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It is concluded from this study that the MQC contributed to organisational development and dissemination within participating hospitals. Organisational learning effects were demonstrated. System changes affect the context factors in the theory of organisational readiness: organisational culture policies and procedures past experience organisational resources and organisational structure. !rogramme coordinator responses indicate that these factors are utilised to manage spread and sustainability. "urther research is needed to assess long#term effects.

Conclusion II--OD as a field has thrived because of the value-added concepts and tools that it has brought to organizations and its stakeholders (those concerned with how the organization operates), including customers, stockholders, emplo ees, management, the communit , and even the nation! If an OD professional can be helpful in bringing about desired change with a process that uses the values described in the ne"t section, ever one benefits! Organization Development (#$$#) suggested the following benefits to the use of OD (as opposed to other t pes of consulting or using individuals within the organization who do not have OD skills)% &n atmosphere can be established which will support more innovation and creativit , increase 'ob satisfaction, develop more positive interpersonal relationships and foster greater participation in creating plans and defining organizational goals! ( stems can help to establish this kind of atmosphere!

)e Conclusions * +ecommendations
#! ,o best meet its ne"t level of performance, the ma'orit of ,+-(,e.s functional areas should be consolidated into two ma'or organizations directl tied to business initiatives! /! In hiring new senior leadership for these areas, ,+-(,e should seek candidates with specified functional re0uirements and interdisciplinar capabilit , as well as designated behavioral attributes that will fit successfull with the ,+-(,e organization, its leadership and its culture! ,his applies, as well, to other hiring! 1! ,he &C, ,eam did not view emplo ee retention as an issue2 there are sufficient resources within ,+-(,e to motivate and engage the people who are right for the organization! 3! ,he ,eam recommended a recruitment message highlighting the uni0ue aspects of the ,+-(,e organization!

4! 5or the future, the team recommended the creation of a new third organization, led b a current management team member, and several new positions throughout the organization!6

CONCLUSION ORGANISATIONAL DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT In this unit, it has been made kno n to !ou that e"e#! o#$anisation e%ists &o# a 'u#'ose( and that o#$anisationa) desi$n is a '#o*ess o& de*ision+makin$ to b#in$ about *ohe#en*e bet een $oa)s and 'u#'ose &o# hi*h an o#$anisation e%ists, This *an be done b! *onst#u*tin$ and *han$in$ the st#u*tu#e o& the o#$anisation to a*hie"e its $oa)s, It has a)so been mentioned to !ou that o#$anisin$ in"o)"es a '#o*ess hi*h A#mst#on$ -.//01, des*#ibes as the desi$n, de"e)o'ment and maintenan*e o& a s!stem o# *oo#dinated a*ti"ities in hi*h indi"idua) and $#ou' o& 'eo')e o#k *oo'e#ati"e)! unde# a )eade#shi', to a#ds *ommon)! unde#stood and a**e'ted $oa)s

Con*)usion2+++++++++++ The o#$anisation has &ina))! has to e"a)uate the OD '#o$#ams, &ind out thei# uti)it!, the de"e)o' the '#o$#ams &u#the# &o# *o##e*tin$ the de"iation and 3o# im'#o"ed #esu)ts, The *onsu)tants he)' the o#$ani4ation in this #es'e*t, A)) the ste's in the OD '#o*ess shou)d be &o))o ed b! the o#$ani4ation is o#de# to d#i"e &u)) #an$e o& OD bene&its,

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