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Testing Tool for CPU card

The set is used for you to record and analyze the communication data of a contact CPU card so that we can study the COS ( Chip Operating System) of a CPU card application system.

Testing oard Con#erter US$ ca le Software C%

Smart socket


1 Record
1.1 Insert your CPU card into the smart card socket of the testing
the direction and side of the card as follows! oard. Please attention


*ake the side (metal pin( is correspond to the smooth side of the testing oard.

&ou must insert the card to the ottom of the socket' and then you would see as follows!

1.2 Insert the testing

oard with your card into the socket of the reader (application system(

rapidly. It is always correct for you to insert the oard in any side.


+hen you insert the oard' the oard egins to record communication data at once.

,fter reading the card' you could pull the oard. The data recorded in the oard is not lost.

2. Setup software
If your computer has een set the software (CP)"-./0CP/+indows(' please 1ump to 2).).analyze3 directly.

2.1 Setup US$ %ri#er 2.1.1 Copy CP)"-./0CP/+indows to your computer from the software C%. 2.1.2
%ou le click 2CP)"-.0CPInstaller/.45.e.e3 or 2CP)"-.0CPInstaller/.56.e.e3

to setup con#erter.

2.1.3 Press 28e.t3

2.1.4 Select 2

3 and then press 28e.t3.

2.1.5 Please wait

2.1.6 Press 29inish3.

That is all right.

2.2 Setup PC software 2.2.1 Copy setup.e.e to your computer from the software C% and dou
le click it.

2.2.2 Please wait

2.2.3 Press 28e.t3

2.2.4 Select 2

3 and then press 28e.t3.

2.2.5 ;nter your information and then press 28e.t3.


2.2.6 Select 2

3 and then press 28e.t3.

2.2.7 Press 2Install3

2.2.8 Press 29inish3.

If your see the in your desktop icon ' this means that is all right.

3. Analyze
3.1 Connect the con#erter and US$ ca
le with the testing oard.

*ake the handle to O8 position.

3.2 Connect the US$ ca

le with your computer.


&our computer

The >reen ?;% is lighting when the testing oard is connected with a computer or smart card application system' and is flickering when the testing oard is transmitting or recei#ing data.

>reen ?;%' is lighting when the testing oard is connected with a computer or smart card application system' and is flickering when the testing oard is transmitting or recei#ing data.

3.3 Only after you connect the test n! "oard w th your co#puter "y $S% ca"le' you could
dou le click icon 2 3 to egin #iewing and analyzing the communication data.

If the 2red dot3 is not lighting' please check your serial port.


3.4 Re! strat on

Open 2@egistration.t.t3 in my C% and copy all of the characters into 2@;>/8U*3.

Open the file

Copy all of the characters of 2@egistration.t.t3 to the frame.

,nd then press 2@egister3 ,nd then press 2@egister3. &our computer display as follows!


The red dot' it is lighting if the serial port of your computer is all right.

,nd then press 2@egister3

3.5Press 2Upload data3 to transmit the data to computer from the 2testing

oard3. If your

Press pload datato transmit the data to computer from the esting oard

data is too many' the transmitting time would e o#er than "- seconds. +hen transmitting process is completed' your computer will display as follows!

&ou could sa#e the data in your computer y pressing 2Sa#e as3. If you ha#e sa#ed the data' you could #iew the data again y press 2Open file3. The suffi. of the file is he..

3.6 COS study

+hen there are the data recorded y you' you can study the processes of a CPU card as itsA COS. +hen you select a command listed in the sending frame and send it' you would get the command data in the command frame and answer data in the answer frame.

Example 1
If you select 2I8T;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T;3 command and press 2Send3' you could find the command data in the command frame' and the answer data in the answer frame.

The analysis of the command data Command --44 -data *eaning

I8T;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T; command



:;,79CC:$<5:C-;4 The data to e encrypted

;ncrypt Crypto

?ong identification of num er ytes =---

The analysis of the command data ,nswer data 7$%,;-9%4,7=:7": *eaning The data encrypted

Operation successful

Example 2
If you select command 20;@I9&3 and send' you would see 2Command %ata3 and 2,nswer %ata3.


=---! 0erify PI8 OC 57C"! 0erify PI8 error

PI8 length
--)---4--4)-)6"76"99999999990;@I9& PI8 commandConstPlainte.t PI8$ytes length ConstConstPI8 length 6DC PI8 digit $ecause PI8 length is from 6 to ")(C(' the front 6 to ") digits are PI8 digits' the others are 9.Const


3.7 *ode Selection

This de#ice has 6 mode! mode"Suita le for normal CPU card protocol mode)Suita le for ;*0 protocol mode7mode6reser#e +hen lea#ing the factory' generally set according to customer reEuirements. so' if ha#enFt special reEuirements' please donFt modify this.

pullGdown menu! mode"Dmode6

press this setting mode

press 2@9 Setting3' if your computer will display as follows!

mode setting successful.


&a"le1. '()*s +OS co##ands are l sted n ne,t ta"le

C?, 4C or 46 I8S "; Command ,PP?IC,TIO8 $?OCC ,PP?IC,TIO8 U8$?OCC C,@% $?OCC 9unction The ,PP?IC,TIO8 $?OCC command is a postG issuance command that in#alidates the currently selected application. The ,PP?IC,TIO8 U8$?OCC command is a postG issuance command that reha ilitates the currently selected application. The C,@% $?OCC command is a postGissuance command that permanently disa les all applications in the smart card. The ;HT;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T; command asks the application in the smart card to #erify a cryptogram. The >;8;@,? ,PP?IC,TIO8 C@&PTO>@,* command sends transactionGrelated data to the smart card' which computes and returns a cryptogram. The >;T CB,??;8>; command is used to o tain an unpredicta le num er from the smart card for use in a securityGrelated procedure. The >;T %,T, command is used to retrie#e a primiti#e data o 1ect not encapsulated in a record within the current application. The I8T;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T; command initiates the computation of the Signed %ynamic ,pplication %ata y the card using! the challenge data sent from the terminal and smart card data and a rele#ant pri#ate key stored in the card. The smart card returns the Signed %ynamic ,pplication %ata to the terminal. The PI8 CB,8>;IU8$?OCC command is a postG issuance command. Its purpose is to pro#ide the issuer the capa ility either to un lock the PI8 or to simultaneously change and un lock the reference PI8. The @;,% @;CO@% command reads a file record in a linear file. The S;?;CT command selects a file in a smart card. The 0;@I9& command #erifies the PI8.

4C or 46


4C or 46




;HT;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T; >;8;@,? ,PP?IC,TIO8 C@&PTO>@,* >;T CB,??;8>;







>;T %,T,



I8T;@8,? ,UTB;8TIC,T;

4C or 46


PI8 CB,8>;IU8$?OCC


$) ,6 )-

@;,% @;CO@% S;?;CT 0;@I9&

-uan!zhou Setch ef 'lectron cs &echnolo!y +o#pany . # ted

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