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Soren ( focus on financials, investments,potential collaboration) 1. Why did they go bankrupt? their mistakes which we should not repeat?

2. How much valuation can we expect with our team ,our product and target market? 3. What are are unding sources , good investors or such initiative? !. "hilps #$, they buyer or %hempa& whats up with them? Why did they not release it? '. (re there any vendors we can still tie up with? ). What is good penetration strategy? *. We lack an electronics guy so should we collaborate. What should be the o ering or "ro +organ. "ro +organ worked on %hempa& when "hilips collborated with him. What should o ering to him . ,. (ny suggestions to succeed in this ield

Dr Ulrik( focus on technical challenges, Prof Morgan and Prof Kumaran's ever! thing !ou can " he as the pioneer in microflo c!tometer)

ork, share

ith him

1. (sk about his -ourney ? Where did he miss ? .op mistakes he should have avoided 2. "otential manu acturers . /ee we are looking at an integrated chip where the manu acturer ills0assembles the reagents too in the chips and give it us. 3. How to validate the results? What are the benchmarks ? !. %1 or 23( approval. How does one apply or them. '. What was their strategy ,how many iterations vs how many chips. 4 mean we cannot place an order or million chip so what is the strategy? ). His views on "ro +organ5s work. We lack an electronics guy so should we collaborate. What should be the o ering or "ro +organ *. "lease remember 6lrik used constant 3% current and sensed change in voltage. 4n our case we are using (% voltage and sensing change in current. .he change in current is measured using di erence in amplitude o current rom a re erence pair minus measuring electrode 7 we are diubg 342281#.4($ sensing9. .he order o change in current is in 5nano ampere5 or a 1um particle in a !:umx!:um side acing electrode. .his output will be signal conditioned and then locked in to read the value. We are not yet started electronics but exhaustive work has been done by +organ et al . .his techni&ue is called +icro ludic 4mpedence %ytometery Please ask ho did he do the platelet counting ithout using differential electrodes# $# 4# our case we are di rentiating among W;%s using mixed re&uency (% . (t high re&uency72+<9 the capcitance dominates and at low re&uency7:.'+<9 re&uency resistance. How did he di rentiated using resistance only 7 he did not use (%9 =. How to make a >:.2'? cartridge 1:93id they had any collboration with 6niversity? 4 mean did he used to pay or the scienti ic literatures ? /ince at 44/c we have ree download right. 4 think this might be a point or expenditure. 119 what were his +a-or expenses?

Dr %ac&ues ( focus on cartridge making ,our design strateg!, ' D electrodes, please do not tell him e are going for (on, he ill be disappointed, he sees business ith us and e ill see his e)pertise) 1. /hare with our layer stacking and seek his expertise 2. 2rom where can get an integrated chip manu acturer.3oes he think %hina is a good place. WHich country in europe is best to check out 3. (bout 33 electrodes issue !. What are we missing in the design philosophy or cartrdige '. How can we bond "3+/ and "++(. "3+/ and metal ). What should be the design philosophy or the instrument, how should the cartridge be inserted. *. What all companies is he aware o who are doing the same ,. How to make a :.2'? cartridge =. about lexible printing or electrodes. He will or sure know some people. 1:. 3o ask about 3enmark@4ndia proposal. 4ncase you are missing a copy then

"lease eel ree to ask as many &uestions as you can. 4 think or 6lrik and Aacu&es you should show them the video which 4 sent you, incase you need to download here is the link . (lso ,do take a printout o the literature 5integrated electronics5 one

"./. 4 am not sure i you should share any one about your meeting with others. What do you suggest?

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