Fulford Carroll Nancy 1967 SAfrica

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viIbtaOiJiiKliS oaKHOLL and NAi^CY r'U^'OKD




514 HOBaRT ^TPjiicil

t,'., ^\




Dear brethren:


Greeting to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God for you all.

We give tlianks to

Your faithful support and your constant prayers have brought us safely

half-way around

the world to Port Elizabeth, Aouth Africa.

as we left many we

There wore sad farwells in Wisonsin aid in lij.ii.iois

had come to iaiow and iove in the noi^.

iTie Irnge plane soared into the air above Chicago

ind in a short while wo oould see the limits of Cleveland, Ohio far below us.
ed down to Kennedy Airport, and changed piaiies for Iceland and Luxemburg.

We swoop

In this

quaint little Dutchy we found accoiamodatiou at the Alfa Hotel, and the next day flew to Barcelona, Spain.
Theii came the longest part of all. An all-night flight down to jifiica to

Luanda in Angola, aiid then across the scattered trees and veld of Botswana, over the

Limpopo River into couth Africa, above the gold-mines of the Rand to thw Johannesburg,


Then we were met by missionaries h miiton and omaage.

ounday evening I spoice

to the ciiurch meeting in Bi'other Stuart Copy's lione, and on i.onday 1 attended a tentmeeting in nosmont.

Tuesday vias tiie last and Jest part of our flight on t}ie beautiful South African Airways iJoeing 727 whisper-jet. One stop at ^Jiabeily and sooii we were in Port

Elizabeth on the shores of Algoa Bay.

paper reporter, Jean Archer,

'e thank ood for the friendly welcome by a news


she drove us into town and loaned us some thing s

start house-AQeping.

In just two days of searcliing we found a flat to live in, and are i Ixave broug^it a bicycle for use in

just now waiting for our goods to arrive by siiip.

calling, and liave been talcing xandy to school on it about two iiiiles around tlie bay.

Although Wo iiave just arrived 1 iiave already had Che opportunity to wit
ness to sevei-ai people including the caretaker of tlie fiat and several store clerks. 1


been very encouraged by their resj,)onse.

The people to whom i iiave talked are en

thusiastic about the idea of ueing Christians only, and at least one of them is already
actively promoting the idea oi simple I'iew Testament thristianity. We are located in Humewood, a rapidly developing residental area. To

the south-east is Eummerstrand

another l^rge residential area.
churches and xiible college.


educational centre, and to the west is


Thus we are iaeaiiy situated for establishing several

what is Port Elizabeth like?

into town on a double-decker bus.

Let me give an example.

This morning I went

i stopped at tlie supermarket.

The manager asked

where one of the Coloured boys was, "He went to 2nd tea because there wasn't any bread at 1st tea" was the aiiswcr.
all Classes, BUT
most part they do.

On the bus downstairs is for

whites and upstairs is for

three young ladies came upstairs since it was nearly full and sat
Ail of oiu- peopre here v;ant to g"et along together, and for the

next to Coloured men.

What is our immediate need?

we will need to purchase an automobile. Y<^ can help by sending a con

In A

South Africa one tiiird deposit is required, sp ij must come up witli about ^{600 cash. car will help us to cover more of the city quicker. tribution to our forwarding agent. Please do it today if you can.

Brethren, please pray for Port mliaabeth.

Pray tJiat God may speak to the

hearts of these people, tnl that Bis word may bear jauch f:'ult.

Ycu.r .aissioneries and friends,

Cerrol.i. arid hancy i'u2ford


Mssimms FQRV.'ARDII^'Q AGhiMT Mrs. Ho woodford

Cnrroll and Nancy Fulford

3 Welton Keep

514 Hobart
Eau Claire

Windemere Road, Humewood PORT iiilZABffl, S. AJJ'RlOA


JUNii, 1967

Wisconsin 54701

Dear Brethren,

Greetings to you in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our special thanks goes to
all those who helped so splendidly with the Car fund. We now have our car, a Vauxhall Victor station wagon, and are taking full advantage of it. We have visited George Eraser, mamager
of the Industrial Division of General Motors, in ^humnerstrand, and he has shown an interest

in our Bible Studies. At present we are holding weekly studies in Humewood and 5-Ways, and we hope to eztend to Summerstrand and walmer by the time :/;:u read this. In addition we

are holding Bible School and Worship Services in our apartment on Sundays. We already have
contacts for our extra meetings through my calls on bicycle, and calling with Trefor Morris
of Grchamstown.

H\ibert Leve, our African minister at New Bri^ton, came to see me. Later he told Brother i^bengo of Uitenhage that we were here. Brother Mhengo wrote us in part, "We are verry happy about you and your famely and we praise the Lord. On my way from Transkei I had prayed and preyed that God would send a missionary of the Church of Christ to station here, and I see today that had happened. God had blessed us. I am still young, and I want to work for God," I have just received a phone call from Bro. Leve to confirm my speaking at the African
cinrrch tiiis Sunday morning.

Last month we attended a Preaching Rally in Johannesburg where I spoke on the subject, "The Inspiration of the Scriptures." We were very happy that 4 young people came to confess Christ, and be baptized into His wonderful name. Next month, Lord willing, I shall be speaking at special meetings in our Cape Town Churches. Please pray that God will bless
these meetings.

