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The exam is closed book, closed notes, no calculators, PDAs, cell phones, electronic devices of any kind etc. You are responsible for any and all material covered in class, recitations, homework assignments or reading in the book up to and including Priority Queues (but not Huffman coding). The homeworks are an excellent indicator of the types of questions you will see on the exam. Below are some sample questions, but this does not cover every topic! 1. Singly Linked Lists can be implemented with the Node classes and methods below public class Node { // Instance variables: private Object element; private Node next; // Simple constructors: public Node() { this(null, null); } public Node(Object e, Node n) { element = e; next = n; } // Accessor methods: Object getElement() { return element; } Node getNext() { return next; } // Modifier methods: void setElement(Object newElem) { element = newElem; } void setNext(Node newNext) { next = newNext; } }

Assume you have a linked list of Nodes that DOES NOT use an empty header Node. Write a method public Node reverse( Node P) that reverses the order of the Linked List whose rst node is P. The method will return a node which is the new rst node of the list. 2. Write a recursive Java method public Boolean sameStack(stack s1, stack s2) to test whether two stacks contain the same elements. The elements stored in the stack are integers. The function will return true if

the stacks contain the same elements and false otherwise. No points will be given for an iterative solution. You may use the standard stack methods listed below in your method, and dont worry about how the class stack is implemented.

// // // //

void push( Object x ) Object pop( ) boolean isEmpty( ) boolean isFull( )

--> Insert x --> Remove most recently inserted item --> Return true if empty; else false --> Return true if full; else false

3. Prove by induction that the number of leaf nodes in a perfect binary tree of height k is 2k . 4. Analyze the running time of binary search and show it is O(LogN ) 5. Write a java program to solve the towers of hanoi problem. Also, give a recurrence relation which describes the algorithms cost, and solve the recurrence to compute the time complexity. 6. Given the postx expression 6 3 + 8 4 , describe in English a stack algorithm that can be used to evalute this expression. 7. Given the inx expression: (5 (4 + 3 2) 4 6) a)Draw an expression tree for the expression, b) Write the prex equivalent of the expression and c) Write the postx equivalent of the expression 8. Outline an algorithm to evaluate an expression tree (pseudocode) and return the expressions numeric value. 9. Write a Java Method to: Given a list of unique integers is stored in a Doubly Linked List (in no particular order). Given a pointer to the rst node in the list, delete the node containing the integer x, and return a pointer to the rst node. public DLNode deleteNode(DLNode rst, int x ) . Remember that a doubly linked list Node has this format: class DLNode { private int element; private DLNode next, prev; DLNode() { this(null, null, null); } DLNode(int e, DLNode p, DLNode n) { element = e; next = n; prev = p; } void setElement(int newElem) { element = newElem; } void setNext(DLNode newNext) { next = newNext; } void setPrev(DLNode newPrev) { prev = newPrev; } int getElement() { return element; } DLNode getNext() { return next; } DLNode getPrev() { return prev; } }

10. Write a recursive Java method ChildSwap(treeNode t) that will take a pointer to a binary tree t and swap the left and right children of every node of the tree. 11. Given a pointer t to the root of a binary tree, ll in the height of each nodes left and right subtrees. Store the height in each node as shown below. Note: the height of a subtree that is null can be represented as -1. class Treenode{ . Object data; Treenode left,right; int lheight,rheight; . } 12. Show the trees that result from the following sequence of insertions into an AVL search tree: 100 700 400 50 20 800 900 750 500 550. You may assume you have templates for the rotations needed at your disposal (i.e. Figs. 4.31, 4.33, 4.35 and 4.36) 13. Given the following orders of traversal of a binary tree, recreate the tree: Postorder: G,D,B,H,I,E,F,C,A Inorder: D,G,B,A,H,E,I,C,F 14. Write a recursive Java method to test whether an binary tree satisifes the AVL balance condition. The method should return true if the tree is AVL balanced and false otherwise. Assume a standard treenode with left and right child pointers. Make sure you include code for any helper methods you use. public boolean isAVLBalanced( treenode root) 15. Write a Java method to number the nodes of a binary tree in level-order. Level order numbering numbers the nodes from the root to the leaves by increasing depth in the tree, left to right.

16. Given a typical Heap: public MyBinaryHeap( int capacity ) { currentSize = 0; array = new Comparable[ capacity + 1 ]; } Write an insert(Object X) method for the heap. 17. Below is a short listing of some student and class data for fall registration. Name Courses Smith CS 3137 CS 4107 CS 3251 CS 3823 Jones CS 3137 CS 4111 CS 3062 CS 3823 Pellet CS 1007 CS 4107 CS 3823 Farmer CS 1007 CS 4111 CS 4241 CS 3823 Powell CS 3062 CS 4241 CS 3137 CS 1007 Kelly CS 3107 CS 4107 CS 3251 CS 3823 Chen CS 3137 CS 4111 CS 3062 CS 3823 Maran CS 1007 CS 3107 CS 3823 Boos CS 3137 CS 4107 CS 4241 CS 3823 Larmer CS 3062 CS 4241 CS 3251 CS 1007 Describe (dont program!) the data structures you would create so that an administrator could print out a list of each student and his/her classes, and a list of students in each class. Using the data structures you implemented above, describe how a Drop/Add program would work. Input to the drop/add would be as below: Name Drop/Add Course Kelly Drop CS 3823 Kelly Add CS 4111 Maran Drop CS 3823 Powell Add CS 3824 Maran Drop CS 3107 Maran Drop CS 1007

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