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Tort Law Outline

General Procedures 2 Intent 2-4 Battery 2-4 Single/Dual Intent 2-4 Extended Liability 3, !""ensi#e $ontact 3 $onsent 3,%,&,9,'(,2) *ec+lessness 4 ,oral $ul-ability 4 .ill"ul $onduct 4 .anton ,isconduct 4 $/ild Intent 4 0rans"erred Intent 4 1ssault Pri#ileges ,&,8,),'(,'' $onditional 0/reat 2.ords 1lone3 0/reat 4alse I5-rison5ent ,% $on"ine5ent $on"ine5ent P/ysical 4orce $on"ine5ent Legal 1ut/ority S/o-+ee-er3s Pri#ilege %,6 0res-ass on Land % Sel" De"ense %, 8 0res-ass to $/attels %,& Inter5eddling & $on#ersion & Section ')63 $lai5s & De"enses to Intentional 0orts & .arn 6,'(,' ,20,2& *etreat 8 Illegal '(,26,2) $usto5 '(,' ,'%,17,18,2',2 Public 7ecessity '(,'' Pri#ate 7ecessity '(,'' E5ergency 8Doctrine9 '',12,'4,' ,2% 7egligence 12 Duty 12 Intoxication '2,2' P/ysically Disabled '2 4oreseeability '2,'4,' ,2(,23-26,3( Greater :no;ledge '3 $ontributory 7egligence '3,26-26, Duty o" $/ild '3 In/erent Danger '3,29 *ange-o" Lig/ts *ule '3,'% 7egligence Per Se 13,'4 Sli- < 4all ' ,'&,'6 $ost Bene"it 1nalysis ' ,16,'6 $orrecti#e =ustice '%,'& >tilitarian '%,'& $o5-arati#e 7egligence '&,24-2%,27,28 *es-onsibility o" ,ulti-le 1cts '& Pro#ing < E#aluating $onduct '& =oint < Se#eral Liability '&,2',2 ,2& $o5-liance ;it/ Statute '6 *es I-sa Lo?uitur 18,'),2( Exclusi#e $ontrol '),2( 1ctual @ar5 2( 4actual $ausation 2( ,ulti-le Su""icient $auses 2' Burden S/i"ts 2',22 *es-ondent Su-erior 2' De ,ini5is 2',2 ,erged $auses 2' Substantial 4actor 2',22 ,ulti-le Ex-osure $ase 22 Lost $/ance 22,23 *elaxed $ausation 22,23 Sco-e o" Liability 23 *is+ Standard 0est 23 4oreseeability 0est 23 *escuers 24,2& Inter#ening/Su-erseding 2 ,2%,26 $ondition 2% Last $lear $/ance 2& Disco#ered Peril 2& 1ssu5-tion o" t/e *is+ 26,2)

-Harm is required for a tort and is about #indicating indi#idual rig/ts and redressing -ri#ate /ar5s -General ProceduresA $o5-laintA P3s La;yer in#estigates "acts and ;rites a co5-laintB States "acts and "or5ally "iles ;it/ courtB $o-y is ser#ed on DB ,otion to Dis5iss/De5urrerA 4iled by t/e D, says to t/e Cudge t/at e#en i" all t/e "acts are ta+en as true, t/ere3s no case 1ns;erA D 5ust ta+e -osition on co5-laintB Dis-utes "actual clai5sB 7ext is Disco#eryB ,otion "or Su55ary =udg5entA >sually 5otioned "or by D, sub5itted 5ostly a"ter ne; "acts arise "ro5 disco#eryD "iled "or ;it/ t/e notion t/at t/e "acts 8old and ne;9 are undis-uted and t/at t/e legal rules a--lied to t/e "acts ;ould "ind "or t/e 5o#ing -arty 8Cudge only9 Pre-trial Brie"s, Selection o" a Cury, !-ening State5ents, P3s $aseB ,otion "or a Directed EerdictA D ;ill usually 5o#e "or t/is a"ter P rests, asserting t/at -roo" o""ered by t/e P is legally insu""icient to ;arrant a Cury3s #erdict "or t/e PB =udge ;ill consider e#idence in lig/t 5ost "a#orable to t/e P, but t/e 5otion s/ould be denied i" reasonable -eo-le could disagree D3s $ase !bCections to E#idence and !""ers o" E#idenceA 0/e +ey ;it/ e#idence is Fis it rele#antG to t/e legal issues o" t/e caseD i" one side doesn3t t/in+ so t/ey /a#e to obCect ;/en t/e e#idence is "irst o""ered, and t/e Cudge ;ill t/en decide i" it is ad5issible $losing 1rgu5ents Pro-osed Instructions and !bCections to 0/e5A Instructions are t/e Cudge3s state5ents to t/e Cury, telling t/e5 ;/at t/ey 5ust consider and ;/at "acts 5ust be -resent be"ore t/e P s/ould reco#er or a de"ense a--lies =ury EerdictB 0/e ,otion 7B!BEB/Post-trial ,otion "or =udg5ent as a ,atter o" La;A Eery extre5e 5easure, ;ould set aside a Cury #erdict because t/e e#idence is not legally su""icient to Custi"y it 1dditorA =udge can add co5-ensationB ,otion "or a 7e; 0rialA I" an error ;as co55itted in t/e trial and t/e Cudge recogniHes t/is 8and it could /a#e in"luenced t/e Cury9 or because t/e #erdict is against t/e ;eig/t o" t/e e#idence or because t/e da5ages a;arded ;ere unconscionable 1--eals I T! TIO "L TO#T$ I T! T 1B %eanin& of intent' Pur-ose or +no;ledge to substantial certainty o" t/e legally rele#ant conse?uences 8;/ere conse?uences are de"ined se-arately "or eac/ tort9B Intent is de"ined su()e*ti+el, ;it/ obCecti#e 8reasonable -erson9 being e+identiar, su--ort. 'B o intent to /arm' intentional torts do not re?uire t/at D intend to harm t/e -lainti""B 2B $u(stantial 0ertaint,' IGarratt v. DaileyJD aB Hi&/ li1eli/ood or 23ra+e #is14 not enou&/' IGarratt v. DaileyJ bB Intent w5o su(stantial *ertaint,6 7!$8 9ur-ose. IDrB E#il s/oots on ;indy

cB $0 of Le&all, #ele+ant 0onsequen*es' di""erent "ro5 ;/at you t/oug/t 5ig/t /a--enB 3B Intent is Cudged $u()e*ti+el, IGarratt v. DaileyJ reasonable -erson is e#identiary su--ort BB Transferred Intent IWatermelon Patch CaseJ Pur-ose to /ar5 can be intent e#en i" /ar5 not substantially certainK :"TT!#7 8In#asion o" rig/t to "reedo5 "ro5 un;anted bodily contact9 Intent> 1=9ur-ose or 2=?nowled&e w5 su(. "*tion ;<ire*tl, or Indire*tl,= *ertaint, 1= 0onta*t " < 3= 0onta*t ;or imminent a--re/ension= " < 2= Harm @ Offend A= Harm or Offend $in&le Intent- Intent to $ontact 8;/ic/ /a--ens to be /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e9 only 8S/a+e /ands exB9 <ual Intent- Intent to 5a+e /ar5"ul/o""ensi#e contact < /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e contact occursB

0om-romise- Intent to co55it acts a reasonable -erson ;ould say are substantially certain to cause /ar5B 8'9D ,ust 1$0, 8291ct 5ust be intentional, 8391ct 5ust cause contact ;it/ P, 849intended contact 5ust be /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e to t/e #icti5B ELA 1 intends an o""ensi#e contact by +ic+ing B lig/tly on t/e s/inB Blo; is o""ensi#e but causes no bodily /ar5B B su""ers "ro5 diseased leg 81 doesn3t +no;9B :ic+ results in -rolonged illnessB 1 is subCect to liability to B "or t/e bodily /ar5 caused by /is actB Ban 0am- +. %*"foos 8-B2&9 Io;a ')%6 - ,ar+ ,c1"oos 8aged 39 ;as riding /is tricycle on a -ublic side;al+ and dro#e /is tricycle into t/e rear o" ,sB Ean $a5-, ;rec+ing /er 1c/illes3 tendonB -7o allegation t/at ,ar+ did anyt/ing ;rong, no lia(ilit, wit/out fault -$ase ;as dis5issedD ;ent a"ter ,ar+3s -arents, too, because 3 rd -arty liability /o5eo;ner3s insurance -*S M '3A @ar5"ul $ontact 8-B ')9 -*S M '% $/aracter o" Intent 7ecB 8-B ')9 8'9 ,eaning o""ensi#e contact but is /ar5"ul, still liable 8i55inent a--re/ension and contact results9 829 Intended "or di""erent -erson does not 5atterB ;!Ctended Lia(ilit,= NNNNNB!""ensi#e in#asion o" -ersonB -*S M '6A !""ensi#e $ontact 8-B2'9 8need re?uisite intent and no -ermission9 -*S M ')A ./at $onstitutes !""ensi#e $ontact 8-B229 8Offensi+e if it offends a reasona(le sense of -ersonal di&nit,9 $ontact un;arranted by social usages -re#alent at ti5e/-lace in"lictedB !bCecti#e De"inition o" !""ensi#e $ontactOOD socially-acce-table does 7!0 /ar5 reasB SenseN $n,der +. Tur1 8-B3(9 !/io $tB 1--B '))3 -D -er"or5ing gall bladder surgery and ;as "rustratedB @e t/oug/t P ;as 5a+ing 5ista+es ./en P /anded D an instru5ent /e didn3t t/in+ ;as rig/t, /e grabbed /er s/oulder < -ulled /er "ace do;n to -atient3s ;ound < yelled at /erB $ase ;ent on directed #erdict to D but ;as re5andedB -1 -erson is subCect to liability "or battery ;/en /e a*ts intendin& to *ause a /armful or offensi+e *onta*t and su*/ *onta*t resultsB 0onta*t w/i*/ is offensi+e to a reasona(le sense of -ersonal di&nit, is offensi+e. -Person does not /a#e to be -/ysically /ar5ed "or a battery, and t/e intention o" t/e actor does not /a#e to be -/ysical /ar5B !""ensi#e contact is enoug/B -*e5anded- reasonable 5inds could conclude DrB 0ur+ intended to co55it an o""ensi#e contactB 0o/en +. $mit/ 8-B3(9 IllB 1--B $tB ')) -*eligious belie"s -re#ented a 5ale "ro5 seeing P na+ed during c/ild birt/B P3s /usband told t/eir doctor, ;/o told t/e /os-ital, and t/ey ;ere assured t/eir belie"s ;ould be res-ectedB 0/e 5ale nurse D /el-ed in t/e baby3s deli#eryB 1t 0$, dis5issed, re5anded by 1$B - *eligious belie"s, ;/en 5ade +no;n 8as t/ey ;ere /ere9, are al;ays to be res-ected by 5edical -ro"essionalsB Because o" t/eir belie"s, S5it/3s contact ;as un*onsented to and offensi+e 5a+ing S5it/ liable "or battery @ar5"ul and o""ensi#e are 5utually exclusi#e, it3s eit/er /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e, not bot/ 8s/ot in t/e /ead is /ar5"ul9B %ullins +. 9ar1+iew Hos-ital, In*. 8-B329 IndB 2((& - P did not consent and ;as assured s/e ;ouldn3t be o-erated on by anest/esiologist during /ysterecto5yB Ean@oey intubated on /er "irst dayB Lacerated P3s eso-/agusB -Ean@oey /ad no obligation to obtain consentB 1cted and /ar5"ul contact resultedB 7o intention to cause a /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e contact ;it/ P occurredB Ean@oey entitled to su55ary Cudg5entB !!< <D"L I T! T -*S M'A Intent 8-B'(9 80;o ty-es o" intent, -ur-ose and +no;ledge ;it/ substantial certainty9

ELA 8Dual Intent9 :en deliberately -ulls trigger o" a ri"le /o-ing to /it a ;ild deerB >na;are any;/ere in #icinityB 7ancy nearby is struc+ by t/e bulletB :en /as intentionally s/ot /is gunB 7ot intentionally caused t/e /ar5 to 7ancyB 7o -ur-ose to -roduce /ar5 and did not +no; ;it/ substantial certainty it ;ould occurB -*S M A Liability "or IntentB P/ysical @ar5A Intentionally cause -/ysical /ar5Pliability "or /ar5B #e*1lessnessP :no;s o" ris+ 8/ig/ ris+9, disobey -recautions to eli5inate 8lo; burden o" -recaution9 Lia(ilit,> ,oral $ul-ability, Seriousness o" /ar5, Degree to ;/ic/ conduct de#iated "ro5 a--B caseB Intentional %oral 0ul-a(ilit,P 8'90ort"easor acted ;it/ -ur-ose or Cust +no;ledgeB 829 ,aliciousness tort"easor3s intent < 839 Seriousness o" /ar5 intendedB #e*1less %oral 0ul-a(ilit,P 8'9Extent to ;/ic/ tort"easor +ne; < a--reciated dangerB 829Extent o" gabet;een /ar5 ris+ed < -recautions re?uiredB Eillful 0ondu*t>IntentionF 3ross e&li&en*e G #e*1lessness>Eanton %is*ondu*t 3arratt +. <aile, 8-B3 9 .as/B ') - 0/e de"ault at trial is non-Cury trial but i" eit/er -arty as+s "or a Cury t/ey are constitutionally obligated to recei#e 8i" t/e case in#ol#es a5ounts o#er Q'(9 -Brian 5o#es c/air and *ut/ "alls, inCures /ersel" badlyB >nclear i" Brian did it to /urt *ut/ or ;as trying to 5o#e c/air "or /er to sit intoB =udge sides ;it/ D 8age 9B -0/e Cudge "ound t/at Brian did not ;ant 8desire, ai5, -ur-ose, goal9 to /urt *ut/B 7or did /e /a#e +no;ledge 8to a FSubstantial $ertaintyG9 t/at /er inCury ;ould result 8s/ould be #irtual or near certain certainty not FsubstantialG9So t/ere are 2 ty-es o" intent, -ur-ose and 1nowled&e -0/e case is re5anded so t/e trial Cudge can 5a+e "indings re&ardin& 1nowled&e intentB <ual Intent. E/ite +. %uniH 8-B3&9 $oloB 2((( -./ite -laced /er 63 yBoB grand5a in assisted li#ingB Grand5a ;as agitated 8de5entia/1lH/ei5ers9 - ,uniH 8caregi#er9 tried to c/ange dia-erB Struc+ on Ca; and ordered out o" roo5B -=ury InstructionsA Disease doesn3t -re#ent intentB ,ust /a#e a--reciated t/e o""ensi#enessB -,atter o" Single #sB Dual intentA *ule 1 8Single Intent9A D intents to touc/ and it turns out /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e *ule B 8Dual Intent9A D intends to touc/, and a--re*iates or intends /arm or offense -Dual Intent re?uires a--reciation/intent to /ar5/o""endB Intent re?uire5ent in context o" a ;o5an su""ering t/e e""ects o" 1lH/ei5er3sB 0/ild Intent-In 5ost states c/ildren, ;it/ t/e exce-tion o" t/e under & 8inca-able o" /ar5"ul intent9, 5ay be liable "or torts so long as necessary ele5ents are -ro#enB -0/e $L rule is t/at -arents are not #icariously liable "or t/e torts o" t/eir c/ildren 8unli+e e5-loyers "or e5-loyees9D so need statute to go a"ter -arents unless t/ey ;ere so5e/o; at "aultB Transferred Intent- 8Stoshak v. East Baton Rouge Parish School 8-B 429- 0eac/er /it in /ead "ro5 a -unc/ t/ro;nB I" -erson intended to in"lict serious bodily inCury ;/ile trying to /it anot/er -erson, < 5issed, accidentally /it so5eone else, intent is trans"erred to actual #icti5B Insurance -olicies -ay Cudg5ents o" negligent and rec+less acts o"ten 7!0 intentionalB 9olmatier +. #uss $onnB ')66 -*uss beat /is "at/er-in-la; 1rt/ur ;it/ a beer bottle, t/en got a gun and s/ot /i5 deadB P ;as ac?uitted o" cri5inal c/arges because /e was insaneB -0/oug/ insane, *uss +ne; ;/at /e ;as doing and ;as /eld liable "or /is batteryB Ruestion is ;/et/er t/e de"endant /ad re?uisite intentB -$0 court loo+ed to :S3 Seals v. Snow case "or 2 reasons to /old insane liableA '9 ;/ere one o" t;o innocent -ersons 5ust su""er a loss, it s/ould be burdened by t/e one ;/o occasioned itD and 29 -u(li* -oli*, re?uires t/e en"orce5ent o" liability on t/e insane or else t/at -erson can be 5ani-ulated to do /orrible acts, be i55une "ro5 redress "or inCuries caused, and a de"endant could -retend to be insane to a#oid cul-abilityB

"$$"DLT 8in"ringes on rig/t to be "ree "ro5 "ear or a--re/ension o" un;anted contact9 "*t O()e*ti+e Intent ;E/at would a reasona(le -erson intend= $u()e*ti+e Intent ;E/at was t/is < t/in1in&6= 9ut ot/er in a--re/ension>awareness Imminent "--re/ension of Harmful or Offensi+e Tou*/in&. "*tuall, I #easona(l, -ut in a--re/ension -*S M 2'A 1ssault 8-B239 81ct intending to cause /ar5"ul/o""ensi#e contact and -erson is -ut in i55inent a--re/ension9 -*S M22A 1tte5-t >n+no;n to !t/er 8-B229 8Intended #icti5 must (e*ome aware of assault be"ore ter5inated9 1 s/oots gun be/ind BB B is dea" and only sees laterB 1 not liable to BB -*S M3(A $onditional 0/reat 8-B''9 8o-tion o" esca-e not good enoug/ i" a co55and o" obedience re?uired9 -*S M3'A 0/reat by .ords 8-B''9 8words alone cannot constitute an assault9 Basic Ele5entsA '9 D acts wit/ intent to cause an a--re/ension o" an i55inent battery 8/ar5 or o""ense9 29 P is -ut in reasonable a--re/ension 39 !" an i55inent battery -1ssault is a touc/ing o" t/e 5ind, not t/e body -1n assault and battery tort ;ould be a situation ;/ere you see so5eone is going to -unc/ you 8t/ey coc+ t/eir "ist bac+9 and t/en "ollo; t/roug/ ;it/ -unc/ -ELB I" a 5ugger says FSour 5oney or your li"eG is t/at a tortT Ses, because e#en t/oug/ t/e #icti5 is gi#en a c/oice, /e /as no rig/t to your ;alletNyour c/oice is bet;een a battery and a -ro-erty tort a--re/ension as a ;ay to coerce -Eords *an ne&ate intent to e""ect i55ediate touc/ingB 0/reatening act, countered by ;ordsB 0ullison +. %edle, 8-B449 IndB '))' -$ullison ;as con"ronted by ,edley "a5ily a"ter /anging around t/eir '% year old daug/terB Ernest ,edley /ad a gun, and $ullison ;as a"raid t/at during t/e e-isode /e ;ould get s/otB Later, Ernest glared at $ullison in a restaurant and $ullison learned t/at Earnest /ad -re#iously s/ot a 5anB -$ullison clai5ed to su""er c/est -ains, soug/t -syc/iatric care, /ad de-ression, etc -Su55ary Cudg5ent "or D ;as ;rong /ere because reasonable 5inds could "ind t/at an assault occurred !Ctended Lia(ilit,JJ ?offman +. 3arnett EaB 2((3 -D, 4ball $oac/, -ic+ed P u- and sla55ed /i5 into t/e ground to 5a+e a -oint about /o; to tac+le -$ould be actionable "or batter but not "or assault because :o""5an didn3t +no; /e ;as going to get tac+led until /e ;as, t/ere ;as no a--re/ension K"L$! I%9#I$O %! T- ;0/e rig/t to be "ree o" restraint on one3s "reedo5 o" 5o#e5ent9 -*S M3 A 4alse I5-rison5ent 8-B2&9 8< intends con"ine5ent ;it/in fiCed (oundariesD D causes con"ine5entD P re*o&niHes con"ine5ent9 -*S M3%A ./at $onstitutes $on"ine5ent 8-B269 85ust be co5-lete con"ine5ent ;it/in boundaries 8"ixed by D9, not con"ine5ent i" reasonable 8based on P9 esca-e is +no;n to t/e con"ined, not "alse i5-rison5ent i" Cust -re#enting so5eone going in a certain direction9 -*S M3)A $on"ine5ent by P/ysical 4orce 8-B2)9 8con"ine5ent can be by -/ysical "orce9 -*S M4(A $on"ine5ent by 0/reats o" P/ysical 4orce 8-B2)98con"ine5ent can be sub5ission to t/reat to a--ly -/ysical "orce immediatel, i" goes beyond con"ine5ent area9 -*S M4'A $on"ine5ent by 1sserted Legal 1ut/ority 8-B3(98con"ine5ent can be by ta+ing P into custody under asserted legal aut/ority- as long as P belie#es it is #alid 8or doubts9 < sub5its9

-*S M42A :no;ledge o" $on"ine5ent 87o liability unless conscious o" or /ar5ed by con"ine5ent9 4alse I5-rison5ent Pri5a 4acie $ase '9 D intends to con"ine P 29 D co55its an Fact o" restraintG 39 P 5ust be con"ined in a bounded area 8can be set by D9 49 P 5ust be a;are o" con"ine5ent or be /ar5ed 0/ere 5ust be no reasona(le "or5 o" esca-e 8;indo;s on ground "loor are reasonable9 <uress 5a+es consent ine""ecti#e 8ExB 0a+ing ;o5an3s -urse and s/e "ollo;s you into o""ice9 %*0ann +. Eal-%art $tores, In*. 8-B469 'st $irB 2((( -4a5ily not allo;ed to lea#e store because son ;as t/oug/t to be a s/o-li"terB .ouldn3t e#en let son go to t/e bat/roo5, and /e only /ad ' +idneyB -0/ere ;as no actual -/ysical restraint but t/at ;as unnecessary 8only need t/reat o" -/ysical "orce or la;"ul aut/ority,art said t/ey /ad called t/e -olice99 <uress- consent ine""ecti#e -I5-licit t/reat o" -/ysical "orce based on "alse assertion o" legal aut/ority to con"ineB Hard, +. La:elleLs <istri(utin& 0o. ,0 ')63 -@ardy accused o" stealing a ;atc/B LaBelle e5-loyee lies to @ardy, tells /er s/e3s going on a tour o" t/e o""iceB Loc+s @ardy into a roo5 ;it/ a co-, store 5anager, and a lie detectorB -@ardy ad5itted t/at s/e ;anted to stay and ;as ne#er told s/e could not lea#eB S/e entered o""ice #oluntarily, 7e#er as+ed/atte5-ted to lea#eB -=ury "ound "or DB 1$ a""ir5ed -Di""erence bet;een %*0ann is t/at a custo5er ;ould li+ely "eel 5ore con"ined in a store t/an an e5-loyee ExA 1, a s5all and ;ea+ 5an, ta+es /old o" B3s coat "or t/e -ur-ose o" detaining /i5 against /is ;illB B is a 5uc/ larger 5an and could, ;it/ little exertion, "ree /i5sel" at onceB B sub5itsB 1 /as con"ined BB---1s a -olicy 5atter, t/is 5a+es sense, B ;ould be re?uired to use sel"-de"ense ot/er;iseB S/o-+ee-er3s Pri#ilege- *SA *easonably belie#es anot/er /as tortiously ta+en a c/attel u-on /is -re5ises can detain on t/e -re5ises "or t/e ti5e necessary "or a reasonable in#estigation o" t/e "actsB-- 7ot all Curisdictions 8by statute9 T#!$9"$$ O L" <- ;*ig/t to Exclusi#e Possession o" Land9 -*S M' 6A Liability "or Intentional Intrusions on Land 8-B3'9 8Liable "or tres-ass e+en if no /arm *aused9 19 Enter land in -ossession o" t/e ot/er or cause a t/ing/t/ird -erson to do soB !* B9 *e5ain on t/e Land !* $9 4ail to re5o#e "ro5 t/e land a t/ing ;/ic/ /e is under a duty to re5o#eB 0res-ass in#ades anot/er3s interest in its exclusi#e -ossessionB !M0!9TIO ' ot lia(le if not *aused (, an, a*t of a*torLs own. -*S M'%3A Intended Intrusions $ausing 7o @ar5 8-B 329 !+en fa+ors *ount as tres-assB I" +no;ledge exists, a""ects dama&es a5ountB - *S M'%4A Intrusions under ,ista+e 8-B339 8Still liable "or 5ista+e unless induced by conduct o" t/e -ossessor or -ri#ilege/consent exists to enter land9B "maral +. 0u--els 8-B 29 ,assB 1--B $tB 2(( -P3s occu-ied ne;ly-constructed /o5es on -re-existing gol" courseB $ollected '6(( gol" ballsB Gol" $ourse did not resol#e issueB P suedB -ProCection o" gol" balls "ro5 D3s -ro-erty onto P3s -ro-erty constitutes a continuing tres-assB 7!0EA 0/e act o" a gol"er /itting ball into -ro-erty is not intentional 8not substantially certain9 T#!$9"$$ TO 0H"TT!L$

-*S M2'&A .ays o" $o55itting 0res-ass to $/attel 8-B349 -,ust Intentionall, 8a9dis-ossess anot/er o" c/attel !* 8b9>sing or Inter5eddling ;it/ a c/attel in t/e -ossession o" anot/er Intermeddlin&- Intentionally bringing about a -/ysical contact ;it/ t/e c/attelB IntentA Pur-ose o" use or inter5eddle !* :no;ledge o" SubB $ertainty t/at inter5eddling ;ill resultB -*S M2'6A Liability to Person in Possession 8-B3 9 Liability i"A 8a9dis-ossesses ot/er o" c/attelD 8b9c/attel is i5-aired 8condition, ?uality, #alue9D 8c9-ossessor de-ri#ed o" use o" c/attel "or substantial ti5eD 8d9bodily /ar5 is caused to t/e -ossessor, /ar5 caused to so5e -erson or t/ing in ;/ic/ t/e -ossessor /as a legally -rotected interest Substantial 0i5ePPossible to esti5ate loss causedB $*/ool of Bisual "rts +. ?u-rewi*H 8-B &9 7S Su-B $tB 2((3 -D ;as e5-loyee o" PB $aused 5ass a5ounts o" s-a5 and de-leted /ard dri#e s-aceB -P ,ust -ro#e t/at D intentionall,, and ;it/out Custi"ication or consent, -/ysically inter"ered ;it/ t/e use and enCoy5ent o" -ersonal -ro-erty in P3s -ossession, and t/at P ;as /ar5ed t/erebyB -$ourt ruled su""icient cause o" action "or tres-ass o" c/attels 8because co5-uter syste5s9 0O B!#$IO -*S M2221A ./at $onstitutes $on#ersion 8-B369 8$on#ersion is Intentional Exercise o" do5inion or control o#er c/attelB So seriousl, inter"eres ;it/ rig/t o" anot/er to control it t/at actor 5ay be re?uired to -ay t/e ot/er "ull #alue o" t/e c/attel9B Deter5ining seriousness o" t/e inter"erenceA 8a9 Extent < Duration o" t/e actor3s exercise o" do5inion or controlD 8b91ctor3s intent to assert a rig/t in "act inconsistent ;it/ t/e ot/ers rig/t o" controlD 8c91ctor3s good "ait/D 8d9Extent < Duration o" t/e resulting inter"erence ;it/ t/e ot/er3s rig/t o" controlD 8e9@ar5 done to c/attelD 8"9Incon#enience < Ex-ense caused to t/e ot/erB 0res-ass $/attel #sB $on#ersionA 0res-ass is di5inis/ed #alue, reco#ery "or da5ages to c/attel or interest in -ossession/useB $on#ersion is "ull #alue o" c/attel 80itle /as trans"erred to D9B -*S M22)A $on#ersion by *ecei#ing Possession in $onsu55ation o" 0ransaction 8-B3)9 8I" recei#e c/attel "ro5 anot/er ;it/ intent to ac?uire "or sel" or 3 rd -erson, 5a+es you liable9B Dnru/-HaCton +. #e&ents of Dni+ersit, of 0alifornia 8-B 9 $tB 1--B 2((6 -Ps under;ent "ertility treat5ents at a clinic o;ned by DB D /ar#ested eggsB P alleged doctors sold eggsB $on#ersion clai5 sur#i#es De5urrerB -1llegations o" stealing and selling a -erson3s genetic 5aterial "or "inancial gain is an intentional act o" egregious abuse against a -articularly #ulnerable and trusting #icti5B $ould be con#ersionB $!0TIO 1983 0L"I%$ -By suing under "ederal statute 842 >BSB$B9 P 5ay be able to reco#er attorney "ees and -rocedural ad#antagesB -Pro#ides "ederal clai5 "or da5ages or inCunction against anyone ;/o, under $olor o" t/e La;, de-ri#es P o" rig/ts, -ri#ileges, or i55unities guaranteed by $onstitutionB -$olor o" La;PState o""icers onlyB -Eiolations o" '4t/ a5end5ent 8due -rocess/e?ual -rotection clauses9, 4 t/ 15end5ent 8>nreasonable Searc/ or SeiHures9, or 6t/ 15end5ent 8Pro/ibition against cruel/unusual -unis/5ent9 <!K! $!$ TO I T! TIO "L TO#T$ N 9#IBIL!3!$ I. 9rote*tin& "&ainst t/e "--arent %is*ondu*t of t/e 9 ". $elf <efense


