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Participant Overview Guide

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Program Overview Timelines Types of Reports Report Turn Around Time Limit Range% QC Files DCP/Service Parameters File Limit% Reportable Suggested QC Limit Range% for XE-2100 Series Reportable Suggested QC Limit Range% for XE-5000 Reportable Suggested QC Limit Range% for SE-Series Reportable Suggested QC Limit Range% for XT-Series Suggested Limit Range% for XS-Series Control Data Handling Document Control Data Before Deletion General Information on Saving QC Files SNCS Save and Upload QC Files

Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 14-18 Page 18-20

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Effective Date: 1/7/09

Program Overview
Program Description The Insight Interlaboratory Quality Assessment Program provides a report of approximately 40 days of analyzer performance. Each analyzer is compared to the peer group for on-average accuracy and over time a 12-month review of past performance will be provided. The program is simple to use. Calendars with period end and data due dates are provided when you enroll. Save QC files to disk, removable disk drive, or desktop then upload your data to the Insight Quality Assessment Program on the Sysmex Website. Contact Info. Voice: e-Mail: 847-996-4563

Each Mode Is A Peer Group

Sysmex e-CHECK, plt-CHECK, and SE-CHECK controls can be analyzed in Manual (Open) aspiration mode, Closed aspiration mode or both (in separate files). Each mode generates a separate peer group. e-CHECK (XS) is not separated into Open and Closed modes.

Submit Data to Correct Peer Group Data submitted as Open Mode aspiration will be processed with the Open mode peer group and data submitted as Closed Mode aspiration will be processed with the Closed mode peer group. For this reason, it is imperative that the correct aspiration mode is chosen when saving data.

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Effective Date: 1/7/09

Timeframe All e-CHECK, e-CHECK (XE) and e-CHECK (XS) Insight schedules are derived from the product s 84-day lot life. All SE-CHECK Insight schedules are derived from the product s 75-day lot life. plt-CHECK Insight schedules are derived from the product s 83day lot life For this reason, new lots arrive and control data is due at different weeks each month. Please Use Calendar Use the Insight calendar provided when you enroll. This is the only reliable way to know when to expect a new lot and when control data is due to be uploaded to the Insight area of the Sysmex Website. e-CHECK, e-CHECK (XE), e-CHECK (XS) lots are shipped every 56 days. SE-CHECK lots are shipped are shipped every 49 days. plt-CHECK lots are shipped every 70 days. Product Life The interval from ship date to expiration date is 84 days for e-CHECK, e-CHECK (XE) and e-CHECK (XS). SE-CHECK product life is 60 days. plt-CHECK product life is 83 days. Data Due Dates The QC Data Due Dates for each product are provided on the assay sheets and on the Data Due Date Calendar found on the Insight area of the Sysmex Website. QC Data needs to be uploaded to the Insight Quality Assessment Section on the Sysmex Website by the Data Due Date. The Data Due Date is three-five days after the lot/period end date. An analyzer period report will be generated on control data arriving prior to the Last Date to Submit data. Control data arriving after the Last Date to Submit will not be used in the generation of the group statistics. Participants submitting late data need to retrieve the Insight Report from the website.

Ship Date


Late Data

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Effective Date: 1/7/09

Types of Reports Available

First Period Report Data uploaded by the first Data Due Date generates a First Period Report using data from approximately the first 40 days of the lot. Second Period Report Data uploaded by the second Data Due Date generates a Second Period Report using data from approximately the last 40 days of the lot. Cumulative Report At the end of the second period, a Cumulative Report is generated using data from the First and Second Periods. After sufficient lot/period data has been received, results from approximately one year of statistics will be available. If data is not submitted for both Periods, a blank column will appear for that lot. Lot-To-Date Report Lot-To-Date reports can be obtained from the Insight section on the Sysmex Website immediately after the data is submitted. Data can be submitted at any time during a lot s life cycle. A message indicating how many labs have submitted data will appear. Group Report Group peer statistics for comparison of your analyzer s mean and CV are available on the website to participants who do not submit QC data. The Group Report is available at any time during the life of the lot. Shift Reports For laboratories requesting shift reports, a comparison of each work shift (Shift 1, Shift 2 and Shift 3) to the peer group is generated. These reports provide a management tool to determine if control processing is consistent across shifts.

