"h su"h !ine "onsists of 65 "hara"ters. This re ort is rety ed into sheets ea"h of 65 !ines su"h that ea"h !ine "onsists of /0 "hara"ters. The 9 redu"tion in the number of sheets is "!osest to. 2/8 A shi !eaves on a !ong voyage. When it is 1* mi!es from the shore- a sea !ane- whose s eed is 10 times that of the shi is sent to de!iver mai!. (ow far from the shore does the sea !ane "at"h u on with the shi ? 2*8 Anand finishes a work in / daysC %ittu finishes the same 5ob in * days and 6handu in 6 days. They take turns to finish the work. Anand on the first day- %ittu on the se"ond and 6handu on the third day and then Anand again and so on. Dn whi"h day wi!! the work get over? 218 ' men finish ainting a wa!! in * days. )our boys do the same 5ob in / days. &n how many days wi!! 2 men and 2 boys working together aint two su"h wa!!s of the same si>e? '08 There are 5 distin"t airs of white so"ks and 5 airs of b!a"k so"ks in a "u board. &n the dark- how many so"ks do & have to u!! out to ensure that & have at !east 1 "orre"t air of white so"ks? '18 &n a "ir"u!ar ra"etra"k of !ength 100 m- three ersons A- % and 6 start together. A and % start in the same dire"tion at s eeds of 10 m$s and * m$s res e"tive!y. Whi!e 6 runs in the o osite at 15 m$s- when wi!! a!! the three meet for the first time on the tra"k after the start? '28 &f the distan"e trave!ed 7s8 in time 7t8 by a arti"!e is given by the formu!a s E 1< 2t<'t2<+t'- then what is the distan"e trave!ed in the +th se"ond of its motion? ''8 There is a "ir"u!ar i>>a with neg!igib!e thi"kness that is "ut into 0#0 ie"es by + straight !ine "uts. What is the ma#imum and minimum va!ue of 0#0 res e"tive!y? '+8 When ; of a unit0s digit is added to the ten0s digit of a two number- the sum of the digits be"omes 10. &f : of the ten0s digit added to the unit0s digit- then the sum of the digits is 1 !ess than the revious. )ind the number. '58 F6G of # and y is '6 and (6) of # and y is +. &f # E + then what is : th va!ue of y? '68 Ama! bought 5 ens- / en"i!s and + erasers. .a5an bought 6 ens- * erasers and 1+ en"i!s for an amount- whi"h was ha!f more than what Ama! had aid. What 9 of the tota! amount aid by Ama! was aid for ens? '/8 A non,sto bus to Amritsar overtakes an auto a!so moving towards Amritsar at 10 am. The bus rea"hes Amritsar at 12.'0 m and starts on the return 5ourney after 1 hr. Dn the way ba"k it meets the auto at 2 m. At what time the auto wi!! rea"h Amritsar? '*8 The tota! e# ense of a boarding house is art!y fi#ed and art!y variab!e with the number of boarders. The "harge is .s./0 er head when there are 25 boarders and .s.60 when there are 50 boarders. )ind the "harge er head when there are 100 boarders. '18 (ow many ositive integer so!utions does the e4uation 2#<'y E 100 have? +08 A erson had to mu!ti !y two numbers. &nstead of mu!ti !ying by '5- he mu!ti !ied by 5'and the rodu"t went u by 5+0. What was the raised rodu"t? +1. &n a two,dimensiona! array- H 71- /8- with ea"h e!ement o""u ying + bytes of memory- with the address of the first e!ement H 71- 18 is '000C find the address of H 7*- 58.

