Impacts of Food Product Advertisements of Pakistan Television On The Eating Habits of Children

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a thesis submitted to the

Islamabad, Pakistan

in partial fulfilment for the requirement of the Advanced Diploma in

English Language degree of


December, 2007

I , M a l i k T a r i q M a h m o o d , d o h er e b y s o l e m n l y d e c l a r e t h a t t h e
work presented in this dissertation is my own and was carried
o u t a s s t u d e n t o f A d v a n c e d D i pl o m a i n E n g l i s h L a n g u a g e ,
N U M L , u n d e r t h e s u p e r v i s i o n of S a m e e r a E l l a h i . I h a v e n e v e r
p r e s e n t e d i t t o a n y o t h e r u n i v e r s i t y o r i n s t i t u t i o n f or t h e a w a r d
of a degree.

Malik Tariq Mahmood


________________________ ___________________
Brig. (R) Aziz Ahmad Khan Dr. Rubina Kamran
(Rector) Dean: Faculty of English
Language Literature and
Applied Linguistics

______________ ________________
Sameera Ellahi Maryyam Bushra
Supervisor Subject Teacher


All praises for Almighty ALLAH, whose Oneness and Wholeness is

unchallengeable. All respect for the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
(PBUH) who enable us to recognize our creator.

To write a thesis cannot be the work of an individual working on his

own. It requires the help not only of libraries but also of those who are
in close contact with the researcher. As such it would be unjust of me
if I did not express my gratitude to those whose help has been
invaluable in the fulfilment of my desires.

I gratefully acknowledge and express my deep sense of gratitude to

Madam Ambrina Qayyum, (Coordinator of Department of English,
(Graduate Studies), my supervisor Ms. Sameera Ellahi, Lecturer,
Department of English (Graduate Section), Ms. Maryum Bushra, Class
Teacher, National University of Modern Languages, and my friends
Sajid Hussain, Rizwan-ud-Din, Imran Khan, and Asad Ayub whose help
have been the source of inspiration throughout the study.

I am heartily thankful to my cherished friend Umar Farooq whose

guidance and encouragement has been the source of inspiration
throughout the preparation of my dissertation. I am also thankful to my
brother Azhar Mahmood and family members for their encouragement
and moral support.

My parents are a constant source of encouragement and strength for me

deserves more gratitude that I can never express.

Malik Tariq Mahmood


I dedicate this dissertation to my

b e l o v e d d a u g h t er s ( S h a m s a a n d A f s h a n )


The researcher has delimited this research on food products

advertisements of Pakistan Television, which impact on the

e a t i n g h a b i t s o f c h i l d r e n i n t h e a r e a o f S a t e l l i t e T o w n ( B-

Block) Rawalpindi city.


What are the impacts of food product advertisements of

Pakistan Television on the eating-habits of children?


Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 History of Advertising 4
1.2 Statement of the Problem 5
1.3 Objectives 5
1.4 Significance of the Study 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Television Advertising 8
2.2 The Role of Advertising 10
2.3 Children’s Health 11
2.3.1 Body Mass Index (BMI) 13 BMI Chart for Boys 14 BMI Chart for Girls 15 What is Fat 15
2.3.2 Causes of Obesity 17
2.4 Impacts of Advertising 19
2.4.1 Impacts on Children’s Health 20
2.4.2 Leave Unhealthy Habits 20
Chapter 3 Research Methodology 23
3.1 Research Design 23
3.2 Population 24
3.3 Sampling Technique and Sample 24
3.4 Demographic Variables 24
3.5 Research Instruments 24
3.6 Data Collection 25
3.7 Data Reduction 25
3.8 Problem Faced 26
3.9 Uses of Computer Applications 26
Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 27
Chapter 5 Conclusion 40
5.1 Findings 40
5.2 Conclusion 43
5.3 Recommendations 44

Work Cited 46

Appendix A: Questionnaire for Parents 47
Appendix B: Questions for Interview of Children 49

