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Let Us Alone!

The Cry of Demons

Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons

John Eckhardt

Crusaders Ministries
Chicago, Illinois

Unless otherwise indicated, all scriptural quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.

Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons Published by: Crusaders Ministries P. . Bo! "#$$, Chicago, Illinois %&%'& I(B) $*''+,#"*&-*%

Copyright . $,,- by /ohn 0c1hardt 2ll rights reser3ed. 4eproduction of te!t in whole or in part without the e!press written consent by the author is not permitted and is unlawful according to the $,"% United (tates Copyright 2ct.

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$ 0!posing 8he 0nemy........................................................................" # Identifying 5emons........................................................................$+ ;ittle By ;ittle<Progressi3e 5eli3erance....................................#: =hat>s In 2 )ame?.........................................................................#,


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons

Exposing The Enemy

Chapter 1

And there was in their synagogue a man with an unclean A spirit and he cried out! "aying! LET U" AL#$E what ha%e we to do with thee! thou &esus of $a'areth( Mar) 1*+,!+-

s I was meditating on this 3erse of (cripture, the ;ord began to deal with me concerning the words spo1en by this unclean spirit. 8he cry of this spirit is the cry of all demons: @;08 U( 2; )0.@ 8hey don>t li1e to be disturbed. 5emons would rather do their wor1 without being noticed or e!posedA and they definitely don>t li1e to be identified and cast out. 5emons resist e!posure and will resist anyone who attempts to bring the light of 7od upon their hidden wor1s. 8here are many well meaning Christians, including ministers, who feel it is not necessary to discuss or teach on demons and deli3erance. In most churches, 3ery little Bif anyC time is used to teach and minister in the areas of deli3erance and spiritual warfare. 2nd those who do spend any considerable amount of time tal1ing about demons are considered @o3erboard@ and @deli3erance fanatics@. 2t any rate, I do agree that any truth can be taught in such a way that it becomes e!treme. Dowe3er, considering the massi3e scale of the problem of demoniEation, the opposite is often the case: there is usually not enough teaching in this area. (ome unconsciously fall into the trap of the enemy by ;02FI)7 DIM 2; )0. If demons are left alone, they will continue to operate unhindered in the li3es of

Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons countless indi3iduals. 8he fact remains that demons cannot and should not be left alone. 8hey must be e!posed and cast out. 8eaching on demons is not optional but necessary if people are to be deli3ered. Until we began to teach and preach on demons and deli3erance, we did not see people deli3ered the way we do today in our local church. =e were told the teaching was unnecessary. =e were told we were spending too much time tal1ing about demons. But the more we taught and preached in this area, the more manifestations we encountered and the more people we saw set free. f course the demons hated being e!posed and cast out, Gust as they did when our ;ord ministered on the earth. 8hey screamed, cursed, and cried out. (ome e3en said the same words found in our te!t: Let Us Alone. But the more they cried out, the more we attac1ed and cast them out. 8eaching on demons and deli3erance disturbs e3il spirits and causes them to manifest. 8he words of these e3il spirits to /esus gi3e us a clue to the mindset of the enemy. That is! demons "ould rather #e left alone. 8hey will resist anyone who tries to e!pose them. )ot only that, they ha3e a special hatred against deli3erance ministries because so much light is shed on their demonic wor1s by these ministries. 2ccording to 0phesians, chapter % and 3erse $#, demons are identified as @rulers of the dar1ness of this world@. 4ulership denotes authority. In other words, the le3el of authority that demons ha3e to operate is based upon the dar1ness in a person>s life. 8he more dar1ness, the more authority they ha3e to operate. =hen re3elation comes concerning their wor1, light comes. =hen light comes the dar1ness is dispelled, and their power is bro1en. Hou can see why demons would rather be left alone. If left

Exposing The Enemy alone, they can continue their e3il wor1s in the li3es of countless people. 2s long as people are in the dar1 concerning (atan and his wor1s, demons will continue to rule in the dar1ness. It is the responsibility of the Church to e!pose the wor1s of dar1ness, and set the capti3es free. Unfortunately, many ministers of the 7ospel don>t want to deal with the subGect of demons and deli3erance. n the other hand, those who deal e!tensi3ely with this subGect are called @deli3erance fanatics@ or @demon chasers@. Most ministers say that all we need to do is @preach /esus@ or @preach Iaith@. 2lthough I am not against @preaching /esus@ or @preaching Iaith,@ I also find @preach 5eli3erance to the capti3es@ in the word of 7od B;u1e ::$'C. 8herefore, I don>t mind being called a @5eli3erance Preacher@. /esus was a @5eli3erance Preacher@. De cast out @M2)H de3ils@ BMar1 %:$+C. 8oday, most ministers cast out fe", if any de3ils. Many don>t want to deal with this aspect of the ministry of our ;ord. 8he result is that a few ministries are o3erburdened with the enormous needs of those see1ing deli3erance. By the grace of 7od they are able to help many, but sadly the needs of many others go unmet. 8he saddest commentary on numerous ministries is that they oppose those who will ta1e the time to pray for the needs of those see1ing deli3erance. 8his opposition is usually demonically inspired. ften, those who oppose preaching and teaching on demons and deli3erance are the 3ery ones in need of deli3erance themsel3es. 8hey are un1nowingly playing into the hands of those 3ery demons who would rather be left alone. (tatements such as @=e don>t need to tal1 about the de3il@, or @I don>t belie3e it ta1es all thatA Gust preach the =ord and they will get deli3ered,@ are Gust what the enemy li1es to hear. 8he less you discuss and attac1 his 1ingdom, the more he will be able to operate under the co3er of dar1ness.

Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons But the ;ord is raising up ministries that will not @;02F0 8D0M 2; )0.@ Men and women who will challenge, confront, e!pose, and cast out demons. 8hey will not be afraid of the misunderstanding and persecution that comes with this ministry. 8hey will not draw bac1 from the attac1s of the enemy who hates and resists any ministry that e!poses and destroys his 1ingdom. 8hey will bring light into a world that sits in @gross dar1ness@ BIsaiah %&:#C.

.gnorance .s Dar)ness
2 lac1 of 1nowledge leads to blindness and dar1ness. (atan rules in the li3es of many because of ignorance. Ignorance concerning his wor1 and 1ingdom is the co3er of dar1ness his demons operate under. 8his is why teaching on demons and deli3erance is so necessary. =ithout the 1nowledge of demons and deli3erance, the enemy will continue to destroy the li3es of multitudes due to ignorance. 8hose who are ignorant are in the dar1. 8hose who are in the dar1 are under the authority of the enemy. De is the ruler of dar1ness. 8hose who wal1 in the light will not be subGect to his authority. ;ight destroys dar1ness. 9nowledge destroys ignorance. =hen 1nowledge comes, light comesA and when light comes, the dar1ness must flee.
///0ut through )nowledge shall the 1ust 0e deli%ered/ 2ro%er0s 11*3

9nowledge brings deli3erance. I ha3e 1nown people who began manifesting Bi.e., e!hibiting signs of demonic presenceC and supernaturally recei3ed deli3erance from e3il spirits Gust by reading deli3erance boo1s. 8he light and re3elation in the subGect matter of the boo1s began to e!pose the spirits of dar1ness, and the demons began to cry out, @;et Us 2loneJ@ 8hen there are others who get headaches or are o3ercome by sleepiness and other hindrances because the demons did not


Exposing The Enemy want them reading @those boo1s@. 03il spirits will put up e3ery possible roadbloc1 to 1eep people from recei3ing the 1nowledge that will set them free. (ome ha3e e3en become physically sic1 while attempting to read a boo1 on deli3erance or attend a deli3erance ser3ice for the first time. =e ha3e e3en had people who could not find our church building e3en though they had the correct address and 1new the area of location. 8he bottom line is that demons want to be left alone. 8hey don>t li1e being disturbed. 03erything was alright until /esus began to minister and cast them out. 8he religious system of that day had not disturbed them. 8he preaching and teaching of the Pharisees and (adducees did not disturb them. But the preaching and teaching of /esus infuriated them. De e!posed them and cast them out. 8hey hated the ministry of /esus and mounted e3ery concei3able pressure against Dim to stop Dim. 8he Pharisees Bmoti3ated by demonsC e3en accused /esus of casting out de3ils by BeelEebub, the prince of de3ils BMatthew $#:#:C. 8he religious system of Dis day hated Dim because they were controlled by the spirits of dar1ness, whose 1ingdom /esus was destroying. It is not surprising then that demons will oppose and fight against any ministry that e!poses (atan and his 1ingdom. 2ny ministry that will teach on demons and deli3erance will become a target for the enemy. (atan hates being disturbed and fights against those who will not ;02F0 DIM 2; )0. /ust as /esus was persecuted, so will you be persecuted. But the Goy of seeing so many people set free outweighs the persecution. 8he Goy of 1nowing your name is written in the ;amb>s Boo1 of ;ife is worth more than all the suffering. It is the will of the ;ord for Dis church to e!pose the wor1s of dar1ness. De has already prophesied that the gates of hell "ill not $re%ail against us. ur 3ictory is assured. De has not gi3en us the spirit of fear, but of power, of lo3e and of a sound mindA and nothing shall by


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons any means hurt us.

