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5 E Inquiry Lesson Plan Format Date: Theme/Topic: Change/ Moon Phases Grade Level: First grade Target Students:

Whole class


Rationale: The students can apply this in real life by being able to recognize different patterns in every day life. Common Core State and NC Essential Standards: 1.E.1.2

Behavioral Objectives / Performance Objective Students will 1. be able to: Recognize oatterns of observable changes in the Moons appearance from day to day. 2. Explain how the moon looks a little different every day but looks the same again every four weeks. 3. They know that the moons observable changes follow a pattern. Student Friendly Objective or Essential Question: Do the students know the moons patterns and its phases? Materials: The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons, black construction paper, white chalk, Moon Phase calendar, other moon books, sun and Earth cutouts, OREOs Guiding Question(s) or Problem(s): What happens to the moon as the year goes on? Time: Lesson Activities Engage Read aloud to the class The Moon Book while students are listening have them try and remember how many phases of the moon there are.

Explore Put students in groups of two, but before starting the activity give the following rules: if you are not well behaved during this activity you will not be able to eat the cookie I will give you. At each table there are 8 OREOs, do not touch them until I say to do so, there is also a sun cutout along with an earth cutout. Once I give you a number, remember that number because we will be taking turns making the moon phases with the cream of the OREO. Proceed with making the phases of the moon with the OREOs. Explain Give each students four pieces of black construction paper with one piece of chalk. Have each student fold their papers hamburger style into a book. Having each student work with one other person, have them both create a My Moon Book. Each page should have one moon phase on it. Elaborate Now that we know the phases of the moon and the order of them, can we make a calendar for a month to see the progression of the moon? Evaluate Formative, they will be checked off for the completion of the activity. Early Finishers: Can read one of the other moon books that are displayed in the front of the classroom. Late Finishers: May finish their book for homework and bring it in the next day. Extension of the Lesson: Start a moon phase calendar that students will take turns drawing the moons phases they saw the night before. Exceptionalities: Make sure all directions are stated clearly before all activities. ELL: Working with a group, follow along. 21st Century Skills: collaborating and communication skills with others. Visual: Book that is read for the hook. Verbal: Directions, reading book aloud. Physical: Making the moon phases with the OREOs. Social: working together Solitary: Making their own individual book Supervising Teachers Signature: Student Teachers Signature:

Plans for Individual Differences: Early Finishers:

Late Finishers:

Extension of Lesson:


English Language Learners:

21st Century Skills:

Learning Styles:
*Visual (spatial):

*Verbal (linguistic): *Physical (kinesthetic/tactile):

Aural (auditory-musical): Logical (mathematical): Social (interpersonal): Solitary (intrapersonal):

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