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Press Release

September 22, 2008

More honors for Henkel Communications

Henkel Wins 2008 German PR Award

Nowadays every corporate entity has to deal with the question o what kind o contri!ution it makes to the success o the company concerned" #ommunications departments are no e$ception" %t is incum!ent upon them to provide evidence o the value added !y their communications activities to overall !usiness per ormance" Henkel&s international corporate communications have consistently met the associated criteria with tan'i!le success" And this was also apparently the opinion o the (ury (ud'in' the 2008 PR Awards) !ecause it chose Henkel as the out*and*out winner o the cate'ory entitled +Addin' ,alue with #ommunications-" .he German PR Awards count amon' the most presti'ious accolades in the country&s communications industry" Dsseldorf/ Wiesbaden !n times of e"er scarcer resources for bud#ets and personnel, the demands on cost efficienc$ in corporate communications are also becomin# e"er stricter% &mon# other thin#s, Corporate Communications departments are ha"in# to e"idence their real contribution to "alue added% Corporate Communications at Henkel has "er$ much succeeded in precisel$ this endea"or% '(ou can, of course, tr$ to put a "alue on e"er$thin#, but measurin# e"er$ sin#le acti"it$ is terribl$ inefficient% !t is the abilit$ to relate the tar#ets of communication to the compan$)s strate#ic ob*ecti"es, combined +ith the de"elopment of appropriate ke$ performance indicators, that makes the "alue added b$ communications properl$ measurable and reco#ni,able,- e.plains /rnst 0rimosch, Corporate 1ice 0resident and Head of Corporate Communications at Henkel% Henkel +as able to impress the *ur$ *ud#in# this $ear)s 02 &+ards of the 'Deutsche 0ublic 2elations 3esellschaft- +ith its #lobal communications control and accountabilit$ re#ime, comin# first in the cate#or$ '&ddin# 1alue +ith Communications-% 4he 3erman 02 a+ards count amon# the most presti#ious in the national communications industr$ and attracted 256 entries in this $ear alone% 'We are especiall$ deli#hted to ha"e +on this particular cate#or$,- emphasi,es /rnst 0rimosch, addin#7 '! sincerel$ hope that the old 'e"aluation b$ #ut feelin#- approach is no+ #one fore"er and that +e +ill start to see the "alue of strate#ic communications mana#ement also bein# ackno+led#ed and reflected in the te.t books%-

Henkel &3 8 Co% 93a&, Corporate Communications

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4he international Corporate Communications di"ision at Henkel has succeeded o"er recent $ears in de"elopin# from an internal ser"ice;pro"ider to a strate#ic business partner% <ollo+in# the sale of the compan$)s classic chemicals operation in 200:, there follo+ed a phase of corporate reali#nment to+ard brands and technolo#ies% 4his laid the foundation for effecti"el$ stren#thenin# the Henkel corporate brand and the establishment of an appropriate brand mana#ement capabilit$% Henkel)s +orld+ide communications structure +as increasin#l$ professionali,ed +ith this strate#ic reali#nment process and e.tended to co"er 50 different countries% 4his in turn re=uired the establishment of a #lobal strate#ic control and cost mana#ement approach% !nitiall$, the pre"iousl$ purel$ national control of countr$ communications bud#ets +as centrali,ed on a #lobal scale% 4hen the t+o strate#ic mana#ement tools of the Strate#$ Map and the >alanced Scorecard ?>SC@ +ere implemented as co#ent methods of measurin# personal tar#et attainment for indi"idual communications mana#ers and as a basis for bud#et and pro*ect plannin# for indi"idual countries% Moreo"er, achie"ement of communications tar#ets and adherence to specified minimum standards in communication are continuall$ monitored and e"aluated at Henkel on the basis of re#ular reports submitted b$ the countries throu#hout the $ear% 2008 a year o communications success Henkel)s communications +ork this $ear has alread$ #arnered a number of accolades% <or its lon#;term communications strate#$ relatin# to its corporate brand, Henkel +as honored +ith the reno+ned 02 2eport &+ard in &pril% 4his +as in reco#nition of the s$stematic strate#$ applied in order to establish and enhance the Henkel corporate brand on a lon#; term, #lobal scale% &nd in Ma$ this $ear, Henkel +on the 3erman &+ard for >usiness Communication ?Deutscher 0reis fr Wirtschaftskommunikation or D0W9@ in the cate#or$ '>est Communication of >rand 0olic$-% 4he D0W9 has se"en cate#ories, +ith the associated a+ards bein# #i"en in reco#nition of the most inno"ati"e and effecti"e communication acti"ities implemented b$ 3erman companies%

<or more than :A0 $ears, Henkel has been a leader +ith brands and technolo#ies that make peopleBs li"es easier, better and more beautiful% Henkel operates in three business areas Home Care, 0ersonal Care, and &dhesi"e 4echnolo#ies and is ranked amon# the <ortune 3lobal 600 companies% More than 50 percent of Henkel)s sales are in consumer #oods, +hile the industrial business accounts for almost C0 percent of the compan$)s total sales% !n fiscal 200D, Henkel #enerated sales of :A,0DC million euros and operatin# profit of :,ACC million euros% Eur more than 66,000 emplo$ees +orld+ide are dedicated to fulfillin# our corporate claim, F& >rand like a <riend,F and ensurin# that people in more than :26 countries can trust in brands and technolo#ies from Henkel% <urther material is a"ailable at http/00www"henkel"com0press #ontact

Henkel &3 8 Co% 93a&, Corporate Communications

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Gars Witteck 4el% <a. HCI 2:: DID ; 2505 HCI 2:: DI8 ; I208

Dorothee &dam 4el% <a. HCI 2:: DID ; I256 HCI 2:: DI8 ; I208

Henkel &3 8 Co% 93a&

Head of Corporate Communications /rnst 0rimosch, Corporate 1ice 0resident

Henkel &3 8 Co% 93a&, Corporate Communications

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