.s not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt! saying! LET U" AL#$E! that we may ser%e the Egyptians( Exodus 1-*1+

8he Debrews are saying the same thing to Moses that the demons said to /esus, @;08 U( 2; )0J@ 8hese people were being moti3ated by the spirits of bondage, sla3ery, and fear to say, @;et Us 2loneJ@ I ha3e prayed for many people and heard the demons spea1 out of them saying, @;et him aloneA he belongs to us@ or @5on>t touch himA he>s ours.@ ften when we lay our hands on someone for deli3erance, the demons manifest and react angrily saying, Let Us Alone! 8hey will curse, rant and ra3e because you are brea1ing up their networ1 inside of the person you are praying for. =e ha3e also seen people a3oid deli3erance altogether or get up and lea3e when you tal1 about demons, because they want to be left alone. (ome people will ha3e all 1inds of e!cuses when it is time to pray in order to a3oid the prayer of deli3erance. (ome will tal1 about their problems but resist when it comes time to pray. People who need deli3erance often withdraw from others and become isolated. 8he enemy will attempt to isolate them by 1eeping them away from the saints, fellowship, prayer and deli3erance ser3ices. (pirits of "ithdra"al and esca$ism are good at this and must be bound so that the person may be freed. =hen people don>t want to be @bothered@ or prayed for, and li1e being @left alone@, it could be a tactic of the enemy to isolate them in order to 1eep them away from deli3erance. In the boo1 of ;u1e Bchapter $&C, the se3enty returned to /esus reGoicing that the de3ils were subGect to them through Dis )ame. 2fter reminding them that their reason for reGoicing should be because their names are written in hea3en, /esus than1ed the Iather that De had hid these things from the wise


Exposing The Enemy and prudent, and re%ealed them @unto babes.@ 8his is e!actly what the ministry of deli3erance is<it is a 4e3elation. 8he fact is: &ot e%eryone "ill "alk in this re%elation. nly those who are humble and wal1 as babes will see and practice it.


.dentifying Demons

Chapter +

ome argue that we should not tal1 about the de3il and demons. Dowe3er, one of the first things we need to do in order to teach belie3ers how to cast out de3ils is to locate where the de3il is. 5emons are good at hiding and if they are not detected, they will remain safe in their place of residence. =hen you begin to identify the acti3ity of demon spirits, it is amaEing how many de3ils you will end up casting out.
4or we wrestle not against flesh and 0lood! 0ut against principalities! against powers! against the rulers of the dar)ness of this world! against spiritual wic)edness in high places/ Ephesians 5*1+

)otice that e3il spirits are called rulers of the darkness of this "orld. 8his means their authority is dependent upon the amount of dar1ness present. 8he more spiritual dar1ness and ignorance e!ists, the more they can rule in that area. Identifying demons is destructi3e to their 1ingdom because it B4I)7( ;I7D8 into the situation. Identification destroys their co3er of dar1ness. It brings them out of hiding, and e!poses them. I ha3e heard some say you don>t ha3e to call demons by their different names. Don't talk a#out the de%il. Just ignore him! and kee$ your eyes on Jesus. 8his sounds good, but it is e!actly what demons want you to belie3e. I ha3e found that churches that won>t teach on deli3erance and demons, or teach about the different 1inds of e3il spirits, don>t usually cast out many de3ils. 8his is because demons are able to hide under the co3er of dar1ness when they are not identified and called out.


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons

And ha%e no fellowship with the unfruitful wor)s of dar)ness! 0ut rather repro%e them/ 4or it is a shame e%en to spea) of those things which are done of them in secret/ 6ut all things that are repro%ed are made manifest 0y the light* for whatsoe%er doth ma)e manifest is light/ Ephesians 7*1181,

8hese 3erses e!plain what we are doing when we identify e3il spirits. =e are repro3ing them. 8he word re$ro%e means to e!pose. 8hings that are repro3ed Be!posedC are made manifest by the light. =e are causing those e3il spirits that are hiding and ruling under the co3er of dar1ness to be e!posed and made manifest. 8his is why there are so many manifestations after you teach on deli3erance and e!pose the wor1s of demons. (ome say that you are e!alting the de3il when you tal1 about him too much. But we are not e!alting the de3il, Gust e!posing him in order to cast him out. 2s a matter of fact, if you tal1 about him too little, you will gi3e him the ability to hide and rule under the co3er of spiritual dar1ness and ignorance.
4or the word of 9od is :uic)! and powerful! and sharper than any two8edged sword! piercing e%en to the di%iding asunder of soul and spirit! and of the 1oints and marrow! and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart/ $either is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight* 0ut all things are na)ed and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we ha%e to do/ ;e0rews -*1+81,

8hese 3erses tell us that e3ery creature, including demons, are manifest in the sight of the ;ord. 8he =ord of 7od lays open and ma1es bare the operations of e3il spirits. 8hey cannot hide, for all things are na1ed and opened before the eyes of the ;ord. 8he sad fact is, howe3er, all things are not na1ed and opened to the eyes of most belie3ers. Most belie3ers are blind when it comes to the operation of e3il spirits in their own li3es, or in the


Exposing The Enemy li3es of others. 8he ;ord desires for e3ery belie3er to ha3e enough discernment so that e3il spirits will not be able to hide and rule under the co3er of dar1ness. De wants them to be na1ed and open to our eyes. nce this happens, you will find them stripped of their power and destroyed through the ministry of deli3erance.

