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by the same author LOW INTENSITY GANGS AND coUNTER-GaNas OPERATIONS BUNCH OF FIVE DIRECTING OPERATIONS WARPARE AS A WHOLE Subversion, Insurgency, | Peace-keeping | FRANK KITSON ff | faber and faber Do not remove this band First published in Great Britain in 1971 by Faber and Raber Limited 8 Queen Square Landon WCIN SAU Reprinted 1972, 1973 and 1975, This paperbock edition first published in 1991 Printed in Great Britain by Clays Led St Ives Ple All rights resorved @HMSO, 1971 Preface to Paperbacie Edition © Frank Kitaon, 1991 Phi book is sold subject othe condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be let, resold, hive out or whermise circulated withot ‘he publisher's prior eoneent in any form of binding or enor other tha that i whic iit published and withouta similar condition ineteding this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser ACIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 0571 161612 Contents 19 u Organizational charts, Acknowledgements Preface to Paperback Eiition Foreword, General Sir Michael Carver Introduction PART [: TRENDS AND BACKGROUND Future Trends in the Use of Foree Enemy Aims and Methods Civil Military Relations PART Il: THE ARMY'S CONTRIBUTION ‘The Preparatory Period ‘The Non-Violent Phase Insurgency Part 1: Tactics, The Handling of Information Insurgeney Part 2: Direction, U Peace: keeping, PARTIII: PREPARATION REQUIRED Education and Training Provision of Unite, Specialists and Equipment Conclusions and ARerthoughts Bibliography Index page vii 67 95, and Equipment 132 165 182 198, 203 205 Organizational charts Fig. 1 Organization of Malayan CommunistParty page 44 Fig. 2 Comparison of Committee System with Single Commander System 36 Fig. 3 Diagrammatic Representation of District 105 Fig. 4 Diagrammatic Representation of Northern Halfof District us Fig.5 Diagrammatic Representation of a ‘Subversive Organization in an urban setting 128 Fig. 6 Special Unit

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