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Instability spurs football conference merger

By Juan Lpez
Fridays news of the Mountain West Conference, which Nevada will be a member of starting in the 2012-13 academic year, and Conference USA planning to merge its football teams into a 22-team league sent shockwaves through the college football world. Many pondered what the impacts of such a massive league would be and how this group would progress in the ever-changing landscape of college football. But members of the conferences cited trying to avoid unforeseen blows to their organizations as the main reason for creating the merger. With football teams seemingly changing leagues every day, the move will provide a secure future, Nevada Athletics Director Cary Groth said. National media reports last week speculated the Big East Conference invited MWC schools Boise State and Air Force to its league, but as of Monday, both schools said they hadnt been ofcially invited. Its going to help stabilize our conference because its a movement of strength, and that might help deter teams from leaving, Groth said. The merger could happen as early as 2012 and will ultimately result in a two-division alignment with a championship game between the two division winners. The new conference will span across 16 states and ve time zones.

The Th Mountain M t i West W t

See MERGER Page A5

Conference and Conference USA announced Friday a merger into a 22-team football league. The league would span across 16 states and ve time zones, and could start as early as 2012.


Teachers move to rehire prof

By Ben Miller
University faculty recommended Thursday that campus administrators hire back a professor they feel was unduly slighted out of a job in the budget cutting process. Valerie Weinstein, a former German professor and chair of the Gender, Race and Identity program at the University of Nevada, Reno, lost her job when the German department disintegrated in June. The Faculty Senate held a special meeting Thursday to discuss Weinsteins situation. The body passed two motions: The rst suggested that the university hire Weinstein back at her previous rank and pay. The second asked administrators to establish an explicit process for faculty reassignment in such

I fully expected to stay on the faculty at UNR until I retired, decades from now. It was devastating to have to leave, especially when I feel that I still have so much to contribute. Valerie Weinstein, former professor
cases that includes Faculty Senate review. Administrators offered her a position as a lecturer, which president of the UNR chapter of

See LAYOFF Page A5

Legislator index to help lobbying

By Riley Snyder
About a month after the 2011 spring semester ended, Associated Students of the University of Nevada President Casey Stiteler and Director of Legislative Affairs Michael Stannard began meeting to nd ideas for the upcoming year. Stannard, who had only been appointed months earlier, proposed an idea originally dumped last year because of time constraints the creation of a comprehensive index of the state Legislature. Stitelers approval made the project a reality. More than two months later, the department compiled the 180-page document dedicating two to three pages for each legislator with information necessary to analyze them. The index includes background, election donations, a voting record and

Wh Who: The Th Department D t t of f Legislative Affairs What: The CNN Republican presidential candidate debate viewing. When: Today, 5-6:00p.m. Where: The Joe Crowley Student Union Theatre.
a summary of how close the candidate is to supporting his or her positions. This knowledge becomes invaluable during the session, especially for bills affecting higher education, Stannard said. We can look at this index and nd the 10 people who may be on the fence or moderate, Stannard said. The indexs creation is one of many steps the Department

Reno, UNR reect on struggle for gay rights

By Ben Miller and Riley Snyder

t was 1997, and the rst Reno Gay Pride festival was underway downtown. Paco Poli, a gay alumnus from the University of Nevada, Reno, spotted what he considered to be an offensive sight in the crowd a topless man, wearing white Daisy Dukes and a pair of fairy wings on his back. Poli, one of the events organizers, told the man to leave. The surprised participant protested, saying his costume was acceptable at parades in the Bay Area. I told him, This is Reno, Poli said. We dont do that here. Fourteen years later, the Silver State retains a unique status for the rights of those in the LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered, community. Though gay marriage, one of the largest uphill battles for many LGBT advocates, is illegal under

the Nevada Constitution, the state has shifted toward tolerance. According to people in the LGBT community, the movement helps in the ght against negative reactions ranging from hate mail to suicide. National survey company Public Policy Polling released a statement in July stating that 45 percent of Nevadans think that gay marriage should be legal a stark contrast with the 67 percent state vote to ban gay marriage in 2002. As of Oct. 1, Nevadans can no longer discriminate against transgendered people in employment, housing and public accommodations. The move puts Nevada in the top 14 states for the openness of its trans policies, transgendered Equality Nevada lobbyist Lauren Scott said. The same date marked the

See LGBT Page A5


University of Nevada, Reno students Alex Aikens, left, and Missi Motley.

See LIST Page A5

Search for new UNR president begins

Staff Report
A committee to nd a permanent university president met for the rst time Friday to launch a framework for the search much of which revolved around the characteristics of former President Milton Glick. Quite frankly, the things that Milt Glick was doing were just exactly the right things, Nevada System of Higher Education Chancellor Dan Klaich said. He was focusing on student success, making the university a stronger and higher quality place and reaching out into the community to help with economic development ... I think that those are absolutely critical things for the university right now. Interim President Marc Johnson could run for the position if he chooses, Klaich said. By press time, Johnson could not be reached for comment. The committee, which includes faculty, administrators, an employee, an alumnus and two students, also placed an emphasis on the fundraising ability of the next campus leader. The universitys budget troubles in the past few years have made such a quality important, committee member and associate professor of journalism Donica Mensing said. The university will most likely be one of three Nevada higher education institutions searching for a permanent president at the same time, she said. Great Basin College and Nevada State College also will be looking. The committee will meet again Dec. 9 to create a solid prole of qualities the university should look for in a president, Mensing said. The meetings are of a public body and are therefore open to the public. A timeline for when a new president will be hired should become clearer before the end of the year, Klaich said.
The news staff can be reached at

Former University Nevada, Reno President Milton Glick speaks to students during the December 2008 commencement.



NEVADASAGEBRUSH.COM Breaking: Watch for developments in midweek news. Basketball: Keep up with updates during the Western Athletic Conferences teleconference projecting next years dynamic.


Discover how alcohol dampens workouts with empty calories and fat storage. Page A7


Find out t what inuence ce the appearance app ance young of y g gallery owners gall has had d on art scenes nes nationwide. nat wide.


See how w Wolf Pack football otball is preparing ng for the bulk k of its conference ence schedule, le, which starts tarts Saturday. ay.

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In Information gathered from the University of Nevada, Reno chapter of the American Meteorological Society. th TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY T FRIDAY WEEKEND


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A2 OCTOBER 18, 2011


Student voice of the University of Nevada, Reno since 1893.


Editor in Chief Juan Lpez

Managing Editor Stephen Ward

News Editor Ben Miller

Assistant News Editor Riley Snyder

Sports Editor Eric Lee Castillo

Assistant Sports Editor Now Hiring A & E Editor Casey OLear

Opinion Editor Enjolie Esteve

Design Editor Tara Verderosa

Photo Editor Garrett Valenzuela

Copy Editor Chanelle Bessette Copy Editor Oanh Luc

Copy Editor Alex Malone

Ofce Manager Beverly Vermillion

Illustrator Jett Chapman

Advertising Ofce

Contributing Staffers: Jenna Benson, Ben Clark, Nathan Conover, Tony Contini, Casey Durkin, Joel Edwards, Lukas Eggen, Leanne Howard, Diamond Lambert, Michael Lingberg, Jennifer Mabus, Hannah McMahon, Cassie Menezes, Gus Meyer, Raquel Monserat, Bri Ruddy, Miwako Schlageter, Stephanie Self, Jade Sheldon, Steph Smith, Mariel Tabeta, Caitlin Thomas, Cory Thomas, Devan Underwood, Sabrina Valdez, Austin Wallis, Zoe Wentzel, Kyle Wise

Prospective members of the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity stand Friday in the Joe Crowley Student Union theatre during the groups formal recognition as a colony. The chapter drew 62 potential members, about 15 more than an average pledge class at the University of Nevada, Reno.


Fraternity seeks fresh start at UNR

By Cassie Menezes
Following the loss of its national recognition in 2008, Alpha Tau Omega fraternity has recolonized and is looking to begin with a clean slate at the University of Nevada, Reno with 62 members the largest new Greek class on campus. National representatives presented the group with pins Friday as they stood on the stage in the dark Joe Crowley Student Union theatre. The small metal xtures symbolized the new class commitment to ATO and what it stands for scholarship, character, leadership and brotherhood, according to the fraternitys website. The ceremony served as a new start for a chapter the university found guilty of hazing in 2008. The institution accused the former members of forcing prospective members to eat raw chicken, Greek Life Coordinator Jeanine Menolascino said. They were suspended until this year. In rebuilding the chapter from the ground up, the prospective members hope to clear the fraternitys name from the sour note it left on. During the 2007 Homecoming parade, the group drove a oat made to look like a chicken. Jake Flynn, ATO president and one of the founding fathers, was drawn to the group because of the fraternitys blank-slate status as a colony. When I look back on it years from now, I can say I helped restart ATO, said Flynn, a 19-yearold undeclared major. Besides, how cool does being a founding father sound? Menolascino said a healthy fraternity or sorority at UNR will draw about 47 potential members during the fall rush week, 15 fewer than ATOs pull. Though the statistic is high for the campus on the hill, other chapters around the United States have had similar success. According to the national organizations website, the colony at the University of Missouri recently began with 56 members. The national average is 58 potential members per group, national ATO representative Bobby Grangier said. This year, ATO is seeing a record type expansion of growth across the nation, he said. UNRs group is no exception. They denitely contribute to the growth of ATO as a whole. Grangier and two other ATO representatives started the recruitment process about two weeks after the formal rush week for the campus other Greek chapters. The late start also was successful for the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity, which began its recruitment period the week after the rest of the chapters amid allegations of an alcohol violation. TKE gave 22 bids to

Ofce: 775-784-4033 Fax: 775-327-5334 Mail Stop 058 Reno, NV 89557 The Nevada Sagebrush is a newspaper operated by and for the students of the University of Nevada, Reno. The contents of this newspaper do not necessarily reect those opinions of the university or its students. It is published by the students of the University of Nevada, Reno and printed by the Sierra Nevada Media Group. The Nevada Sagebrush and its staff are accredited members of the Nevada Press Association and Associated Collegiate Press. Photographers subscribe to the National Press Photographers Association code of ethics. Designers are members of the Society for News Design. ADVERTISING: For information about display advertising and rates, please call the Advertising Department at 775-784-7773 or email Classied advertising is available beginning at $7. Contact the ofce at 775-784-7773 or email Classieds are due Fridays at noon. SUBSCRIPTION: The Nevada Sagebrush offers a yearly subscription service for $40 a year. Call The Nevada Sagebrush ofce at 775-784-4033 for more information. Email subscriptions and downloadable PDFs are also available for free at LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Must include a phone number and/or email address. Letters should be relevant to student life or major campus issues. Letters should be no longer than 250 words. Letters can be submitted via email at Letters are due via e-mail or mail by noon Saturday before publication.

When I look back on it years from now, I can say I helped restart (Alpha Tau Omega). Besides, how cool does being a founding father sound? Jake Flynn, founding president of ATO
potential members, the most its had in about seven years, according to Sam Andrews, who holds the position equivalent to president of the chapter. Associate Vice President for Student Life Services Gerald Marczynski said ATOs numbers arent atypical for colonies. When he rst began at UNR, the Sigma Kappa sorority was colonizing, and they had similar numbers. Such strength is important for early chapters, Marczynski said. You really need critical mass to get the organization started again, he said. Grangier said the colony drew interest because it offers different opportunities from the established chapters. People are joining because they didnt nd other organizations on campus to suit what they want out of an organization, Grangier said.

Sigma Kappa sorority has occupied the former Alpha Tau Omega house since the group was suspended in 2008 for hazing. Though ATO owns the residence, the new group wont move into a house for about a year, administrators said.
When they joined ATO, they really (got) to mold and shape their own. The university wont ofcially recognize the colony as a chapter until the group meets the institutions requirements, many of which are to align with the national organizations values, Menolascino said. The group wont have a designated chapter house until that time. Sigma Kappa currently occupies ATOs old house, she said. The members had to go through an interview process before they were admitted, Grangier said. I really want to change ev-


eryones perception of ATO, he said. We are going to stay clear of the past few years completely. We are a new group, new faces and new ideas. Alumni werent completely absent from the colonization process. Matt Callahan, ATO alumni chairman who rushed in 1995, interviewed and helped recruit members for ATO. I was really looking for those individuals who were looking to carry on such an exceptional fraternity, and 62 of them seemed perfect for me, Callahan said.
Cassie Menezes can be reached at

Excessive earphone use tied to hearing loss

By Hannah McMahon
During the Welcome Week club fair in September, a group of University of Nevada, Reno students gathered around a specially designed mannequin and blasted its ears with a mixture of rock and hip-hop music at a volume they deemed normal. The mannequin, nicknamed Tina, had a sound level meter installed in its silicone ear in order to show students the danger of listening to music at high volumes. Generally, any sound above 85 decibels causes hearing loss over time the music Tina listened to ranged from 80 to 115 decibels, 22-year-old speech pathology and audiology major and project participant Ashley Ellis said. Ellis, along with fellow speech pathology and audiology majors Sarah Newsham, Ariana Harrison and Meghan Williams, created Tina to show students how using headphones can cause noise-induced hearing loss and increase the potential for accidents. The students, who started the project during summer, replicated a 2006 demonstration at the Oregon Health and Science University where researchers used a mannequin to demonstrate similar effects. About 26 million people between the ages of 20-69 have a high-frequency hearing loss from noise exposure, according to information from the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Despite not receiving class

In the Oct. Oct 11 story "Deaf professor dees impairment," The Nevada Sagebrush misprinted the age that instructor Shannah Kanet learned sign language. She learned it in the third grade. The Sagebrush also misprinted her position, which is an instructor. The Nevada Sagebrush xes mistakes. If you nd an error, email

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Want breaking news and witty insights from the Sagebrush staff? Follow us on Twitter! Editor in Chief: Juan Lpez @JuanVLopez Managing Editor: Stephen Ward @SrmWard Sports Editor: Eric Castillo @EricLeeCastillo Assistant News Editor: Riley Snyder @RileySnyder Design Editor: Tara Verderosa @Taragreenrose Copy Editor: Alex Malone @AlexWMalone

From left to right, Speech Pathology and Audiology Clinic students Sarah Newsham, Meghan Williams, Ashley Ellis and Ariana Harrison pose with their mannequin Tina. The four students used the mannequin to conduct tests that relate hearing loss to headphone use.
credit for the project, Ellis and her fellow students started the project because they will be entering graduate school next fall to obtain doctorates in audiology, and they want to educate students about how their listening habits can affect their longterm hearing, she said. If someone can hear it standing next to you, its too loud, Ellis said. A lot of them thought they werent listening to it that loud. While factors such as the length of use and sound pressure can affect hearing loss in different ways, personal music devices such as iPods usually cause hearing damage, Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology professor Dennis Uken said. A safe rule of thumb is to not listen to music for more than an hour above a volume level of six on a scale of 10, Director of Diagnostic Audiology at the Childrens Hospital in Boston Brian Fligor said in a statement. Alexander Nichols, a 19-yearold journalism major, said he uses headphones while walking on campus despite the potential damage to his hearing. Like cigarettes, I know its hurting (me), but I just bite the bullet, Nichols said. While the UNR campus does not have a high volume of headphone-caused accidents, it increases the potential for accidents by diverting student attention away from trafc or other dangers, UNR Chief of Police Adam Garcia said. The potential (for accidents) always exists because someone listening to something on head-


T To test t t the th sound d level l l of your own music player, contact the researchers at
phones is not able to hear trafc or other possible approaching dangers, Garcia said.
Riley Snyder contributed to this report. Hannah McMahon can be reached at

Check out for our live blog of Associated Students of the University of Nevada Senate meetings, regularly scheduled for 5:30 p.m. every Wednesday.