<here Are They( 6ringing Demons #ut #f Their Ca%es

6ut these fi%e )ings fled! and hid themsel%es in a ca%e at Ma))edah/ And it was told &oshua! saying! The fi%e )ings are found hid in a ca%e at Ma))edah/ Then said &oshua! #pen the mouth of the ca%e! and 0ring out those fi%e )ings unto me out of the ca%e/ And afterward &oshua smote them! and slew them! and hanged them on fi%e trees* and they were hanging upon the trees until the e%ening/ &oshua 1=*15!1>!++!+5

8he enemy tries to hide from belie3ers. 5emons feel if they can hide they will escape being destroyed. =hen /oshua found out where these 1ings were hiding, he brought them forth and destroyed them. nce you find out the location of the enemy, no matter where they are hiding, bring them forth and destroy them.

"pirit! "oul! 6ody

And the %ery 9od of peace sanctify you wholly and . pray 9od your whole spirit and soul and 0ody 0e preser%ed 0lameless unto the coming of our Lord &esus Christ 1 Thessalonians 7*+,


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons

That which is 0orn of the flesh is flesh and that which is 0orn of the "pirit is spirit/ &ohn ,*5

Irom the words of /esus we see that your human spirit is the part of you that is born of the Doly (pirit, but what about your soul and your body? 8he word soul is the 7ree1 word $suche or $syche. It is the psychological part of you: your mind! "ill and emotions. 8his part of you was not born again. It may be affected by the new birth in your spirit, but it was not born again. Hour soul must be transformed by the renewing of your mind through the =ord of 7od B4omans $#:#C. Hour will has to be submitted to 7od B/ames ::"C. In fact, your soul needs to be sa3ed Bdeli3eredC by recei3ing with mee1ness the engrafted =ord B/ames $:#$C. Hour body has to be brought under subGection B$ Corinthians ,:#"C. =e also 1now that sic1ness, which can be a spirit B;u1e $+:$$C and is an oppression of the de3il B2cts $&:+'C, can be in the bodies of born again belie3ers. 2lthough, Christians don>t ha3e demons in their born again, recreated spirits, they many times can and do ha3e demons in their souls, or physical bodies. 8hese areas of a belie3er are being progressi3ely sanctified and preser3ed blameless according to $ 8hessalonians -:#+: And the %ery (od of $eace sanctify you "holly) and * $ray (od your "hole s$irit and soul and #ody #e $reser%ed #lameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. If you will recei3e this re3elation, it will be the first step toward recei3ing your deli3erance and helping others get free. 5on>t fall for the lie that Christians can>t ha3e demons. 8hat is what the de3il wants you to belie3e. If you don>t belie3e you need help, you won>t see1 any<e3en though you may 1now from e!perience there is something in you that is dri3ing and controlling you.


Exposing The Enemy

The Emotions
8here are many belie3ers who are bound in the area of the emotions. (pirits of hurt, reGection, anger, hatred, rage, sadness and grief can all dwell in the emotions. 8here are also spirits that can bloc1 and bind up the emotions. People with emotional problems are in need of deli3erance. Command spirits that are dwelling in the emotions to come out, and pray for their emotions to be healed and restored BPsalm #+:+C.

The 6ody
5emons desire to indwell bodies and consider them their habitation. 5ifferent parts of the body can be the dwelling places of certain 1inds of spirits. Ior e!ample, stubbornness and rebellion can lodge in the nec1 and shoulder area. (pirits of lust can dwell in the eyes, the hands, the abdomen, and any part of the body that has been yielded to se!ual sin. (pirits of mind control and confusion would naturally dwell in the head area. Pride can lodge in the bac1 and spine area. (pirits of infirmity lodge in the body. Dealing for the body is directly tied to deli3erance. (pirits of infirmity must be cast out before healing can ta1e place.
And! 0ehold! there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years! and was 0owed together! and could in no wise lift up herself/ And when &esus saw her! he called her to him! and said unto her! <oman! thou art loosed from thine infirmity/ And he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight! and glorified 9od/ Lu)e 1,*1181,

/esus loosed this woman from a s$irit of infirmity that was dwelling in her bac1 and spine area. 8his spirit caused her to be bowed o3er. /esus healed her by casting the spirit out of her


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons body. =hen sic1nesses and diseases are treated as demons and cast out, we will see greater manifestations of healing. 2ccording to 2cts $&:+', sic1ness is an oppression of the de3il. 8he word o$$ressed is the 7ree1 word katadunasteuo which means to e!ercise dominion against. In other words, spirits of infirmity are e!ercising dominion against certain parts of a person>s body. By casting them out we destroy their dominion and see the person set free and healed. Many belie3ers ha3e not seen the close connection between deli3erance and healing. But if we study the ministry of /esus, we see him ministering healing to the sic1 by casting out e3il spirits.
$ow when the sun was setting! all they that had any sic) with di%ers diseases 0rought them unto him and he laid his hands on e%ery one of them! and healed them/ And de%ils also came out of many crying out! and saying! Thou art Christ the "on of 9od/ And he re0u)ing them suffered them not to spea)* for they )new that he was Christ/ Lu)e -*-=!-1

)otice that as /esus was ministering to the sic1 through the laying on of hands, e3il spirits would manifest and De would cast them out.
4or he had healed many insomuch that they pressed upon him for to touch him! as many as had plagues/ And unclean spirits! when they saw him! fell down 0efore him! and cried! saying! Thou art the "on of 9od/ Mar) ,*1=!11

03idently, e3erywhere /esus went ministering with a healing anointing, demons would react and come out. 5emons hate the anointing because it causes them to manifest and dri3es them out. =hen praying for people with infirmities, command spirits that are hiding in the body to come out. Hou can also command spirits to come out of the bones, muscles, Goints, blood, ner3es


Exposing The Enemy and glands.

