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News Release

Motor driver from Microchip is automotive AEC-Q100-qualified, highly integrated and compact; provides high performance and high current
Cost-effective MCP8063 is world's first 1.5 ampere, three-phase br shless !C, si" soidal motor driver i" a #$# mm pac%a&e with the '(C-)100 * alit+ certificatio"
e! "elhi, 1# April $01% & A'"AQ( MC)*+ , Microchip Technology Inc., a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analog and Flash-IP solutions, has launched the MC*-0#. a highly integrated, cost-effective, automotive A !-"#$$-%ualified motor driver that delivers superior performance in a small, &-pin, 'x' mm (F) pac*age. It is also the +orld,s first to com-ine all of those features +ith #..A pea* phase current for the #&$-degree sinusoidal drive of a variety of three-phase -rushless (! motor and fan applications. This integration reduces cost and P!/ area, and the high sinusoidal-drive performance provides high efficiency, lo+ acoustic noise and lo+ mechanical vi-ration for energy savings and %uiet operation. Additionally, the M!P&$01 includes safety features such as thermal shutdo+n, over-current limiting and loc*-up protection. The designers of a -road range of motor applications in mar*ets such as the automotive, IT, industrial and home-appliance sectors are faced +ith increasing regulatory and consumer demands for continued reductions in cost, space, noise and po+er consumption2 +ith -etter performance and safety. The integrated features of the M!P&$01 motor driver solve these pro-lems cost-effectively, +hile providing a +ide operating temperature range of -'$ to 3#4.-degrees !elsius. Additionally, it supports the sensorless driving of /5(! motors, +hich eliminates the cost and space of a 6all sensor. 7!ustomers re%uested a compact, high-performance motor driver +ith high current and a +ide temperature range, +hile adhering to the A !-"#$$ %uality standard,7 said /ryan 8. 5iddiard, mar*eting vice president of Microchip,s Analog and Interface Products (ivision. 79ur ne+ M!P&$01 delivers on that re%uest, providing a complete single-chip solution for a +ide variety of three-phase, -rushless (! applications at attractive price points.7 The M!P&$01 motor driver +or*s stand-alone or in con:unction +ith Microchip,s large portfolio of PI! microcontrollers and dsPI!; digital signal controllers. This offers a high degree of flexi-ility for everything from simple voltage control to closed-loop motor speed control using high-performance algorithms, such as sinusoidal sensorless drive.


Microchip's AEC-Q100-qualified motor driver 2222

"evelopment support To ena-le development +ith the ne+ M!P&$01 motor driver, Microchip has also announced the MC*-0#. 1$/ .-*hase 01"C 'ensorless 2an Controller "emo 3it <part = A(M$$.>.?. Additionally, this tool comes +ith a user-friendly configuration @AI. Microchip also supports its motor control and driver portfolios +ith a full range of development solutions, including firm+are, algorithms, application notes, development tools, evaluation -oards, and reference designs. Bisit Microchip,s Motor Control and "rive "esign Center at http(44!!!5microchip5com4get406 7 to access the complete repository. Availa8ility The M!P&$01 motor driver is availa-le today for samples and volume production in .,$$$-unit %uantities, at an attractive price point. For additional information, contact any Microchip sales representative or authorised +orld+ide distri-utor, or visit Microchip,s +e-site at http(44!!!5microchip5com4get49M:/. To purchase products mentioned in this press release, go to microchip";7EC6 <http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4==7)> or contact one of Microchip,s authorised distri-ution partners.
7esources 6igh-res images availa-le through Flic*r or editorial contact <feel free to pu-lish?C !hip graphicC http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4%C1# !ircuit diagramC http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4E*CM Dit photoC http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4?@10 2ollo! Microchip EFF Feed for Microchip product ne+sC http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4C*Q6

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A8out Microchip 6echnology Microchip Technology Inc. <)AF(A"C M!6P? is a leading provider of microcontroller, mixed-signal, analog and FlashIP solutions, providing lo+-ris* product development, lo+er total system cost and faster time to mar*et for thousands of diverse customer applications +orld+ide. 6ead%uartered in !handler, AriHona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along +ith dependa-le delivery and %uality. For more information, visit the Microchip +e-site at http(44!!!5microchip5com4get4:#?$ .
### Note: The Microchip name and logo, PIC, and dsPIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other co ntries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respecti!e companies.

Microchip's AEC-Q100-qualified motor driver 3333

Tags / Keywords: B !C" 3-# B !C" 3-#hase B !C" $%C" #M&M" &i'usoidal" Motor !river" $a' !river" AEC Q-100" $ull-(ave" &e'sorless

For more information, please contact: Daphne Yuen !icrochip": #$%&" &'() %**% email: daphne+yuen,microchip+com" -dam .arty /.- 0ommunications": #$%&" &*&& '1*% email: adam+2arty,e2acomms+com" Note to editors: To recei3e news releases 2y email, please call 4ennifer Tang at #$%&" &%)5 $1&& or send a message to 6ennifer+tang,e2acomms+com

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