Weekly Update

The Senate will consider the nomination of Zachary Alexander as a unity commissioner.
5:30 p.m. Wednesday, JCSU Senate Chambers


OCTOBER 18, 2011



For a full listing: calendar

Campus Events


PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE When: 5-6 p.m. Where: Theatre on the third oor of the Joe Crowley Student Union The public will have free entry to a viewing party of the CNN Republican primary debate. Organizers will provide free food. For more information, contact legaffairs_programs@

IKES MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX When: 7-9 p.m. Where: Wells Fargo Auditorium in the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center

Fireworks go off just before a tower of crates is set ablaze in the north parking lot Friday night. The show was one of the last events during a pirate-themed week of activities that included an obstacle course in front of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, a food ght in the Manzanita Bowl and a hot dog-eating contest on the lawn of the Joe Crowley Student Union. Following the bonre, the Nevada Wolf Pack football team came out victorious Saturday against the New Mexico Lobos, 49-7.


News Roundup
according to the statement.

Defense analyst Tom Davis will give a presentation on former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the context of the modern military. For more information, call the Associated Students of the University of Nevada front desk at 775-784-6589.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is charging the University of Nebraska at Kearney for disobeying the Fair Housing Act, the White House said in a statement Tuesday. The institution denied a students request to live with her therapy dog in a university-owned apartment, the statement said. The student needed the animal for depression and anxiety issues. The case will go before a U.S. administrative law judge, the statement said.

Drive and 14th Street.



FRIDAY, 10/14/11:
Ofcers responded to a report of threats at the Mackay Science building.

recently received a $410,220 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop exercise video games for people who are blind, according to a university statement released Friday. UNR assistant professor of computer science and engineering Eelke Folmer, the lead researcher, said children who are blind tend to become obese at higher rates because they have fewer exercise options. Because the technology uses the body as a display device, it could benet people who are deaf as well, the statement said. The team already has released a few exergames that can be played on the Nintendo Wii, including a bowling game, the statement said. Ever since we released the games on our website for free, weve received hundreds of positive responses from children, parents and teachers, Folmer said in a statement. Some blind children had never played a video game in their life and now all of a sudden they can play Wii games with their friends and family. Folmer is working on the project with researchers from the State University of New York at Cortland and the State University of New York at Brockport,

A proposal from two Michigan State University professors is asking states to recognize new technology by accepting long-distance marriages, the university said in a statement Oct. 6. The document, Modernizing Marriage, points out that states already allow military couples to send representatives in their stead to weddings. A policy for e-weddings could open a door for elderly, ill, same-sex and deployed couples, the statement said. Technology such as Skype now allows people to interact through video and also could be applied to weddings, the statement said. Such a move could mean an economic boost for states that offer a better system than others, researcher Mae Kuykendall said in the statement. Legislators in Vermont have expressed interest in making such a policy. Every time states liberalize, they get nervous. But we urge states to stop being nervous and modernize their marriage laws, Kuykendall said in the statement. Michigan could get publicity and money for being innovative about something other than trying to make a car that somebody will buy.

THURSDAY, 10/13/11:
Police responded to a report of possession and consumption of drugs and paraphernalia at the Sierra Street Parking Complex. Ofcers responded to a report of tampering with a motor vehicle at Edmund J. Cain Hall.

MOVIE SERIES CAPTAIN AMERICA When: 9-11 p.m. Where: Theatre on the third oor of The Joe The Associated Students of the University of Nevada will screen Captain America: The First Avenger free for students. The movie details the origin of the Marvel superhero against the backdrop of World War II. For more information, contact directorprogramming@

WEDNESDAY, 10/12/11:
Police responded to two reports of destruction of property: one at Mt. Vida Street and Echo Avenue and one at 1674 N. Virginia St. Ofcers responded to a report of a stolen golf cart at Mackay Stadium.


SUNDAY, 10/16/11:
Police cited individuals for minor in possession and consumption at the following locations: four at 1039 Evans Ave., two on the 1300 block of Ralston St. and one at the Sierra Street Parking Complex. Ofcers arrested one individual for minor in possession and consumption at 49 W. Ninth St.


TUESDAY, 10/11/11:
Police responded to a report of petit larceny at the Nell J. Redeld Building. Ofcers responded to a report of fraud at 1664 N. Virginia St. Police responded to a report of trespassing at the Central Heat Plant. Ofcers responded to a report of a lost laptop at Argenta Hall. Police responded to a hit-and-run at the William J. Raggio Building.

SATURDAY, 10/15/11:
Police cited four individuals for minor in possession and consumption at Mackay Stadium and one at Hillside

LINCOLN HAUNTED BASEMENT When: 7-11 p.m. Where: Lincoln Residence Hall Lincoln Hall will host its annual Lincoln Haunted Basement, with this years theme being Mackays House of Toys. Admission is $2 or two canned goods. All proceeds benet the Evelyn Mount Foundation. The event will also take place Oct. 25. For more information, contact

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Inside Technology
OCTOBER 18, 2011


UNR alum launches item-locating business

By Cassie Menezes
For Jeff Miod, who busses tables at The Wolf Den after hours, nding items left behind by University of Nevada, Reno students is not uncommon. In a week, he usually nds about seven to eight credit cards, at least one cellphone and an occasional textbook. UNR alumnus Kyle Collinsworth, who graduated in 1994, created a new program along with co-founder Kevin Murray called myStuffID, designed to assist in the recovery of items such as those Miod often nds. The program uses a label equipped with a barcode, phone number and pin, which people can place on certain items. When called, the myStuffID staff sends an email and text to the owner of the item notifying him or her of the products location. Students can place the label on textbooks, phones and keys and avoid using personal information, Murray said. Its just a sticker with our number on it, Murray said. Someone nds your item, they call us and we text and email you the location. Its that simple. No one has to know where you live or even your phone number. Currently, myStuffID has about 500 users and has recovered about 15 items, Collinsworth said. The company is focused mainly on the university and plans to expand in the future, he said. The sticker is available for $29.95 in the ASUN Bookstore. Murray hatched the idea for myStuffID while consulting for the company alertID, which uses similar technology to track children. He realized that the same technology could be used to track personal property, so he took the idea to longtime friend Collinsworth, who has a bachelors degree in business and helped create myStuffID in three months. Without the economic and entrepreneurship lessons he was taught at the university, Collinsworth would not be prepared to start any new business. Clearly, when you start a business its much different than working for someone, Col-

University of Nevada, Reno alumnus Kyle Collinsworth launched the myStuffID service as a venture that helps people nd items theyve lost. The business is mostly focused on the UNR campus but hopes to expand in the future.
linsworth said. UNR really prepared me to start a business. You have to talk about marketing, economics, nances ... at UNR you really get an understanding of what thats all about. For students such as 17-yearold business information major Zachary Bredeson, who has lost a sweater, phone and iPod since arriving at UNR this fall, such a program would help whenever he loses things. I would love to use myStuffID because then I dont have to ask around for my stuff, Bredeson said. The Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center staff collects about 60 lost items per week, Circulation Specialist Susan Ray said. At the end of the week, about 40 of the unclaimed items go to the Joe Crowley Student Union for cataloging into a computerized system, where all items are kept until somebody comes forward to claim them, she said. The current recovery system can be changed by myStuffID, especially for transportable and expensive items such as laptops and cellphones, Murray said. Because (Collinsworths) from UNR, we really wanted to gear it towards students, Murray said. Besides, students denitely could use this product because they are so portable. Nicole Stoudt, a 28-year-old psychology major, said she thinks myStuffID would be helpful if people called when they found her items. However, she doubts that it would work that way. Nonetheless, the company has no problem with returns, Murray said. Our product was based on the essence of the human race, Murray said. People are generally good. Statistics show that 80 percent of the time when someone nds something that isnt theirs, they are going to return it.
Cassie Menezes can be reached at


Th The myStuffID St ffID service i allows users to place a sticker on personal belongings. The sticker has a pin number and a phone number for the nder of the item to call. It is available in the ASUN Bookstore on the rst oor of the Joe Crowley Student Union. It costs $29.95 for a year. The Bookstore also has a free one-use sticker.


New UNR app hits students phones

By Alex Malone
The University of Nevada, Renos Ofce of Student Conduct hopes to spread awareness of student activities as well as safe alcohol practices through a new application called Be in the Know. Launched Aug. 25, the app includes an event calendar of activities across campus during the weekend. Also included is a Catch a Cab option that connects the user to a taxi service. This and the Alcohol 411 option, which includes a BAC calculator, encourages students to use safe practices if they drink. Developed by a team composed of the Ofce of Student Conduct, students and a third-party designer, Be in the Know is an app that works in conjunction with Campus Underground, an organization looking to provide events for students on the weekend. Instead of relying on its Facebook and Twitter accounts, the Ofce of Student Conduct Coordinator Carol Millie, who was the driving force behind developing the app, realized Campus Underground needed a different outlet. As we were talking to students and everything, some of the feedback we were getting (was) that everyone uses their phone for everything, she said. The phone app just kind of took off from there. Not everyone on campus agrees with its features. UNR Police Department Cmdr. Todd Renwick cautioned students not to take the apps BAC calculator as an incentive to push themselves. Without a professional piece of equipment, people may get a bad reading, Renwick said.

ASUN Accountability Report

Listed below are selected points from the Associated Students of the University of Nevada Senates accountability report. Speaker of the Senate Joe Broad prepares the report, and The Nevada Sagebrush prints selections from it every other week.
Town hall meetings:

To see the entire report, go online.

Th The U University i it of f Nevada, Reno app Be in the Know is available for free download on the iPhone and Android app stores.

NEVADASAGEBRUSH.COM found that football tickets shouldnt be offered online because of high physical demand but is pursuing the option for other sporting events.
Fees: The Senate has invited

As we were talking to students and everything, some of the feedback we were getting (was) that everyone uses their phone for everything. The phone app just kind of took off from there. Carol Millie, Ofce of Student Conduct Coordinator
People may think they are a 0.07 when in reality, they are a 0.1. Overall, Renwick believes the app will help give students an alternative to drinking. Brandon Woudhuysen, an 18-year-old mathematics and statistics major, heard of the app during Wolf Pack Welcome Week and downloaded it. Its great to know whats going on and gives you things to do, he said. The poker night, which was a few weeks ago, was cool. They had free food and prizes and stuff. Millie said Ofce of Student Conduct members will analyze the number of downloads and student satisfaction with the app in January. The information will help them decide if the ofce

College of Science Sens. Robert del Carlo and Akshay Sharma are organizing a town hall for their college to be held in November. and del Carlo have spoken with the dean of the College of Science about buying interactive operating tables. Division of Health Sciences Sen. Meelad Menbari is investigating the possibility of offering CPR courses in introductory community health sciences classes.

university interim President Marc Johnson to discuss the parking permit fee increase.
Internal affairs: Sen.

Academics: Sens. Sharma

Edgington is researching why the association no longer offers frequent employee evaluations and raises.
Aesthetics: College of

Business Sen. Travis Moore is negotiating prices for making the posting board in the Ansari Business Building more visually appealing.
Discussions: College

Endowment: The Special

The University of Nevada, Renos Be in the Know app offers social connection and alcohol education.
will continue to administer the project or if they will seek other departments on campus to take over the app once its funding a federal underage drinking grant runs out in June.
Ben Miller contributed to this story. Alex Malone can be reached at


Committee on the ASUN Endowment Account for the Advancement of ASUN (SCASUNEAAASUN) will meet for the rst time on Friday to discuss the potential reduction or elimination of student fees to support the governments existence. of Nevada, Reno Manager of Environmental Affairs John Sagebiel will give a presentation to the Senate about sustainability soon.

of Education Sen. Sheree Hummel has set a date for the rst Pizza with the Police event and is working to ensure that the program will continue.
Audit: The Nevada System


Sustainability: University

of Higher Educations audit of ASUN will begin with the Department of Clubs and Organizations on Friday.
Open seat: Applications

The Be in the Know app.

was the cost to develop the Be in the Know appplication and website.

Sports: College of

Engineering Sen. Erik Edgington

are online for the open College of Liberal Arts seat. To access the application, go online to, click on the get involved tab and hit the open positions button.

The Legislature is a complicated machine. The index is just one more tool (for the department). Associated Students of the University Nevada President Casey Stiteler
lasting change, Stiteler said. I think its always been important, but with the economic situation the state is facing, theres the potential opportunity that we as students and young citizens have to make an impact, Stiteler said. We got a real chance to get some things done. Consolidating lobbying efforts system-wide can be difcult, Stannard said. UNR and UNLV rst contacted each other this semester, and neither school communicated with the other during the last legislative session, he said. That session helped both departments realize they could use each other for mutual benet, Cornejo said. The last legislative session really unied us as higher education institutions in this state, Cornejo said. As a matter of fact, I dont think theyd be more attentive to a university president than theyd be to us.