03il spirits that manifest through the tongue are often hiding in the heart, because out of the a#undance of the heart the mouth s$eaketh BMatthew $#:+:C. (pirits that hide in the heart can include bitterness, lust, pride, fear, hatred, hurt, sadness, co3etousness, greed, and unbelief. Cursing, lying, blasphemy, murmuring and filthy con3ersation are spirits that lin1 up with spirits in the heart to manifest through the tongue. If the enemy can control your tongue, he will ensnare you through the words of your mouth BPro3erbs %:#C. =hen praying for people with problems in the speech area, command spirits that are hiding in the heart to come out.

8his is a problem area for many people. =e were once praying for a young lady suffering from anore!ia ner3osa who had completely lost her appetite. (he would regurgitate any food she tried to eat and was slowly dying of star3ation. =e commanded the e3il spirits to come out of her appetite, and she began to scream and spea1 that it felt li1e someone was stic1ing a 1nife into her stomach. (he was set free, regained her appetite, and is now ser3ing the ;ord. 2ddiction spirits to food, alcohol, and drugs can be in the appetite causing the person to ha3e compulsi3e desires in these areas. But we can command these spirits to come out of the appetite. 4emember, we need to bring demons out of the ca3es they are hiding in, to e!pose and cast them out. nce you 1now their location Bi.e., where they are hidingC, it will help you to cast them out. 2ddiction spirits can also dwell in the mouth Btaste budsC, throat and stomach area.

"exual Character


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons (pirits of lust, per3ersion, adultery and fornication will in3ade and see1 to control a person>s se!ual character. 2long with se!ual sin comes guilt, shame, and condemnation Bwhich will hide in a person>s conscience causing them to feel guilty and ashamedC. (e!ual sin is a sin against the body, and the enemy wants belie3ers to be bound in this area. (pirits of lust and se!ual impurity can dwell in any part of the body that has been yielded to se!ual sin. Pornography is an open door for lust spirits to in3ade the eyesA and masturbation spirits can indwell the hands. Command e3il spirits to come out of the se!ual character and different parts of the body when praying for people with se!ual problems.

Demon 9roupings
And they that were %exed with unclean spirits* and they were healed/ Lu)e 5*1?

8he word %e+ed in this 3erse is the 7ree1 word ochleo which means to mob. 2 mo# is a group of persons bent on riotous actions. 03ery belie3er needs to ha3e a re3elation that demons do not wor1 alone, but they wor1 in groups. 8hey wor1 in groups to 3e! belie3ers. 8o %e+ also means to torment. Ior e!ample, with the spirit of reGection comes hurt, bitterness, self*reGection, and fear of reGection. Belie3ers need to become familiar with demon groupings in order to be more effecti3e in thoroughly ridding people of demons. Certain spirits will usually lin1 up with one another. 4ebellion and witchcraft wor1 together and so does stubbornness and idolatry B$ (amuel $-:#+C. =hen casting out spirits of infirmity, you will often encounter death and destruction. Hou can find a list of demon groupings Bspirits that usually operate togetherC on page #& of this boo1. Be led, howe3er, by the Doly (pirit because there are endless


Exposing The Enemy combinations of spirits that will lin1 up and operate together.


Little 6y Little@2rogressi%e Deli%erance

Chapter ,

And the Lord thy 9od will put out those nations 0efore thee 0y little and little* thou mayest not consume them at once! lest the 0easts of the field increase upon thee/ Deuteronomy >*++ . will not dri%e them out from 0efore thee in one year lest the land 0ecome desolate! and the 0east of the field multiply against thee/ 6y little and little . will dri%e them out from 0efore thee! until thou 0e increased! and inherit the land/ Exodus +,*+3!,=

ome argue that true deli3erance should not ta1e long. It should be quic1 and instantaneous. 8hese two 3erses show us the principle of $rogressi%e deli3erance. 8he ;ord dro3e the nations out of Canaan little by little. 8he fleshly enemies of Israel represent our spiritual enemies. 8he ;ord desired Israel to increase numerically first before De would dri3e out their enemies. 8he ;ord was concerned about how much land they could possess and maintain. ur deli3erance is proportionate to how we grow in the things of the ;ord. 8he process is often little #y little. Unless you understand this principle you will become weary in praying for some peopleA and you may e3en become discouraged in your own deli3erance. 8here are certain areas of our li3es in which the ;ord will deli3er us at certain times. De 1nows which areas are ready to recei3e cleansing, and De 1nows the timing in3ol3ed. 5on>t be decei3ed into thin1ing


