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House Made of Dawn as Ecotheology

Kathryn LaFevers Evans

30 April 2004

2 N. Scott Momaday s novel! House Made of Dawn! sho"cases American #ndian literat$re as Ecotheology! an emerging %ield in academia. Ecotheology is the st$dy o% religion and ecology! the emerging ne&$s o% science! religion and the environment '(ro"n). Not only is Ecotheology in%ormed *y literat$res "hich promote a spirit$al a"areness o% creation! it is also a literary critical tool *y virt$e o% religion s intrinsic presence in myth! a literary genre. Emile +$r,heim! -... Smith! Lord .aglan and Mircea Eliade 'Arnade! /ayton) conc$r! in that religio$s inspiration is o*0ecti%ied into the "orld as rit$al! "hich is then translated into myth. American #ndian religio$s inspiration is o% earth itsel%! and is o*0ecti%ied as rit$al sacri%ice revolving aro$nd the *irth1death cycles o% creation. #n House Made of Dawn! *oth American #ndian and 2hristian rit$al sacri%ices are mythologi3ed into *irth1death imagery. 4he overarching sym*ol o% rit$al sacri%ice is o% active male creator $niting "ith receptive %emale creation! e&pressed on *oth the individ$al and the cosmic scale. Sym*olic rit$al sacri%ice %acilitates $nion "ith 5od! a common goal o% religions! demonstrating $nity o% religions in the *ody o% earth! o$r common gro$nd. Ecotheologists are those "ho can concept$ali3e on a cosmic scale! concerned "ith the "holeness o% divinity '(ro"n). 4he overall str$ct$re o% House Made of Dawn em*odies a circ$lar conception o% creation in cyclic time! a symmetrically *alanced "hole that %acilitates mediation o% opposites. 2la$de Levi1Stra$ss and 6ictor 4$rner post$late that myth mediates *inary systems thro$gh artic$lating the liminal space *et"een opposites '/ayton). A*el s 7$est occ$rs thro$gh 0$&taposition o% opposites s$ch as male1%emale! "hite1colored! linear time1cyclic time! and 2hristian1indigeno$s religion. As the c$rrency o% trans%ormation to"ards center in the mythic 7$est! rit$al sacri%ice mediates the liminal space *et"een these opposites. #n a *ic$lt$ral "orld! A*el s 7$est is that o% %inding center *et"een American #ndian religion and 2hristianity.

3 #n House Made of Dawn! rit$al sacri%ice centers A*el in the earth, revealing Ecotheology as the essential common gro$nd in a m$ltic$lt$ral "orld. .it$al sacri%ice as trans%ormative act is e&empli%ied in the %irst and last "ords o% the novel! "hich the a$thor claims %or the American #ndian voice8 9+ypaloh :. . .; <tseda*a= 'Momaday >! >?@). 4his is a Aeme3 B$e*lo invocation signaling a trans%ormative act '+ial). 4he invocation is split into t"o "ords! "hich together encircle the "hole te&t centered *et"een! containing a holistic "orld "ithin cyclic time. House Made of Dawn! a trans%ormative act in its entirety! is a rit$al sacri%ice designed to *ring A*el *ac, to center in that "orld. 4his holistic encaps$lation o% creation is e&pressed in 2hristianity as 9Alpha and Cmega!= an epithet o% Aes$s once he is centered as 2hrist! the ne&$s o% creation! thro$gh rit$al sacri%ice. #n House Made of Dawn! 2hristian and American #ndian religions are 0$&taposed as ine&trica*ly ent"ined in the grotes7$e and *ea$ti%$l dance that is the *irth1death *inary o% material creation. Ecotheology! consideration o% earth in religion! serves as common gro$nd %or $nity o% religions and a "orld at peace. 4he setting o% this story! 9a ho$se made o% da"n!= is earth as sacred space! the central concern o% Ecotheology. A%ter the invocation o% trans%ormation! that rit$al sacri%ice claimed in the invocation is em*edded "ithin the sacred space o% earth itsel%8 9+ypaloh. There was a house made of dawn. It was made of pollen and o% rain! and the land "as very old and everlasting. 4here "ere many colors on the hills! and the plain "as *right "ith di%%erent1colored clays and sands. .ed and *l$e and spotted horses gra3ed in the plain! and there "as a dar, "ilderness on the mo$ntains *eyond. 4he land "as still and strong. #t "as *ea$ti%$l all aro$nd= 'Momaday >). 4he 9dar, "ilderness= is reminiscent o% +ante s 9dar, %orest= at the *eginning o% his 0o$rney in Inferno! a hallmar, o% the mythic 7$est thro$gh a "orld encaps$lated *et"een polarities.

