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Friday, 18th April 2014 0800 - 1700 Administrations:-Tent checking -Food supply and equipments inventory -Sampling equipments and apparatus checking -Medical supply checking and emergency response establishment -Communications and authori ation procedure clearance Monday, 21st April 2014 2000 - 0600 Technical Sta!!s depart to "lu #elum$ %rik Perak

Tuesday, 22nd April 2014 2000 - 2100 2100 - 0700 &egistration and #rie!ing at 'ulliyyah o! Science !or (st %roup )epart to "lu #elum$ %rik Perak

Wednesday, 23rd April 2014 0700 - 0800 0800 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1230 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1530 1530 - 1730 sampling 1730 - 1900 1900 - 2100 2100 - 2330 2330 - 2400 Arrived at &oyal "lu #elum$ %rik Perak #oarding boats and departs to *ildli!e )epartment camping area Sa!ety brie!ing by *ildli!e &anger o!!icer *ater con!ident session Sel! Management + ,unch + -uhr Prayer &esearch and Scienti!ic .maging and &ecording ,esson #iodiversity /S#T01203$ 4nvironment #iotechnology /S#T012(3 Asr Prayer + Sel! Management Maghrib Prayer + 5aasin recitation + )inner Session 6ith *ildli!e &en7er and 8A session &e!reshment + ,ight o!!

Thursday, 24th April 2014 0530 - 0630 0630 - 0730 0730 - 0930 0930 - 1230 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1600 1600 - 1800 1800 -1930 1930 - 2030 2030 - 2330 2230 - 2400 2400 Subuh Prayer Sel! Preparation #reak!ast 9 prepare packed lunch + light e:ercise activities Conduct research activities around "lu #elum ,unch 9 -uhur prayer Continue conduct research activities &eturn to #ase camp 9 Asr prayer Sel! preparation 9 Maghrib prayer )inner .syak prayer + 4valuation o! research activities +,ight trap activity &e!reshment ,ight ;!!

At <=== hrs %roup < depart !rom .."M to "lu #elum$ %rik Perak

Friday$ <>th April 2013 0530 - 0630 0630 - 0730 0730 - 0830 0830 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1230 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1530 1530 - 1730 1730 - 1900 1900 - 2100 2100 - 2330 2330 - 2400 Subuh Prayer Sel! Preparation +(st %roup prepare to going back to .."M #reak!ast (st %roup e:change 6ith <nd %roup at #anding ?etty$ %rik Perak Sa!ety brie!ing by *ildli!e &anger o!!icer *ater con!ident session Sel! Management + ,unch + -uhr Prayer &esearch and Scienti!ic .maging and &ecording ,esson #iodiversity /S#T01203$ 4nvironment #iotechnology /S#T012(3 Asr Prayer + Sel! Management Maghrib Prayer + 5aasin recitation + )inner Session 6ith *ildli!e &en7er and 8A session &e!reshment + ,ight o!!

Saturday, 26th April 2014 0530 - 0630 0630 - 0730 0730 - 0930 0930 - 1230 1230 - 1400 1400 - 1600 1600 - 1800 1800 -1930 1930 - 2030 2030 - 2330 2230 - 2400 2400 Subuh Prayer Sel! Preparation #reak!ast 9 prepare packed lunch + light e:ercise activities Conduct research activities around "lu #elum ,unch 9 -uhur prayer Continue conduct research activities &eturn to #ase camp 9 Asr prayer Sel! preparation 9 Maghrib prayer )inner .syak prayer + 4valuation o! research activities +,ight trap activity + &e!reshment ,ight ;!!

Sunday, 27th 2014

0530 - 0630 0630 - 0730 0730 - 0830 0830 - 1000 1000 - 1030 1030 - 1200 1200 - 2000 1200

Subuh Prayer Sel! Preparation prepare to going back to .."M #reak!ast Cleaning campsite area Closing Ceremony Prepare to leave camping site and boarding boat to #anding ?etty )epart !rom "lu #elum to .."M Arrive at .."M 'uantan

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