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Representative Assembly Meeting Meeting Minutes Winter 2014 April 9, 2014 STCN 130 at 6:00 p.m. I. II.

Call to Order: Mallory calls the meeting to order at 6:00 PM Roll Call (initial on the line) Eric Chalmers, President _________ Mallory Barnes, Executive Vice President _________ Bharat Bhojwani, Vice President of Finance _________ Brady Carlson, Vice President of University Affairs _________ Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative _________ Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative _________ Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative_________ Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative _________ Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative _________ Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative _________ Kathleen Dickerson, Commuter Representative _________ Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative _________ Nora Almunif, International Representative _________ Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative _________ Kristen James, Athletic Representative _________ Meggie Green, Freshman Representative _________ Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Representative _________ Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative _________ Approval of the Minutes Motion passes to approve the minutes unanimously with absentia from Representative Bayuga Graff from last week Public Comment None Guest Speakers SEIU and Adjunct Faculty Representatives Overview - Note: The following notes are directly from the speakers so all facts, stories, and claims come directly from them, not checked by the Internal Chief of Staff so read the statements with this in mind. - Dr. Archibald and Dr. Ling to talk about the plight of adjuncts nation-wide and also particularly on campus - Dr. Archibald has been here for six years, Dr. Ling for four years


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Potential unionization: potential to have certain rights otherwise not often offered to adjuncts, such as equal say in curriculum changes, remove the annual uncertainty about job security and pay, eliminate some practices such as annual contracts University is attempting to make amends, but these speakers claim that this is not enough Professor Ling taught three jobs at $36,000 for the year, teaching around 270 students SU is 56% adjunct faculty, but the national rate is much worse around 75% Keeping teachers in a limbo year after year with no security The hearings presented a troubling double standard about a positive view of unions in general, but just not this union: illustrates how poorly treated faculty are Because faculty are split among the various jobs that they work, they offer less office hours and less time working on papers Absolutely cannot just work at SU, must take another job Dr. Archibald has been teaching here for six years but only has had three years of benefits Lack of rational about the inequality in the system, excuses given for the lack of fair pay and benefits, inconsistency in the claims to social justice Tuition increases do not benefit the faculty pay They will be able to make stands on things like office space: things that also cheapen the students experience at the university No way to communicate with people outside of your department Most of the adjuncts seem on board with this happening The professors claim that the administration is trying to narrow down who can vote so that the vote will be swayed in favor of the administration and a NO vote on unionization The adjuncts would like everyone with a stake in the decision to be allowed to vote Provost faculty sent out the first two emails to only tenured faculty while simultaneously proclaiming shared governance

Q&A Representative James: What is the tenured faculty opinion? Response: I have found much positive support, for example Dr. Earenfight in History. For example, in Fine Arts in Music alone there is only one tenured faculty and ten adjuncts. You see a huge lopsided problem. We ten are not invited to the shared governance meetings, so you see the issue. We would like to have the tenured lines back so departments arent totally adjuncts. That is bad for the security of the department as well. We want consistency. The quality is being hurt. For example, book orders are supposed to be in months before the course, but teachers are then hired only one or two weeks before the class starts. Representative Moak: If you unionize, would the goal be multi-year contracts? Response: There are some professors that have been here for 22 years and still have to wait every year. For some faculty, a yearly contract makes sense, but at a certain point it becomes ridiculous. The faculty would have to decide and come together with their big issues. External CoS Gardon: What role do you envision the study body playing in this conversation, if any? Response: The biggest thing is getting the word out. Your generation will be severely impacted by this growing national trend. Maybe the professor isnt able to respond quickly to