-*S M%3A Sel"-De"ense by "orce not t/reatening deat/ or serious bodily /ar5 8-B4'9 8Pri#ileged to use reasona(le for*e 8not intended to cause deat/ or serious bodily /ar59 to de"end against un-ri#ileged /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e bodily contact or ot/er bodily /ar5 ;/ic/ /e reasonably belie#es t/at anot/er is about to in"lict intentionally u-on /i59B OO EEE7 0@!>G@ /e can a#oid t/e necessity o" so de"ending /i5sel" by retreating/gi#ing u- rig/t or -ri#ilege !* co5-lying ;it/ a co55and ;it/ ;/ic/ t/e actor is under no duty to co5-ly or ;/ic/ t/e ot/er is not -ri#ileged to en"orce by t/e 5eans t/reatenedB Ex' 1 stri+es B ;it/ a ;/i-B B by reasonable "orce disar5s 1B B is not -ri#ileged t/erea"ter to in"lict a si5ilar beating u-on 1B Ex' 1, a s5all boy, t/ro;s a sno;ball at B, /itting B in t/e eye and causing /i5 se#ere -ainB B is not -ri#ileged to in"lict a beating u-on 1 eit/er as a -unis/5ent or as a ;arning against si5ilar 5isconduct in t/e "utureB #easona(leness test o#er ;/et/er actor3s a--re/ension o" intentional in"liction o" bodily /ar5 or o""ensi#e contact is reasonableB 8.ould in"or5ation lead a reasonable 5an to entertain a--re/ensionT9 -*S M% A Sel"-De"ense by "orce t/reatening deat/ or serious bodily /ar5 8-B439 8Duty to retreat/relin?uis/ any rig/t or -ri#ilege 8exce-t lea#ing /ouse9 i" /e can ;it/ co5-lete sa"ety9 $O%! Ourisdi*tions sa, no need to retreat8 ;KL, "P= -!ne is -ri#ileged to use reasonable "orce to de"end against /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e bodily contact and against con"ine5entB Pri#ilege de-ends on a--arent necessity o" sel"-de"ense and not actual reality a9 D3s -ri#ilege extends only so "ar as reasonably necessary to -re#ent t/e /ar5D i" t/e /ar5 t/reatened is not deat/ or serious bodily inCury, t/en de"endant can3t use deadly "orce -Pro#ocation is not su""icient to raise SD -ri#ilege -SD -er5its one to resist "alse i5-rison5ent, as ;ell as assaults and batteries Tou*/et +. Ham-ton La 2(() -0ouc/et #erbally t/reatened and -ro#o+ed @a5-ton, ;/o beats /i5 senseless -@a5-ton /as no SD clai5 /ere because t/ere ;as no actual or reasona(l, a--arent t/reat to @a5-ton3s sa"ety 80ouc/et ;as at o""ice, sitting in c/air ;/en -u55eled9 $ase re5andedB 7ou *an onl, defend a&ainst anA 8'9 i55inent -/ysical t/reatD 829 *etreat is not -ossiblet/is Cust introduces a ;/ole ne; issue to litigate on and is not al;ays an ele5ent "or sel" de"enseD 5aCority rule in >S is stand your ground and not retreatB Sou ne#er /a#e to retreat in your o;n /o5e 80/ere is a trend to;ard retreat as our society gets 5ore urbaniHed9D 839 7o excessi#e "orce :. <efense of 3rd 9ersons -*S M&%A De"ense o" 0/ird Person 8-B4%9 8can de"end 3rd -art, li1e ,ou would ,ourself9- $ircu5stances gi#e t/ird -erson a -ri#ilege o" sel"-de"ense 17D inter#ention necessary "or -rotectionB Some courtsA ,ay act on reasona(le (elief t/at tortious a*t is a(out to (e *ommitted Other courtsA S/oe-ste--ing rule- Onl, if -erson *ould /a+e used a--ro-riate $< 8only i" -erson -ri#ileged9 0. "rrest @ <etention 3ortareH +. $mitt,Ls $u-er-Balu 1U ')64 -GortareH accused o" stealing a Q(B ) #a-oriHerB Security guard -ut P in a c/o+e /oldB -S/o-+ee-er3s Pri#ilegeA '9*easonable $ause, 29Pro-er Pur-ose by S/o-+ee-er, 39Detention in *easonable ,anner < *easonable Lengt/ o" 0i5eB -829 ,>S0 /a#e -ur-ose "or in#estigation by ?uestioning or su55oning la; en"orce5entB 7o e#idence /ere 8=ury issue9B -839 4orce intended or li+ely to cause bodily /ar5 is ne#er -ri#ileged "or sole -ur-ose o" detention to in#estigateB !nly ;/en resistance 5a+es it necessaryB Q(B ) ite5 does not ;arrant a--re/ension t/at t/e 2 ;ere ar5ed and dangerousB <. <efense and #e-ossession of 9ro-ert,

-*S M&&A De"ense o" Possession by "orce not t/reatening deat/ or serious bodily /ar5 8-B4&9 -*S M64A >se o" 5ec/anical de#ice not t/reatening deat/ or serious bodily /ar5 8-B469 *easB 7ecessary -*S M6 A >se o" 5ec/anical de#ice t/reatening deat/ or serious bodily /ar5 8-B (9 8only can use deadly 5ec/anical de#ice i" /e ;ould use it to de"end in t/at situation9 ?at1o +. :rine, 8-B%2-%39 Io;a ')&' -:at+o and "riend /ad been to t/e /ouse be"ore and ;ent bac+ to steal old CarsB :at+o ;ent into roo5, a s/otgun tra- ;ent o"", and ,ar#in3s leg inCuredB =ury "or :at+o Q3(+, #erdict a""ir5edB -*ationaleA Society #alues /u5an li"e and li5b greater t/an -ro-ertyNuse o" "orce 5ust be -ro-ortional to t/e t/reat o" t/e -ro-erty o;nerNa -ossessor o" land cannot do indirectly and by a 5ec/anical de#ice so5et/ing /e could not do i55ediately and in -ersonB *S M6 -E#en ;it/ signs, t/e s-ring tra- ;ould be illegal :rown +. %artineH 7B,B ')%' -0;o boys ;ent into ,artineH3s 5elon -atc/ ;/ile Bro;n stood at t/e SE corner o" t/e -ro-ertyB ,artineH /eard t/e boys, ca5e out ;it/ a ri"le, sa; t/e running to;ard t/e S., and "ired /is ri"le in t/e o--osite direction, ;/ereby /e /it Bro;n in t/e lo;er leg, brea+ing t/e bone -*e#ersed becauseA #easona(leness of for*e used is usually a ?uestion "or a CuryN"orce used 5ust be a--ro-riate in de"ense o" -ro-ertyNt/e la; -laces a /i&/er +alue u-on /u5an sa"ety t/an -ro-ertyNno -ri#ilege to use "orce t/at could +ill or cause serious bodily inCury ;/en onl, -ro-ert, t/reatenedB -$an reca-ture stolen -ro-erty i55ediately or in /ot -ursuitB !nce -ossession /as been lost, one cannot "orcibly reca-ture -ro-erty 8li+e a ;ee+ later9 !. <is*i-line -Parents can use reasonable "orce to disci-line t/eir c/ildren, *S M'4& -So5e states e#en re"use to allo; c/ildren to sue t/eir -arents "or torts T/omas +. :edford ;$ourt o" 1--eals L1B ')6(9 -D 8teac/er9 tal+ing ;it/ teac/ers ;/en P struc+ /i5 on t/e bac+ ;it/ /is /andB D told /i5 to go to class and t/en P -ic+ed u- a rubber band and /it D3s "ace ;it/ itB P ran to /is class, c/ased by D, -' 5in later, D le"t /is classroo5, ;ent to P3s class, -ulled /i5 to an adCacent roo5 and eit/er s/oo+ /i5 8D3s #ersion9 or -unc/ed /i5 3 or 4 ti5es 8P3s #ersion, corroborated by -/ysician9B -0$ "ound t/at D /ad been -ro#o+ed under Fa&&ressor do*trineBG @o;e#er, 1$ re#ersed because D didn3t -unis/ +id until 1Qmin later, 5ore t/an enoug/ ti5e to cool o"" -$or-oral -unis/5ent is allo;ed but it *annot (e eC*essi+e or unreasona(leB -1ctually, D3s de"ense is dis*i-line -ri+ile&eD teac/er3s get certain lee;ay i" t/eir actions are reasonable -0eac/er3s gi#en Fin loco -arentisG 8in -lace o" t/e -arent9D babysitters, c/a-erone, bus dri#er K. O(ser+in& 9ri+ile&es -Issues o" de&ree and reasona(leness -lay a -art in deciding 5atters o" -ri+ile&e -$ontrast t/ese to a F+issing batteryG ;/ere degree/reasonableness don3t 5atterD it is no de"ense to say t/at t/e touc/ing didn3t last long or t/at "orce used ;as 5ini5al or inCury ;as not great 0O $! T -In battery cases, consent or a--arent *onsent con#eys t/e idea t/at a touc/ing is not offensi+e -Im-lied *onsent subCect to custo5 in usage 8exB you -lay "ootball, you s/ould ex-ect to get +noc+ed do;n9 -$onsent is not e""ecti#e i" a -erson lac+s ca-acity to gi#e consentA a9 Inca-acity o" an adult P renders /er consent ine""ecti#e only i" /er condition substantially i5-airs /er ca-acity to understand and ;eig/ t/e /ar5 and ris+s o" /ar5 against t/e bene"its "lo;ing "ro5 t/e -ro-osed conduct b9 0/e P3s inca-acity does not render /er consent ine""ecti#e unless t/e < /as 1nowled&e of t/at in*a-a*it,

-,inors can consent to a nu5ber o" age a--ro-riate touc/ings 86 yr old can consent to "ootball, '% yr old can consent to a doctor "ixing /is bro+en ar5 in t/e E*9 -So5e courts /old t/at *onsentin& to an ille&al a*t is ineffe*ti+eB So5e courts ;ill /old t/at no one can "ound a cause on an illegal actB -I" P is inCured in an illegal acti#ityB *S says consent is a bar to tort clai5B If statute ma1es *ondu*t ille&al to -rote*t 9 from *onsent, t/en 9Ls *onsent not a (ar. -Exce-t under certain circu5stances, 5ay re#o+e consent at any ti5e by co55unicating t/at re#ocation to D #o(ins +. Harris 8-B%& Ind 2((29 -P ;as "e5ale in5ateB Soules ;as ne; corrections o""icerB P "las/ed Soules u-on 5eetingB -Soules grabbed P by ar5 and 5ade /er -er"or5 "ellatioB P "iled suit "or batteryB -P /ad a la*1 of autonom,. Oailer *annot *laim *onsent for seCual mis*ondu*t ;it/ a detaineeB -Po;er relations/i-s /a#e t/e -otential to in"luence consent ?a-lan +. %amela1 8-B%) $1 $ourt o" 1--eals 2((69 -P sues doctor "or batteryB DrB o-erated ;rong /erniated dis+s in /is bac+B -1 doctor ;/o o-erates on a -atient ;it/out -atient3s consent is batteryB -=ury to decide i" -/ysician -er"or5ed 2su(stantiall, different treatment4 from *onsented B -Exceeding t/e sco-e o" consent can result in battery clai5s 8eBgB agree to blood trans"usion "ro5 "a5ily 5e5bers, but t/e /os-ital gi#es you ot/er -eo-le3s blood and you get 1IDS Ashcraft v. King9 !* Duncan v. Scottsdale Medical Imaging- P did not recei#e consented -ain relie#er- FGeneral aut/oriHB o" an inCection does not de"eat /er battery clai5 because /er consent ;as li5ited to certain drugsG -Battery is di""erent "ro5 in"or5ed consent cases, w/ere -atients eC-ress *onsent for an o-eration wit/out (ein& adequatel, told a(out t/e nature5ris1s of t/e -ro*edure- niCes *onsent. ?enned, +. 9arrott 8-B&( 7B$B ') %9 -P consented to a--endecto5y by DB D "ound enlarged cysts on /er le"t o#ary < -unctured t/e5B -P de#elo-ed -/lebitis in legB S/e sued D "or batteryB -7onsuit "or DB ,ust realiHe t/at la; s/ould encourage sel"-reliant surgeonsB -1ny abnor5al or diseased condition 8in sound -rofessional )ud&ment 9 deter5ines t/at correct surgical -rocedure dictatesB 7o one around to gi#e consentB <oe +. Oo/nson 8-B&2 ,ic/ '))39 -P de#elo-ed @IE "ro5 consensual sexual contact ;it/ DB -D +ne; or s/ould /a#e +no;n /is /ig/ ris+ o" being in"ected ;it/ @IE because li"estyleB -D did not ;arn P o" /ig/ ris+B -!ne ;/o +no;s /e /as a #enereal disease and +no;s t/at /is sexual -artner does not +no; o" /is in"ection, co55its battery by /a#ing sexual intercourseB -0onsent -ro*ured (, fraud is OT 0onsent. 9D:LI0 @ 9#IB"T! !0!$$IT7 -Police o""icers are -ri#ileged to enter land to execute a searc/ or arrest ;arrant -*S M')%A Public 7ecessity 8-B 39 8Nnecessary "or a#erting an i55inent -ublic disaster9 7o liability ,ay use reasonable "orce against -ro-erty/-erson to acco5-lis/ -ur-ose "or ;/ic/ -ri#ilege existsB -*S M')&A Pri#ate 7ecessity 8-B 49 8Nnecessary to -re#ent serious /ar5 to actor, /is c/attels, or 3 rd -erson unless -erson ;/ose bene"it ser#ed is un;illing t/at actor s/ould ta+e t/is actionD subCect to liability "or any /ar5 done9 ELA 1, an a#iator, ;/ile care"ully and s+ill"ully o-erating /is air-lane 5a+es a "orced landing on B3s "ield in t/e reasonable belie" t/at it is necessary to do so "or t/e -rotection o" /i5sel" and /is -laneB 1 is not liable "or /is 5ere entry, but under ')&, is subCect to liability to any /ar5 t/ereby caused to B or to B3s buildings, cro-s or ot/er belongingsB


$uro**o +. 3ear, 8-B&4 $al '6 39 9u(li* e*essit, -1 "ire ;as raging so D ordered Surocco3s /ouse torn do;n to -re#ent "urt/er con"lagrationB 0/e /ouse ;as torn do;n be"ore all t/e -ro-erty could be re5o#ed, and e#en ;/en it ;as destroyed, t/e "ire continued to burnB Surocco sued "or t/e tort o" tres-ass t/e landB -Surocco ;on a Cury trialB 0/e S$ o" $1 re#ersed t/e decisionB -0/e rig/t to destroy -ro-erty to -re#ent a con"lagration /as been traced to t/e /ig/est la; o" necessityN t/e indi#idual ri&/ts of -ro-ert, &i+e wa, to t/e /i&/er laws of im-endin& ne*essit,B 0/e legislature -ossesses t/e -o;er to regulate t/is issue better Ee&ner +. %ilwau1ee %utual Ins. 0o. 8-B& ,innB '))'9 9u(li* e*essit, -Police stor5ed .egner3s /ouse to get a sus-ected drug dealer, /ouse ;as tras/ed -P sued t/e city and ,il;au+ee ,utual InsB $oB, ;/ic/ ;as P3s /o5eo;ner insurance a9 0/e insurance co5-any -robably excluded @arriet3s clai5 based on acts o" ;ar, ci#il insurrection, so5et/ing along t/ose lines -0/e district court granted ,il;au+ee3s 5otion "or su55ary Cudg5ent and "ound "or t/e5B 0/e ,7 S$ re#ersed t/e lo;er courts and re5anded "or t/e issue o" da5agesB -,73s constitution -ro#ides t/at -ri#ate -arty s/all not be ta+en, destroyed, or da5aged "or -ublic use ;it/out Cust co5-ensation, "irst -aid or securedB 0/e court "ound t/e -oli*e a*tion to (e a -u(li* use 8unli+e 5any ot/er states9 and t/ere"ore a ta+ing occurred and t/ere"ore P deser#ed co5-ensationB -Indi+iduals s/ould not (e for*ed to (ear -u(li* (urdens alone -!ne di""erence is in Surocco an indi#idual ;as sued "or da5ages ;/ereas in Wegner t/e city ;as sued 8indi#idual #B co55unal liability9 -7o 5atter ;/at Surocco3s /ouse ;as going to get torc/ed, ;/ile .egner3s /ouse ;ouldn3t /a#e been destroyed i" it ;eren3t "or t/e -olice 9loof +. 9utnam 8-B&& EtB ')(69 9ri+ate e*essit, -P ;as Custi"ied in 5ooring /is sloo- on t/e doc+ o" t/e DB Sou can tres-ass out o" necessity and t/e D /ad no rig/t to un5oore t/e sloo-, ;/ic/ ;as a tres-ass against it, because o" t/e stor5B ->nder *S M')&, to see1 s/elter and -rote*t &oods ,ou are allowed to tres-ass Bin*ent +. La1e !rie Trans-ortation 0o. 8-B&6 ,innB ')'(9 9ri+ate e*essit, -D3s stea5s/i- 5oored on P3s doc+B >nloading "inis/ed but /ea#y stor5B 0/e stea5s/i- re5ained doc+ because o" t/e -oor ;eat/er conditionsB 0/e s/i- caused Q (( ;ort/ o" da5age to t/e doc+, ;/ic/ Eincent ;ants to reco#er -0$ "or Eincent-0/e Ds a--ealed order denying a ne; trial, t/e S$ ,7 a""ir5ed t/e denial o" a ne; trialB - Pri#ate 7ecessity- in an emer&en*, ,ou *an tres-ass to -rote*t ,ourself and &oods, (ut if ,ou dama&e t/e land ,ou tres-ass on, ,ouLre o(li&ated to -a, for it -In t/e ;orld o" -u(li* ne*essit,, an actor ;/o destroys "or t/e &reater &ood isn3t liable -In t/e ;orld o" -ri+ate ne*essit,, an actor /as a -ri#ilege to tres-ass "or re"uge but you must -a, for dama&e ,ou infli*t -Say t/e boat is ;ort/ Q2(( and t/e doc+ is Q (( a9 FE""icient outco5e V let boat be destroyedG b9 FExternalityGA $ost you i5-ose on so5ebody else 8-ollution "ro5 a steel -lant t/at it doesn3t /a#e to -ay "or9D "lo;er garden is a -ositi#e externality '9 0/e boat o;ner is i5-osing a cost on t/e doc+ o;ner -To ta1e *are of an eCternalit,, ,ou need to internaliHe it, ma1e t/e (oat owner -a, for t/e dama&e t/e (oat does- Basis be/ind Pri#ate 7ecessity *ule


!3LI3! 0! -Pri5a 4acie case "or 7egligence, P 5ust -ro#e t/e "ollo;ingA 'B 0/e D o;ed t/e P a legal dut, 2B 0/e D, by be/a#ing negligently, (rea*/ed t/at duty 3B 0/e P su""ered a*tual dama&es 4B 0/e D3s negligence ;as an a*tual *ause o" t/is da5age B 0/e D3s negligence ;as a R-roCimate *auseL o" t/is da5age - 0/e dut, o;ed by all -eo-le generally V t/e standard o" care t/ey o;e V is to exercise t/e care t/at ;ould be exercised by a reasona(le and -rudent -erson under t/e same or similar *ir*umstan*es to a#oid ris+ or 5ini5iHe /ar5 to ot/ersB <ut, -*S M&A Duty- Exercise reasona(le *are ;/en t/e actor3s *ondu*t *reates a ris1 o" -/ysical /ar5B 8-B%69 -*S M)A E5ergency 8-B& 9 8e5ergency situations are to (e fa*tored into reasona(leness9 -*easonable -erson exercises care only about t/e +inds o" /ar5 t/at are "oreseeable, iBeB ;/at a reasonable -erson ;ould ta+e account o" in guiding -ractical conduct -0/e uni"or5 standard o" reasonable care allocates 5ore -o;er to t/e Cury to decide ;/et/er it ;as 5et or notD 5eans si5ilar cases could co5e out di""erently $tewart +. %otts 8-B6 PaB ')) 9 #easona(leness */an&es wit/ a*t OT standard -0o start and 5o#e t/e car ;it/out its gas tan+, Ste;art suggested and t/en -roceeded to -our gas in t/e carburetorB D su--osed to turn t/e car on at a certain ti5e, t/e car bac+"ired, an ex-losion /a--ened, and P su""ered /orrible burns on /is u--er bodyB -Is t/ere a /ig/er standard o" care ;/en using dangerous instru5entalitiesT 7o, only one standard o" care, t/at o" t/e reasonable 5an, but ;/at reasonable 5an 5ay O a5nt o" care de-ending on t/e circu5stances -So5e courts /a#e de-arted "ro5 t/is ort/odox #ie;, and re?uire a /ig/er standard o" care under 5ore dangerous circu5stances 9osas +. Horton 82('(9 !mer&en*, <o*trine -P dri#ing car ;/en ;o5an -us/es stroller into tra""icB D rear-ended PB 0$ ga#e sudden e5ergency instructionsB S$ disagreedB -Onl, emer&en*, if -la*ed in sudden -osition of -eril t/rou&/ no ne&li&en*e of own 8/e ;as dri#ing too close to P9B $/e-/erd +. 3ardner E/olesale, In*. 81laB ')&29 -P su""ered cataractsB 0ri-s o#er raise concrete slab o" side;al+ in "ront o" D3s businessB -!ne ;it/ de"ecti#e #ision is not required to eCer*ise a /i&/er de&ree o" care to a#oid inCuryB -*S M'' P/ysically Disabled 8-B&)9A 7eg only i" does not con"or5 to t/at o" a *PP ;it/ $"%! disa(ilit,. %ust (e o()e*ti+el, +erifia(le -/,si*al disa(ilities. ->sually, obligations deter5ined by State/4ed statutes 81D19D !ld 1ge is not reasonable careB $udden 9/,si*al In*a-a*itationA I" *PP would not foresee sudden seiHure, etcN and leads to P3s inCury, D is not legally res-onsibleB -1sy55etry bet;een -/ysical and mental disa(ilit, based -artly on Cudicial ad5inistrability 8-/ysical disability 5uc/ 5ore telling t/an a 5ental disability9 -Generally, an intoxicated -erson o;es t/e sa5e care as a sober -erson -4ir5 rule allo;s "or -redi*ta(ilit, (ut ma, sa*rifi*e indi+idual )usti*e -!ur "lexible standard o" reasonable -eo-le -re#ents -redictability and si5ilar outco5es across t/e boardD 5ore ability to "ind indi#idual tension


0reas, +. #us1 8-B)2 IndB 2(((9 9u(li* 9oli*, no <ut, -*us+ /ad 1lH/ei5ers, $reasy ;as a nurse ;/en *us+ +ic+ed /er and caused /er bac+ to go outB -D "ound not liableB E#en t/oug/ 5entally disabled are /eld to t/e sa5e reasonable -erson standard, a careta+er /as no co5-laint because duty in t/is situation is a one-;ay street "ro5 $reasy to *us+B P +ne; D ;as co5bati#e and e5-loyed "or t/at reasonB D o;ed no dut, "or -ublic -olicy concernsB -4actors deter5ining dutyA '9*elations/i- o" PartiesD 29*easB "oreseeability o" /ar5D 39Public Policy #easons to /old mentall,-disa(led to #99 standardA 8'9 allocates losses o" 2 -arties to 'D 829 Incenti#e to t/ose res-onsible "or t/ose ;it/ disabilities to restrain t/e5D 839 7o induce5ent "or tort"easors to "a+e 5ental disabilityD 849 1d5in issues to identi"y < assess signi"icance o" disabilityD 8 9 ,ust -ay da5ages to li#e in t/e ;orldB -*S M'2 :no;ledge < S+ills 8-B629A 3reater ?now. or $1ill ta1en into a**ount for #99 stdB -0/e la; sets a floor "or 7egligence 8reasonable -erson le#el9, but i" you3re better t/an a reasonable -erson, you /a#e to do better t/an Cust a reasonable -erson Hill +. $-ar1s 8-B) ,oB $tB 1--B ')&%9 Hi&/er #996 -D o-erated eart/-5o#ing 5ac/ineryB 0old sister to stand on ladderB S/e "ell o"" and run o#erB -D ;as "a5iliar ;it/ 5ac/ineryB :ne; o" sa"ety +no;ledgeB D /ad 5ore t/an 5inB o" reasonB +no;ledgeB -*S M'(A $/ildren 8-B&&9 8standard o" care "or a c/ild is t/at o" a c/ild o" si5ilar age, ex-erience, intelligence, and 5aturity acting under t/e circu5stancesD eC*e-tion i" c/ild is engaged in an adult acti#ityD c/ildren under are inca-able o" negligence9 #o(inson +. Lindsa, 8-B)& .as/B ')&)9 0/ild or "dult #996 -'3 yr old ;as allo;ed to dri#e a sno; 5obile, *obinson as -assenger lost use o" /er t/u5b -Issue in t/is case ;as ;/et/er t/e Cury s/ould /ear t/e c/ild std o" care 8t/e care o" a /y-ot/etical c/ild o" si5ilar age, ex-erience, intelligence, and 5aturity acting under t/e circu5stances9 or t/e *PP adult standard -Because t/e boy ;as o-erating a -o;er"ul 5otoriHed #e/icle, t/e standard o" care s/ould be t/at o" a reasona(le adult 8suc/ a rule discourages i55ature indi#iduals "ro5 engaging in in/erently dangerous acti#ities9 -In Hudson-Connor v. Putney 8-B)6 !rB $tB 1--B 2((49, D3s conduct in cras/ing gol" cart ;as to be considered under c/ild standard because it ;as not an adult acti#ity- 0/ild or "dult #996 -.e gi#e +ids a ;ide bert/ ;/en ;e see t/e5 doing adult acti#itiesB But i" +ids are doing an adult acti#ity 8exB dri#ing a car9, you may not kno t/ey3re +ids doing an adult acti#ity and ;on3t gi#e t/e5/;on3t be able to gi#e t/e5 a ;ide bert/ -./at counts in calibrating t/e standard o" care or duty in 7egligenceT -#ule of $e+ensA Minority rule or Chil!ren still say t/at 5inors o#er '4 are ca-able o" negligence, &-'4 inca-able o" it 85atter o" "act9, and under & are inca-able o" it as a 5atter o" la; $T"TDT!$ <!KI I 3 <DT75 !3LI3! 0! 9!# $! %ars/all +. $out/ern #ailwa, 0o. 8-B'(( 7$B ') (9 -P dri#ing in nig/t on -a#ed roadB D /ad rail;ay trestleD narro;ed road to /al" t/e siHeB -P ran into su--orts because onco5ing cars brig/t lig/tsB -$ourt ruled "or D- s/ould be able to sto- ;it/in range o" lig/tsB !rdinary care o" dri#erB 8*ange-o"-Lig/ts *ule9 0/affin +. :rame 8-B'(( 7$B ') '9 -P dri#ing at nig/t and blinded by /eadlig/ts o" dri#erB *an into D3s -ar+ed truc+ on roadB -D said contributory negligence 8P ;as ,!*E negligent9 because ;as going "astB


-*ule "or PB 7ot reasonable to "oresee -ar+ed truc+ on roadB Di""erent t/an ,ars/all because Su--ort ;as reasonably -ercei#able and "oreseeableB -*S M'4A Statutory Eiolations as 7egligence Per Se 8-gB 669- 7egB i" 8'9wit/out eC*use +iolates a statute t/at is designed to -rotect against 829t/e t,-e of a**ident t/e actor3s conduct causes, and i" t/e accident #icti5 is ;it/in t/e 839*lass of -ersons t/e statute is designed to -rotectB ,ust also s/o; K0 @ $OL *easonsA '9 1;+;ard "or $ourt to co55end be/a#ior t/at legislature conde5ned as unla;"ulD 29 Legislature is aut/oritati#e re-resentati#e "or co55unityD 39 >ni"or5 "oreseeability "or recurring actsB -7egligence in and o" itsel" 8negligence 5eans breac/ /ere9 %artin +. HerHo& 8-B'(2 7SB ')2(9- e&li&en*e -er se -D dri#ing at nig/t and crossed o#er and +illed buggyB D said P neg "or no lig/ts 8based on ordinance9 -0$ said statute only e#idenceB S$ said it I$ negligenceB =ury cannot relax duty t/at one tra#eler on /ig/;ay o;es under statute to anot/erB OL3uin +. :in&/am 0ount, 8-B'(4 ID 2(( 9 e&li&en*e -er se -P3s c/ildren -laying at land"ill and entered t/roug/ unobstructed border "ro5 "ieldB -Statute *learl, defined *ount,Ls std. of *ondu*t 8"ence or bloc+ access to land"ill ;/en no attendant9 -Statute intended to -rotect "ro5 t/is t,-e of /arm 8/u5an /ealt/ in solid ;aste dis-osal sites9 -0lass o" -ersons statute designed to -rotect 8$/ildren are ;it/in t/at class9 -Did #iolation o" statute result in c/ildren deat/T 8Sco-e o" Liability9 Ses- 7egligence -er seB DissentA @ealt/ is not "reedo5 "ro5 accidents B>0 disease and abnor5alityB Healt/ is not safet, -So5e statutes grant an eC-li*it *i+il *ause of a*tionA /ere3s a standard o" conduct, i" you #iolate it you ;ill /a#e to -ay t/e -eo-le ;/o are inCured as result o" it -7egligence -er se resol#es t/e negligence or breac/-o"-duty issue, not t/e ot/er issues in t/e negligence case -D>0Sa9 duty already exists, statute 5a+es it detailed/s-eci"ic #sB b9 ;/olly ne; duty and you don3t borro; t/e statuteB -$/ild3s #iolation o" a statute doesn3t constitute negligence -er se but can be e+iden*e o" a 5inor3s negligence -I" t/ere is no "actual discre-ancy, t/en no Cury necessaryB -In general, li*ensin& standards are not (orrowedB Person dri#es a car ;it/out a license but does it -er"ectly and still gets into an una#oidable accident is t/ere ci#il liability "or negligenceT 7o -*S M' ' !C*used Biolations 8-B)39 Exa5-lesA '9 Eiolation reasonable because a*torLs in*a-a*it, 80oo young, 5ental ca-acity, blind9 29 eit/er 1nows nor s/ould 1now of *om-lian*e 80ail lig/t goes out unex-ectedly ;/o +no;ledge9 39 Dna(le a"ter reasonable diligence or *are to *om-l, 8I5-ossibility9 49 !mer&en*, not due to o;n conduct 8>nex-ected "ailure in steering or bra+e syste59 9 0om-lian*e in+ol+es &reater ris1 "acing tra""ic but in#ol#es greater ris+ to cross9 0ustom and I&noran*e are OT eC*uses. Im-son +. $tru*tural %etals, In*. 8-B'() 0exB ')&29 !C*uses to e&. -er se -D tried to -ass P ;it/in '(("t o" intersectionB 0/e P 5ade a le"t and collided ;it/ D3s truc+B -D o""ered excuses suc/ asA "orgetting t/e existence o" t/e intersection, intersection sign ;as s5all, no lines to indicate it ;as a no -assing Hone, and ;as ;atc/ing t/e car a/ead dri"t rig/tB -7one o" t/ese "it t/e excusable reasons o""ered by t/e *S :#!"0H OK TH! $T" <"#< OK #!"$O ":L! 0"#! ;<DT7= -"--roa*/es to #easona(leness '9 I5-licit General *ules- 8Li+e ,at/e;D Stinnett 8reasonable -eo-le do ;/at ot/er -eo-le do99