List of Graphs

1. Age of Parent respondents 28

2. Profession of Parent respondents 28
3. Qualification of Parent respondents 29
4. Income of Parent respondents 29
5. Family Members 30
6. Parents Watching PTV 30
7. Parents’ Time Watching PTV 31
8. Parents’ Duration Watching PTV 31
9. Children Watching PTV 32
10. Children’s Time Watching PTV 32
11. Children’s Duration Watching PTV 33
12. Usually Like Programmes 34
13. Purpose of Watching PTV 34
14. Feeling Heavy Viewing 35
15. Viewing Ads in an Hour 35
16. Favourite Product (s) 36
17. Change Attitude of Children 37
18. Impacts of PTV Ads on Children 37
19. Buy Food Products for Children 38
20. Ads Effects on Children Diet 39
21. Change in Children’s Health 39

Table 25

List of Charts

1. BMI Chart of Boys 14

2. BMI Chart of Girls 15


Television belongs to the family of audio-visual communication

medium. It is able to transmit sounds and images carrying message of a

varied nature and for a variety of purpose. It has strong influence on

people, in the culture and on other media. It is a widely used

telecommunication system for broadcasting and receiving moving

pictures and sound over a distance from all around the world. The term

may also be used to refer specifically to a television set, programming

or television transmission. Television commercials have become one of

the most effective, most persuasive, and most popular methods of

selling products of many sorts.

Within Pakistani culture we need to look deeper at the role of

television and advertisements, to assess why they hold such a valuable

position. Pakistan Television is a permanent fixture in children’s lives.

The television set is as familiar to children as the faces of family

members. Television set is always there, to entertain and to give

company to children, especially when no one else in the mood to play,

chat or interact with them. They are increasingly being exposed to

different cultures, absorbing new ideas and impressions about other


Many television advertisements are catchy jingles or catch-phrases that

generate sustained appeal, which may remain in the minds of television

viewers long after the span of the advertising campaign. Nowadays

advertising spread in our entire culture influences in society and our

fundamental patterns of life. Advertising can be seen as one of the

factors that contribute to shape people’s life, their basic values, and

attitudes. But actual picture is different, according to Edger

“Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of half truth.’1

Advertising has been watched in many ways: on Television,

Newspapers, Billboards, Walls, Video, Internet and in many other

forms. The protection of children from harm is linked directly to the

issue of what affects observed from viewing television. The criticisms

regarding watching television of children are linked to what they watch

and for how long. Television advertising on food causes parental

concern; parents try to control the television viewing of their children.

Parental control of television viewing is expected to lower the number

of hours of a child, which leaves impacts on their health.1

Today’s children are our future and unique in many ways from previous

generation. But perhaps the most influencing factor on children’s

health is television advertisements. There are general concerns of

parents that television advertising has negative influence intended or

unintended on children’s health.

Advertising is the structured and composed nonpersonal communication

of information, usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about

products by identified sponsors through various media. Advertising

companies naturally communicate to large number of people about their

products. There is nothing wrong with that, as it allows innovative

ideas and concepts to be shared with others. However, as the years have

progressed, the advertising methods and techniques have become

advance, appealing, shaping, and even creating consumer’s needs where

there has been none before, or turning luxuries into necessities.2

Mass advertising is no longer solely a means of introducing and

distributing products, though it does that. It is a major mechanism in

the ability of a relatively small number of giant corporations to hold

disproportionate power over the economy. These corporations need

newspapers, magazines, and broadcasting not just to sell their goods

but to maintain their economic and political influence. The media are

no longer neutral agents of the merchants but essential gears in the

machinery of corporate gigantism, and increasingly they are not only

needed but they are owned by the corporate giants.3


Advertising is as old as civilization itself. The earliest beginnings of

advertising, of course, are impossible to pinpoint, but there are several

examples dating back thousands of years. In early days, signboards

were placed above the doors of business establishments, and later, the

town crier was an important advertising medium. Advertising was a

well established part of the social environment of early civilizations.

However, until the advent of mass selling in the 19th century,

advertising played only a minor role in the conducting of business.4

After the invention of printing handbills, posters and then newspapers

were used in increasing the quantities of advertise products. The

development of railroad transportation enabled advertising industry to

send its products to consumers who lived far from the manufacturing

plants. Advertising assumed national character as business people used

both newspapers and television to broaden their markets.