emails because they work multiple jobs. Talk to your professors about this. Let your voice be known. The faculty members are doing what is best for students so if students let your voice be heard the money will speak to the administration. We shouldnt let one side dominate the conversation. Im not going to tell you what to think or what to say, we just ask for neutrality and information that is genuine. This should be about open debate and transparency. Responses - Maintaining neutrality is in line with the comments just presented by the speakers - We would like to hear from a tenured track professor and a professor not from A&S - Inclusion of Law and Nursing likely to make a NO vote more probable VI. Old Business REPA 20140305 Response to the Divestment Decision (Owen Goetze) Discussion Representative Goetze moves to add VP of University Affairs Carlson as a speaker to the discussion item Representative Almunif seconds the motion Motion passes unanimously Draft Discussion - Providing an updated statement on divestment that creates a task force for sustainable investment - SSA is accepting the task force but also pursuing divestment still - Maybe should not be a memo but an article to The Spectator giving an update from SGSUs perspective to raise awareness about what happened - Most people would like to revisit this issue next week and form a work group - Representatives Ortiz and Bayuga Representative Goetze motions to table this item Representative Green seconds the motion Motion passes unanimously VII. New Business REPA 20140409 Appropriations Request (Bharat Bhojwani) Action - Defending national champions in the Mens pair currently - Sending pair, variety four, novice four, one senior, 13 total going to Georgia to nationals May 22-25 - Mission and values? Community promoted in university and with neighbors - Banner with SGSU logo on it - Means of transportation: flight, but trailers for the boats - Fundraising: dues per quarter, catered events, rowing-thon - If the money is not appropriated, might not be able to take as many boats - Other students benefit? When they come back, will have a celebration on campus and provide more information about the event - The account has excess of the amount being requested but that money has been earmarked for other purposes Discussion - Perhaps did not speak directly to the mission - Usually clubs are more prepared Austin

Funding is limited how does distribution work Karen A series of objective percentage cuts are applied, then a subjective discussion

REPA 20140409 SGSU Swag (Haley Bayuga Graff) Action Barnes seeks a motion to move the item SGSU Swag to the top of New Business Representative Ortiz moves the motion Representative Huey seconds the motion Motion passes unanimously Representative Bayuga Graff motions to add members of UA to the speakers list Representative Davalos seconds the motion Motion passes unanimously Recommendations - Choosing one item out of the three, recommendation is white-out pens: o White-out pens with #fixitSGSU logo (250 pens at total $250) o Grocery totes (250 bags at $362.50) o Felt key straps (250 key straps at $222.50 total) - Currently have no swag to pass out at welcome week so we could invest in next years group and future SGSUs, will the swag translate? - The budget looks good, we have $950 earmarked for the swag project - Products safe for the environment? VP of University Affairs Carlson seeks a motion to table this item until next week Representative Ortiz moves the motion Representative Huey seconds the motion Motion passes unanimously REPA 20140409 Metro Bus Cuts Update (Owen Goetze) Discussion - Next Tuesday from 6-8 in Student Center 130 Metro Bus Cuts Forum & discussion of proposition 1 - Several speakers from nearby organizations will be participating including Washington Bus - Limiting to an informative discussion, no urging to vote one way or another VIII. Officer Reports: A) Eric Chalmers-President: a. Launching We the Redhawks tomorrow b. Working on the unionization forum B) Mallory Barnes- Executive Vice President a. Looking at Events List submissions and organizing C) Bharat Bhojwani- Vice President of Finance a. Working on the budget b. Appropriations this week D) Brady Carlson- Vice President of University Affairs a. Make Sustainable Cents bottle cap drive, launch next week E) Representatives a. Dominic Ortiz, Senior Representative: Volunteers for Senior Soiree

b. Raquel Davalos, Junior Representative: Steering c. Samantha Marshall, Sophomore Representative: Halfway there d. Austin Kawano, At-Large Representative: Tobacco Free, meetings with public health officials, ASN mission day presentation e. Haley Bayuga Graff, At-Large Representative: Meeting with clubs f. Clark Huey, Multicultural Representative: Funding joint event between Korean Student Association and Japanese Student Union g. Kathleen Dickerson, Commuter Representative: Nothing to report h. Phat Nguyen, Transfer Representative: Event planning i. Nora Almunif, International Representative: International Student Retreat j. Brandon Moak, Students with Disabilities Representative: ABSENT k. Kristen James, Athletic Representative: Swishes for Wishes l. Karen Gallo, Non-Traditional Student Representative: Volunteered, loan management event m. Meggie Green, Freshman Representative: Events List Policy, LGRS bike shelter n. Owen Goetze, Freshman Representative: Metro Bus Cuts, Divestment statement F) Logan McDonald, Internal Chief of Staff: Statistics G) Izzy Gardon, External Chief of Staff: Formatting the webpage, finishing Winter Quarter Report H) Advisors a. Nicole Robison: Get on the same page about the forum IX. Committee Reports A. PAB: Working on the Forum, two-section forum with sections for each group, working on different events for elections B. Steering: Events doodle, final vote on policy changes next Wednesday, C. Appropriations: Appropriations meeting this Saturday D. University Affairs: Began meeting with the deans of the different university corners Announcements Adjournment at 7:45 PM

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