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SECTION A Answer ALL questions in this section.

SECTION B Answer any TWO (2) questions in this section.

Time: 2 hours

Clearly cross out surplus answers. Failure to do this in Section B will result in only the first two answers being marked.

Any reference material brought into the examination room must be handed to the invigilator before the start of the examination.

Programming Methods

December 2012


NCC Education Ltd 2012

SECTION A ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION QUESTION 1 Marks Briefly explain the differences between Third Generation Language (3GL) and Fourth Generation 4 Language (4GL).

QUESTION 2 Explain with an example the difference between and and or logic operation.

QUESTION 3 State TWO (2) advantages of using a CRC (Class, Responsibility, Collaboration) card.

QUESTION 4 Explain the difference between a compiler and interpreter?

QUESTION 5 State any TWO (2) programming languages that can be used to develop web applications.

QUESTION 6 Give TWO (2) limitations of File Management Systems.

QUESTION 7 What is Object-Oriented Language? Give TWO (2) advantages.

QUESTION 8 Rewrite the following CASE statements using IF..ELSE selection. DO CASE choice CASE choice = C Display Computing School CASE choice = E Display Engineering School ENDCASE

QUESTION 9 Explain with a diagram how a data structure diagram can be used to demonstrate sequence and iteration.

QUESTION 10 Define the difference between abstract class and concrete class.

4 Total 40 Marks

Programming Methods

December 2012


NCC Education Ltd 2012

SECTION B ANSWER ANY TWO QUESTIONS QUESTION 11 a) List and explain FIVE (5) duties of the Database Administrator. Marks 10


Explain the differences between: i) Functional languages and Logic programming. ii) WHILE loop and REPEAT...UNTIL

4 4 12


Draw a flowchart to solve the following problem:

Your system must allow the user to input TEN (10) employee's annual income. If the annual income is greater or equal to $50,000, a 6% tax on the income must be charged, otherwise only 4% will be charged. Total 30 Marks

QUESTION 12 a) b) c) State and briefly explain any FOUR (4) types of UML diagram. Explain TWO (2) reasons for the need of robust and reliable software. Draw a collaboration diagram for following specification: The student needs to log into the student system to enrol for modules at the beginning of every semester. After registration, the system will display a list of registered module names and their corresponding module codes. d) State FOUR (4) reasons why software must be tested. 8 Total 30 Marks 8 4 10

QUESTION 13 a) b) c) State THREE (3) advantages and THREE (3) disadvantages of using UML diagrams. Give FOUR (4) reasons for using procedures or functions. Write the Bubble sort algorithm to sort TEN (10) integers. 12 8 10 Total 30 Marks


Programming Methods

December 2012


NCC Education Ltd 2012

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