4 A$&taposed here are the "holeness o% the earth and the nothingness o% the s,y! "ith land as the "holeness $pon "hich still silence! the center! rests8 9#n the early morning the land lay h$ge and sl$ggish! discerni*le only as a "hole "ith nothing in relie% e&cept its o"n sheer! *rilliant margin as %ar a"ay as the eye co$ld see! and *eyond that the nothingness o% the s,y. Silence lay li,e "ater on the land :...;= '>0). Still silence! the center *et"een earth and s,y! is depicted as a straight line! a *rilliant margin! the liminal. -ith this da"n image! a sym*ol o% *irth! the 7$alities o% A*el s centering are de%ined8 he "ill s$rrender to the still center! li,e silent "ater s$pported *y the land. 4he death image re%lecting %rom the end o% the story! "hich mirrors the da"n *irth image! retains the mani%esto o% still silence! *$t in a dar,ness %oreshado"ing grand%ather Francisco s impending death8 4here "as no telling o% the s$n! save %or the one cold! dim! and even light that lay on every corner o% the land and made no shado"! and the silence "as close *y and all aro$nd and the *ell made no impression $pon it. 4here "as no motion to *e seen :. . .; the sno" lay $n*ro,en :. . .;. A h$ge old 0ac, ra**it *o$nded across the hillside in a *l$r o% great s$dden angles and settled a"ay in the sno"! still and invisi*le. '>DE) Altho$gh stillness and silence are 7$alities ascri*ed to this sacred space in "hich A*el is r$nning! there is tension as to "hether A*el s 7$est "ill end in %$llness or in emptiness. 4he *irth1death imagery o% da"n and o% a child! still and alone! de%ine that liminal8 9A*el "as r$nning. /e "as alone and r$nning! hard at %irst! heavily! *$t then easily and "ell. :. . .; A*el "as r$nning. Against the "inter s,y and the long! light landscape o% the valley at da"n! he seemed almost to *e standing still! very little and alone= '>12).

@ -ith per%ect circ$lar symmetry! A*el is again r$nning in this silent space 0$st *e%ore the close o% the invocation. Material creation implies the coe&istence o% opposites! *inaries s$ch as pleas$re1pain! male1%emale. Material creation! physical place! itsel% implies its o"n *inary! the sacred place o% the omnipresent center. 9Many years ago! (lac, El,! a %amo$s La,ota medicine man! "as tal,ing to a "riter named Neihardt a*o$t sacred places. /arney Bea, in the (lac, /ills o% So$th +a,ota! said (lac, El,! is the center o% the "orld. 4hen! a%ter thin,ing a moment! (lac, El, added! F($t any"here is the center o% the "orld = '(r$chac). -ithin sacred space and enchanted time! A*el enacts the %inal rit$al sacri%ice o% trans%ormation leading into the still! silent center. S$rrendering pain! mandate o% the *irth1death *inary! to a transcendent a"areness o% (eing on earth8 /e "as alone and r$nning on. All o% his *eing "as concentrated in the sheer motion o% r$nning on! and he "as past caring a*o$t the pain. B$re e&ha$stion laid hold o% his mind! and he co$ld see at last "itho$t having to thin,. /e co$ld see the canyon and the mo$ntains and the s,y. /e co$ld see the rain and the river and the %ields *eyond. /e co$ld see the dar, hills at da"n. /e "as r$nning! and $nder his *reath he *egan to sing. 4here "as no so$nd! and he had no voiceG he had only the "ords o% a song. And he "ent r$nning on the rise o% the song. House made of pollen, house made of dawn. Qtsedaba. 'Momaday >?@) 4he cyclic str$ct$re o% House Made of Dawn ass$res A*el s ret$rn to an ancient center in creation. .it$al sacri%ice is s$rrender to the middle "ay! the resol$tion o% polarities s$ch as pleas$re and pain. A*el s$rrenders to the *eing *eyond mind! *eyond thin,ing! attaining *alance *eyond li%e s polarities. /is perception o% the "orld as *ic$lt$ral is no" $ni%ied in the earth s timeless (eing.