OCTOBER 18, 2011 A5



of Legislative Affairs has taken to maximize long-term impact in the state legislature, Stannard said. By laying the groundwork for future relationships with legislators, the department should experience increased communication during an often-confusing legislative time, Stiteler said. The Legislature is a complicated machine, Stiteler said. The index is just one more tool (for the department). While students have lobbied in the past, including the 1,300 Nevada students who attended a rally in Carson City earlier this year, their efforts usually are not very focused and longterm, NSHE Board Chairman Jason Geddes said. Geddes, who lobbied the state Legislature as ASUN president in 1989, said student input could have a tremendous effect at the legislative level. Its hard to have a more important voice than the student voice, Geddes said. Many legislators prefer speaking with students compared with other higher education ofcials, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Nevada Student Affairs Director Ricardo Cornejo said. Additionally, the current nancial woes of Nevada could create the opening for a

Michael Stannard, the Director of the undergraduate student governments Department of Legislative Affairs, helped compile a comprehensive index of the entire state Legislature.
Theyd rather hear it from us. During election season, Stannard said he plans to create a simplied version of the document for students to use. Pages will be cut down to 10, and only the most important information will be highlighted, he said. Stiteler spurred the departments creation in December 2010, including drafting a bill for the ASUN senate and serving as the rst department director. Although Stiteler now has other obligations as president, he still contributes ideas and serves as an important resource for the young department, Stannard said. The only reason there is a Department of Legislative Affairs is because (Stiteler) had a vision that we needed that


department, Stannard said. As long as the department continues to hire strong, qualied people, well continue to be the arm of the president.
Riley Snyder can be reached at



the Nevada Faculty Alliance Glenn Miller said would have meant a much lower salary. According to Weinstein, campus ofcials told her the position would never put her back on the track to tenured professorship. So Weinstein, who had worked at UNR for a decade, refused the offer, packed up her belongings, sold her house and moved with her family to Tulane University in New Orleans. I fully expected to stay on the faculty at UNR until I retired, decades from now, Weinstein said in an email. It was devastating to have to leave, especially when I feel that I still have so much to contribute. In September, she noticed the university was offering a tenure-track position in the Gender, Race and Identity program. The move, along with the ring of more than 45 other tenured faculty since the university started facing budget cuts from the state government in 2008, has weakened the pro-

tection tenure would normally give a professor from being terminated, Miller said. Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Scott Casper said the Womens Studies department has been planning the tenure-track position in question since 2005. Miller said the administrators actions might violate the Nevada System of Higher Education Code. A section of the Codes fth chapter states that if nancial duress causes a faculty member to be red, the university should seek another position for them. Interim Provost Heather Hardy said the actions didnt violate the code. As for a violation of the spirit of the Code, Hardy said such an interpretation varies from person to person. Weinstein said she isnt sure if she would accept an offer to return to UNR. Now, after all that has happened, having relocated my family across the country, and having sold our house in Reno its hard to imagine turning around and coming back, she said.
Ben Miller can be reached at



The conference will be the fth for the Wolf Pack football team since 1991 (Big Sky Conference, Big West Conference, Western Athletic Conference, Mountain West Conference and the new conference which is yet to be named). MWC Commissioner Craig Thompson said the intent was to steer away from the status quo of a 10-team football league and create a new dynamic. Rather than await changes in membership due to realignment, it became clear the best way to serve our institutions was to pursue an original concept, he said in a statement. Wolf Pack football head coach Chris Ault, who has led the athletics department through many conference changes as well as division status changes, applauded the move. Its a good idea and I think the thought process is good because were always just trying to be aggressive and keep moving forward, he said at Mondays

Its going to help stabilize our conference because its a movement of strength, and that might help deter teams from leaving, Cary Groth, Nevada Athletic Director
football practice. Another major factor in the move was making a larger case to become a conference that earns an automatic bid to a Bowl Championship Series bowl game. Whatever happens with the BCS, we have more strength in numbers, Groth said. Well have about 20 percent of (Division I football teams), so well have a bigger, stronger voice no matter what. Despite the long travel which awaits Nevada in potential road football games (of the C-USA


Th 22 teams The t signed i d up to t b be in the MWC and C-USA for 2012. Air Force Boise State Colorado State East Carolina Fresno State Houston Marshall Memphis Nevada New Mexico Rice
San S Diego Di State St t Southern Methodist


Southern Mississippi Texas Christian University Tulane Tulsa University of Alabama at

Birmingham University of Central Florida University of Nevada, Las Vegas University of Texas, El Paso Wyoming

schools, most are on the east coast and the closest is the University of Texas, El Paso at about 1,200 miles away), Groth said theres really not a single thing Im concerned about with this move.
Eric Lee Castillo contributed to this report. Juan Lpez can be reached at


The merger isnt the rst move for Nevada athletics.

is the number of conferences the Wolf Pack will have been in since 1991 after they join the new conference.



termination of the Dont Ask, Dont Tell policy. Along with the Queer Student Union, UNR student Hieu Pham is working to bring the Gay and Allied Men of Excellence interest group to the university. Pham said he hopes to see the group established next semester. Its enough to make Missi Motley, a lesbian and 25-yearold psychology major at UNR, hope that she will one day tell her children about the old segregation story. There still are moments she doubts the progress Nevada has made. People point and stare at a male friend of hers who wears dresses. Men who hit on her dont believe shes homosexual. But the state has come a long way, she said.

If those are the problems were having now, its incredible, Motley said. Just 10 years ago, I would have never thought wed be this far.


However, the progression toward LGBT rights in Nevada has been rocky. UNR administrators denied Poli permission to establish a gay group when he asked them in the late 1960s. We were told at the time that you could be gay at any place except for campus, he said. When the Associated Students of the University of Nevada approved QSU in 1985 as the Gay Student Union, The Nevada Sagebrush reported that seven senators didnt vote for approval and many showed up to the meeting to oppose the club. We do not want our money going for a club such as this, UNR student Mike Hood wrote

to the Senate at the time. Again, whether it is considered a lifestyle or not, sexual preference is not a proper topic for our student leaders to debate let alone advocate through recognition. Joe Crowley, the universitys president from 1978-2001, said he doesnt remember gay rights being much of an issue on campus other than that instance. He received his fair share of complaints about the universitys usual matters but never got much input about LGBT issues. However, the climate has changed signicantly since then. When I started as president, I think we were still in the closet age when gays and lesbians were not here in any numbers, or at least noticeably were not coming out, Crowley said. By the time Matt Wolden was elected ASUN president in 2001, the tension around QSU had

died down, he said. Today, barriers still exist for many homosexuals. Mark Ciavola, president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas College Republicans and a homosexual, said those in the GOP often have trouble accepting his membership in the party. Ive been likened to a Jew for Hitler, a black KKK member, Ciavola said. Ive had people send me hate mail (suggesting) I get AIDs and die. Chairman of anti-same-sex group Nevada Concerned Citizens Richard Ziser said there is room for homosexuals in the Republican Party if they believe in the groups message. However, the message following LGBT people is often liberal, he said. The push against LGBT-friendly policies is really a push against the forcing of homosexual tolerance onto those who dont

agree with it, he said. With every advancement of the homosexual agenda, theres less liberty in this country, Ziser said.


Many tourism-focused areas such as Nevada have attempted to attract more LGBT tourism, as market studies show LGBT travelers have an estimated $50 billion impact, International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association President/CEO John Tanzella said. LGBT tourists are attracted to destinations that attempt to avoid heterosexual-centered language and advertising, and to areas that have shown support for gay rights, Tanzella said. The Nevada same-sex union law denitely was a boost, Tanzella said in an email. ProLGBT legislation goes a long way with LGBT tourists, and the gay wedding market is only going to grow and become a hotter travel trend. In June, the Nevada Commission on Tourism launched a website, Gay.TravelNevada. com, to appeal to gay and lesbian travelers. Since the launch, organic trafc to the website has grown by more than 30 percent every passing month, Director of Public Relations for the Nevada Commission on Tourism Bethany Drysdale said. According to Community Marketing Inc., Las Vegas is the third most popular destination for LGBT travelers. However, the 2002 ban on gay marriage may have caused the state to lose out on millions in potential future revenue, state assemblywoman Shelia Leslie said. In my opinion, Nevada really missed the boat by not approving gay marriage years ago, Leslie said in an email. It would have been a great tourist attraction and would have t in nicely with our Libertarian attitude about many social issues. While specically targeting gay travelers could alienate

conservatives, the economic benets far outweigh any costs, UNR economics chair Elliot Parker said. People who come here sort of know that Nevada is a place where many of the standard rules dont apply, Parker said. In the future, many more countries and states will become more welcoming to LGBT tourists, Tanzella said. Many states that banned gay marriage, such as Nevada, have begun to see a growing acceptance for legal recognition of same-sex couples, Public Policy Polling Assistant Director Dustin Ingalls said. About 77 percent of Nevadans support some form of civil unions for homosexuals, according to information from a July poll.


Though homosexuals cant marry in the Silver State, legislators legalized an alternative domestic partnerships in 2009. However, the equality of such a situation to marriage is irrelevant, Motley said. I think anything that keeps us separated from them isnt going to help anybody, she said. But to make same-sex marriage legal in the state, voters would have to overturn the state constitutions amendment, and the legislature would have to strike a section of the Nevada Revised Statutes, lobbyist Scott said. Nevada is unfortunately probably going to have to be one of the last states to make gay marriage legal because of that amendment, she said. Ingalls said the focus of LGBT advocates in many states, including Nevada, has shifted in other directions, weakening the push against the ban.
Ben Miller and Riley Snyder can be reached at

Students gather for the Queer Student Unions weekly meeting Thursday in the Joe Crowley Student Union.


OCTOBER 18, 2011

For more opinions, check out The Nevada Sagebrush website for blog updates concerning technology, campus etiquette and witty commentary from our staff.

On October 12 2:34 a.m., LJ Johnson wrote: I thought this article was mostly on point. I also grew up in Vegas and came to Reno for school, so I also appreciate both sides of the rivalry. We all know the history of Nevada and UNLV has eerily similarities with the U.S. Civil War, but that doesnt mean people should act with the ignorance that was prevalent back then. I must say, though, that the cannon games have been getting much better over the last several years. On game day this year, I commented to a friend on the relative lack of FUNLV shirts compared to years past, seeing numerous Beat UNLV shirts in their place. In the battle over Fremont Cannon, I encourage Wolf Pack fans to continue on a course of being classy in exerting dominance over the Rebels.


UNR needs to respect professors, tenure

n the midst of program cuts from the University of Nevada, Reno during the last academic year, Dr. Valerie Weinstein was laid off due to cuts in the German department. Weinstein, who had taught German language and culture, Holocaust literature and core humanities at UNR since 2001, was later offered a lectureship position in the Core Humanities program. Glenn Miller, the president of the UNR Chapter of the Nevada Faculty Alliance, said the pay for that position was substantially lower than her previous salary. At the time, Weinstein, who earned

tenure, was told the position would not lead to another tenure status, so she accepted a teaching job at Tulane University. After Weinstein left, a tenure-track position opened up in the Gender, Race and Identity program, which she was the director of before she left. But the university failed to inform her about this position. Actions such as these toward tenured professors show that the university is not protecting its professors and is making tenure seem insignicant in doing so. At the UNR Faculty Senates special meeting Thursday, the council motioned to suggest the

administration rehire Valerie Weinstein at her previous salary and rank into that position, according to Faculty Senate Chair David Ryfe from the Reynolds School of Journalism. But even if UNR were to extend its arms to Weinstein, it wouldnt be surprising to see her turn the position down after reviewing the manner in which the university handled the situation. The Faculty Senate said it thought the university violated the spirit of the Nevada System of Higher Education Code that details procedures for furlough or termination of employment due to nancial exigency or

curricular reasons (NSHE Code 5.4.7 (a)-(c)). The code basically states UNR is supposed to try as hard as it can to accommodate tenured faculty. Even during periods of slashed budgets, program cuts and changing landscapes, professors are the meat of an institution and should be treated as such. What differentiates universities from colleges is the great research that happens at universities through tenured professors, which gives the institution an avenue into a national spotlight. Without tenured professors here to conduct research, were no better than a college.

In turn, students also are being harmed because the quality of teaching is going down across the board. UNR needs to better uphold the idea of tenure. It should respect the motion suggested by the Faculty Senate to offer Weinstein her job back. If actions such as these continue, the quality professors we have at our school are going to start leaving willingly because they will know the school doesnt have their back.
The Nevada Sagebrush can be reached at



Antagonistic ways not cured by extra slumber


On October 12 8:49 a.m., Wise Alum wrote: Go occupy a job or innovate. Dont complain. When did we become such whiners in America?

he truth is, Im a cantankerous, unpleasant, unsociable individual (in a word, an asshole), and I hate almost everything and everyone (not really, but still). Due to the unfortunate combination of my circadian rhythms tendency to favor the night and societys tendency to operate mainly when the sun is still out, I have been unable to get a full nights rest since I was thrown into the harsh reality of school when I was a youngin.

To put it simply, I have been in a perpetual state of exhaustion since I was 5 years old. I also have been a complete jerk since I was 5 years old my Enjolie brother will vouch for me on that. Esteve After engaging in intelligent discourse with my friend, who suggested my behavior may be linked to my constant state of fatigue, I decided to conduct an experiment to gain a denitive answer to a lifelong question was I just born this way as Lady Gaga suggests, or has my environment catapulted me into such a miserable state? You know, the old nature vs. nurture debate. Being the brilliant scholar that I am, I decided to conduct a super serious scientic experiment. Francis Bacon would be proud.

And you thought the real work happened on the eld. *Quotes from Nevada football team equipment manager Ryan Robertson.

On October 11 10:14 a.m., Kathryn wrote: Only someone from the south would continue to refer to Nevada as UNR when referring to its athletics programs. Amen to that. In the end, fans will be fans. Half of what makes playing a rival fun is acting uncivilized and foolish. This kind of fan behavior and trash talking can be found even amongst fans of professional teams. How does whether a student is passing or failing their classes matter how or why they root for their team? There are plenty of non-students who are Nevada fans and act just as rowdy as students, if not more, when it comes the the UNLV rivalry. Hatin on UNLV is a time honored tradition for Nevada students, if you cant handle that, then leave.

The Financial Times recently featured an article about a study conducted by Aleksander Ellis of the University of Arizonas Eller College of Management and Michael Christian of the University of North Carolinas Kenan-Flagler Business School. The subjects tested were nurses and college students, infamous for suffering from sleep deprivation. According to The Financial Times, results of the study showed that sleep deprivation doesnt just lead to poor performance on tasks that require innovative thinking, risk analysis and strategic planning, it also makes people more prone to commit deviant and unethical behavior. According to Jena McGregor of The Washington Post, who analyzed the research ndings, inappropriate responses and rudeness were symptoms of sleep deprivation. This salty behavior was caused by the body producing less glucose when exhausted. In turn, the lack of glucose limits brain function, particularly the prefrontal cortex, which helps us hide our disdain for others by inhibiting emotion and behavior.

Getting at least seven hours of sleep a night will make me less exhausted and less of an asshole. I wont hate people as much and wont be as annoyed by the incredibly rude and inconsiderate things people (particularly my co-workers) do on a regular basis, i.e. playing annoying music aloud and refusing to wear headphones, tapping incessantly on the damn table like they are Keith Moon and coughing repeatedly without covering their mouths, eventually getting me sick. I wont roll my eyes as much and will smile more. I also will laugh at things that are actually funny and stop laughing at the stupid, foolish things people do without realizing it. I will enjoy the sound of chirping birds instead of wanting to shoot them with pellets. The frequency of my side-eyes will decrease by at least 75 percent. I will like Christmas and babies. I will have a happier, more personable disposition.


