Color I Meter

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Background Colorimetry is an instrumental method based on the measurement of light absorption by colored solutions and is widely used for

performing chemical analyses. The MicroLAB colorimeter utilizes 10 Light mitting !iodes "L !s# ranging from $00 to %$$ nanometers& spaced about '( nanometers apart. They are scanned se)uentially and the transmittance or absorbance data is presented as 10 colored bars in a bar graph as shown in *igure 1.

Crystal +iolet "also called methyl +iolet# is an organic dye. ,n crystal +iolet solutions where the p- is greater than 1& the solution is yellow. ,f p- is less than 1& the solution color is purple. This e.periment will in+ol+e purple solutions of the dye. Experiments Performed Standards Preparation: /tudents prepare fi+e crystal +iolet solutions of 0nown concentrations +arying from 1.00 . 10 M to 10.0 . 10 M. The 2% 2% Transmittance for each of these standard solutions& for a water blan0& and for a crystal +iolet solution of un0nown concentration will be measured. The Transmittance

should decrease with increasing solution concentration while the Absorbance should increase with increasing solution concentration. The /pectrum 3rofile for the absorbance of a C4 solution is shown in *igure 1. 5ote that the ma.imum absorbance is at the (60 nm wa+elength. Determine the equation for Absorbance: 7ne of the student ob8ecti+es is to find a mathematical function of Transmittance that is directly proportional to sample concentration. /uch a function forms the basis for what is 0nown as Beer's La . A graph of this function +s. concentration& which is linear and intersects the origin& is called a Beer9s Law plot. To e.plore this concentration!Transmittance relationship& students will first "and Enter some :ideal: simulated data into the spreadsheet program. They will compute and graph se+eral functions "the s)uare& reciprocal& and logarithm and finally the negati+e logarithm +ersus concentration# until a function is disco+ered that has a positi+e and direct proportionality to concentration. #onstruct a Beer$s La P%ot and Determining the #oncentration of an &nkno n: This disco+ered function is then used for creating a Beer9s Law plot from their measured data. *inally& the concentration of an un0nown crystal +iolet solution is obtained directly from this plot. Data Ana%'sis ;uidelines are gi+en for using the MicroLAB "and Enter mode to set up the functions as described abo+e and to ma0e a Beer<s Law graph and determine the concentration of an un0nown.

Al0imiawan abad 0e2= Abu Musa >abir bin -ayyan ";eber# dipercayai sebagai penemu asam sulfat. Asam ini 0emudian di0a8i oleh al0imiawan dan do0ter 3ersia abad 0e26 Ar2?azi "?hazes#& yang mendapat0an zat ini dari distilasi 0ering mineral yang mengandung besi",,# sulfat heptahidrat& *e/7$ @ A-17& dan tembaga",,# sulfat pentahidrat& Cu/7$ @ (-17. Beti0a dipanas0an& senyawa2senyawa ini a0an terurai men8adi besi",,# o0sida dan tembaga",,# o0sida& melepas0an air beserta sulfur trio0sida yang a0an bergabung men8adi larutan asam sulfat. Metode ini dipopuler0an di ropa melalui ter8emahan2ter8amahan bu0u2bu0u Arab dan 3ersia. Asam sulfat di0enal oleh al0imiawan ropa abad pertengahan sebagai minyak vitriol. Bata +itriol berasal dari bahasa Latin vitreus yang berarti 9gelas9& meru8u0 pada penampilan garam sulfat yang seperti gelas& disebut sebagai garam +itriol. ;aram2garam ini meliputi tembaga",,# sulfat "+itriol biru#& seng sulfat "+itriol putih#& besi",,# sulfat "+itriol hi8au#& besi",,,# sulfat "+itriol Mars#& dan 0obalt",,# sulfat "+itriol merah#. ;aram2garam +itriol tersebut merupa0an zat yang paling penting dalam al0imia& yang diguna0an untu0 menemu0an batu filsuf. 4itriol yang sangat murni diguna0an sebagai media rea0si zat2zat lainnya. -al ini di0arena0an asam +itriol tida0 berea0si dengan emas. 3entingnya +itriol dalam al0imia terlihat pada moto al0imia Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem "9Bun8ungi bagian dalam bumi dan murni0anlah& anda a0an menemu0an batu rahasia9# yang ditemu0an dalam L'Azoth des Philosophes 0arya al0imiawan abad 0e21( Basilius 4alentinus& . 3ada abad 0e21A& 0imiawan >erman Belanda >ohann ;lauber membuat asam sulfat dengan memba0ar sulfur bersamaan dengan 0alium nitrat& B57'& dengan 0eberadaan uap. Balium nitrat tersebut terurai dan mengo0sidasi sulfur men8adi /7'& yang a0an bergabung dengan air membentu0 asam sulfat. 3ada tahun 1A'%& >oshua Card& ahli farmasi London& mengguna0an metode ini untu0 memulai produ0si asam sulfat bers0ala besar.