29 $ost Bene"it 1nalysis- 8$arroll 0o;ingD BWPL9 39 StyliHed rules V Particular categories or cases- 8$rac+er Barrel Sli- n3 4all9 49 $usto5 80B=B @oo-er9 -I" t/e duty is sto- at red lig/t, t/e breac/ ;ould be not sto--ing at red lig/t a9 But i" t/e duty is be reasonable, t/e ?uestion beco5es F;/at is t/e breac/TG -T/e 9 must identif, alleged unreasonable conduct 81>$9 a9 1 "actual dis-ute can t/en arise out o" trying to establis/ breac/ -P /as to identi"y ;/ere D "alls s/ort o" reasonableness 9i-/er +. 9arsell 8-B''4 DelB 2((&9 Koreseea(le :rea*/ -0$ ruled as a 5atter o" la; t/at D not negligentB Person grabbed ;/eelB Second ti5e, #eered o"" s/oulder going 5-/B D said t/at t/ere ;as no ex-ectation "or Person to grab ;/eelB -D 5ade a;are and too+ no ste-s to -re#entB $ould /a#e ad5onis/ed -erson, -ulled o#er, ;arned -erson -1"ter "irst ti5e, < /ad dut, to eCer*ise reasona(le *are to -rote*t -assen&ers from /arm B -I" actions are foreseea(le, failure to -re+ent su*/ *ondu*t ma, (e (rea*/ of dut,B -*easonable 5inds could di""er ;/et/er D breac/ed t/is dutyB 4oreseeability o" /ar5 P Li+eli/ood and se#erity o" /ar5 P -robable to occur i" do not -recaution Indiana 0onsolidated Ins. 0o. +. %at/ew 8-B''& IndB $tB 1--B ')6(9 Im-li*it 3en #ules -D3s brot/er ;as out o" to;n, going to 5o; /is la;nB D started riding 5o;er in brot/er3s garage, "ire started, D tried to -ut it out, "ire gre;, D le"t and called )'' but t/e ;/ole garage ;as burnt do;nB -1lleged unreasonable conduct 81>$9 in ,att/e;s3 case by t/e insurance co5-anyA '9 D eit/er o#er"illed tan+ or s-illed gas on "loor 29 D started t/e 5o;er inside t/e garage 39 D did not -us/ "la5ing 5o;er outside -$ourt "ound t/at D ;as not negligent in "illing gas tan+ 8E#idence t/at /e too+ care9, ;as not negligent in starting 5o;er inside 80ustom- -eo-le start #e/icles in garages all t/e ti5eB General rule "ro5 t/is, reasonable -eo-le ignore re5ote ris+s and con"or5 to custo5ary -ractice9, and under e5ergency doctrine 8e5ergency not o" /is o;n 5a+ing9, /e acted li+e a *PP as ;e #alue -ersonal sa"ety o#er -ro-ertyB $tinnett +. :u*/ele 8-B'') :y $t 1-- ')6(9 Im-li*it 3en #ules -Buc/ele /ires Stinnett to re-air /is barn roo"B Stinnett "ell and said Buc/ele3s 1>$ ;as negligent in not -ro#iding sa"ety e?ui-5ent 8no ;or+er3s co5- in agriculture9 -Stinnett ;as an ex-erienced -ainter, didn3t as+ "or sa"ety e?ui-5ent ;it/out Buc/ele3s +no;ledge, no e#idence o" negligence - 3eneral #ule' #99 donLt ta1e -re*autions to -rote*t -eo-le w/o *an -rotect t/e5sel#es, but ;ill ta+e 5ore -recautions to -rotect t/ose w/o *annot -rotect t/e5sel#es 8eBgB 5entally disabled and c/ildren9 -0/e ob#iousness o" a ris+ 5ay 5a+e t/e li+eli/ood o" it 5aterialiHing so slig/t t/at t/ere is no need to try to eli5inate it In Herron v. Hollis 8GaB $tB 1--B 2(('9, @o5eo;ner assu5ed c/ild being ;atc/ed by 5ot/erB @e ;as aslee- 85ot/er +ne;9 and s/e le"t c/ild aloneB $/ild dro;nedB @o5eo;ner not negligentB :ernier +. :oston !dison 0o. 8-B'22 ,assB ')6(9 -Go a"ter Boston Edison because o" dee-er -oc+ets -$ar cras/ed into a electric -ole, "ell, and struc+ t/e PsB Sued t;o -eo-le causing accident and -ole coB -0/e 1>$ is t/at Boston Edison aile! to build a -ole t/at could ;it/stand a lo; s-eed i5-act by a car a9 0/e "ailure to use /oo-s and s-irals ;as unreasonable as t/e cost ;as relati#ely lo;, and t/e ris+ ;as #ery /ig/ -3eneral #ule' #99 s-end a little to -re+ent a ma)or /arm -1lso, based on cre;s dedicated to Cust re-airing t/ese, 5eans t/is ;as a foreseea(le e+ent


-1rgu5ent t/at it ;ould cost too 5uc/ to rein"orce -oles could be negated by P saying t/at you only /a#e to re-lace -oles ;/ere lots o" -edestrians and cars 5ix D$ +. 0arroll Towin& 0o. 8-B'2& 2nd $irB ')4&9 -Bargee ;as absent ;/en /e s/ould /a#e been on bargeB It bro+e a;ay and t/e "lour 8o;ned by t/e >S go#ern5ent9 ;as destroyedB $arroll cross clai5ed against $onnors "or t/e absent bargee -@and de#elo-s B8burden o" ade?uate -recautions9 W P 8-robability9 L 8t/e inCury9 a9 I" t/e burden is less t/an t/e -robability o" inCury, t/e D is liable b9I" Probability is EL0*E,ELS lo; but InCury is #ery substantial, 5ay ;arrant /ig/er burdenK -4irst you need to identi"y t/e -recaution8s9 t/at ;ould /a#e -re#ented t/e accident a9 0/e P3s duty to identi"y t/e -recaution -Say it cost Q3+ a yr "or an extra bargee 8So5e -recautions are di""icult to 5onetiHe9 -Say '(X c/ance o" barge sin+ing sans bargee 8P9 -Q (+ "or L o" barge and "lour 8InCury9 t/ese nu5bers, a *PP ;ould s-end s5all 5oney /ere to sa#e big 5oney 8Q3+ W Q +9 -T/e 9 wants to s/ow B is lo; because t/en D not ta+ing -recautions ;ould be negligent a9 Loo+ at all t/e -otential -recautions, t/en "ind t/e c/ea-est oneB -"lso, 9 wants to &et 9 and L as /i&/ as -ossi(le4or Prob, you need to loo+ to real ;orld stats L, it3s not al;ays easy to 5onetiHeit ;as in Carroll because ;e Cust dealt ;it/ goods a9 But ;/at i" so5eone is -aralyHedT S-ecies destroyedT @u5an Li"eK -Proble5s ;it/ BA cost o" in"or5ation- ,ust s-end /uge su5 to "ind out t/at -recaution ;ould cost -Proble5 ;it/ PA Pretty s-eculati#e -< onl, lia(le for D #!"$O ":L! 0ondu*t ;If :G9L= OT IK :S9L8 -0/e "or5ula is use"ul "or -ure e*onomi* /arm -"lternati+es to ris+-utility "or5ulaA intuition 8Fsee5s negligent to 5eG9, statutory -rescri-tion 8s-eed li5its9, rules "ro5 Cudicial -rescri-tion 8range-o"-lig/ts rule9, custo5 o" co55unity/business 8t/ese are t;o se-arate t/ ,art caseK9, 5oral rule 8liability only i" D did so5et/ing 5ore ris+y t/an ;/at ;ould /a#e done to -re#ent /ar5 to sel"/-ro-erty9D 8Don3t "orget t/at *es I-sa is -art o" breac/K9 "I%$ OK TO#T L"E 8$alabresi9 'B ,orality or $orrecti#e =usticeA /old -eo-le res-onsible "or /ar5s t/ey caused 2B Social utility/-olicyA considered 5ore ;it/ Custice "or us all not Cust "or t/e indi#idual 3B ProcessA *ules 5ust be 5ade so it is -ractical to a--ly t/e5 -4or t/e utilitarians 8li+e Posner9, legal rules s/ould be constructed to reduce t/e ad#ance costs and a"ter costs o" accidents Y o" accidents $ost o" Precaution $ost o" accidents 0otal '(( '(( 3(( 4(( & ' ( 22 3& ( 3(( ' ( 4 ( ->tilitarians ;ant & accidents because it is 5ost e""icientD t/e extra cost o" reducing to ( accidents isn3t ;ort/ itD $onsistent ;it/ t/e idea t/at you ;ant -eo-le to internaliHe t/e externalities 8See "incent9 -$albresi1cti#ities s/ould be c/arged ;it/ t/e accidents t/ey co55it 8Strict Liability9 a9 $alabresi ;as s+e-tical about s-eci"ic deterrence because t/e "ree 5ar+et is better t/an -oliticians to deter5ine ;/at is necessary b9 I" t/e 5ar+et doesn3t c/arge t/e c/ea-est a#oider t/at -arty ;ill bargain ;it/ t/e c/ea-est a#oider to 5a+e sure an e""icient outco5e ;ill occur -In o--osition to t/e utilitarians are t/e correcti#e Custice t/eorists a9 ,ore 5icro #ie;D in tort la; you3re trying to do rig/t bet;een -arties b9 Liability s/ould recti"y t/e inCustice done to a -artyD la; ;ants reestablis/ t/e initial e?uality


c9 Sou don3t e#aluate t/e e?uality o" t/e status ?uo, t/e -ur-ose o" la; s/ould be to return to status ?uo a"ter an e#ent ;/ere on gains and ot/er loses -0;o $orrecti#e =ustice 0/eorists George 4letc/erA F*eci-rocal *is+G #sB F7on-reci-rocal *is+G a9 I" t;o cars are dri#ing sa"ely and one car accidentally /it blac+ ice and collided, t/ere3s no basis "or liability because ;e i5-osed t/e sa5e a5ount o" ris+ on eac/ ot/erD liability occurs ;/en you i5-ose 5ore ris+ on anot/er t/an /e does on you 8say you dri#e sa"e and t/e ot/er guy dri#es drun+9 *ic/ard E-steinA Pure strict liability a--roac/ to torts based on F$ausation ,odelG a9 0/e Custi"ication "or recti"ying an inCustice ;as t/at t/e D caused t/e /ar5 7egligence Strict Liability >tilitarians $orrecti#e =ustice Posner 4letc/er $alabresi E-stein

#!$9O $I:ILIT7 OK %DLTI9L! "0T$ $o5-arati#e 7egligence- D3s liability is corres-ondingly reduced in re"lection o" P3s s/are o" negligenceB -Ooint @ $e+eral Lia(ilit,- P can en"orce tort clai5 a&ainst eit/er tortfeasorB $an only obtain "ull da5ages a9 $ontributionA I" D' -ays entire Cudg5ent, under =<S, D' can obtain contribution "ro5 D2 I" D2 is insol#ent or i55une, =<S ;ould "orce D' to -ay entire Cudg5ent ;it/out contributionB -$e+eral Lia(ilit,- Eac/ tort"easor only res-onsible "or -ro-ortionate s/areB I" D2 can3t -ay, P su""ersB -Ooint Lia(ilit,- *es-onsible "or entire a5ount 8e#en i" D2 dies, D' 5ust -ay it allK9 9#OBI 3 " < !B"LD"TI 3 0O <D0T 0rier o" "act 5ust reasonably belie#e t/at t/e -robability o" negligence exceeds Z 8-re-onderance9 $antia&o +. Kirst $tudent, In*.8-B'3 *I 2((49 -P says t/at ;/ile in 6t/ grade s/e ;as in D3s bus t/at got in accidentB Does not +no; intersection, etcN -7egligence crosses "ro5 reasonable in"erence to ran1 s-e*ulationB -P doesn3t +no; i" bus dri#er "ailed to sto- at sign or anyt/ing elseB P does not 5eet burden o" caseB In case o" $ontradictory 0esti5ony- =ury deter5ines testi5ony to belie#eB Kors,t/ +. Oose-/ 8-B'3& 7, $tB 1--B ')%69 -Decedent occu-ant o" car struc+ by truc+B 7egligent by excessi#e s-eedB -S+idded '2) "tB be"ore i5-actB S-eed li5it ;as 5-/B Exceeded t/is s-eed -rior to i5-actB 0ir*umstantial !+iden*e- e#idence o" ' "act -er5its in"erence o" 2nd "actB 8@ere, S+id ,ar+s9 In General- 7eed E#idence "or Breac/K 0D$TO% "$ !BI<! 0! OK :#!"0H -*S M2) 1' 0ustom 8-B4'9 8custo5s o" t/e co55unity are to be considered but not controlling9 -7o ex-ert needed i" t/e rig/t a5ount o" care is co55on +no;ledge T/oma +. 0ra*1er :arrell 8-B'4( 4laB DistB $tB 1--B ')) 9 -P sli--ed and "ell on "loor at D3s storeB P says at least 3(5in t/e area s/e sli--ed in ;as not attended to and t/at t/ere ;as a clear substance on t/e "loor 8based on ot/er ;itnesses9 -0/e 1>$ "or D ;as t/at it was unreasona(le in "ailing to clean u- a s-ill ;it/in 3( 5inutesB -Kor sli- @ fall, P 5ust s/o; D eit/er created a dangerous condition or /ad actual constructi#e +no;ledge o" a dangerous conditionB 7otice 5ay be establis/ed by *ir*umstantial e+iden*e 8substance ;as on "loor "or su""icient lengt/ o" ti5e9- in t/e exercise o" reasonable care, t/e condition s/ould /a#e beco5e +no;n to t/e -re5ise o;nerB


%et/od of (usiness o-eration *ould ma1e it all too li1el, t/at a dan&erous *ondition would arise 8bean bin in a grocery store9B -=ury s/ould decide i" e#idence su--orts P3s assertion %ulti-li*it, of fa*tors determines t/e reasona(leness of a restaurant *leanin& u- a s-ill' -:ind o" s-ill 8+etc/u- # clear li?uidD -er"u5y # odorless9D /o; large t/e s-ill isD #olu5e o" tra""ic area -*easonable lando;ners clean u- s-ills -ro5-tly but /o; soon t/ey +no; o" t/e s-ill de-endsD #ery styliHed a--roac/ to "inding reasonableness in t/ese sli- n "all cases -0/e longer a s-ill is t/ere t/e 5ore li+ely t/e D is guiltyB 0/e BWPL "its /ere Eal-%art +. Eri&/t 8-B'43 IndB 2((29 Own $tandard -.rig/t sli--ed on ;ater in outdoor la;n centerB 1>$ is D ;as negligent in 5aintenance, care, and ins-ection o" -re5ises 17D co5-any #iolated its o;n -olicy 5anual -.rig/t3s argu5ent is t/at reasona(le -eo-le follow t/eir own rules -" <Ls (elief t/at it s/ould -erform at a /i&/er standard t/an o()e*ti+e reasona(le is irrele+ant -E#idence t/at t/e D #iolated custo5ary sa"ety -recautions o" t/e rele#ant co55unity is usually su""icient to get t/e P to Cury -0ustom I$ e+iden*e safet, -re*aution was feasi(le -Si5ilar to Statutory- $o5-liance is Cust strong e#idence 8but i" la; -ro/ibits reasB care, t/en non-neg9 T/e TO Hoo-er 8-B'4 2nd $irB ')329 0ustom -0ug boat too+ cargo rig/t into a stor5B 0ug boat didn3t /a#e radios but t/at ;as t/e custo5 -1>$ /ere is t/at D didn3t /a#e a radio, D res-onds by saying t/at nobody /as a radio -@andA it doesn3t 5atter i" nobody does L 8;/ole industry 5ay /a#e lagged be/ind9, it Cust 5atters ;/at a *PP ;ould doD e#idence o" custo5 is not dis-ositi+e a9 But ;/o is @and to tell a tugboat o;ner /o; to o-erateD t/ey don3t ;ant t/eir s/i-s to be destroyed as 5uc/ as anyone else -0/e absence o" radios ;as not 5erely a custo5 but it 5ig/t be an indicator t/at t/e sa"ety -recaution ;as bad -$ourt3s role in deter5ining standardB 0ort la; is regulationPSocial Interest %iller +. Earren 8.B E1 '))(9 0om-lian*e -Ps a;o+e to 5otel roo5 "ull o" s5o+eB Door too /ot to touc/B Su""ered serious burnsB ,otel roo5s s/ould /a#e /ad s5o+e alar5sB 4ire code did 7!0 re?uire s5o+e alar5sB -4ailure to co5-ly ;it/ code is -ri5a "acie negligence I4 inCury -roxi5ately "lo;s "ro5 non-co5-liance and inCury is sort t/at regulation ;as intended to -re#entB -$o5-liance is 7!0 e?ual to Duty -er seB =ust co5-etent e#idenceD 7!0 conclusi#eB -Statutes ty-ically 5ini5u5 standard o" care 7!0 5ax obligationB -In order to esta(lis/ a (rea*/, ,ou must I<! TIK7 t/e unreasona(le *ondu*t and t/en sa, w/, t/at *ondu*t was unreasona(le a9 =usti"ications includeA custo5, cost-bene"it analysis, establis/ed rule 8li"e [ -ro-erty9, etc #!$ I9$" LOTDITD# ;#IL= -*S M'&A *IL 8-B))9A 1ccident causing P3s /ar5 is ty-e t/at ordinarily /a--ens as result o" negligenceB -*IL is circu5stantial e#idence P can use to establis/ D3s li+ely negligenceB 8*is+ o" Error in#ol#ed9 -=udge deter5ines *IL "ro5 P3s e#idenceB To )ur, if reasona(le minds *an infer t/at t/e a**ident is of t/e t,-e t/at usuall, /a--ens (e*ause of t/e ne&li&en*e of t/e *lass of a*tors to w/i*/ t/e < (elon&s. :,rne +. :oadle 8-B'4& Exc/B '6%39


-P ;as ;al+ing do;n t/e street ;/en /e blac+ed outB 1ll t/at is +no;n is "ro5 ;itnesses ;/o sa; a barrel o" "lour "all "ro5 D3s store onto PB ->nder *IL, 5ere "act o" t/e accident is e#idence o" negligenceD t/ere3s no 1lleged >nreasonable $onduct #IL /a--ens w/enA 8'9 1ccident usually doesn3t /a--en in absence o" negligenceD 829 ,ore -robably t/an not neg -erson ;as D 8rig/t o" control D-by -re-onderance- not exclusi#e control o" instru5entality9D 839 7o $ontB 7eg by P 8de-ends on Curisdiction9 -./at i" D /as e#idence t/at ;asn3t D3s truc+ t/at dro--ed "lourT 8Still can loo+ to *IL9 -./at i" D -ro#es /e too+ all -recautionsT 8Still can use *IL9 -D 5ust -oint to !0@E* reason accident /a--enedB ?o*/ +. orris 9u(li* 9ower <istri*t 8-B' ' 7ebB 1--B 2(('9 -D3s /ig/-#oltage lines bro+e, "ell, started "ire t/at da5aged P3s -ro-ertyB ;as ordinary, 5aybe s/ot by bullet 8no e#idence9 -Po;er lines do 7!0 nor5ally "all ;/o "ault o" co5-any t/at 5aintains t/e5 -*IL a--lied 8no substantial, signi"icant, or -robable ex-lanation9B 0os&ro+e +. 0ommonwealt/ !dison 0o. 8-B' 2 IllB 2(((9 -Stor5y nig/t, D3s electric lines "all and s-ar+ in alleyB 4ire occurs and gas line ex-lodesB -!t/er "orces 8non-negligent9 5ay /a#e do;ned -o;er linesB 7o *ILB *IL only i" negligence %O#! 9#O:":L! TH" OT -./at is t/e i5-act o" a *IL "indingT $reates an inferen*e o" negligence In *IL, ;e /a#e ( e#idence o" Breac/ but by in"erence o" negB P sur#i#es a directed #erdict -=ury "or *IL-a9 1rguably you s/ouldn3t need a s-ecial instruction "or *IL V it3s Cust anot/er -iece o" e#idence b9 =ury in#ited to co5-are t/ose causes o" t/e ty-e o" accident t/at suggest t/e neg o" t/e D ;it/ all ot/er causes 8neg or not9 and to "ind in "a#or o" *IL i" t/e "or5er -redo5inateB c9 P needs ex-ert 8es-B 5edical9 i" Cury /as no general +no;ledge -<onLt use if ,ou /a+e e+iden*e of ne&li&en*e8 If two <s, t/en donLt use8 Earren +. Oeffries 8-B' 3 7$ ')% 9 -Boy crus/ed/+illed ;/en Cu5-ed out o" D3s 5o#ing carB $ar -ar+ed but +ids -iled in < started rollingB -0/e 1>$A "ailure to set /and bra+e, "ailure to engage trans5ission, < "ailure to 5aintain ade?uate bra+es a9 0/e -roble5 is t/ere3s no e#idence "or t/e 1>$, it3s s/eer s-eculation -./en you /a#e P ;it/ no e#idence, *IL 5ay Cust co5e to 5ind and Cust t/ro; it out t/ere -In t/is case, t/ere are Possible 7on-negligent Ex-lanations 8P77E9 a9 ,ec/anical de"ect 8t/ose t/at =e""eries couldn3t /a#e been a;are o"9 ->nder *IL, ,>S0 5a+e in"erences t/at t/e accident more -ro(a(le t/an not occurred "ro5 negligence -It does see5 li+e it is 5ore -robable t/an not t/at D -ar+ed t/e car negligently but ;/at3s 5issing is any ty-e o" in#estigation a9 0/e 5ore non-negligent ex-lanations you can rule out increases your c/ances to ;in on *ILIn#estigation by P is +ey -I" D or /is ;itnesses /a#e extensi#e +no;ledge o" rele#ant "act but don3t o""er t/e5, courts so5eti5es -er5it t/e trier o" "act to dra; in"erences against D 3iles +. 0it, of ew Ha+en 8-B' % $onn '))49 o need for !C*lusi+e 0ontrol -Ele#ator o-erator 8P9 inCured ;/en ele#ator cras/ed and s/e /ad to Cu5- outB D contends t/at t/e only ;ay "or t/e ele#ator to cras/ li+e it did re?uired P to be negligent in o-erating it -7o 1>$, ;e Cust don3t +no;D P3s eC*lusi+e use of t/e instrument does not in and of itself (ar #IL -Des-ite D not /a#e exclusi#e control o" instru5entality, court "inds P entitled to /a#e Cury /ear *IL clai5


-*e?uire5ent o" D3s exclusi#e control o" instru5entality de-ends on )urisdi*tion -So5e courts /a#e concluded t/at ;it/ t/e ad#ent o" co5-arati#e "ault, t/e 9-fault limit on #IL s/ould (e a(olis/ed or modified -,ulti-le Ds does not assist P in *IL cases, don3t +no; ;/o ;as negligent 8>nless $onsecuti#e $ontrol9 0ollins +. $u-erior "ir-3round "m(ulan*e 8-B'%( IllB 1--B 2((39 !C*e-tion to 2 <s -P elderly unable to s-ea+ and ad5itted to /ealt/ center "or daysB D trans-orted P to centerB -Daug/ter 8real P9 sa; s/e ;as de/ydrated and /ad a bro+en legB P diedB -D said t/ere ;ere t;o co5-anies ;it/ access so no exclusi#e controlB -Because consecuti#e control, a--ro-riate to raise in"erence o" negB under *IL 8Serial/$onsecuti#e9 0on*erns a(out :ias' $a-tB !" S/i-- D3s e5-loyees 5ust incri5inate t/e5sel#es to -resent -ri5a "acie case 8$ons-iracy o" Silence=. Kor*es eC-lanationsB *IL allo;s P to get to Cury 8no directed #erdicts9 Eidm,er +. $! $1,wa,s, In*. 81las+a ')&69 -Plane cras/ +illed PsB P ex-ert says t/at it ;as -ilot error by 411 stdsB, D contends it ;as bad ;eat/erB -Ps s/ouldn3t be barred "ro5 using *IL e#en t/oug/ t/ey o""ered anot/er ex-lanation 8;eat/er9 because e#idence /ere is lac+ing -0/e D lac+ed su-erior +no;ledge 8-ilot died9 but not reason to bar *IL -*IL allo;ed because ;it/ today3s a#iation *ras/es usuall, donLt )ust /a--en, e#en in bad ;eat/er -0/ere3s ;ea+ e#idence o" -ilot error 8"lying too lo;, stalling t/e -lane9, but it3s not a co5-lete ex-lanation a9 In 1las+a you can send t/e case to t/e Cury on 2 issues Sou can conclude "ro5 t/e li5ited e#idence t/at t/ere ;as -ilot error or you could "ind *IL and conclude t/ere ;as negligence -Does t/e P /a#e to s/o; t/e D3s su-erior +no;ledge to allo; "or *ILT In 1las+a, no -0/e 5ore ;e gi#e access to *IL t/e 5ore -o;er ;e3re gi#ing to t/e Cury -*S M'6A 7egligent 4ailure to .arn 8-B'( 9A < w/o *reates a ris1 of /arm can "ail to exercise reasonable *are if /e doesnLt warn of dan&er I4 D 8reason to9 +no; o" ris+ and -otential #icti5s ;ill be una;are and ris+ ;ould reduce t/e ris+ o" /ar5B Potential #icti5s can 5odi"y t/eir conductB I" ;arning is not -ractical, "ailure to gi#e one is not negligentB -*S M')A 7egligent "ro5 i5-ro-er conduct by P or 3rd -erson 8-B'()9A 4oreseeable li+eli/ood o" actions o" ot/er -ersonsB ELA =udy loans /er car "or t/e e#ening to /er "riend, Grant, ;/o needs t/e car "or social -ur-osesB =udy +no;s t/at Grant3s dri#er3s license ;as sus-ended a 5ont/ -re#iously on account o" re-eated instances o" rec+less dri#ingB In t/e course o" t/e e#ening, Grant dri#es t/e car negligently, and inCures Eugene, a -edestrianB 1 Cury can "ind t/at =udy ;as negligent in loaning or entrusting /er car to GrantB "0TD"L H"#% -*S M4A P/ysical @ar5 8-B''49 Bodily /ar5 or real -ro-erty da5ageB o emotional /arm #i&/t +. :reen 8-B'%3 $onnB 2((%9 -P sto--ed at red lig/tB *ear-ended by DB ,inor da5age to car and no -/ysical inCuries -P clai5ed negligence led to econo5ic and nonecono5ic da5ages 8did not 5ention car9 -D said any ot/er inCuries ;ere "ro5 -re#ious accidents P in#ol#ed inB $ourt a;arded no5inal 8Q'9 da5agesB -$ourt re#ersedB $an reco#er no5inal da5ages "or a legal inCury 8deterrence to society9 but t/at does not a--ly to a negligence action ;/ere inCury caused unintentionallyB *e?uires -roo" o" actual da5ages to su--ort negligence $!1B K"0TD"L 0"D$"TIO -*S M2%A 4actual $ause 8-B''%9 0ortious conduct ,>S0 be a "actual cause o" /ar5 "or liability to be i5-osedB FHarm would not /a+e o**urred a(sent t/e *ondu*tG -$an /a#e in"inite "actual causesB