+2. &n the word D.IAJ&SAT&DJAF- if the first and se"ond- third and forth- forth and fifth- fifth and si#th words are inter"hanged u to the !ast !etter- what wou!d be the tenth !etter from right? +'. What is the !argest rime number that "an be stored in an *,bit memory? ++. Se!e"t the odd one out. a. ?ava b. Fis ". Sma!!ta!k d. Kiffe!. +5. Se!e"t the odd one out a. SGTL b. WAL ". SAL d. A.L +6. Se!e"t the odd one out a. Dra"!e b. Finu# ". &ngress d. M%2 +/. Se!e"t the odd one out a. WAL b. (TTL ". %AAJ d. A.L +*. Se!e"t the odd one out a. F&JNH b. NJ&H ". SDFA.&S d. SOF SKPK. +1. Se!e"t the odd one out a. SOF b. M%2 ". SQ%ASK d. (TTL 50. The si>e of a rogram is J. And the memory o""u ied by the rogram is given by G E s4uare root of 100J. &f the si>e of the rogram is in"reased by 19 then how mu"h memory now o"u ied? 51. A man- a woman- and a "hi!d "an do a ie"e of work in 6 days. Gan on!y "an do it in 2+ days. Woman "an do it in 16 days and in how many days "hi!d "an do the same work? 52. &n whi"h of the system- de"ima! number 1*+ is e4ua! to 121+? 5'. )ind the va!ue of the 6/* to the base /. 5+. Jumber of fa"es- verti"es and edges of a "ube 55. 6om !ete the series 2- /- 2+- //-RR 56. )ind the va!ue of SS<25,<<S16- where S denotes Ts4uareT and < denotes Ts4uare rootT. 5/. )ind the resu!t of the fo!!owing e# ression if- G denotes modu!us o eration- . denotes round,off- T denotes trun"ation3 G7'/'-58<.7'.+8<T7/./8<.75.*8 5*. &f TA)?(( is "oded as S%KAI& then .%M?A "an be "oded as ,,,,,,,,, 51. I708E ,1- I718E1- I7J8EI7J,18 , I7J,28- I758E ? 60. What is the ma# ossib!e ' digit rime number? 61. A ower unit is there by the bank of the river of /50 meters width. A "ab!e is made from ower unit to ower a !ant o osite to that of the river and 1500mts away from the ower unit. The "ost of the "ab!e be!ow water is .s. 15$, er meter and "ost of "ab!e on the bank is .s.12$, er meter. )ind the tota! of !aying the "ab!e. 62. &n Gadras- tem erature at noon varies a""ording to ,tU2$2 < *t < '- where t is e!a sed time. )ind how mu"h tem erature more or !ess in + m to 1 m. 6'. The si>e of the bu"ket is J kb. The bu"ket fi!!s at the rate of 0.1 kb er mi!!ise"ond. A rogrammer sends a rogram to re"eiver. There it waits for 10 mi!!ise"onds. And res onse wi!! be ba"k to rogrammer in 20 mi!!ise"onds. (ow mu"h time the rogram takes to get a res onse ba"k to the rogrammer- after it is sent? 6+. &f the verte# 75-/8 is !a"ed in the memory. )irst verte# 71-18 2s address is 12+5 and then address of 75-/8 is ,,,,,,,,,, 65. Whi"h of the fo!!owing are orthogona! airs? a. 'i<25 b. i<5 ". 2i,'5 d. ,/i<5 66. &f PHNLFP( is written as SN.G&SK- what is S(MP(? 6/.&f A- % and 6 are the me"hanisms used se arate!y to redu"e the wastage of fue! by '09- 209 and 109. What wi!! be the fue! e"onomy if they were used "ombined. 6*.Whi"h of the fo!!owing is ower of 2? a. 206* b.20+* ".266* 61.m !ete the series. '- *- ,,- 2+- ,,- +*- 6'. /0.6om !ete the series. +- ,5- 11- ,1+- 22- ? /1. % and 6 are * bit no0s. They are as fo!!ows3 A11011011 %01111010 601101101

)ind 7 7A,%8 u 6 8E? /2. "an "o y 50 a ers in 10 hours whi!e both A V % "an "o y /0 a ers in 10 hours. Then for how many hours re4uired for % to "o y 26 a ers? /'. A is twi"e effi"ient than %. A and % "an both work together to "om !ete a work in / days. Then find in how many days A a!one "an "om !ete the work? /+.A "an finish a work in 10 days. % is 609 effi"ient than A. (ow days does % take to finish the work? /5. A finishes the work in 10 days V % in * days individua!!y. &f A works for on!y 6 days then how many days shou!d % work to "om !ete A0s work? /6.Iiven the !ength of the ' sides of a triang!e. )ind the one that is im ossib!e? a8 2-'-'.5 b8 1-5-/ "8 5-2-+.