The advertising of food products of Pakistan Television impact on

children’s health – eating disorder and they become obese and idle. The

researcher interested to investigate these impacts of food-products

advertising on the health of children.


The study was conducted while keeping following objectives in mind:

i) To investigate children’s viewing habits of Pakistan


ii) To find out impacts of advertising on children’s health


Although there are many beneficiaries of the study but the main

beneficiaries are parents’, and personnel of advertising agencies. All

parents want to provide good food to their children for healthy life.

The results of the study will show the parents about impact of

advertising on the health of their children and will help them to

compensate these affects.

End Notes
Edger A. Shoaff.
William F. Arens. Contemporary Advertising (10th Edition). (McGraw-Hill Irwin,

United States 2006)

Syed Abdul Siraj Advertising. Islamabad: Allama Iqbal Open
University) 6-8


This chapter has been divided into five parts. The first part describes

some general things about Television advertising. The second part of

the chapter is explaining theory of the advertising; how the

advertisements affect the health of children and their lives. The third

part explains the role of advertising in the society. The fourth part

describes the health of children and their BMI. The fifth part of the

study explores the negative impacts of ads on the health of children of

8 to 12 years.

Television is an important socialisation agent; it is present in

children’s lives. Many advertisements broadcast on television are the

creations of brilliant minds that want to persuade them to purchase the

advertised products. Evidence are mounting that marketing to children

is harmful. Nearly every aspect of children’s lives has been adversely

affected by recent trends of advertising. Research links advertising to

increased obesity and eating disorders in children because they are

vulnerable to persuasive messages. According to Media scholar Gorge

“Television has become unavoidable and unremitting factor in shaping

that what we are and what we will become.”1

The children under the age of eight are unable to critically comprehend

televised advertising messages and are prone to accept advertiser

messages as truthful, accurate and unbiased. This can lead to unhealthy

eating habits as evidenced by today’s youth. This is a critical concern

because the most common products marketed to children are cereals,

candies, sweets, sodas and snack foods. Advertising of such unhealthy

food products to young children contributes to poor nutritional habits

that may last a lifetime and be a variable in the current epidemic of

obesity among kids.2


A consumer exposed hundreds commercial messages every day. They

may appear in the form of billboards, newspapers, television

commercials, etc. It is actually a very structured form of applied

communication, employing both verbal and nonverbal elements that are

composed to fill specific space and time formats determined by the

sponsor. First and foremost, advertising is communication – a special

kind of communication. Traditionally, advertising has been principally

a one-way process, but with today’s new interactive technology,

consumers can give feedback to advertising messages in real time using

the same channels as the sender. Most advertising is intended to be

persuasive – to win converts to a product, service, or idea. Some ads,

such as legal announcements, are intended merely to inform, not to

persuade. But they are still ads because they satisfy all the other

requirements of the definition.3

The issues surrounding advertising directed to children are related to

certain commercial campaigns primarily targeting children. Cold-drink

advertisements are commonly shown during sports events and seen by

millions of children, creating brand familiarity and motivating children

for buying. They have been exposed television more than 15 edible ads

during one hour programme and when they watch television 4 hours a

day that means they saw one product’s ad around 20 times in one

sitting. This is referred to graph no. 15 at page 34.

Advertising is persuasive and informational influence on the behaviour

of the audience. Advertising is also a marketing tool and may be used

in combination with other marketing tools, such as sales promotions,

personal selling tactics, or publicity. But the actual picture is different,

according to Edger “Advertising is the art of making whole lies out of

half truth.”

The impact of television advertising is the greatest among children.

The children like television commercials more than elder group, and

they are also more deeply influenced by the catchy appearance of

advertiser on their lives.

Advertising aimed at children is based on three concerns, first, it is

believed that advertising promote superficially and values founded in

material goods and consumption. Second, children are considered

inexperienced consumers and easy prey for the sophisticated persuasion

of advertisers. Third, advertising influences children demand for

everything from toy to snack food.4


Advertising plays a vital role in the economic system of a country. It

helps in selling ideas, goods, and services. Advertising both reflects

and affects our lifestyles, and thus, plays a substantial social role.