3ada tahun 1A$% di Birmingham& >ohn ?oebuc0 mengadaptasi0an metode ini 0e dalam suatu bili0& yang dapat menghasil0an asam sulfat lebih banya0. 3roses ini disebut sebagai proses bilik& yang mengi8in0an produ0si asam sulfat secara efe0tif. /etelah berbagai perbai0an& metode ini men8adi proses standar produ0si asam sulfat selama hampir dua abad. 3ada tahun 1='1& saudagar asam cu0a Britania 3eregrine 3hillips mematen0an proses 0onta0& yang lebih e0onomis dalam memprodu0si sulfur trio0sida dan asam sulfat. /e0arang& hampir semua produ0si asam sulfat dunia mengguna0an proses ini.

Bac0 to S Series 3roducts Atomic Absorption /pectrophotometer& !ouble Beam Atomic Absorption /pectrophotometer& /ingle Beam Atomic Absorption /pectrophotometer& 5,? /pectrophotometer& /pectrofluorometer& Bio 2 /pectrophotometer& !ouble Beam D424,/ spectrophotometer& /ingle Beam D424,/ /pectrophotometer& D424,/ /pectrophotometer& /canning 4isible /pectrophotometer& 4isible /pectrophotometer& *luorometer& #o%orimeter

Spectroscop' ( #o%orimeter
/table& !irect ?eadout of Absorbance Compact E asy to operate ?ugged& /turdy E ?eliable Thumb Cheel /election of *ilters 3re2focussed Light /ource Long Life 3hoto !iode !etector 7nly 1 ml of /ample need Dsable for !isposable cells #o%orimeter App%ication )n determination of concentration of constituents in 2 Clinical& 3harmaceutical& *ood& Be+erage E Cater Analysis 2 Analytical E Agricultural Chemistry 2 Metallurgy

#o%orimeter *peration Princip%e

Chen light& of comparati+ely narrow range of wa+elengths in the +isible spectrum&is passed through a homogeneous medium& a part of the light is reflected& a part is absorbed within the medium and remainder is transmitted. The intensity of the light emerging from the medium decreases e.ponentially as the concentration and thic0ness of the absorbing medium increase arithmetically& as per laws of Beer E Lambert. ,f the container and the thic0ness of the medium is 0ept constant& the intensity of light emerging out of the medium& with respect to the incident light& is directly proportional to the concentration of the medium. Cith this principle& in colorimetry& the concentration of a coloured solution is determined by measurement of relati+e absorption of light with respect to a solution of 0nown concentration This C7L7?,M T ? CL 1(A is a table top& ergonomically engineered instrument with its components and modules inside and controls& readouts& etc.& on the panels outside laid out for ease of operation and maintainability Light from pre2focussed tungsten filament lamp is focussed by a lens system on to a photocell through filters& of discrete bands of o+erlapping wa+elengths co+ering the +isible spectrum& selectable by a filter wheel& and a test tubeFcell containing solution under in+estigation. The electrical output of a photo diode is processed and the +alue of absorbance displayed on the readout