D American #ndian and 2hristian religions intert"ine and are interdependent thro$gho$t the novel! one de%erring to the other in rit$al sacri%ice. 4he indigeno$s silent timelessness at the novel s end is directly preceded *y the 2hristian Father Clg$in s trans%ormation %rom *lasphemo$s linear time at the prospect o% having to per%orm *$rial rites %or Francisco! into this sacred cyclic time8 9 -hat in 5od s nameHI :. . .; 5ood Lord! "hat time is it! any"ayI +o yo$ ,no" "hat time it isI :. . .; 'then) # $nderstandJ Oh god! I understandI understand! = '>?4! paren s mine). #n this "ay thro$gho$t the te&t! inversions s$ch as linear time inverting to cyclic time are staged as parado&ical partners in the eternal process o% li%e and death! the eternal play o% sacri%ice o% one e&pression o% creation %or another. 2reation trans%orms into the mythologi3ed sym*ols A*el "ill travel thro$gh in his o"n trans%ormative 7$est. As a child A*el is led *y his *rother thro$gh a %irst rit$al sacri%ice! sym*oli3ed in *irth1death imagery o% the earth as %emale *ody! the "om*8 96idal too, him to the %ace o% the red mesa and into a narro" *o& canyon "hich he had never seen *e%ore. 4he *right red "alls "ere deep! deeper than he co$ld have imagined! and they seemed to close over him. -hen they came to the end! it "as dar, and cool as a cave= '>>). 4he earth is th$s sym*oli3ed as receptive %emale *ody! the gro$nd o% the rit$al sacri%ice %or the sa,e o% %ertile *irth! achieved "ith the active participation o% the male co$nterpart cleaving earth8 9-hen they ret$rned! he "ent to his grand%ather and "atched him dig "ith the hoe. 4he "or, "as nearly %inished! and the men *ro,e open the "all o% the ditch! and he stood there "atching the %oaming *ro"n "ater creep among the %$rro"s and go into the *ro,en earth= '>>). 4he archetype that *ears the sacri%ice! that *ears the %r$it o% creation! ena*ling comm$nity! is the receptive %emale earth. .it$al sacri%ice o% the %emale *ody! as in the men tilling the soil %or %ood! is the action necessary to *ring %r$ition to comm$nity8 9/is mother had

L come in the "agon "ith Francisco! and she had made oven *read and ra**it ste" and co%%ee and ro$nd *l$e cornmeal ca,es %illed "ith 0am! coarse and %aintly s"eet! li,e %igs. 4hey ate on the gro$nd in gro$ps! according to %amily and clan :. . .;= '>>). 4his archetypal 0$&taposition o% male as the active creator enacting rit$al sacri%ice $pon %emale as the receptive creation *elongs to *oth American #ndian and 2hristian religions. 2hrist is depicted as a *ea$ti%$l *ride! "ith devoted h$s*and the one actively see,ing center in $nion. #n the deepest sense! earth is the common s$*0ect! and Ecotheology the common lang$age! o% religions. 4hey are gro$nded in material creation! in earthly depictions o% something other1"orldly! as noted8 religio$s inspiration is o*0ecti%ied into the "orld as rit$al! "hich is then tranlsated into myth. Storytelling is ho" h$man,ind translates and shares interior religion! religio$s inspiration. 4he challenge! "hich rit$al sacri%ice %acilitates! is to overcome the nat$ral %ear elicited *y the *irth1death *inary. -hat A*el m$st s$rrender is his %ear o% the *irth1death rit$al sacri%ice "hich con%ines him to a"areness o% creation as material *ody only. 4hat %ear! engendered in A*el d$ring his %irst rit$al sacri%ice into the earth1"om*! is depicted as a croo,ed and clo$ded line *et"een earth and s,y! 0$&taposed to the previo$s depiction o% the margin centered *et"een earth and s,y as *rilliant and straight8 9Cnce he loo,ed $p at the croo,ed line o% the s,y and sa" that a clo$d "as passing and its motion seemed to *e that o% the great leaning "alls themselves! and he "as a%raid and cried= '>>). 4his ne" perception o% creation as %ra$ght "ith peril parallels the 2hristian Fall %rom Eden into ,no"ledge o% good and evil. A*el has %allen o%%1center! sacri%iced to the *irth1death *inary o% %emale creation. #n his %all %rom center! A*el is diso"ned %rom the transcendent male co$nterpart needed to center him at a ne" level o% "holeness8 9/e did not ,no" "ho his %ather "as= '>>). .eligions $niversal archetype o% h$man *eing as see,er o% hisKher origins 'the %ather)

