Food Milk Products

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FOOD Milk Products:

Cuajada Huevos Lcteo Leche Leche completa (entera) Leche condensada Leche cuajada Leche desnatada Leche en polvo Leche evaporada Leche semidesnatada Mantequilla Nata Productos lcteos Queso Queso azul Queso bola Queso crema Queso de oveja Queso de untar Queso manchego Queso parmesano Requesn Yogur Yogur desnatado Curd Eggs Milky ; Lacteous Milk Full-creammilk ; Wholemilk Condensed milk Curdled milk Skim milk ; Skimmed milk Powdered milk Evaporated milk Semi-skimmedmilk Butter Freshcream Dairy produce ; Milkproducts Cheese Blue cheese Edam Creamcheese Sheeps cheese Cheese spread Sheeps milk cheese made in La Mancha Parmesan cheese Cottage cheese Yoghurt Low-fat yoghurt

Meat Products:
Beicon Carne Carne blanca Carne bovina Carne de carnero Carne de cerdo Carne de cordero Carne de gallina Carne de ternera Carne de venado Carne magra Carne picada Carne roja Carne sin hueso Chorizo Codorniz Costilla Embutido Fiambre Higado Jamn Jamn dulce ; Jamn cocido ; Jamn York Jamn serrano Mortadela Pat Pato Pavo Pollo Salchicha Salchichn Bacon Meat White meat Beef Mutton Pork Lamb Chicken Veal Venison Lean meat Mince ; Ground meat Red meat Boned meat Hard pork sausage Quail Cutlet Sausage Cold ; Served cold Liver Ham Boiled ham Parma ham Mortadella Pt Duck Turkey Chicken Sausage Salami type sausage

Almendra Almendra tostada Alubia ; Habichuela Avellana Cacahuete Castaa Frutos secos Garbanzos Guisantes secos Habas secas Higo seco Kiko Legumbres Legumbres secas Lenteja Nuez de Brasil Nuez de nogal Pasa Pasa de Corinto Pipa Pistacho Almond Toasted almond Kidney bean Hazel nut Peanut Chest nut Dry fruits, nuts Chick peas Dried peas Dried broad beans Dried fig Toasted maize Legume Dried legumes Lentil Brazil nut Wal nut Raisin Currant Sun flower seed Pistachio

Ajo Alcachofa Apio Batata ; Moniato Berro Brcol Calabacn Calabaza Cebolla Cebolleta Coliflor Endivia Escarola Esprrago Espinaca Guisante Haba Hortalizas ; Verduras Lechuga Nabo Patata Pepino Perejil Pimiento Pimiento morrn Puerro Rbano Rbano picante Seta ; Hongo Tomate Zanahoria Garlic Artichoke Celery Sweet potato Cress ; Water cress Broccoli Marrow Pumpkin Onion Chive Cauliflower Endive Curly endive ; Chicory Asparagus Spinach Pea Broad bean Vegetables Lettuce Turnip Potato Cucumber Parsley Pepper Sweetpepper Leek Radish Horseradish Mushroom Tomato Carrot

Agua mineral Agua tnica Batido Batido de fruta Beber Bebida sin alcohol Bebidas Brandy Caf Caf americano Caf con leche Caf cortado Caf descafeinado Caf en grano Caf expres Caf instantneo ; Caf soluble Caf molido Caf solo Caf torrefacto Cerveza Cerveza de barril Cerveza de malta Cerveza embotellada Cerveza negra Cerveza rubia Champn Chocolate caliente Cctel Gaseosa ; Limonada Ginebra Infusin de hierbas Jugo ; Zumo Leche Mineral water Tonic water Milk shake Fruit shake To drink Non-alcoholic drink Drinks Brandy Coffee Large black coffee White coffee ; Coffee with milk (U.K.) ; Coffee with cream (USA) Coffee with a dash of milk Decaffeinated coffee Coffee beans Espresso coffee Instant coffee Ground coffee Black coffee Roasted coffee Beer Draught beer (U.K.) ; Draft beer (USA) Malt beer Bottled beer Stout Lager Champagne Hot chocolate Cocktail Lemonade Gin Herbal tea Juice Milk

Licor (bebida dulce) Licores Mosto Naranjada Refresco Refresco de cola Ron Sidra Soda T T con leche T con limn T de menta Tener sed Una caa de cerveza Vermut Vino Vino aejo Vino blanco Vino corriente Vino de la casa Vino de Malaga Vino de mesa Vino de postre Vino de reserva Vino de solera Vino del ao Vino pelen Vino tinto Vodka Whisky ; Gisqui Zumo de frutas Zumo de naranja

Liqueur Spirits (U.K.) ; Liquor (USA) Grape juice ; Must Orange squash (U.K.) ; Orange ade (USA) Soft drink Cola Rum Cider Soda water Tea Tea with milk Tea with lemon Mint tea To be thirsty A glass of beer ; A pint of beer Vermouth Wine Mature wine White wine Ordinary wine House wine Malaga wine Table wine Dessert wine Reserve Vintagewine New wine ; Wine for early drinking Cheapwine Red wine Vodka Whisky, whiskey Fruit juice Orange juice

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