Advertising has become so close to our life, therefore, it serves

multidimensional communication needs of society. Business firms,

labour unions, government agencies, and political leaders are

successfully employing advertising to inform and persuade people

about their purpose.

Kapoor gives the four points of role of advertising: First, the country’s

gross national product is greater and the standard of living is higher

than they would otherwise be. Advertising creates jobs with a greater

variety of products, and improves the quality of products and increase

the economy of country. Second, argument of Kapoor is that advertising

plays a major role in informing the consumer so that more intelligent

choices are made in the marketplace. Third, rationale for advertising is

that the firm’s cost of production per unit of output is lower because

advertising increases demand for the firm’s output, so, advertising

leads to more efficient use of resources in the economy. Finally, she

says that advertising leaves the impacts either positive or negative on

the general masses as well as on children. These impacts are changed

according to the culture and environment.5

The above mentioned four points are whole picture of advertising that

advertisers want to achieve. This same situation can be found in

Pakistan. So, no one can able to explore all the aspects of advertising

at this level because so many hurdles are there, such as lack of

resources, shortage of time.


Every parent consciously and keenly observes the health of their

children in all society. But parents are more attached with their

children in Pakistani society because children are their future and they

will help in finances when parents will retire. All parents like to

provide good food to their children for their health and give proper

education for making them a good citizen. Both parents are working

because they want to improve their living standard; this is referred to

graph no. 4. Some times parents over looks children’s activities i.e.

what and when they eat? When and how they watch television? Why
they become obese and idle?

Actually the researcher will explore the answer of all these questions

because these questions are mainly related with the study.

Health experts have linked excessive watching television to obesity - a

significant health problem today. While watching television, children

are inactive to buy such products. They are also bombarded with

advertising messages that encourage them to buy and eat unhealthy

foods such as potato chips, burgers, pastries etc. and empty-calorie soft

drinks that often become preferred snack foods. Indirectly advertising

leave too much affect on children's health. Even if children are

watching 4 hours of quality educational programs on television in a

day, that means they are not exercising, reading, socializing, or

spending time outside. But some studies have shown that decreasing the

amount of television watching by children led to less weight gain and

lower body mass index increase, and make them idle that is not better

for their health.7


Body Mass Index (BMI) is used to estimate healthy weight of average

people. A BMI of 20 to 24 is desirable for most adults. A person with a

BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and a person with a BMI

of 30 or above is considered obese. Obesity is associated with an

increased risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other life-threatening


The body mass index (BMI) is commonly used to determine desirable

body weights. BMI is a measure of an adult’s weight in relation to

height, and it is calculated metrically as weight divided by height

squared (kg/m2).

Body mass index only provides a rough estimate of desirable weight;

however, physicians recognize that many other factors besides height

affect weight. Weight alone may not be an indicator of fat, as in the

case of a bodybuilder who may have a high BMI because of a high

percentage of muscle tissue, which weighs more than fat. Likewise, a

person with a sedentary lifestyle may be within a desirable weight

range but have excess fat tissue. However, the higher BMI is greater

the risk for developing serious medical conditions.

20 BMI Chart for Boys

Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for boys, from two to twenty years,

so that you can track your child’s growth curve and see if they are

underweight, overweight or just right.

21 BMI Chart for Girls

Body Mass Index (BMI) percentiles for girls, from two to twenty years,

so that you can track your child's growth curve and see if they are

underweight, overweight or just right. What is Fat?

Fats, or lipids, are nutrients in food that children’s body uses to build

nerve tissue (like the brain) and hormones. The body also uses fat as

fuel. If fats that children have eaten are not burned as energy or used

as building blocks, they are stored by the body in fat cells. This is

body's way of thinking ahead: By saving fat for future use, the body

plans for times when food might be scarce.

Fat gives food flavour and texture, but it's also high in calories, and

excess amounts of fatty foods as with excess amounts of any food can

cause many health risks. For children and adolescents, desserts and

snacks including potato chips, chocolate, cakes, doughnuts, pastries,

and cookies are a significant source of fat. Children also get fat from

whole milk products and high-fat meats, such as fried and spicy meat.