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Report Turn Around Time

Website Lot-to-Date Lot-to-Date Reports can be retrieved from the Insight Users Section of the Sysmex Website immediately after uploading the data. Lot closing will take place the day after the Last Date to Submit. Period Reports First and Second Period Reports can be retrieved from the Sysmex Website the day after the Last Date to Submit Data. Cumulative Reports Cumulative Reports can be retrieved from the Insight Users Section of the Sysmex Website approximately six days after the lot expiration date. e-Mailed Reports Participants who have provided e-mail addresses will have a First Period Report sent via e-mail 24 hours after the Last Date to Submit Period 1 Data and a Second Period Report sent via e-mail 24 hours after the Last Date to Submit Period 2 Data. Participants' not submitting data may retrieve Group Reports from the Insight area of the Sysmex Website any time during the life of the lot. Participants submitting data late will not be e-mailed reports and will need to retrieve their reports from the website. Participants without e-mail addresses can retrieve reports from the website.

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Effective Date: 1/7/09

Limit Range% For QC Files

Detector Control/ Service Parameters Limit Range% values for the detector control/service parameters are provided by analyzer series. See page 7. Once entered these values should not be changed.

New Analyzers Use Suggested Limits

Initially input the reportable parameters Suggested File limits in

your analyzer s control files. They are intended to ensure reasonable error detection capability and minimal false rejection rates until analyzer specific control limits can be established. What Not To Do Never use Assay Sheet Expected Ranges Expected Ranges represent typical variance in accuracy between analyzers. They are not a measure of typical within-analyzer imprecision and are, therefore, not applicable as control file limits. Do not use CLIA criteria or Medical Decision Limits Limits that are based on CLIA proficiency testing criteria for acceptable performance or so called Medical Decision Limits reduce error detection to the point of missing medically important errors. These have no scientific justification for use as control limits. Enter Limits For Each Mode s QC Files If control is analyzed using both Manual (Open) and Closed modes, limits will have to be entered twice, once for each level in each mode. Once entered, these control limits automatically will be applied to each new lot. They only need to be changed when updated by the laboratory as necessary or in six months when the laboratory can calculate analyzer specific control limits. Refer to Operator s Manual for instructions on how to enter QC File Limits.

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XE-Series and XT-Series Analyzers Detector Control Parameters File Limit Range%
Enter the Limit Range% values listed below for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 and for both Open/Manual and Closed Mode. Once entered, these values should not be changed.
DCPs/Service Parameters DIFF-X DIFF-Y BASO-X BASO-Y IMI# IMIDC IMIRF NRBC-X NRBC-Y RBC-O HFF MFR LFR RBC-X RBC-Y NRBC% PDW PLCR PCT Limit Range% 8 68 15 21 80 20 43 14 14 29 217 120 56 64 17 999 999 999 999 XE-2100 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XE-2100L X X X X X X X X X XE-2100D X X X X XT-2000i X X X X XT-1800i X X X X XE-5000 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X


SE-Series Analyzers Detector Control Parameters File Limit Range%

Enter the Limit Range% values listed below for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. These values will remain in the lot files and once entered should not be change.
DCP s IMI# IMIDC IMIRF GRANDC GRANRF EO-MFV BA-MFV NRBC% Limit Range% Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 62 20 51 21 40 15 22 999

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Suggested QC Limit Range% for XE-2100 Series

The limits provided below are for use on the XE-Series analyzers. These limits are only for use in the interim while data is collected to establish your analyzer-specific control limits. Limits provided here represent three times the average analyzer s cumulative CV%.
Use Prior To Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Parameter Limit % Limit % Limit % RBC 3.9 3.4 3.5 HGB 4.3 3.6 3.8 HCT 5.3 4.6 4.8 MCV 3.4 3.4 3.4 MCH 4.6 3.9 3.9 MCHC 5.6 4.8 4.8 PLT 14.2 9.5 8.5 RDW-SD 4.6 4.6 4.4 RDW-CV 4.4 2.8 2.7 MPV 7.2 4.5 3.9 WBC 10.9 8.8 8.0 NEUT% 9.6 6.5 5.7 LYMPH% 11.4 8.3 7.7 MONO% 35.4 19.6 19.5 EO% 24.8 22.8 21.8 BASO% 7.2 4.4 3.1 NEUT# 14.4 10.9 10 LYMPH# 15.2 12.1 11.0 MONO# 37.4 21.5 21.4 EO# 26.9 24.5 23.4 BASO# 12.8 9.5 8.1 NRBC# 13 11.5 11.2 NRBC% NA NA NA PLT-O 19.3 13.3 12.5 RET# 22.4 18.2 23.5 RET% 22.2 18.1 23.4 IRF 43 41.1 47.1 IG# 16 14.2 11.5 IG% 13.9 12.7 10.0 HPC 15.1 8.7 6.8 RET-HE 12.9 13.2 11.4 IPF% 13.2 12.6 14.7