-0/e P 5ust establis/ a lin+age bet;een t/e D3s breac/ and t/e P3s actual /ar5 su""ered a9 ,ust loo+ at /o; t/e breac/ ;as t/e "actual cause 7!0 t/e D -0raditional Fbut-"orG test ExA S a--lies to = "or /andgun -er5itB Statute re?uires = to c/ec+ DPS records be"ore issuing -er5itre"use -er5it i" cri5inal recordB = does not c/ec+B S s/oots D 3 days laterB '9If $ no -rior *rim re*ord, is K0 estT 7egligence -er se is (ut OT R(ut for.L 29I" S /ad cri5 recT 9ossi(le *ausationB .ould S carry a gun ;/o -er5itT P need only con#ince Cury t/at 5ore -robable t/an not t/at s/e ;ouldn3t be inCured 2but "or3 D3s negB $-e*ulati+e #ole of Our, Hale +. Ostrow 8-B'% 0ennB 2(( 9 %ulti-le 0auses -P ;al+ing "ro5 bus sto--un"a5iliar ;it/ t/e side;al+B Protruding bus/es bloc+ed t/e side;al+B -P entered t/e street and tri--ed o#er cru5bled side;al+B $rus/ed /er /i-B -Bus/es on D3s #acant lotB $ru5bled side;al+ OT on D3s -ro-ertyB S/e sued $ity and -ro-erty o;nersB -.ould P3s crus/ed /i- /a#e occurred but "or t/e o#ergro;n bus/esT SesK o need for it to (e sole *ause. $alinetro +. ,strom 8-B'%& 4laB DistB $tB 1--B ')&&9 -D did not as+ P i" s/e ;as -regnant t/en x-rayed PB P3s baby /ad to be abortedB -0/e 1>$ V D ;as unreasonable in "ailing to as+ P i" s/e ;as -regnant or 2late3 a9 >nder t/e Learned @and "or5ula and/or custo5 you could say t/e doctor ;as unreasonable -But Salinetro loses /er case because t/e breac/ did not *ause t/e /ar5 8But 4or test9 -But "or t/e D3s actions, t/e inCury ;ouldn3t /a#e /a--enedB In t/e instant case, t/oug/, you can3t say but "or because s/e didn3t +no; s/e ;as -regnant and e#en i" t/e D /ad as+ed t/e inCury ;ould /a#e /a--ened -Botto5 LineA 0ry to co5e u- ;it/ a di""erent breac/ 85a+e sure it3s unreasonable9 i" you /it a bric+ ;all ;it/ 2but "or3 8as+ Salinetro i" s/e /ad un-rotected sex, 5a+e /er ta+e a test9 -*S M2&A ,ulti-le Su""icient $auses 8-B'2 9A I" 5ulti-le acts 8eac/ ;ould be "actual cause9 t/en eac/ is oneB -But 4orA i" inCuries are di#isible or se-arate, no -roble5, se-arate liabilities -./en t/e Ds act in concert and cause indi#isible inCury, bot/ -arties ;ill be liable 81 runs into /orse and lea#es dead carcassB B negligently runs into /orse and causes inCury to -assenger P9B -#es-ondeat $u-erior Lia(ilit,A ExB 0ele-/one $oB is liable "or its dri#er3s on-t/e-Cob negligent dri#ing t/at causes -/ysical inCury to PB 7ot based on $!,P17S3s negligenceB -$ourts ty-ically do not /old de minimis candidate as a cause 8t/ro;ing a 5atc/ into a "orest "ire9- 0ri#ial contribution to causal set is not ;it/in S!L 8Person ex-osed to asbestos "or 4( yrsB and t/en "or one day9
Landers +. !ast TM $alt Eater <is-osal 0o. 8-B'&( 0exB ') 29 :DT KO# K"IL$- %!#3!< 0"D$!$ -P3s "is/ +illed ;/en t;o Ds lea+ed salt;ater into /is la+e se-arately ->nder 2but "or test3 neit/er D "ails because t/e "is/ ;ould3#e died eit/er ;ay because o" t/e breac/ o" ot/er D -Bot/ ;rongdoers /eld Cointly < se#erally liable "or entire da5agesB "nderson +. %innea-olis, $t. 9aul @ $ault !M' S<= set 2 di""B "ires negligentlyB =3s burns do;n ,3s barnB S3s arri#es to barn s/ortly a"terB B!0@ "ail but-"or testB Barn ;ould burn no 5atter ;/atB $u(stantial Ka*tor TestA =3s ;asB S3s ;asn3t- no contribution to ,3s barn colla-seB = could argue only de-ri#ed , o" "e; 5inutes use o" barn 8t/is "ailsB .ould not allo; "or 17S co5-ensation9 *S0,0A SubB 4actor Cust for multi-le suffi*ient *auses neit/er a but-"or causeB P need to Cust state t/at 2nd tort"easor3s conduct ;as a but-"or cause o some en/anced /ar5B Burden s/i"ts to D on 5agnitudeB

Lasle, +. 0om(ined Trans-ort, In*. 8!rB 2(''9 $u(stantial Ka*tor -P 8decedent3s "at/er9 sues D because lost load o" glass -anesB $lean u- caused tra""ic to sto-B -!t/er D dro#e into P3s son3s -ic+u-B :illed P3s sonB =ury "ound D 22X at "aultB D a--ealed saying e#idence ;it//eld s/o;ing 2nd D ;as intoxicatedB -$ourt says t/is is rele#ant only "or a--ortion5ent 7!0 causationB Bot/ -arties ;ere substantial "actorsB


-Ex-ert said i" -ic+u- ;ould /a#e been dri#ing at s-eed li5it and /it ;it/ e?ui#alent "orce, truc+ ;ould not /a#e ignitedB Glass caused P to sto-, ot/er;ise 2nd D ;ouldn3t /a#e /it /i5K <illon +. Twin $tate 3as @ !le*tri* 0o. 8-B'& 7@ ')329 $-e*ulation -Boys /abitually -layed on bridgeB P3s son -laying on bridge lost balance and grabbed D3s ;ire- electrocutedB -1>$ is 5aintainB uninsulated ;iresD e#idence "or P to o""er ;ould be estB +no;ledge +ids -layed on bridge -Since it is a causation case, loo+ at t/e counter"actual 8;/at ;ould /a#e /a--ened /ad t/e D be/a#ed -ro-erly9 $-e*ulati+e #ole of t/e Our, a9 I" t/e ;ire ;as insulated, Dillon could /a#e 8'9 regained /is balance 829 "ell to /is deat/ 839 "ell, sur#i#ed but been 5ai5ed -I" o-tion 829 ;as "ound to be t/e case, t/e D ;ouldn3t /a#e been liable 8but-"or test9D /e ;as already dead ;/en /e touc/ed t/e ;ire 8Cust a 5atter o" seconds be"ore /e ;ould "all to /is deat/9 -I" t/e Cury "inds o-tion 839, D ;ould be liable but da5ages ;ould be reduced "or /is cri--led condition -I" t/e Cury "inds o-tion 8'9, t/e D ;ould be liable "or "ull da5ages ELA B +ills 1 negB 1 gi#en 2 ;ee+s to li#e -riorB S0ILL a but-"or causeB 13s li"es-an 5atter o" da5agesB $ummers +. Ti*e 8-B'& $alB ')469 :DT KO# K"IL$ OT %!#3!< 0"D$!$ -.ere ?uail /unting ;/en P ;as s/ot, but bot/ D3s "ired -7ot a case o" 5erged causes, one cause Cust don3t +no; ;/o caused it 8unascertainable *ause9 -0/e 2 Ds co55itted t/e sa5e breac/ ;tortious *ondu*t= at t/e sa5e ti5e, 5a+ing it ascertainable -Q0U ;!TD"L= */an*e t/at 0ice ;as t/e cause o" t/e incidentB Proble5 because you /a#e to -ro#e "ro5 t/e -re-onderance o" t/e e#idence 8 'X98I" ProbsB aren3t e?ual, it is a Cury ?uestion9 -0/e court ends u- deciding to s/i"t t/e burden to t/e Ds to de5onstrate t/at t/ey ;ere non-causes -0raditional 0ort DoctrineA D3s neg ,>S0 $1>SE inCury "or liabilityB -I" I5-ossible to "ind tortious conduct/causation 8;/o t/re; beer bottle on "ield9 *annot (rin& suitB -*S M26A Burden o" Proo" 8-B'3'9A P 5ust -ro#e t/at D3s tortious conduct ;as "actual cause o" P3s inCuryB I" P sues 5ulti-le actors and -ro+es ea*/ en&a&ed in tortious *ondu*t t/at ex-osed P to ris+ o" /ar5, and one or 5ore o" t/e Ds caused P3s inCury 8unsure o" ;/ic/9, t/e (urden of -roof s/ifts to <s. ELB *eed, a -edestrian, ;as inCured by a so"a t/at ;as negligently or intentionally t/ro;n "ro5 an u--erstory roo5B *eed sues all occu-ants o" t/e 4& roo5s ;/ere so"a 5ay /a#e been t/ro;nB *eed 5ust -ro#e ;/ic/ o" Ds ;as res-onsible- no burden s/i"tB Has not -ro+en t/at ea*/ of t/e <s a*ted tortiousl,. %ulti-le !C-osure 0ases' ExB ,an ex-osed to asbestos o#er 3( years "ro5 % co5-anies 0y-ically $u(stantial Ka*tor Test F5a+e a 5eaning"ul contributionTG by Cury 8$ausation -ro#ed by asbestos already, Cust don3t +no; .@!K9B 7o 5ini5u5 X r?5tB8=ury decides ;/at t/e 5in X is9 *S0,0A 0ri#ial $ontribution is 7!0 a legal causeB 0/is deals ;it/ $ontribution B>0 ' D 5ay /a#e caused /ar5 e#en i" ot/ers ;eren3t -resentB 8Pond exB di""B because cu5ulati#e to cause an indi#isible /ar59 Lord +. Lo+ett 8-B'&& 7@ 2(('9 Loss 0/an*e of :etter Out*ome -P bro+e nec+B P 5aintains s/e ;ould3#e /ad substantially better reco#ery i" s/e3d been diagnosed correctly a9 1>$ is t/e 5isdiagnosis and subse?uent 5istreat5ent -Loss of */an*e5o--ortunit, *ase /ere -3 1--roac/esA '9 Traditional"ollo;ed by 5inority o" courts, P 5ust -ro#e t/at D3s negligence de-ri#ed /i5 o" at least a 'X c/ance o" a 5ore "a#orable outco5e t/an /e actually recei#edB a9 $riticiHed "or being all or not/ing a--roac/ 29 #elaCed 0ausation TestI" D3s negligence substantial in outco5e F-layed a role,G t/en "ull da5ages a;arded 8less t/an or e?ual to (X c/ance o" 5ore "a#orable outco5e9 a9 .orst o" bot/ ;orlds- Lo; t/res/old "or total reco#eryB 39 Lost 0/an*e for a (etter out*ome is inCury "or ;/ic/ t/e negligently inCured -erson 5ay reco#er a9 $ourt "inds t/is a--roac/ to be 5ost sound


-4or t/e -ur-ose o" t/e case assu5e t/at e#en ;it/ -ro-er treat5ent, t/ere3s still a %(X c/ance o" -aralysis e#en ;it/ -ro-er 5edical care -In t/is case t/ere ;asn3t -ro-er treat5ent, t/ere ;as negligent 5edical treat5ent Patient no; /as 6(X c/ance o" -aralysis ->nder traditional a--roac/ Lord ;ould not reco#er in t/is situation a9 FBut-"orG t/e breac/ t/e P ;ould be un/ar5edD s/e needs to s/o; t/at by a -re-onderance o" t/e e#idence 8 'X9, s/e ;ould /a#e reco#ered /ad s/e recei#ed -ro-er treat5ent 8s/e can3t do t/at, t/oug/, because onl, A0U c/ance o" re*o+erin& e#en ;it/ -ro-er treat5ent9 -0raditional a--roac/ and relaxed causation are all or not/ing a--roac/es, ;/ile loss o" c/ance is only reco#ery "or t/e loss o" an o--ortunity "or t/e best outco5e 82(X o" t/e ;/ole inCury in t/is case 8%(X2(XP4(X99 -Dnder a loss of */an*e rule e+er, 9 wins des-ite not s/owin& fa*tual *ausation %o/r +. 3rant/am 2(''9 Lost 0/an*e -P in car accidentB 0a+en to doctorB P /as neurological sy5-to5sB Doctor does not run testsB Disc/arged -P ta+en bac+ to /os-ital and "inally -ut to second /os-italB Su""ers -er5anent brain da5ageB -Ex-ertA D #iolated reas standard o" careB (-%(X better outco5e -ossibleB 7o Fbut "orG causationB -Lost $/ance DoctrineA P reco#ers loss o" an o--ortunity "or a better outco5eB -Pro-ortional Da5ages 1--roac/B Percentage o" loss is ?uestion o" "act "or )ur, ;Onl, %aine= $ontro#ersial -olicy considerations 8lose '(X c/ance o" reco#ery "or exa5-le9B P/ysicians 5ust conte5-late -ro#iding @>GE a5ounts 5ore o" care to a#oid liability "or slig/tly di5inis/ed c/ance o" better outco5eB <illon +. !+anston Hos-ital 8-B'63 IllB 2((29 -$at/eter inserted into P3s bodyB *e5o#ed and bro+en -iece re5ained in bodyB .or+ed its ;ay to /eartB -=ury Instructions ,>S0 re?uire 819E#idence o" increased ris+ o" "uture /ar5D 8B9 Da5ages -ro-ortioned to t/e -robability t/at t/e ris+s o" "uture /ar5 ;ould 5aterialiHeB $0O9! OK LI":ILIT7 -*S M2)A Li5itations on Liability "or 0ortious $onduct 8-B'439A 1n actor3s liability is limited to t/ose /arms t/at result from t/e ris1s t/at made t/e a*torLs *ondu*t tortious InCury/@aHard ,>S0 arise "ro5 D3s tortious conductD ELB @unter gi#es gun to c/ildB $/ild dro-s on toeB P < D 5ust deter5ine Le#el o" GeneralityA Is ty-e o" /ar5 all -/ysical /ar5T !r, is it #ery s-eci"icT #is1 $tandard Test 85ore #ersatile t/an 4oreseeability 0est9A Li5its liability to t/ose ris+s t/at 5ade contact tortious at t/e ti5e o" t/e actionB Does t/is ris+ lie in sa5e real5 as /ar5 t/at occurred to PT Koreseea(ilit, used (, ma)orit, of *ourtsA In breac/, can a reasonable -erson "oresee so5e ty-e o" /ar5 to so5eone 8$lass o" -ersons9T In S!L ;ould a reasonable -erson /a#e "oreseen t/is ty-e o" /ar5 to PT ,anner o" /ar5 is irrele#antB %ed*alf +. Eas/in&ton Hei&/ts 0ondo 8-B'6& $onnB 1--B $tB 2(((9 -$ondo buHHer syste5 didn3t ;or+, P ;as t/en attac+ed be"ore /er "riend could co5e do;n and let /er in -Eas t/e /arm w/i*/ o**urred of t/e same &eneral nature as t/e foreseea(le ris1 *reated (, t/e <Ls ne&li&en*e6 I" so t/en you /a#e -roxi5ate cause
-0/e 1>$ is not 5aintaining a ;or+ing buHHer ;/en t/ey say t/at t/ey ;ill 8reasonable -eo-le +ee- t/eir -ro5ises9

-0/e ty-e o" ris+ associated ;it/ not "ixing t/e buHHer is not a 5ugging 8not in t/e sco-e o" ris+9 -@a#e to loo+ at t/e breac/ and ;/at ris+ it creates T/om-son +. ?a*Hins1i 8Io;a 2(()9 -D dis5antled a tra5-oline and set -arts 36 "t "ro5 t/e roadB Se#ere t/understor5 /it "e; ;ee+s laterB -0ra5-oline "le; into road and P rolled car into ditc/B 1>$ is negligently allo;ing tra5-B to obstruct -D said t/is ;asn3t "oreseeableB 0$ granted su55 Cudg5ent- duty only not to intentionally obstructB


-*e5anded bac+ to 0$ because co55on la; duty o" reasonable careB S/ould go to CuryB -1re ;inds ty-ical in Io;a 8"oreseeable9T :rea*/' Any /arm foreseea(le6 $OL' T/e /arm caused foreseea(le6 "(rams +. 0it, of 0/i*a&o 8-B'6) IllB 2((49 -P says D negligent "or "ailing to send an a5bulance to ta+e /er to /os-ital ;/en contractions '( 5in a-artB -4riend too+ P and dro#e t/roug/ red lig/tB Struc+ at & ,P@ by drun+ and /ig/ t/ird -artyB -P3s c/ild +illedB $ity could 7!0 /a#e reasonably antici-ated t/at not -ro#iding an a5bulance ;ould result in a dri#er running a red lig/t ;/ile substance-i5-aired dri#er ;as s-eedingB -,illions o" ;o5en 5a+e it sa"ely to /os-ital eac/ year by -ri#ate trans-ortationB -*S M3(A *is+ o" @ar5 not Generally Increased by 0ortious $onduct 8-B' 49A ot lia(le if *ondu*t was of a t,-e t/at does not &enerall, in*rease t/e ris1 of t/at /arm. ELA Gordie dri#ing 3 ,P@ e#en t/oug/ s-eed li5it is 2 ,P@B 0ree cras/es into Gordie3s car and inCures /is -assengerB Gordie not liable- s-eeding didnLt in*rease ris1 o" ty-e o" /ar5 su""ered by -B 9als&raf +. Lon& Island ## 8-B')( 7S ')269 -,an getting on train is -us/ed by a conductor, 5an dro-s a -ac+age "illed ;it/ "ire;or+s, t/e ex-losion causes so5e ;eig/t scales at t/e ot/er end o" t/e -lat"or5 to "all and inCure Palsgra" -1>$ is s/o#ing a -assenger onto train, < "oreseeable ris+ ;as +noc+ing t/e -assenger3s -ac+age loose -D is not in t/e class o" -ersons ex-ected to be a""ected by 1>$ Palsgra" not "oreseeable #icti5 ex ante a9 $ase o" "oreseeable F./oG /ere ;/ere as in Me!cal loo+ing at t/e "oreseeable F./atG -$ardoHo "inds no dut, to Palsgra" and doesn3t consider -roxi5ate cause because D3s conduct is not a -roxi5ate cause ;/en t/e < *ouldnLt foresee /arm to -ersons situated li+e t/e P -1ndre;s 8dissent9 t/in+s duties are owed to e+er,one $ardoHoA 4oreseeability 1ndre;sA Practical Politics, ,ulti-"actor test -0oday 5ost courts use $ardoHo3s "oreseeability/duty and 1ndre;s3 -roxi5ate cause -D is liable only "or 8a9 "or t,-es of in)ures ris+ed by /is negligence 8Me!cal 9 and 8b9 to t/e *lasses of -ersons ris+ed by /is negligence 8Palsgra 9 -1n intentional tort"easor /as a greater S!L t/an a negligent tort"easor because /e is more *ul-a(le Liability 84oreseeable *esults9A Extent, 0y-e o" InCury, $lass o" Persons 7ot Liable 8>n"oreseeable *esults9A 0y-e o" InCury, $lass o" Persons, Di""erent ,anner, Di""erent Extent -*S M32A #es*uers 8-B' )9 D negligently creates a ris+ to 1B B ;as not subCect to t/at ris+/esca-es it atte5-ts to rescue 1 but is /urtB D is t/en liable to BB Wagner v. #nt$l RR -Danger in#ites rescue$ardoHo Exce-tionA 4ire"ig/ter3s ruleB 7o;, co5-B negB "or rescuers ;/o act unreasonably conducting rescueB -T/e 9 will alwa,s ar&ue for t/e (roadest */ara*teriHation of t/e ris1, t/e < will do t/e o--osite to sa, t/at w/at /a--ened to t/e 9 was entirel, unanti*i-ated Hu&/es +. Lord "d+o*ate 8-B')6 @BLB ')%39 0/ara*teriHation of #is1- HOE doesnLt matter -E5-loyees le"t o-en 5an/ole co#er unattendedB 0;o boys ;ent into t/e /oleB Bac+ on to-, a lantern "ell into /ole, +erosene #a-oriHed, large ex-losion and "ire ensued, boy "ell bac+ into t/e /ole and ;as burnedB -Let3s assu5e t/e breac/ ;as lea#ing t/e lanterns unattended a9 0/en P ;ould say t/e ris+ ;as burn by t/e lantern b9 0/e D ;ould say t/e ex-losion ;as un"oreseeable < contact ;/ lantern3s actual "la5e ;as t/e ris+ -0/e D builds in a re"erence to 5ec/anis5 to narro; ris+ 85anner o" ris+9 8a case about F@o;G9


- @ug/es3 a--eal is allo;ed because Brits t/oug/t it ;ould be too narro; a #ie; to say t/at /ow t/e "ire ca5e about ;as un"oreseeable w/en &ettin& (urned (, lantern was foreseea(leB *uled "or boys <ou&/t, +. Turner %anufa*turin& 8-B')) $1 ')%39 0/ara*teriHation of #is1- HOE %atters -.or+er +noc+ed lid into #at o" li?uidB 7ot/ing /a--ened at "irst 8no s-las/9B 2 5inutes later lid3s c/e5ical 5a+eu- reacted and ex-loded causing P to get burnedB -0/e breac/ ;as +noc+ing t/e lid into t/e boiling #at -0/e ris+, according to t/e P, ;as being /it by t/e 5olten la#a, scalding -0/e ris+, according to t/e D, ;as being /it by t/e s-las/ "ro5 t/e lid initially -Here t/e *ourt went t/e ot/er wa, of Hughes and said < onl, owed dut, to foreseea(le ris1 of t/e s-las/ not t/e eC-losion H"#% ODT$I<! TH! $0O9! OK #I$? :!0"D$! IT$ !MT! T I$ D KO#!$!!":L! -*S M3'A Preexisting $onditions < >n"oreseeable @ar5 8-B' %=' T/in $1ull #uleA I" 1ctor3s tortious conduct causes /arm t/at is &reater t/an eC-e*ted because of -reeCistin& -/,si*al or mental *ondition, actor is subCect to liability "or all /ar5 to -ersonB -"mount of /arm is so5et/ing you3re res-onsible "or no 5atter /o; 5inor t/e initial /ar5 you in"licted 8+noc+ing so5eone o#er ;/o /as osteo-orosis9 -*S M3 A En/anced @ar5 due to E""orts to *ender ,edical or !t/er 1id 8-B'% 9A Liable "or en/anced /ar5s t/e ot/er su""ers due to t/e e""orts of 3rd -ersons to render aid reasonably re?uired by inCuryB Hammerstein +. Oean <e+elo-. Eest ; e+. 199Q -.201=- 7egligent 4ire 1lar5 caused P 8&( year old9 to t;ist an+leB Extent o" in"ection 5ay not be "oreseeable but still liableB ELB @arriet, diabetic, re?uires s-ecial ort/o s/oesB .alter "its /er "or s/oes negligentlyB S/e gets blistersB 3oes to 7ael, do*torB @e does not/ingB De#elo-s gangrene and leg a5-utatedB Sues .alter "or negB, /e is liable 8;it/in sco-e o" liability9 ,ust -ay 4>LL I" s/e also sues doctor, Cury could deter5ine co5-B negB -ro-ortion and =oint < Se#eral liabilityB -*S M3%A 0ri#ial $ontributions to ,ulti-le Su""icient $auses 8-B'%&9A 0ri#ial cause not in SoL Does 7!0 a--ly i" tri#ial contributing cause is necessary "or t/e outco5eB -*S M34A Inter#ening 1cts < Su-erseding $auses 8-B'%'9A I" "orce o" nature/indB act also "actual cause o" /ar5, an actor3s liability is li5ited to t/ose /ar5s t/at result "ro5 ris+s t/at 5ade actor3s conduct tortiousB Onl, for (iHarre, unforeseea(le e+ents t/at in*rease ris1K 0/is is a defense8 -$/ronology i5-ortant in t/ese cases /----------------D3s Breac/------------------3 rd -arty or act o" God action--------------P3s /ar5---/ -Ruestion is ;/et/er inter+enin& *ause eli5inates original D3s breac/ 8is it su-er*edin&T9 -So you /a#e an un"oreseeable outco5e t/at ;ould not be rig/t to i5-ose liability on t/e original D -1n inter#ening act by 2nd tort"easor s/ould only relie#e t/e 'st tort"easor o" liability ;/en t/e resulting /ar5 is outside t/e s*o-e of t/e ris1 ne&li&entl, *reated (, t/e 1 st tortfeasorB E?ually, an inter#ening act t/at is -art o" t/e ris+ t/e ' st D created s/ould de"initely not relie#e t/e 'st DB -Concord !lorida v. "e in ;D3s ca"eteria /ad no "ire exits and arsonist torc/ed -lace9 /------7o "ire exits-------------arsonist-----------------------P3s burned--/ -0/e ris+ is t/at a #icti5 ;on3t be able to esca-e a "ire, no matter /ow t/e fire started t/e ris+ ;as realiHed -#aines-$a%% v. ICI &'(losives /---5islabeled "ertiliHer------------"ertiliHer used "or !: $ity bo5bing--------inCured in bo5bing--/ Bo5ber3s conduct un"oreseeableD indB o" 5anu"acturerD ade?uate by itsel" to bring about #icti53s inCuriesB -0/is is a su-erseding causeK Inter#ening *riminal a*t is onl, sometimes su-ersedin& 8!7LS .@E7 >74!*ESEE1BLE9- /a#e t/ere been -rior cri5inal actsTK If su-ersedin& *ause, t/en <Ls a*t not a -roCimate *ause. Marcus v. Stau%s 8Single-car accident caused deat/ and serious inCury 8'4 year olds99B /---,arcus ga#e alco/ol and too+ girls to -arty, didn3t t/e5 -ic+ u-------,isty drun+, stealing car---1ccident-/

7ot Inter#ening causesB ,arcus #iolated t;o statutes and co55on la; negligent "or not -ic+ing girls u-B Delaney v. )eynolds 8,ass ctB 1--B 2(( -B2(%9 8P s/oots sel" ;it/ -olice gun9 /---D stored gun unloc+ed and loaded-------P "a+es trying to co55it suicide---------S/oots /ersel"--/ Is suicide suc/ an extraordinary e#ent t/at it is not "oreseeableT >- to Cury ;/et/er ris+ t/at P ;ould act so ris+ily ;as "oreseeableB <erdiarian +. KeliC 0ontra*tin& 0or-. 8-B2(6 7S ')6(9 o $u-ersedin& 0ause -P ;as burned by #at o" /ot sealing li?uid ;/en D insisted /e setu- /is o-eration on a -art o" t/e /ig/;ay "acing tra""ic and t/e D a""orded /i5 little -rotection "ro5 t/at tra""icD Dic+ens su""ered an e-ile-tic seiHure cras/ed t/roug/ 4elix3s barricade and P ;as burned by li?uid -P 5ust s/o; t/at <Ls ne&li&en*e was a su(stantial *ause of t/e e+ents w/i*/ -rodu*ed t/e in)ur, -Dic+ens ;as not a su-erseding cause because a car i5-ro-erly entering t/e ;or+site ;as t/e ris+ 4elix /ad a duty to -rotect against and didn3t 8s/ould /a#e /ad truc+ in t/e ;ay98ris+P;or+er /it by negligent dri#er9 -.or+ers $o5- is an exclusi#e re5edy, i" you acce-t it you can3t sue your bossD Derdiarian can sue 4elix because /is boss is Bayside not 4elix -E#idence o" ;/at ot/er co5-anies ;ould /a#e done is custo5, good e#idence as ;/at a reasonable -erson ;ould /a#e done Bentri*elli +. ?inne, 8-B2'' 7S ')&69 -De"ecti#e trun+ lid on rent a car caused P to try to close lid ;/en a 3 rd -erson ran into P in -ar+ing lotB -1>$ is renting a car ;it/ a de"ecti#e trun+ lid -$ourt "ound t/at 3rd -erson ;as t/e -roxi5ate cause not t/e lid because de"ecti#e lid or not, P could /a#e been standing be/ind /is car to load t/e trun+ 8/e ;as in a -ar+ing s-ot9 -Dissent counters t/at de"ect ex-osed P to being struc+ exactly as /e ;as -So5eti5es courts resol#e sco-e o" liability issues in#ol#ing inter#ening causes by saying t/at i" D3s negligence 5erely furnis/ed a *ondition by ;/ic/ t/e inCury ;as -ossible and subse?uent inde-endent act caused t/e inCury, t/e existence o" suc/ condition is not t/e -roxi5ate cause *S says 7!K $onditionsPcausesD -art o" causal setB 8-B''69 %ars/all +. u&ent 8-B2'3 'st $irB ') 9 ot a $u-ersedin& 0ause -0ruc+ dri#er "orces P3s car to go o"" roadB 0ruc+er sto--ed and ;ent to /el- P get bac+ on road, t/us bloc+ing t/e road ;/ic/ caused anot/er car to s;er#e to 5iss truc+ and t/en stri+e P /----D dri#es truc+ on t/e ;rong side--------7ugent s;er#es----------,ars/all /it--/ -7ugent is not negligent /ere, be/a#ed as a reasonably -rudent -erson 8arguable e5ergency doctrine9, truc+ dri#er is negligent t/oug/ -T/e ris1 /ere was -resent until t/e *ars were (a*1 to normal dri+in& -Pitts%urg Re!uction Co. v. &orton -0/e ris+ /ere ;as t/at an unsu-er#ised c/ild ;ould "ind t/e ca-s and be inCuredD t/at ris+ ;as ter5inated once t/e 5ot/er "ound out about t/e5D so guy ;/o le"t ca-s out in beginning ;ould not be liable ;termination of ris1= <!K! $!$' 9Ls K"DLT "$ " <!K! $! 0ontri(utor, e&li&en*e :utterfield +. Korrester 8-B2') EngB '6()9 -P riding #iolently cras/ed into D3s -ole on t/e road, causing /i5 to "all "ro5 /is /orse -Gi#es birt/ to traditional $L rule t/at P 5ust exercise reasonable -rudence "or /is o;n sa"etyD bac+ t/en, contributory negligence ;as a co5-lete bar to reco#ery 0ontri(utor, e&li&en*e wit/ 0om-arati+e Kault


