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Objectives: At the end of this topic, students should be able to: a. Identity tools, materials, containers, and instruments. b. To use pattern : S + to be + made o + N ..(2.1) c. To use pattern : S + to be + !sed o" + # i$%(2.2) d. Identify cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers, fraction numbers and dimensions Desc"i&tio$ o to&ic: In this topic, students identify many kinds of tools, containers and instruments, numbers and dimensions.

'() Sectio$ A: Too*s

hat tool is it!

"icture 2.1 Tools Adapted from


E+e"cise ): #omplete the sentences by usin$ appropriate %ords a) The first picture is .., it has a handle and a head b) The second picture is a .., it has a handle and a blade c) The third picture is.., it has a.. and a blade d) The fourth picture is.., it has a handle and e) The fifth picture is.., it has .. and a blade f) The picture number si& is.., it has.. and.. $) The picture number se'en is.., it has.. and .. h) The picture number ei$ht is, it has..and .. i) The picture number is a plane, it has..and .. () The picture number ten is a spanner , it has..and .. )o% study these sentences: a. A hammer has a handle and a head. b. *ammers ha'e handles and heads E+e"cise ': rite + sentences describin$ the tools in picture 2.1 by usin$ the form in the second sentence ,&ample: files ha'e handles and blades

'(' Sectio$ B: mate"ia*s a$d co$tai$e"s

"icture 2.2 #ontainers


Adapted from Patte"$: S + to be + made o + N -tudy this sentence: This bo& is made of paper but these bottles are made of $lasses. E+e"cises: #omplete these follo%in$ sentences about the containers in the picture 2.2, use the same form as the sentence abo'e a) This drum is made of ... but these cans are made of . b) This sack is made of ..but these cases are made of .. c) This cylinder is made of.. but these beakers are made of .. d) This %ooden bo& is made of.. ..but these oil sprayers are made of e) This tin is made of . but these buckets are made of

'(, Sectio$ C: I$st"!me$ts

"icture 2.. Instruments Adapted from -tudy these sentences: a. Telescopes are instruments. They are used for lookin$ at distant ob(ects. b. A microscope is an instrument. It is used for seein$ minute ob(ects. Patte"$: S + to be + !sed o" + # i$% E+e"cises: #omplete the sentences by usin$ appropriate %ords a) An oil $au$e is an instrument. It is used for .. b) An oil temperature is an instrument. It is used for ... c) A telephone is a de'ice. It is used for. d) A microphone is a de'ice. It is used for e) A microscope is an instrument. It is used for. f) A is an instrument. It is used for controllin$ the speed. $) A.. is an instrument. It is used for scalin$..

h) A ..$au$e is an instrument. It is used for .. i) A is an instrument. It is used for. () A an instrument. It is used for...

'(- Sectio$ D: N!mbe"s

a( Ca"di$a* N!mbe"s 1 2 . / 1 0 0 0 0 0 one t%o three four fi'e

b( O"di$a* N!mbe"s 1st 2nd .rd 0 0 0 first second third


"icture 2./ )umbers Adapted from: qnumbers

/th 1th

0 0

fourth fifth

c( ."actio$ N!mbe"s )( #!*%a" "actio$ $!mbe"s 2 3 5 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 a half a 4uarter one third t%o thirds three ei$hts

'( Com&*e+ "actio$ $!mbe"s .8/9. 0 28+1 0 three o'er (per) four:si&:three t%o o'er (per) ei$ht:fi'e fi'e o'er (per) fi'e:se'en:fi'e

181;1 0

,( Decima* "actio$ $!mbe"s <.21 0 =ero (nou$ht) point t%enty:fi'e =ero (nou$ht) point one:three:four t%o point ei$hty:si&

<.1./ 0 2.+9 0

d( ."actio$s a$d decima*s >raction are read out in full as follo%s: 2 (a) half 3 (a) 4uarter half an hour, a half hour for a quarter of an hour

181< a8one tenth ? three 4uarters

a tenth of the population three quarters of an hour

1 182 one and a half one and a half hours or an hour and a half . 181 three and one fifth

@ecimals are read out in full as follo%s: 1.5 3.14 two point five three point one four

/o0 do 1o! sa1 t2ese3 1 2 . / 1 0 0 0 0 0 ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

/o0 do 1o! sa1 t2ese3 1st 2nd .rd 0 0 0 ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

/th 1th

0 0

................................................. .................................................