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons that e3eryone will recei3e their deli3erance in one session on the altar. (ome will say it doesn>t ta1e all of that 50;IF042)C0, but the ;ord 1nows how much land needs to be possessed.
$ow &oshua was old and stric)en in years and the Lord said unto him! Thou art old and stric)en in years! and there remaineth yet %ery much land to 0e possessed/ &oshua 1,*1

03en after all the fighting under the leadership of /oshua, there was still much land to be possessed. 8here were many inhabitants in the land of Canaan that were not dri3en out in one generation. =e would be surprised to 1now the number of e3il spirits that many people need deli3erance from. 03il spirits ha3e had the time to wor1 themsel3es into our li3es for generations, including the number of years most of us wal1ed in sin and ignorance. 5on>t underestimate the strength and numbers of the enemy. De is hiding and deeply entrenched in the land. De must be e!posed and uprooted from his dwelling place, and this will often ta1e much time and warfare. 9) = 8DI( I2C8: DEL*VE,A&CE *./,E 0,/(,E--*VE T1A& *&-TA&TA&E/U-. 2s we grow in grace and fall out of agreement with e3il spirits operating in our li3es, the ;ord will deli3er us from them.

Disannulling Demonic Co%enants

And your co%enant with death shall 0e disannulled! and your agreement with hell shall not stand when the o%erflowing scourge shall pass through! then ye shall 0e trodden down 0y it/ .saiah +?*1?

=hen Israel went into the land of Canaan, they were told not to ma1e any agreements with the enemy. Hou cannot dri3e out an e3il spirit that you are in agreement with. =hen people are in


Exposing The Enemy agreement with certain attitudes and spirits, the ;ord will not dri3e those spirits out. Many belie3ers ha3e un1nowingly entered into agreements with e3il spirits. =e must fall out of agreement with attitudes of pride, rebellion, lust, hurt, bitterness and fear in order to be deli3ered. ften the Doly (pirit will re3eal to us agreements we ha3e made with the enemy without realiEing it. 5emons draw strength from these co3enants, but the ;ord will bring us to the point of brea1ing them through Dis scourge. 8o scourge means to chasten or correct. 8he ;ord>s dealings of con3iction in our li3es are to cause us to fall out of agreement with the de3il>s operation in our li3es. 8he ;ord will not deli3er us unless we fall out of agreement with demons. De does not deli3er us against our will. 8his is another reason why deli3erance is progressi3e. 8he ;ord will deal patiently with us through Dis chastening in order to set us free. I ha3e ministered to multitudes of belie3ers who would not fall out of agreement with hurt and bitterness, or pride and rebellion. But the ;ord is faithful and will deal with Dis children in correction until we come forth as mature sons and daughters of 7od. nce we identify the enemy, his name or location, and fall out of agreement with his operation, we can then bring those spirits out of their ca3es and destroy them. It is also possible to identify demons by the age of the person at time of entrance. Ior e!ample, I am often led by the ;ord to command and cast out e3il spirits that came into indi3iduals when they were babies or small children. (ometimes the ;ord will gi3e you a "ord of kno"ledge for a particular age. 8he Doly (pirit 1nows the traumas or incidents in a person>s life which may ha3e opened the door for e3il spirits to enter. De 1nows the e!act age of a person>s life when the enemy came in. 8here ha3e been times when I commanded e3il spirits to come out that came into a person during their teen years, or


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons while they were married, or when they went through a di3orce or separation. (ome people were raped or molested at a certain age and if you rely upon the Doly (pirit, De will gi3e you the age at which it happened. 2t times, the person you are ministering to will tell you the age or time when something traumatic happened that opened the door to the enemy. 4emember, the 1ey is identification. nce you identify the enemy by his name, operation, location or time of entry, you e!pose him and ta1e away his co3er of dar1ness.


<hatAs .n A $ame(

Chapter -

And he as)ed him! <hat is thy name( And he answered! saying! My name is Legion* for we are many/ Mar) 7*3

ome argue that we don>t need to 1now the specific names of demons. 2fter all, what>s in a name? 2 name is a word or phrase that designates a person. 4emember that when we are dealing with demons we are dealing with personalities, not things. )ames are what we use to identify persons. If someone shouts in a crowd, @Dey H UJ Come hereJ,@ you wouldn>t 1now which you they were calling for. But if someone calls you by your name in a crowd, there would be an immediate response. 2s a result, names are used to identify. 0ach one of us recei3es a name at birth that will identify us for the rest of our li3es. Hou will answer to that name thousands of times throughout your lifetime. n the other hand, to be nameless means to be obscure or undistinguished. It means to be anonymous. 2nonymous means @not recogniEed.@ 5emons don>t want you to recogniEe them. 8hey want to be anonymous. 03en though they ha3e names, they would rather you not 1now them. 8his 3erse gi3es a 1ey re3elation in dealing with the enemy. /esus commanded the de3il to identify himself by name. nce the enemy identified himself, /esus cast him out. 8his is the power of identification. Identifying the enemy is a 1ey to casting him out. 8he more belie3ers can identify the enemy by name, the more successful they will be in dri3ing the enemy out. 8here are different 1inds of spirits with different ran1ings