The instrument is incorporated with facilities to ad8ust the intensity of light& appropriate for the e.pected concentration of the sample& by aperture control and pre+ention of e.posure of photocell to the light& when measurement is not being carried out& by use of a shutter.
Chy Dse ColourimetryG Colourimetry can yield a wealth of information on coloured solutions. ,t is a )uic0 and non2destructi+e method that can identify solutes in a solution and +ery accurately determine their concentrations. Computer technology has automated the somewhat tedious calculations re)uired for colorimetric analysis and now allows colourimetry e.periments to be performed within the span of a few minutes from start to finish. ,n short& a colorimetric analysis is straightforward& relati+ely foolproof& and highly informati+e.

-ow !oes Colourimetry Cor0G Colourimetry is a form of spectroscopy& an analysis that measures how atoms or molecules respond when e.posed to electromagnetic radiation of a certain wa+elength& and therefore& of a certain energy. ,n a way& colourimetry is the most familiar 0ind of spectroscopy& because the wavelengths used are from the +isible light region of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The electromagnetic spectrumH note the +isible light region in the middle. ?adiation from this region is used in colourimetry. ,llustration from 5A/A.

The relation of a wa+e9s energy& & to its wa+elength& the ;ree0 letter lambda. nergy is in+ersely proportional to wa+elength.

The energyFwa+elength relationship in the electromagnetic spectrum. nergy increases right to leftH wa+elength decreases right to left. ,llustration from 5A/A.

,n colourimetry& a light wa+e of a certain wa+elength and intensity is shined at a solution "this is called incident light#. The intensity of the light e.iting the sample "transmitted light# is measured on the other side of the sample. By comparing the incident intensity to the transmitted intensity& the absorbance& A& can be determined for that wa+elength of light. More precisely& A I 2log",F,0#& where , is the transmitted intensity and ,0 is the incident intensity.


A +ast ma8ority of the light that has not been transmitted through a translucent sample is absorbed by the sample "a negligible fraction of the energy is lost to scattering#. Therefore& a substance that transmits most of the light at a particular wa+elength will ha+e a low absorbance at that wa+elength. These measurements are repeated at many different wa+elengths of light from the +isible region of the spectrum. An absorbance spectrum is created by plotting absorbance +ersus the light wa+elength. *or e.ample& a red2coloured sample will transmit large proportions of light at wa+elengths near the red range and e.hibit a low absorbance at that wa+elength. -owe+er& it will absorb more "and transmit less# at all other wa+elengths. /hown below to illustrate this property is a spectrum of *! E C ?ed $0& one of the food dyes that you will be analyzing during the e.periment. 5ote the mar0edly low absorbance at the higher& red2coloured wa+elengths on the right.

These spectra are characteristic of a particular chemical substance& and can be used to identify un0nown solutions by comparison to the spectra of 0nown solutions.

Juestion 1 At the top of the table displayed below is an absorbance spectrum of an un0nown substance. Below the un0nown spectrum are the absorbance spectra of four candidate substances that may be the un0nown. ,dentify the un0nown using the shape of its absorbance spectrum.

Dn0nown /ample


*! E C Blue K1

*! E C ?ed K1

*! E C Lellow K(

*! E C Lellow K%

The colour of a dye molecule depends on its structure& particularly on the grouping of certain atoms called :chromophores:. !ifferent chromophores absorb light at different wa+elengths& gi+ing rise to a +ariety of colours. /ometimes two dyes may contain the same chromophore and differ only in groups of atoms attached to that chromophore. The colours of these dyes are +ery much ali0e and difficult to tell apart +isually. -owe+er& the minor structural differences are sufficient to produce subtle differences in the absorbance spectra of these dyes. Consider the structures of two dyes& Blue K1 and ;reen K'& pro+ided below. Can you tell what the only difference is in the structure of these two dyesG

Blue K1

;reen K'

/ince similar dyes ha+e similar spectra& you ha+e to carefully compare the spectrum of your un0nown to the spectra of 0nown dyes with similar colour. ,n the laboratory& the program called displays spectra of three dyes on the computer screen at the same time& ma0ing the identification process )uic0 and accurate. ,n the spectrum below& is the Dn0nown dye Blue K1 or ;reen K'G


5otice that the highest bar appears at %10nm in the spectra of both Blue K1 and ;reen K'. Therefore& the identification is best achie+ed by comparing the relati+e heights of bars on both sides of that bar. This would be the bars at %0( and %$$ nm in the spectra of the Blue K1 and ;reen K'.

