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To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal
Thank you for your kind interest in applying for Yayasan Sime Darby Sponsorship. To facilitate the processing of your application, please complete this form.


Select N! of the key areas belo" that best represents the project you are proposing. #Please use a separate form if you ha$e more than one proposal% Arts and Culture Initiatives that promote the development and create better awareness and appreciation of local traditions, arts, and culture. Community Development Initiatives that promote the well-being and increase awareness of the rights of individuals, women, and children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Conservation of the Environment and Protection of Ecosystem Initiatives that protect and preserve the environment and conserve animals in their natural habitat. Education Initiatives that promote educational achievement at various levels of education. Youth, Sports, and Recreation Initiatives that promote the development of youth sport activities in building up the capacity of our national sports talents. &

Note: Yayasan Sime Darby #YSD% does not pro$ide grants to or fund the acti$ities of industry' associations, especially profitable organisations, unions, and political organisations. YSD does not donate to other foundations but project collaboration proposals are "elcomed. SUBM SS !" !# PR!P!SA$ The completed project proposal should be uploaded to YSD(s "ebsite: http:))*application.asp+. There are no specific deadlines for proposal submission. You may include other information that may assist YSD in gaining a better understanding of your proposal. YSD "ill contact you to re,uest further information #e.g. financial statements% if needed. Please allo" a minimum of four "eeks for YSD to process your application. YSD "ill contact you once the status of your proposal has been confirmed. Successful uploads "ill recei$e notification e'mails generated by the system.

YSD is committed to the principles of data protection "ith a $ie" to ensure the indi$idual(s and the organisation(s rights to confidentiality. -nformation contained in member, employee and $olunteer records "ill be maintained in a confidential manner at all times. YSD reserves the right to independently monitor and or assess a pro!ect which receives support from the "oundation, and that our officers would be given access to information both financial and operational in nature. #y submitting this proposal application, you have taken note of the above paragraph, and agree to grant YSD access to, and or provide, information which is relevant to the pro!ect in the event the proposal submitted herewith is supported by the "oundation. FOR YSDS USE ONLY Date $eceived% &ontrol 'umber% Page 1 of 6

To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal

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To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal
%A& Details of the Proposed Pro'ect Pro'ect Details .. /ain objecti$e of the proposed project. )hat is the main aim of the proposed pro!ect* 0.. 1etting the funds donated to the 2ssociation of Senior 3iti4ens 5ulu 6angat, 3entral 2ustisme /onetary 7und Student Sports. 0.8 Promote healthy lifestyles "ith safe cycling and compete. 0.9 :uilding a net"ork of cooperation "ith go$ernment agencies, pri$ate companies and N1 s in helping organi4ing sports or co' curricular acti$ities. 0.; Promote and culti$ate nature of lo$e to the <ni$ersity =ebangsaan /alaysia. 0.0 :uild self'confidence in students curriculum management /aster of Sports /anagement and >ecreation through the 7aculty of !ducation, <=/.

8. Plan of action in achie$ing the main objecti$e. )hat will be done in each +uarter to achieve the main ob!ective* Note: You may attach a project timeline table to e+plain this section in detail. 9. Target group of the proposed project. )ho will benefit from this pro!ect* ;. :enefits to the target group. ,ow will the target group area benefit from the proposed pro!ect* 0. /ethod of measuring the impact to the target group. ,ow do you measure the impact of the proposed pro!ect to the target group* Target enrollment is about .0? participants from: .?.. Students Sports /anagement /aster of !ducation .?.8 3yclist registered

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To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal
@. Sustainability of the proposed project. )hat is the lifespan of the pro!ect* ,ow do you plan to fund the pro!ect in the future* A. Target deli$erables of the proposed project. )hat is the desired pro!ect outcome* B. bjecti$e of the project in relation to YSD(s objecti$es ,ow is your proposed pro!ect aligned to YSD-s ob!ectives* C. /ethod of publishing )communicating the findings to YSD. ,ow will your organisation communicate publish the findings result of your pro!ect to YSD and to the public*

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To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal
%B& Cost Structure Please pro$ide the projected cost structure of the proposed project. 3ost should be calculated using rele$ant documents such as ,uotations, purchase orders, salary slips, in$oices, and receipts. -f this information is not a$ailable, please justify your estimation methods. =indly note that the template gi$en belo" acts as a guideline and is not e+hausti$e. You should ensure that the budget pro$ided is as detailed as possible. -f you ha$e a more thorough budget breakdo"n document, please attach them alongside this application form.

3ategory Personnel

Detailed Description

3ost #>/%


? (ravel

? Supplies)E*uipments

? !ther Direct Cost

? ndirect Cost

? +rand (otal ?

%C& C,s and References YSD re,uires 3Ds, references, and reports of key persons in$ol$ed in the abo$e'mentioned project. Please upload these documents at YSD(s "ebsite alongside this proposal.

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To be submitted to YSD

Project Proposal
%D& Past Pro'ect Portfolios % f Applica-le& Please pro$ide the details of your organisation(s recently completed projects)initiati$es and demonstrate ho" the group)community benefited from the projects)initiati$es. You may attach additional documents or reports if re,uired PR!.EC( / Project Name Start Date E Duration of Project 2ctual Project 3ost

Project Description

Project -mpact)7indings

PR!.EC( 0 Project Name Start Date E Duration of Project 2ctual Project 3ost

Project Description

Project -mpact)7indings

1End of Proposal1

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