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons and different names. 8he name of a spirit identifies his character and what he does.
<herefore 9od also hath highly exalted him! and gi%en him a name which is a0o%e e%ery name* That at the name of &esus e%ery )nee should 0ow! of things in hea%en! and things in earth! and things under the earth 2hilippians +*3!1= 4ar a0o%e all principality! and power! and might! and dominion! and e%ery name that is named! not only in this world! 0ut also in that which is to come* Ephesians 1*+1

/esus has been gi3en a name abo3e all names. 03erything named must bow to the name of /esus. )otice, when we are dealing with names, we are dealing with principalities and powers. nce you identify the names of the enemy, you can use the name of /esus to destroy them. 5emons ha3e names, and they must submit to the name of /esus.

Common Demon $ames

8he following is a list of common demon names. 8his list is by no means comprehensi3e but represents a cross section of demon spirits. 8hese are common demon groupings:

4eGection from the womb, self*reGection, hurt, deep hurt, bitterness, anger, hatred, fear of reGection, fear, insecurity, depression, sadness, loneliness.

2rrogance, haughtiness, self*righteousness, 3anity, ego, perfection.



Exposing The Enemy (tubbornness, anti*submissi3eness, disobedience, anger, hatred of authority, witchcraft, control, possessi3eness, domination.

2dultery, fornication, masturbation, per3ersion, rape, se!ual impurity.



(orcery, di3ination, fortune telling, occult, astrology, 0(P.


Iears of hurt, reGection, death, witchcraft, authority, dar1ness, accidents, man Btorment, apprehension, timidity, shyness, terror, panic, worry, dreadC.

4oot of bitterness, hidden bitterness, anger, resentment, re3enge, retaliation, murder, hatred, rage.

(adness, loneliness, suicide, death, self*destruction, gloom, self*pity.


2lcohol, drugs Bidentify the name of the drugC, nicotine, bondage, gluttony.

8radition, bondage, legalism, hypocrisy, deception, error, heresy, false gifts, religious control. nce belie3ers get a 1nowledge of how demons lin1 up and operate together, they will be more effecti3e in casting out de3ils. 5eli3erance can then be more thorough. =e should not lea3e any stone unturned in ministering to people who need deli3erance. 5emons need to be e!posed and ferreted out of e3ery part of our beings. ften it is effecti3e to command the ruling spirits to come


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons out with their entire group. 2t other times, the lower ran1ing spirits can first be dri3en out and then the ruling spirit cast out. 0ach group has a ruler that needs to be bound and cast out.
An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neigh0our* 0ut through )nowledge shall the 1ust 0e deli%ered/ 2ro%er0s 11*3

5on>t allow the enemy to put a stronghold in your mind that you don>t need to 1now about (atan and demons. 8he =ord tells us that @through 1nowledge@ the Gust shall be deli3ered. Kno"ledge is a key to deli%erance. 8he more you 1now about the enemy and his operation, the more you will be able to defeat him and cast him out. Ignorance of the de3il and his demons will rob you of your deli3erance. Hou need to 1now the names of different 1inds of e3il spirits, their operation, and how they lin1 up. Hou need to be able to identify them and cast them out. =e should not be ignorant of (atan>s de3ices. Hou need to 1now your enemy if you are to defeat him. 4emember, 7od>s people are destroyed for the lac1 of 1nowledge. 5on>t allow a lac1 of 1nowledge to open the door for the spirit of destruction.

4inal 2rayer
* $ray that e%ery stronghold the enemy "ould attem$t to set u$ in your mind against the truth #e destroyed in Jesus' name. Deli%erance is a truth that needs to #e esta#lished in e%ery church. * #ind and come against any and all lying s$irits that hinder the saints from recei%ing and "alking in these truths. * $ray that the truth of deli%erance and s$iritual "arfare "ould come ali%e in your heart and in your mind. * $ray that e%ery $erson reading this #ook "ill rise u$ in the -$irit and destroy the "orks of darkness. * $ray that you "ould learn and


Exposing The Enemy kno" the truth that sets you free. * $ray for the eyes of your understanding to #e enlightened that you might see the truth of deli%erance. * n the name of Jesus! * re#uke and command e%ery s$irit that fights and o$$oses the ministry of deli%erance to #e #ound and cast out. Amen.


Tactics to Bout Demons
BIrom Annihilating the 1osts of 1ell! by =in =orleyC 2 =ay for the 5eli3erance =or1er to 7et (tarted: $. #. +. Brief con3ersations about the reason the person is there for ministry 7eneral prayer and worship<focus on 7od and Dis goodness, power, etc. Bind powers o3er the area, brea1 assignments from powers in the air to demons in the person. 2s1 for angelic protection BDebrews $:$:C. 2s1 and recei3e #y faith the gifts of the (pirit needed to minister.