Of course, fast-food and take-out meals tend to have more fat than

home cooking; and in restaurants, fried dishes are the highest in fat

content. Fat also often "hides" in foods in the form of creamy, cheesy,

or buttery sauces or dressings.

Still, though, fat is an important part of a healthy diet when the

children eat the right kinds of fats especially those from certain kinds

of fish in recommended amounts. Like carbohydrates in recent years,

fats have been wrongly accused of being “bad”. Although some

definitely better than others, certain kinds of fat are actually good for

teenager and children an important part of a healthy diet.

Obesity increases the risk of developing disease. According to the

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,

almost 70 percent of heart disease cases in the United States are linked

to excess body fat, and obese people are more than twice as likely to

develop hypertension. The risk of medical complications, particularly

heart disease, increases when body fat is distributed around the waist,

especially in the abdomen. This type of upper body fat distribution is

more common in men than in women.8


A calorie is the unit used to measure the energy value of food and the

energy used by the body to maintain normal functions. When the

calories from food intake equal the calories of energy the body uses,

weight remains constant. But when a person consumes more calories

than the body needs, the body stores those additional calories as fat,

causing subsequent weight gain.

Obesity, medical condition characterized by storage of excess body fat.

The human body naturally stores fat tissue under the skin and around

organs and joints. Fat is critical for good health because it is a source

of energy when the body lacks the energy necessary to sustain life

processes, and it provides insulation and protection for internal organs.

But the accumulation of too much fat in the body is associated with a

variety of health problems. Studies show that individuals who are

overweight or obese run a greater risk of developing diabetes mellitus,

hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, arthritis, and some forms

of cancer.9

The causes of obesity are complex and include some factors. Basically,

obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the body burns

up. The children have an 80 percent chance of being obese if their

parents are obese. Obesity in childhood and adolescence can be related


i) Poor eating habits

ii) Overeating habits

iii) Unnecessary use of Cold drinks

iv) Eating Non-nutrition food

v) Eating out-side the home

The percentage of overweight children is growing at an alarming rate.

On the whole, children were spending less time exercising and more

time in front of the TV and computer. And today's busy families have

fewer free moments to prepare nutritious, home-cooked meals, day in

and day out. From fast food to electronics, quick and easy seems to be

the mindset of many people, young and old, in the new millennium.


Modern life style has frozen the family size in the Pakistani society.

Nuclear family has taken place of the joint family. Lifestyle trends in

urban Pakistan (rising incomes, longer working hours, more working

mothers, and time-poor/cash-rich parents) tend to support their

families, which lead the child to watching television and increased

consumption of unnecessary food. Furthermore, the advertising industry

makes junk food seem irresistible.

Children who watch a lot of television have difficulty in concentrating

at school because they are used to being given all the answers instead

of being asked to think about questions. If children watch less

television, their imagination will grow.

Unfortunately, children are not given proper guidance as to what they

should do. The media is not playing its proper role in the promotion of

children’s rights and the difficulties they have to face in the society.

Even the authorities of Pakistan Television ignored this side and they

can not design programs according to children’s requirements.


James suggests that “Childhood obesity arises from foods that are high

in fat and low in fibre. When children eat this food, the insulin not

only increases the effects of the pleasure-chemical dopamine (making

the child want to eat more of the same food) but also reduces the

effects of the hormone leptons, making the child want to eat more and

be less active”.10

Television also has negative impacts, it creates eye problems. It stops

the children from going out and playing with friends. Its advertising

makes them buy things even if they do not need. It can make them tired

and unable to focus on their lessons.


Gerbner said that the many media experts in Western countries who

continue to be deeply anxious about the commercial context of

television programming. They argue that television advertising leave

impacts on society, particularly on the health of children, and

television advertising is not going on air without reason.11

The impact of television on children has received much attention.

Research suggests that children see television advertising as just

another form of programming and react uncritically to its messages,

which makes them especially vulnerable to advertising. There is also

concern about the way in which children respond to advertising.