//.)ind the singu!arity matri# from a given set of matri"es? a8 10 01 00 b8 1 1 01 "8 1 0

/*. 2M array is de"!ared as AW1-/X and ea"h e!ement re4uires 2 byte. &f AW 1-1 X is stored in '000. )ind the memory of AW*-5X? /1. 7a8 2<'i 7b81<i 7"8 ',2i 7d8 1,/i .)ind whi"h of the above is orthogona!. *0.7GomentumYPe!o"ity8$7A""e!eration Y distan"e 8 find units. *1. The number '62 in de"ima! system is given by 71+028 # in the H system of numbers find the va!ue of H a8 5 b8 6 "8 / d8 * e8 1 *2. Iiven Z means Tri !ing and 9 means "hange of sign then find the va!ue of Z9Z6,9Z96 *'. Gy f!ight takes of at 2am from a !a"e at 1*J 10K and !anded 10 (rs !ater at a !a"e with "oordinates '6J/0W. What is the !o"a! time when my !ane !anded. a8 6300 am b8 63+0am "8 /3+0 d8 /300 e8 *300 *+. )ind the highest rime number that "an be stored in an *bit "om uter. *5. Whi"h of the fo!!owing set of numbers has the highest Standard deviation? 1-0-1-0-1-0 ,1-,1-,1-,1-,1-,1 1-1-1-1-1-1 1-1-0-,1-0-,1 *6. A fami!y- !anning a weekend tri - de"ides to s end not more than a tota! of * hours driving. %y !eaving ear!y in the morning- they "an average +0 mi!es er hour on the way to their destination. Mue to the heavy Sunday traffi"- they "an average on!y '0 mi!es er hour on the return tri . What is the farthest distan"e from home they "an !an to go? 7a8 120 mi!es or !ess 7b8 %etween 120and 1+0 mi!es 7"8 1+0 mi!es 7d8 %etween 1+0 and 160 mi!es 7e8 160 mi!es or more */. A "ar is fi!!ed with four and ha!f ga!!ons of fue! for a round tri . &f the amount of fue! taken whi!e going is 1$+ more than the amount taken for "oming- what is the amount of fue! "onsumed whi!e "oming ba"k? 7a8 Fess than 2 ga!!ons 7b8 2 ga!!ons 7"8 2 1$2 ga!!ons 7d8 ' ga!!ons 7e8 Gore than ' ga!!ons **. A ',ga!!on mi#ture "ontains one art S and two arts .. &n order to "hange it to a mi#ture "ontaining 259 S- how mu"h . shou!d be added? 7a8 1$2 ga!!on 7b8 2$' ga!!on 7"8 '$+ ga!!on 7d8 1 ga!!on 7e8 1 1$2 ga!!on *1. A tree grows on!y '$5 as fast as the one beside it. &n four years the "ombined growth of the two trees is eight feet. (ow mu"h does the shorter tree grow in two years?

7a8 Fess than 2 feet 7b8 2 feet 7"8 1 1$2 feet 7d8 'feet

7e8 more than ' feet.