7nce an absorbance spectrum of a particular substance is a+ailable& and the identity of the substance has been established& its concentration in solution can also be measured by colourimetry. This analysis is based on Beer<s Law& which in simple terms relates the colour intensity of a solution to its concentration. More precisely& Beer<s Law states that A I % c& where A is the absorbance of the sample& is a substance2 and wa+elength2specific coefficient& % is the length the light tra+els through the sample& and c is the sample<s concentration. The bo. below summarizes the relationship of incident and transmitted light intensities& absorbance& and the concentration of a substance in solution.

*irst& the wa+elength of ma.imal absorbance is chosen from the substance<s absorbance spectrum. This is called the analytical wa+elength and is the wa+elength at which Beer<s Law analysis is done.

Juestion 1 *or each of the substances shown below& locate and state the analytical wa+elength. Chat colour does each wa+elength correspond toG


*! E C Blue K1

*! E C ?ed K1

*! E C Lellow K(

*! E C Lellow K%

A series of solutions of the substance with 0nown concentrations are prepared. The absorbance of these solutions at the analytical wa+elength is measured in se)uence. Chen the measured absorbance +alues are plotted +ersus the solution concentrations& a straight line can be drawn to connect the points. This is because A I % c& and and % are the same for each sample. Thus A +aries linearly with c. This plot is called a calibration graph. /hown below is a calibration graph for *! E C Blue K1.

5e.t& the absorbance of the sample of un0nown concentration is measured. This absorbance +alue corresponds to a concentration on the calibration graphM this is the concentration of the un0nown. ,n the graph below& the absorbance of a sample of *! E C Blue K1 of un0nown concentration is measured at the analytical wa+elength and placed on the graph "loo0 for the + mar0#.


A computer calculates the un0nown9s relati+e concentration from the graph by fitting it into the e)uation of the red line. The un0nown9s concentration turns out to be 0.$66& or $6.6N of the concentration of the standard sample mar0ed 1.0.

3roper .perimental Techni)ue Before ac)uiring any absorption or transmission spectra of your samples& calibrate the colorimeter by ta0ing a reading with a clean cu+et filled with deionized water. The colourimetry software will set the absorbance of this Oblan0P to zeroM for the blan0& ,I,0.

Before doing any Beer<s Law calculations on a solute of un0nown concentration& you must first identify the solute. This is done by matching its absorbance spectrum to that of a 0nown chemical substance. Beer<s Law holds only for absorbance +alues below 1& so there is a good chance that you will need to dilute your substance in order to obtain meaningful measurements. The spectrum of undiluted blac0currant 3owerade& shown below& is an e.ample of when this is the case. 5ote the astronomical absorbance +aluesQ


Blac0currant 3owerade& Dndiluted

Juestion ' Beer9s Law holds for absorbance +alues below 1. Chat minimum +alue of ,F, 0 does that representG "Chat is the minimum relati+e intensity of the transmitted light compared to the incident lightG#

Chen performing your dilution& remember that )uantitati+e accuracy will be re)uired for subse)uent Beer<s Law calculations& e+en though it is not necessary to identify the substance. Thus& it is wise to 0eep careful trac0 of your dilutions for future Beer<s Law calculations.

Blac0currant 3owerade& !iluted Tenfold.

7bser+e the spectrum of your "diluted# un0nown& and locate the highest pea0. This is the analytical wa+elength. ,f the spectrum has two or more high pea0s separated by a +alley& this may mean that your sample contains more than one dye. ,n our blac0currant 3owerade e.ample& after diluting the be+erage tenfold and reac)uiring the spectrum& we ha+e good reason to suspect that this is the case.


