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I sometimes listen to one weather forecast on TV in the evening and I usually read the weather report on the Net. Of course, I look out of the window too before I decice what to put on. People listen to and watch the weather forecasts because they would like to decide what clothes to wear, what programmes to organise in their free time. If we want to go on holiday we should follow with attention the weather forecast in order to decide when we should go or what we have to carry to the tour. The weather forecast are not always accurate. It often happens that weathermen predict totally differenct weather on different channels. The weather affects my mood. People often say about bat weather that it gets them down and I think it is true for everybody. It is quite distressing ( lehangol ) when the sky is overcast and I become depressed and low-spirited, nothing can make me laugh. a sunny day, however, can put me in a good mood and my day is happy. The changing of the climate causes stress and fronts cause heart diseases and thrombosis. A lot of people are susceptible to weather changes. They often complain about having migraines. Some people feel unusually sleepy when theres a front. Mainly the elderly suffer from pains in their bones and joints when the wather changes. As we contaminate our environment the climate changes as well. The ozone layer is depleting and it causes global warming. The global warming affects the flora and the fauna as well. As we cut out th ebig trees and even forests we destroy the community who creates oxygen. Bad weather conditions usually mean that the cop will be of poor quality. If the weather is too dry or too rainy, the crops wont be good. But this is not the only problem. The animals place to live is shrinking. In some places the animals are in danger because of global warming. In the north pole polar bears are in danger because the ice-floats are melting so they have to swim more in order to get food but they can die between to ice-floats. I like the climate of Hungary because I can enjoy all the 4 seasons. In Hungary in spring the weather is usually changeable. It can be quite warm and sunny about 20-25 C , or cold and rainy and windy with about 10 C. My favourite month is May. Summer is hot, sultry and dry. The temperature is above 30 C. In this weather people find it difficult to concentrate and be patient while driving. Sometimes there are storms and even hail. My favourite season is Summer, because it is full with outdoor activities, holidays, we can stay out long because the temperature is pleasant during the night. People dont like autumn very much because it is usually cold and rainy with strong wind. In winter the weather is cold, the temperature is usually below zero sometimes as low as -20 C and it often snows. I hate it. The mornings are foggy and frosty. In fog and downpours drivers can hardly see anything. There are storms in summer, when the weather suddenly cools down after a hot spell. The sky becomes extremely dark, the wind starts to blow with great force and big drops of rain begin to fall. There is thunder and lightning and rain keeps pouring for quite a while. Sometimes there is even hail. Storms can destroy orchards and crops. In winter there sometimes are snowstorms with strong wind. This kind of weather causes problems in the traffic. The roads become extremely slippery and snowdrifts isolate villages for days. Blizzards are not characteristic for Hungary. There are no hurricanes or tornados in Hungary. A tornado can damage houses, can cause much harm. I try to take into consideration the weather forecasts. In rainly weather I usually take an umbrella or a raincoat and a pair of wellingtons. When it is cold, I put on warm clothes. In winter I wear leather boots, warm socks, warm pullover or cardigan, a parka and a knitted scarf. I like Indian summer. It is a period of mild dry sunny weather occuring in autumn in the northern hemisphere. There are different natural disasters, like floods, earthquakes, forest and bush fires, volcano eruptions and landslides. The British Isles lie between the Atlantic and the North Sea, the climate is oceanic. There are only slight temperature variations between day and night, winter and summer, and comparatively high rainfall throughout the year and strong winds.

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