Research indicates that many children are unduly influenced by this

standard of health, become dissatisfied with their own bodies, and may

develop eating disorders in pursuit of a thin figure. Advertising affect

daily life and eating habits etc. The children as well as the teenager get

influenced, consciously or unconsciously by advertisements of Pakistan


End Notes
Syed Abdul Siraj. Advertising, (Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, 1998)
Kunkel, D., Wilson, B., Donnerstein, E., & Blumenthal, E.: Measuring Television

Violence: The importance of context. (Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 1995).
William F. Arens. Contemporary Advertising (10th Edition). (McGraw-Hill Irwin,

United States 2006)

Namita Unnikrishnan, and Shailaja Pajpai: The Impact of Television Advertising on

Children. (Sage Publications India Private Limited, India 1996)

Neeru Kapoor: Television Advertising & Consumer Response. (Mittal Publication,

New Delhi, India 2003)

Namita Unnikrishnan, and Shailaja Pajpai: The Impact of Television Advertising on

Children. (Sage Publications India Private Limited, India 1996)

Evra, Judith Van: Television and Child Development. (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence

Erlbaum 1990).
Shanahan James and Michael Morgan: Television and its Viewers: Cultivation

Theory and Research. (Cambridge University Press, UK1999)

Kunkel, D., Wilson, B., Donnerstein, E., & Blumenthal, E.: Measuring Television

Violence: The importance of context. (Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media 1995).

Every scientific discipline employs a particular methodology in

conducting of research. This includes some assumptions and values

which serve as a rationale (underlying reasons) for effort of research

and standards criteria for the whole process. The basic purpose of this

research study was investigating the negative impacts of eating

habits/disorder on the health of children. For this purpose systematic

random sampling method was used. The sample size was limited to 30

children aged between 8 – 12 years and their parents.


This study was survey research about “Impacts of food product

advertisements of Pakistan Television on eating habits of Children” in

Satellite Town (B-Block) Rawalpindi city. The researcher used

questionnaire for parents and interviews of the children as instrument

to gather the data.


In this research study children of age 8 – 12, and their parents in

Rawalpindi city were the population of the study.


Random and convenience sampling techniques were applied in this

research for selecting the sample. The sampling frame was 30 children

aged 8 – 12, and their parents from Satellite Town (B-Block)

Rawalpindi city.


There are three demographic variables in this study:

i) Gender
ii) Age
iii) Qualification


In order to realise the objective, a survey study was carried out. The

data was collected mainly from the primary sources. A questionnaire

was designed for parents. Children’s questionnaire was also used for

structured interview.


Data was collected through questionnaire and interview. Questionnaire

were distributed among the parents and administered by the researcher

personally. Structured Interview was conducted to all children

respondents of sample.


After data collection, the next task was the reduction/coding of the

data. Words and sentences responses were changed into numerical

categories, which are following:

Parents Children
Words Figures Words Figures
Male 1 Male 1
Female 2 Female 2
Education Education
Master 1 Class 3 1
M. Phil 2 Class 4 2
PhD 3 Class 5 3

4 Class 6 4
Class 7 5
Age Age
30 to 35 1 8 years 1
36 to 40 2 9 years 2
41 to 45 3 10 years 3
46 to 50 4 11 years 4
51 & above 5 12 years 5

Two or more options’ questions

Yes 1 No 2
1 Always 1
Very frequently
2 Rare 2
3 Don’t observe 3
Never 4

All numbers given according to likert scale and then data was fed into
the machine.

Return rate of the questionnaire was very slow and it took more than

one month to collect 30 questionnaires from parents. The researcher

personally went to the respondents (parents) consecutively for

collections of questionnaires and conducting interview of the

respondents (children).


The researcher used the most advanced computer package “Statistical

Package for Social Scientists (SPSS Version 14.0) for analyzing the

data and designing charts, graphs and tables with percentages, means

and modes for interpreting the results of data.



In this chapter the researcher analyzed the data of impacts of

advertisements on the health of children. The data on the “Impacts of

Food Product Advertisements of PTV on the Health of Children were

collected through a questionnaire which was especially designed for

this study. Primarily, cross-tabulation statistical procedure was applied

to investigate relationship between demographic variables i.e. (gender,

age, and qualification, and presented in graphs alongwith data tables

with interpretation.