Here is our Tinancial Report for the last 3 months:MAR: Rec. ^736.62. Exp: Deficit:123.48,
Sal, 450, Study Rent 18,65, Postage 12, Telephone 14, Freight 8.26, Rubber Stamp 2.95, Car iavt.~3.P54r-aTR: Rec: 719^18, CAR FUND ;iii550; ExpiSal, 450,"Studr"18."65, Johannesburg trip ~ 84; Postage 12, Film I4, Transformer 41.50, ..Printing 54.60, Typing ribbon 1.05, Bank charge

2,40, x-rays 14, Extra chairs 49.28. MAY: Hec: 550, CAR FHIH) 200. Exp: Sal. 450, Study 18.65*
Postage & film 20, PAID ON GAR 707, Telephone Stand 40.60, Study Books 18.62, "Bible News" 22.26, Telephone 14, Car exp. 8.4O. TOTAL RciCEiVED: ;it2755.80. TOTAL mXPiH^SES: 52673.40.
32MCE ^2.40.

500 copies of the first issue of our "Bible News" magazine has been printed, and we have sent them to Business Managers, School Principals, Church VciBtorj and personal contacts in the ?occ Elizabeth area together with our tract called "Introd\icing the Cliristian Church^" Last Sunday evening 1 held a Bible Study with the Blomerus family of Newton ParA. They be- ..
long to the Dutch Reformed Church at present.

As we look to the future we are hoping to develop Christian congregations from our Bible Study Groups, and establish a full-time Christian College here in P.E. With the large In dustrial concerns here we are already pushing toward the half million mark. There are tremedous needs and unlimited opportunities for the spreading of the gospel.

Brethren, please pray for us.

labors here.

Your prayers and support make a vital contribution to our

not sent in lately. Ifey we encourage you to/faithful in your giving and raring all of you
that every gift of ^5 or more is personally acknowledged by a letter or card from us.
V/e are so far from ail of you, but you are very near to each of us. May God richly bless

Our forwarding agents report that several who have pledged '^1 a month have

you and keep you until we meet again.


Slides of our work are available from our forvjarding

Your missionaries and friends,

Carroll and Nancy iitilford




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missionaries FORWARDING AQjiNT

Mr. & Mrs. C. Pulford.


Raymer St., Rowallan Pk, Port Elizabeth, South Africa SEPTEIffiER, 1967
Dear Brethren:

Mrs. Herb Woodford 514 Hobart St.

Eau Claire, Wis, 54701

Greetings to you in Christ our Lord.

We pray that you may know within our hearts the favor which

God bestows on us, and the inward peace which comes with the knowledge that Christ has brought us
into harmony and unity with the Almighty God our Father. As these realizations fill and control

your very being, may your confidence in Christ and your commitment to Him grow stronger each day.

Here in African sub-continent we have been continuing our labors to reach people with the gospel
message. I have been making calls in Humewood, kabega Park, van der Stel Township and Rowallan Park seeking to interest people in the 'word of God and the simple Christianity of the New Test

I have also left the people with a calling card and a leaflet introducing the Christian
As an example in one home the mother was Anglican and the father Dutch-Refoimed. I ex

plained that we were just plain Christians, and used only the Bible going back to the original
teachings of Christ.

V/e have just sent out the next issue of our "BIBLE iVLWS" mag&zine with articles such as JUSTIFIED


600 copies were printed this time and are go

ing out in Port Elizabeth and other South African cities.

Here is our financial report for the past 5 months: RECEIPTS: Balance 169.08, From U.S.A. 1300, Pmts. in U.S.A. 353.36, From Cape Town 56. EXPENSES: Salary 1350, Study 55.95, Film 10, Postage

45.50, Telephone 10, Recorder repair 21.10, Travel 115.00, Bank ch. 6, Luther Hosp. 10, Hosp. Ins

(Annual prem.) 131, Retirement Fund (Annual prem.) 202, Car pmts. (2) 164.92. TOTALS: RECEIVED
1858.44, EXPENSES 2121.47. DEFICIT 263.03

I am now holding Leadership Training Classes in the -^ifrican Township of New Bri^ton for the Af rican men who wish to become church leaders and begin new congregations anrfTng their own people in
the many African housing areas in the Port Elizabeth district. In addition I have made another

trip to-Uiteahage,.-had several discussions with-our African ministers, and spoke at the funeral of Brother Tonyela, an elder in Brother Leve's congregation. Brother Leve is starting a new church in Kwazakeie, and Brother Kaptein's is working with the Colored areas of Korsten and Gelvandale. We really need another missionary who can work full-time among the Africans here.
We are continuing our church work here in Rowallan Park. Our Bible School now has 3 classes tau^t by Nancy, myself and John Vickers. Eimday mornings I am preaching on Thessalonians, and evenings on "The Life of Christ." Our Bible Study is on the book of Hebrews. We are now sending out personal letters to all the people of Rowallan Park inviting them to become a part of this work. I am also continuing our studies in Humewood, and this week, Lord willing, begin Bible
Classes at the Y.M.C.A.

As the Lord directs we hope to reach out into still other suburbs with the Word of God. In Dec ember we are planning another trip to Cape Town for a missionary retreat and to hold a Revival Meeting for the V/ynberg Ch\irch. On our last ilp I spoke at Uynberg,made calls in Observatory and preached at their "CHRIST-MY LORD" campaign,

I want to ask each of you who reads this to reiaember our labors here in prayer, not just generally but specifically and directly. Make it your personal obligation to spend five minutes each day praying earnestly for the spread of the gospel here in South Africa. The forces of evil are at work in tills troublous world of ours, but Christians believe that God's power is greater. You believe this, and we ask you to pray that the power of His Spirit shall be manifested in a mighty
way_among.-the. people ofsauth Africa. Please do not .let us down in this, but pray without fail, .... and may the grace of our Lord be with you ail. , . . , . , Your missionaries and your friends, Carroll and Nancy Pulford





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