? e&empli%ies the seed o% religio$s inspiration! "hich gro"s into rit$al in the %ertile soil o% mother earth! ascending to $nion "ith 5od descri*ed in mythological terms thro$gh s$ch images as the cr$ci%i& or the 4ree o% Li%e. Altho$gh A*el remem*ers his mother as *ea$ti%$l and good! 9Something %rightened him= '>>). 4hat evil something is Nicolas teah-whau! the old (ah,y$sh "oman rendered part male *y her long "hite m$stache. As male1%emale s$pernat$ral *eing! she em*odies the transcendent center o% creation! the longhair s ancestral *irthright o% "holeness! $nion. Met A*el perceives the good1evil! male1%emale! *irth1death *inary as something to *e %eared. /e remains in %ear o% the ang$ish o% the *irth1death rit$al sacri%ice! sym*oli3ed as "ind acting $pon earth! active male $niting "ith receptive %emale8 4hen he heard it! the thing itsel%. /e ,ne" even then that it "as only the "ind! *$t it "as a stranger so$nd than any he had ever ,no"n. And at the same time he sa" the hole in the roc, "here the "ind dipped! str$c,! and rose. #t "as larger than a ra**it hole and partly concealed *y the cho,echerry "hich gre" *eside it. 4he moan o% the "ind gre" lo$d! and it %illed him "ith dread. For the rest o% his li%e it "o$ld *e %or him the partic$lar so$nd o% ang$ish. '>2) At the end o% A*el s ang$ished 7$est! the %ather archetype Francisco! trans%ers ancestral memory to a s$rrendered A*el! the ne" longhair! "ho is destined to receive the "holeness o% creation thro$gh the oral tradition o% voiceK"ord8 4here "as nothing more to do! and he sat do"n again at the ta*le and h$ng his head...#t "as gro"ing late! and he do3ed. Still he co$ld hear the %aintest edge o% his grand%ather s voice on the deep and distant *reathing o$t o% sight! going on and on to"ard the da"n . . . anotherHone more da"n. 4he voice had %ailed each

E day! only to rise $p again in the da"n. 4he old man had spo,en si& times in the da"n! and the voice o% his memory "as "hole and clear and gro"ing li,e the da"n. '>L2) #ndigeno$s religion is th$s intert"ined "ith! and indisting$isha*le %rom! the 2hristian creation myth in this description o% voiceK"ord *irthing the "orld "ith si& da"ns. 4he vignettes *irthed *y that voice o% ancestral memory tell the *asic story o% creation %rom *eginning to end. From voiceK"ord comes the story o% Francisco sho"ing his grandsons 9the %irst light= and 9the ho$se o% the s$n= "ith its seasonal calendar o% rit$als painted in light on the earth itsel%! *y "hich 9they rec,on "here they "ere! "here all things "ere! in time= '>L213). 4hro$gh the indigeno$s oral tradition! Francisco passes on "isdom 9o% the great organic calendar itsel%! the very cycle o% the s$n and o% all the s$ns that "ere and "ere to come= to his descendants '>L3). 4ogether they cons$mmate this trans%er o% ,no"ledge! center! %rom one longhair to the ne&t "ith a rit$al sacri%ice o% earth8 9And he ,ne" they ,ne"! and he too, them "ith him to the %ields and they c$t open the earth and to$ched the corn and ate s"eet melons in the s$n= '>L3). Male as transcendent *$t active aspect o% creation is mirrored %rom *eginning and end o% the novel. Francisco "on the hand o% Borcing$la *y "inning the race %or good h$nting in the year >??E 'L1?). Francisco s dra"ing o% himsel% as a straight *lac, man on the %irst page o% a ledger *oo, sym*oli3es the transcendent male creator claiming *eginning in %emale creation! "hich parallels the sym*olism o% a 2hristian li%e as "ritten in the ta*les o% 2hrist s heart. 4ranscendent *$t active male creator is a $niversally recogni3a*le archetype. #t can *e descri*ed in 2hristian terms! or thro$gh strictly imagist descriptions s$ch in as the mirror vignette "hen A*el is p$rs$ing the transcendent male archetype in the race o% the dead! 9:. . .; the slim *lac, *odies o% the r$nners in the distance! gliding a"ay "itho$t a so$nd= '>?@). 4he earthly race %or good