-!nly 1L, 7$, ,D, E1, and D$ do not /a#e co5-arati#e "ault rules -Pure $o5-arati#e V go strictly by t/e nu5bers, and t/e 9 alwa,s re*o+ers somet/in& 87S9 -,odi"ied or Partial $o5-arati#e V P ;/o is 5ore t/an (X at "ault ;ill reco#er not/ing 8.I9 but in so5e states, P ;/o is eit/er 5ore t/an (X or eCa*tl, Q0U ;ill also not reco#er anyt/ing 87D9 9o/l +. 0ount, of Kurnas 86t/ $irB 2('29 -P returning to "riend3s "ar5/ouseB Dar+, sno;y and turned on ;rong roadB 7o s-eed li5it -osted -P tra#elled at %3 5-/ 8statutory s-eed is ( 5-/9 and bra+ed too late "ro5 ;arning signB Se#ere inCuriesB -$o55on la; negligence7egB -lace5ent o" ;arning sign and "ailure to 5aintainB -Ex-ert said >S De-tB 0rans ;ere not co5-lied ;it/B 7o retrore"lecti#ity so ''("t "ro5 turn not enoug/B -$ourt ga#e %(X neg to countyD A0U to 9o/lB 1--ortion5ent o" negligence is only "or "act "inderB 7ot disturbed on a--ealB Bot/ P < D ;ere at "aultB -*S M6A 4actors "or 1ssigning S/ares o" *es-onsibility 8-B'&)9A @o; unreasonable conduct ;asD extent to ;/ic/ conduct "ailed to 5eet t/e a--licable legal standardD circu5stances surrounding t/e conductD eac/ -erson3s abilities and disabilitiesD and eac/ -erson3s a;areness, intent, or indi""erenceB -*S M&A E""ect o" P3s 7eg ;/en P su""ers an indi#isible inCury 8-B'& 9A $o5-arati#e *es-onsibilityB -I" court "inds one -erson /as no duty a"ter Cury -ro-ortions, can -ro-ortion co5-arati#e res-onsibility to re5aining -ersons so no ne; trial is "orced 0om-arati+e Kault 0al*ulations @y-oA '((+ da5ages 8e#eryt/ing9, Pedestrian /it by car 'B P is 2 X res-onsible, D is & X res-onsible aB 7SP& + .IP& + 7DP& + 2B P is %(X #B D 4(X aB 7S-4(+, .IP( 7DP( 3B P is (X, D is (X aB 7SP (+, .IP (+, 7DP( @y-oA 2 cars bot/ run sto- signs and collide 13s Da5agesP'((+ B3s Da5agesP2((+ 'B 1- 4(X res-onsible, B is %(X res-onsible aB 7S-1P%(+, BP6(+ ;more ne&. -art, also &ets V=, .I-1P%(+, BP(, 7D-1P%(+, BP( @y-oA P sues D' and D2 o#er /unting accident, but P didn3t ;ear an orange /unting #est 'B P is '(X at "ault, D' %(X at "ault and D2 3(X at "ault a9 In so5e states, P ;ould get )(+ 8assu5ing '((+ da5ages9 "ro5 eit/er D t/en t/e 2 D3s ;ould "ig/t it out 8=<S9 b9 !t/er states, D' is u- "or %(+ and D2 is 3(+, but i" eit/er one is insol#ent P is S!L unli+e in a9 8S9 3B P is %(X at "ault, t/en in so5e states ;ould not e#en reco#er anyt/ing Traditional !C*e-tions to eC*usin& 0ontri(utor, e&li&en*e ;Onl, for 0ont. e&. states= OT 0om-#es*ue do*trine -re#ents rescuer "ro5 being c/arged ;/ contributory negligence unless /e acts rec+lessly Last 0lear 0/an*e -I" D disco#ered or s/ould /a+e dis*o+ered P3s -eril and could reasonably /a#e a#oided it, P3s earlier negligence 8eBgB slee-ing on ** trac+s9 would neit/er (ar nor redu*e re*o+er, <is*o+ered 9eril' si5ilar, a--lies onl, if < a*tuall, dis*o+ered P3s -eril 8See Gla!on' -In states ;it/ *om-arati+e fault, last *lear */an*e and dis*o+ered -eril /a+e (een dis*arded #e*1less or Intentional %is*ondu*t' -P 5erely negligent, D outrig/t rec+less, goes to co5-arati#e "ault 9Ls Ille&al "*ti+it,'


-Barker v. (allash 8-B23&9, P inCured trying to 5a+e a -i-e bo5b, no reco#ery -0riminal a*ti+it, will almost alwa,s (ar re*o+er, "ll or ot/in& $ituations in t/e 0om-arati+e Kault Eorld -Disregard D3s "ault on causal 8D3s negligence didn3t cause P3s /ar59, sco-e o" ris+ 8idiot di#es into s/allo; -ool +no;ing its s/allo;9, or su-erseding cause grounds -Stinnetonly -rotect so5eone ;/o can3t -rotect t/e5sel#esB 8Barn roo"9 -I" P and D *ause se-arate in)uries, eac/ is res-onsible "or t/e inCury caused ;/o a co5-B reduction o" eit/er -P and D cause se-arate but indistinguis/able inCuries 8P s5o+es and D ex-oses to asbestos9D could deny reco#ery, all "ull reco#ery or go to co5-arati#e "ault -0/e a#oidable conse?uences or minimiHin& dama&es rule traditionally re?uire P to 5ini5iHe /er da5ages by reasonable e""orts and ex-enses 8a"ter "oot surgery, P s/ould ta+e "oot antibiotics9 :eCi&a +. Ha+ir %anufa*turin& 87= ')&29 <Ls ne& allowed for 9Ls ne&. -P3s *@ ;as crus/ed by D3s 5ac/ineB ,ac/ine lac+ed basic sa"ety de#ices to -re#ent exact ty-e o" inCury P su""eredB 0ontri(utor, ne&li&en*e no defense (e*ause <Ls ne&. allowed for 9Ls alle&ed ne&li&en*e. -./at is t/e D3s duty /ereTantici-ate and -rotect t/e user "ro5 /is o;n carelessness a9 >n"air "or t/e5 to t/en assert P3s negligence as a de"ense -Be)iga is t/e "li- o" Stinnet 8/ere it is unreasonable to do not/ing i" -eo-le need to (e -rote*ted9 -P3s #ulnerability 5ig/t be es-ecially i5-ortant i"A '9 < 1nows of 9Ls +ulnera(ilit, and 29 9Ls ris1, *ondu*t endan&ers /imself (ut not ot/ers 0/ristensen +. #o,al $*/ool <istri*t o. 160 8-B22) .as/B 2(( 9 -DiaH engaged in sexual acti#ity ;it/ '3 year oldB P broug/t suit against sc/ool district -1>$ ;as negligence in /iring and su-er#ising DiaHB -D said P #oluntarily -artici-ated and liedcontributory "aultB -0$ de"erred rulingB Public Policy ai5s to -rotect c/ildren "ro5 abuseB -Sc/ool /as a s-e*ial relations/i- ;it/ students and /as a duty to -rotect t/e5 "ro5 reasB antici-ated dangersB Lero, Ki(re 0o. +. 0/i*a&o ## 8-B232 >S ')'49 -P3s "lax destroyed ;/en s-ar+s "ro5 ** ignited itB D argues contributory negligence "or stac+ing "lax too close to **B -$ase is old enoug/ t/at P3s negligence is an absolute bar to reco#ery -D3s clai5 attac+s P3s -ro-erty rig/tsB Pro-erty is an entitle5ent -So5eti5es ;/en you /a#e an entitle5ent you /a#e a rig/t to be careless, stu-id and ;on3t be accused o" contributory "ault "$$D%9TIO OK TH! #I$? ;"O#= -*S M2A $ontractual Li5itations on Liability 8-B'%)9 8$ontracts can be co5-lete bars to D liability9 -,any Curisdictions /a#e abandoned t/e doctrine and colla-sed into *om-arati+e fault -!C-ress "O# is 5ore li+e contract la;, releasing t/e D "ro5 liability -$onsent to acce-t ris+ 5ust be "reely gi#en- 8struc+ do;n i" no meanin&ful alternati+e9 -1lso, inCured -arty 5ust consent to t/e -arti*ular ris1 t/at led to t/e inCury -*st5tB 2nd 4)%B c5tB c Fter5s 5ust be 2broug/t /o5e3 to /i5G 8"ully understood9 V "ine -rintT Tun1l +. #e&ents of D0 8-B24( $alB ')%39 -0un+l only ad5itted to /os-ital on condition /e execute a release absol#ing D o" liability "or negligence/;rong"ul acts, etc -Since t/is ser#ice ;as one ;/ic/ e#ery -ublic -erson 5ig/t "ind essential, t/is ;ould be co5-ulsory assu5-tion o" t/e ris+, ;/ic/ is not allo;ed -:ey is t/at it3s an essential ser+i*e ; OT a dis*retionar, ser+i*e=


%oore +. Hartle, %otors 8-B24( 1las+a 2(('9 -P inCured in 10E training courseB P signed release but sco-e o" release only for una+oida(le and in/erent ris+s o" 10E riding and ordinary negligence associated ;it/ t/ose ris+sB -P3s inCury "ro5 stri+ing /idden roc+ on no#ice course ma, be a sign t/at t/e course ;as unnecessarily dangerous and t/at ;ould be outside t/e sco-e o" t/e release - ot a *ase w/ere t/e "TB safet, *ourse is an essential ser+i*e or w/ere t/e *om-an, /ad a de*isi+e ad+anta&e in (ar&ainin& stren&t/ -E0 S$ /as /eld t/at a #oid o" negligence liability on a li"t tic+et against -ublic -olicy a9 .ant to ensure sa"e resorts and encourage touris5 -!@ S$ "ound t/e exact o--osite because s+iing is not a big industry t/ere -De-ends on -olitcs/econo5icsT -Ex-ress assu5-tion o" t/e ris+ 8:9, and im-lied assum-tion of t/e ris1 8consent in t/e tort ;orld9 -I5-lied *is+- you assu5e t/e ris+ Cust by engaging in t/e acti#ityB :etts +. 0rawford 8-B244 .yo5ing '))69 -P ;or+ed "or D as /ouse+ee-erB 0ri--ed o#er ite5s le"t on stairsB D ser#ant assu5es ris+s o" e5-loy5entB -@o5eo;ners 5ust use reasonable care to a#oid inCury to t/ose -er5itted on t/e -re5isesB -P-' X co5-B "aultB -!nly "e; states allo; i5-lied assu5-tion o" ris+ as "ull de"enseB "+ila +. 0itrus 0ommunit, 0olle&e <istri*t 8-B24 $al 2((%9 -P -layed baseball "or *io @onda $$B Played against DB Pitc/er /it /i5 in /eadB -1s a 5atter o" la; and -olicy, D o;es no duty to -rotect P "ro5 inCuries arising out o" t/ose ris+s dee5ed in/erent in s-ortB Loo+ to "unda5ental nature o" s-ort to deter5ine ;/et/er t/e D o;es a duty to -rotect PB -P says s/ouldn3t /a#e conducted ga5eD no, -artici-ated ;it/ ordinary in/erent ris+ o" baseball -4ailed to control Pitc/erD no, /it by -itc/er is in/erent ris+ o" baseball, intentionally also +no;n ris+B -4ail to -ro#ide u5-iresD no, did not increase t/e ris+ o" /ar5B 7o duty to decrease ris+ o" /ar5B -4ailed to -ro#ide 5edical careD no, did not cause inCuryB P ;as not /el-less, /ad /is o;n coac/esB $telluti +. 0asa-enn !nter-rises 87= 2('(9 -P -artici-ated in s-inning class at gy5B Inex-eriencedB Bars dislodged "ro5 bi+eB -P sued "or negligence- "ailure to 5aintain and teac/ /erB -Su55ary Cudg5ent "or D based on ;ai#er signedB -$ontract o" ad/esion en"orceable in contextB 7ot in -osition o" une?ual bargaining -o;er 8discretionary acti#ity9 -@o5eo;ners must use reasona(le *are to a#oid inCury to t/ose -er5itted on -re5ises and e5-loyers /a#e a duty to "urnis/ a sa"e -lace to ;or+ -*SA i" P is reasonable in "acing a ris+, s/e is not negligentB E/en s/e unreasona(l, *onfronts a 1nown ris1, /er ne&li&en*e in doin& so redu*es /er re*o+er,assu5-tion o" ris+ 5erged ;/ co5- res-onsibilityB -1ssu5e dangers in in/erent to a s-ortB I" inCury is due to no breac/ o" duty by D, t/e ris+ is assu5ed 8"alling ;/ile s+iing9B But ;/ere t/ere is assu5-tion o" duty and a breac/, t/at ris+ is not assu5ed by P 8"alling on ex-osed bus/ ;/ile s+iing9, /e assu5ed reasonable care o" D /ere -In s-ort cases, t/e < owes dut, to a+oid re*1less or wanton in)ur, +s. 9 assumin& ordinar, ris1 of ne& B Tur*otte +. Kell 87S ')6%9 -P inCured in /orse race, bla5es D "or illegal 5o#e t/at caused Costling -D3s 5aneu#er ;as i5-er5issible under racing rulesB 7!0 a consent case -D /ad a lo;er standard o" care, one o" intention and rec+lessness -7o breac/ because no duty or reduced duty -D didn3t act rec+lessly or intentionally as re?uiredD ;/at /a--ened ;as ;it/in t/e +no;n, a--arent and "oreseeable dangers o" t/e s-ort


-$e*ondar, "o#- D o;es a duty, but P +no;ingly encounters ris+ caused by D3s breac/B $u()e*ti+eB ,ust s/o; t/at P 1nowin&l, and +oluntaril, encountered ris+ 8leads to co5-arati#e "ault9 -9rimar, "o#- $o5-lete barB 7o duty ;as o;edB =ust as+ F;as ris+ in/erent < a**e-ted -art o" acti#ity -0om- Kault- O()e*ti+e. 4ailed to use *$B .ould *PP in circu5stances 1nown about ris+T Ousti*e :ales 3i-son +. ?ase, 81U 2((&9 -Parent o" decedent "iled ;rong"ul deat/ suit against decedent3s co-;or+erB 1>$-su--lied -ills to g" at -artyB -4oreseeability 7!0 a "actor to be considered by courts ;/en deter5ining dutyB 8*e?uires SPE$I4I$ 41$0S9 -1 s-ecial or direct relations/i- is not essential in order "or t/ere to be duty o" careB -Duty o" $are o" e5-loyee deri#ed "ro5 state statutes -ro/ibiting distB o" -rescri-tion drugs to -eo-le "or ;/o5 drugs are not -rescribedB -Person $o1 dies ;it/ -ersonB 0/is is a statutory $o1B Did not sue g" because 5ust rely on /er testi5ony -:asey said /e did not act ;it/in sco-e o" /is e5-loy5entB -=ury /as an ex -ost -ers-ecti#e 8loo+ing bac+;ards9D =udge /as an ex ante -ers-ecti#e 8"or;ard loo+ing9 -./y conce-tual distinction bet;een issue o" la; and "actT Preser#es general -rinci-les and resolution o" cases early on to courtsB 8"acts can be dis-uted and bad to base duty on "acts9B -1U /as a t/res/old duty 7!0 *st5t o" duty o" reasonable careB Instead, no duty/negligence unless s/o;nB -0rial $ourt ;ill usually settle no;B -3i-son did not alle&e t/at ?ase, owed a dut, to *ontrol. :asey and 4ollo;ill /ad a s-ecial relations/i-B :asey3s alleged act ;as illegalB It is :asey3s misfeasan*e t/at set in 5otion t/e dangerous e#entsB 7!0 /is non"easanceB 0/ere"ore, :asey o;ed 4ollo;ill a duty o" reasonable careB 0arriers @ Host-<ri+ers <oser +. Interstate 9ower 0o. 8-B2%' I1 ')&(9 -D3s bus in#ol#ed in accident and bus -assenger inCuredB -F$arrier o" -assengers 5ust exercise ,!*E t/an ordinary diligence "or t/eir -rotectionBG - @ig/er degree o" care "or $o55on $arrier in 4oreseeing 17D Guarding against dangerB -P -ro#ed -ri5a "acie negligence case and D /as burden to -ro#e "reedo5 "ro5 negligence -,ost courts /a#e reCected t/is /ig/er standard o" care "or a general negligence standard o" reasonB careB -!t/er courts say still o;e a duty o" a #ery cautious *easonable and Prudent Person 8"eel sa"e to tra#el9 3uest $tatutes' "la. 0ode $e*. 32-1-2- !;ner/!-erator o" ,otor Ee/icle not liable "or loss, da5age arising ;/ile trans-orting guest ;it/out -ay5ent >7LESS caused by ;ill"ul or ;anton 5isconduct o" ,EB So5e statutes say gross negligence and ot/ers say ;ill"ul/;anton 5isconductB ,inority o" States LandownersL <uties to Tres-assers, Li*ensees, In+itees @ 0/ildren *S M4) Possessor o" Land De"ined 8-B2(%9- Possessor o" landP '9 Person ;/o occu-ies 17D controls t/e landD 29 Person entitled to i55ediate occu-ation and control o" land 8i" nobody under 8'99D 39 Person ;/o /ad occu-ied and controlled it -rior 8i" nobody under 8'98299 $ontrolP 1ut/ority and ability to ta+e -recautions to reduce ris+ *S M (A 0res-asser De"ined 8-B2(69-Enters land ;it/out consent/legal -ri#ilege- *easB Person std "or consent *S M 'A General Duty o" Land Possessors 8-B2()9- Land Possessor o;es duty o" *$ to entrants "orA '9 $onduct o" Land PossB t/at creates ris+s to entrantsD 29 1rti"icial $onditions t/at create ris+ to entrantsD 39 7atural $onditions t/at create ris+ to entrantsD 49 !t/er ris+s ;/en P/ysB @ar5 duties a--licable *easoning "or single duty o" *$A $o5-lexity creating bad results 8$/ildren9D $ourts con#erging to unitary standardD 7o great burden o" -recaution to land -ossessors *$ to tres-assersB "rtifi*ial 0ondition- created by -ossessor or -re#iousB ,ust +no; o" arti"icial condition to /a#e dutyB E#en t/oug/ /asn3t created t/e ris+, /e /as in#ited -eo-le to co5e into contact ;it/ ris+B 9re*autions' 1= <ura(le- *e5ain in -lace and eli5inate ris+ o#er lengt/ier -eriod o" ti5eD 2= Transient- !ral ;arnings 8t/ey #anis/ a"ter gi#ing t/e59B Durable ris+s are 5ore burdenso5e but use"ul i" ris+ o" /ar5 exceeds t/e burden o" ta+ing t/e durable -recautionB


O-en @ O(+ious <an&er' Pose less o" a ris+ t/an latent dangersD bears on ;/et/er reasonable care ;as e5-loyed but does not -reter5it t/e land -ossessor3s liabilityD $ontributory 7egligenceK *S M 2A Duty o" Land Possessors to 4lagrant 0res-assers 8-B2'%9- Duty to 4lagrant 0res-assers is duty 7!0 to act in an intentional, ;ill"ul, or ;anton 5anner to cause -/ysical /ar5B Still *$ i" tres-asser reasonably a--ears to be i5-eriled and /el-less/unable to -rotect /i5sel" 8t/en liable en/anced /ar59 4lagrantPEgregious !* 1trociousB Di""ers by CurisdictionB !C. =o/n ;al+s along -at/ in city -ar+B Ground gi#es ;ay and =o/n su""ers -/ysical /ar5B $ity ordinance -ro/ibits entry at nig/t but no -/ysical barrier- t/is is an ordinary tres-asser and -ar+ 5ust use *$B Loo1 at 9ur-ose for entr,. $ri5inalT *S M 3A Duty o" Lessors 8-B22(9- !;es duty to Lessee and Entrants o"A *$ 8M '9 "or controlled -re5isesD *$ 8M&9 "or condition o" -re5isesD Disclose dangerous conditions i" un+no;n to lesseeD *$ "or dangerous conditions i" ad5ission to -ublic 8@ig/er duty9D *$ "or contractual/#oluntary underta+ingD *$ to co5-ly ;it/ i5-lied ;arrantyD !C. : o;ns a-t bldgB < negligently re-airs screen doorB L +no;s o" -roble5 but does not "ix itB * does not +no; o" condition o" door and is inCuredB : is liableB *S M 4A Duty o" Land Possessors to 0/ose 7ot on t/e Possessor3s Land 8-B22 9- Duty o" *$ "or arti"icial conditions t/at cause inCury to -eo-le not on landB *$ "or natural conditions only i" -ro-erty is co55ercial or +no;s o" t/e ris+/ris+ is ob#iousB %ost 0ourts' Duty ;ill turn on ;/at +ind o" entrant onto t/e land a9 Tres-asser V 7o ex-ress or i5-lied -er5ission to enter and/or re5ainB !nly duty is to not ;il"ully or ;antonly inCureB I" t/ere is a +no;n tres-asser, t/ere are exce-tions 8see belo;9 b9 Li*ensee V I5-lied or ex-ress in#itation to enter and/or re5ain, bene"it is to t/e guest, ty-ically social guests, no duty to ins-ect but duty to 5a+e +no;n dangers sa"e and ;arn o" dangers t/at are +no;nB 8eBgB /idden ste-9 Gla!on says no ;ill"ul ;anton conduct dutyB c9 In+itee VI5-lied or ex-ress in#itation to enter and/or re5ain, 5utual bene"it, -ublic or business in#itee, dut, to ins-e*t land for dan&er, duty to 5a+e sa"e and ;arn o" dangers t/at are actually +no;n 8;arning 5ay be enoug/9B ,ust rescue ;/ile on -re5isesB 8So5e say social guests9 3ladon +. 3reater 0le+eland #T" 8-B2%3 !/io9 <is*o+ered 9eril- o 0ont. e& -P ;as drun+B Got o"" at t/e ;rong train sto- attac+ed on -lat"or5B Ends u- on trac+s 8doesn3t +no; /o;9, ;/ile on t/e trac+ /is legs are crus/ed by an onco5ing trainB -1lleged >nreasonable $onduct 81>$9 is t/at o-eratorPnegligent by "ailing to bring t/e train to a stoafter s/e -er*ei+ed or s/ould3#e -ercei#ed t/e P3s -eril -rior to /er stri+ing t/e P -P ;as not an in#itee on t/e trac+, regardless o" /o; /e got t/ereD as tres-asser or li*ensee, t/e -ossessor onl, owed /im to refrain from willful, wanton, or re*1less *ondu*t li1el, to in)ure /im. -4urt/er, owner /as no dut, to anti*i-ate or -re+ent tres-asser5li*ensee -resen*e. -./en -ossessor disco#ers a tres-asser/licensee in -eril t/ere is a dut, to use ordinar, *are to a+oid in)ur, -0$ error in instructions, only duty ;as reasonable care to a#oid inCuring P a"ter /e ;as disco#eredB -Sour status is #ariable 8Gla!on ;ent "ro5 an in#itee to a tres-asser9 -" dis*o+ered tres-asser5li*ensee &ets reasona(l, -rudent -erson under t/e *ir*umstan*es *are +s. t/e undis*o+ered tres-asser no willful or wanton *ondu*t *are -4or conditions, i" an undis*o+ered tres-asser is on your land o;e no duty as to dangerous conditions -I" tres-asser is dis*o+ered, condition /as to be arti"icial, /ig/ly dangerous, concealed "ro5 t/e tres-asser, and +no;n by t/e land occu-ier -$an disc/arge your duty by gi#ing a warnin& or fiC t/e -ro(lem -./ere a natural condition on land creates a ris+ to -erson outside, t/e cases 5o#e to;ard a duty o" ordinary care 8eBgB tree "alling o#er9- =ust as+, ;as t/at a "oreseeable ris+T :ennett +. $tanle, 8-B2%6 !/io 2(('9 0/ildren 3reater 9rote*tion- "ttra*ti+e uisan*e #ule


-D3s /ad an un-rotected -ool t/at t/ey let turn into a -ond -retty 5uc/B D3s +ne; next door neig/bors /ad young c/ildrenB D3s son and ;i"e dro;ned 8;/ile trying to sa#e /i59 -1>$ is t/at P ;as neg because -ool ;ould create an unreasonB ris+ o" /ar5 to c/ildren ;/o ;ould not realiHe t/e danger -$ourt ado-ted 2nd *st5t "or !/io, c/ildren entitled to greater le#el o" -rotectionNt/e +ey ele5ent s/ould be ;/et/er t/ere is foreseea(le, unreasona(le ris1 of deat/ or serious (odil, /arm to */ildren D court also found mom assumed status of */ild in attem-tin& res*ue -So5e states say *ommon /aHards, suc/ as -ools, cannot be considered attracti#e nuisances under 2 nd *S 0ause of 9Ls in)ur, *ctivity Dndis*o+ered Tres-asser 7o Duty <is*o+ered or "nti*i-ated Tres-asser !rdinary $are 8reasonable care under t/e circu5stances Li5ited duty to -rotect against 8'9 serious bodily /ar5 "ro5 a 829 concealed 839 5an5ade condition 849 t/e existence o" ;/ic/ is +no;n by t/e lando;nerB So5eti5es -/rased as a duty to -rotect ;ill"ul or ;anton inCuryB Li*ensee !rdinary care 8*$ under t/e circu5stances9- t/is de-ends, see Gla!on Li5ited duty to -rotect against /ar5 "ro5 a 8'9 concealed condition 829 t/e existence o" ;/ic/ is +no;n by t/e lando;nerB So5eti5es -/rased as a duty to -rotect only "ro5 ;ill"ul or ;anton inCuryB I" /aHard is ob#ious, no action 5ay be necessary unless entrant is li+ely to be distractedB In+itee !rdinary $are 8*easonable $are under t/e circu5stances9 !rdinary care, including a duty to conduct a reasonable ins-ection to disco#er and correct /aHardsD i" /aHard is ob#ious, no action 5ay be necessary unless entrant is li+ely to be distractedB

Static Con!ition

Generally 7o DutyB So5eti5es -/rased as a duty to -rotect only "ro5 ;ill"ul 8iBeB, intentional9 or ;anton 8iBeB, rec+less9 inCuryB 4or c/ildren o" tender years, duty or reasonable care to -rotect "ro5 arti"icial conditions i" tres-assing can be antici-ated and c/ildren cannot a--reciate danger "or t/e5sel#es

#owland +. 0/ristian 8$19 3rd #stmt "--roa*/ -P guest o" DB @andle in bat/roo5 bro+e and da5aged P3s /andB D +ne; o" -roble5 but ga#e no ;arning -#easona(le -eo-le do not ordinaril, +ar, t/eir *ondu*t de-endin& u-on su*/ matters and do not fo*us u-on t/e status of in)ured -art,Ncategories o" -eo-le obscure rat/er t/an /el-D duty is Cust t/at o" reasonable care, regardless o" t/e status o" t/e inCured -erson 8,odern o" 1--roac/9 -,an3s li"e or li5b doesn3t beco5e less ;ort/y o" -rotection because o" /o; /e co5es on anot/er3s land 8li"e ;ort/ 5ore t/an -ro-erty9 -$1 led t/e ;ay ;it/ Rowlan!, about /al" states no; Cust use reasonable duty a--roac/ -./en categories /a#e been abolis/ed, t/e lando;ner is still not lia(le unless /e is negligent -#e*reational Dse $tatutesA duty to re"rain "ro5 gross negligence or ;ill"ul/rec+less conduct to non-aying recreational users on -ri#ate landD retains lando;ners3 s-ecial i55unities to any non--aying recreational user to encourage lando;ners to 5a+e land a#ailable "or recreational useB !nly a--lies to lando;ners ;/o actually /old land o-en to -ublic useB $L Hi&/er <e&ree #0 In#itee/*o;land ot E@E Licensees 05 o <ut, !-en/!b#B Danger


4lagrant 0res-assers Public Sa"ety #easons to 3et #id of 0ate&ories' >nclear, *$ can acco55odate e#eryt/ing, $onte5-B 7otions o" $are #easons to ?ee- T/em' Increased -ro-erty rig/tsD $oncern about tres-assers <DTI!$ OK 9H7$I0I" $ " < OTH!# 9#OK!$$IO "L$ -Deal ;it/ a se-arate and ne; standard o" care in 5edical -ro"ession a9 7ot based on a /y-ot/etical -erson and co55unity intuition on /o; t/at -erson s/ould be/a#e b9 Standard deter5ined by e5-irical e#idence and conduct o" similar -ro"essionals -$usto5 in ,ed,al case is dis-ositi#e, it is t/e standard o" care 8o--osite o" @and3s ruling on custo5 in +, &oo-er9 Eals1i +. Tiesen&a 8-B26% IllB ')&69 0ustom not <is-ositi+e -D o-erated on P3s t/yroidB 1 ;ell-recogniHed ris+ o" t/is o-eration is da5age to certain ner#esB - D 5ista+enly cut t/ese ner#es and P lost /is #oiceB -P 5ust, generally t/roug/ ex-ert testi5ony, establis/ standard o" careB P Cust o""ered anot/er doctor3s o-inion t/at /e ;ould3#e o-erated di""erentlyB 7ot enoug/, #erdict "or D sustainedB
-,edical stds al5ost al;ays re"lect -articular *ustoms or -rocedures used under #ery -articular circu5stances -!C-ert testimon, is usually required to establis/ 5edical standard o" care unless o(+ious case suc/ as a5-utating t/e ;rong li5b -./ere *om-etent medi*al aut/orit, is di+ided, a -/ysician ;ill not be /eld res-onsible i" /e "ollo;ed a course o" treat5ent ad#ocated by *onsidera(le num(er o" recogniHed -ro"essionals -"**e-ted medi*al -ro*edure is ta1en on fait/ as /a+in& loo1ed at *ost-(enefit anal,sis -=uries don3t +no;, doctors do +no;a--roac/ under acce-ted standard o" care -0/is standard o" care en*oura&es *onser+ati+e *are -De"ensi#e 5edicine runs u- costs and /urts care 8too 5uc/ testing, too little treat5ent9 a9 But Cust enoug/ doctors -racticing t/is ;ay c/anges standard o" care -,ed,al cases "orce doctors to testi"y against eac/ ot/er, not so5et/ing doctors li+e to do 8es-ecially acute in s5all co55unities9

