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Connections Academy District Technology Training Plan Erin Adelsberger University of Maryland, University College March 30, 2014

The District Connections Academy is a district of virtual and blended learning public a schools with locations in 23 states. In addition to the virtual public schools, Connections Academy hosts a private international school with students from all over the world. Students can attend the virtual private international school, even if they reside in a state where there is currently no Connections Academy school. Connections Academy schools serve approximately 50,000 students including Special Education students, English Language Learners, and Gifted Education students. At Connections Academy schools there is nearly a one to one student to computer ratio. Some of the schools provide each student with a desktop or laptop, while other schools provide a computer for the household that must be shared among participating students (unless an additional computer is granted due to the number of students in the household or specific accommodations such as extended time, text-to-speech software, etc). In addition, some schools do not provide computers unless the family is determined to have a financial hardship. Even with the various technology scenarios, instruction is delivered asynchronously through our Connexus learning platform, as well as synchronously using LiveLesson(r) sessions hosted using Adobe Connect (. The Problems Across the Connections Academy schools teachers are experiencing technology related problems. In particular, both teacher and student groups are not effectively engaging in robust instruction using the technology resources that are available. Evidence of this problem is reflected through a variety of indicators including: -Lack of engagement during LiveLesson sessions (both student-to-student and student- to-teacher) -Inefficient use of third party software -Incorrect recording of grades and attendance, as well as absence of recording grades and attendance -Ineffective administration and management of student progress in instances where alternative curriculum/third party software (outside of Connexus) is the primary

source of curriculum. This occurs in cases where students need below grade level (alternative) curriculum. -Ineffective administration and management of student progress in SISPs (Supplemental Instructional Support Programs). SISPs are third party software programs assigned in addition to the students standard coursework within the Connexus learning platform. I believe that many of the problems identified above are inherent in the nature of teaching the virtual environment. I have witnessed this problem first hand through observation at the district level. To gather more information about the above problems, I would survey the teachers and to determine their specific perception of these problems. In addition, I could reach out to applications management to have a report generated of current statistics pertaining to the above problems. The Needs A survey was conducted at the district level to identify training needs that could potentially address some of the problems stated above. The survey included the following questions: - What are the technology training needs of teachers across Connections Academy Schools? What types of training would help CA teachers deliver better content/instruction. -What are the technology training needs of students across CA schools?1 What types/topics of training would help CA students better engage in instruction. -What would be additional technology tools/resources/etc that would potentially improve instruction for CA teachers? You can feel free to suggest anything. This is your chance to dream!

Responses to the above questions can be found at the following link:


A question about student technology training needs was included because though this training plan is designed as professional development for teachers, staff, and administrators, in the case of our virtual school teachers will need to be trained on how to troubleshoot and support student technology use. ScXgtU3U0SGc&usp=sharing2 The districts technology training needs are listed below. Needs are grouped into three tiers based on level of priority. High priority needs are those that are critical and essential for teaching and administration in a Connections Academy School. Moderate priority needs are those that will augment instruction and enhance the virtual teaching and learning experience. Low priority needs are those that would provide a nice complement to high and moderate priority needs, but can be fulfilled secondarily as time and funds permit. High Priority -Connexus learning management platform training (features and functions) -LiveLesson(r) platform training (features and functions) -Third part software specific trainings Moderate Priority -Design and pedagogy of instruction in the virtual synchronous classroom. -Desktop publishing and and data analysis -Enhancing differentiation using Web 2.0 tools -Assistive technology tools and options -Training for technology leaders at the school level Low Priority - Use of mobile devices in the virtual environment -Use of social media to enhance student to student engagement -Options for alternative, online communication with parents of Special Education students. Audience This technology training program is designed for teachers and administrators of Connections Academy schools. Though the training sessions will be primarily directed toward the teacher as the end user, it is equally important for administrators to attend for

Additional needs have been included outside of those identified in the survey due to the small sample size.