On October 10 12:48 a.m., Henry Meier wrote: hipsters like you think theyre americas working class. Youre all retards who graduated with arts history or music theory majors think theyre educated and deserve jobs just for having their shitty degrees. The real working class has been so long trampled and distracted that theyre too inebriated, apathetic and preoccupied with the latest episode of jersey shore to give a fuck

I will sleep at least seven hours per night for ve days straight, with the assistance of cough syrup (yes, Im sick, no Im not abusing the sizzurp).

Day one: Seven hours slept I went to bed at 10 p.m. the previous night, the earliest Id hit the sack since I learned how to spell my name. I lied in bed for two agonizing hours, just staring blankly at the ceiling, hoping I would nally doze off. Those were the most torturous hours of my life Id rather have former Vice President Dick Cheney waterboard me than ever have to go through that hell again. The few extra hours of sleep didnt make me feel any better the next morning; rather, I was frustrated and annoyed with myself for wasting two precious hours of my life I will never get back lying in bed and trying to go to sleep like a normal person. The-all-toofamiliar feeling of being lethargic continued throughout the day. Day two: Nine hours slept After getting many hours of rest I was feeling pretty good and by pretty good, I mean I didnt feel the unrelenting urge to brutally slap everyone who dared to speak to me before 11 a.m. However, I still wasnt anywhere close to being in what people consider a good mood. I popped off at a work meeting after a co-worker tried (but ultimately failed) to engage in a battle of the wits with me. But I blame that on being surrounded by foolishness, not lack of sleep. Day three: Seven hours slept All this sleep was getting in the way of my productivity. The extra four to ve hours wasted on the horrible lull in the day that is a nightly slumber cut into the time usually reserved for my basic routine necessities, such as grooming (I didnt wash or style my hair this entire week, in case you wanted to know), perusing the Internet for essential reading material such as and watching my weekly dose of Dexter. Oh, and homework. Sleep also got in the way of my rate of classroom success. I almost failed one of my midterms on account of setting my alarm late to ensure a full nights rest. Yes, Im that dedicated. Day four: Seven hours slept By this time I noticed a tangible difference in how I felt both physically and mentally. I didnt have the excessive urge to topple over and fall asleep mid-sentence like a narcoleptic. The dark circles under my eyes eased up, and I no longer looked

like I was KOd by Floyd Mayweather. I also didnt notice an increase in deviant behavior or a change in my ethical standards. Day ve: Eight hours slept Although my face was looking less busted, there was little to no change in my attitude or how I perceived things. I still grimaced at the screaming children in Starbucks and continued to side-eye the annoying overachiever in my French class who insists on taking up class time by showing off her terribly accented verbiage.

Despite getting more sleep in ve days than I usually get in two weeks, I still experienced a general ennui. I was dissatised with the behavior of my peers and their tendency to cough with their mouths uncovered and agrantly pick their noses. No amount of sleep could make me accept such uncivilized and ignoble behavior. Speaking of annoyances, my feelings about birds and their ungodly chirping didnt shift I still fought the urge to throw rocks at them (see, the deviant behavior never subsided). Sleep is not related to my degree of assholeness; its just a natural talent. My character still displayed an antagonistic disposition and childrens tears still caused me to experience a pleasant tickle in my black, frozen heart. While I didnt notice much of a change in my personality, my co-workers did. They noted I was more willing to listen and reason during petty arguments, still unmoving, but more polite about it, not as pessimistic, displaying less self-internalized hate, showing a lighter, less pissed off attitude and more willing to solve small problems with ease rather than hatred. This entirely credible experiment made me realize that yes, while I am an unpleasant person, my antagonistic ways are not unwarranted. Since Im being all scientic, lets consider the principle of Occams Razor. Whats the simplest explanation to my problem either Im the problem or everyone else is? Clearly its everyone and everything else thats the culprit here, not me. Yes, thats denitely it.
Enjolie Esteve studies journalism and philosophy. She can be reached at

What puts you in a bad mood?
(I get in a bad mood) when people dont apologize or dont care that theyre being rude. Flaky people. If you say youre gonna do something you better do it or Im going to be so irritated. When I miss the due date of my homework (and when) I lose my cell phone.
Jue Wng 24, educational psychology Cynthia Uba 18, biochemistry

Exams, having to study and missing out on having a social life.

Amanda Petry 18, undecided

Jessica Jimenez 19, criminal justice


OCTOBER 18, 2011 A7


Protests shine light on incompetency of the Fed

he Occupy Wall Street protests are giving a much-needed voice to the working class of the American people. Thomas Jefferson once said, All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. However, the movement needs more direction. It needs a main argument detailing what everyone wants. All people know Cory right now is that Thomas they want the nancial system to change, saying it caters to Wall Street

fat cats and the government. What we need to demand rst is to abolish the Federal Reserve system. This is a weighty suggestion but a necessary one to discuss. President Woodrow Wilson, convinced by a bunch of wealthy bankers, created the Fed in 1913. The idea was this centralized bank would be able to prevent depressions and recessions, or at least ease them. After President Wilsons term, he was asked if he had any regrets and said, I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the

civilized world. He was, and still is, correct. The Fed has complete control of our money. They decide how much should be in the economy, at what rate interest should be set and who is lent their money. Along with that, they dont answer to anyone. The government has no control over what they do with our money. In other words, they dont answer to the American people. Another problem is that the Fed can create money out of thin air. They just say, Hey, we should print some more money and then more money is pumped into the economy. Such methods devalue our currency and decrease the amount of goods and services we can buy with it. Since the Feds creation in 1913, the U.S. dollar has lost 95 percent of its purchasing

The Fed has secretly given out $16 trillion to U.S. banks, corporations and foreign banks all over the globe, according to the GOAs report.
power. The Fed also lends money to foreign banks, governments and businesses without the knowledge of the American people. Thanks to an amendment in the Dodd-Frank Act, the Government Accounting Ofce was able to conduct an audit of the Fed. What the group found was startling; the Fed has secretly given out $16 trillion to U.S. banks, corporations and foreign banks all over the globe, according to the GOAs report. Remember that the total output in America is about $14 trillion, so its obvious this is a problem. The Fed also allows politicians to nance their unconstitutional programs that help them get re-elected. This is why the United States doesnt need a balanced budget and can run a decit. There is so much more to this problem, so I encourage you to do the research and give the power back to the people it was intended for the American public.
Cory Thomas studies journalism. He can be reached at



Follow yoga philosophy to enrich physical, mental health

have been practicing downward dog, childs pose, forward folds, and my favorite pose of all pigeon pose, since I was 10 years old. However, it wasnt until I enrolled in a yoga class at the University of Nevada, Reno that I understood the importance and value of each pose. Yoga has become more than an exercise: its become my philosophy in life. I call it my Yogalosophy and these are the basic principles I follow:

Asana means to sit and be. Yoga focuses on understanding and controlling the body, breath and mind. Asana is a body position. For example, the sun salutation is an asana that should be practiced in the morning, as it wakes up the body. Childs pose is an asana to be practiced when tired, as it is a restorative pose. The asanas increase inner stability and will help you gain the energy needed to stay focused when studying.

Columnist Juan Lpez warns that drinking alcohol, which is comprised of empty calories that will ultimately be stored as fat, will negatively impact ones sleeping patterns, weight and overall state of wellness.


Lighten up on the brewskies if you want to stay healthy, in shape

Jade Sheldon


s hard as I tried not to, 10 days ago during the Nevada vs. University of Nevada, Las Vegas football game, drinking seemed like more of an obligation than a choice. As the organizer of a huge tailgate, the friendly and inebriated participants in that tailgate decided to thank me for my diligent work in putting the event together by offering me as much alcohol Juan as they could. And by Lpez offering, of course, I mean throwing alcohol in my face and screaming at the top of their lungs until I drank. I love my friends. As expected, the morning after didnt go so well as I felt lethargic and still drunk. Although Im young and full of vigor, I havent had a drinking day like this in months, and I do it by choice. Since Im crazily into my tness, I try to stay away from drinking as much as possible because alcohol stops me from reaching my tness goals. But how large of a detriment is it? After drinking for about 12 hours on Oct. 8, I decided to nd out the facts, so I went to one of the ttest people I know Johnny

Berriochoa, the tness and facilities coordinator at Lombardi Recreation Center. You may have seen Berriochoa teaching some sort of tness course at Lombardi. With a sleeve tattoo on his arm, hes hard to miss. First, he gave me the run-down on the caloric intake of beer, explaining that beer contains no nutrients our body can use. Essentially, beer is full of empty calories that will be stored as fat. And dont think working out on the weekends will save you from those unnecessary calories. Berriochoa explained that drinking after workouts will just negate those long hours spent in the gym. If youre working out all week and eating really clean, but then going our during the weekends and drinking a lot, its just a yo-yo effect, he said. Youre just tricking your body every week. Theres not really any gain or loss...Its going to plateau your fat-loss goal or your muscle-gain goal. Berriochoa added that drinking will also will affect your sleeping habits. Lack of sleep increases stress, in turn increasing the stress hormone cortisol and fat storage. If this wasnt enough to scare those of you are like me that are gym saints ve days a week, but bingers for the other two, this next set of numbers he threw at me really were an eye-opener. If someones drinking seven beers in a night four times per month, thats 840 nonnutrient calories were getting in a night,

In drinking seven beers per night on four nights per month, you could potentially put on a pound of fat per month solely off of this alcohol.
he said after multiplying 120 calories (per 12 ounces of beer) times seven (beers per night). Times that by four (nights per month), thats 3,360 calories that are in excess. Do you know how much is in a pound of fat? 3500 calories. So if you continue to drink like that once a week, seven beers every Friday, potentially you could put on a pound of fat per month. At the end of our talk I asked Berriochoa what he would recommend to college students the same students who are going to drink regardless of the consequences. If you have a goal in mind to lose body fat or get t for spring break, dont drink, he said. Its as simple as that. I guess its time for me to try and block out the screaming people with drinks in their hands that Im going to have in my personal space at the bar this Friday.
Juan Lpez studies journalism and Spanish. He can be reached at

Pranayama is breath control. Most people dont stop and think about the importance of how they breathe, but it plays a vital role in calming the mind, cleansing the body and awakening inner peace. Try sitting in a quiet spot, placing both hands on your belly and paying attention to your breath. This will take you into a calm, almost meditative state and help ease tension.

The yamas are my most treasured principle because they are where yoga stops being an exercise and starts being a philosophy. There are 10 traditional yamas, but my favorite one is the ahimsa, meaning non-harming. Pay attention to your thoughts; believe it or not, negative thoughts are harmful to your life. When you do yoga, you will nd that certain things wont irritate you. Negativity will roll off you like water off a ducks back. So what if today wasnt a great day? Tomorrow is a new day. Every breath is a new beginning and you will nd life to be more pleasurable the more you practice this.

At the end of your yoga class, the instructor is likely to say namaste, then bow his or her head as the class repeats this phrase. Namaste means, I bow to the place in you that is of love and peace and harmony. Its recognition of the value and worthiness of human life. So the next time your yoga instructor says this word, be mindful of its meaning before you say it back. Relish in it and live by it. Yoga is a life-changing exercise. Its taken a lot for me to appreciate the relaxing art of yoga. As a person who enjoys strength training, however, practicing it daily has changed me. I love life. I see the beauty of everything. Instead of getting frustrated with the little things, I take the time to breathe and reect. My relationships are stronger, and I live each day with positivity, kindness and happiness. Try practicing yoga and you too will experience a tangible, positive change in your life.
Jade Sheldon studies journalism and English. She can be reached at


Milk the Electra complex for all its worth, sex it up with older gentlemen
he Quad is ooded with easily forgettable men mostly business majors, or worse, Sigma Nus. These men are ne to practice on, especially if you hate yourself. College girls are likely to embrace all sorts of males: some fat, some skinny, some really intelligent and some frat boys. Mentally handicapped to physically handicapped, really young to Caitlin really old. The Thomas latter being the obvious favorite, next to guys in wheelchairs of course, who are irresistible, sweet and funny. And you can roll them down steep hills

off into the sunset. Free at last, buddy. I prefer men over 30. My last boyfriend was 30 and my last good lay was 31. This is still too young though, and I really disappoint myself sometimes. If you are dating or screwing a boy who is around your age, I have one question for you: Why? What can you possibly learn from someone who has as much growing up to do as you? This person has nothing to offer you except dry cleaning bills. They are just like you still evolving. Same issues. Same college. Same nave existence stained with confusion, curdling with halfbaked philosophies on how to live. Youre probably thinking, Caitlin, you hateful bitch, how am I supposed to nd an older man on a campus full of 20-something miscreants? I understand, annoyed reader. Its nearly impossible. But you got into college because youre smart, right? Use that

brain of yours and roll with me on some potentials. Fancy yourself a realist for a half second. If you have daddy issues, then you have daddy issues. There is no magic wand to help you cope with that. So be productive. Steer that Electra complex to your wildest dreams. The Electra complex is a theory by Carl Jung with roots in Sigmund Freud. Its all about how youre in competition with your mother to possess your father. Maybe youre sexually aggressive. Maybe you take things fast. Maybe you call him Daddy in the bedroom (dont ever be ashamed of role play). Anyway, it has much to do with your father. But even if youre best friends with your dad (What the hell is wrong with you?), you have daddy issues. The relationship is a bit of a grand scale for your future mates. Scary, huh? Not really. Frankly, I enjoy my Electra complex.