$/ild 0resB/1ttB 7uisB

Ber&ara +. <oan 8-B2)' IndB '))29 %odified Lo*alit, #ule -P contends D3s negligence during -regnancy led to t/eir son /a#ing -er5anent de"ectsB P ;ants I7 to abandon modified lo*alit, rule -0/e 5odi"ied locality rule F*are used (, -/,si*ians at time of o-eration in similar lo*alities4 -Ori&inal lo*alit, rule /ad 2 -roble5sA 8'9 Local doctors ;ouldn3t testi"y against eac/ ot/erD 829 local doctors standards could "all belo; t/at ;/ic/ la; re?uired a9 Si5ilar criticis5 o" 5odi"ied locality rule ;/ res-ect to lo;ered standard o" care -0ourt ado-ts national standard of *are, doctors re?uired to use standard o" care li+e ot/er -ro"essionals in t/eir circu5stances 8ta1es into a**ount lo*al fa*ilities9 -Bac+las/ against ,ed,al suits /as led to return to original locality rule as a ;ay to li5it litigation 8again, because P3s /a#e /arder time findin& lo*al eC-ert testimon,9 -S-ecialists are /eld to colleagues o" t/e sa5e s-ecialists nation;ide -7urses /eld to standard o" nurses in a si5ilar -ractice -@os-itals o;e a duty o" reasonable care under national standard "ixed by /os-itals3 accreditation co55ission -P/ar5acists /a#e reduced dutyD 5ost courts /old -/ar5acists o;e no duty to ;arn o" -otentially dangerous -rescri-tion Hir-a +. IH0 Hos-itals 8-B2)% >ta/ '))&9 3ood $amaritan $tatute -P in labor beco5es unres-onsi#e and begins to s-as5B F$ode BlueG- P dies '& 5inutes laterB -P/ysician ;/o res-onds to $ode Blue used t/e e5ergency doctrineB Does statute a--lyT SesK


-Good Sa5aritan Statute co#ers -/ysicians ;/o are under no dutyB -$u(stitutes for eC-ert testimon,A '9 $an -ro#e standard o" care t/roug/ t/e 5out/ o" t/e de"endant /i5sel" 29 $an use 5edical textboo+s to s/o; standard o" t/e care but -roble5 /ere is t/at a textboo+ is too abstract, address t/e general case and t/e not s-eci"ic "acts o" t/e case at bar a9 0ausation 9ro(lem' D ;ill o"ten say t/at -atient ;ould /a#e died e#en i" all -ro-er ste-s /ad been ta+enD -,E uses &uidelines "ro5 5edical organiHations as de"enses to allegations o" de+iatin& "ro5 standard but not allowed for 9Ls alle&in& (rea*/ o" standard #IL I %!<I0"L %"L9#"0TI0! $tates +. Lourdes Hos-ital 8-B2)& 7S 2((39 !C-ert Testimon, -P ;as +noc+ed out "or surgery, a;o+e and /er rig/t ar5, ;/ic/ ;asn3t o-erated on, ;as in -ain -1s P, you3d get a doctor on t/e stand to say t/at ar5s do not get inCured li+e t/is in surgery to re5o#e a cyst -Ex-ert testi5ony in ,ed,al *IL cases s/ould be allo;ed because Cury doesn3t /a#e co55on +no;ledge in t/is situation
-$ourts are uneasy about *IL in ,ed,al because bodies are un-redi*ta(le and medi*ine is 5uc/ as it is scienceBad t/ings can /a--en ;/en so5eone doesn3t scre; u-, unli+e ;/en a barrel "alls out a ;indo;

7(arra +. $-an&ard 8-B2)) $alB ')449 -P /ad a--endicitis surgery, a;o+e to s/ar- -ain in nec+/s/oulder area -Ds argue t/at no s/o;ing t/at any -articular D or instru5entality caused t/e inCury -*IL is "it "or t/is exact ty-e o" case Cudg5ent against P re#ersed ->nli+e Summers because you don3t e#en +no; ;/ic/ one did it- grou- res-onsibility /ere -Insurance is t/e ulti5ate "or5 o" grou- res-onsibilityIn 5edicine, e#ery doctor -ays % "igures a year "or insurance to co#er t/e one guy ;/o scre;s u-B 80/is is a 5inority caseKKKK9 -!C*lusi+e 0ontrol is not a $tri*t #equirement I KO#%!< 0O $! T Scholoendorff v. Society of *+ Hos(ital- 1dult < Sound ,ind can deter5ine ;/at is done ;/ o;n bodyB Harnis/ +. 0/ildrenLs Hos-ital %edi*al 0enter 8-B3(3 ,assB ')629 <ut, to Inform -P under;ent surgery "or tu5or in nec+, during it a ner#e ;as se#ered and tongue "unction ;as lost -1>$ is t/at D "ailed to inform P o" ris+ o" loss o" tongue "unction -rior to surgery -P/ysician owes dut, to -atient to dis*lose in reasona(le manner all si&nifi*ant medi*al info t/at t/e -/,si*ian -ossesses or reasona(l, s/ould -ossess t/at is material to an intelli&ent de*ision (, t/e -atient 8in"o -/ysician s/ould -ossess is t/at -ossessed (, a+era&e -/,si*ian9 -P 5ust s/o; at trial t/at i" s/e /ad -ro-er in"o, s/e nor any reasonable -erson in si5ilar circu5stances ;ould3#e under;ent surgery 8*-> test "or -atient9 Eoolle, +. Henderson 8-B3( ,eB ')6(9 9Ls :urden of 9roof -D o-erated on P3s bac+B 0ore tissue encasing t/e s-inal cord- 27or5al *is+ o" Procedure3 -Standard o" Disclosure is t/at o" reasonable 5edical -ractitioner 8;ill re?uire ex-ert testi5ony9 -*easoningA '9 0/is is -ro"essional 5al-ractice- Pro"essional standard 5ust be usedD 29 ,ig/t be t/era-eutic reasons to ;it//old in"or5ationD 39 P needs 5edical testi5ony on ot/er issues so t/is adds little burden to t/e P3s caseB -"lso 5ust -ro#e 0ausation' *PP ;ould /a#e re"used t/e treat5ent /ad "ull in"or5ation been gi#en 17D t/at P /ersel" ;ould /a#e re"used t/e treat5entB Eilosins1i +. 0o/n 8-B3(& ,ic/B $tB 1--B 2(( 9 :ounds of Informed 0onsent


-.robel su""ered +idney "ailure as snr in /ig/ sc/oolB D said +idney trans-lant success rate ;as 2good3 -P 85ot/er9 ga#e /er +idney and .robel diedB P says D o;ed duty to say /& last surgeries ;ere "ailedB -,isre-resentationK $ourtA T/is is outside t/e (ounds of informed *onsent. "rato +. "+edon 8-B3(6 $alB ')639 $tandard of Informed 0onsent -P /ad cancer and as+ed D "or trut/B D neglected to tell about lo; c/ance o" sur#i#alB -P "ailed to arrange econo5ic a""airsB Su""ered Business and 0ax LossesB -Standard ;as not to re#eal t/is in"or5ationB !mer&en*, !C*e-tion to Informed 0onsent #ule' I55ediate action necessaryB Truman +. T/omas 8-B3'( $alB ')6(9 "dditional <ut, to "d+ise -P died o" cer#ical cancer 8could /a#e been disco#ered by a -a- s5ear9B -D ad#ised /er to get test but didn3t ;arn o" dangers o" not /a#ing oneB -I" -atient indicates denial o" ris+-"ree test, DrB /as "dditional <ut, to ad#ise on 5aterial ris+s o" ;/ic/ a reasonable -erson ;ould ;ant to be in"or5edB -@ig/ #alue on -ersonal autono5y -0/e s-ecialiHed +no;ledge o" doctors and t/e stress on -atients is ;/y t/ey need to be 5ade a;are o" ris+s be"ore undergoing a -rocedure -0ommon <efense (, <rs- RE#en i" I /ad disclosed it ;ouldn3t /a#e 5ade a di""erence3 8But 4or causation9D std is i" an o()e*ti+e #99 would /a+e underwent -ro*edure wit/ material 1nowled&e a9 0oo -ro--lainti""T b9 0/e "act t/at a sur&er, is in a do*torLs arsenal 5eans it3s arguably a recogniHed -rocedure t/e obCecti#e -eo-le ;ould undergo -!bCecti#e *PP EsB Personal 1utono5yT ;some -eo-le are ris1 ta1ers ot/ers are more *onser+ati+e= Ousti*e 9elander -"P 0rime Bi*tims 9rote*tion "*t "mendment 9ro- 11A ;2012=- Pro/ibits cri5e #icti5s "ro5 being subCect to a clai5 "or da5ages "or causing /ar5 to a -erson i" t/at -erson is +illed or inCured ;/en engaging in, or "leeing a"ter, a "elony cri5eB $onoran <esert In+esti&ations, In*. +. %iller 81UB 2((&9 -P3s /usband as-/yxiated ;/ile a--re/ended and detained o" s/o-li"ting by -ri#ate security guardB -.rong"ul deat/ action against SecB $oB, Guard, Store "or negligenceB -D said su55ary Cudg5ent because o" statute a(sol+ed < from lia(ilit, to P because cri5inal actB -Statute i5-er5issibly re5o#es deter5ination o" contributory negB or 1!* "ro5 CuryB -$onstitution 1rtB '6 SecB in#alidates statute o" declaring no liabilityB 8noteA 5isde5eanor case9 HaHine +. %ont&omer, !le+ator 0o. 81UB '))39 -1>$ strict liability and negligence o" 5anu"acturer < negligence o" escalatorB 0$ dis5issed because statute o" re-ose 8/a--ened o#er '2 years a"ter -roduct ;as "irst sold9B -P inCured by escalatorB PersB inCury ;as ;it/in 2 year statute o" li5itationsB B>0 statute cuts o"" at '2 yearsB -P said 1rtB '6 SecB % ;anti-a(ro&ation -ro+ision9 in#alidates statute 8it ;as u-/eld in earlier case9B -Does statute regulate !* abrogateT $lai5s abolis/ed BE4!*E inCuryB Extre5e 1brogationK -7oteA i" -ro/ibitory/abrogating- i5-ossibleD but i" regulatory- still -ossibleB
!ahringer-$an3t say 2no liability3 because o" a contB negB de"enseB P /as a rig/t to /a#e Cury loo+ at $ontB 7egB 1rtB '6- =ury is sole arbiter o" $ontributory 7egligenceB 87o;, 1U is se#eral liability state9- =ury can be t/e only one c/oosing t/ese -ercentagesK

K"%IL7 @ 0H"#IT":L! I%%D ITI!$

-I55unityP7o duty o;edB 3oller +. E/ite 8-B3'6 .isB ')%39 $tandard for Immunit, -Goller ;as "oster c/ildB D allo;ed P to ride on tractor ;it/out ;arning o" -rotruding boltsB -Bolts caused inCury to PB D ;as standing in loco -arentis can clai5 -arental i55unityB -@ere, no i55unityB I55unity onl, ;/en '9 7egligent act in#ol#es exercise o" -arental aut/ority o#er t/e c/ildD or 29 7egB act in#ol#es an exercise o" ordinary -arental discretion 8"ood, clot/ing, etcN9 -Standard "or i55unity /ere is lia(ilit, wit/ two eC*e-tions 0ommer*e :an1 +. "us(ur&er 8-B3') IllB 1--B $tB '))&9 Ordinar, 9arental <is*retion -Ill De-tB $/ild Ser#ices -laced t/ree year old ;it/ "oster -arents 8Ds9B D con"ined c/ild in cabinetB -$/ild died o" as-/yxia and /y-ert/er5iaB -Dis5issed because i55unity "or F-arental discretion in careBG 8S/ould /a#e alleged an intentional tort9 ,road%ent v. ,road%ent -A. /0012(.3/4- "(olis/es immunit, and a--lies a duty o" reasonable care 8reasona(le -arent standard9B Proble5 ;it/ *easB Parent Standard- ./at does t/e co55unity t/in+ you s/ould do ;it/ your c/ildT Ho--e +. Ho--e 8-B32( 7S 1--B Di#B 2(('9 <ut, owed to Rt/e world at lar&eL -P gi#en an 2ex-losi#e nail gun cartridge3 by "at/erB InCured by nail cartridgeB Denied dad3s su55 CudgB -./ile t/ere is i55unity, t/is is a breac/ o" duty o;ed to t/e ;orld at largeB -Duty not to 2negB 5aintain ex-losi#es3 exists outside o" a "a5ily relations/i-B -Parent-$/ild @ar5ony- *easons "or I55unity *eason '- disru-t "a5ily /ar5ony *eason 2- collusion to collect "ro5 an insurance co5-any -In 7S -arent, /as no duty to su-er#ise c/ild ade?uately 85aybe di""erent "or cri5inal la;9 -3enerall, no more */arita(le immunit,D really de-ends on t/e state 8so5e /a#e da5age ca-s, so5e blan+et i55unity "or negligence, etc9B $riticis5A I" re?uire c/arities to -ay out "or tort cases, t/en nobody ;ill donateB *st5tA 7oK =ust buy insuranceK 9osner' I" organiHation cannot -ay "or negligence, closing it is a social goodB 8i55unirtyPsubsidy9 Social $osts [ Social Bene"its 17D Public $osts 8(9 W Pri#ate Bene"its $on#erseA $annot reco#er all o" social bene"its t/ey cause, so ;/y bear 1LL social costsT Immunit, is a dut, rule8 <onLt mention (rea*/-K"0T$ do not matter8 3o+ernment !ntites @ Offi*ers -4ederal 0ort $lai5s 1ct 840$19 -assed in ')4%, ;ai#ed 4ed Go#tB i55unity Dnited $tates +. Olson 8-B324 S$!0>S 2(( 9 -2 5iners sue >S clai5ing t/at negligence o" 5ine ins-ectors led to serious accidentB -S$!0>S says t/at 40$1 ;ai#es i55unity i" a -ri#ate -erson ;ould be liable 7!0 i" 5unici-ality ;ouldB -7eed not be t/e same circu5stances, Cust liable i" indi#idual ;ould be in li1e circu5stances -Go#ern5ent i55une /ereB KT0"- 5ust "irst sub5it to go#ern5ent agency, can only sue i" not -aid "or o#er % 5ont/sD only can be broug/t in "ederal courtD Cust benc/ trials 8no Cury9B 4ollo; state la; ;/ere tort occurredB Keres +. Dnited $tates 8-B32& S$!0>S ') (9 In*ident to $er+i*e -4eres +illed in barrac+s ;/ile on acti#e dutyB ,e erson /ad to;el le"t in /is abdo5inal a"ter 1r5y o-erationB Griggs- ar5y surgeons res-onsible "or deat/ o" acti#e duty soldierB -1ll clai5s are barredB In*ident to ser+i*e. 7o -ri#ate -ersons o-erate ar5iesB 7o -ri#ate la; analogueB -Pension co5-s are si5ilar to ;or+ers3 co5-B 87oteA not a bar "or inCured c/ildren/s-ouses9


:enefits of !eres5 Protect relations/i- o" go#t < ser#ice 5e5bersD >nderstand and acce-t t/e ris+D ot/er 5eans o" co5-ensationD a#oid inter"ering ;it/ 5ilitary disci-lineB <raw(a*1s of !eres5 7o accountabilityD abusesD not "ully understoodD less care t/an o-ti5alB <is*retion or :asi* 9oli*, Immunit, E/isnant +. Dnited $tates 8-B32) )t/ $ircuit 2(( 9 <is*retionar,50on&ress Intent6 -P ;or+ed "or a co5-any t/at -ro#ided sea"ood on 7a#al BaseB ,old around "or 3 years- caused illness -!-erated by De$1 8go#tB org9 $ontracts 5aintenance ;or+ to =o/nson $ontrols -P contracted -neu5oniaB D said 40$1 bars reco#ery because o" discretionary "unction exce-tionB -0;o RuestionsA 1= Is */allen&ed a*tion dis*retionar,6 ;If no, no eC*e-tion=F 2= Is */allen&ed a*tion one t/at 0on&ress meant to -rote*t6 -@ere, '9 7oK 29 7oB P isn3t saying neg "or designing sa"ety ins-ection -rocedures but is neg "or "ailing to "ollo; t/roug/ on t/e created -roceduresK -0/is is negligent im-lementation 7!0 desi&n. o Immunit,8 -26 >S$ M2%6(8a9A I55unity "or go#ern5ent and e5-loyees in 5atters t/at re?uire discretion, ;/ic/ is de"ined as 8'9 /a#ing an ele5ent o" c/oice and 829 being based on -ublic -olicy 8exce-tion to 40$19 -Discretionary -olicy decisions are i55une because allo;ing t/e courts to second guess ot/er branc/es o" go#ern5ent is #iolation o" se-aration o" -o;ers Lo&e +. Dnited $tates 8-B333 6t/ $ircuit ')6'9 <is*retionar, +s. O-erational -P ;as stric+en ;it/ -olio a"ter /er son ;as gi#en t/e li#e strain #accine ;/ic/ trans5itted to /erB -P clai5ed '9 7eg "or not "orcing co5-any to co5-ly ;it/ >S3s regulationsD 29 7eg "or -oliciesB -@a#e to -ass licensing regulation to be able to license a #accine -roductD t/en /a#e to -ass a testing regulation ;/ere eac/ lot o" licensed #accine -roduct is tested -8290/e c/oice o" using t/e li#e #accine ;as a dis*retionar, -olicy decision, t/ere"ore no clai5 on t/at basis -8'9./at about t/e licensing and test regulationsT O-erational a9 0/e go#ern5ent is not allo;ed to ignore its o;n rules b9 Liability /ere 1$ "inds a clai5 against t/e go#3t because t/e go#3t breac/ed a duty it assu5ed "or itsel", ;/ic/ is analogous to -ri#ate citiHens $tate5%uni*i-al Law Immunities -,ost states /a#e similar immunit, stru*ture to 40$1B So5e retain i55unity but abolis/ it in s-eci"ic circu5stances #iss +. 0it, of ew 7or1 8-B33 7S ')%69 $tate <is*retion -P sues because -olice re"used to send /er -rotection a"ter s/e ;arned o" being stal+ed and t/reatened, e#entually s/e ;as attac+ed ;it/ acidB P is blindedB -@ere, t/e /ar5 ;asn3t in"licted by t/e go#ern5ent, t/e go#ern5ent Cust didn3t /el-/"ailed to -rotect -Issue o" dis*retion, -olice are allo;ed to allocate resources as it sees "it -In effe*t, t/e )udi*iar, and state of 7 s/ouldnLt ta1e */ar&e of t/e -oli*e de-artment -7ot liable "or "ailing to -rotect indi#iduals against cri5e <eLon& +. 0ount, of !rie 8-B33% 7S ')639 <is*retion5O-eration -P called -olice to re-ort burglaryB !""icer sent to ;rong addressB $all ;as dro--ed as a 2"a+eB3 -P ;as +illedB @ere, decision ;as 5ade to -ro#ide e5ergency ser#iceB -"ssistan*e was OT refusedB 0/ere is liabilityB 0/is is o-erational ne&li&en*e -I" go#tB assu5es a duty, 5ust exercise ordinary care to -er"or5 t/at dutyB 87o -ro"essional CudgB /ere9 Harr, $toller @ 0o. +. 0it, of Lowell 8-B336 ,ass '))29 <is*retion5O-eration -P3s buildings destroyed by "ireB S-rin+ler Syste5 ;as tested 2 days earlierB -4ire"ig/ters "oug/t ;it/ /oses instead o" s-rin+ler syste5B


-@ere, no Go#tB I55unityP $ity is LiableK Discretionary "unction exce-tions are ;/ere "ire stations are, siHe o" "ire stationsB @ere, negligent conduct ;as 7!0 based on -lanning/-olicy considerationsB $tate +. $e*ond Oudi*ial <istri*t 0ourt, 0ount, of Eas/oe 8-B34' 7e#B 2((29 <is*retion5O-eration -'4-5ont/ girl /as serious 5edical -roble5sB State re5o#ed /er "ro5 biological -arentsB ./ile in "oster care, babysitter "ed /er a /ot dog and s/e c/o+ed to deat/B Biological 5ot/er sued stateB -D is OT entitled to i55unityB District $ourt 5ade t/e c/ild a ;ard o" t/e state discretionaryB -B>0 t/e c/ild died "ro5 being -laced in t/is "oster /o5e OT "ro5 being ta+en "ro5 biological -arentsB $ama +. Hanni&an 8 t/ $ircuit 2('29 %edi*al 0are Tualified Immunit, -3%-year old got cer#ical cancer ;/ile in state -risonB 0reated by D in /os-italB Doctors agreed s/e needed a radical /ysterecto5yB S/e as+ed to sa#e /er le"t o#aryB D said lo; c/anceB Decision 5ade in surgery to re5o#e o#ary 8grossly abnor5al o#ary9B -P sued under 1983 "or 6t//'4t/ 15ndt #iolations- nonconsensual re5o#al o" o#aryB -Tualified immunit, s/ields lia(ilit, for administration of medi*al *are. -Burden s/i"ts to P to s/o; D in #iolation o" clearly-establis/ed la;B -In5ate consented to surgery but not to necessary -art o" t/e surgeryB '4 t/ doesn3t negate ?uali"ied i55unityB O K!"$" 0! 5 <DT7 TO "0T "KKI#%"TIB!L7- "ffirmati+e <ut, -*S M3&A 7o Duty o" $are ;it/ *es-ect to *is+s not $reated by 1ctor 8-B'629 1ctor ;/ose conduct /as not *reated a ris1 of -/,si*al5emotional /arm /as no duty o" care unless a""ir5ati#e duty exce-tionB Instead o" ,is"easance/non"easance, Cust as+ w/et/er a*torLs entire *ondu*t *reated ris1 of /arm. -#e)e*ts Dnforeseea(ilit, as a grounds "or deciding no dutyB -*S M36A 1""ir5ati#e Duty Based on $tatutor, 9ro+isions I5-osing !bligations to Protect 1not/er 8-B'6&9 I" statute re?uires actor to act "or -rotection o" anot/er, court 5ay use statute to deter5ine i" a""ir5B duty existsB E#en i" no Pri#ate *ig/t o" 1ction, can loo+ to see i" t/ere is an i5-lied rig/t o" actionB -*S M3) Duty Based on 9rior 0ondu*t $reating a *is+ o" P/ysical @ar5 8-B'6)9 I" actor3s -rior conduct 8e#en i" not tortious9 creates a continuing ris+ o" -/ysical /ar5, actor 5ust use reasB care to 5ini5iHe /ar5B !M' Gi#e neig/bor adulterated "ood and t/en "ind out t/at it ;as -oisonousB Duty o" reasonable care to ;arn t/e neig/bor or ot/er;ise 5itigate t/e ris+K -*S M4( Duty Based on $-e*ial #elations/i- ;it/ 1not/er 8-B')'9 7oteA States 5ay indi#idually add to t/is listB Duty o" reasonable care "or ris+s t/at arise ;it/in t/e sco-e o" relations/i-A 1=0ommon 0arrier59assen&erD 2=Inn1ee-er53uestD 3=:usiness 8-ossessor o" land o-en to -ublic9/la;"ully--resent guestsD A=!m-lo,er5!m-lo,ee 8i" e5-loyee is in i55inent danger or inCured/ill and rendered /el-less9D Q=$*/ool5$tudentsD 6=Landlord5TenantsD 7=0ustodian50ustod, 8i" $ustodian re?uired by la; to ta+e custody or #oluntarily ta+e custody o" t/e ot/er/or custodian /as su-erior ability to -rotect ot/er9 !M' = su""ers ast/5a attac+ in restaurantB .aiters recogniHe su""ering but ignore /i5 "or '( 5inutesB *estaurant is subCect to liability to /is en/anced inCury due to delay o" recei#ing 5edical careB ote' *easonable care 5ay di""er -er circu5stances 8ExB reasB care /ig/er "or ele5entary students #sB college students9B 0y-ically duty 5ay be su55oning 5edical careB 7ania +. :i&an 8-B34& P1B ') )9 -Sania et al ca5e to D3s -ro-erty, ;/ic/ /ad dee- coal see5s "illed ;it/ ;aterB D as+ed P to /el-P t/en Cu5-ed into a coal see5 and dro;nedB -1>$ ;as Bigan3s "ailure to rescue -Based on Stinnet, no need "or Bigan to -rotect Sania/no duty to Sania ;/o ;as a "ully-cogniHant adult -Lando;ner case as ;ellB Sania ;as li1el, a li*ensee, (ut was full, aware of t/e *ondition of t/e -ro-ert, -1s "or "ailure to rescue, Bigan /ad no duty to rescue because you don3t /a#e to act a""ir5ati#ely -P didn3t sli-, ;asn3t -us/ed, D3s 5ade a 5ental i5-act onlyB 0/is only creates a duty "or 5entally-i5-aired and c/ildrenB 85oral duty but not legal duty to rescue9B P s/ould /a#e a--reciated -erilous actionB


-$ould argue t/at Bigan c/ose to entertain Sania on /is -ro-erty and t/ere"ore 5ust treat /i5 care"ully "or t/e rest o" /is #isit !state of 0ille, +. Lane 8,EB 2(()9 -D<P in on-again, o""-again ro5antic relations/i-B P entered D3s trailer < D as+ed /i5 to lea#eB -D ;ent to neig/bors "or /el-, P got a ri"le and D /eard gun s/ot/Sa; P on t/e "loorB -D t/oug/t P 2-retended3 to s/oot /i5sel"B 4riends o" D called )''B P could3#e been resuscitated i" /elarri#ed -'( 5inutes earlierB -7o general obligation to -rotect ot/ers "ro5 /ar5 OT *reated (, a*tor. -P ;as tres-asser8only duty o" no ;ill"ul/;anton 5isconduct9 Duty "or non"easance creates boundless liabilityB -.itnessing an inCury is OT a s-ecial legal relations/i- 8t/ese relations/i-s re?uire -lanning/-re-aration9 $T"#T H!#!8 *st5t 2ndA %isfeasan*e><ut, ;did a*tion @ did it -oorl,=F onfeasan*e> o <ut, ELA Dri#ing and so5eone darts outB !bligation to -ut "oot on brea+T SesK Dri#ing is a""ir5ati#e action and i" you don3t -ut your "oot on t/e brea+, t/en you are doing it -oorly 8,is"easance9 *st5t 3rdA $reate *is+PDuty 8Exce-tionA Princi-le/Policy9D Don3t $reate *is+P7o Duty 8 !C*e-tion' "ffirmati+e <ut,9 In Gi-son, is /anding drugs to g" creating a ris+T I" not, it is an exce-tionT :ad $amaritan $tatutes' In E0, ,7, *IA -erson ;/o +no;s anot/er is ex-osed to gra#e -/ysical /ar5 s/all, to extent not endangering sel" or ot/ers, gi#e reasonable assistanceB !C*e-tions, Tualifi*ations @ Tuestions -*S M44 Duty to 1not/er Based on Ta1in& 0/ar&e of t/e Ot/er 8-B2(39- 1ctor ;/o ta+es c/arge o" anot/er ;/o is i5-eriled//el-less 8e#en t/oug/ /e /as no initial duty to9, 5ust exercise *$ ;/ile t/e ot/er is ;it/in t/e actor3s c/argeB ,ust not -ut ot/er in a ;orse -osition t/an existed be"ore too+ -ossessionB -0/is section 5ay be li5ited by 3ood $amaritan $tatutes '9 Person +no;s, or /as reason to +no;, t/at /is conduct /as caused /ar5 to anot/er -erson t/en duty to render assistanceB !M' 0rain non-negligently struc+ -erson 8duty to lend aid9 29 Person ;/o creates unreasonable ris+ 5ust e5-loy reasonable *are to -re+ent /arm from o**urrin&B !M' D collides ;it/ /orse on /ig/;ayB ,ust use reasonable care to re5o#e /orseB 39 By statuteB !M' ,unici-al ordB re?uires landlords to 5aintain door loc+sB 849 is S-ecial *elations/iEa1uli*/ +. %raH 8-B3 2 IllB 1--B $tB 2(('9 -P 8'% year old9 gets drun+ at D3s /ouse, D3s "at/er +ne; about t/isB P ;as #o5iting and unres-onsi#eB -D3s cleaned /er u-, -ro--ed a -illo; under /er /ead and le"t /erB 7ext 5orning "at/er told sons to get /er out o" /ouseB Later P -ronounced deadB -$ourt "ound D3s negligently disc/arged t/eir #oluntarily-assu5ed duty o" ta+ing care o" P -!nce you start to rescue you /a#e to rescue li+e a *PP 8In t/is case, it ;ould be reasonable to call )''9 -Proble5 /ere is t/at t/is ma, deter -eo-le from res*uin& at all -,raH Bros created t/e -eril because s/e ;as under '% 8;/ereas Sania ;as an adult9B -Social /ost statutes- i" s/e laid on t/e "loor and died, t/ey -robably ;ouldn3t /a#e any liabilityB !M' Dri#er can3t see be/ind /i5B Passenger says 2all clearK3 and t/en dri#er /its -edestrianB PassB liableB Karwell +. ?eaton 8,ic/B ')&%9 "d /o* <ut, -P<D ;ere /itting on girls ;/en t/e girls told t/eir "riends ;/o beat P u- ;/ile D esca-edB -D "ound P, too+ care o" /i5 8iced, dro#e around and got "ood9B P t/en blac+ed out and later diedB -E#ery -erson /as duty to not ta+e a""ir5ati#e act to 5a+e situation ;orseB ./en #oluntarily assu5e duty, 5ust use reasonable careB