10. Wind f!ows at 160 mi!es in ''0 minutes- for trave!ing *0 mi!es how mu"h time does it re4uire? 7a81 hour'0minutes 7b81 hour +5 minutes 7"8 2 hours 7d82 hours +5minutes 7e8' hours 11. A stationary engine has enough fue! to run 12 hours when its tank is +$5 fu!!. (ow !ong wi!! it run when the tank is 1$' fu!!? 7a8 Fess than 2 hours 7b8 2 hours 7"8 ' hours 7d8 + hours 7e8 5 hours 12. &f A is trave!ing at /2 km er hour on a highway. % is trave!ing at a s eed of 25 meters er se"ond on a highway. What is the differen"e in their s eeds in meters er se"ond? 7a8 1$2 m$se" 7b8 1 m$se" 7"8 1 1$2 m$se" 7d8 2 m$se" 7e8 ' m$se" 1'. A sa!es erson by mistake mu!ti !ied a number and got the answer as '- instead of dividing the number by '. What is the answer he shou!d have a"tua!!y got? 7a8 0 7b8 1$' 7"8 1 7d8 2 7e8 ' 1+. &f the !ength of a re"tang!e is in"reased by '09 and the width is de"reased by 209- then the area is in"reased by... 7a8 109 7b8 59 7"8 +9 7d8 209 7e8 259 15. &n the "!ass of +0 students- '0 s eak (indi and 20 s eak Kng!ish. What is the !owest ossib!e number of students who s eak both the !anguages? 7a8 5 7b8 20 7"8 15 7d8 10 7e8 '0 16. The most e"onomi"a! ri"es among the fo!!owing ri"es is3 7a8 10 ki!o for .s.160 7b8 2 ki!o for .s.'0 7"8 + ki!o for .s./0 7d8 20 ki!o for .s.'+0 7e8 * ki!o for .s.1'0 1/. A tru"k "ontains 150 sma!! a"kages- some weighing 1 kg ea"h and some weighing 2 kg ea"h. how many a"kages weighing 2 kg ea"h are in the tru"k if the tota! weight of a!! the a"kages is 26+ kg? 7a8 '6 7b8 52 7"8 ** 7d8 12+ 7e8 11+ 1*. A man was arrested for e#"eeding the s eed !imit by 10 mi!es an hour. A se"ond man was "harged with e#"eeding the same !imit by twi"e as mu"h. The se"ond man was driving '5 mi!es er hour. What was the s eed !imit? 7a8 10 mi!es er hour 7b8 15 mi!es er hour 7"8 20 mi!es er hour 7d8 25 mi!es er hour 7e8 '0 mi!es er hour 11. Dne year ago Landit was three times his sister0s age. Je#t year he wi!! be on!y twi"e her age. (ow o!d wi!! Landit be after five years? 7a8 * 7b8 12 7"8 11 7d8 1' 7e8 15 100. &f two en"i!s "ost * "ents- then how mu"h do 5 en"i!s "ost? 7a8 1* "ents 7b8 20"ents 7"8 22 "ents 7d8 2' "ents 7e8 2+"ents Antonyms ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1058 e#onerate 1068 saga"ity3 10/8 "ommensurate3 10*8 non"ha!ant3 1018 "ry ti"3 1108 ru ture3 1118 revo"ab!e3 1128 s!um 3 11'8 trans!u"ent3 11+8 dang!e 3

AJTDJQGS3 18 T.A6TA%FK 7i8 D%?K6T&DJA%FK 7ii8 KJ?DQA%FK 7iii8 AMALTA%FK 7iv8 D%ST&JATK 28 6DPK.T 7i8 GAJ&)KST 7ii8 &JP&S&%FK 7iii8 S6A.KM 7iv8 AFTK. '8 LKJS&PK 7i8 .KLKJTKJT 7ii8 SAM 7iii8 T(DNI(TFKSS 7iv8 6A.KFKSS +8 G&T&IATK 7i8 AII.APATK 7ii8 .KF&KPK 7iii8 KFKG&JATK 7iv8 KH(NGAJ 58 M&PK.IKJT 7i8 6DJT.A.Q 7ii8 6DG&JI TDIKT(K. 7iii8 6DJPK.SAJT 7iv8 6DJT.DPK.SQ 68 MDIGAT&6 7i8 S6KLT&6AF 7ii8 .KS&F&KJT 7iii8 STN%%D.J 7iv8 SNSL&6&DNS /8 6FNT6( 7i8 (DFM 7ii8 I.A% 7iii8 .KFKASK 7iv8 SL.KAM *8 GDTFKQ 7i8 %NFAQ 7ii8 SLK6AFKM 7iii8 (DGDIKJKDNS 7iv8 M&))K.KJT 18 .KF&JON&S( 7i8 LN.SNK 7ii8 PAJON&S( 7iii8 MKST.DQ 7iv8 MKPASTATK 108 T.AJS&KJT 7i8 LK.GAJKJT 7ii8 .KGDPKM 6om ose # Lristine # Turbid # Lre"i itate # .evere # (am er # S!ur # Lrotean # )as"inate # )i"k!e # Synergy # (idebound Gonetary &n"om atib!e 6hoi"es,&ndifferent- )au!ty Antonyms 18 Go!!ify [ 28 &nundate [ '8 K4uanimity [ +8 Iau"he [ 58 K#hume [ 68 %a!efu! [ /8 Anathemati>e [ *8 Knigmati" [ 18 Lariah [ 108 Turbid [