Hell, I wear it like a girl scout uniform. Stripping, lusting and being a mess is lovely. No matter how hard society and The Nevada Sagebrush commenters push, one should never be ashamed of themselves or their desires. Two words will save you from keggers with children all year. They are lled with hope for a better tomorrow grad students. Hell yeah! So prestigious they even get their own lounge. These types of students are the premier step in your quest for older men. Grad students are mature and smart. They study hard, and they stay hard. When I say hard, Im talking about their erections. First things rst, you need to stalk them and masturbate to their Facebook. Not like youre a crazy person, more like check their Facebook and see what their major is. And touch yourself to their prole pictures to stimulate

a sexual fantasy surrounding them. Ignite a mutual interest and act like an undergraduate in need of study help. Or you can just hang out in the grad lounge and act like one of them. Be sure to act serious and pretentious. Older gentlemen are hot, protective and practical. They can quench the most dehydrated, brutal daddy complex. And if youre feeling like taking your Electra complex to new heights, grad students tend to have a pretty steady working friendship with professors, too. You know, for studying and such. Just studying. All night, hardcore studying. Men are like Merlot, lovelier with age. Plus, they are fun to lock in a storage unit.
Caitlin Thomas studies English and womens studies. She can be reached at

A8 OCTOBER 18, 2011



Bjork disappoints with uninspired new album

By Zoe Wentzel
Although most people today would associate weird pop star with Lady Gaga, Bjork far preceded her with the moniker. Bjork, one of the original queens of bizarre, has returned with her eighth studio album, Biophilia, her rst release since Volta in 2007. Biophilia, which was released in collaboration with Apple, was recorded partially on an iPad and has been released not only in CD form but also through individual apps that can be found within one mother app. The rst single off the album, Crystalline, makes for a perfect t, as it is the most friendly to someone not familiar with Bjorks experimental style. The song contains perhaps the catchiest lyrics of the album, which will denitely make sure you remember the name of the song, Crystalline / Internal nebula /(crystalline) / Rocks growing slow mo/ (crystalline) / I conquer / claustrophobia / (crystalline) / and demand the light. The easiest listen on the album is Dark Matter. The song is delicate while still evoking evil and darkness perfect for a late night in October. While she is essentially singing nonsensical words, she sings them softly and owingly. While the album is obviously experimental and isnt going to t the mold of most mainstream music, the effort fails in the end. About halfway through listening to the album, the only thing that comes to mind is a young child messing around on recording equipment, pushing random buttons and calling it music. Where it should sound experimental and interesting, it sounds incoherent. There is nothing to follow throughout, and by the end youre left annoyed (the album also includes an extended version, which should be avoided like the plague as well). The entire album features themes having to do with biology, string theory, astrophysics and beyond, but the usage of these themes is taken a bit too far in Mutual Core. In this song she uses the metaphor of tectonic plates for relationships. While it is a clever and certainly original metaphor, it fails to do the job and leaves listeners more confused about why she is talking about the Eurasian plate than connecting it to her relationship troubles. The last song on the albums extended version, Nttra, acts as a surprise. It too sounds incredibly mystic and experimental but is astonishingly fun to listen to. Although the fast pace of the song is shocking


Release Date: Oct. 10 Genre: Experimental, Electronica Grade: Cwhen compared with the pace of the preceding songs on the album, it wakes you up with tribal beats and electronic sounds. Though the overall album is incredibly unconventional, most of the songs lack a cohesive sound. They all follow similar melodic patterns, vocal styles and feature lyrics with similar themes, which leave the idea of individual apps for these songs a hard concept to wrap your head around. Bjork makes an unsatisfactory return with Biophilia. Instead of creating an album that is experimental, new and innovative, she is experimental for experimentals sake. With the exception of one or two songs, most of the album is difcult to digest. Although the iPad and app concept is interesting, its hard to hide unsatisfactory music behind innovative promotion techniques.
Zoe Wentzel can be reached at

Biophilia is the eighth full-length album from experimental Icelandic singer/musician Bjork. Her last studio album, Volta, was released in 2007.




Rather than struggling to make it big in the art world, these young artists are working to establish their careers early in order to set precedence for work in the eld later on. Many nd that running a gallery as a recent college graduate is a good investment in their future. Its important to get out there and show our interest, Leyva said. A lot of local galleries are paying attention and understanding that this is what we care about. I think them knowing that were interested and we care about the art scene will help out later on. Although they are starting these businesses during a difcult economic time, many young gallery owners have been well received in the community and have seen their artists work selling.

Its out there, like, How do we do this and make it sustainable? Becerra said. But we really think that theres no better time than the present to really try to build a community and be a conduit or incubator for that to the arts. While its a valid concern and we try to be pragmatic about it, we also really believe in building community and just think it should happen. As younger people begin to gravitate toward positions of power in the art world, more have been following in their footsteps, some in the art community have noticed. There is kind of an uprising, Leyva said. People realize that they can capitalize on it and create a new community. They can take it into their own hands to create more culture in this town.
Casey OLear can be reached at

John Grinde, who graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno last December, and Ana Leyva, a 23-year-old art major at UNR, operate the Wonder Well: Art Gallery near downtown Reno.


The Mixer

Check out this weeks online exclusive Arts and Entertainment content, including a preview of the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic.
OCTOBER 18, 2011



Julianne Hough and Kenny Wormald star as Ariel Moore and Ren MacCormack in Footloose, the remake of the 1984 lm of the same name. In the lm, a small Southern town outlaws dancing and rock n roll music after several young people die in a car accident.


Footloose provides fancy-free insight on youth

By Nathan Conover
A lot of people were skeptical when a new, revamped version of the 1984 classic Footloose was announced. Honestly, I couldnt blame them I had doubts myself. After all, remaking classics is a risky business. One wrong move and Roger Ebert will tear you to shreds, and the audience will be up in arms because of the desecration of their beloved lm. Fortunately, director Craig Brewer (Hustle & Flow) stocked his rendition of the 1984 lm with all the right moves in all the right places, loading the movie full of fun, entertainment and are. Part of what made Footloose so good is how closely it stuck to the plot of the original. Ren MacCormack (Kenny Wormald, Center Stage: Turn It Up) is a city boy from Boston (in the original hes from Chicago, but well let that slide) who moves to the small, rural town of Bomont after his mother dies and his father deserts him. Upon arrival, he meets Ariel (Julianne Hough, Burlesque), the preachers rebellious daughter, and Willard (Miles Teller, Rabbit Hole), a funny, carefree country boy. It is through Willard that Ren discovers the towns harsh laws, including a ban on public dancing. Ren begins to fall for Ariel and consequently gets into trouble with her boyfriend, Chuck (Patrick Flueger, The Princess Diaries), and her father, Reverend Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid, The Parent Trap). After several violent encounters, Ariel rids herself of Chuck and gets together with Ren. Reverend Moore, however, still does not trust Ren and discourages Ariel from seeing him. To make matters worse, Ren, Ariel and Willard attempt to assemble a school dance, making a plea to the city council for the abolition of the dancing ban. However, this effort is fruitless and the council rejects Rens plea. Things take a turn for the better when the owner of the cotton gin outside of Bomont agrees to let the school dance be held in his warehouse, so that the Bomont police cant interfere. Ren and Reverend Moore nally make peace, and Moore allows Ren to take Ariel to the dance. Although this version of Footloose was incredibly similar to the original, it also did a fantastic job of setting itself apart. The acting was excellent, particularly on behalf of Hough and Quaid, whose performances carried the action of the lm. Obviously Kevin Bacons performance in the original lm is hard to top, but I give Wormald credit for bringing his own style to the character of Ren instead of attempting to be another Bacon. Craig Brewers direction was also spot-on, as he was able to modernize the idea of the original lm. Even the soundtrack, while still featuring songs from the original, was given some contemporary avor. The dance sequences were far superior to the original, not only by adding more modern dance styles but


Release Date: Oct. 14 Director: Craig Brewer Starring: Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough and Dennis Quaid Genre: Drama Rating: PG-13 for some teen drug and alcohol use, sexual content, violence and language Grade: B+
by injecting a sexiness that was missing in the original. Footloose is a celebration of youth and everything we stand for. We are rebellious, impulsive, fun-loving and, as Ren puts it, stupid. But having the ability not to take ourselves too seriously and reect on those characteristics we share is what makes us come alive, and Footloose captures that mantra perfectly. By the time the nal dance scene came around, I was subconsciously tapping my foot. Any movie that can make you want to dance that badly is worth the admission ticket.
Nathan Conover can be reached at


Wednesday 13 creates hordes of Halloween-worthy music

By Casey OLear
Wednesday 13 is nothing if not a prolic recording artist. Though he is best known as the frontman of the Murderdolls the side-project of Joey Jordison, drummer of Slipknot he also regularly releases work as a solo artist and in the bands Gunre 76, Bourbon Crow and Frankenstein Drag Queens from Planet 13, to name a few. After completing the tour for the Murderdolls 2010 release, Women and Children Last, Wednesday 13 has released a new solo record, Calling All Corpses, featuring more snide heavy metal and horror movie puns than you can shake a stick at. (One Knife Stand, Get it? I Wanna Be Cremated, Get it?) Perhaps producing so much content in such a short period of time leaves him with a bit less creativity and variation between songs. Many of Wednesday 13s songs sound similar to each other or are just repetitive and dont offer anything new. However, when Wednesday 13 does it right, he produces some amazing, catchy, tongue-in-cheek horror metal that is impossible not to enjoy. The repetitiveness of some of the tracks the title track in particular actually becomes rather annoying. It becomes difcult at times to distinguish each song when they all begin to sound like a raspy voice yelling about zombies over heavy metal riffs. Bad at Being Human reminds me an awful lot of I Love to Say Fuck, a Murderdolls favorite from the bands 2002 debut album, Beyond the Valley of the Murderdolls. The guitar chords sound very similar, as do the lyrics Well, Im bad when Im walking down the street sung to the tune of I love to say fuck when Im driving in my car / Fuck when Im walking in the fucking park. But maybe its a recurring theme since Wednesday 13 just takes a lot of angry walks. On Something Wicked This Way Comes, the lyric The only certain thing for me is death / but Ill always dress to depress seems to refer directly to the Murderdolls song Dress to Depress. Im not looking for mindblowing lyrical wisdom on a Wednesday 13 record, but the title song solely consists of the lines, Calling all corpses and We drink your blood tonight repeated with a few subtle variations for several verses, and it becomes grating. Although the songs are intended to be simple and fun, a few extra lines thrown in here and there would have done wonders to break up some of the monotony. Wednesday 13 always insists upon including a song paying tribute to Satan on each record he produces. These songs are pretty hit-or-miss Thank You Satan from the 2005 release Transylvania 90210: Songs of Death, Dying, and the Dead is one that works splendidly, while Faith in the Devil from 2006s Fang Bang does not. This time around, Candle for the Devil does not hit its mark. However, the album is not all bad. Two of its best songs come toward the middle Miss Morgue and Silver Bullets. The latter is a kind of heartfelt love song told using the ol werewolf metaphor that is known to knock the ladies dead: Im turning into something, baby, dont be scared / I promise not to hurt you, / but, baby, please come prepared / with silver bullets. The album ends strong with We All Die and Something Wicked This Way Comes. It even provides some hard rocking


Release Date: Oct. 11 Genre: Horror Punk, Heavy Metal Grade: C+

insight on life and death: Where do you come from? / The dust! / Where will you go to? / The grave! Wednesday 13 chants. These songs stand out from the rest with their original melodies, guitar solos and subject matter. They are catchy and will stay with you when the rest of the songs have blended together into one large horror-rock mass. Despite the fact that Calling All Corpses contains several unmemorable tracks, they are well worth wading through to nd the hidden gems. Sure, they may not offer a lot in the way of philosophy, but they will make great additions to a Halloween playlist for your next party. Which is probably what Wednesday 13 would prefer anyway.
Casey OLear can be reached at

Calling All Corpses is the fourth studio album from Wednesday 13, who is also the frontman for the Murderdolls.


Arts& Arts &Entertainment

OCTOBER 18, 2011

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Young gallerists breaking into local art scene

By Casey OLear
Around the country, art communities are in transition. Art dealers and curators who had been in the business for decades previously controlled many local galleries, but now the spots are getting a breath of fresh air. Members of the younger generation are branching out and opening their own galleries, providing a new outlook on the art scene. More people in their 20s and 30s have been stepping into the scene with innovative new takes on the work that will show and sell in their galleries than ever before. For art communities around the world, younger gallery owners means more freedom for emerging artists to show their work with loosened guidelines and more opportunities for artists to get their work in front of buyers and collectors. In New York, the New Art Dealers Alliance was founded in 2002 as a means of uniting art professionals and gallery owners who have been in the business for fewer than 10 years. Similar organizations have been cropping up nationwide to support young gallery owners and art dealers. 720 Tahoe Street is a new local gallery collaborative that was founded this summer by two young gallerists. Kelly Peyton graduated from the University of Nevada, Renos ne arts program in May and, with her business partner Manny Becerra, began lling the Tahoe Street space with the work of local up-andcoming artists. Becerra said their being young gallery curators inuences the kind of art that is shown in the

Kell Aro y Peyto and und the n and M givin nat ann g th ion, m y em a o Bec you re you erra are thfu ng p l fee eop the two le ar l. e be young o com wne ing g rs o aller f 720 y ow Tah ners oe St and reet, cura a lo tors cal g GA R R ET , hea aller T VA vily y tha LENZU inu t op enci ene ELA / N EV ng a d thi A DA S rt sc s sum AGEB ene s na mer. RUSH tion wid e

Some of the work young gallery curators select for display would not be shown in galleries otherwise.


space. They are more open to lesser-known artists and unconventional or controversial themes for art shows, he said. We have some that are probably more on the edge, like we have an art benet show for Occupy Reno, Becerra said. A couple of individuals actually went down to the Occupy Wall Street and did photography work, and theyre going to do a show here for that. Thats kind of more of a politically charged show. Its denitely stuff that we care about, and we care about voicing that message through art. Wonder Well, run by John Grinde and Ana Leyva, is another local gallery that sprung into the scene this summer. Grinde graduated from UNR in December 2010 with a degree in studio art. Leyva is currently a 23-year-old art major studying painting who plans to graduate in May 2012. Grinde said the pair wanted to offer some sort of artist services to young people in the commu-

nity. They found an unused space, struck a deal with the landlord and began planning how to use the gallery. Grinde said his and Leyvas status as young artists inspired the desire to create their own gallery space. We were both art students at the UNR at the time, he said. As part of our photography class, we had to nd a place to show our photos and essentially get a gallery-type show as part of our project. Thats what sparked the idea that we should just start our own, because it seems like theres a fair amount of pretense with some of the larger galleries and it doesnt seem like theres a lot of outlets for up-and-coming artists to display their work. We really wanted to facilitate that for people. Leyva said one reason her art was not accepted in galleries around town was its unexpectedness. In galleries run by younger curators, a wider variety of work can be shown, she said. I particularly had a problem

because my work was controversial because it had nudity, she said. Finding a space was difcult. We ended up having a group show at a house where we turned each room into a different gallery, and we had ve artists altogether. While many recent college graduates struggle to nd a job in their chosen eld, these young gallery owners have found a way to continue pursuing their interests after college. It means a lot to me to both of us, Grinde said. Its been a labor of love, for lack of a better word. We have put a lot of our own money into it since the beginning. Its been completely funded by us, and I think that speaks volumes that this is something we really want to do.


Inside: A review of Bjorks eighth studio album, Biophilia. Page A8


Inside: A review of Footloose, the remake of the 1984 classic. Page A9



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After pair of blowouts, Pack preps for WAC

By Eric Lee Castillo
The Wolf Pack football team will commence a six-game conference stint this weekend after defeating the University of Nevada, Las Vegas and New Mexico by a cumulative score of 86-7 in the past two weeks. UNLV and New Mexico rank lower than Nevada in nearly every statistical category so Wolf Pack players and coaches arent getting ahead of themselves when preparing to face Fresno State this Saturday at 1:05 p.m. in Mackay Stadium. We realize (UNLV and New Mexico) arent in the caliber of a Fresno State, but we needed to get our feet back on the ground, Nevada head coach Chris Ault said at Mondays practice. We got a chance to play a lot of players and see a lot of different things, and hopefully we deepened our squad. Wolf Pack true-freshman running back Kendall Brock made a signicant stamp on the New Mexico game in his rst offensive showing of the season Saturday. The highly touted recruit, who holds 14 different school records at Clovis (Calif.) West High School including 4,918 career rushing yards and 62 career touchdowns, gained 70 yards on ve carries against the Lobos. Kendall is a good football player, and were going to use him more and more, Ault said. He did a real nice job for us (against New Mexico). Other notable accomplishments include Nevadas defensive shutout that lasted for about 136 minutes of playing time. Not a single point was scored on the Wolf Pack defense between eight minutes left in the third quarter against Boise State on Oct. 1 and the nal six minutes of the game against the Lobos. The showing has some defensive players, including linebacker and captain James-Michael Johnson, saying the Wolf Pack will win out the season. We certainly have a chance to do that, and I think thats a great goal for those guys to have, but as coaches were just trying to take games on one at a time, associate head coach Ken Wilson said. If we just take care of business week in and week out, good things will happen. The important thing to remember about the two home

Nevada outgained New Mexico 598-257 in its 49-7 win Saturday.


