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PBL Lesson Plans Dem. And Rep.

Party Debate

Name _____________________________________ Grade/Subject______________________________

Issues Debate

PBL Lesson Plans Dem. And Rep. Party Debate

Name _____________________________________ Grade/Subject______________________________

Lesson Objectives: Given the opportunity to work in assigned peer groups, students will be politicians and will hold a town hall meeting and debate over key issues to convince a first time voter to vote for their partys nominee. Students will be expected to be research information of their groups assigned party, their particular parties issue ownership, and general knowledge about the party system and campaign process. Pre-Instructional Activities: Lecture and homework given in the classroom Information on the political parties and campaign process in the textbook and information given to the students by Mr. Watson Information on the Democrat and Republican parties given to them by Miss. Fawcett Students will be given specific questions to answer about the issues and the parties to help them with their research Instructional Procedures/Strategies: Overview: Dear Democratic Party; I am a concerned first time voter. I have done my research on both the Republican and Democratic nominees for President, and have discovered that I am fit in to the moderate category. I am what the political parties call an issue voter. This is why I am writing you and asking for your help. After reading and investigating the nominees campaigns and platforms I have narrowed it down to two dominate issues I am concerned with; the stance the two parties take on environment and gun control. I know what I believe in, but I am not sure how I feel on this particular issue. Will you please inform me on where the Democratic Party stands on abortion and same sex marriages? Sincerely, A concerned citizen Dear Republican Party;

PBL Lesson Plans Dem. And Rep. Party Debate

Name _____________________________________ Grade/Subject______________________________

I am a concerned first time voter. I have done my research on both the Republican and Democratic nominees for President, and have discovered that I am fit in to the moderate category. I am what the political parties call an issue voter. This is why I am writing you and asking for your help. After reading and investigating the nominees campaigns and platforms I have narrowed it down to two dominate issues I am concerned with; the stance the two parties take on environment and gun control. I know what I believe in, but I am not sure how I feel on this particular issue. Will you please inform me on where the Republican Party stands on abortion and same sex marriages? Sincerely, A concerned citizen

Group Formation: The student of each class will be broken up into two or four groups depending on the class size of the particular period. Problem Analysis: Students will answer these questions with instruction by the teacher; What do we know about the two political parties? What do we need to find out about the political parties to solve to answer concerned voters question? What do we think are possible ways to answer the voters question? Problem Solving: Students will research and discuss the issues among the peer groups. Teacher will provide guidance and instruction when needed. Each group will develop an argument on the specified issues from the point of view of their assigned party. Problem Reporting/Closure: Group will elect a spokesman and will present a biased view on the given issues. The groups will take turns presenting. The voter will then ask specific questions to make sure they a true general knowledge of the parties view on the issues. Assessment: View rubric on presentation Bibliography: Students Resources: Textbook, information and question given by Mr. Watson and Miss. Fawcett, teacher directions, individual and group research.

PBL Lesson Plans Dem. And Rep. Party Debate Teacher Resources:

Name _____________________________________ Grade/Subject______________________________

Example party differences on issues: Parties on gun control:

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