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Criteria Appropriate Clothing


Excellent The student demonstrated an understanding of what constitutes appropriate clothing for the activity of orienteering by providing a written description of appropriate clothing and by wearing that clothing for the days activity Student was able to explain all safety measures/concerns associated with the activity of orienteering without mistakes

Proficient The student demonstrated an understanding of what constitutes appropriate clothing for the activity of orienteering by providing a written description of appropriate clothing and by wearing at least 2 pieces of appropriate clothing (including footwear) The student was able to explain all safety measures/concerns associated with the activity of orienteering with a few minor mistakes

Satisfactory The student demonstrated an understanding of what constitutes appropriate clothing for the activity of orienteering by providing a written description of appropriate clothing and by wearing the appropriate footwear for the days activity The student was able to explain some safety measures/concerns associated with the activity of orienteering but the explanation contained many mistakes

Unsatisfactory Students failed to provide a description of appropriate clothing for the activity of orienteering and did not wear any appropriate clothing for the days activity (including footwear)

The student was unable to explain any safety measures/concerns associated with the activity of orienteering

Appropriate Equipment Use Entering Waypoints

The students was able to describe how to use the GPS device responsibly during the orienteering activity The student was able to provide a step-by-step description of the process for entering waypoints into the GPS device that was free of mistakes

The student was able to provide a step-by-step description of the process for entering waypoints into the GPS device that contained only a few minor mistakes

Follow GPS data

The student was able to follow the data provided by the GPS device to the intended checkpoint and provided the necessary evidence to prove

The student was able to follow the data provided by the GPS device with a few hints from group members and provided the necessary evidence to prove

The student was able to provide a step-by-step description of the process for entering waypoints into the GPS device only after a short refresher from the instructor or other group members The student was able to follow the data provided by the GPS system with help from group members but was unable to provide the necessary

The students was unable to describe how to use the GPS device responsibly during the orienteering activity The student was unable to provide a step-by-step description of the process for entering waypoints into the GPS device even after receiving a refresher from the instructor and/or other group members Student was unable to follow the data provided and instead simply followed the path of his/her group members. The student was



evidence to prove success


The student demonstrated effective communication skills and offered help/ encouragement to group members continually for the duration of the activity

The student demonstrated effective communication skills and offered help/ encouragement to group members frequently during the activity

The student demonstrated sporadic use of effective communication skills and offered help/ encouragement to group members very rarely during the activity

unable to provide the evidence necessary to prove success in follow the GPS data The student did not demonstrate the use of any effective communication skills and did not offer group members help or encouragement at any time during the activity

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