Managing Mackay Stadium



Hundreds of people work tirelessly to make sure Wolf Pack football fans enjoy home games without inconvenience. Top right: the football teams Equipment Manager Ryan Robertson, who handles the teams dirty laundry. Bottom left: Vending Manager Ryan Jackson, who provides fans with tasty treats. Bottom right: Leon Henriet, who is responsible for putting up much of the signage around the eld and on campus.


Army of employees working hard for home football games

By Eric Lee Castillo
nce a fan takes a seat in the clean stands of Mackay Stadium with a bag of peanuts, a cold beverage and a perfect view of the eld, its easy to overlook the work that goes into putting the show together. Electricians, plumbers, parking attendants, guest service representatives, security, equipment staff, ticket rippers, concession employees, medical staff, police and many more all work toward one common goal providing the best possible

experience for fans. To put things in perspective, Senior Associate Athletic Director Keith Hackett starts coordinating for the following school years football games the week after the season ends. As soon as last season ended, I had to start a task list for next season to think of things we can do better and start working with different people in the community, Hackett said. Its because ultimately, if things go good or dont go good, Im responsible at the end of the day. From hiring and scheduling to promotions and

media relations, theres little time to waste in the eight-month period between football seasons. Its a hefty task, as football games require months of planning to make each event run smoothly. Every individual role matters, and it takes months to prepare and make sure were ready for the season, Hackett said. I think most fans dont really know how much work really goes into it. It takes sacrice and synergy from the about 500 to 600 people to put all the pieces together, according to Hackett and Nevada Athletics Director Cary Groth.

Its a very detail-oriented task to pull 500-600 people together for one common purpose and get that many people to give 150 percent on gameday, Groth said. Keith just has the right kind of personality that gets along with everyone, and he really gets people motivated. One of the unnoticed heroes in Nevada athletics is Equipment Manager Ryan Robertson, who helps with the dirty job of washing the teams laundry. Although hes used to it now in his third season

See HEROES Page B4

Fajardo wins, takes trip to dentist Conference merger

By Eric Lee Castillo
To those who think the 49-7 win over New Mexico was easy for Nevada, tell that to sophomore Wolf Pack quarterback Cody Fajardo, who got his tooth chipped on Saturday during the game. I took my mouthpiece out because it helps me annunciate better and the offensive line can hear me make the play calls more clearly, Fajardo said. I wont be doing that again. Despite the unfortunate event for Fajardo in the rst quarter, he completed a 14-yard pass to junior tight end Kolby Arendse on the tooth-chipping play. Fajardo sat out for only two Nevada plays. He returned with a Billy-Bob-style smile to complete a performance that included 86 rushing yards for two touchdowns and 20-of-25 pass completions for 203 yards. The showing also earned him the title player of the game by coaches. Although he had to get a root canal the following morning at 8 a.m., Nevada head coach Chris Ault rewarded Fajardos efforts after the game. Ault has been hesitant to name a starting quarterback with senior Tyler Lantrip ghting for playing time as well, but Ault didnt stutter after the game when naming Fajardo as his denite starting quarterback. Hes a tough kid, theres no question about it, Ault said. To come back and not lose his focus was a really nice compliment to him understanding what we had to do, and he didnt miss a beat when he went back in. Fajardo said his toughness spawns from high school, when he discovered his identity as a running quarterback. (My toughness) started in high school being a running quarterback, Fajardo said Youre gonna take hits and everyone is going to try and take out the quarterback so you cant have that mentality like, Oh Im going to go out there and run soft, because its not going to happen. Fajardo was just happy he was miraculously able to nd the rest of his tooth in the grass after the game. It was a sizeable chip, but everyone was surprised he found it. The tooth is a lucky charm now and a rm reminder of a standout display in his second game starting as a collegiate quarterback. Plus, the fact that it didnt faze Fajardo once he came back on the eld earned him respect from the whole team. Anytime a guy loses a tooth

best for long run


fter coming home from work Friday afternoon, I walked into my house hoping to nd some tranquil time. Unfortunately, I came in while the living room TV was on and the announcement of the Mountain West Conference Juan and ConferLpez

ence USA merger was being reported on ESPN. Before I could even process the entire thought of a 22-team conference, I said aloud, This is another reason why Im starting to hate college football. Conferences such as the MWC, which Nevada will be a member of starting the 2012 academic year, and C-USA are putting money in front of its cash cows fans. By having this 22-team super league that stretches across 16 states and

See MWC/CUSA Page B4

Inside Scoop 3
OCTOBER 18, 2011
vs. Fresno State 1:05 p.m. Saturday THE SKINNY: The Wolf Pack (3-3) is on a two-game winning streak and is looking to carry that momentum over to this Saturdays game against the Bulldogs. Nevadas rst-year starting quarterbck Cody Fajardo had a breakout performance against New Mexico, running for 86 yards and two touchdowns. Fajardo completed 80 percent of his passes (20-25) for 203 yards. Nevada running back Stefphon Jefferson also had his best performance of the season gaining 108 yards on 14 carries (7.7 avg.).

Stat of the week

Senior Nevada running back Lampford Mark had three rushing touchdowns Saturday against New Mexico. Its the most rushing scores in a game for one player since former quarterback Colin Kaepernick had three against Louisiana Tech in 2010.



at Idaho 11 a.m. Sunday THE SKINNY: Nevada plays its nal road match of the season when it travels to face the Vandals. With the Wolf Pack sitting near the bottom of the conference standings, Nevada needs to nish strong to move up the WAC rankings. The Wolf Pack returns home for its nal two matches of the season, which could decide whether Nevada qualies for the sixteam WAC Tournament in November.

The Nevada rie team is ranked No. 5 in the nation by the Collegiate Rie Coaches Association Poll.



Around A d th the P Pack k

The Wolf Pack has named a new starting quarterback: freshman Cody Fajardo (17) started the past two games replacing senior Tyler Lantrip.

vs. Seattle University 7 p.m. Thursday at Fresno State 7 p.m. Saturday THE SKINNY: Nevada lost road matches to Idaho and Utah State last week. The Wolf Pack gets a brief break from conference play when it hosts Seattle before traveling to play Fresno State. Nevada (3-15, 1-6 WAC) is ahead of only Louisiana Tech in conference standings. With a little more than a month until the WAC Tournament begins, the Wolf Pack has work to do if it wants to to improve its spot in the standings.

Fajardos time to take over as full-time starter has come

The Nevada defense went 136 minutes of playing time without being scored on and is starting to live up to the expectations of team leadership set by head coach Chris Ault. The offense also looks sharper; one reporter at Silver and Blue Sports suggested quarterback Cody Fajardo looked Colin-esque (refering to former Nevada quarterback Colin Kaepernick) in Saturdays 49-7 win over New Mexico. The Nevada rie team is nationally ranked No. 5 in the Collegiate Rie Coaches Association Poll released last week. The ranking comes on the heels of two rst-place nishes by the team. Junior Meng Jiao Mi led the Wolf Pack at the George Haines Invitational Saturday, anchoring both the 200-meter individual medley relay and 200-meter freestyle relay teams to eighth-place nishes. Mi posted the highest individual Wolf Pack nish Saturday as well, taking fourth in the 200-meter freestyle with a time of 2:09.73.

1 2 3 4 5



STEFPHON JEFFERSON FOOTBALL Running back Stefphon Jefferson may have had only 14 carries, but he made the most of them, gaining 108 yards and one touchdown against the Lobos.

NEVADA VOLLEYBALL Dating back to the Wolf Pack volleyball teams game against Hawaii on Sept. 29, Nevada has dropped 15 of 19 sets, going 1-5 in that span. The team has experienced repeated trouble in capitalizing in close sets as the squad has lost seven sets by ve points or less in that stretch.

fter starting Tyler Lantrip in the beginning of the season, head coach Chris Ault is ready to roll with Cody Fajardo. Though Fajardo had a disastrous start against University of Nevada, Las Vegas, a game that saw him turn the ball over three times (two interceptions and a lost fumble), he played much better against New Mexico. While we cant forget the Lobos and the Rebels are two of Lukas the worst teams in Eggen the nation, Fajardo should start the rest of the season. I know, Lantrip has more experience. Hes put in his time to earn the starting spot. His accuracy is also spotty at best. His interceptions have looked like they were thrown more to the opposing team than intended for Nevadas receivers. He simply cant run the offense as well as he should be and isnt playing well enough to be the starter. Hes not enough of a running threat. Lets not forget that against above average defenses (Oregon and Boise State) Nevadas offense did nothing with Lantrip at the helm. Heck, the offense even struggled against San Jose State with Lantrip

leading the way. But Fajardos been far from perfect as well. Though he completed 20-of-25 passes and had two rushing touchdowns against the Lobos, he threw an interception that was badly overthrown. But, at this point, Fajardo seems like to be the quarterback of the present for the Wolf Pack. Letting Fajardo take his lumps now will pay big dividends in the coming seasons, something that will be important with the Wolf Packs move to the Mountain West Conference coming up fast. Would Colin Kaepernick have been as good as he was if he hadnt gotten the chance to play his freshman season? Playing Fajardo will have its highs and lows. For every game where hell wow the crowd with his legs and arm, its just as likely hell continue to make mistakes, frustrating fans. But its necessary. Lantrip will be gone after this season. Fajardo will be here. If Nevada wants to get anywhere near the level it was at in 2010, the one thing it needs is a quarterback who can lead the team. It might not happen this year, but Fajardo getting experience now, while he can still give the team a chance to win this season, makes this choice a no-brainer. One look at the two players season stats shows theres not a signicant drop-off when Fajardo plays as opposed to Lantrip. Though

Lantrip has taken many more snaps so far this season, both quarterbacks have nearly identical passing efciency ratings (Lantrips is 126.5 and Fajardos is 126.6). Lantrip does have a much better touchdown-to-interception ratio, but both quarterbacks have thrown more interceptions than touchdowns this season. Fajardo has completed more than 74 percent of his passes, more than 20 percentage points higher than Lantrips completion percentage. Though Fajardo must improve on his decision making, giving him a chance to play and improve this season will allow him to become the leader of the team. Fajardo is also a much more dangerous threat on the ground. He has 323 yards on the ground and ve rushing touchdowns on the season. Lantrip has 167 yards and zero rushing touchdowns. Im not sure if Fajardo started Nevadas last two games because the opponents were crappy, but he needs to stay in as the main guy for the rest of the year. Starting Fajardo now may be frustrating for fans. However, in the long run, Fajardo is the future. Lantrip is the present. In terms of the program, the future must always win against the present.
Lukas Eggen can be reached at


In doubles play, sophomore Gabriela Eufrasio and freshman Faith Bassiouny earned Nevadas lone victory at the Intercollegiate Tennis Association Regional Championships on Saturday. The pair defeated Nittaya Phonharath and Annika Karlsen of Weber State 8-3 in a consolation doubles bracket.


Wolfie Jr. advanced to the finals of the Capital One Mascot Challenge. To vote for Wolfie, go to or Facebook. com/MascotChallenge. You can also vote by texting Wolfie to 78527.


University of Nevada, Reno 2011-12 Performing Arts Series presents

Gabriel Alegra Afro-Peruvian Sextet

Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011 / 7:30 p.m. / Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building /
In a famous literary family (grandfather Ciro was Pers most famous novelist, and father Alonso is a leading playwright), trumpeter/composer Gabriel Alegra carries a passionate legacy of achievement in his own creative pursuits. His Afro-Peruvian Sextet explores a similarly cross-cultural exchange between the Americas and the rich heritage of black music from coastal Per. His adoring international fans (some follow along on tour) call his work life changing. FREE Masterclass! Tuesday, Oct. 11 at noon, Nightingale Concert Hall, Church Fine Arts Building


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OCTOBER 18, 2011 B3

Frustrations mount for Nevada soccer team

By Michael Lingberg
Emotion and sports go together like the ingredients of a gourmet dish; they have to be proportionate or the outcome will turn sour. The Nevada soccer team has all the emotional elements needed, but the feeling thats spoiling the Wolf Pack soccer teams season so far is frustration. The irritation and disappointment was evident in Sundays 2-0 loss to Western Athletic Conference foe Utah State, according to head coach Missy Price. The emotion may be the cause of some of the breakdowns in Nevadas (3-13, 1-3 WAC) performances this season. If the Wolf Pack had notched a win over one of the WACs best team, Utah State (11-4-1, 3-1 WAC), Sunday it may have turned those frowns upside down, as it was a chance for Nevada to make a serious presentation of their potential in the WAC. But the Wolf Packs inability to nish in front of the goal and momentary lapses on the defensive side of the ball proved costly against the Aggies. Nevada squandered several chances to get on the board the most notable of which was a one-on-one between Wolf Pack sophomore forward Kori Disaruno and Utah State keeper Molli Merrill. Disaruno had a chance to put the ball in the net, but it bounced just over her reach and into the keepers hands. Price discussed, once again, why the team shouldnt give in to the frustrations. We know were a good team, Price said. We have to be able to put 90 minutes together. I know Ive said that a bunch of different times, but in the end, thats it. It was in the nal 12 minutes that the Wolf Pack lost the match. Nevada kept a clean slate throughout 78 minutes of the contest with big help from goalkeeper Dana Moreno, who had seven saves. Utah States defender Natalie Norris broke the tie with a header off a corner kick from defender Summer Tillotson.