Blac0currant 3owerade& !iluted Tenfold 5ote two potential analytical wa+elengths& at (01 and %06 nm. This indicates that more than one dye may be present in the be+erage being analyzed.

A )uic0 run of paper chromatography will tell you if this is the case. ,f so& use column chromatography to separate the dyes and perform the abo+e analysis on each one. ?ememberM you cannot do Beer<s Law calculations on column eluatesQ The concentration of your eluted products has nothing to do with their concentration in the sample that is loaded on the columnQ Therefore& the eluted products can only be used to identif' the constituents of the sample& and not to determine their concentrations. To identify the un0nown solutes& compare their indi+idual absorbance spectra to those of 0nown OsuspectP dyes. ,f the shapes of the spectra match perfectly& you<+e successfully identified your un0nowns. /hown below are absorbance spectra of red and blue coloured fractions from blac0currant 3owerade that ha+e been separated by column chromatography. ?emember that these fractions are not suitable for Beer9s Law analysis& since their concentrations in relation to the original sample cannot be precisely 0nown.

Blac0currant 3owerade ?ed *raction 5ote analytical wa+elength of (01 nm and compare to spectrum of diluted blac0currant 3owerade.

Blac0currant 3owerade Blue *raction 5ote analytical wa+elength of %11 nm and compare to spectrum of diluted blac0currant 3owerade.

7nce your un0nown has been identified and its analytical wa+elength"s# established& you can determine the concentration of the dye"s# in your un0nown. The d'es do not need to be separated for this ana%'sis as %ong as their ana%'tica% a,e%engths are sufficient%' different- As long as this is the case& it is perfectly acceptable to perform Beer9s Law calculations on the mi.ture at each dye9s analytical wa+elength. .or each ana%'tica% a,e%ength /and d'e01 do the fo%%o ing:

3repare a set of samples of the dye of 0nown concentrations. This is best done by ta0ing a stoc0 solution of the dye and diluting it to& say& 0.1& 0.$& 0.% and 0.= of the initial concentration. Be careful when ma0ing your dilutionsQ The accuracy of your techni)ue here will affect the accuracy of the Beer<s Law calibration graph and of your calculated un0nown concentration.

- 10 -

*! E C ?ed K1 Calibration /eries

Dsing the colourimetry software interface for ma0ing a calibration graph& ac)uire measurements of each of your dilutions and of the undiluted stoc0 solution at their analytical wa+elength. Then& ac)uire the absorbance of your "precisely diluted# un0nown at that wa+elength. The computer interface will automatically calculate its concentration relati+e to the stoc0 solution from the e)uation of the calibration graph. Cith 0nowledge of the stoc0 solution<s actual concentration& the un0nown<s concentration is easily calculated.

/ummary This tutorial on colourimetry has presented the following topicsM 1. 1. The ad+antages of colourimetry as an analytical techni)ue. The laws of physics and chemistry underlying colourimetry. .perimental techni)ue for identifiying solutes and measuring concentrations by colorimetric analysis.


Copper Sulfate

Common Name Manufacturer

Copper Sulfate Old Bridge Chemicals, Inc. P.O. Box 19 Old Bridge, Ne! "erse# $%%&'

(elephone .mergenc# (elephone

)'*+, '+'-+++& 1)%$$, +'&-*9+

(his document is prepared pursuant to the OS/0 /a1ard Communication Standard )+9 C23 191$.1+$$,.

