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I. Match the words with their definition 1. Forge 2. Confess 3. Cease fire . !reaty 5. "esist &. '%stle ). Frontier *. Do+e -. Cas%alty 1.. Deception 11. Defra%d 12. 1ppropriate 13. I##inent 1 . 2carper 15. 3oarding 1&. 4iable 1). Dither 1*. Indecisive 1-. Irrelevant 2.. !heft 21. E#bla+oned 22. Erratic 23. 1lert 2 . Disg%ise 25. 3ostile a. have a short sleep b. responsible c. not friendly d. clear sign e. a for#al agree#ent bet$een t$o co%ntries f. advertise#ent( billboard g. doesnt have any correlation h. b%sy(e,cited #ove#ent i. doing so#ething illegal to cheat people /. to change appearance so as not to be recogni+ed 0. %npredictable l. stop a $ar #. do%bt n. decorated o. tell the tr%th p. victi# of an accident 5. gaining so#ething thro%gh lies r. ref%se s. r%n a$ay t. 5%ic0 to notice things( sit%ation %. the cri#e of stealing so#ething v. to get #oney illegally fro# an organi+ation $. border bet$een t$o co%ntries ,. %nable to #a0e %p ones #ind y. s%itable(acceptable

II. Fill in the blan s with the words fro! the list. "o# !a$ need to chan%e so!e of the with the correct &arts of s&eech. 6cc%py Co%rage 2%re "ecr%it Forge "esist I#agine Infor# 2ign 2%rvive

1. 7eople believe that his888888is a #iracle. 2. I can never8888.a sale. 3. D%tch8888.over Indonesia lasted for 35. years. . !he #an $as acc%sed of signat%re88888. 5. !he co#pany opens a ne$8888for ne$ e#ployees. &. International 9a0arta Motor 2ho$ is a really 888.abo%t cars. ). the story is set in an88..$orld. :othing is real. *. !he boy is a$arded for his 8888..act in saving the dra$ing old #an.

-. ;ill yo% be able to888..the board of director on yo%r b%siness proposal< 1.. 3as the #anager p%t his888in the letter< III. '#t the ad(ecti)es in the correct order 1. Ive /%st bo%ght =table>ro%nd>a>$ooden>bea%tif%l? 2. 3ave yo% given a$ay yo%r =cotton>old>sport>$hite>%nifor#?< 3. ;e #et =1#erican>yo%ng>so#e>intelligent>st%dents>college? . My sister li0es listening to ="%ssian>old>song>ro#antic>classical? 5. ;e fo%nd =;estern>co+y>a>cheap>resta%rant>reasonably? near the par0. IV. Rewrite the sentences b$ #sin% 'artici&le *la#ses 1. 3e has to devote his life to the co%ntry. 3e is a soldier. 2. 2he prepared the dinner. 2he $ent to visit her friends. 3. !he girl $as sad. 2he got the ne$s of her #others death. . !he detective s#o0ed his pipe. 3e tho%ght deeply abo%t the #%rder case. 5. !he doctor is genero%s. 7eople 0no$ that. =passive? V. Match the e+&ressions with their !eanin%. 1. 3and o%t 2. Call off 3. Earn a living . Cost a fort%ne 5. Fall thro%gh &. 7%ll off ). Fig%re o%t *. Chic0en o%t -. 2o#ething fishy 1.. Its dogs life a. really e,pensive b. 2%ccessf%l c. s%spicio%s d. very hard days e. to distrib%te f. to solve g. to #a0e #oney h. afraid i. fail /. to cancel

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