the purpose of gleaning an expected level of technology proficiency of their teachers. Administrator level technology tools will not be covered in the scope of this training. With Connections Academy schools spread across a virtual nation-wide district, participants will bring various levels of prior knowledge and expertise. While some participants may find courses related to the high priority needs to be beneath their skill level or too elementary, it is important that these courses be offered because the majority of teachers are either continuing to struggle with these skills, need a refresher, or are new to the Connections Academy system. Teacher end users with high levels of technology experience and expertise will be encouraged to attend sessions for the purpose of review, as well as potentially identify themselves as super users in a given area. The identification of super users that can serve as leaders support ongoing implementation of skills at the school level is key for success. Goals The Connections Academy district technology training program is designed to meet the needs of a teachers and administrators with a wide variety skills sets and levels of responsibility. The goal of this program is to provide teachers and administrators with the technology skills and strategies needed to design, deliver, and manage quality learning programs for students in the virtual setting. As a result of taking part in this program, participants will be able to: - Effectively manage student learning programs within the Connexus learning platform -Design and deliver captivating synchronous LiveLesson(r) sessions that meets the needs of all students, including those with disabilities. -Select and integrate third party software programs to provide intervention. -Demonstrate enhanced differentiation and communication with key stakeholders. Content In order to address the identified needs, the following courses will be offered.


Who Should Attend?

Connexus 101 New Teachers Connexus 101 workshop will provide participants with a complete overview of the Connexus learning management platform. Connexus 201 Connexus 201 workshop will provide participants with a more indepth of secondary tasks within the Connexus learning management platform. LiveLesson(r) Basics This workshop will provide participants with an overview of basic tools available in the LiveLesson(r) virtual classroom hosted by Adobe Connect. LiveLesson(r)Advanced This workshop will introduce participants to advanced features in the LiveLesson(r) platform hosted through Adobe connect including break out rooms, closed captioning pods, and shared content. Supplemental Instructional Support Programs (SISPs) This workshop series will include an initial day providing an overview of currently available SISPs. After the initial overview session, participants will have the opportunity to choose specific days/sessions pertaining to SISPs that they will be using with their students. Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities This workshop series will include training on the third party online curriculum, Compass Learning Odyssey, used with students with low incidence disabilities who qualify in their states for alternative assessment. The training will include sessions concerning how to use the online curriculum, as well as strategies for designing and implementing direct instruction in the virtual environment for low functioning students. Using Microsoft Office Tools for Desktop Publishing and Data Analysis This workshop will cover desktop publishing tools available through Microsoft Office, as well as an in depth session on using Excel for data analysis. Returning/ Experienced Teachers New Teachers

Returning/ Experienced Teachers

New Teachers

Special Education Teachers working with Alternatively Assessed students


Web 2.0 Tools: What? Why? How? This workshop series will include an overview of popular Web 2.0 tools, as well as why they are valuable, and how to use them in the virtual classroom. Breakout sessions will be available for participants to select sessions based on particular tools of interest. Assistive Technology Options This workshop series will include of assistive technology tools embedded in the Microsoft operating system, as well as supplemental assistive technology options available through Connections Academy including text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and word prediction software. Becoming a Technology Super User This workshop will help experienced technology users determine if they have what it takes to me a super user at the school level. Sessions will focus on developing leadership skills and working with colleagues. Apps, Apps, Everywhere! This workshop will include an overview of Apps that may be useful for enhancing the learning experience in the virtual environment. Using Social Media to Stay Engaged with Parents and Students in the Virtual Environment At times, it is difficult to connect with parents and students in the virtual education setting. This workshop will include a review of available social media tools and implications of using social media to connect with students who are difficult to reach through other avenues such as phone, email, etc. Connexus for Administrators This workshop series will be held at periodic intervals throughout the school year to instruct and support administrators with administrative level tasks in Connexus. Course Recommendations New Teachers

Returning/ Experienced Teachers

New Teachers

Returning/ Experienced Teachers

Returning/ Experienced Teachers Returning/ Experienced Teachers


For teachers new to Connections Academy schools, the following courses are recommended: Essential Optional (but strongly recommended)

-Connexus 101 -LiveLesson(r) Basics -Supplemental Instructional Support Programs (SISPs) -Assistive Technology Options

-Using Microsoft Office Tools for Desktop Publishing and Data Analysis

Returning/Experienced Teachers For teachers returning to Connections Academy and/or are proficient in the skills addressed in the workshops for new teachers, the following courses are recommended: Essential -Connexus 201 -LiveLesson(r)Advanced -Becoming a Technology Super User Optional (but strongly recommended) -Web 2.0 Tools: What? Why? How? -Apps, Apps, Everywhere! -Using Social Media to Stay Engaged with Parents and Students in the Virtual Environment

Special Education Teachers Working With Alternatively Assessed Students For teachers working in the specialty area of Alternative Assessed students who are using curriculum outside of the Connexus learning platform, it is recommended that they take Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities. This course would be taken in addition to the essential and optional courses recommended for the teachers present level. Administrators For administrators it is recommended that they take Connexus for Administrators. This course would be taken in addition to the essential and optional courses recommended for their corresponding level of experience. It is essential that administrators take the teacher courses as well to ensure and understanding of teacher expectations.

