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Peter Franchot Comptroller

April 16, 2014

The Honorable Martin OMalley Governor 100 State Circle Annapolis, MD 21401 Dear Governor OMalley: After considerable debate during the recently completed legislative session, the General Assembly approved House Bill 1168, which will impose a moratorium on the placement of wind turbines within a 56-mile radius of the Patuxent River Naval Air Station. This legislation would effectively derail the proposed Great Bay Wind Energy Center, a major land-based wind power facility that, after years of planning and sunken costs from both the private and public sectors, is slated for development in Somerset County. It is with profound concern over the devastating effect that this new law would have on the economy of one of our most impoverished rural jurisdictions, and with a deepening sense of frustration that the State of Maryland would miss this opportunity to take a major step toward the attainment of its own renewable energy goals, that I respectfully ask you to veto House Bill 1168. In doing so, I would like to extend to you my sincere appreciation on behalf of every Maryland family that stands to benefit from the good-paying jobs, economic investment, tax revenue and sustainable energy that would result from the construction and operation of the Great Bay Wind Energy Center for your steadfast opposition to this bill. It has been projected that the Great Bay project will generate more than 500 construction jobs, $44 million in cumulative tax revenues and $200 million in new economic investment in Somerset County. This, in a county with an average 2013 unemployment rate of 10.2 percent, one where more than one of every three households live on a yearly income of less than $25,000, and one where more than 20 percent of its residents live below the federal poverty level. It cannot be overstated what a project of this magnitude would mean for a jurisdiction that has taken far too many economic hits in recent years, is still struggling to recovery from the worst economic crisis of our respective lifetimes, and where too many families are left with little income and fewer options. In addition to providing jobs and economic investment in a place in desperate need of both, this new facility would also represent a significant step toward the attainment of our Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard, which was adopted with your strong support. A veto of House Bill 1168 would further reinforce the message that the State of Maryland takes its commitment to sustainable, domestically-produced energy sources quite seriously, and that it stands ready to work collaboratively with the private sector to capitalize upon golden opportunities for in-state generation.
80 Calvert Street  P.O. Box 466 Annapolis, Maryland 21404-0466 410-260-7801 1-800-552-3941 (MD) Fax: 410-974-3808 Maryland Relay 711 TTY 410-260-7157

The Honorable Martin OMalley April 16, 2014 Page Two On the other hand, in addition to derailing the Great Bay project, enactment of House Bill 1168 would prohibit the placement of wind turbines on nearly 40 percent of the States cumulative land mass, and would therefore call into question our states commitment to energy independence through the cultivation of sustainable alternatives to fossil fuel. For a state that has taken justifiable pride in its leadership on such initiatives, this legislation would send precisely the opposite message to our citizens, stakeholders and counterparts. Finally, I will simply reiterate what you and members of your Administration have pointed out on multiple occasions that this legislation is not needed, in any way, to maintain optimal levels of operation at the Patuxent River Naval Air Station (PAX). To this point, I commend all of the stakeholders involved from the Maryland General Assembly and the Federal Aviation Administration, to Pioneer Green Energy, LLC for their high level of responsiveness to the needs and legitimate concerns raised by PAX, and for taking every reasonable step possible to ensure the continued growth of one of Marylands most powerful economic engines. It is in this spirit of concern for our states economy, its business reputation and its commitment to true energy independence that I respectfully urge you to veto House Bill 1168. Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Peter Franchot Comptroller

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