-@ere, court "inds s-e*ial ad /o* relations/i- from t/e (o,sL *ommon underta1in& and t/at D s/ould3#e gotten 5edical aidB -./at about dis*ontinued res*ueT See a guy dro;ning s;i5 /al";ay out and t/en turn around, liableT a9 7o, did not/ing to increase t/e ris+ 8(rieg v. Massey ,ontB ')6)9 b9 Potentially under t/e *st5t 448b9 i" t/e dro;ner sees you co5ing and gi#es u- struggling 8lea#e t/e #icti5 in ;orse -osition9 9odias +. %airs 87= Su-erB $tB 1-- Di#B 2((&9 *st5t 3rd 4or5ulation -'6 year old D drin+ing alco/olB Lea#es ;it/ 2 studentsB D cras/es into PB 1ssu5ed P diedB 1rgued about collisionB $alled girl"riends and ot/er but 7!0 )''B 4riends ran o""B $ar ran o#er P and +illed /i5B -In 7=, 5ust Cust "ind a de"inite relation bet;een -artiesB @ere, D a;are o" ris+ o" /ar5 created by inactionB -@ereA < *reated ris1 and a--re*iated furt/erin& t/at ris1 B 0/is duty doesn3t o""end -ublic -olicyB <e$/ane, +. Einne(a&o 0ount, <e-t. of $o*ial $er+i*es 8S$!0>S ')6)9 Onl, $-e*ial #elation. -$PS released son to "at/er on condition o" regular c/ec+sB Strange inCuries and excuses "or ;/y social ;or+er could not #isitB 0/ey (elie+ed a(use but no actionB -4at/er beat son until 5entally de"icientB $PS did not o;e a duty unless /e ;as in t/eir custodyB 1ny suc/ relations/i- s/ort o" custody does not create constitutional duty to act a""ir5ati#ely to -rotect /i5B 0ontra*t @ <ut, $ontracts a""ect non"easanceB In torts, t/ere is no duty to act but contracts can create a duty ;/ere non"easance is a breac/ o" dutyB "ffiliated Km. Ins. 0o. +. LT? 0onsultin& $er+i*es, In*. 2('(9 -Seattle entered into 5onorail concession agree5ent ;it/ S,SB S,S ran concession stands/collected "ares and -aid t/e city a "ee "or its ,onorail 0rainB ,aintaining 5onorail res-onsibility to bot/ S,S and cityB S,S carried insurance -olicy 814,9B $ity contracted ;it/ L0: to ins-ect train "or 3 yearsB -Electrical "ire da5aged at least 4 trainsB Insurance da5ages o#er Q3 ,illionB S,S subrogated rig/ts to 14,B -Inde-endent Duty DoctrineA *e5ediable tort inCury i" it traces bac+ to breac/ o" tort duty arising inde-endently o" t/e ter5s o" t/e contractB 8reCects econo5ic loss rule o" no tort la; "or Cust econo5ic loss9 -LT? did not *ontra*t wit/ $%$ (ut assumed tort law duties (e,ond *ontra*t. o(li&ations. -T/ese duties were reasona(le *are wit/ res-e*t to safet, ris1s of -/,si*al dama&e to monorail. -$%$ /ad le&all,--rote*ted interests in %onorail. LT?Ls duties en*om-assed t/ese interests. 0/ree -rong testA DutyT Engineer $ontrol decreases ris+B 1lign Engineer incenti#es ;/ social costsB ,easure o" DutyT *$ o" *easB Prudent Engineer Sco-e o" DutyT P/ysical Da5age 87eed t/is -ro-erty interest to "ile suit9B 0/is is ;/at allo;s tort la;K Essentially, Engineer is not Cust o""ering ser#ices but also a tiny insurance : t/at ;or+ is done ;ellB T/orne +. <eas 8-B3%( 7S '6()9 3ratuitous 9romise -P o;ned Z interest in #esselB D o;ned ot/er ZB D said /e ;ould /a#e insurance and didn3tB -Eessel ;as ;rec+edB 7o consideration "or -ro5iseB -I" 5a+e gratuitous -ro5ise and do it de"ecti#elyP5is"easanceB $an reco#erB -I" 5a+e gratuitous -ro5ise and don3t do it at allPnon"easanceB 7o reco#eryB $-en&ler +. "<T $e*urit, $er+i*es, In*. 8-B3%' %t/ $irB 2((&9 -P says 1D0 did not dis-atc/ a5bulance to /is 5ot/er ;/en s/e -ressed 1D0 e5ergency button < diedB -1D0 sent a5bulance to ;rong addressB P says 1D0 co55itted 5is"easanceB -$tB says t/is is contractual issue 7!0 tortB 0/ey breac/ed, li?uidated da5ages clause is Q ((B -,I la;A "or tort action to co5e "ro5 breac/ o" :A '9Breac/ o" duty se-arate and distinct "ro5 breac/ o" :D 17D 291cti#e negligence/,is"easanceB -@ere, 1D03s obligation to -ro5-tly and correctly dis-atc/ E,S only in contract 7!0 co55on la; dutyB


-*st5t 3rd says t/at t/ey undertoo+ ris+- duty o" reasonable careB ,ot/er/P relied on buttonB 3rimes +. ?enned, ?rie&er Institute, In*. 8-B3%3 ,DB 2(('9 Tort Law #elations/i-*esearc/ers atte5-ted to deter5ine i" abate5ent o" lead "ro5 /ouse is ;ort/;/ile "or sa"etyB -Placed c/ildren in lead /ousesB Parents ;ere not "ully-in"or5edB $/ildrenP @ig/ le#el o" lead in bloodB -Duty o" care /ereK S-ecial relations/i- de#elo-ed by as+ing "a5ilies to sub5it blood sa5-lesB -0ontra*t *an *reate tort duties t/at eCtend (e,ond *ontra*tLs own terms -Here, a s-e*ial relations/i- (etween resear*/er @ resear*/ su()e*t *reated a tort dut,. <iaH +. 9/oeniC Lu(ri*ation $er+i*e, In*. 81U $tB 1--B 2('(9 -P too+ car to =i""y LubeB !il c/ange included tire -ressure c/ec+B P did not as+ D to -er"or5 any tire ;or+B Later, car lost control, P su""ered "ro5 -aralysis- ;arn condition o" tread near rear tiresB -Did D o;e a legal duty to P3s in regard to ;orn tiresT 7oK -$onsiderA '9*elations/i- o" Parties- contract did not extend to ins-ect tires 8only air -ressure in tires9 Per/a-s i" D /ad noticed tire3s ;ear and "ailed to 5ention it- B>0 -robably notK -29 Public Policy $onsiderations 8State Statutory La;9- 7oK D did not create t/e ris+B It is beyond t/e s*o-e of <Ls underta1in& to re-air5*/an&e oil. <ut, is onl, as (road as s*o-e of *ontra*t8 -Loo+ing at standard industry -ractices is loo+ing at breac/ 7!0 dutyB 9romises to T/ird 9ersons Einter(ottom +. Eri&/t 8-B3%4 Exc/B PlB '6429 onfeasan*e -D under contract ;it/ -ost5aster general to su--ly coac/es "or use in deli#ering 5ailB D 5ust +ee- in good re-airB P ;as la5ed a"ter coac/ bro+e do;nB -I" P can reco#er, anybody inCured 8-asserbys9 could sue as ;ellB 0/is ;ould allo; "or absurd/outrageous conse?uencesB Public duty 5ust be underta+en/Public nuisance co55itted to "ile tort clai5B -T/is is nonfeasan*e8 Dnder Palka rules, t/is *ase would (e different. H.#. %o*/, 0o. +. #ensselaer Eater 0o. 8-B3%% 7S ')269 -D contracted ;it/ city o" *ensselaer to su--ly ;aterB Building caug/t "ireB 4la5es s-read to P3s ;are/ouse -D did not su--ly/"urnis/ ade?uate ?uantity o" ;ater a"ter noticeB D "ailed to "ul"ill : -ro#isionsB -'9Breac/ o" :T 7oB $ity does not /a#e legal duty to su--ly -rotection against "ireB *ig/t o" action 5ust be gi#en to -ublic not a -arty to contractB Bene"it 5ust be intended 7!0 incidentalB -29$o55on-La; 0ortT 7oB D did not act a""ir5ati#elyB P says entering -er"or5ance o" contract, it ;as broug/t into a relation ;it/ e#eryone ;/o 5ay -otentially bene"it "ro5 t/e contract/;ater "ro5 /ydrantsB -T/is would mean assum-tion of one relation>in+oluntar, assum-tion of infinite ot/ers. :ad8 -Sco-e o" t/e -ro5ise/underta+ing issueB ,aybe not a non"easance issueB Later *ases /a+e said *ontra*t entered into to su--l, water OT eCtin&uis/ fires. <ama&es must re-resent /arms a&ainst w/i*/ t/e -arties were *ontra*tin&6 ->tilities are ne#ert/eless o"ten li5ited as to liability 8e#en t/oug/ inCuries are "oreseeable9 9al1a +. $er+i*emaster %ana&ement $er+i*es 0or-. 8-B3%) 7S '))49 $*o-e of 0ontra*tual -Pal+a ;as a nurseB @os-ital contracted ;it/ D to 5anage 5aintenanceB .all-5ounted "an "ell on PB -'9Sa"ety o" "an ;it/in sco-e o" D3s contractual obligationsB -29>nder duty to P, non-contracting -artyB 8reasonably-antici-ated relations/i-9 3 rd -arty bene"iciaryT 9aH +. $tate of 0alifornia 8-B3&' $alB 2(((9 Outside $*o-e of 0ontra*tual -Stone5an de#elo-ed residential -roCects ;as re?uired to build tra""ic lig/t by t/e cityB @ired =ennings ;/o /ired :!1B :!1 delayed in getting state -er5itsB P inCured because lig/ts not installedB -D didn3t increase t/e /aHards t/at 5otorists ;ere ex-osed as a result o" -reexisting conditions at intersection -D did not o;e a duty si5-ly by underta+ing ;or+ t/at 5ay /a#e alle#iated dangerous condition o" roadB


"*tion as a 9romise or Dnderta1in& -*S M42A Duty Based on >nderta+ing 8-B')69- 1ctor ;/o underta+es to render ser#ices to anot/er < +no;s t/at ser#ices ;ill reduce ris+ o" -/ysical /ar5 to ot/er /as duty o" *$ ifA 19 4ailure to exercise care increases ris+ o" /ar5 beyond t/at ;/ic/ existed ;it/out underta+ing O# B9 Person to ;/o5 ser#ices are rendered or anot/er relies on t/e actor3s exercising *$ in t/e underta+ingB -*S M43A Duty to 3rd Parties Based on >nderta+ing to 1not/er 8-B2('9- Ex-ands duty to 3rd -artiesB Kloren*e +. 3old(er& 8-B3&' 7SB ')&69 #elian*e- $*o-e of Dnderta1in& -,o5 too+ % year old to sc/ool "or 2 ;ee+sB Police /ad guard at street crossingB ,ot/er relied on t/isB -$rossing guard called in sic+B 87o sub sent9B $/ild struc+ by a carB -DA Police #oluntarily assu5ed dutyK ,ust continue to obser#e t/is obligationB -4ailure to -er"or5 duty -laced c/ild in substantial ris+ 8/ig/er ris+ t/an i" duty not assu5ed9B ?ir*/er +. 0it, of Oamestown8-B3&2 7S ')6)9 #elian*e- $*o-e of Dnderta1in& -P entering car in -ar+ing lot < accosted by 5enB 2 --l sa; /er "orced into car and c/ased but lost sig/tB -.itnesses ga#e in"o to -olice o""icer but /e ne#er called in descri-tionB -'9$ity not liable "or negligent exercise o" go#ern5ent "unctions unless in s-ecB relation ;it/ PB -29 ,unici-ality ,>S0 be direct contactB P is not in direct contactB -39 P did 7!0 rely because P did not contact t/e -oliceB .lorence says s-ecB relations/i- created by relianceB (ircher says 5ust be direct contactB ,e erson County School Dist. v. Gil%ert/ ,o5 sa; cross guard in a"ternoon and assu5ed cross guard ;ould be in 5orningB *eliedB $/ild run o#erB !utside s*o-e of underta1in&- t/ey only undertoo+ a"ternoonsB <DT7 TO 9#OT!0T50O T#OL K#O% 3#< 9!#$O $ 0ontrol888 -*S M4'A Duty to 0/ird Parties Based on S-ecial *elations/i-s ;it/ Person Posing *is+s 8-B') 9- S-ecial *elations/i- ;it/ anot/er o;es a duty o" *$ to 3rd -arties i" ris+s -osed arise ;it/in t/e sco-e o" t/e relations/i-B S-ecial *elations/i-A 1= 9arent5<e-endent 0/ildrenF 2= 0ustodian50ustod,F 3=!m-lo,er5!m-lo,ee 8i" e5-loy5ent "acilitates e5-loyee causing /ar5 to ot/ers9D A= %ental-Healt/ 9rofessional59atient- States 5ay /a#e additional relations/i-sK a9 0/is is t/e classic exa5-le o" going a"ter so5eone ;it/ a dee-er -oc+et Ise(er& +. 3ross 8-B3&% IllB 2((&9 $-e*ial #elations/i-D negB "ailed to ;arn P o" t/reats against P3s li"eB P ;as s/otP-ara-legicB 1ttac+er told D /e ;anted to +ill P -Is t/ere $-e*ial #elations/i- to *reate o(li&ation6 I" so, does unreasonable ris+ o" -/ysical /ar5 arise ;it/in sco-e o" relations/i-T I" so, obligation to exercise reasonable care to -rotect ot/er "ro5 ris+B -P says D ;as an agentB $ourtA 1t ti5e o" inCury, no relations/i-- 7o dutyK -$ourt says t/is 5ig/t be t/e 5ost 5oral rule, but it is ;idely acce-tedB 9ose*ai +. Eal-%art 8-B36( LaB ')))9 Koreseea(ilit,><ut, -P robbed by guy /iding under carB Sues D "or "ailure to -ro#ide security guards in t/e -ar+ing lot -0/res/old ?uestion is i" D o;ed t/e P a duty, matter of foreseea(ilit, /ere -4our basic a--roac/esA '9 $-e*ifi* Harmonly o;e a duty i" landowner 1nows of s-e*ifi* /arm to 9 29 9rior $imilar In*ident TestLoo+ at "oreseeability based on e#idence o" -re#ious cri5es on or near t/e -re5isesB Does not re?uire identical cri5es/locationsB PolicyA ' st #icti5 doesn3t reco#erB 39 Totalit, of 0ir*umstan*es ;most *ommon 9loo+s at nature, condition, location o" land, < "actual circu5stances leading to "oreseeabilityB $riticiHed "or being too (road 8o"ten ta+es 5inor cri5es to be e#idence o" "oreseeable 5ore #iolent ones9B >n-redictable 5easureB


49 :alan*in& Test 8$1,079balances "oreseeability o" /ar5 against t/e burden o" i5-osing a duty to -rotect against cri5inal acts o" 3rd -ersonsNB$ourt li+es t/is test t/e best -Businesses are generally not res-onsible "or t/e ende5ic cri5e t/at -lagues our co55unities -0/e greater t/e "oreseeability and gra#ity o" t/e /ar5, t/e greater t/e duty i5-osed on business -4ind "or D because it lac+ed re?uisite degree o" "oreseeability
-Loo1 at (rea*/ (efore e+en determinin& dut, /ere, w/atLs t/e differen*e (etween determinin& dut, or (rea*/6 Tuestion of law ;dut,= +s fa*t ;(rea*/=-9re*autions. 0ur" battle bet;een Cudge and Cury -Duty is categorical, a--lies to all cases, ;/ereas breac/ is case by case -Duty a "unction o" t/e t/reat3s "oreseeability and D3s relations/i- ;it/ t/e P

-+ouchette v. Ganal 8@I '))%9/ Good analysis o" 5is"easance/non"easanceB Ganal < 0ouc/ette /ad an extra-5arital a""airB S/e 5o#ed into -arents3 /ouseB S/e taunted /er /usband o" /er a""airB @e ;ent on a ra5-age and torc/ed 0ouc/ette3s /ouse and +illed 0ouc/ette3s sonB $ourt said tauntin& was nonfeasan*e 85arital relations/i- is not a s-ecial relations/i- t/at -ro#ides a duty to -rotect -ersons "ro5 acts o" anot/er=. :DT /er a*tions>misfeasan*e because created an unreasona(le ris1 of /arm. %arqua, +. !no 8-B36 7@ ')) 9 !m-lo,er <ut, -3 Girls 8Ps9 allege sc/ool teac/ers/ad5inistrators ;ere a;are o" sexual abuse but did not/ing -$o5-ulsory attendance at sc/oolB Su-er#isory Sc/ool E5-loyees ser#e in loco -arentisB -$ourt re"ers to custodial relations/i- bet;een student and sc/oolB !;e a duty to re-ort sexual abuseB -2 *elations/i-sA 0ustodial 8or *st5t says Sc/ool9 and ability to /ire5fire 8e5-loyer9 -7eed to loo+ i" re-orting ;ould /a#e -re#ented subse?uent abuse 8$ausation9 -1bsence o" ade?uate su-er#ision could also ex-ose sc/ool to liability 8student-on-student #iolence9 Eard +. Inis/maan "sso*s. Ltd. 9artners/i- 87@ 2((&9 $*o-e of $-e*ial #elations/i-PP0enantD DPLandlordD P3s neig/bor assaulted /er outsider /er a-art5entB -P co5-lained to D about neig/bor "or 3 yearsB -Landlord onl, /as a dut, i" 8'9 created/res-onsible "or -/ysical de"ect on -re5ises t/at "oreseeable en/anced ris+ o" cri5inal attac+ !* 829 i" landlord undertoo+ to -ro#ide security against cri5inal attac+sB -I5-lied ;arranty o" /abitability does not re?uire a""ir5ati#e 5easures to -ro#ide securityB -$ourts generally refuse to i5-ose duty to -rotect/guide ne; students at college "ro5 sex, drugs, etcN /(line v. 0122 Mass. *ve *-t. Cor- 836&, D$ $irB ')&(9/ landlord /as a dut, to -rotect tenants against t/ird -erson attac+s becauseA 19Landlord /as control o#er co55on areasD B9S-ecial c/aracter o" 5odern urban 5ulti-le-unit leaseD $9Landlord /as notice i" tenants are subCected to cri5es against t/eir -ersonsB -@ere, dut, of -rote*tion to 9 (e*ause -la*ed on noti*e of foreseea(le *riminal a*ts (, 3 rd -ersons (ut no -re+entati+e measures ta1en. T/is was also a dut, im-lied in t/e *ontra*t. <efendantLs #elations/i- wit/ <an&erous 9ersons <udle, +. Offender "id @ #estoration of #i*/mond, In*. 8-B366 E1 '))'9 -S ;as con#icted "elonB Eicious beatings, etcN Li#ed in /al";ay /ouseB Eiolated rulesB 7o securityB -Le"t /ouse and +illed a ;o5an nearbyB Generally, t/ere is no dutyB -B>0 /ere, @al";ay @ouse ;as a *ustodianB Duty eCtended to all w/o are 2dire*tl, and foreseea(l, eC-osed to ris1 of (odil, /arm4 "ro5 S3s negligenceB Duty to control s-ousesT 7=-SesD :1A 7oB Duty to control c/ildrenT 7ot based on -arental relations/i- aloneB 7ot liable "or "ailure to control Cust because c/ild +no;n to be roug/B Liable i" c/ild /as s-eci"ic dangerous /abit t/at -arent +no;s/s/ould +no;B In 1las+a, need more t/en general notice "or -arents to /a#e liability 8e#en i" -rior /istory9


Tarasoff +. #e&ents of Dni+ersit, of 0alifornia 8-B3)' $alB ')&%9 Koreseea(ilit, of T/reat -P ;as +illed by PoddarB D3s -syc/ologist treated 5urderer and t/oug/t /e -osed credible t/reat to PB -$a5-us security detained 5urderer but let /i5 go because /e see5ed rational, t/en /e +illed PB -$an3t really control /ere li+e in t/e -re#ious relations/i-s (ut *an warn, and t/at3s t/e alleged breac/ -$a5-us Security /ad no duty- no s-ecial relations/i-B -Based on foreseea(ilit, of t/reat, Ds o;ed duty to ;arn P o" 5urderer3s t/reat -8a9Doctor said it ;ould be /ard to -redi*t +iolen*e ;foreseea(ilit, issue= - I5-osition o" a duty is not an i5-osition o" liabilityB "ll t/at /as to (e done is to do w/at ot/er do*tors would do in similar *ir*umstan*esB @ig/ ris+ o" unnecessary ;arnings is "ineB -8b9Psyc/ot/era-y ;ill su""er by lac+ o" con"identiality- .eig/ t/is interest ;it/ -ublic interest in sa"ety "ro5 assaultB 0/e -ublic3s interest out;eig/s con"identialityB -$arasoff a**e-ted (, man, states. $hom(son sa,s t/reat must (e a&ainst identifia(le -erson. -In DiMarco 8-B3)&9, Doctor did gi#e a ;arning about @IE but it ;as inaccurateB a9 Doctor /ad duty to ;arn -atient a--ro-riately to -rotect /er sex -artnerB Pri#acy concerns -I" -atient s/ould ;as in as good as or better -osition to +no; t/eir li5itations/de"iciencies, doctor ;ouldn3t be liable "or "ailing to ;arn 8i" you can3t see ;ell, s/ould not to dri#e- Witthoe t9 a9 Di""erent ;it/ #irus, li+e in DiMarco, ;/ere -atient /ad no idea :ri&an*e +. Bel+et <o+e #estaurant, In*. 8-B3)6 !+laB ')6%9 $tatute sets <ut, -,inor gets drun+ at D3s barB Dri#es /o5e and inCures PB 1>$ ;as letting +id get drun+ and dri#e /o5e -!ne ;/o sells alco/ol "or on-t/e--remises *onsum-tion /as a dut, to eCer*ise #0 not to sell liquor to noti*ea(l,-intoCi*ated -ersonB $onstituted a -ublic o""ense under Dra5 S/o- La;sB -P 5ust s/o; causation < -roxi5ate cause to CuryB 7egligent Entrust5ent- Dra5 S/o- Statutes- Bar is in best -osition to control "or sa"etyB Increases Pri#ate $ost 17D Social Bene"itB @ere, statuteB I T! TIO "L I KLI0TIO OK !%OTIO "L <I$T#!$$ ;II!<= -*S M4 A E5otional @ar5 8-B22)9- E5otional /ar5Pi5-air5ent or inCury to -erson3s e5otional tran?uility -*S M4%A Intentional In"liction o" E5otional @ar5 8-B23(9- 1ctor ;/o, by eCtreme and outra&eous *ondu*t, intentionally/rec+lessly causes se+ere e5otional /ar5 to anot/er is subCect to liabilityB 8also subCect to liability "or bodily /ar5 i" t/at results9B -E5otional @ar5 caused by /ar5 to a 3rd -ersonB 0/is is li5ited to 5e5bers o" 3rd -arty3s i55ediate "a5ilyB *st5tA Bystanders ;/o are close "a5ily 5e5bers and conte5-oraneously -ercei#e t/e e#entB !C*e-tion' $/ild abuse cases- -arents are li+ely not -resent in t/ese casesB Ele5ents o" IIEDA 8'9 0/e D acted intentionally or rec+lessly- Intended to cause se#ere e5otional distress 829 0/e conduct ;as eCtreme and outra&eous- !rdinary *PP ;ould s/out 2T/atLs Outra&eous4 VBeyond boundaries tolerable in ci#il societyB 81buse o" -osition o" su-eriority/*e-etitious/D +ne; o" P3s ultra-sensiti#ities/ ,ere insults are not enoug/9 839 0/e actions o" t/e D *aused t/e P e5otional distress 849 0/e resulting e5otional distress ;as se+ere- ,ore distress t/an *PP could be ex-ected to endure ;it/out -ro"essional assistanceB 8no re?uire5ent o" -/ysical 5ani"estations9 3T! $out/west, In*. +. :ru*e 8-B4(% 0exB ')))9 -Ps are e5-loyees ;/o ;or+ed under S/ieldsB @e #erbally t/reatened/terroriHed t/e5, ;ould c/arge at e5-loyees, and e#en 5ade an e5-loyee stand in /is o""ice "or 3( 5in ;/ile /e Cust stared at /er -1 clai5 "or IIED ;ill not lie i" it is not t/e intended or -rimar, *onsequen*e of t/e < -$onduct 5ust really be outra&eous and eCtreme , S/ields3 ;as, a""ir5ed *e-etitious -Don3t sue S/ields because /is -oc+ets aren3t as dee- at G0E3s, and t/ey can go a"ter G0E under t/e -rinci-le o" FEicarious LiabilityGN Res-on!eat Su-eriorLet t/e boss -ay/res-ond


a9 0/e e5-loyee /as to be acting in t/e sco-e o" e5-loy5ent, t/is is a +ey issue b9 $an3t go "or .or+er3s $o5- because t/at is only "or negligent torts -!utrageous be/a#ior includeA 0ontinuous or #e-etiti+e, "(use of -ower5*a-ti+e +i*tim, Dnusual or "t,-i*al, !C-loitin& sensiti+ities, and 9u(li* /umiliation. %ere insults are not enou&/ B Kis/er +. "meri*an #ed 0ross :lood $er+i*es 8-B4(6 !/io $tB 1--B 2(((9 -P ga#e blood and ;as told s/e /ad sy-/ilisB $auses distress to /er and /er /usbandB Go to counselingB -7e; tests s/o; t/at blood ban+ ;as ;rongB $ourt says t/is is not se#erely distressingB -*ele#ant "actorsA Psyc/ological 5ani"estations -/ysiological 5ani"estations, de-ression, nig/t5ares, anxiety, 5edical treat5ent/diagnosis, e#idence o" intensity, a""ecting day-to-day "unctioningB Homer +. Lon& 8-B4'( ,dB $tB S-ecB 1--B '))29 -P3s ;i"e ;as /os-italiHed "or de-ression, /er t/era-ist used con"idential in"or5ation to ta+e ad#antage o" /er condition and seduce /erB S/e di#orces /usbandB 0/is is eCtreme5outra&eous by 5edB co55B stdsB -0/is is a 3rd -art, *ase t/ou&/. *st5t re?uires -resence at ti5e o" e5otional distressB 7o *eco#ery /ere &atch v. Davis 8>ta/ 2((%9-Exce-tions to -resenceA '9*elations/i- o" t/e target o" t/e conduct to t/e PT 29*elations/i- bet;een Person co55itting conduct < PT 39Egregiousness o" t/e conductT !3LI3! T I KLI0TIO OK !%OTIO "L <I$T#!$$ ; I!<= -*S M4&A 7egligent $onduct <ire*tl, In"licting E5otional @ar5 on 1not/er 8-B23&9- 1ctor ;/ose neg conduct causes serious e5otional /ar5 i" conductA 19Places t/e ot/er in danger o" i55ediate bodily /ar5 ;it/ e5otional /ar5 resulting 8Uone o" Danger9D B9!ccurs in t/e course o" s-eci"ied categories o" acti#ities, underta+ings, or relations/i-s in ;/ic/ neg conduct is es-ecially li+ely to cause serious e5otional /ar5B !M of ;:=- 0elegra5 i5-ro-erly deli#ered t/at announced deat//illnessD >nderta+erB %it*/ell +. #o*/ester #ailwa, 0o. 8-B4'2 7S '6)%9 Im-a*t #ule -P about to board street rail;ay carB D dro#e tea5 o" /orses at /erB Sto--ed ;it/ /er in 5iddle but ne#er touc/ed /erB P su""ered 5iscarriage and s/oc+B -'97o reco#ery "or "rig/t aloneB 297o reco#ery "or conse?uences o" "rig/tB Trad. #ule>9arasiti* <ama&es -$ourts began to dro- -/ysical in)ur, "or -/ysical im-a*tB See ,urgess belo;B -9/,si*al %anifestation of O(). $,m-toms'8Et9 ,ust -ro#e e#idence o" s/oc+ or "rig/t occurring a"ter e#ent -!motional <isorder must (e medi*all, dia&nosa(leA8,S9- 7o need "or -/ysical 5ani"estation -Pone of <an&erA81la9- D3s neg 5ust /a#e -laced P in danger o" -/ysical inCury, and because o" t/is danger, P su""ered e5otional /ar5B -0om(ination of one of a(o+e wa,s84la9 *st5tA Uone o" Danger !* $ategory o" underta+ing 8dead bodies9 !* S-ecial *elations/i- 8D3s aut/ority9 :,stander -*S M46A 7egligent In"liction o" E5otional @ar5 *esulting "ro5 Bodily @ar5 to T/ird 9erson 8-B2449- 1ctor ;/o negB causes sudden serious bodily inCury to 3rd -erson is subCect to liability "or serious e5otional /ar5 to -erson ;/o B!0@A '99er*ei+es e+ent *ontem-oraneousl, " < 29Is *lose famil, mem(er to in)ured. 3ru(e +. Dnion 9a*ifi* #ailroad 8-B4' :1 '))49 Pone of <an&er Test -P e5-loyed by DB $onducting train t/at collided ;it/ stuc+ carB :illed ' < se#erely inCured 2B P sa; car be"ore collision < ;itnessed s/oc+ < "rig/tB 0ried to -ro#ide aidB Ex/ibited -/ysical 5ani"estations o" being ill 8t/re; u-9B -4EL1 sa,s )ust need im-a*t5in)ur,B $ourt uses Pone of <an&er TestA .or+er ;it/in t/e Hone o" danger o" -/,si*al im-a*t ;ill be able to reco#er "or e5otional inCury caused by -/ysB InCury to /i5sel"B -P says -/ysical i5-act "ro5 e5ergency bra+eB E5ergency bra+e did not cause e5otional distressB -=udg5ent "or DB

