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GENESIS 12:1-4A 2 TIMOTHY 1:8B-10 MATTHEW 17:1-9 WHY TOMORROW? WONT YOU GIVE YOUR LIFE TODAY!! Jesus said here I stand wont you please let me in? And you said I will tomorrow. Every year when confronted with Lent we say I know I should do better, but we dont, we are simply afraid to jump in and risk an encounter with Christ. St. Paul tells Timothy in the second reading for today that his own journey of faith demands bearing with, and he uses this expression, "Bear your share of hardship for the gospel with the strength that comes from God." By gospel Paul is referring not just to the sections of the New Testament that the priest or deacon reads, but to the whole new way of living demanded by following Jesus Christ. The word gospel means good news, it refers to the joy that has come into the world and into each of our lives, and that is the joy of Jesus Christ. But, St. Paul says, this gospel, this new way of living, brings upon itself hardship. Why? Well, God demands that we make His Life a priority in our lives. He calls upon his people to be holy, that is, to be separate. That means that we have to live according to principles of faith and morality which might be very different than the so called new and modern way of living. Faith demands that we make that joyful journey from sacrifice to glory. It demands that we separate ourselves from our own selfish desires in order to give to others. This is the path to glory for a Christian, and it is a path full of joy. We Christians are happy because, like the disciples on the mountain during the transfiguration, we have experienced a touch of heaven, the joy of the Lord, the happiness that is to come.


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Jesus said I am he who supplies all your needs. And you said I know but tomorrow, tomorrow Ill give my life tomorrow I thought about today, but its so much easier to say, tomorrow. On the mountain Peter, James and John saw that there was more to Jesus than met the eye. During the transfiguration they got a glimpse of the future glory of Jesus resurrection. Like them we too get glimpses of the presence of God in our lives. We get glimpses of God in the love we receive from other people. We get glimpses of God when badly needed help suddenly comes to us from out of nowhere. We get glimpses of God when we look back over our lives and what we couldnt understand in the past makes sense now. We see glimpses of God when we see someone making a sacrifice to help somebody else. We see glimpses of God in the beauty of a fine day, in the beauty of a lovely beach or in the beauty of a beautiful sunrise or sunset. We see glimpses of God when a passage from the Bible or a homily strikes a chord in our hearts, or when a song from the choir fills us with joy. We get a glimpse of God when we spend time in prayer and experience the loving presence of God in our lives. We get more than just a glimpse of God when we receive the body of Jesus in the Eucharist we should be full of joy. The Transfiguration coming early in Lent encourages us to continue our Lenten penances because it reminds us of the glory of Jesus risen from the dead. Tomorrow who promised you tomorrow, better choose the Lord today, for tomorrow very well may be too late. The time Jesus had spent in prayer did exactly what it had been planned to do it took away Jesus own fear, and gave him the courage to face his own death, now knowing that the Son of Man would be raised from the dead. If Jesus had to pray

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in order to prepare himself for his death what do you think we have to do? Jesus had to satisfy his human side sometimes we forget that Jesus was fully human as well as being fully God so Jesus has the same feelings and concerns as we do and we too should prepare ourselves for our entrance to the other side and our home going, Its going to happen whether we want to believe it or not. All of this was necessary, according to St. Paul today, in order that death could be abolished by our Savior Jesus Christ who brought life and immortality to light through the Gospel. St. Paul says we didnt have anything to do with it it was a total gift from God according to his own purpose and grace, and all of this was necessary, too, because of a promise that God made to Abram in the beginnings of Hebrew history I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise to Abram. Let me read an exhortation from Pope Francis We must never forget how many Christians are giving their lives in love. They help so many people to be healed or to die in peace in makeshift hospitals. They are present to those enslaved by different addictions in the poorest places on earth. They devote themselves to the education of children and young people. They are dedicated in many others ways to showing an immense love for humanity inspired by God who became man. I am grateful for the beautiful example given to me by so many Christians who joyfully sacrifice their lives and their time. This witness comforts and sustains me on my own effort to overcome selfishness and to give of myself. And who said tomorrow would ever come for you still, you laugh and play and continue on to say, ----tomorrow forget about tomorrow wont you give your life today-- so please dont just turn and walk away, tomorrow,

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tomorrow is not promised dont let this moment slip away, your tomorrow could very well begin today. Too many of us are afraid that if we have a true encounter with the Lord, we might feel compelled to do things the Pope lists in his exhortation. Who wants to sacrifice time to take care of the elderly who are alone and forgotten? Who wants to give up their Sunday mornings to teach religious education? Who wants to give up their Sunday nights to be with teens in the parish youth group? Who is really willing to enter hostile environments to cook, serve, and serve food to the smelly and scary homeless? Faith is not just something we profess. Faith is a life that we lead. It is a life of joy, a life of sacrifice, and a life leading us to the Glory of God. Tomorrow, who promised you tomorrow better choose the Lord today, because tomorrow for you may very well be too late. Amen


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