Micro Bio

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Hospitals Never Start Late Haemophilus Influenzae Gram negative aerobic bacillus Commonly found in children HiB Vaccine

Neisseria Meningitis Neisseria Mengitidis main agent Rash of college students Gram negative diplococci Streptococcus Pneumoniae Caused by Gram positive diplococci Caused by Same agent as title Lancet shaped Listeria Monocytogenes Gram positive rods, single chains Foodbourne, contaminated food and water Mild flu symptoms Close my Clock Clostridium Tetani gram positive, endospore forming, anaerobe Spread through wound with dirt Toxoid and booster cure Clostridium Botulinum Caused by Clostridium Botulinum Caused by ingestion of Botulinal toxin Gram positive, endospore forming, anaerobe Mycobacterium Leprae Cause of Leprosy Also called Hansen's disease Acid Fast rods (best at 30C) Wrap it up Rabies virus Animal bite Skeletal to brain cells Excessive drooling, muscle spasms, hydrophobia

Arbo virus Insects Control mosquito population encephalitis to brain Polio Virus Ingestion of contaminated water Sore throat, nausea FDR SCEW2- Mosquito Culex, Aedes St. Louis California Eastern Equine West Nile Western Equine Cryptococcus Neoformans Soil Fungus Pigeon and Chicken poop Respiratory route, blood to CNS African Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness) caused by Trypan Brucei (gam Long) (Rho short) Spread by Tsetse fly Eel Like Protozoa Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis caused by Naegleria Fowleri Spread from water Brain eating amoeba Mad cow Prion caused (abnormal protein folding) Sheep scrapie meat eaten by cows Prevention of Prion diseases Surgical instruments sterilized by NaOh Most resistant- Prion CH 5 Apoenzyme- Protein (Inactive) Cofactor- Nonprotein (activator) Holoenzyme- Both together Feedback Inhibition- End activity inhibits enzyme activity at start

Oxidation- removal of (-) Reduction- gain of (-) Redox- Both ATP= Phosphorylation of ADP in Electron Transport Chain or Photophosphorylation by light Carb Catabolism- Glycolysis, respiration, fermentation Glycolysis-Cytoplasm-Cytoplasm Transition step- Cytoplasm-Cytoplasm Krebs Cycle-Mitochondrial matrix-Cytoplasm ETC-Mitochondrial inner mem-plasma mem Total: 4 ATP, 10 NADH, 2 FADH2 in one glucose through aerobic reps. Alternatives to Glycolysis -Pentose Phosphate Pathway ( 5 Carbon sugars, NADPH) -With Glycolysis, 1g= 1ATP and 12 NADPH -Entner-Doudoroff Pathway (No Glycolysis) -1 ATP, 2NADPH Cellular Respiration -Oxidation of molecules, electrons liberated for ETC (chemiosmosis) -ATP made by oxidative phosphorylation -Pyruvic Acid= Oxidized, Decarboyxlated -Krebs- Oxidation of Acetyl CoA= NADH and FADH2 Chemiosmotic Mechanism of ATP Generation Eukaryotes= Mitochondria, Prokaryotes= Plasma membrane Aerobic Respiration- Final electron acceptor= O2 Anaerobic Respiration- Final electron acceptor not O2= Less energy *36 ATP in Eukaryotes Fermentation- Any large-scale microbial process occurring with or without air, spoilage of food -Does not use the Krebs cycle or ETC -Uses an organic molecule as the final electron acceptor -Does not require oxygen -Releases energy from oxidation of organic molecules -Glucose fermentation is one test to diff. E. Coli and Pseu. Aeru. -Ferm. tests used to determine whether an organism can ferment carb to produce acid and gas

Lipid Catabolism- Lipases hydrolyze lipids into glycerol and fatty acids Protein Catabolism- Through decarboxylation, before amino acids can be catabolized, they must be converted to various substances that enter the Krebs cycle Biochemical tests- Identify bacteria, tuberculosis Photosynthesis- Light and dark, sunlight to energy, Calvin-Benson cycle uses CO2 to synthesize sugars in cycle Photoautotrophs use energy in the Calvin Benson cycle to fix CO2 Photoheterotrophs use energy to reduce carbon compounds Chemoautotrophs use energy from chemicals, energy used in the Calvin-Benson cycle to fix CO2 SPIT Substrate concentration- EA Up, SC UP PH- Maximal Enzyme Activity Inhibitors- Down enzyme ability to combine with normal sub Temp- Temp down, Reaction R Down,

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