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Alicia, Danielle and Zack


~Capital/ largest city: Madrid, Spain

~ Population: 47,042,984 as of 2012

~Other Important cities: - Barcelona, 1,621,537 - Valencia, 814,208

- Seville703,206
~Prime Minister: Mariano Rajoy (2011) ~history of spain: Was part of the Roman Empire until 206 B.C. later taken over by Spanish Catholics by defeating the Muslims for this land. ~Economy: stable economy with many agriculture, machinery and clothing exports. $1.406 trillion economy.

Tourist attractions
Local art

This is the 3rd largest city in Spain ~behind Madrid and Barcelona. Roughly 800,000 people live here. Founded in 138 bc. This attracted a lot of tourist because it is an ideal location for business/ education, art work, religion and traditional Spanish food/ customs.
Traditional style/ clothing Cathedral

Art and science center

Tourist attractions
San Sebastian
The capital of Gipuzko Province.

12 miles from the border of France.

Roughly 200,000 people live here. This is an ideal place for tourist to travel to because the weather is always nice, there is a long strip of beach, festivals in the summer, and museums.



Holidays~ running of the bulls

When: The second week in July, usually July 7-14. Where: Pamplona, Spain.

Background: The running of the bulls was founded in 1591. The original purpose of the running of the bulls was to get the bulls into the arena from the street. When transporting the bulls a few rebellious men would run in front of the bulls to show their manliness. From that Day forth, thousands of men now will run/with the bulls.

Running of the Bulls (cont.)

Facts about the celebration. This run is in the celebration of the fiesta of San Fermin . The cores of the run is only about a mile. The run usually will last 2-3 minutes. Every day of this week long celebration there is a run starting at 8 a.m. There is a song that the natives will sign at the finish line ~the tune goes We ask San Fermin, as our Patron, to
guide us through the bull run and give us his blessing.

This a statue honoring the famous running of the bulls

A signature Spanish dish from Valeria Spain.

During the summer people come together and this is a common dish that is shared between them.
There is the classic version and the seafood version ~Classic version: has rabbit, snail and beans. ~ Seafood version: has clams, mussels, squid, shrimp and lobster.

Paella making process.

But first let me take a selfie

Dani making Saferon rice

Paella and rice cooking

Zack cooking the seafood

Alicia cutting the veggies

Final product !

Enrique Iglesias
He was born in Spain on May 8,1975, then moved to the states when he was a teenager. Famous model, singer and song writer. His nickname is the king of Latin pop Graduated from the University of Miami. By 2012 he had sold 60 million records. His father was a famous Spanish singer, Julio Iglesias.

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