Nevada soccer head coach Missy Price is concerned about the mentality of the team this season with an overall record of 3-13 and 1-3 in Western Athletic Conference play.
The Aggies nal goal came seven minutes later when midelder Kendra Pemberton capitalized on a Nevada attempt to clear the ball from the front of the keeper. The rebound went straight to Pemberton, who made a nice kick to put a Wolf Pack win out of reach. The feeling after the game for Nevada was all too familiar who has 13 losses on the season. I think everyone is frustrated, and its hard to keep it from getting into the hearts of everyone, Price said. But it doesnt do you any good to be continually frustrated. Youll never move forward as a team. Youll never progress. Youll never score those goals. It wont allow us to grow and achieve the way that we want to. We have to be able to put the frustration behind us and move on. Despite the frustration that has marred the team, Price said theres still hope for the team looking forward. But with only three WAC showdowns left in the season, Nevada is in danger of being excluded from the six-team WAC tournament. The Wolf Pack is at the bottom of the eight-team conference with a 1-3 conference record, tying with Louisiana Tech for last place. The Lady Techsters fell to 1-3 after losing at home to Idaho 1-0 Sunday. Hawaii is at the top of the WAC standings with a 3-1-1 record. Utah State sits in second with a 3-1 record. Idaho is third with a 2-2-1 conference. Fresno State occupies the fourth seed with a 2-1 conference record. Bringing up the second half of the conference standings are San Jose State, New Mexico State, Louisiana Tech and the Wolf Pack, respectively. If Nevada is to make the tournament, it will likely have to win the rst of its nal three games at Idaho on Sunday. The Wolf Pack also needs some schools such as New Mexico State and San Jose State to drop a few games down the stretch. The last two games will take place in two weeks when Fresno State and San Jose State come to Mackay Stadium Oct. 28 and Oct. 30, respectively.
Michael Lingberg can be reached at


O Only l the th top t six i teams t in i the conference qualify for the Western Athletic Conference Tournament (Nov. 3-6 in Fresno, Calif.). Nevada has three games left this season. 1) Hawaii: 3-1-1 2) Utah State: 3-1 3) Idaho: 2-2-1 4) Fresno State: 2-1 5) San Jose State: 1-1-1 6) New Mexico State: 1-2-1 7) Louisiana Tech: 1-3 8) Nevada: 1-3


Sophomores compare camaraderie with Fab Five

By Eric Lee Castillo
Team chemistry is the secret weapon for Nevada mens basketball this season. Four sophomores in particular guards Deonte Burton, Jordan Burris and Jordan Finn, and forward Kevin Panzer said they have a harmony that extends far beyond the court. The four of us are obviously very close, Burris said. I mean, we live together, eat together, go to class together everything is always together with us. But as a whole team, were all pretty close. As the basketball team started team practices Friday at Lawlor Events Center, the aforementioned group revealed their friendship has led to a nickname. Jordan, Burton, Finn and I call ourselves the Fab Four, Panzer said. Its a comparison with the Fab Five of the Michigan Wolverines 1991 recruiting class. Chris Webber, Juwan Howard, Jimmy King, Ray Jackson and Jalen Rose made headlines with the chemistry they displayed on and off the court. Although the Nevada Fab Four is nowhere near the historical Fab Five statistically (the four averaged 20.9 points per game cumulatively their freshman season compared to the Fab Fives 58.5), the group couldnt have picked a better set of role models. I watched the (ESPN 30 for 30) documentary of the Fab Five over summer it reminded me a lot of us, and so now we call ourselves the Fab Four, Burton said. The Fab Five had an awesome record, and we just try to look at that as motivation. With theWolf Packs 13-19 record last season (the rst losing season for the team since 2000-01), the team has a lot of ground to gain if it wants to be remembered similar to the Fab Five. Nevada basketball head coach David Carter found the comparison somewhat humorous. Those four are very close on and off the court, Carter said with a giggle. Thats a unique thing and theyll be friends for life. But shoot, compared to the Fab Five were not even close (in terms of performance). While the Fab Fives on-court performance matched its offcourt afnity, Nevadas Fab Four has yet to make a large impact on the court, except for Burton, who was named the Western Athletic Conference Freshman of the Year. I think its more the relationship that makes them similar, Carter said. When I look at the Fab Five, I think about how much they had fun together, and those four guys have just as much fun being around one another.

Jordan (Burris), (Deonte) Burton, (Jordan) Finn and I call ourselves the Fab Four. sophomore Wolf Pack forward Kevin Panzer
Besides spending one of the most inuential years of their lives together, their love for similar music also helped grow the Fab Fours relationship. They all listen to hip-hop to get themselves in the groove on game days. Some of their favorite artists include Kanye West, J. Cole and Drake. They take their love for hiphop culture to another level by experimenting with making their own music, too. They even made a few videos and posted them on the Internet. The videos have since been taken down (to the liking of the athletic department), but the group has used moments like those to build a greater bond. Ever since those videos, weve gotten really close together, Panzer said. The team chemistry really means a lot to us, and its not just the people in the videos its the whole team. Camaraderie is something every campus club, group and sport strives to build. It creates a stronger synergy, and the Fab Four said the feeling is contagious for every player on the team. After going through a season like last year and having the rst losing season in however long, we all got a lot closer, Burris said. We went through a lot as a team so this year we have a lot to prove. Many viewed last season as a rebuilding year for the team. No one expected them to win a lot of games with six freshmen and only one player (Dario Hunt) who had started in a game for the Wolf Pack. Many felt something was missing after the loss of guard Armon Johnson and forward Luke Babbitt, who both left Nevada for the NBA in 2010 after leading the Wolf Pack to three winning seasons. The feeling was similar to the football team this season, as it lost players such as quarterback Colin Kaepernick, tight end Virgil Green and many more who moved on to the NFL. We didnt want (last season) to get labeled as rebuilding season, and we had a lot of bumps and bruises. But it just made us work harder and I think were going to come in this season with a lot more focus, shooting guard Malik Story said. Decision making might be the biggest area the Wolf Pack needs to improve from last season. Its typical of a freshmanheavy team to make poor shot selections, drive the basket at inopportune times, look over an open man or play out of position, according to Carter The main way the team can put last season behind them is by sticking together and trusting one another to work toward one common goal. Team chemistry is one of the most important things for us, you know, coming off all that experience together itll be more like second nature to us now, Story said. When we go on the court were going to know where everybody is supposed to be and trust that everyone will give out their greatest effort toward our goal. With many of the speed bumps involved with a rebuilding year in the rear-view mirror, the comfort level is at an all-time high for this group. Things should theoretically go a lot smoother this season. It gives trust, you know, theyve grown up together and taken the same steps so theyre growing together just like having a brother, Carter said. Nevadas Fab Four signies how far this team has come in terms of chemistry and comfort since arriving last semester. Were all basically brothers, I mean, we call each other brothers, and thats going to help us out on the court, Panzer said. The Wolf Packs season tips off Nov. 11 with three home games.
Eric Lee Castillo can be reached at

Sophomore Deonte Burton will be expected to perform at a high level this season after being named Western Athletic Conference Freshman of the Year last season.


B4 OCTOBER 18, 2011



Team Nevada New Mexico Q1 21 0 Q2 7 0 Q3 14 0 Q4 7 7 T 49 7

Team Nevada Utah State 1 0 0 2 0 2 T 0 2

Team Nevada Idaho G1 25 23 G2 18 25 G3 14 25 G4 15 25 T 1 3

Nevada Rushing
Jefferson, S Fajardo, C Brock, K Mark, L No. 14 13 5 9 Yds 108 86 70 39 Yds 203 57 TD 1 2 0 3 TD 0 0

New Mexico Rushing

Austin, T Gongbay, C Wright, J Thomas, L No. 3 9 9 6 Yds 41 39 31 24 Yds 62 27 TD 1 0 0 0 TD 0 0

Sh Schmeda, S 0 Voss, S 0 Dominguez, A 0 Green, D 0 Lorenzen, M 0 Allen, A 0 Moreno, D 0 Stott, E 0 Fonte, C 2 Braman, L 1 Reilly, B 1 Khademi, M 0 Ogiamien, A 0 Crump, C 0 Terranova, J 0 Disaruno, K 1 Totals 5 SOG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 G 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Saves 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7

Utah State
Sh Merrill, M 0 Pemberton 3 Flanary, S 2 Flynn, J 1 Miyashiro, M 0 Norris, N 1 Tillotson, S 0 Rose, T 0 Hoskin, J 0 Morgan, L 0 Salmon, C 1 Larsen, B 0 Tarver, J 3 Sperry, C 0 Haddow, S 1 Sanchez, M 0 Davis, K 0 12 SOG 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 9 G 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 A Saves 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3

Garvey, E Batista, J Anxo, G Leaea, T Santiago, T Ji, E Chang, K Heinen, B Paul, B Anxo, S Totals K 7 7 2 12 3 11 0 0 2 0 44 SA 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 3 Dig 0 0 1 0 7 13 7 3 2 1 34 BA 5 3 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 14

Walker, A Chow, J Schultz, A Church, J Sele, A Feicht, J Milo, A Walker, R Hamilton, C Christman, A Westberg, A K 17 0 8 0 7 0 12 1 0 4 0 49 SA 1 0 0 2 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 10 Dig 10 3 0 11 0 5 4 0 15 0 0 48 BA 3 0 3 2 3 2 1 3 0 1 0 18


Att-Cmp-Int Fajardo, C 20-25-1 Lantrip, T 4-6-0

Att-Cmp-Int Holbrook, B.R. 9-22-1 Austin, T 2-7-0


Arendse, K Matthews, R Louks, C

No. 4 4 3

Yds 53 44 28 Sacks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yds 31

TD 0 0 0 Int 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Long 31

Kirk, T Aho, A Kibgm, D

No. 6 1 1

Yds 42 19 12 Sacks 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yds 146

TD 0 0 0 Int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Long 27

Team Nevada Utah State G1 20 25 G2 18 25 G3 18 25 T 0 3


Tackles Johnson, J.M. 9 Williams, D 8 Johnson, M 7 Wooten, K 6 Bell, D 5 Marshall, B 4 Green, J 4 Foster, S 3

Berry, D Messina, C Forrest, B Young, F Hooks, A Latchison, J Merritt, S Caro, D

Tackles 11 11 9 8 8 6 5 4 No. 6

Batista, J Anxo, G Leaea, T Heinen, B Santiago, T Ji, E Garvey, E Chang, K Bonnie, P Anxo, S Totals K 6 2 10 0 3 8 9 0 2 0 40 SA 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 Dig 2 8 1 0 2 4 0 12 0 0 29 BA 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 5

Utah State
K Rogers, A 0 Neves, P 3 Sirebsebm S 10 VanHoff, K 5 Everett, A 5 McArthur, L 18 Etimani, T 0 Bodily, L 0 Orr, R 5 46 SA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 Dig 4 5 7 4 0 6 0 8 0 34 BA 0 4 3 3 4 1 0 0 1 16


Category Name School Statistic Shots Chelsea Small Idaho 78 Goals Shantel Flanary Utah State 9 Saves Katie DeVault Fresno State 81 Points Flanary Utah State 20 Assists Molly Nizzoli Fresno State 8


Category Shots Goals Saves Points Save Pct. Assists Name Kori Disaruno Disaruno Jenna Riddle Disaruno Riddle Annabelle Allen Statistic 29 3 55 6 73.3% 2

Kickoff Returns
No. 1 Brock, K

Kickoff Returns
Duncan, D



In his second start of the season, Nevada quarterback Cody Fajardo went 20-for-25 for 203 yards and added 86 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns against New Mexico on Saturday.




and comes back in to play, especially the quarterback, you gain some respect from teammates, offensive lineman coach Cameron Norcross said. He gained a lot of respect from the O-line guys, I know that. Captain of the Wolf Pack Union Chris Barker can vouch for that statement. Hes a real tough kid, and he knows hes going to get hit some

plays because theres always going to be that one guy that gets through the line, but he takes the shot and completes that pass so we feel real good about that, Barker said. If hes willing to get that hurt, Im willing to get hurt for him. The feeling was the same for every Wolf Pack player who got a glimpse of Fajardos commitment to the team. Not to degrade Fajardos dedication, but its something that any Nevada football athlete would commit to, according to defensive lineman and team

captain Brett Roy. I know from experience that a cracked tooth isnt a very good feeling and him returning is just a testament to Nevada players, Roy said. A lot of people would be knocked out of the game after that. For him to come back and have the game he did is kind of inspiring for the rest of us, and its something that denitely makes us look forward to watching him in the future.
Eric Lee Castillo can be reached at


ve time zones, its going to slowly obliterate any rivalries. A true conference has rivalries where youre able to drive to most of the away games to see your team play. But whos going to drive to see the Wolf Pack play East Carolina? Or Memphis? Or even the University of Texas, El Paso, the western-most team in C-USA? No one. This is defeating the purpose of a conference. And after thinking about it more, it was obvious the MWCC-USA (whatever the name of the conference will be), went with the quantity-over-quality method, thinking if it got large enough, maybe it too could become a conference with an automatic BCS bid. But most of all, I was completely against the idea as soon as I heard it because it didnt seem to help Nevada. Its only going to make for extended travel, slowly kill off rivalries (because there are going to come years when the Wolf Pack doesnt play Boise State or the University of Nevada, Las Vegas) and not put any teams in Nevadas roster that you would look at and say, This is a great addition to Nevadas future that will help boost its strength of schedule.