>0 h$nting has merged "ith the s$pernat$ral race o% the dead! signaling A*el s centering in a "orld made o% sacred space and enchanted time. Francisco s ancestral memory %inds resol$tion in A*el p$shing *eyond the pain o% li%e! merging "ith that transcendent shado"1%ather! centered in the stillness *eyond *reath8 #n the ne&t instant his l$ngs sho$ld *$rst! %or no" they "ere *$rning "ith pain and the pain had cro"ded o$t the last and least element o% his *reath! and he sho$ld st$m*le and %all. ($t the moment passed. 4he moment passed! and the ne&t and the ne&t! and he "as r$nning still! and still he co$ld see the dar, shape o% the man r$nning a"ay in the s"irling mist! li,e a motionless shado". And he held on to the shado" and ran *eyond his pain. '>?>) Eliade s overarching de%inition o% myth as an eternal ret$rn! a search %or origins '/ayton)! is %$l%illed in this story o% son ret$rning "hole to the %ather! rit$al sacri%ice o% receptive %emale creation $niting "ith the active male creator. #n s$pport o% this interpretation is the se7$ence o% events "hich occ$rs 0$st a%ter Francisco s remem*rance o% initiating his grandsons into ,no"ledge o% nat$re s seasonal cycles! o*0ecti%ied *y their comm$nity into rit$al. 4he grandsons trans%ormation into longhairs is cons$mmated thro$gh rit$al sacri%ice o% c$tting open the earth! to$ching and eating her %r$its '>L3). #t is then that Francisco s ancestral memory! leading $p to $nion o% %ather and son in the mother! mirrors A*el s %irst rit$al sacri%ice into mother earth. (oth depict the "om* thro$gh stillness inside caves and *lood imagery! %ollo"ed *y the "ind! "hich sym*oli3es creation moving! the a"e o% the *irth1death *inary *eginning8 9/e came s$ddenly $pon a narro" ledge and stood *e%ore the mo$th o% a cave. :. . .; and the %loor "as deep and pac,ed "ith clay and gla3ed "ith the *lood o% animals. :. . .; And there

>> among the things o% the dead he listened in the stillness all aro$nd and heard only the lo"ing o% the "ind :. . .;= '>L4). From "ithin that cave comes Francisco s vision o% the eagle nat$rally catching its prey '>L4)! mirroring A*el s o%%1center rit$al sacri%ice o% the eagle itsel% at the *eginning o% the story '20). 2reation contin$es to $n%old in Francisco s remem*rance o% the "olves gathering aro$nd his camp%ire '>L@)! a 5arden o% Eden depiction o% h$man,ind living amidst creation s *easts. 4hen the goal o% mythic creation! o% Francisco s 7$est o$t into the "ilderness! into mother earth! comes into sight! into reach! %rom "ithin the still! silent! center8 /e "as hard on the trac, o% the *ear :. . .;. And it "as there no"! o%% in the *lac,ness! standing still and invisi*le! "aiting. And he did not "ant to *rea, the stillness o% the night! %or it "as holy and pro%o$nd8 it "as rest and restoration! the h$nter s o%%ering o% death and the sad "atch o% the h$nted! "aiting some"here a"ay in the cold dar,ness and *reathing easily o% its li%e! *rooding aro$nd at last to %orgiveness and consentG the silence "as essential to them *oth! and it lay o$t li,e a *ond *et"een them! ancient and inviola*le. '>L@1D) .it$al sacri%ice %inds em*odiment in this sacred space and enchanted time! "here one *ody1sym*ol is trans%ormed "hole into another! transcending linear *o$ndaries o% space! time and religion. Francisco and A*el sym*oli3e every1person! on the earthly 0o$rney *et"een *inaries! thro$gh rit$al sacri%ice! to center. #n 2hristian terms! A*el *ecomes the sacri%icial Aes$s %ig$re! em*odied in the *ear. Francisco s role is that o% active Father 2reator! *irthed thro$gh the passive created mother earth1"om*! along "ith the *ear1son8 An ancient "aterco$rse %ell a"ay li,e a %light o% stairs to the le%t! the %alls *road and shallo" at %irst! *$t ever more narro" and deep %arther do"n. /e tied the

>2 horses and started do"n the roc, on %oot! $sing the ri%le to *alance himsel%. /e "ent slo"ly! 7$ietly do"n $ntil he came to a deep open %$nnel in the roc,. 4he gro$nd on either side sloped sharply do"n to a *road ravine and the edge o% the tim*er *eyond! and he sa" the scored earth "here the *ear had le%t the roc, and gone sliding do"n :. . .;. 4he "alls o% the %$nnel "ere deep and smooth! and they converged at the *an, o% the ravine some t"enty %eet *elo"! and the ravine "as %illed "ith s"eet clover and paint1*r$sh and sage. :. . .; /e let himsel% do"n into the %$nnel! little *y little! s$pported only *y the tension o% his strength against the "alls. 4he going "as hard and slo"! and near the end his arms and legs *egan to sha,e! *$t he "as yo$ng and strong and he dropped %rom the point o% the roc, to the sand *elo" :. . .;. '>LD1L) Active male th$s comes do"n into receptive %emale earth! together creating em*odiment o% the son! A*el the small *ear! standing per%ectly still in a pool o% light '>LL). (oth %ather and son are s$rrendered! centered in mother earth %or the *irth1death rit$al sacri%ice. 4he "holeness o% earth is religions common gro$nd in House Made of Dawn as Ecotheology. Mirroring A*el s remem*rance o% the %ear e&perienced $pon his %irst rit$al sacri%ice into the "om* o% earth! %ear o% the male1%emale Nicolas teah whau '>>)! Francisco no" remem*ers her as "ild! androgyno$s "itch! 9that old Becos "oman "hom he %eared! "hom everyone %eared *eca$se she had long "hite hair a*o$t her mo$th= '>L?). 4hen Francisco s ancestral memory collapses the mystery o% these earthly generations! thro$gh a convol$ted revelation o% incest! into one %amily spa"ned *y that male1%emale s$pernat$ral *eing Nicolas teah whau '>L?1?0). Francisco ties the ne" generation o% grandsons *ac, to that ancestral *eing! that "hole! ro$nd! navel o% the earth %rom "hich they came8

