ISE Partners To Run Complimentary Teamwork Training Event For Their Clients

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ISE Partners To Run Complimentary Teamwork Training Event for Their Clients Dynamic recruitment practice ISE Partners

are excited to be hosting a free to at tend teamwork development event for their client base; alongside Liz Keene of Th e Training Studio. West London, London, England., April 16, 2014 -- Dynamic recruitment practice IS E Partners are excited to be hosting a free to attend teamwork development event for their client base; alongside Liz Keene of The Training Studio. The free eve nt will help the clients of ISE Partners to understand the value of using profil ing tools in their quest to establish winning teams, helping to fulfil both the ambitions of the individual and the goals of the organisation. ISE Partners are renowned for their dedication to placing the right PAs, secreta rial and office admin staff within the right roles at the right organisations. I SE understand the importance of secretarial and PA recruitment and development, and chose to organise this session to outline the importance of continued devel opment and support for every organisation. The 'Top Tools for Teams' event will be presented by Liz Keene of The Training S tudio: a consultancy and training company that specialises in engaging and retai ning Generation Y talent. A specialist in team profiling, Liz will use this one hour session to help ISE Partners' clients to understand what these profiling to ols are and why they are needed, as well as explaining how they can help not jus t individuals within a company, but the company as a whole. Clients of ISE Partners who attend the event will be taken on a whistle stop tou r of some of the key profiling models that are currently used, including Myers B riggs and Belbin. They will also be introduced to some new tools, and will learn how best to decide which are right for their own organisation. From the most us ed to newer profiling options, the session will help companies to understand why profiling solutions are needed, how to make the internal business case for thes e tools, and how companies can integrate them into day to day business life to m ake them part of their core people or learning and development strategies. Says Isobel Burns, a Director of ISE Partners, "There are many employee profilin g tools on the market, which help companies to assess team dynamics and play to individuals' strengths. Our 'Top Tools for Teams' session will give our clients an introduction to what these tools do, how they work and how they can help an o rganisation, highlighting our dedication to providing training and development t o help our clients." To find out more about this session and ISE Partners please visit their website at; Contact: Isobel Burns M.D. ISE Partners 21 Ganton Street, West London, London, England W1F 9BN 0-207-494-2233

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