Instructional Strategies Workshops will be delivered primarily in the virtual classroom via LiveLesson(r) sessions, as Connections Academy teachers are spread out all over the country. Throughout the various workshops, session leaders will integrate best practices and strategies for teaching in the virtual environment. Due to time zone differences and varied school schedules across the schools in the district, workshops will incorporate a flipped classroom approach (Strayer). Using this approach, a portion of the workshop will be completed by the participant asynchronously through recorded screencasts and exploration activities that can be completed independently. Synchronous portions of the workshop will focus on application and collaboration. Application activities will include hypothetical scenarios, problem solving, and collaboration in small groups via breakout rooms. The above strategies and format will help maintain the flexibility of teaching and learning that Connections Academy schools offer, while still meeting the technology training needs of teachers and administrators. Workshops concerning the basics of Connexus and LiveLesson(r) will be scheduled earlier in the year and repeated at mid year (January/February) in order to address the training needs of new teachers. Sample Five Day Workshop Outline Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Getting Started with Compass Learning Odyssey Basics, Assignments and Instructional Planning , Planning for Synchronous Sessions with Low Functioning Students, Progress Monitoring and Data Analysis, Inclusive Instruction for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities. Sample Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 1 Name: Erin Adelsberger Subject:Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Workshop Title: Getting Started with Compass Learning Odyssey Basics

Audience: New special education teachers working with alternatively assessed students or returning teachers that are new to working with this group of students. Overview:: This workshop is the first in the series of five sessions that will be held throughout the school year. In this session, participants will explore the basic layout and functions of the Compass Learning Odyssey teacher portal. Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: No prerequisite knowledge and skills are required. Objectives: After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to: -Navigate the teachers side of the Compass Learning Odyssey portal. -Locate and identify appropriate curriculum items for students on their caseload. Activities: - Participants will review a series a screencast presentations demonstrating the layout and basic functions of the teachers side of the portal. -In synchronous sessions, participants will review functions and work in small breakout groups. -Within breakout groups in the LiveLesson(r) sessions students will demonstrate for each other a various functions. Materials: -screen cast recordings -directions for small group work Evaluation: At the end of the session, participants will be asked to demonstrate one a given function to the whole group via the share screen pod. Sample Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 2 Name: Erin Adelsberger Subject: Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Workshop Title: Assignments and Instructional Planning Audience: New special education teachers working with alternatively assessed students or returning teachers that are new to working with this group of students.


Overview: This session will expose participants to creating assignments and planning for assignments within the Compass Learning Odyssey. Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Participants in this workshop should have a basic level of understanding of Compass Learning Odyssey functions/ layout provided in Day 1. Objectives: After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to: -Design, select, and assign appropriate assignments within the Compass Learning Odyssey. -Plan comprehensive learning programs for students who are alternative assessed assessed including synchronous and asynchronous sessions. Activities: -Participants will review screen cast recordings on curriculum basics. -Participants will work with in a partner in breakout sessions sessions to examine the profile of a student. -Participants will identify appropriate learning activities for the given student and create a Voki explaining their selections. Materials: -Screencast recordings of assignments and curriculum topic -Hypothetical student profiles that reflect the disabilities and learning challenges that teachers may encounter. Evaluation: -Participants will create a Voki that accurately identifies and depends appropriate assignment choices for the student. Sample Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 3 Name: Erin Adelsberger Subject: Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Workshop Title: Planning for Synchronous Sessions with Low Functioning Students Audience: New special education teachers working with alternatively assessed students or returning teachers that are new to working with this group of students. Overview:This workshop will allow participants to explore options and strategies for planning synchronous sessions for alternatively assessed students.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Participants should have a basic understanding of Compass Learning Odyssey and Unique Learning System curricula. Objectives: After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to: -Plan for synchronous sessions using tools from Compass Learning Odyssey and Unique Learning System. -Explore alternative methods of response for students with limited skill sets. Activities: -Participants will review their understanding of Compass Learning Odyssey and Unique Learning System curricula. -Independently, participants will create activities in their LiveLesson(r) rooms. -Other participants in the workshop will visit and assigned lesson room to engage in planned instruction (acting as a hypothetical student). -After experiencing the lesson of a groupmate, participants will brainstorm alternative modes of participation that could be used to engage students with limited mobility, low verbal skills, etc. Materials: -No additional materials needed other than virtual LiveLesson(r) rooms and access to Compass Learning Odyssey and Unique Learning System. Evaluation: -Each participant will develop a list of 5 strategies for engaging low functioning students in the virtual classroom, as a result of their experiences with peer designed activities.