0atron +. Lewis 87ebB 2((%9 9/,s Im-a*t O# Pone <an&er O# #easona(l, Koreseea(le -P ;ent boating at la+eB Daug/ter3s "riends on 2 tubesB =et s+is riding to;ards boatB !ne ran o#er girlB -P diagnosed ;it/ 5aCor de-ression and anxiety disorderB -In 7ebB, i" no -/ysical i5-act, 5ust s/o;A '9P ;as a reasona(l, foreseea(le (,stander #icti5 based on an inti5ate "a5ilial relations/i- ;it/ inCured #icti5 !* 29 ! ;as dire*t +i*tim o" D3s negligence because o" Hone o" dangerB P satis"ies neit/erB -8'9 is "or t/e 5ot/er ;/o ;atc/es /er c/ild be run o#er 8so5e states 5ay still re?uire -/ysB I5-act t/oug/9 <illon +. Le&& 8-B4'6 $1 ')%69 <illon Ka*tors -,ot/er sa; in"ant daug/ter negligently run o#er < suedB -7o Uone o" DangerB D o;es duty to -rotect inCured -erson < t/ose ;/o 5ay "oreseeably su""er e5otional /ar5 because o" inCuryB -3 Ka*tors of Koreseea(ilit,'' P lo*ated near scene o" accidentT 29S/oc+ results "ro5 direct e5otional i5-act on P "ro5 sensor,5*ontem-oraneous o(ser+an*e o" accidentT 39P < #icti5 *losel, relatedT @ere, all o" t/ese are satis"iedB T/in& +. La 0/usa 8-B4') $1 ')6)9 -P /eard son struc+ by an auto5obileB Sa; dead bodyB $ourt says all Dillon fa*tors must (e satisfiedB '9 EasnLt -resent at s*eneD 29S/o;s 5ore t/an a disinterested ;itnessD 39Ses, Parent -7ot -resentB 7o liabilityK "P' :,stander is OT *lose enou&/ of a relations/i:ur&ess +. $u-erior 0ourt 8-B42' $al '))29 <ire*t Bi*tim -P gi#en -renatal care by !BGS7B $/ild deli#ered negligentlyB Per5anent brain da5age in c/ildB -+hing3Dillon "actors do not a--l,B P is in -re-existing relations/i- ;it/ D as direct #icti5B -DE3s case based on breac/ o" duty i5-osed on D as a 5atter o" la;B I" P ;as a bystander, D ;ould be incenti#iHed to sedate P so t/at s/e ;ould not conte5-oraneously obser#e negligenceB -7o "ilial consortiu5 /ereB Loss of 0onsortium' 1l5ost li+e a -ro-erty tort, so5et/ing o" yours ;as destroyed -In 5odern era, i" so5eone inCures a 5arried -erson, t/e uninCured s-ouse is gi#en a *o1 against t/e D a9 $an reco#er "or ser#ices 8s-ouse can3t coo+ dinner any5ore, etc9 b9 $an reco#er "or loss o" society 8s-ending ti5e ;/ s-ouse doing t/is you lo#e9 Eas/in&ton +. Oo/n T. #/ines 0o. 8-B424 DB$B '))49 0or-se -P contracted ;it/ D to -re-are /usband "or burial and trans-ortationB -Decedent arri#ed ;it/ clot/ing drenc/ed in "luid ;it/ bad odor- Extre5e s+in sli-s, blisters, etcN -P not in Hone o" danger so no lia(ilit,B ,inority caseT #uth v. !reeland 8-B42 @I 2(('9-,orgue le"t body unre"rigeratedB Statute said cannot sue "or e5otional distress due to -ro-erty /ar5B $ourt said not -ro-ertyB D o;ed reasonable care duty to "a5ily 5e5bersB Heiner +. %oretuHHo 8-B42% !@ ')) 9 Kear I!< -D tested P "or 1IDSB Said P ;as in"ectedB *e-tested and ca5e ;it/ sa5e diagnosisB Bot/ tests done negligentlyB P sued "or 7IEDB 7o clai5K Kear of a non-eCistent -/,si*al -erilB :o,les +. ?err 8-B42& 0ex '))39 <istress I!< -Boyles 8D- '&yBoB9 secretly #ideota-ed sex ;it/ :err 8P-')yBoB9B S/o;ed ta-e to "riendsB -P said 7IEDB 7oK o &eneral dut, to a+oid ne&li&ent infli*tion of distress.


-E#en t/oug/ /e acted intentionall,, doesn3t a--ear /e intended to infli*t distress eit/erB 7o reco#ery /ere eit/erB E#en i" t/ere ;as, insurance -robably does not co#er intentional tortsB 0am-er +. %inor 8-B426 0enn '))%9 I!<8888 -P dri#ing ce5ent truc+B '% yBoB -ulled in "ront and ;as +illedB P sued estate "or 7IEDB -P ex/ibited P0SDB 9 must -resent e+iden*e of all Q elements of ne&li&en*e B -*eco#ery only "or se+ere5serious emotional in)ur,- *PP unable to ade?uately co-e ;it/ t/e 5ental stress engendered by t/e circu5stances o" t/e caseB ;T/is requires medi*al eC-ert5s*ientifi* -roof 9 -8*eCects -/ysical i5-act, -/ysical 5ani"estation, Hone o" danger, "oreseeability/ Dillon a--roac/es9 $a**o +. Hi&/ 0ountr, Inde-endent 9ress, In*. 8-B426 ,ontB ')) 9 Koreseea(ilit, I!< -P "alsely accused o" stealing, alleged 7IED -I" t/ere3s a "oreseeable ris+ o" distress, and, as a result o" D3s conduct, distress results t/ere ;ould be reco#ery -9ure foreseea(ilit, rule -End o" t/e e#olutionary lineT Disc/arging all older rules "or ne; guidelines- Sacco 4 Cam-er ToCi* !C-osure 0ases 9otter +. Kirestone Tire @ #u((er 0o. 8-B42) $alB '))39 -D contracted ;it/ Salinas Dis-osal Ser#ice to dis-ose industrial ;asteB -Land"ills -ro/ibited dis-osal o" toxic substancesB D said ;aste ;as 7!0 toxicB -P li#ed near land"illB 0oxicity in do5estic ;ater ;ellsPcarcinogensB E5otional Distress "ro5 cancer "earB -9re-onderan*e limitation- E#eryt/ing can cause cancerB ./ere is -roo" t/at t/is doesT -$uffi*ientl, <efinite59redi*ta(le T/res/old - *e?uires ,edical/Scienti"ic !-inion t/at ex-osure 5ore li+ely t/an not ;ill cause P to de#elo- cancer due to toxic ex-osureB :DT' Two !C*e-tions' 1=D3s conduct a5ounted to o--ression, "raud, 5alice 0@E7 -uniti#e da5agesB 29 Intentional conduct o" DB @ere, 8'9 is satis"iedK orfol1 @ Eestern #ailwa, +. ",ers 8-B432 S$!0>S 2((39 "s(estosis -P broug/t 4edB E5-loyers Liability Suit to *x*B E5-loyer negB ex-osed Ps to asbestosB $ontracted asbestosisB P clai5ed 5ental anguis/ based on "ear o" de#elo-ing cancerB P ;as also s5o+erB -P/ysically-/ar5ed P need not -ro#e -/ysical sy5-to5s o" /is e5otional distress-only t/at e5otional distress is bot/ genuine < seriousB I" -resents su""ering e#idence, t/en can "ully-reco#er on e5otional distress clai5sB <!"TH Eei&el +. Lee 8-B44& 7D 2((69 -*ogers died a"ter being ad5itted to regular roo5 in /os-italB @is c/ildren sued DrB < @os-italB -Sued under ;rong"ul deat/ statuteB 8Da5ages o" P3s e5otional distress < loss o" consortiu59 -'9Loss o" $onsortiu5- due to -ersonal in)ur, onl, for s-ouse 8not basis "or P3s clai5- t/ey are clai5ing rig/t under .rong"ul <eat/ statute9- t/is is di""erent and allo;edB -29Sur#i#al 1ctions- !nly "or breac/ o" -ro5ise, alienation o" a""ections, libel, and slander- continues existence o" inCured -erson3s clai5 a"ter deat/ as an asset o" /is estate 8not P3s clai59 -39.rong"ul Deat/- *eco#erable losses includeA -ros-ecti#e loss o" earnings/contribution, -ros-ecti#e ex-enses, loss o" ser#ices, loss o" co5-anions/i-, co5"ort < consortiu5 < 5ental anguis//grie"B -*ationaleA Gi#e -rotection to -ersons ;it/in "ixed degree relations/i- to < de-endency on deceased because o" actual inCury sustained by ;rong"ul +illing o" deceasedB -Loss of :enefi*iaries OT of estate 8t/at is sur#i#al actions9 Eron&ful <eat/ 0laim- $lai5 "or da5ages "or tortiously causing t/e deat/ o" anot/erB >sually allo; da5ages "or losses su""ered by sur+i+in& relati+es 8loss o" econo5ic su--ort or society o" decedent9B $lose relati#es onl,B >sually li5ited to direct "inancial contributions/ser#ices t/e decedent ;ould /a#e rendered to t/e sur#i#orsB


Loss to t/e !state #ule ;7@9- Purely econo5icA Decedent3s "uture earnings less a5ount decedent ;ould /a#e s-ent on li#ing ex-enses < reducing t/e net "igure to F-resent #alueBG $ur+i+al 0laim- 1ction broug/t by t/e re-resentati#e o" t/e estate o" t/e decedent "or inCuries su""ered by t/e decedent be"ore /er deat/B !C. P ;as a #egetable "or 5ont/s and su""ered -ain and su""ering, incurred 5edical ex-enses, lost earnings, and unable to enCoy /is usual acti#itiesB 81U does not allo; "or -rePdeat/ Pain < Su""ering9B $ur+i+al $tatutes also allow re*o+er, w/ere t/e tortfeasor /as died. 0/a+eH +. 0ar-enter 8-B4 2 $tB 1--B 2(('9 -P3s c/ild +illed by drun+ dri#er 8D9B Decedent ;as "at/er o" 2 year oldB Daug/ter died one 5ont/ laterB -$/a#eH -er/a-s contributed 5onetarily to -arentsB Daug/ter3s 5ot/er also broug/t clai5B -'9Parents are not /eirs i" decedent3s c/ild sur#i#ed 8s/e did9B 29*eco#ery only i" -arents are de-endent -39$ause o" 1ction o" daug/ter sur#i#ed /er < 5ay be -ursued by /er estateB 9511 Bi*timLs Kund -1irlines in trouble ;it/ insuranceB Go#tB ca--ed la;suits i" ;ai#ed rig/t to sueB -1#erage a;ard "or t/ose +illed ;as Q2 ,illionB 4or t/ose inCured, it ;as Q4((:B )&X -artici-ationB -%et/odolo&,' Start ;it/ #icti53s earning ca-acity, less "ederal/state taxes, increase inco5e at a#gB gro;t/ rate, incor-orate an une5-loy5ent ris+ "actor, ca- inco5e at Q23',(((B -Positi#esA Li5ited 1irline3s liabilityD 7on-court -rocess 8consistency9D 7on-ad#ersarialD $o5-ensation -7egati#esA ./o3s in < ./o3s outT 8!+laB $ity cases9D Ealuation at di""erent a5ountsD !#ersi5-li"iedD Don3t disco#er negligenceD sign a;ay legal rig/tsD "iduciary o" ;/o 8>S/Eicti5sT9D no deterrence 0om-arisons' D$- Inco5e-oriented, ine?uality "or genderTD Iran- %( ca5els "or -eo-le o" 5aCor religions 83( "or ;o5en/( "or in"idels9D %ilitar,- Q4((: li"e insurance -olicy \Q'((: i" die in acti#e ser#iceD 0/ina- 2(x t/e a#erage salary o" Curisdiction ;/ere local court isB E?uality in genderK <"%"3!$ -0/ere are *om-ensator, dama&es and -uniti+e dama&es a9 $o5-ensatory to ma1e t/e +i*tim w/ole b9 Puniti#e is 5ore about san*tionin& and deterrin& t/e < -$o5-ensatory brea+s do;n into -ecuniary and non--ecuniary a9 Pecuniary deals ;it/ lost wa&es and medi*al eC-enses 8broad9 b9 7on -ecuniary deals ;it/ loss of en)o,ment of life and -ain @ sufferin& -0onstitutional Torts- M')63- >sually no -/ysical inCury 8rig/t to #ote in"ringed9- ,ust -ro#e a*tual dama&esusually -ecuniary loss or 5ental distress to reco#er 5ore t/an no5inal da5ages -9ro-ert, Torts-0otal dis-ossession 8con#ersion9- da5ages "or "ull 5ar+et #alue o" con#erted t/ing, !* rental #alue o" -ro-erty during dis-ossession !* di5inis/ed #alue o" -ro-erty !* inCunction "or tres-asser -9ersonal In)ur, Torts-Sa5e a;ard gi#en "or bro+en Ca; i" it ;as done negligently or intentionallyB -9uniti+e <ama&es-i" D3s conduct ;as 5alicious and ;antonB -!lements of 0om-ensator, <ama&es' '9*easB incurred 5edical ex-enses resulting "ro5 tortD 29 Lost earning ca-acity or ;age loss resulting "ro5 tortB 39Pain < Su""ering "ro5 tort 8including 5ental9 49 Li5ited- cost o" 5edical 5onitoring o" P3s condition to interce-t -ros-ecti#e disease t/at 5ay de#elo-B 91ny ot/er s-eci"ically identi"iable /ar5 resulting "ro5 tort tra#el, etcN %artin +. Dnited $tates 8-B 6) DB 1riHB ')&)9 -Ps riding a 5otorbi+e struc+ a sagging -o;er line and ;ere /orribly inCured -$ourt calculated -ast and "uture 5edical costs, loss o" earning ca-acity, and -ain and su""ering -$an only sue t/e >S under t/e 40$1 84ederal 0ort $lai5s 1ct9 a9 *e?uires t/at clai5 be broug/t only be"ore a Cudge 7! =>*S


-0esti5ony "ro5 -rinci-al to deter5ine CobB 1ssu5ed to be a laborer 8-/ysical inCuries could 5a+e /ig/er da5ages "or laborer t/an "or intellectual 8still /a#e brain99B -*educes/Increases inco5e to -resent le#el 8assu5e t/ey ;ill be in#ested in lo; ris+ < in"lation9 -Gi#e da5ages "or assu5ed "uture 5edical o-erations 8can only bring suit onceK9 -0;o ;ays to ?uanti"y Pain < Su""ering da5ages '9 Per Die5 1rgu5ent a9 Ealues -ain "or a s5all unit o" ti5e 8-er day/5in//r -ara-legic9 < t/en extra-olate t/at out 29 Golden *ule 1rgu5ent- Eery li5ited a9 1s+s t/e Cury, F@o; 5uc/ ;ould ;e /a#e to -ay you to be li+e t/e -lainti""TG It3s an in#itation to a;ard extraordinary nu5bers -0o ;/at degree is it co/erent in establis/ing or e#en gi#ing -ain and su""ering da5agesT a9 ,edical testi5ony < t/at o" "riends/"a5ily 8e#en /o5e #ideo9-good "or s/o;ing -ain < su""ering -Pain and su""ering da5ages are 1e, for attorne,Ls fee "+er,t +. Eal-%art $tores, In*. 8$oloB 2(''9 -P is co55ercial truc+ dri#erB Sli-s on grease ;/ile deli#ering to .al-,artB *u-tured disc in s-ineB -Ended P3s career < di""iculty -er"or5ing daily tas+sB =ury a;arded Q4B 5illion in econo5ic, Q B 5illion in non-econo5ic, Q 5illion -/ysical i5-air5entB 7on-econo5ic ca--ed at Q3%%,2 (B -E#en t/oug/ t/e non-econo5ic da5ages ;ere 5ore t/an P re?uested, t/ey /a#e #alidityB -@ere, t/ey ga#e -/ysical dis"igure5ent da5ages se-aratelyB Intrinsi* +alue of sound (od, @ mind. %*<ou&ald +. 3ar(er 8-B )4 7S ')6)9 -P3s ;i"e under;ent $-section, during surgery su""ered oxygen de-ri#ation, -er5anent co5a -0;o di""erent categories o" non-econo5ic da5ageA -ain and su""ering and lost -leasure -0/e court "ound t/at loss o" enCoy5ent s/ould3#e been colla-sed into -ain and su""ering -0ons*ious awareness a -rere?uisite "or t/ese non--ecuniary da5agesT Ses, need so5e degree o" a;areness "or -ain and su""ering 8;/ic/ includes lost -leasure9B ,ust -ut t/at in Cury instructionsB -P<S co5-ensates subCecti#e disco5"ortB 7o disco5"ort i" unconsciousB 0ollateral $our*e #ule- D s/ould not obtain ;ind"all "or P3s "oresig/t in -urc/asing -ri#ate insurance, /a#ing continuation o" ;ages, 5edicare, une5-loy5ent co5-ensation, etcN 0a--in& <ama&es -$1 ca-s non-econo5ic losses at Q2 (:B ,D ca-s non-econo5ic at Q3 (:- cannot tell CuryB -!M' P3s da5ages "or non--ecuniary in $1 are Q3((:B 1ssu5e -ure co5-arati#e "ault stateB '9Q3((: reduced to Q2 (: and t/en subtract 2(X8"ault o" P9 o" Q3((: 8PQ%(:9 so Q')(:B 292(X o" Q2 (: ca- is Q2((: 39Q3((: subtract 2(X o" Q3((: is Q24(:B "n*/or !ffe*t' 0ell Curies to ca- at Q' ,illion "or -uniti#e, t/en ;/at ;ould be a Q (: a;ard ;ill gra#itate to Q'((:B 9uniti+e <ama&es -!nly a;arded "or 5isconduct \ bad state o" 5ind ;/ 5alice 8rec+less disregard "or rig/ts o" ot/ers9 -Pur-oseA 19Punis/5ent/*etributionD B9DeterrenceD $9Desire to assist in "inancially-use"ul litigation -=ury ;ill decide to 5a+e t/e a;ard at all and t/e a5ount o" t/e a;ardB -Extre5e a;ards ;it/out a--ro-riate Cury guidance #iolate due -rocessB 85ay /a#e statutory li5its9 -Pre-onderance o" e#idence ;/ile ot/er courts re?uire clear < con#incing e#idenceB -=ury can /ear e#idence o" D3s ;ealt//inco5e o" -ro"its -S/ould t/ere be a rule "or ratio o" ot/er da5agesT ,a+e it 5ore -redictableT


Owens-0ornin& Ki(er&lass 0or- +. :allard 8-B%(( 4laB ')))9 -Ballard -ro#ed /e /ad de#elo-ed 5esot/elio5a a"ter 3( years ex-osure to D3s -roductB -D +ne; and concealed dangers o" asbestosB Intention/+no;ing 5isre-resentations o" -roduct3s dangersB -1d#ertised -roduct as 2non-toxic3 ;/en it ;as toxicB Puniti#e da5agesPQ3' ,illionB -$alculation 5ade by co5-aniesA I" ;ill 5a+e Q' Billion, and )X o" t/ose ;/o get sic+ and die ;ill sue 5eB !nly ;ill -ay co5-ensatory da5ages 8t/ey ;ill be older, too9- 1round Q ((:B Still ;ort/ engaging in t/is ris+y be/a#iorB Puniti#e da5ages t/ro;s a ;renc/ into t/e calculationB Lo; ProbB !" DetectionB Limitin& 9uniti+e <ama&es' Increasing P3s burden o" -roo"T P 5ust -ro#e s-eci"ic 5aliceT G1A gi#e i55unity to -roduct liability DsD I1A *edirect -art o" -uniti#e a;ards to state or ot/er bene"iciaryD $!A li5it -uniti#e da5ages to no 5ore t/an actual da5agesB 8I" D3s 5isconduct continues at trial, t/en 3x1D9 %at/ias +. "**or !*onom, Lod&in&, In*B 8&t/ $ircuit, 2((39 -P is a guest at ,otel %B Bitten by bedbugsB D ;as a;are o" issue and re"used to -ay exter5inator Q (( to "ix -$ler+s ;ere told to call t/e5 2tic+sB3 P sued "or ;ill"ul/;anton conductB =ury a;ards Q : co5-ensatory and V186? in -uniti+e dama&esB D said t/is ;as excessi#eB -D unable to rent roo5s i" t/ey ;arned guests o" issueB D3s be/a#ior outrageous but /ar5 is slig/tB -D3s net ;ort/ is Q'B% BillionB P ;ould be unable to 5ount great case i" a;ard is ca--edB -It is better "or D to -ay da5ages t/an lose licenseB 9/ili- %orris D$" +. Eilliams 8-B%'4 S$!0>S 2((&9 -.ido; sued D "or negligence/deceit- soug/t co5-ensatory < -uniti#e da5ages "or /usband3s lung cancerB -=ury a;arded Q62': in co5-ensatory and Q&)B ,illion in -uniti#e da5agesB -DA 0$ s/ould /a#e instructed Cury t/at it could not -unis/ t/e D "or inCury to -ersons not -arties be"ore courtB -S$!0>SA Puniti#e Da5ages based on Cury3s desire to -unis/ D "or /ar5ing non--arties +iolates due -ro*ess -,ust gi#e D "air notice o" -enalty3s se#erityB E#idence o" non--arty /ar5 5ay be used as re-re/ensible conduct but cannot -unis/ D "or itB -<issent' Ste#ensA 0/ro;ing a bo5b at one -erson and +illing '2 s/ould be -unis/ed 5ore se#erely t/an one ;/o Cust /ar5s intended #icti5B 7ot Cust "or e#idence but da5ages, tooK Bi*arious Lia(ilit, #es-ondeat $u-erior @ $*o-e of !m-lo,ment 3oals' 19Pre#ention o" 4uture InCuriesD B91ssurance o" Eicti5 $o5-ensationD $9E?uitable s-reading o" losses caused by an enter-rise ote' E5-loyees are liable, tooK 8don3t /a#e t/e dee- -oc+ets, t/oug/K9 E5-loyees cannot clai5 contribution to e5-loyer 8not Coint tort"easors9B E5-loyer entitled to inde5nity 8but not li+ely because e5-loyee /as no 5oney9B %ust -ro+e !m-lo,eeLs ne&li&en*e KI#$T8 ;T/is is not $L= #i+iello +. Ealdron 8-B4 6 7S ')&)9 -,an e5-loyed at -ubB 4li--ing +ni"e ;/ile tal+ing to custo5er and /its PB $usto5er sued !;nerB -E5-loyee ;as ;it/in t/e sco-e o" /is e5-loy5entB -./et/er act done ;/ile ser#ant doing 5aster3s ;or+- no 5atter /o; irregularly nor ;/at disregard o" instructionsB Kruit +. $*/reiner 8-B4 ) 1las+a ')&29 -Li"e insurance sales5an at con#ention 8e5-loyer re?uired attendance9B 1"ter business acti#ities, dro#e to bar to "ind colleaguesB 2 1,, dro#e bac+ and struc+ Sc/reinerB sco-e o" e5-loy5ent 8Goal is t/at insurance allo;s s-readable costs9B Test' 1t t/e ti5e o" inCury, ;as e5-loyee -er"or5ing a ser#ice in "urt/erance o" e5-loyer3s businessT 0ala(resi' Strict Liability allo;s internaliHation o" costs- co5-anies incenti#iHed to 5a+e -roducts/acti#ities sa"erB

2:orrowed $er+ant4- Loans e5-loyee to 2nd e5-loyer- liability to ;/ic/e#er e5-loyer is in better -osition to ta+e 5easures to -re#ent inCury su""eredB 80y-ically, it is "irst e5-loyer9B Intentional Torts' !lder-Is e5-loyer action 5oti#ated by desire to ser#e e5-loyerT 7e;er- E5-loyer gi#en o--ortunity to inter#ene and ;as t/is "oreseeableT 87egligent /iring9 $T#I0T LI":ILIT7 ;$L= -Liability ;it/out -roo" o" "ault is eC*e-tion 7!0 t/e ruleK '90res-assing 1ni5als- !;ner o" ani5als is subCect to SL "or -/ysical /ar5 caused 8*st5t 2'9 291bnor5ally Dangerous 1ni5als 8*st5t 239 Strict but li5ited liability "or o;ner/-ossessor o" ani5al i" ani5al /as dangerous tendencies abnor5al "or ani5al3s category 8!;ner 5ust 1now o" abnor5al/dangerous tendencies < /ar5 must ensue "ro5 dangerous tendency9B 39.ild 1ni5als- I" F.ild by 7atureG t/en yes 8*st5t 229- Lions, 0igers < Bears $T#I0T 9#O<D0T$ LI":ILIT7 ;$9L=- 7ot in *st5t 3rdB =ust negligence -*ationalesA '9$onsu5er Ex-ectations- 5anu"acturers i5-licitly re-resent -roducts as sa"eD 29Enter-rise Liability- FLoss S-readingG can raise costs or rely on insuranceB 39Practicality- .arranties ;it/ retailer 5ay inde5ni"y 5anu"acturerB 494airness- ,anu"acturer gets bene"its o" sending -roducts into strea5 o" co55erce- ta+e disad#antages tooK 9Deterrence- 19S-eci"ic- >nnecessarily ris+y be/a#ior targeted by statute B9General- So5e cars 5ade dangerous t/an ot/ersB Loo+ at -rice tag to deter5ineK -1""ir5ati#e De"ensesA %isuseB ,ay or 5ay not be a de"enseB I" 5isuse is un"oreseeable t/en t/e -roduct is arguably not de"ecti#e 8la;n5o;er "or /aircut9B I" 5isuse is "oreseeable, 5ay not de"eat clai5 but reduce reco#ery because o" co5-arati#e "ault 8dri#e a car o#er t/e s-eed li5it9B !M' 9r+ilie&e' 1 /it by "lo;er -ot, lays on streetB B runs to /el- /i5 a"ter seeing "ire truc+ t/at 5ay /it /i5B 1 says 2Don3t touc/ 5eB3 B drags /i5 to curb and -unctures lungB 4ire truc+ actually co5ing to /el/i5B Does 1 /a#e clai5 against BT "' Probably notB Pri5a "acie battery by touc/ing /i5 ;it/out consentB Battery e#en i" intended to /el-B B>0 B /ad a -ri#ilege to act 8assu5ing t/ey bot/ did not /a#e all t/e "acts9B I" 1 not a;are o" onco5ing "ire truc+, re"usal is gi#en ;it/out all rele#ant "actsB $onsent ;it/out rele#ant "acts is co5-arati#ely null < #oidB B3s 5ista+e ;as reasonable under circu5stancesB $am-le :atter, $tart-u-' Battery is an intentional act ;/ic/ causes /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e contact ;it/ t/e -lainti""3s -ersonB D 5ust -ur-ose"ully cause t/e contact or belie#e ;it/ substantial certainty t/at t/e contact ;ould occurB ./et/er t/e contact ;as o""ensi#e is deter5ined by t/e obCecti#e test o" ;/et/er it ;ould o""end a reasonable sense o" -ersonal dignityB 8in addition, ;as t/ere a--re/ensionT 0/en assault9 Tres-ass to */attels occurs ;/en D intentionally causes a 5inor -/ysical inter"erence ;it/ -lainti""3s use and enCoy5ent o" /er -ersonal -ro-ertyB ./ere t/e in#asion does not rise to t/e le#el necessary to establis/ con#ersion and t/ereby re?uire a "orced sale, an action "or tres-ass can be broug/tB Inter5eddling or dis-ossessionB "n assault is conduct ;/ic/ intentionally creates in P an a--re/ension o" i55inent /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e contact ;it/ -lainti""3s -ersonB 0/e t/reat o" "uture /ar5"ul or o""ensi#e contact is legally insu""icientB Liability "or false im-risonment re?uires intentionally restraining -lainti"" ;it/in boundaries set by DB 1lt/oug/ P 5ust be con"ined, no -/ysical barrier is necessary to cause suc/ con"ine5ent and t/reats o" -/ysical /ar5 ;ill su""iceB P is not re?uired to resist or atte5-t to esca-eB P 5ust be conscious o" con"ine5ent or, in so5e Curisdictions, /ar5ed by itB Lengt/ o" con"ine5ent only 5atters "or a5tB da5ages


0ustom- 1lt/oug/ conduct ;/ic/ con"or5s to t/e industry custo5 is not necessarily satis"actory since courts can "ind t/e -ractices o" an entire industry to /a#e been negligent, con"or5ity is strong e#idence t/at t/e conduct in ?uestion ;as not negligentB !n t/e ot/er /and, a "ailure to 5eet t/e industry custo5 ;/en suc/ conduct creates a greater ris+ o" /ar5 to ot/ers t/an ;ould result "ro5 con"or5ity is generally -o;er"ul e#idence o" breac/B

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