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Review for Final 1.Map the after glow: shows temperature of the spots in the universe. 2.

How does space expand? Every point expands from every other point. 3. Hubble diagram: spiral, irregular,elliptical, properties, now! 4. What is the zone of avoidance? The disc/plane of galaxy. You have to see perpendicular on the disc. 5. What is the speed of light? 300,000 km/sec 6. What is the hubble constant? 7. What magdlena clouds? Irregular gallaxy orbit our galaxy. 8. What's in the disc? Open clusters of stars. 9. Globular Clusters: They are in the halo perpendicular to the disc. 10. What type of galaxys are more common? 11. Where do POP II recide? 12. Age of the universe? 13. What is the story of galaxy of Andramita? 2.2 million light years, biggest g alaxy, closer to us. 14. Quasars-active nucleus of far away galaxies. 15. Backgrond radiation (Cosmic Direction), Where do you look? Look at any direc tion 100 of a degree. 16. ***We see young galaxies when we look up at the sky. 17. Inflation: Matter acted like antigravity. 18. Space goes faster than speed of light. 19. The difference between SA and SB? SA: is more tighter arms and bigger SB: is less tighter and small. 20. What the cosmological principle? The apperance of the universe looks identic al regardless of the position observed. 21. Hubble laws: The farther an object is from the observer, the faster it moves away from the observer. 22. What's the name of the super cluster of galaxies? Virgo...Super cluster gala xies. 23. Finite-Is opposite of infinite. The surface of a sphere is finite. Boundry & finite are different. 24. Cepheid Variables: How did hubble used it? They have identical light between to cepheid variables; they have same luminosity. 25. How did God make energy into energy? Gama ray collide: particles & antiparti cles 26. Universe is boundless and finite. 27. Galaxies collide and become an elliptical galaxy. 28. Spiral galaxies were born first, then other galaxies are born. 29. Inflation is external. 30. How can we dectect other universe? see in the cosmic background radiation. 31. 5 billion years for Andromita to collide. 32. Black matter, how do we know it exists? Its got gravity 33. What is the properties of milky way? 34. What is HI Region and HII Region?

HI:Nitrogen H (new stars) HII:Ionization of gas 35. Radio waves, elections switch direction in HI region --> That's how we know arms of galaxy exist. 36. Hubble constant: 100km/sec 100,000 km/sec *1,000 Mly 37. What's in the bulge of the galaxy? The supermassive black hole, POP II, gas & dust. 38. Disc: new stars are born 40. Dark Matter: 23% (excerts gravity) Dark energy: 73% (antigravity) What we can see: 4% 41.Type 1a supernova we use to measure distance. *The Cepheid variables light is consistant 42. Big bang theries have in common is "inflation". Inflation predict the radiat ion cosmic shape of our universe magnification quantum, flactuation. 43.

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