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MontHly mortgage

Car Payment

B aseball T iCKeTs

going to a movie

visiting the grandkids

Seeing a Broadway show

Insurance Premiums


traveling to new places


visit to the doctor

fIsHIng boat


Gym membership

D inin G O ut

A straightforward response to customers retirement concerns.

Todays customers worry about whether they will have enough to cover their most basic needs throughout their retirement. And theyre even less condent about being nancially prepared for the kind of retirement theyve been dreaming about. Our simple approach to retirement planning shows you how to combine several types of retirement solutions in a diversied plan addressing your customers needs and wantsso they can enjoy their golden years. Add to that a well-dened sales process and targeted prospecting materials, and youve got an equation that can help you take your business to the next level.
888.525.7355 |

CoVeRinG tHe Needs

AffoRdinG tHe Wants

Retirement Solutions to Help Cover Customers Needs and Wants

This information is provided for general education purposes by Lincoln Benet Life Company, Lincoln, NE, and is not intended to provide legal, tax, or investment advice. Lincoln Benet Life issues xed and variable insurance products that are sold through agreements with afliated or unafliated broker-dealers or agencies. Allstate Distributors, LLC, serves as principal underwriter of certain SEC-registered contracts for Lincoln Benet Life. Please note that the diversication strategies discussed here do not ensure a prot or protect against a loss! Not FDIC, NCUA/ NCUSIF insured Not insured by any federal government agency Not a deposit No bank or credit union guarantee May go down in value

2011 Allstate Insurance Company Printed October 2011 The most current version is available electronically at FOR BROKER/DEALER OR AGENT USE ONLY Not for public dissemination. May not be distributed, reprinted, or shown to the public in oral, written, or electronic form as sales material. LBL8520 FOR BROKER/DEALER OR AGENT USE ONLY LBL8520

A strategy that helps in fullling customers needs and wants.

When talking to your customers about their retirement, look to the following diversication strategy. It brings together guaranteed income sources and growth-oriented investment options to maximize your customers retirement income.

A well-dened sales process.

Our sales process can give you an edge on the competition and simplify your prospecting efforts. Take action today and begin to build your business.

Identify your audience.

Review the Retirement + sales ideas to determine which of your prospects may benet from retirement planning. In addition, you can work your book of business to identify existing customers who are due for an annual policy review.

Sales Tools Retirement + sales ideas (available at Book of Business Download Tool (available at to generate customized reports of pending or in-force policy information)

TaKe Action
Create a prospect list of customers who could benet from retirement planning.

GuaRanteed Solutions

GRowtH-ORiented Options
FiXed INdeXed ANNui TY

social security
LIfetIme InCome AnnuIty

Brokerage ACCounts

fixed rate annuity

Reach out and schedule a meeting.

After identifying a customers potential need for retirement planning, reach out and request a meeting. You can break the ice by sending targeted marketing materials from, or if you have already built a strong relationship, simply make a phone call.

Sales Tools Relevant needs-based prospecting materials (available at

TaKe Action
Schedule the initial meeting.

P ensions
Guaranteed Solutions to Cover Customers Needs
Begin with your customers basic needsfood, shelter, health care, and other everyday expenses. Help cover them with guaranteed income sources that will provide a steady, reliable stream of funds throughout retirement. Pensions and Social Security may provide some level of security, but you can help close the gap with a lifetime income annuity. This option offers a guaranteed income stream customers cant outlive.

M utual F unds
Growth-Oriented Options to Help Customers Afford the Wants
You can help customers pay for things like travel, hobbies, and other leisure activities by building a diverse portfolio of growth-oriented investment options. Begin by diversifying across retirement solutions with different interest crediting strategies. This approach may help you to address multiple concerns your customers may have, such as outliving their retirement savings, losing money in investments, and experiencing decreased buying power due to ination. Show your customers how they can: Benet from upside market movements with an indexed annuity.1 Protect themselves from losing money in investments through a xed rate annuity.

Review your customers current and future needs.

Taking your customer through a policy review can help you uncover any life changes that may have happened lately and learn about the customers retirement dreams. You should also take time to discuss any worries about being nancially prepared for retirement. This is your opportunity to educate the customer about the need for retirement planning. Your conversation may lead into a discussion about annuities and their role in a diversied plan.

Sales Tools Retirement + brochure (LBL8521) Retirement + worksheet (LBL8553)

TaKe Action
Identify potential gaps in the customers retirement plan and schedule the next meeting.

Begin today.
Now that you have the Retirement + investment strategy and sales process, you can begin to help your customers retirement dreams come true. Reach out and talk to them today about diversifying their investments with retirement solutions

HELpFUL HinT The Reviewing Policies With Existing Customers page in the Sales Strategies section of may be helpful when conducting a policy review with your customers.

Present your strategy and close the sale.

Now that you have a better understanding of your customers needs and goals, share your recommended strategy. Product illustrations can help you highlight benets in a tangible way. Finally, address any obstacles and objections that the customer may have, and then close the sale.

Sales Tools Sales illustrations (software available for download at or Required application paperwork packets (available at LBL product brochures and additional supporting marketing tools (available at

from Lincoln Benet Life.

Packaging these annuities together with other investment options such as mutual funds and brokerage accounts may help you address any remaining concerns your customers may have.2

TaKe Action
Answer the customers outstanding questions and close the sale. Then complete and submit the application.

1 2

Crediting rates are based on the positive performance of the underlying index, generally up to a ceiling.

Please note that other investment options, such as mutual funds, may carry fees, expenses, and risk, including the possible loss of principal amount invested, and are generally sold by prospectus. Investors should carefully read the prospectus before investing.


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