Antonyms3 Awry Y 6onsensus Y .etrograde Y Ia!!eon Y 6hide Y Me ravity Y Larado# Y Sti!ted Y Fevity Y )ritty Y Ienry Y Antonyms ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 11.e#onerate3 12.saga"ity3 1'."ommensurate3 1+.non"ha!ant3 15."ry ti"3 163ru ture3 1/.revo"ab!e3 1*.s!um 3 11.trans!u"ent3 20.dang!e 3

1..u ture a. break b. "ontinue ". enthusiasm d. ha


2. .evo"ab!e a. a!terab!e b. awakened ". fina!. d. "a!!ed u on '. Stum a. "a!m b. safe ". ros erous d. waste +. Trans!u"ent a. "!ear b. o a4ue ". movement d. effi"ient 5. Mang!e a.sound b.ornament ".sma!!"ure A6NGKJ a. e#a"tness b. otentia! ". shrewdness d. b!untness e. Jone of these %K(KST a. behavior b. ho!d down ". ho!d u d. re!ieve e. "ondemn M&S6.KT&DJ a. ruden"e b. "onsisten"y ". re"i i"e

d. disturban"e e. distem er D.MA&J a. arrange b. "ommand ". "ontribute d. estab!ish e. "ontro! )FD.&M a. ornate b. thriving ". artisti" d. e!egant e. Jone of these LKJ&TKJ6K a. !iking b. insightfu! ". attra"tive d. enetrab!e e. "om un"tion W(KT a. stimu!ate b. humorous ". in"u!ate d. dam en e. Jone of these &J6KJT&PK a. ref!e# b. am !itude ". inf!e"tion d. rovo"ation e. es"ut"heon FAT&TNMK a. s"o e b. segment ". g!obu!e d. !egis!ature e. !amentation a. make a "avity b. dis !ease ". humi!iate d. re!a se e. murder AMAIK a. advi"e b. roverb ". en!argement d. advantage e. usage TD M&SLKF a. to dissi ate b. to dissent ". to distort d. to disfigure e. to disse"t


K..AT&6 a. unromanti" b. free ". o u!ar d. steady e. unknown TD GK.&T a. to embra"e b. to devote ". to deserve d. to "ombine e. to dis !ay .ALT a. !ive!y b. "on"ea!ed ". engrossed d. rototy e e. Jone of these TD (KAL a. to i!e b. to forbid ". to ro"eed d. to share e. to stoo 6A?DFK a. "oa# b. motivate ". rofound d. mo!!ify DPNFATK a. enury b. immuni>e ". ferti!i>e d. re rodu"e e. in"isions A%DMK a. "!ay b. obsta"!e ". dwe!!ing d. bind e. to begui!e LDTKJT&AF a. !atent b. hysteri"a! ". "onventiona! d. symmetri"a! e. "ons"ientious KHT.&6ATK a. terminate b. iso!ate ". !iberate d. sim !ify e. frustrate M&SLA.&TQ a. ine4ua!ity