All of the good teams were already in the MWC. But after my initial discontent and thoughts of college football being one of the biggest running jokes, I rationalized that this was the most benecial move both the MWC and C-USA could have made at this point. With daily national headlines screaming phrases such as Major conference realignments and Super conferences to come, both of these leagues jumped the gun and engaged in a deal that offers both sides stability for years to come. Plus, I was more than happy when I saw the conferences were going against the status quo of having 10- or 12-team leagues. Both recognize that continued success (see Boise State, Texas Christian University and Utah), isnt enough to gain a conference an automatic BCS bowl bid in the eyes of the BCS, so they went ahead and tried something new in creating this larger-than-life league. Rather than await changes in membership due to realignment, it became clear the best way to serve our institutions was to pursue an original concept, said MWC Commissioner Craig Thompson in a statement. The Mountain West and C-USA share a number of similarities, and the creative merger of our football assets rmly positions our respective

Wh What t do d you thi think k about b t the Mountain West Conference and Conference USAs decision to create a 22-team football league? Is this enough to earn the conference an automatic BCS bowl bid? Vote on polls such as these and let us know your opinion in the comments section.

with the Wolf Pack, Robertson said the smell of the teams laundry after it returns from games once made him want to vomit. After doing it for a while you dont really notice it that much, but the worst is after a road trip when its been soaking for about a day before we even get a hold of it, Robertson said. Then you pop the lid open and it all just shoots in your face and its it makes you want to vomit. I mean, you have to take two steps back, and its just like, Whoa. Another main contributor to game day is Lawlor Events Center (LEC) Director Ann Larson, as she oversees a staff of anywhere from 130 to 160 that contribute to the atmosphere. Larson says she spends about 50 hours prior to the game planning and organizing employee duties for football games. That includes 14 hours (7 a.m. to 9 p.m.) on gamedays. Before the kickoff, Larson gathers the entire staff and briefs them about their responsibilities for the day. (Larson) is the captain of the ship and briefs everyone on how prepared we should be to meet the expectations of the day, what our roles are for the day and how pleasant we should be to the patrons in performing those duties, LEC event coordinator Kimberley Cruz said. During the conference, Larson laid into the staff on how important every one of their roles are. I know you guys hardly even take a breath until the game is over, but you cannot leave your post because everyone is essential in making this run smoothly, Larson told her staff in the meeting prior to the New Mexico game. From top to bottom, every

You have to love this job because we work when everyone else wants to be entertained on nights, weekdays and holidays, but once it gets in your blood, there is no other job like this youre hooked for life. Lawlor Events Center Director Ann Larson
participant matters in putting together an event with nearly 30,000 attendants, according to Larson and Hackett. They arent the only ones putting in long hours to make it happen. Regional Concessions Manager for Sodexo Ryan Jackson, coordinates a staff of 25 vendors who walk the aisles of Mackay Stadium to give fans easy access to gameday snacks that will forever be associated with attending most any sporting event. He spends about eight hours the day before the game doing prep work that involves coordinating, recruiting and brieng staff, preparing product packaging and making sure everything they sell to fans is in proper form. Anyone who has been at a sporting event as a child remembers getting a vibrantly colored cotton candy, a bag of popcorn or a soda pop at the game, Jackson said. We all put in the hours to help provide and be a part of that experience. The discipline to put in long hours and go almost entirely unnoticed while the general public enjoys themselves takes a certain personality, according to Larson, who is in her second year at the helm of the LEC staff. The employees who do have that drive are in it for the long haul, though. You have to love this job because we work when everyone else wants to be entertained on nights, weekends and holidays, but once it gets in your blood there is no other job like this youre hooked for life, Larson said. The notion is evident as some event employees under her supervision have been around for 15 years, she said. Being behind the scenes doesnt faze the work ethic of the electrician at the event, Raymond Pierce, who makes sure everything has power. Those who have been around long enough refer to him as Bud. He has worked at the home football games for the last 20 years. Way back when nobody wanted to do it, I always enjoyed it, you know, just being in this positive environment, and being a part of it made me stick with it, he said. Some event employees dont get to enjoy that positive environment as much since their duty starts after the game ends. Ever wonder where all the popcorn and peanuts dropped on the ground goes after the game? Before the Wolf Pack soccer match the day after the football game, it took about six hours for 50 people to make sure fans attending the game could enjoy a clean environment. If you come out Sunday morning real early, you can see the amount of synergy that goes into getting that stadium cleaned, Hackett said. The planning for football is seemingly never-ending and it can be easy for top employees like Hackett and Larson to become consumed by the chore, as preparation for the next game begins immediately after it ends.
Eric Lee Castillo can be reached at



members for the future. The new conference will have a two-division alignment and will play a championship game. While I commend both sides for taking this immense step, if this new conference really wants to go against the grain and make its presence felt, it should take it a step further and create four divisions within itself and institute a four-team playoff at the end of the season. Many college football fans want to see playoffs, so implementing a mini playoff with four teams to determine a conference champion would be appealing. So while the move may not be nancially smart for Nevada in terms of travel and drawing fans to away games, it serves a greater purpose in giving all 22 universities a sound platform to live on for the foreseeable future.
Juan Lpez can be reached at

wins, and any victory for that matter, is that no one contest is more important than any other. Its how the Nevada football team maintains its consistency that counts, according to Wilson and offensive lineman coach Cameron Norcross. Something about our program is that we dont change anything from week to week, Norcross said. Whether were playing Oregon, New Mexico, UNLV as a rival or Fresno State, we go about preparation the same way, and thats why weve been a consistent program over the years. Its difcult to believe considering Nevadas absent involvement in the national college football conversation. Winning in conference play is the only way for Nevada to make a name for itself this season. Players such as offensive lineman and team captain Chris Barker feel differently from coaches, as there is added pressure to perform as the defenders of the Western Athletic Confer-

Nevada running back Stefphon Jefferson rushed for 108 of the Wolf Packs 338 rushing yards on a career-high 14 carries vs. New Mexico.
ence Championship, he said. It just means we have to play a little harder now because we have something on the line, you know, were defending WAC champs and everybody wants to take it from us so we just have to come a little harder in the coming weeks, Barker said. Fresno State poses a serious threat as its gained valuable playing time in contests against Bowl Championship Series schools such as Nebraska and California. The Bulldogs put up


a ght against the Cornhuskers, as Fresno State had a chance to win down 35-29 with six minutes left. (Fresno State) has a tremendous amount of athletes, theyre well coached and theyre as tough as we are so we just have to play our leverages, play smart football and tackle them when we need to, defensive lineman Brett Roy said.
Eric Lee Castillo can be reached at


OCTOBER 18, 2011 B5

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Cheer on the Nevada Wolf Pack against Fresno State this weekend. Dont forget your grey for the game! The Nevada Wolf Shop is having a SALE! all grey apparel 20% o* for the game. Oct. 17 - 22, 2011.
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OCTOBER 18, 2011


Saturday TIME: 1:05 p.m.

SEPT. 10
at Oregon L 69-20

SEPT. 17

SEPT. 24

OCT. 1

OCT. 8
vs. UNLV W 37-0

OCT. 15

OCT. 29

NOV. 12
vs. Hawaii 1:05 p.m.

NOV. 19
vs. La. Tech 1:05 p.m.

NOV. 26
at Utah State Noon

DEC. 3
vs. Idaho 1:05 p.m.

at San Jose State at Texas Tech at Boise State L 30-10 W 17-14 L 35-34

vs. New Mexico at NMSU W 49-7 5 p.m.

1. LSU (41) 2. Alabama (11) 3. Oklahoma (6) 4. Wisconsin 5. Boise State (1) 6. Oklahoma State 7. Stanford 8. Clemson 9. Oregon 10. Arkansas 11. West Virginia 12. Kansas State 13. Nebraska 14. South Carolina 15. Michigan State 16. Virginia Tech 17. Texas A&M 18. Michigan 19. Auburn 20. Georgia Tech 21. Houston 22. Washington 23. Illinois 24. Georgia 25. Arizona State
*Nevada opponents in bold

7-0 7-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 7-0 5-1 5-1 5-1 6-0 5-1 6-1 5-1 6-1 4-2 6-1 5-2 6-1 6-0 5-1 6-1 5-2 5-2

Bulldogs, Nevada set for WAC showdown

Pack looks to take possession of rst place in conference
By Lukas Eggen
Two of the preseason Western Athletic Conference favorites will face off Saturday. Fresno State, fresh off a come-from-behind win against Utah State, is hoping to beat the Wolf Pack for the rst time since 2007.


* 2011 statistics (national rank in parenthesis)

248.83 (10) 239.5 (49) 131.17 (62) 488.33 (14) 27.83 (67) 178(82) 110.90 (21) (2 338.33 ( (32) 25.83 (5 (59) 35.92 (8 (81) 6.78 (76) (76 21.43 (64) (6 -1.17 (113 (113)

OFFENSE Rushing Passing Pass Efciency Total Scoring DEFENSE Rushing Pass Efciency Total Scoring Net Punting Punt Returns Kickoff Returns Turnover Margin

135.14 (73) 237.86 (51) 130.66(63) 373 (79) 27.29 (70) 184.14 (89) 126.06 (56) 401.29 (74) 34.29 (107) 37.21 (51) 17.80 (7) 19.56 (101) -1 (104)


Bulldogs quarterback Derek Carr has been solid through seven games this season, throwing for 237.9 yards per game with 12 touchdowns and ve interceptions. Carr has played well for most of the season. The only time the offense got shut down was during a 57-7 loss to Boise State two weeks ago. He is spreading the ball out well, throwing touchdowns to ve different receivers. Plus, six receivers have at least 11 catches on the season. However, the Bulldogs arent all about the pass. Running back Robbie Rouse could go a long way in helping take the pressure off Carr. Rouse, who is averaging 116 rushing yards per game and has ve rushing touchdowns, can be a force on the ground. Averaging nearly ve yards per carry, Rouse has the strength to pound a defense throughout the game and gives the Bulldogs a second way to attack a defense if the passing game isnt delivering.

OTHERS RECEIVING VOTES Penn State 130, Notre Dame 107, USC 87, Southern Methodist 19, Baylor 19, Texas 12, Southern Miss 4, Cincinnati 4, Wake Forest 3, Rutgers 2


* (national ( rank in parenthesis)

1. LSU 2. Alabama 3. Oklahoma 4. Oklahoma State 5. Boise State 6. Wisconsin 7. Clemson 8. Stanford 9. Arkansas 10. Oregon 11. Kansas State 12. Virginia Tech 13. Nebraska 14. South Carolina 15. West Virginia 16. Michigan State 17. Texas A&M 18. Michigan 19. Houston 20. Auburn 21. Penn State 22. Georgia Tech 23. Illinois 24. Texas 25. Washington Fresno State vs. Nevada 7-0 7-0 6-0 6-0 6-0 5-0 6-0 6-0 5-1 5-1 6-0 6-0 5-1 5-1 5-1 5-1 4-2 6-1 6-0 5-2 6-1 6-1 6-1 4-2 5-1


Derek Ca Carr

Fresno State Category Avg./Game

Passing yds 116.0 (14) 74.9 (51)

237.9 (42)

Robbie Rouse Ro Rushing yds Jalen Sau Saunders Receiving yds Travis Bro Brown L .J. Jones L.J. Tackles Interceptions Logan Ha Harrell Tackles for loss Devon Wylie W Punt return yds avg. K evin Go Kevin Goessling Scoring

7.1 (NR) 1.6 (15) 2 (N/A) 17.7 (8) 5.9 (NR)


Tyler Lan Lantrip Mike Ball B. Marsh Marshall Brett Roy

Passing yds

Nevada Category Avg./Game

68.8 (80) 105.3 (17) 8.3 (63)

165.8 (79)

Rushing yds Tackles Tackles for loss

R. Matthe Matthews Receiving yds

After facing two of the nations worst teams, the Wolf Pack will have its hands full with the Bulldogs defense. Fresno State has one of the conferences best one-two punches on the defensive side of the ball. Defensive linemen Logan Harrell and Tristan Okpalaugo have combined for 17.5 tackles-for-loss and 7.5 sacks of the teams 11 total sacks. Throw in linebacker Kyle Knox, who has ve tackles-for-loss, and the Bulldogs are among the best in the WAC in getting penetration in the backeld. Facing a Nevada offense that has frequently turned the ball over during the last two games, Fresno State will be looking to get to quarterback Cody Fajardo early and often. Fajardo has shown he can cough the ball up, either via interceptions or fumbles. That may be what the Bulldogs need to take control of the game Saturday.

2.08 (3) 2 (N/A) 5.0 (NR)

K halid Wooten W Khalid Interceptions C ody Faja Cody Fajardo Scoring

R. Matthe Matthews Punt return yds avg. 9.1 ( NR)



When: Saturday, 1:05 p.m. Where: Mackay Stadium

(29,993, Field Turf)

Standings Conference Standin

Fresno St State Nevada San Jose State Hawaii Louisiana Tech Utah State Stat Idaho 2-0 1-0 2-1 1-1 1-1 0-1 0-3

3-4 3-3 3-4 3-3 3-3 2-4 2-4 1-6

(3-3 overall, 1-0 WAC), Fresno State (3-4 overall, 2-0 WAC)

TV: N/A Season records: Nevada

New Mex Mexico State 1-1

All-time series record:

Fresno State leads 24-16-1

The coaches: Head coach

Pat Hill is 110-75 in his 15th season at Fresno State. Nevada hall of fame head coach Chris Ault is in his 27th season as Nevadas coach and has a 222-100-1 record.

Wolf Pack fans beware: Fresno State has a secret weapon capable of turning the tide of a game in the Bulldogs favor. Punt returner Devon Wylie is a player Nevada must kick away from or risk having a big return go the other way. Wylie is averaging 17.7 yards per return and has two returns for touchdowns already. He has a season-long return of 79 yards and has shown the speed and moves to take any punt to the house. Dont be surprised if Nevada punts directionally or out of bounds to take Wylie out of the picture.
Lukas Eggen can be reached at sports@nevadasagebrush. com.


Date D t
Sept. 3 Sept. 10 Sept. 17 Sept. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 7 Oct. 15 Saturday N ov. 5 Nov. Nov. 12 Nov. 19

O Opponent t
at California at Nebraska North Dakota at Idaho Ole Miss Boise State Utah State at Nevada Louisiana Tech at New Mexico State at Hawaii San Jose State at San Diego State

Ti Time
L 36-21 L 42-29 W 27-22 W 48-24 L 38-28 L 57-7 W 31-21 1:05 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 8 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m.


N Nevadas d offensive ff i line vs. Fresno States defensive line

The Bulldogs will be looking to get to quarterback Cody Fajardo early and often, led by defensive lineman Logan Harrell. Harrell leads the team in sacks and tackles-for-loss and will be itching to wreak havoc in Nevadas backeld on Saturday.

Nevada quarterback Cody Fajardo ran for 86 yards and two touchdowns and completed 80 percent of his passes, totaling 203 yards and an interception in Saturdays 49-7 win over New Mexico.

Nov. 26 Dec. 3


OPTIMIST SAYS: Nevadas defense is on a roll. Led by linebacker JamesMichael Johnson and defensive lineman Brett Roy, the Wolf Pack shuts down Fresno State quarterback Derek Carr, holding the Bulldogs to fewer than 300 yards of total offense. Nevadas offense eliminates the turnovers and the Wolf Pack is able to cruise to its third-straight win. OUTCOME: Nevada wins 41-10 PESSIMIST SSIMIST SAYS: After two dominating formances, Nevada suffers a letdown. performances, sno States offense nds the endzone Fresno y and the Wolf Packs offense continearly ues to turn the ball over. Unlike the past two opponents, however, the Bulldogs n them into points and take a big lead turn o the half. Nevada rallies in the second into half but falls just short as the Bulldogs b control of the conference standings. grab TCOME: Fresno State wins 34-27 OUTCOME:


Its hard to follow in the footsteps of a school le legend, especially when that legend is your older brother. But Fresno State quarterb quarterback Derek Carr, younger sibling of former Bulldogs star quarterback David Carr, is i doing just that. Carr has 12 touchdowns and ve interceptions on the year, averaging avera 237.9 yards per game. Hes completing 60.3 percent of his passes and has a passing efciency of 132.7 in his rst season as starting quarterback. Though the Bulldogs are just 3-4 this season, Carr C has led Fresno State to a 2-0 record in conference play, with victories again against Utah State and Idaho. Aside PHOTO COURTESY OF RICK DODD/ from a 57-7 loss to Boise State, Fresno State ha has scored at least 21 points in all its FRESNO STATE UNIVERSITY games. With Nevadas defense playing well, C Carr must be accurate and keep up Fresno State quarterback Derek with a Wolf Pack offense that seems to be hitt hitting its stride. Carr

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