SECTION I. MATERIAL IDENTIFICATION Common Name S#non#ms Molecular 2ormula .P0 3eg. Num5er C0S Num5er SIC Num5er SECTION II. PHYSICAL DATA Ph#sical State Blue cr#stals or po!der Copper Sulfate Blue 4itrol, Bluestone, Cupric Sulfate CuSO &/+$ 69+*''&%-99-% +%199 C +9

- 11 -

Boiling Point Melting Point Specific 8ra9it# Solu5ilit# in /+O

-& /+O 7 1&$ C - /+O 7 11$ C +.+% ++.*': 7 $ C 11'.9&: 7 1$$ C

Solu5ilit# in other sol9ents 0ppearance Odor

Solu5le in methanol, gl#cerol and slightl# solu5le in ethanol Blue cr#stals or po!der Odorless

SECTION III. FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA 2lash Point 2lamma5le ;imits .xtinguishing Media Special 2ire 2ighting Instructions Not applica5le Not flamma5le. If heated a5o9e $$ C it can decompose to emit toxic fumes of oxide and sulfur. Copper Sulfate does not 5urn nor !ill it support com5ustion. If stored !ith other com5usti5le products use !ater, CO+ or dr# chemical. If dr# heated a5o9e 6$$ C, SO+ is e9ol9ed. If !ater is used it !ill solu5ali1e the Copper Sulfate and care should 5e ta<en to <eep such !ater out of streams or other !ater 5odies. None

2ire and .xplosion /a1ards SECTION IV. REACTIVITY DATA Sta5ilit# Conditions to 09oid Incompati5ilit#

Sta5le Product is highl# solu5le, 5ut does not react !ith !ater. None <no! !hen product remains dr#. Product readil# dissol9es in !ater. Solutions are mildl# corrosi9e to steel. Store solutions in plastic or ru55er or *$ , * ' or *16 stainless steel. Iron and moisture should 5e a9oided. Store in a dr# area. =ith exposure to air it !ill oxidi1e and turn !hitish. None at normal production temperatures and pressures. If dr# heated a5o9e 6$$ C toxic sulfur ma# e9ol9e. =ill not occur.

/a1ardous >ecomposition Products Pol#meri1ation

SECTION V. HEALTH AND HAZARD INFORMATION S!allo!ing S<in .#es Inhalation Carcinogenicit# (oxic orall# in accordance !ith 2/S;0 regulations. 0cute oral ;>&$ )male rats, ? '+ mg@<g. Non-toxic. S<in irritation index is 1ero in accordance !ith 2/S;0 regulations. Corrosi9e in accordance !ith 2/S;0 regulations. .#e irritation scoreA + hours ? 1.6'B % hours ? corrosi9e Inhalation of dust ma# cause irritation to the upper respiration tract. None as per N(P, OS/0, and I03C.

(his product contains Copper Sulfate su5Cect to the reporting reDuirements of Section 1* of the .mergenc# Planning and Communit#-right-to-Eno!-0ct of 19%6 ) $ C23 *'+,.

- 12 -

SECTION VI. FIRST AID PROCEDURES S!allo!ing S<in .#es Inhalation Carcinogenicit# SECTION VII. HANDLIN 8i9e large amounts of mil< or !ater. Induce 9omiting. Call Poison Control Center or a ph#sician. =ash thoroughl# !ith soap and !ater. 3emo9e and !ash contaminated clothing 5efore reuse. Immediatel# flush e#es !ith plent# of !ater for 1& minutes. /old e#elids apart during irrigation. Call a ph#sician. 3emo9e person to fresh air and call a ph#sician. None PRECAUTIONS Chemical safet# goggles. 3u55er glo9es and ru55er apron ma# 5e !orn. (=0 ? 1 mg@l for Copper Sulfate. =hen (=0 exceeds this limit in the !or<place, pro9ide appropriate 9entilation. =ear an appro9ed respirator for dusts or mistsA MS/0@NIOS/ appro9ed num5er prefix (C-+1C, or a NIOS/ appro9ed respirator !ith an# 3, P or /. filter.

Personal Protecti9e .Duipment 4entilation

0lternati9el#, pro9ide respirator# protection eDuipment in accordance !ith Paragraph 191$.1* of (itle +9 of the Code of 2ederal 3egulations.