Suggested QC Limit Range% for plt-CHECK

The limits provided below are for use on the XE-2100D BB when using the plt-CHECK product.
Use Prior to Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits Level 1 Limit% Level 2 Limit % 12.3 9.5

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Suggested QC File Limits for XE-5000

The limits provided below are for use on the XE-5000 analyzers. These limits are only for use in the interim while data is collected to establish your analyzer-specific control limits. Limits provided here represent three times the average analyzer s cumulative CV%. Use Prior To Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits
Level 1 Limit % 3.9 4.3 5.3 3.4 4.6 5.6 14.2 4.6 4.4 7.2 10.9 7.6 9.6 11.4 35.4 24.8 7.2 14.4 15.2 37.4 26.9 12.8 36.1 35.0 19.3 22.4 22.2 43 16 13.9 15.1 12.9 13.2 Level 2 Limit % 3.4 3.6 4.6 3.4 3.9 4.8 9.5 4.6 2.8 4.5 8.8 5.6 6.5 8.3 19.6 22.8 4.4 10.9 12.1 21.5 24.5 9.5 15.8 16.7 13.3 18.2 18.1 41.1 14.2 12.7 8.7 13.2 12.6 Level 3 Limit % 3.5 3.8 4.8 3.4 3.9 4.8 8.5 4.4 2.7 3.9 8.0 4.5 5.7 7.7 19.5 21.8 3.1 10 11.0 21.4 23.4 8.1 11.3 11.5 12.5 23.5 23.4 47.1 11.5 10.0 6.8 11.4 14.7


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Suggested QC File Limit Range% for SE-Series

The limits provided below are for use on the SE-Series analyzers. These limits are only for use in the interim while collecting data to establish your analyzer-specific control limits. Limits provided here represent three times the average analyzer s cumulative CV%. Use for Reportable Parameters Prior To Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits
Parameter WBC RBC HGB HCT MCV MCH MCHC RDW-SD RDW-CV PLT MPV NEUT# LYMPH# MONO# EO# BASO# NEUT% LYMPH% MONO% EO% BASO% L1 Limit% 8.7 3.8 3.6 4.6 3.1 3.3 4.3 3.9 1.9 14.7 8.6 16.4 20.7 48.7 12.2 8.4 10.5 19.9 49.3 13.6 10.7 L2 Limit% 6.6 3.7 3.3 4.3 2.9 2.7 3.6 4.4 1.9 7.0 3.3 13.3 17.8 53.9 9.9 7.6 8.7 16.9 54.2 10.6 8.7 L3 Limit% 6.7 4.8 4.4 5.2 2.8 2.6 3.6 4.7 1.9 6.5 2.4 13.0 19.7 56.2 10.4 7.5 8.7 18.5 56.3 10.4 7.7

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Suggested QC File Limit Range% for XT-Series

The limits provided below are for use on the XT-Series analyzers. These limits are only for use in the interim while collecting data to establish your analyzer-specific control limits. Limits provided here represent three times the average analyzer s cumulative CV%. Use for Reportable Parameters Prior To Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits
Parameter RBC HGB HCT MCV MCH MCHC PLT RDW-SD RDW-CV MPV WBC NEUT% LYMPH% MONO% EO% BASO% NEUT# LYPH# MONO# EO# BASO# PLT-O RET# RET% IRF IG# IG% RET-HE Level 1 Limit % 4.5 4.5 6.0 4.6 5.8 6.4 18.7 5.3 4.6 7.7 11.1 9.5 13.2 35.5 23.3 6.9 14.4 17.1 28.4 25.9 13.2 30.8 34.2 33.4 49.3 16 13.9 12.9 Level 2 Limit % 4.4 4.1 5.9 4.3 5.0 5.4 11.6 5.3 3.8 4.6 9.6 6.4 9.8 22.7 21.7 3.7 11.5 13.3 25.2 23.7 10.3 20.3 35.8 34.1 49.1 14.2 12.7 13.2 Level 3 Limit % 4.3 4.2 5.8 4.3 4.8 5.3 10.9 5.5 3.4 3.6 8.8 5.6 7.1 18.8 20.2 2.1 9.8 11.0 21.9 21.9 9.0 19.1 37.1 36.2 63.4 11.5 10.0 11.4

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Suggested QC File Limit Range% for XS-Series