As evident form the graph 1, the majority of the male respondents (34%

fell in the age category of 30 to 45 as well as female respondents in the

same groups made 23%. The results showed that majority of the both

groups respondents were youngster.

As evident from the graph 2, the majority of the male respondents

(20%) was Doctor whereas 20% were running their business, 10%

female respondents were Govt. employee and 10% were housewives.


r 50%
Graph 3, showed that 57% of male respondents and 30% female

respondents were highly qualified. So, male respondents were higher

qualified as compared to female.

t80% 33
The graph 4 documents the monthly income of the parents-respondents.

As evident from the graph that male respondent belongs to well earning

families as compare to female respondents.


As evident from the graph 5 this shows the composition of families of

r 15
the respondents, the majority of respondents having four members in

their family.

e60% 34
As evident from the graph 6 all parent respondents watched PTV



As evident from the graph 7 that majority (13%) of male-respondents

watched PTV in evening and late night as compare to female

e 40%
respondents who liked to watch Pakistan Television in morning and


50% 35

Graph 8 showed that majority of parent watches Pakistan Television for

2 to 3 hours daily.


e 40%
Graph 9 reflects that all children respondents were regular viewers of

Pakistan Television.

c 45% 36
The results of the graph 10 shows that children like to watch television

in evening mostly but some respondents like to watch in afternoon as




P 35%
As evident from the graph 11, the majority (30%) of children

respondents watches PTV for more than four hours daily. According to

the data collected children of 8-12 years old were heavy viewers of

PTV. Actually that is the problem area because watching television for

long time i.e. more than five hours creates adverse effects on the

health, especially children of 8-12 years old.

The results of the graph 12 shows that majority (33%) of children

respondents like to watch children shows/quiz programmes as guided by

their parents.


P 38
Graph 13 reflects that parents allow their children to watch PTV for the

purpose of getting updated information and for entertainment as well.


Graph 14 is evident that male respondents felt tiredness when they

e 40%
watch PTV for more than 3 to 4 hours but female respondents got bored

that means female liked to watch more than four hours.

c 39
As evident from the graph 15 that majority of respondents (40%)

watched ads around 15-20 and 20% saw more than 25 ads in an hour. Its

means that during one hour program a lot of food-products were

advertised on PTV which instigated children to buy these products on

their own or ask their parents to buy the same for them.

P 50%
r 50%
c 40%
As evident from the graph 16 that majority of both parent and children

respondents usually liked to buy cold-drinks but some children

responded that they also liked to buy chips type products as well. These

products increase fats on the body especially in children because the

age 8-12 years is the grooming age and they need proper and

nutritionist diet for their health.

As evident from the graph 17 parent respondents, responded that

children attitude was changed if they did not buy or allow them to buy

such edibles. They behave aggressively with their elders or parents.


P 50%
e 70%
r 41
The results of the graph 18 show the impacts of Pakistan Television’s

ads on children. Parents responded that their children tried to imitate

when they saw ads, but some parents responded that they felt some

aggressiveness during/after watching ads because advertiser showed

super human actions.

As results of the graph 19 shows that parents always buy food products

on their children’s demand because they were well earned (refer to

graph no. 4). They fulfilled all demands of their children whatever they

demanded for eating. This eating habit created eating-disorder in the

children of 8-12 years old.

40% 42
As evident from the graph 20 that parents felt that PTV’s ads effected

their children’s diet because their children having enough money to buy

belong to upper class families (refer to graph no.4).


e 40%
As evident of graph 21 that parents responded that these ads increased

eating disorder and decreased health of their children.

e 45%



The purpose of this research was to find out Impacts of Food Product

Advertisements of Pakistan Television on the Eating Habits of

Children. The major variables those are likely to have a significant

impact of Pakistan Television ads on children’s health.

In Pakistan almost all the children have been watching

television regularly. The information about children’s

spending time on viewing television was to estimate their

exposure to the variety of advertisements. Variation of

advertising’s influence has been observed differently in one

child to another, and from day to day for the same child.