>3 4here in the plain! *et"een the *l$e hills and the lo" line o% the red cli%%s! "as the ro$nd red roc,. As they approached it %rom the so$th! it seemed only a grade! a gentle rise in the plain! *$t "hen they came $pon it the land %ell a"ay. :. . .; 9Listen!= he said! and they stood per%ectly still on the edge o% the roc,. :. . .; Far *elo"! the *ree3e ran $pon the shining *lades o% corn! and they heard the %ootsteps r$nning. #t "as %aint at %irst and %ar a"ay! *$t it rose and dre" near! steadily! a h$ndred men r$nning! t"o h$ndred! three! not %ast! *$t r$nning easily and %orever! the one so$nd o% a h$ndred men r$nning. 9Listen!= he said. 9#t is the race o% the dead! and it happens here.= '>?0) 5enerations in linear time are th$s sacri%iced into ever1present cyclic time. 4he earthly race %or good h$nting *ecomes the transcendent race o% the dead. A*el *ecomes active creator! "ith a voice in the comm$nity! thro$gh mastery o% the %irst imp$lse o% creationHso$nd. 4hro$gh the per%ect act o% dr$mming! he per%orms a %inal rit$al sacri%ice o% linear time! o% mind and senses! to the still silent center *eyond %ear8 4he dr$m rolled li,e th$nder in his hand! and he had no memory o% setting the deep so$nd $pon it. #t had happened! and he no longer had %ear! not even any tho$ght o% %ear. /e "as mindless in the "a,e o% the dancers! riding high li,e the go$rds on the long *right parallels o% motion. /e had no need o% seeing! nor did the dancers dance to the dr$m. 4heir %eet %ell $pon the earth and his hand str$c, th$nder to the dr$m! and it "as the same thing! one motion made o% so$nd. /e lost trac, o% the time. :. . .; and nothing "as lost! nothing8 there had *een nothing o% time lost! no miss in the motion o% the mind :. . .;. #t "as per%ect. :. . .; And %rom then on he had a voice in the clan :. . .;. '>?>)

>4 4hat rit$al sacri%ice o% the linear *irth1death %ear! that s$rrender to timeless! receptive %emale creation! ena*les the s$*se7$ent $nion o% son "ith transcendent! active male creator. #t is %rom that centering in the navel o% the earth that A*el 9held on to the shado" and ran *eyond his pain= '>?2). (et"een +ypaloh and <tseda*a! Alpha and Cmega! *eginning and end o% the novel! there is the 9Middle= '>3)! the sacred comm$nal space in "hich the sacri%icial rit$als o% li%e and death are played o$t8 94he Middle "as an ancient place :. . .;= '3D). Again! religions are interchangea*le8 indigeno$s Middle is the essence o% the 2hristian concept o% /oly SpiritHthe middle element o% s$rrender in sacri%ice *et"een Father and son. /oly Spirit is the interaction "hich $nites polarities! creating 2hrist! the center. #n House Made of Dawn! this sacri%icial interaction ta,es place physically in the Middle o% the comm$nity! enacted as sacri%ice o% the rooster! "ith the victorio$s "hite man Al*ino choosing the colored man A*el as his paired victim. Again! religions are intert"ined8 this pairing is played o$t symmetrically in rit$al sacri%ice o% %irst the Al*ino! then o% A*el. 4he Al*ino plays the part o% rit$ally sacri%iced 2hristianity. A*el plays the part o% rit$ally sacri%iced indigeno$s religion. 4he Al*ino s cross1 shaped death1pose 'L4! ?E)! li,e a cr$ci%i& lain o$t on the gro$nd! is the most *latant sym*ol o% the 2hristian rit$al sacri%ice. 4he centrally 0$&taposed physical sacri%ices o% the Al*ino and A*el serve as the $ltimate limits %o$nd *alancing in the Middle! "ith layer $pon layer o% sacri%ice played o$t %or"ards and *ac,"ards in the te&t! li,e a pe**le dropped in the center o% a pond ma,ing concentric ripples. 2hristian and indigeno$s religions are paired as e7$al and interchangea*le! a*solved o% e&cess thro$gh rit$al sacri%ice "ithin the land s sacred space and enchanted time. 4he 2hristian Father Clg$in s transcendence o% linear time and epiphany to centered cyclic time '>?4)! is