b. im artia!ity ". unfairness d. twist e. Jone of these TD 6DJ)&S6ATK a. to harass b. to re u!se ". to "onso!e d. to a ro riate e. to "ongregate L&DNS a. histori" b. devout ". mu!ti !e d. fortunate e. authoritative FKT(A.IQ a. reminis"en"e b. "ategory ". fa!!a"y d. unanimity e. stu or 6A.ID a. "abbage b. "ame! ". !an"e d. freight DPAT&DJ a. oration b. gesture ". emu!ation d. a !ause e. nourish LA.T 1,A PK.%AF 6DGL.K(KJS&DJ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.8 Gerry E 2.8 To (ea E '.8 6argo E +.8 Gisery E 5.8 Po!ume E 6.8 To (am er E /.8 To Gerit E *.8 %.&G E 1.8 Tran4ui! E 10.8 To .enoun"e E 11.8 To %aff!e E 12.8 Geager E 1'.8 Dbstinate E 1+.8 To &nstigate E 15.8 To Kman"i ate E 16.8 To (over E 1/.8 %e!ief E 1*.8 To Stif!e E 11.8 Mis"retion E 20.8 To A!ienate E 21.8 To so!i"it E

22.8 Lotentia! E 2'.8 To Peer E 2+.8 To Subside E 25.8 To 6onfis"ate E 26.8 6a rise E 2/.8 Adhesive E 2*.8 Fatitude E 21.8 &nert E '0.8 To 6ovet\ E '1.8 To Kffa"e E '2.8 To 6on"ur E ''.8 )urtive E '+.8 &n"entive E '5.8 To!erant E '6.8 Fethargy E '/.8 To Admonish E '*.8 Gomentary E '1.8 Lretentious E +0.8 To Mis e! E synonyms ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1. ara!an"e3 g!an"e- dis"ussion- e4ua!ity- termino!ogy. 2."a5o!e3 sym - athise- disagree- "oa#- insist '.!iaison3 otentia!- ossib!e- !ink- desirab!e. +.ob!iterate3 eradi"ate- ina ro riate- i!!iterare- e!aborate.

5.e#as erate3 tire- narrate- rovoke- de ress. 6.ramifi"ation3 "o!!ision- "onfusion- "orre"tion"onse4uen"e. /.a!ter"ation3 substitute- o tion- "ontroversy- "hange*.im ase3 route- dead!o"k- un!ike!y- insignifi"ant."a itu!ate3 summerise- remind- "a tivate- 5umb!e 10.semb!an"e3 mi#ture- asso"iation- 4uietness- a earan"e. W(&GS&6AFE 6KJSN.K. E 6AJM&M.E TN.SK.E K))NS&PKE



A!ienate E Mis e! E be!ief E 6ovetE be!ated E So!i"it E brim E Subside E renoun"eE (over E divu!ge E (ea E adhesive E Peer E ham er E 6a ri"e E meritE Stif!e E inert E Fatent E !atitude E 6on"ur E momentary E Tran4ui! E overt E Fethargy E vo!ume E )urtiveE meager E 6argo E baff!e E

Kffa"e E misery E 6om un"tion E amiab!e E 6a5o!e E in"entive E Kmbra"e E ovation E 6onfis"ate E eman"i ate E Fament E eniten"e E Dbstinate E a"umen E Getamor hosis E s"rutiny E Annihi!ate E fuse E Whet E behest E Adage E 1.Goribund ^ 2..e udiate ^ '.Trans!u"ent ^ +. Gitigate, 6. %i!k ^ /.Jett!e ^ *.&m ugn ^ 1. Gu!"h 10.Tena"ity ^ 11.Sobriety ^ 12.Megrade ^ 1'.(idebound ^ 1+.Waif ^ 15.(am er ^ 16..etrograde ^ 1/.Mes ondent ^ 1*.Meba"!e 11.Jebu!ous ^