Nevertheless, some general influence of advertising on

children were observed, which presented in chapter 4 at

graph 9.

According to the graph 11; all the children have been

watching television daily. 23% children saw television for

up to 3 hours and 30% were watched television up to 4

hours a day. Thus, they were found heavy and regular

viewers. Most of the children spend quite a lot of time

sitting in front of television screen watching various


Thus, children of 8 to 10 years old were found to be more

attracted towards television ads and they watched them

with great interest but with the increasement in the age,

children’s preferences shifted towards television


Most of the children in all age groups watched the

television ads with great. That means many audio-visual

techniques in television advertising were simply aimed at

gaining, and holding children’s attention, which impressed

them to purchase various products. Thus, television

advertisements could really make a tremendous impact on

children. The researcher found out the following aspects:

1) Children of 8-12 years old and their parents were watched Pakistan

Television TV regularly. Most of the male parent liked to watch

at late night but female parent liked to watch at morning and

evening and their children liked to watch at evening. The parents’

watching span was 2-3 hours but their children’s watching span

was 4-5 hours daily.

2) Children liked to watch children shows/quiz programmes but their

parents allowed them to watch of PTV for getting information and

entertainment as well.

3) Male respondents felt tiredness when they watched PTV for more

than 3 to 4 hours but female respondents got bored that means

female liked to watch more than four hours.

4) Majority of parents and children usually liked to buy cold-drinks but

some children also liked to buy chips type products as well. The

researcher find out that these products increase fats on the body

especially in children because the age 8-12 years is the grooming

age and they need proper and nutritionist diet for their health.

5) Children’s attitude was changed if they did not buy or allow them to

buy such edibles. They behaved aggressively with their elders or


6) The children tried to imitate when they saw ads, but some parents

responded that they felt some aggressiveness during/after

watching ads because advertiser showed super human actions.

7) Parents always bought readymade food products on their children’s

demand because they were well earned (refer to graph no. 4).

They fulfilled all demands of their children whatever they

demanded for eating. This eating habit created eating-disorder in

the children of 8-12 years old.

8) Ads of PTV effected their children’s diet because their children

having enough money to buy such edible belong to upper class

families (refer to graph no.4).

9) Ads of Pakistan Television increased eating disorder and decreased

health of children of 8-12 years old.


Mostly children are addicted to viewing TV their average of viewing is

more then 60% that means they are watching TV more then five hours

per day, they are heavy viewers. After/during watching TV’s ads most

of the children demanding drinks i.e. coca-cola, des, Pepsi these drinks

develops unhealthy habits of children. Some children ages of 10-12 are

trying to imitate the same action which they seen during that ads,

which are dangerous for their lives.

The data of this research study proves that fats increased in the body of

people especially in children, if they regularly drink these products.

Increases fat in the body is not good sign because fat creates obesity

and hear-diseases. Children are over weight according to their age and

height because they are regularly use these cold drinks and eating fried

meats outside the home with their parents or elders.

Children having less weight according to their BMI it’s due to their

eating disorder. They think that if we eat and drink more than other we

have good muscles but their stomachs are not digesting the such food

properly, so eating disorder increased and after a couple of months

their weight is decreasing. That is only for their eating disorder. They

seen that the performer of powder-milk ads is healthier because s/he

drink that milk after that they trying to buy and drink that power-milk

but they do not know the actual picture.


After concluding the results of the data the researcher give the

following recommendations:

i) Policymakers need to take steps to better protect children from

exposure to advertising because of the inherent unfairness of

advertising to audiences who lack the capability to evaluate

wrong information in television advertising.

ii) Parents should attempt to restrict their children’s TV time.

iii) Teachers and parents can help children to decide what they

should watch on TV.

iv)Adults should look out for things their children do not

understand on TV.

v) Parents should also keep an eye on any other negative effects

of watching Pakistan Television on children’s health, eating-

disorder and their eye sight problems.

vi)Children should be encouraged both in their schools and at

home to discuss television advertising.

vii) Parents/Teachers should help children to look for

programmes which relevant for their health and has some positive

impacts on their health of Pakistan Television.

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