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Gesu Chess Club

Groups Now Forming

Once again this year, in order to accommodate as many students as possible, we will have two four week sessions of the Gesu Chess Club. Enrollment in each session will be determined by grade level. These sessions will be followed by a three week team tournament open to any student who participated during the 2014 season. Session One (meets January 28, Feb. 4,11,18) Students in grades 5-8 will meet in McAuley Hall on Tuesday evenings from 2:45-4:00 PM. Games will be played with a challenge ladder format. Students may bring a snack. Chess boards will be provided. Session Two (Meets Feb. 25, March 4,11,18)): Students in grades 2-4 will meet in McAuley Hall on Tuesday evenings from 2:45-4:00 PM. Instruction will be available to students who have little/no experience playing chess. Students may bring a snack. Chess boards will be provided. Team Tournament : The tournament will be played before spring break on Tuesdays. (March 25, April 1, 8) Students will be assigned to one of four teams. Each team will have students of varied levels of play. When two teams meet, matches will be assigned between players of comparable skill level.

SIGN-UP DEADLINE: Friday, January 24th.

NAME_____________________________________________ GRADE___________HOMEROOM__________________ Please indicate your playing level at this time. _______I am just learning how to play. _______ I can play but I do not play often. ________I play a lot and I am an average player. ________ I play a lot and I am an above average player. I would like to sign up for (Circle One) Session One( Grades 5-8) Registration for Team Tournament will occur in early March. Session Two (Grades 2-4)

I agree to cooperate with the rules and procedures established for the club and understand that my participation in the club is dependent on my behavior and cooperation. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(signature of student)

I give my child permission to participate in this activity sponsored by Gesu School. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
(signature of parent)

Parents: Please indicate if you would be able to help with supervision during our club meeting by circling any meeting dates when you can help. A knowledge of chess is NOT required. It is not necessary to commit to all eight sessions. Just come when you can help. We always welcome extra people, especially if you can help with simple explanations of rules and moves. Name_____________________________________________________Date(s)_______________________________________ Email__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Each group will be limited to a maximum of 30 participants


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