Sample Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 4 Name: Erin Adelsberger Subject: Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Workshop Title: Progress monitoring and Data Analysis Overview:: This workshop will expose teachers to progress monitoring and data analysis functions within Compass Learning Odyssey.


Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:Participants should have a basic understanding of Compass Learning Odyssey and Unique Learning System curricula. Objectives: After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to: -Select and run appropriate reports within the Compass Learning Odyssey for a given student. -Determine implications for instruction based on results of a given student progress report Activities: -Participants review screencasts about the reporting function within Compass Learning Odyssey. -After reviewing screencasts, participants will run appropriate reports for a student on his or her caseload. - In synchronous live sessions, participants will work in break out rooms with peers to discuss the results of reports they have run and implications for instruction. Materials: -Screencasts reviewing the reporting function within Compass Learning Odyssey Evaluation: -Participants will run an appropriate report for a given student on his or her caseload. Sample Technology Workshop Lesson Plan Day 5 Name: Erin Adelsberger Subject: Technology and Curriculum for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Workshop Title: Inclusive Instruction for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities Overview: This workshop will challenge participants to think about side the box about ways to include students with low incidence disabilities in the virtual classroom alongside their general education peers. Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills: Participants should have completed at least Day1 and Day 2 in this workshop series Objectives: After participating in this workshop, participants will be able to: -Modify activities for inclusive LiveLesson(r) sessions to include all students


-Identify appropriate strategies for exposing alternatively assessed general education students to general education curriculum. Activities: -Participants will examine the lesson plan for a general education synchronous session. -In small groups the will identify portions of the activity that can be modified to include low functioning students. -Participants will apply these modifications and field test them on other group members in their LiveLesson(r) virtual classroom. Materials: -Sample lesson plan for general education LiveLesson(r) session Evaluation: -Participants will compose a revised lesson plan that includes modifications for low functioning students. Sample Material The following is an example of a graphic organizer for recording notes on basic Compass Learning Odyssey Functions.


Field Test and Review The sample Five Day Workshop plan detailed above will be field tested on a small group of teachers identified by the district office. This course will be tested by the select group of end users during the annual retreat and meeting held during the summer. Once the content and activities have been reviewed by and tested, necessary revisions will be made. Specifically, field testers will be asked to review content for accuracy, as well as rate included instructional activities on effectiveness for achieving stated workshop objectives.

Evaluations The effectiveness of the district technology training plan on the whole will be measured by periodic monitoring of the identified problems. Arrangements will be made with applications management to periodically pull reports on LiveLesson(r) attendance, student attendance, grade reporting, etc. In addition informal evaluations will be used in the form of surveying teachers to see if they perceive that the identified problems have improved as a result of the implemented training plan. Budget All software utilized in the above technology training program is already owned and/or licensed by Connections Academy Schools. Teachers will receive the standard stipend of $100/per day for sessions held on and or outside the contract work day. Presenters will be teachers and curriculum specialist already employed and compensated by Connections Academy Schools. Follow Up Super users will be identified at the school level to assist with implementation, troubleshooting, and ongoing support between sessions. Monthly virtual touchbase (check


in meetings) will be held with the super users, as well as virtual open office hours sessions will be held for all users as well. This will help to answer ongoing questions and provide opportunities for troubleshooting and support between sessions.

References (n.d.). Retrieved from Strayer, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from


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