SECTION VIII. ENVIRONMENTAL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION 0Duatic (oxicit# ;C&$, + hours, >aphnia magna eDuals $.1%+ mg@l. 3ain5o! (rout eDuals $.1' mg@l. Blue 8ill eDuals 1.& mg@l. 0ll 9alues are expressed as Copper Sulfate Pentah#drate. (est !ater !as soft. Compl# !ith 2ederal, State and local regulations on reporting spills. >o not !ash a!a# cr#stals or po!der. 3eco9er dr# if possi5le. If product is in a confined solution, react !ith soda ash to form an insolu5le Copper Car5onate solid that can 5e scooped up. >o not reuse container. Compl# !ith 2ederal, State and local regulations. S!eep up cr#stals, po!der or insolu5le Copper Car5onate and dispose of in an appro9ed landfill. Ma# 5e dangerous if it enters the pu5lic !ater s#stems. 2ollo! local regulation. (oxic to fish and plants. 2ish toxicit# critical concentration is +*& mg@l and plant toxicit# is +& mg@l.

Spills and ;ea<s

=aste >isposal

.n9ironmental .ffects

SECTION IX. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Storage Other Precautions Store in a dr# place. None other than those stated in the MS>S or on the pac<age.

SECTION XI. RE ULATORY INFORMATION NO(IC.A (he information herein is presented in good faith and 5elie9ed to 5e accurate. /o!e9er, no !arrant#, expressed or implied, is gi9en. 3egulator# reDuirements are su5Cect to change and ma# differ from one location to another. It is the 5u#erFs responsi5ilit# to ensure that its acti9ities compl# !ith 2ederal, State and local la!s. G.S. 3.8G;0(IONSA S030 *1* Information. (his product contain the follo!ing su5stance su5Cect to the reporting reDuirements of Section *1* of (itle III of the Superfund 0mendments and 3eauthori1ation 0ct of 19%6 and $ C23 Part *'+A COPPER COMPOUND 6*.*:.

- 13 -

S030 /0H03> C0(.8O3IA (his product has 5een re9ie!ed according to the .P0 J/a1ard CategoriesJ promulgated under Sections *11 and *1+ of the Superfund 0mendments and 3eauthori1ation 0ct of 19%6 )S030 (itle III, and is considered, under applica5le definitions, to meet the follo!ing categor#A AN IMMEDIATE HEALTH HAZARD.

Informasi produk Grade Ph Eur,BP Synonyms Co er monosu!"a#e anhydrous, Co er $%#r%o! anhydrous &umus '%m%a Cu(4S )ormu!as% '%m%a CuS(4 *ode +S 2833 25 00 ,omor EC 231-847-6 -assa mo!ar 159.61 ./mo! ,omor %nde's EC 029-004-00-0 ,omor C0S 7758-98-7 Data kimia dan fisika *e!aru#an d% da!am a%r203 ./! 120 2C3 -assa mo!ar 159.61 ./mo! 4ens%#as 3.60 ./5m3 120 2C3 0n.'a + 3.5 - 4.5 150 ./!, +2(, 20 2C3 Safety information according to GHS +3027 Ber8ahaya 9%'a #er#e!an. +3157 -enye8a8'an .an..uan ada 'u!%#. +a6ard S#a#emen#1s3 +3197 -enye8a8'an .an..uan ma#a 8era#. +4107 San.a# 8era5un 8a.% mah!u' da!am a%r dam a' 9an.'a an9an.. P2737 +%ndar'an e!e asan 'e !%n.' P305 : P351 : P3387 ;<*0 =E&*E,0 -0=07 B%!as se5ara ha#%-ha#% Pre5au#%onary a%r se!ama 8e8era a men%#. >e as !ensa 'on#a', 9%'a d%.una'an dan S#a#emen#1s3 mudah me!a'u'annya. >an9u#'an mem8%!as. P302 : P3527 ;<*0 =E&*E,0 *?><=7 Cu5% 8anya' sa8un dan a%r.! @ord Per%n.a#an