The limits provided below are for use on the XS-Series analyzers. These limits are only for use in the interim while collecting data to establish your analyzer-specific control limits. Limits provided here represent three times the average analyzer s cumulative CV%. Use for Reportable Parameters Prior To Establishing Analyzer Specific Limits

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Parameter Limit % Limit % Limit % RBC 4.0 3.5 3.5 HGB 5.5 5.0 5.0 HCT 4.5 4.0 4.0 MCV 4.5 4. 4.0 MCH 5.5 5.0 5.0 MCHC 6.0 5.0 5.0 PLT 12.0 8.0 11.5 RDW-SD 5.0 4.7 4.8 RDW-CV 4.0 4.2 4.0 MPV 6.0 5.6 5.8 WBC-C 7.0 6.2 6.4 WBC-D 7.0 6.2 6.4 NEUT% 9.0 6.7 6.4 LYMPH% 8.5 6.4 6.2 MONO% 22.0 18.0 20.2 EO% 22.2 22.9 22.4 BASO% 26.4 23.9 22.8 NEUT# 12.0 8.4 7.7 LYPH# 12.5 8.2 12.2 MONO# 24.0 19.2 20.8 EO# 22.4 23.8 22.6 BASO# 26.3 23.9 22.9 INPUT THE VALUES BELOW AND DON T CHANGE DIFF-X 999 999 999 DIFF-Y 999 999 999 FSC-X 999 999 999

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Control Data Handling

Please Review and Edit Control Data Prior to Submission The Insight Analyzer Report is one type of quality tool. It is not a blind evaluation of point-in-time performance like proficiency testing surveys. Each Analyzer Report is intended to reflect on-average analyzer operation. This report should allow the supervisor to detect significant systematic increases in inaccuracy and to monitor performance trends across reports. The Analyzer Report can perform these functions best when control file data is reviewed and edited before submission to Insight. Review Requirement At some point before QC files are submitted, the files should be screened to delete out-of-control data that was due to a known cause. The objective is to submit only control data that reflects analyzer performance. When to Submit Data Control results that exceed control limits are submitted when no cause for the out-of-control result can be assigned. When no known cause can be assigned, an out-of-control result must be documented as random error. These errors are included in data submitted to Insight as they reflect normal process variation. Inclusion ensures the statistically acceptable ranges for inaccuracy do not become too narrow. Summary Selective deletion of control results before QC files are submitted to Insight requires extra work up front; however, the reward is in an Analyzer Report that provides a better assessment of analyzer operation that requires less time to review.

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Document Control Data Before Deletion

Requirement Whether control data is screened/deleted daily, weekly or just before submission, any data points to be deleted must first be documented along with the cause of failure that was identified. This documentation is for laboratory records that may have to be available for regulatory inspection. Refer to Operator s Manual for data deletion instructions.

Hard Copy Recommended Hard copy documentation is recommended to ensure availability during a laboratory inspection.

General Information On Saving QC Files

Save Insight QC Files To Disk or To USB Memory Stick


1. Use SysmexInsight QC files submitted to the Insight program must be saved using the [SysmexInsight] feature. The icon for Insight is found by pressing [Menu] on the Information Processing Unit (IPU) toolbar. Save QC Files Using the [SysmexInsight] icon, save the control files to floppy disk or to USB Memory Stick. A. Disk Save 1. Place a disk into the computer s floppy disk drive. 2. Click [Menu] on the tool bar. 3. Click [SysmexInsight] icon. USB Memory Stick Save 1. Place memory stick in USB port on the analyzer computer. 2. Click [Menu] on the tool bar. 3. Click [SysmexInsight] icon.



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Select Material, Level, Mode and Lot The left half of the [SysmexInsight] window is labeled Select QD Data. This area allows selection of a control Material, Level, Analyzer Mode, Lot and Instrument ID. Make appropriate selections as follows. Material: Click on the [ ] button next to Material: to pull down a list of items and select e-CHECK for XE analyzers. Select Control for XT analyzers. Level: Click on the [ ] button next to Level: to pull down a list and click on Level 1. Ana. Mode: Click on the [ ] button to pull down list of items and select the appropriate aspiration mode by clicking on Closed or Manual. Lot: Select either Current or New as required to obtain the desired e-CHECK lot number for this reporting period.


