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Foundation Practical Study FCP113/Advanced Practical Study FCP120

Scope 2013
Date range Assessment activities Folios each student is to have determined the format of their individual folio. List for cataloguing performances given and attended needs to be commenced. Academic integrity session will be held to ensure all students are familiar with the guidelines for academic integrity including referencing procedures and the use of software to check for plagiarism. Assignment - 113 students will complete the Prepare for Performance assignment. 120 students will revisit their assignment from last year and complete a review of Prepare for Performance assignment. Due Wednesday 13th March (Fronter and hard copy). Reviews one review to be complete. Due Wednesday 27th March (Fronter and hard copy) Practical Option students to be established with tutors. Program to be developing. Composition Option Students to have worked out a plan of works they are going to compose for their folios and to have one composition well under way. Criteria

Criterion 4

5th February to 28th March (8 weeks - includes first two days)

Criteria 1, 2 and 3

Easter Break (only 3 teaching days) Assignment one optional assignment. See page 4 of course outline. Due Friday 19th April (Fronter scan if hand written- and hard copy) Practical Option Program to be developing with a performance of a 7 minute performance in week beginning Monday 15th April. (Day determined by accompanists). Criterion 4

3rd April to 19th April (3 weeks)

Foundation Practical Study FCP113/Advanced Practical Study FCP120

Date range

Assessment activities Composition Option Students to have completed c.8-10 minutes of their folios which should be a minimum of two contrasting works.


Criteria 1, 2 and 3

End of Term 1 6th May to 5th July (9 weeks) Reviews second review due Friday 10th May (Fronter and hard copy). Self-Reflection using the mid-year reflection assignment a review of the term one assessment is to be completed. Due Wednesday 22nd May. (Fronter and hard copy). Reviews third review to be complete. Due 5th June (Fronter and hard copy). Practical Option Program to be developing with a performance of approx. 7 mins of repertoire which hasnt previously been performed in week beginning Monday 1st July. (Day determined by accompanists). Composition Option Scores for midyear folio should be complete so that these can be performed and recorded ready for assessment. End of Term 2 Assignment one optional assignment. See page 4 of course outline. Due Wednesday 24th July (Fronter scan if hand written- and hard copy). 22nd to 29th July (1 week) Practical Option - Midyear performance to be approximately 15 minutes. Composition Option - Students should now have at least 12-15 minutes of their folio completed. This should consist of a minimum of 3 contrasting works.

Criterion 4

Criteria 1, 2 and 3

Criterion 4

Criteria 1, 2 and 3

Mid-year Exams

Foundation Practical Study FCP113/Advanced Practical Study FCP120

Date range 12th August to 27th Sept (7 weeks)

Assessment activities Assignment Self Reflection midyear. Due Wednesday 14th August. (Fronter and hard copy). Reviews fourth review to be complete. Due Wednesday 21st August. (Fronter and hard copy). Assignment Program Notes assignment. Due Wednesday 18th September. (Fronter and hard copy).


Criterion 4

NO FOLIO WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR MARKING AFTER FRIDAY 20th SEPTEMBER. FINAL FOLIOS ARE DELIVERED TO UTAS FRIDAY 27TH SEPTEMBER. (REFER TO THE CHECKLIST TO ENSURE YOU HAVE INCLUDED ALL DOCUMENTS) Practical Option Week beginning 23rd September programs are to be performed as per the final recital. Composition Option Students should now have their folio completed. This should consist of a minimum of 4 contrasting works. All works need to be recorded unless they are being performed live. End of Term 3 Term 4 14th October to 8th November (4 weeks - includes review week) Practical Option expect exams to begin within one week of the beginning of term. Composition Option expect presentations to begin within one week of the beginning of term.

Criteria 1, 2 and 3

Criterion 1, 2 and 3

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