+a6ard P%5#o.ram1s3

&=ECS *e!as eny%m anan @G*

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G>8800000 10 - 13 Ca%ran dan ada#an !a%n @G* 3 san.a# 8er8ahaya un#u' a%r 15 >aru#an dan ada#an ! 8era# 7 @adah E. 0du' n%'e! &aney 19u.a7 n%'e! ?rush%8ara3 d% da!am 8en#u' !aru#an sus ens% 'e da!am asam '!or%da 1<#em ,o. 1003123 sam a% !aru# 1@adah E3. Ba%' n%'e! &aney mau un "%!#er res%dunya #%da' 8o!eh d%8%ar'an, 9%'a #er9ad% da a# menya!a se5ara s on#an d% udara #er8u'a. 4% da!am 'on#e's %n%, ! 8era# yan. d%ma'sud ada!ah se.a!a senyaAa dar% an#%mon%, arsen%', 'adm%um, 5hrom%um1B<3, #em8a.a, #%m8a!, n%'e! dan #%mah, #ermasu' 6a#6a#/senyaAa-senyaAa d% da!am 8en#u' me#a!, 9%'a mere'a d%'!as%"%'as%'an 'e da!am 'a#e.or% 8ahaya 1menuru# 08"a!!$er6e%5hn%sB - Pera#uran *a!a#o. >%m8ah, 0 end%'s 33. > 8era# !a%nnya harus d%'um u!'an se5ara #er %sah. Informasi keselamatan kerja & 22-36/38-50/53 Ber8ahaya 9%'a #er#e!an.-en.%r%#as% ma#a dan 'u!%#.San.a# 8era5un un#u' a%r, da a# menye8a8'an e"e' meru.%'an 9an.'a- an9an. da!am !%n.' a%r. S 22-60-61 - 14 -

;en%s-9en%s 8ahaya +a6ard Sym8o!

; men.h%ru de8u.Bahan %n% dan/a#au Aadah harus d%8uan. se8a.a% !%m8ah 8er8ahaya.+%ndar% e!e asan/#um ah 'e !%n.' &u9u'!ah e#un9u' 'husus/!em8ar da#a 'ese!ama#an. 8er8ahaya, men.%r%#as%, 8er8ahaya 8a.% !%n.' +arm"u! 4an.erous "or #he en$%ronmen# Informasi Transportasi

Pernya#aan 19a!ur 'ere#a ?, 3288 G%" "es#er S#o"", n.a...1*?P)E&1<<3a % dan 9a!an raya3 04&, S?>)0=3, 6.1, <<< &&<4 Pernya#aan 1#rans or#as% ?, 3288 =(C<C S(><4, <,(&G0,<C, ,.(.S.1C(PPE&1<<3me!a!u% !au#3 *odeS?>P+0=E3, 6.1, <<<, Grou 7 7 1+ea$y me#a!s and #he%r sa!#s <-4G 1%n5!ud%n. #he%r or.anome#a!!%5 5om ounds33 Pernya#aan 1#rans or#as% ?, 3288 =(C<C S(><4, <,(&G0,<C, ,.(.S.1C(PPE&1<<3me!a!u% udara3 <0=0S?>P+0=E3, 6.1, <<< 4G& Data toksikologis >4 50 #er#e!an>450 #%'us 300 m./'. Spesifikasi-spesifikasi 0ssay 1%odome#r%5, 5a!5. 99.0 - 101.0 D on dr%ed su8s#an5e3 <den#%#y asses #es# 0 earan5e o" so!u#%on asses #es# Ch!or%de 1C!3 E 0.015 D Ca 1Ca!5%um3 E 0.005 D )e 1<ron3 E 0.003 D * 1Po#ass%um3 E 0.01 D ,a 1Sod%um3 E 0.02 D ,% 1,%5'e!3 E 0.005 D P8 1>ead3 E 0.00800 D Fn 1F%n53 E 0.03 D &es%dua! so!$en#s eG5!uded 8y manu"a5#ur%n. ro5ess 1Ph.Eur./<C+3 >oss on dry%n. 1250 2C3 E 1.0 D

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