>@ %ollo"ed immediately *y A*el s %inal centering in the still silence o% earth imagery at the end o% the novel. Father Clg$in "elcomes to A*el s enchanted native homeland his antithetical partner %rom the metropolis o% Los Angeles! she "ho *ears "itness to A*el s cr$ci%i&ion and redemption8 9A pale! dar,1haired yo$ng "oman :. . .;. F# am Mrs. Martin St. Aohn. :. . .; F ien!enido a la tierra del en"anto#$ '241@). Not only does this %emale co$nterpart to A*el act as St. Aohn! co$nterpart to 2hrist! *earing "itness to his sacri%ice and redemption! *$t she also enacts the part o% Eve as temptress to Adam! ca$se o% native man s Fall %rom Eden. Enacting *oth the male and %emale parts necessary to the *eginning and end o% the 2hristian story o% creation and redemption! Angela is th$s a male1%emale archetype e7$al to Nicholas teah whau. (oth she and Angela em*ody the "hole o% creation! the a"esome and terri%ying reality o% the *irth1death *inary! s$pernat$ral yet s$premely physical. Angela portrays her creation as! 9the monstro$s %etal %orm= '3>). Angela *rings "ith her the omen o% the sacri%icial ho$r! a trope repeated thro$gho$t House Made of Dawn. For her! rit$al sacri%ice is a violent rape o% earth! her *ody8 4here "as an instant in "hich the coil o% his *ody "as set and all his strength "as poised in the *reach o% time! then the in%inite letting go. /e leaned into the s"ing and droveG the *lade %lashed and str$c,! and the "ood gaped open. :. . .; She stood remem*ering the sacramental violence "hich had to$ched the "ood. :. . .; %layed *y the %ire and their deep %i*ro$s %lesh crac,ed open! and among the crac,s the "ood "as *$rned into charcoal and ash! and in the s$n each %acet o% the dead "ood shone lo" li,e velvet and %elt li,e velvet to the to$ch! and le%t the so%t death o% itsel% on the hands that to$ched it. '2?! 32)

>D -ood! the physical 4ree o% Li%e! material o% the cross and sym*olic o% the cr$ci%i&ion! is th$s sacri%iced as passive %emale *ody enacted $pon *y active male. Angela e&periences the sacri%ice o% the rooster in the Middle o% to"n as a se&$al clima&! her *ody going limp '3?). She li,ens her o"n loss o% virginity to the rooster s rit$al sacri%ice! vie"ed thro$gh her eyes as rape8 94he "hite man leaned and str$c,! *ac, and %orth! "ith only the m$te malice o% the act itsel% :. . .; and the nec, o% the *ird "as *ro,en and the %lesh torn open! and the *lood splashed every"here a*o$t. :. . .; 4he *lac, horse stood its gro$nd! c$tting o%% every line o% retreat! pressing $pon the terri%ied mare= '40). 4he mirroring o% A*el s a"areness o% %ear at his %irst rit$al sacri%ice into the *irth1death "om* o% earth '>>)! "ith the resol$tion o% %ear at the dr$mming rit$al sacri%ice o% time! mind and senses '>?>)! is *alanced in the middle o% the te&t *y his o"n *odily sacri%ice. 4he certainty o% A*el s cr$ci%i&ion as the colored hal% o% the "hite Al*ino s rit$al sacri%ice is sealed in the description o% his *ro"n and "hite shoes *eing nailed to his %eet 'E4). Li,e Aes$s *ecoming 2hrist! A*el transcends his %ear o% the *irth1death *inary thro$gh physically *ecoming the rit$al sacri%ice. A%ter the indigeno$s invocation! 95reat Spirit. 2ome *ac, to $sJ= '>00)! the rit$al sacri%ice and res$rrection o% the son is signaled8 9#n the %o$r directions did the Briest o% the S$n! standing painted in the street! serve notice that something holy "as going on in the $niverse= '>0>). .it$al sacri%ice o% A*el s *ody a"a,ens him to his nat$ral %ear o% the *irth1death *inary8 9/e "as a%raid. /e heard the sea *rea,ing! sa" shado"y shapes in the s"irling %og! and he "as a%raid. /e had al"ays *een a%raid= '>02). A*el *ecomes the %ish that 2hrist the %isherman m$ltiplies! inn$mera*le as the gr$nion %ish on the *each at %$ll moon! to %eed the m$ltit$des 'LE). /is sacri%iced *ody %lails li,e a %ish '>0>)! li,e Santiago s sacri%icial rooster! torn into inn$mera*le pieces and stre"n on the earth! to

