Fulford Carroll 1992 SAfrica

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MLSSiOiJftiCV: Carroll fulM






Cf\P TevJi^
Mmv, Ma
At a newly established



congregation, now meeting in the Aloe Road Primary School in LENTEGEUR, I have been called to preach


every second Lord's Day.

My messages have been "ALL THINGS NEW,"


At GREENHAVEN last month I brought a message on "THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT." We are one body in Christ, and we are members of each other. The church is not an organization; it is a living organism; and it is SINGULARI! We are not separate entities we are one in the spirit and so we are parts of one another. This

is truly mind-boggling, and it explains why a Christian can go anywhere in the worl^,
and s t i l l find those who are one with him.

In PORTLAND on Monday evenings we are continuing our study of "REVELATION'.'

week we looked at the 7 TRUMPETS.


In the Scripture the Trumpet refers to a sound

of warning. The warnings here in Revelation center around the. decrease of trees, sinking of ships, poisoning of fish, pollution of rivers, pollution of air, dis tortion of the minds of the wicked by demons, and the death of a third of mankind by

a terrible world-wide plague.

Medical scientists, only a few years ago, were telling

us that we are so advanced now that this couldn't happen, but that was before Aids.

At HAZELDENE on Tuesdays I am bringing lessons on "THE GOSPEL OF JOHN." In John 17 we heard Jesus pray that God may help us to realize that he loves each one of us just as much as he loves his son almost unbelievable, but it must be true, because
if it were not true, God would never have sent his son to die for usi

In my summary of the Scriptures, which I hope to call HILITES of the HOLY WORD, I am now completing the Old Testament, and working on a brief description of the period
between the Testaments.

Recently Martha and I accompanied a church group from MITCHELL'S PLAIN on a bus trip
to CARMEL, a Christian Guest Farm near GEORGE overlooking Victoria Bay.
farm, a lesson on my ALPHA-OMEGA Bible Chart.

It-was my

privilege to bring a message there, and also to share with Andrew, the leader of the
Bradley, Martha's son, is preparing for a course of study on Marketing Management at a Technical College and is hoping to go to Australia to join his father. My son, Timothy, is planning to marry in October. He is in Wisconsin, and Martha and I will be going over for the wedding. Lord willing. This will not be a furlough, as such, but we do hope to see some of you personally, while there particularly those of you who so faithfully pray for us and support the Lord's work here in Cape Town. We
do so much appreciate you, as well as Bryce and Judy, our Forwarding Agents. My elder daughter Jo announced her engagement just before performing here at the
Constantia Fair. She lives in Johannesburg. My younger daughter, Darrin just

phoned from California this week to say that she is engaged and planning to marry in 2 years time. When I said, "I'd better start saving now," she replied, "You"d better you're going to be performing the wedding ceremony!" This afternoon Martha and I signed the deed for our new home in EDGEMEAD. It is very centrally situated, and we are most than||[ul to the Lord for leading us to it.
In LANSDOWNE last night we met in the home of a Christian sister who is dying of
cancer. I told how the Lord Jesus loved us so much that he died in order to give

us victory over death. It's my prayer that you may always know his love for you.


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"SURPRISE! SURPRISE!" And i t was indeed.

The first surprise was when I saw a whole bunch of Ancient



'Roman citizens in front of me, and the second surprise was when I saw that I myself was an Ancient Roman citizen. Having been driven half-way across the Cape Peninsula blind-folded by Martha, I had no idea where I was or what was happening. The Ancient Romans turned out to be our church study group, and my birthday party was a great
time of inspiration and fellowship together.

At LENTEGEUR (Spring Fragrance) new spiritual life is budding. Three weeks of daily meetings are being held, emphasizing: CHRISTIAN GROWTH, FAITH IN ACTION, and PERSONAL
EVANGELISM. I have been called on to speak at each week's sessions. My message this week was- on Habokkuko God said to him: "The wicked man is committed only to himself,

and will fail. The righteous man is committed to me, and will find life," message in the series will be: "FISHERS OF MEN," Lord willing.

My next

GREENHAVEN has asked me to bring a message this Lord's Day. The subject FAITH FOR OUR TIME. It is such a blessing to meet with these people, who are so filled with the spirit that they even sing with heavenly music. They meet in a school classroom, which
gives me the chance to use the blackboard for Bible lessons.

My trip to the USA has unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the fact that Timothy's wedding has been called off. I regret the change of plans, and am very sorry that we
will not be able to see those people whom we had hoped to see.

In PORTLAND, at the Anglican church, I am bringing weekly studies on the HOLY SPIRIT. We are now in the New Testament. On going through the Book of Acts we got into a number of scriptures linking the Holy Spirit with baptism and salvation. There were many
questions and lively discussions.

God really works in strange and wonderful ways! Now they have called on me to preach at a special Wednesday night Service for the whole congregation. In the HAZELDENE.area this Wednesday, I brought a message on prophecies relating to the
return of our Lord, We do not know when our Lord will return, but we can tell that

the time of his coming is drawing near.

We need to be alert and prepared.

Martha, Bradley and I have recently moved into a new home. Our address is 16 Savoye Close, Edgemead 7441, SOUTH AFRICA. Our phone number is (021) 587977. It is across from an open area with grass and trees, and has a lovely view of Table Mountain. Bradley is currently taking a course in MARKETING MANAGEMENT at Technical College. My Summary of the Scriptures, called HI-LITES of the BIBLE, has now reached the Gospel of MARK. I have received a reply from J. S. Baxter, whom I asked for permission to use some of his material in my introductions to the Bible Books, and he has asked for
more particulars, which I am planning to forward to him shortly.

To all of you who are praying for this ministry, and assisting in any way, my warmest and deepest thanks. It is by your prayers and your support that we are able to continue this work. In our turn we pray that God will bless~you richly, and guide you
in all you do.
With much love in the name of Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior,

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