Save the Correct Lot The right half of the [SysmexInsight] window displays lot information under the QC Data Info. heading. Verify that this is the correct lot number of e-CHECK control data for this reporting period. Save Files to Disk or USB Memory Stick: NOTE: When saving Closed and Manual mode QC files on the same disk or USB Device, the files need to be renamed to distinguish Closed mode from Manual mode files. Save all desired Closed files then rename the files with a C at the beginning of the file name. Save all desired Manual files then rename the files with an M at the beginning of the file name. Rename File Instructions appear below. Save Files to Disk 1. Move the mouse pointer to the [Save] button and click once. An hour-glass appears while the Save is being executed. 2. When save is finished, click on the [ ] button next to Level: to pull down list and click on Level 2. Verify QC Data Info. and click the [Save] button again. 3. When save is finished, click on the [ ] button next to Level: to pull down list and click on Level 3. Verify QC Data Info. and click the [Save] button again. 4. Go to Floppy Drive to verify files are saved. Left click on (Show Desktop). Located to the right of the Start icon on the analyzer IPU. Double click on My Computer. Double click on Floppy A: Saved files appear.



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Rename Files: 1. After all desired Closed or Manual files are saved. Left click on (Show Desktop). Located to the right of the Start icon on the analyzer IPU. 2. Double click on My Computer. 3. Double click on Floppy A: 4. Left click to highlight one file. Rename one file at a time. 5. Right click/Choose rename file. 6. For example, rename Closed file: QC-730370801.ins to CQC-730370801.ins 7. For example, rename Manual file: QC-730370801.ins to MQC-730370801.ins Save Files to USB Memory Stick 1. Move the mouse pointer to the [Save] button and click once. 2. When Please insert disk into Drive A: appears, click Cancel. 3. In the Save In box, click on the [ ] button to locate Removable Disk Drive. The name of the removable device, for example, Data Traveler (D:), may appear. Click on Removable Disk drive. 4. Click Save. 5. When Save is complete, click on [ ] to choose another level. Verify QC Data Info. 6. Repeat steps 1-6 to save additional level. 7. Go to Removable Drive to verify files are present. Left click on (Show Desktop). Located to the right of the Start icon on the analyzer IPU. Double click on My Computer. Double click on Removable Device Drive. Saved files appear. 8. NOTE: If message, write protected appears, flip switch on side of device. Switch location depends on manufacturer. Rename Files: 1. After all desired Closed or Manual files are saved. Left click on (Show Desktop). Located to the right of the Start icon on the analyzer IPU. 2. Double click on My Computer. 3. Double click on Removable Device: 4. Left click to highlight one file. Rename one file at a time. 5. Right click/Choose rename file. 6. For example, rename Closed file: QC-730370801.ins to CQC-730370801.ins. 7. For example, rename Manual file: QC-730370801.ins to MQC-730370801.ins

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Remove USB Memory Stick Caution: Data may not be saved on device if the stop process is not used. 1. 2. 3. Click on Removable Device Icon (lower right-hand side of desktop). Click Stop USB Mass Storage Device. Okay. Remove Device.

Save Insight QC Files To Disk or USB Memory Stick XS-SERIES ANALYZERS

1. Use SysmexInsight QC files submitted to the Insight Program must be saved using the [SysmexInsight] feature. Save QC Files Using the [SysmexInsight] feature, save the control files on floppy disk or to USB Memory Stick. A. Disk Save 1. Place a disk into the computer s floppy disk drive. 2. Click menu [F4] on the tool bar. 3. Click QC Files [F5] on the tool bar. 4. Highlight to choose Lot/Level. 5. Click Insight [F12] on tool bar. 6. Click Save. 7. Repeat steps 2-6 for each lot/level/mode. 8. Go to Floppy Drive to verify files are present. Click [-] Upper right corner to minimize screen. Double click on My Computer. Double click on Floppy A: Saved files appear. USB Memory Stick Save 1. Place memory stick in USB port on analyzer. 2. Click menu [F4] on the tool bar. 3. Click QC Files [F5]. 4. Highlight to choose Lot/Level. 5. Click Insight [F12]. 6. When Please insert disk into Drive A: appears, click Cancel. 7. Use arrow-down [ ] button in the Save In Box to locate Removable Disk Drive. The name of the device for example, Data Traveler (D:), may appear. Click on Removable Disk. 8. Click Save. 9. Note: If message, write protected appears, flip switch on side of device. Switch location depends on manufacturer. 10. Repeat 3-7 for each lot/level/mode.



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Go to Removable Drive to verify files are present. Click [-] Upper right corner to minimize screen. Double click on My Computer. Double click on Removable Disk Drive: Saved files appear.