Leadership During Deli%erance Time

$. 8oo many people commanding spirits Bdifferent onesC at the same time causes confusion for e3eryone, especially to the person being ministered to. ;eadership will often shift as the Doly (pirit directs. Dusbands are often the most effecti3e in commanding spirits to lea3e their wi3es, with the support of others.

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Tactics of "pea)ing to Demons

$. 2ddress the spirit by name and if that is not 1nown, address by function. a. 0ither the Doly (pirit will gi3e it, or


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons b. c. #. 8he demon will re3eal himself. 5o not rely on either method e+clusi%ely2be open to the Doly (pirit in this area.

4epeatedly remind these spirits that your authority is gi3en to you by /esus Christ, =ho is far abo3e all rule and authority B0phesians $:#$C. 4emind them of their fate in 4e3elation #&:$& and other places in (cripture B/ob +&:+*'C. Use the statement B@8he ;ord /esus Christ rebu1es you.@C repeatedly, as a battering ram. It is helpful to harass the demons to confess that /esus Christ is their ;ord. 4uler demons often can be badgered for more information. 2t times you will command the ruler demon to go and then clean out the lesser demons under him, and if that does not wor1, re3erse the tactics. Bind and separate interfering spirits as 7od leads. 8here is no need to shout at demons since the battle is not in the flesh, but in the (pirit.


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<hat to Expect in Becei%ing Deli%erance

=hile many deli3erances in3ol3e ob3ious physical manifestations, not all react in this manner. (ome spirits lea3e quietly and non*3iolently. Hou may not ha3e a strong physical reaction when recei3ing deli3erance, therefore, don>t be disappointed if you don>t recei3e in this manner. =hat you should e!pect is a release. Hou 1now there is a release when.... $. #. +. ppressi3e force disappearsA Dea3iness liftsA Uneasiness goes awayA


Appendix :. -. %. Burden or load lightensA 8here is an inner sense of liberty, freedom, and di3ine satisfaction or contentmentA 8he Goy of the ;ord comes, and you are able to reGoiceJ

8he result of deli3erance is righteousness! $eace! and 3oy in the 1oly (host B4omans $::$"C. =hen de3ils are cast out, the Kingdom of (od has come BMatthew $#:#'C.

Demon Manifestations
=hen e3il spirits depart, you can normally e!pect some sort of manifestation through the mouth or nose. ;isted below are some of the common manifestations: $. #. +. :. -. %. ". '. ,. Coughing 5rooling Fomiting (pitting Ioaming Crying (creaming (ighing 4oaring

$&. Belching $$. Hawning $#. 0!haling 2gain, when demons are cast out, they normally lea3e through the mouth or the nose. (pirits are associated with breathing. Both the Debrews and the 7ree1s had only one word for s$irit and #reath. In the 7ree1, that word is $neuma. 8he Doly (pirit is breathed in B/ohn #&:##C. 03il spirits are breathed out.


Let Us Alone! The Cry of Demons (ometimes people sha1e or tremble when they recei3e deli3erance, 8heir body, in whole or part, may actually sha1e or tremble.

;indrances to Becei%ing Deli%erance

$. #. +. :. -. %. ". '. ,. Curses (in Pride Passi3ity Ungodly (oul 8ies ccultism Iear 0mbarrassment Unbelief

$&. ;ac1 of 5esire $$. Unforgi3eness $#. ;ac1 of 9nowledge 2ll demons ha3e legal, biblical grounds. 8hey may not torment at will. If demons ha3e legal grounds, then they ha3e the right to remain. 8hese legal grounds must be destroyed in order to recei3e and maintain deli3erance.

;ow to Ceep Dour Deli%erance

$. #. 4ead 7od>s =ord daily. Iind a group of Bible belie3ing people, preferably a church, and regularly meet with them for worship, study and ministry. Pray with the understanding and in tongues. Place the blood of /esus on yourself and your family.

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Appendix -. 5etermine as nearly as you can which spirits ha3e been cast out of you. Ma1e a list for these areas (atan will try to recapture. 8he way demons gain re*entry is through a la!, undisciplined thought life. 8he mind is the battlefield. Hou must cast down imaginations, and bring e3ery thought into the obedience of Christ B# Corinthians $&:-C. Pray to the Iather fer3ently, as1ing Dim to ma1e you alert, sober and 3igilant against wrong thoughts B$ Peter -:',,C. 8he demons signal their approach to you by the fact that the old thought patterns you once had are now trying to return unto you. 2s soon as this happens, immediately rebu1e them. (tate %er#ally that you refuse them as quic1ly as possible. Hou ha3e the authority to loose the angels of the Lord to battle the demons BDebrews $:$:A Matthew $':$'C. Bind the demons and loose upon them the spirits of destruction B$ Chronicles #$:$#C and burning and Gudgment BIsaiah :::C from the ;ord /esus Christ. 2lso, loose warrior angels upon the demons.


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8o order boo1s and tapes by /ohn 0c1hardt, please write or call: Crusaders Ministries %$-& =. )orth 23enue Chicago, Illinois %&%+, B+$#C %+"*#$#$

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