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CBSE TEST PAPER-03 CLASS - XII PHYSICS (Unit Current Electricity)

Ans 01. For a particular length and area of cross-section , The resistance is directly proportionate to, specific resistance . silver is the best conductor because its specific resistance is less. The conductivity decreases with the increase in temperature.

Ans 02.

Ans 03.

n resistors connected in series X = nR ----------------1) n Resistors connected in parallel R Y= ----------------2) n Multiply eg. (1) & (2) R XY = nR n XY = R2



Ans. 4

For a conductor of length l and area A if (E2) electric field is applied, Then the digit velocity of electrons is given by eE vd = m Since I = neAv d

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eE ) m eV I = neA ( ) ml V ml = 2 I ne A

I = neA (

( E = v/ )


m l ne 2 A

(V / I = R )

or R =

ml ne2 A

Ans 05.

E1 E2 = K250 ---------- (1) E1 +E2 = K400 ----------- (2) Adding eg. (1) &(2) 2E1 = 250K+ 400K 2E1 = 250K + 400K 2E1 = 650K 650 E1 = K 2 E1 = 325 K ----- (3) Subtracting eg. (1) & (2) E2 = 75K E 325 K 1= E2 75K =>
E1 =4.33 E2

Ans 06.

Here P , Q , R are known resistance and X is an unknown resistance. Applying kirchoffs law for closed path ABDA . I1P + I3 G I2 R = 0 ------ (1) For closed path BCDB (I1 I3) Q ( I2+I3) -I3G ------(2)

Now the bridge is said to be balanced when no current flows through the galvanometer Ig = 0
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Eg. (1) & (2) becomes I1P = I2R

B P I3 I1 A I2 R I D G X I 2+ I 3 I1-I K1 C

I1 R -------- (3) = I2 P
I1, Q = I2 X
I1 X ----------- (4) = I2 Q

Equating (3) & (4) R X RQ = => X = P Q P

I 1 1 = + 1 R1 1 1 =2 R1

Ans 07.

=>R1 =

R2 =

R = R1 + R2 =>


1 1 + 2 2

=>R = 1

Now 1 , R and 1 are in parallel 1 1 1 1 => = + + Rnet 1 1 1 1 = 31 => Rnet = 1 3 Rnet E 1 I= = = 3 3 = 1A 1 2 R+r 3+ 3

I = 1A

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Ans 08. (a) Kirchoffs first law it states that the algebraic sum of the currents meeting at a point in an electrical circuit is always zero. => i1 i2 + i3 i4 i5 i6 = 0 Kirhoffs second law it states that in any closed part of an electrical circuit , the algebraic sum of emf & is equal to the algebraic sum of the products of resistances and current flowing through them for eg. For closed path ABCA R1 I1 R3I3 + R2I2 E1+E2 = 0 Or E1 E2 = R1 I 1 R 3 I 3 + R2 I 2 (b) Applying kirchoffs law at point -D I1 = I2 + I3 For closed path ABDA 2I1 + 1 2 + I1 + 3I2 = 0 3I1 + 3I2 1 = 0 3I1 + 3I2 = 1 ----------- (2) For closed path DBCD 3I2 1 I3 3I3 + 3 = 0 3I2 4I3 + 2 = 0 Or 4I3 3I2 2 = 0 4I3 3I2 = 2 -------------(3) Solving eg. (1) , (2) & (3) 13 2 I1 = A , I2 = A and I3 = 511 A 33 33

i6 i5 i4

i1 i2 i3

E1 R1 I1

B R2 I2 R3 I3 C

A E2

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