Remove USB Memory Stick Caution: Data may not be saved on device if the stop process is not used. 1. Click on Removable Device Icon (lower right-hand side of desktop). 2. Click Stop USB Mass Storage Device. 3. Okay. Remove Device. 4. If Okay to Remove does not appear, shut down analyzer before removing the device.

Save SE-CHECK Insight QC Files To Disk

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Place into the DMS computer s disk drive. Press [Home] key to return to Main Screen. Press [F5] key to select QC/CAL. Press [1] to select 1. QC Chart. Press [Enter] key to select 1. File Key in the file number for the control level to be copied and press [Enter] key. Press [F1] key to select Sysmex Tools. Press [B] for B. Backup. Press [Enter] to select [F] QC File Data. Message appears: Back up QC file data into FD. 10. Press [Enter]. Message appears: Please insert FD File Name: 11. At File Name prompt: Enter 8 digit No.* for this control level and Press [Enter]. 8 digit number consists of the 4 digit lot number plus the control level-specific suffix as follows: SE-CHECK-Level 1 = 0510, Level 2 = 0511, Level 3 = 0512 12. To copy next two control files, return to step 3.


Save QC Data from XE and XT Series Analyzer to Insight Desktop Folder
1. Use Insight Icon to Save QC Data. Analyzer IPU Select Menu. Open Insight icon. Choose Level/Mode/Los/Save. Select Cancel.

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Locate Insight Data Folder on Desktop. Save in: arrow down to find Desktop. Open Insight Data Folder. Save QC to Insight Data Folder. Use arrow down key to save each lot/level. To save both Open/Manual and Closed Modes, it is necessary to have two Insight folders or to change the file name when saving. Re-saving same file name with additional data, click overwrite/okay. Problem with uploaded data. Delete file(s) from folder. Make corrections on analyzer. Re-save data using steps 1 through 3.



Save QC Data from XS Series Analyzer to Insight Desktop Folder

1. Use Insight Icon to Save QC Data. Analyzer IPU Select Menu F4. Select QC Files F5. Highlight to choose lot/level. Select Insight F12. Save QC to Insight Data Folder. IF, Please insert disk into Drive A: appears, click Cancel. Use arrow down key in Save in Box to select Desktop Select Insight Data Folder.


3. Select Save To re-save the same file name with additional data, highlight file. Save. Replace? Yes. 4. Problem with uploaded data. Delete file(s) from folder. Make corrections on analyzer. Resave data using steps 1 through 3. 5. Repeat steps 1 through 3 to save additional lot/levels.

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Upload QC Data from Analyzer Desktop to Insight

1, Locate Sysmex Insight Icon and Insight Data Folder(s) on Desktop. Collecting Open/Manual and Closed Mode QC files requires two (2) Insight data folders, (Insight Data Manual and Insight Date Closed). Open Sysmex Insight Icon on IPU Desktop. Insight log-on page appears. Username: Insight customer four-digit number. Password: Enter Insight password. Facility name and primary contact appear. Select Submit QC. Select type of data to be uploaded. Select Data Disk Upload Choose correct instrument. Click on arrow key by Analyzer to choose correct analyzer. Only analyzers your facility enrolled in the Insight program appear. Shift Default All. Do not change. Insert Disk into disk drive or USB Memory Stick into USB Port. Click Browse. Locate Insight Data folder(s) on desktop. Select arrow down key in the Look in box. Select Desktop. Click one of the three QC files. Only One QC File Can Be Uploaded At A Time. The QC files for e-CHECK have the lot number followed by 0801 (level 1), 0802 (level 2), and 0803 (level 3). The QC files for e-CHECK (XE) have the lot number followed by 0810 (level 1), 0811 (level 2), and 0812 (level 3). The QC files for e-CHECK (XS) have the lot number followed by 0804 (level 1), 0805 (level 2) and 0806 (level 3). The QC files for plt-CHECK have the lot number followed by 0660 (level1) and 0661 (level 2). Click Open. The chosen file will appear in the box before the Browse button. Click Submit. Uploaded time, analyzer series, control, lot, level, serial number mode, and shift appear. Click Submit More Files to submit more levels. Repeat steps 9, 10, 11, and 12. Click on Review Report to view submitted data. A lot-to-date report is immediately available. Close the report window by clicking the X in the upper right-hand corner. The previous screen returns. If batch is incorrect, it may be deleted at this time. Click Delete next to the level to be deleted. Click Yes. Repeat process to delete additional levels. Log out.


4. 5. 6.





11. 12.



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