>L spro$t into %ood %or the comm$nity '3@). /is cr$ci%ied "hite co$nterpart! the Al*ino! is also li,ened to a %ish in the imagery o% his *are "hite arm "hich %orms the cross "ith his *ody 'L4). 4he *irth1death imagery o% one religion is trans%ormed into the *irth1death imagery o% another religion! each o%%ering itsel% in sacri%ice to the other on the common gro$nd o% %ertile earth. House Made of Dawn#s cyclic str$ct$re em*odies meaning in %orm. Eliade posits that since sacred e&perience gives myth its str$ct$re '/ayton)! the element o% the sacred in religio$s phenomena s$ch as myth is the essence o% its meaning! and m$st *e ac,no"ledged as s$ch 'Arnade). 4he meaning o% House Made of Dawn is the sacred $nity o% religions in the earth. A mon,! 4homas (erry! grand%ather o% the environmental ethics movement! proclaims h$man,ind s ret$rn to the earth %or religio$s inspiration. #n The Dream of the %arth! (erry reveals Ecotheology as *oth *ene%ited *y American #ndian literat$re and as an important critical tool o% native literat$re8 -e are ret$rning to o$r native place a%ter a long a*sence! meeting once again "ith o$r ,in in the earth comm$nity. :. . .; the "orld o% da"n and s$nset and glittering stars in the dar, night heavens! the "orld o% "ind and rain :. . .; and "ithin all this the eagle and the ha", :. . .; the "ol% and the *ear :. . .; is an e&perience not %ar %rom that o% +ante meeting (eatrice at the end o% the &urgatorio :. . .;. 4he 9ancient %lame= "as lit again in the depths o% his *eing. #n that meeting! +ante is descri*ing not only a personal e&perience! *$t the e&perience o% the entire h$man comm$nity at the moment o% reconciliation "ith the divine a%ter the long period o% alienation and h$man "andering a"ay %rom the tr$e center. '>12) #n House Made of Dawn! trans%ormation thro$gh rit$al sacri%ice ret$rns A*el to center in the earth! revealing Ecotheology as common gro$nd in a m$ltic$lt$ral "orld. A*el s 7$est is that o%

>? %inding center *et"een American #ndian religion and 2hristianity thro$gh overcoming %ear o% the *irth1death *inary. .it$al sacri%ice is meditation o% the liminal space *et"een these opposites. 4he de%ining trope o% rit$al sacri%ice in House Made of Dawn is active male creator $niting "ith receptive %emale creation! earth. House Made of Dawn! as mythic translation o% rit$ali3ed religio$s inspiration! sho"cases American #ndian literat$re as Ecotheology! contri*$ting to h$man,ind s a"areness o% earth as sacred space and enchanted time.

>E -or,s 2ited Arnade! Beter A. 9.eligio$s 2on%lict in Early Modern E$rope.= Medieval and Early Modern! +epartment o% /istory. 2ali%ornia State Nniversity San Marcos. 'Fall 2003)8 4o"ard a +e%inition o% .eligion. (erry! 4homas. 4he +ream o% the Earth. San Francisco8 Sierra 2l$* (oo,s! >EE0. (ro"n! 6alerie. 94he .ise o% Ecotheology.= 2ol$m*ia. 2L Fe*r$ary 2004. """.col$m*ia.ed$Kc$K2>st2Kiss$e13.4K*ro"n.html (r$chac! Aoseph. #ll 4homas Loc,er. (et"een Earth O S,y8 Legends o% Native American Sacred Blaces. San +iego8 /arco$rt (race O 2ompany! >EED. +ial! Karen Kristy. 9(ac,gro$nd Essay.= 5eocites. 2D Fe*r$ary 2004. """.geocites.comK,,dialK*ac,%.html /ayton! /eather .ichardson. 9Mythology and Fol,lore8 FEpics and 4heir /eroes. = Medieval St$dies! +epartment o% Literat$re and -riting St$dies. 2ali%ornia State Nniversity San Marcos. 'Fall 2003)8 4heori3ing Myth! .eligion! Lang$age. Momaday! N. Scott. /o$se Made o% +a"n. Ne" Mor,8 /arperBerennial! >EEE.

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