/o0 do 1o! sa1 t2ese3 A B ? 0 0 0 ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

.8219 0 18/9+ 0

/o0 do 1o! sa1 t2ese3 <.21 1.9. 2.;1 0 0 0 ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. .................................................

/..1/ 0 <.21C 0

e( Times a$d dates Times of the clock are read out in full as follo%s: at 1 at 5 (oclock)


at 1.11 at 1..< at 1./1 at1.1< at 9.1<

at five fifteen, at a quarter past five, at a quarter after five at five thirty, at half past five at five forty-five, at a quarter to si , at a quarter of si at five fifty, at ten (!inutes) to si at ten (!inutes) past si . "t ten !inutes after si # at si ten

@ates are %ritten and read out as follo%s: (%ritten) (spoken) *e died on 5 $ay 1%&4 or $ay 5th 1%&4 *e died on the fifth of $ay, nineteen seventy, four or $ay the fifth nineteen 'eventy four

'(4 Sectio$ E: Dime$sio$

E+e"cises : Loo5 at t2is &ict!"e a$d t2e e+am&*e

2 km

*o% lon$ is this run%ay! Ans%er: It is 2 km lon$ or It has a len$th of 2 km T2ese t0o se$te$ces 2ave t2e same mea$i$%(

"icture 2.1 Aeroplane Dun%ay Adapted from:

http://www.$ree$ 1!/'unwa(&25&approach&at&)ewcastle&*irport


Desc"ibe t2ese dime$sio$s i$ t2e same 0a1:

"icture 2.9 Eeasurement Adapted from

E+e"cises: a) The car is b) The spanner has 2< cm c) The chimney is.. d) The pylons are.. e) The car has..2 m f) The pipe is No0 *oo5 at t2ese e+am&*es Eaterials do not al%ays ha'e a hei$ht. They sometimes ha'e a thickness *o% thick2.; is this $lass: "icture Flass Adapted from: It is 2 mm thick 2 mm

It has a thickness of 2 mm

Desc"ibe t2ese dime$sio$s i$ t2e same 0a1(

"icture 2.+ Thickness Adapted from:


E+e"cises: a) This %ood is. b) This bucket has...1 cm c) These pipes ha'e ..2< mm d) This %ell is

St!d1 t2e desc"i&tio$ be*o0

This is a solid %ooden block 1 cm hi$h, 1< cm lon$ and / cm %ide

"icture 2.C Adapted from:

ooden Glock!/31/womans&1!#& dollar&ipad&turns&bloc+&wood/

There are three other %ays of %ritin$ this description: (his is a solid wooden )lock which has a hei*ht of 5 c!, a len*th of 1+ c! and a width of 4 c! (his is a solid wooden )lock havin* a hei*ht of 5 c!, a len*th of 1+ c! and a width of 4 c! (his is a solid wooden )lock of hei*ht 5 c!, a len*th 1+ c! and a width 4 c!. E+e"cises: rite sentences about some ob(ects in your classroom such as a %hite8 black board, the top of a table or other ob(ects use form for describin$ ob(ect. a) This is a %ooden blackboard %hich has a hei$ht of., a len$th..and a %idth. b) This is a ruler ha'in$ a hei$ht of cm, a len$th of . cm and a %idth of . cm c) This is a..of hei$ht., a len$thand a %idth. E+e"cises: 6"ite t2ese meas!"eme$ts i$ 0o"ds a) 9.1 $ b) 11.9 k$ c) 2.9 H d) 21.1I# e) 1<<m f) / cm $) ..9 cmJ h) 1.<1 $8cmJ i) 1,+ mK () <.. k$8mJ k) 11 Lm8h

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