20.&n"onsistent ^ 28)i!! in the b!anks 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dbserve the di!emma of the fungus- it is a !ant but it ossesses no "h!oro hy!!. 2 Whi!e a!! the other !ants ut the sun0s energy to work for them "ombining the nutrients of ground and air into the body stru"ture- the "h!oro hy!!ess RRRRRRRRRRRRR. ' &t finds it in those other !ants whi"h- having re"ieved their energy free from sunRRRRRRRRRRRRR. + &n these sear"h for energy the fungus has be"ome the earth0s ma5or sour"e of rot and de"ay. 5 Wherever you see mo!d forming on a ie"e of bread- or a i!e of !eaves turning to "om ostRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Without fungus a"tion the earth with be i!ed high withRRRRRRRRRRRR. 6 &n fa"t- "ertain !ants whi"h "ontain resinsRRRRRRRRRRRRRs e"imens of the redwood- for instan"e- "an sti!! be foundRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR "enturies after having been b!own down. 1. that are to#i" to fungi 2. re!in4uish it at some oint in their "y"!e either to anima!s or to fungi '. you are wat"hing a fungus eating +. resting on the forest f!oor 5. the dead !ant !ife of ast "enturies 6. fungus must !ook e!sewhere for an energy su !y. YYYY sy"ho!ogy 3YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY 1. Qou "an think your !ife is worthwhi!e be"ause RRRRRR. 2. Qou res e"t your seniors who are RRRRR. '. Though you are giving your best to organisation- the organisation is not satisfied with you- then you wi!! RRRRRR. +.(ow mu"h are you "ommited to your goa!s? (ow do T6S he! s a"hieve your goa!s ? 5. &f you don0t !ike the assignment given by organisation then you RRR. 6. &f you don0t !ike the working environment then youRRRRRRR. /. Qour friends he! you be"ause RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. *. Qou are engaged in 1 year assignment - one of your team mates got a good offer in midd!e you wi!! ,,,,,. 1. &f your goa!s does not maat"h with organisation goa!s then RRRRR 10. Leo !e with hormony- honesty- ra ort be"ome good adminstratorsbe"ause RRRRRR. 11. What wi!! you see in a new organisation to 5oin RRRRRR. 12. &f your "o!!eagues and work surroundings are not good what wi!! you do RRR. 1'. Qour friends !isten you be"ause RRRRR. &f !og 0.'1/E=== and !og 0.'1*E===. Then find the va!ue of !og 0.'11. 6om !ete the se4uen"e 1-10-11-1'-15- RR- 21-2*. The base 5 re resentation of the de"ima! number 20+* is RRRRR. 6om !ete the series 2- /- 2+- //-RR &f TA)?(( is "oded as .%KAI& then .%M?A "an be "oded as ,,,,,,,,, 6om !ete the series. '- *- ,,- 2+- ,,- +*- 6' 6om !ete the series. +- ,5- 11- ,1+- 22- ,,, 11+ base 10 E RRRR base 5 712'+8

Dbserve the di!emma of the fungus- it is a !ant but it ossesses no "h!oro hy!!. Whi!e a!! the other !ants ut the sun0s energy to work for them "ombining the nutrients of ground and air into the body stru"ture- the "h!oro hy!!ess RRRRRRRRRRRRR. &t finds it in those other !ants whi"h-having re"ieved their energy free from sunRRRRRRRRRRRRR. &n these sear"h for energy the fungus has be"ome the earth0s ma5or sour"e of rot and de"ay. Wherever you see mo!d forming on a ie"e of bread-or a i!e of !eaves turning to "om ostRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Without fungus a"tion the earth with be i!ed high withRRRRRRRRRRRR. &n fa"t-"ertain !ants whi"h "ontain resinsRRRRRRRRRRRRRs e"imens of the redwood-for instan"e- "an sti!! be foundRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR "enturies after having been b!own down. 1. that are to#i" to fungi 2. re!in4uish it at some oint in their "y"!e either to anima!s or to fungi '. you are wat"hing a fungus eating +. resting on the forest f!oor 5. the dead !ant !ife of ast "enturies 6. fungus must !ook e!sewhere for an energy su !y. 1. 6om !ete the series 2- /- 2+- //- ,,,,? 2. &f the verte# 75-/8 is !a"ed in the memory. )irst verte# 71-18 2s address is 12+5 and then address of 75-/8 is ,,,,,,,,,, s4rt712 < s4rt7128 < 77s4rt7128 .....infinity8 E

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